Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (2024)


Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (2)

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (3) Money Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (4) Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending and Saving Stats 2022

With the cost of living on the rise and saving money seeming more challenging than ever, how do today’s young people manage their spending and saving? We conducted a survey around Gen Z financial habits to see what this group is spending money on, how much they’re saving, and what their biggest money worries are.


  • Who are Gen Z?
  • Key Statistics
  • Gen Z occupations
  • How much does Generation Z earn?
  • What do Gen Z spend money on?
  • Where does Gen Z usually shop?
  • Social media and buying habits
  • How much does Gen Z have in savings?
  • Gen Z financial security
  • Gen Z debt statistics
  • Are Gen Z worried about money?
  • Gen Z and credit scores
  • Methodology
  • Sources

Who are Gen Z?

Generation Z is the name given to people born between 1997 and 2012. According to the latest census data, Gen Z makes up 20% of the U.S. population with over 67 million people in this age group.

This makes them the third-largest generation group in the U.S., following millennials (21.93%) and baby boomers (21.45%). [1] Statista - U.S. Population By Generation

Key Statistics

  • The estimated average amount that people in the Gen Z age group have in savings is $2,410.57 compared to around $23,000 for Millennials and $156,000 for Baby Boomers.
  • Gen Z is the third-largest generational group in the U.S.
  • The estimated average annual earnings for Gen Z are $22,924.68, or $1,910.39 per month.
  • Gen Z spend most of their money on household bills expenses, with 52.3% saying they spent the most money on these costs.
  • The estimated average amount Gen Z spends on socializing is $166.75 per month, totaling $2,000 a year.
  • 93.2% of people in the Gen Z age group said they had bought items after seeing them on social media.
  • Over half (51.5%) of Gen Z said they mostly shop online when buying clothes and gadgets.

Gen Z occupations

Of our survey respondents, over three-quarters (76.3%) in the Gen Z age group were employed full-time. Those who had a part-time job made up 12.4% of the group, while 3.8% were in college and 2.3% were in school. The least common occupation was a freelance job, with just 2.2% of the group selecting this as their occupation.

Occupation %
College 3.79
Freelance job 2.19
Full-time job 76.27
Part-time job 12.36
School 2.29
Unemployed 3.09

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (5)

Side hustles

As well as asking about their main occupation, we also asked our respondents whether they had a side hustle, defined as an extra source of income outside of their main occupation. A huge majority (81.9%) of Gen Z said that they did have a side hustle.

This links back to data from our side hustle study, where we found that 70% of people aged 18-24 were planning on starting a side hustle. We also found that those aged 18-24 were making an average of $533.43 per month from their side jobs, or just over $6,400 a year.

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (6)

Living situation

When asked about their current living situation, the most common answer was living at home with parents or family, with 39.4% of the group. However, 43.5% said they rented a property, either on their own, with roommates or with a partner. Only 16% of Gen Z said they owned their own home.

Current situation %
Live at home with parents or family 66.90
I rent a property on my own 35.19
I rent a property with a partner 29.01
I rent a property with roommates 9.67
I own my property 27.12
Other 1.79

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (7)

How much does Generation Z earn?

With Gen Z being quite a wide-ranging age group, earnings can vary from teenagers who get a weekly or monthly allowance, to those in their mid-20s with a degree and a full-time job. The findings show that Gen Z respondents earned an estimated average of $1,910.39 per month, with an annual average of $22,924.68.

The most common monthly earnings among our respondents were between $501-$1,000 per month, with 29.3% saying they earned this much. However, around half (54.9%) said they earned between $501-$2,500 per month.

How much Gen Z earns %
$0-$100 8.37
$1,001-$2,500 25.62
$101-$500 11.37
$2,501-$5,000 16.85
$501-$1,000 29.31
Over $5,000 8.47

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (8)

What do Gen Z spend money on?

Recent reports suggest that Gen Z has a spending power of an estimated $323 billion. [2] Snapchat - Building Brands with Gen Z But what do people in this age group spend their money on?

With Gen Z’s ages ranging from young teens to mid-20s, there’s a mixture of things they are most likely to spend their money on. Some will get most of their money in the form of an allowance, some might have part-time jobs, and others may work full-time and live in their own home. Let’s take a look at the breakdown of spending.

In the survey, respondents were able to select more than one answer for the things they spend the most money on. From the people we asked, the most common thing they spent their money on was household bills and expenses, and this was closely followed by clothes and accessories.

Type of spending Percentage
Household bills and expenses 52.34%
Clothes and accessories 44.07%
Going out/entertainment 37.49%
Food delivery/eating out 36.99%
Toys and games 15.45%
Travel 38.78%
Online services 16.75%
Personal care 17.65%
Sports or gym 11.47%
Healthcare products/medication 13.96%
Technology 11.76%
Paying off debt 8.47%
Student loans 7.78%
Other 2.99%

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (9)

Household bills and expenses

When asked how much they typically spend per month on household expenses, the average amount Gen Z said they spent was $613.05, which is $7356.60 per year. Around half (52.6%) said they spent between $51 and $600 on these costs. The most common answer was $101-$300 with 21.1% of the group.

On the highest end of the scale, only 2.9% of our respondents spent over $2,000 per month on household bills and expenses, while 3.8% said they spent nothing at all on these types of costs.

Money spent on household bills per month %
$0.00 3.79
$1 - $50 9.17
$51 - $100 13.46
$101 - $300 21.14
$301 - $600 18.05
$601 - $1,000 15.25
$1,001 - $1,500 11.37
$1,501 - $2,000 4.89
$2,000+ 2.89

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (10)

Spending on entertainment

The estimated average amount Gen Z spent on entertainment was $157.07 per month, amounting to $1,884.84 per year, which includes streaming services, music, gaming and similar products. However, one-fifth (20.4%) of the group said they spent between $21 and $50 on entertainment. Across the group, almost two-thirds (61.3%) said they spent between $1 and $110 on entertainment.

A small percentage (0.8%) said they spent over $1,000 per month on entertainment, with 2.5% saying they spent $700 or more.

Money spent on entertainment per month %
$0 3.99
$1 - $20 13.46
$21 - $50 20.44
$51 - $80 13.86
$81 - $110 13.46
$111 - $150 11.76
$151 - $200 8.28
$201 - $300 4.49
$301 - $500 5.18
$501 - $700 2.59
$701 - $1,000 1.69
$1,000+ 0.80

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (11)

Spending on social events

When it came to spending on socializing like eating out or going to a bar or club, the estimated average amount Gen Z spent was $166.75 per month, or just over $2,000 per year.

To break it down, 16.7% of our respondents said they spent between $21 and $50 per month. But across the entire group, over two-thirds (67.5%) spent between $1 and $150 on socializing each month.

How much Gen Z spend on socializing per month %
$0 4.89
$1 - $20 10.07
$21 - $50 16.75
$51 - $80 13.96
$81 - $110 13.86
$111 - $150 12.76
$151 - $200 11.47
$201 - $300 6.28
$301 - $500 3.59
$501 - $700 3.49
$701 - $1,000 1.69
$1,000+ 1.20

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (12)

Shopping for clothes, cosmetics and gadgets

We asked our survey respondents how much money they typically spend on shopping for clothes, cosmetics, gadgets and similar items each month. The estimated average amount Gen Z spent on these items was $178.11 per month, a yearly sum of $2137.32 per year. The largest proportion of the group (15.9%) said they spent between $51 and $80 a month on shopping for these items.

More than half (54.6%) said that their spending on clothes, cosmetics and gadgets was between $1 and $110 per month. 1.3% of our group even said they spent over $1000 per month on shopping for these items.

How much Gen Z spend on shopping (clothes, cosmetics, gadgets) %
$0 4.89
$1 - $20 9.47
$21 - $50 14.46
$51 - $80 15.85
$81 - $110 14.66
$111 - $150 11.76
$151 - $200 9.57
$201 - $300 6.08
$301 - $500 6.28
$501 - $700 3.49
$701 - $1,000 2.19
$1,000+ 1.30

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (13)

Where does Gen Z usually shop?

The majority of people in the Gen Z age group said they did most of their shopping online, with more than half of the group (51.5%) saying they mostly shopped online for their clothes, accessories and gadgets.

Making up most of the other half of the group were those who shopped at individual stores (21.8%) and those who mainly shopped at a mall (22.8%), while 4.1% said they mostly shopped at thrift stores. The remaining few respondents gave a mix of answers, stating that it depended on the item or that they used a variety of shopping options.

Store type %
At individual stores 21.83
At the mall 22.23
Online 51.55
Thrift stores 4.09
Other 0.30

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (14)

Social media and buying habits

When looking at Gen Z’s personal finance habits, we asked our survey respondents whether they ever bought products after seeing them on social media. Two-thirds (64.2%) said that they sometimes buy items they have seen on social media, 29% said they did this often, and only 6.8% said they had never bought an item after seeing it on social media.

How often Gen Z buy items after seeing them on social media %
Never 6.78
Often 29.01
Sometimes 64.21

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (15)

In the U.S., 54% of Gen Z said they thought social platforms were more useful in helping them find out about new products than search engines. [3] Statista - Social Media Product Discovery By Generation

This was slightly lower compared to 58% of millennials, but much higher than Gen X at 29% and Baby Boomers at 3%.

How much does Gen Z have in savings?

The results of our survey showed that the estimated average amount Gen Z had in savings was $2,410.57.

Comparing this figure to other generations, Millennials have a median savings amount of $23,000, Gen X have $66,000 and Baby Boomers have a median of $156,000 in savings. [4] How Much Generations Have Saved for Retirement

Just under a quarter (24%) of our respondents said they had between $501-$1,000 in savings. This is roughly in line with the amount most Americans have in savings, with statistics showing that 41.5% of Americans have between $0 and $1,000 saved.

At either end of the savings scale, 5.2% of Gen Z said they had no savings at all, and 5.4% said they had over $10,000 saved.

How much Gen Z has in savings %
$0 5.18
$1-100 12.96
$1,001-$5,000 20.04
$101-$500 22.43
$5,001-$10,000 9.97
$501-$1,000 24.03
Over $10,000 5.38

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (16)

Emergency funds

As well as asking about their total savings amount, we also asked our respondents whether they set money aside to cover the costs of emergency events. An overwhelming majority (85.3%) said they did save money specifically to use in an emergency.

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (17)

In a previous study, we found that the average amount a person spends on emergency spending in a period of 12 months is $2,821.84 so it’s a good sign that Gen Zers are already setting money aside to deal with these unexpected costs when they may arise.

Gen Z financial security

When it comes to financial security, this can mean different things depending on your circ*mstance. In general terms, having financial security or stability can mean you are able to pay your essential bills, you have access to safe housing, healthy foods and other necessities, and you’re able to plan for the future.

The survey asked respondents whether they felt financially stable. Two-thirds (66.2%) of those in the Gen Z age group said they did feel that they had personal financial stability. A quarter (26.8%) said they didn’t have financial security, and 7% said they didn’t know whether they did or not.

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (18)

Gen Z debt statistics

With student loan debt on the rise and the cost of living increasing, we looked into how many Gen Zers are in debt, and how much debt they’re in. We also found out how common it is for them to take out a loan, and what kind of things they take loans out for.

Student Loans

Student loan debt is on the rise with the total amount of student debt in the U.S. sitting at $1.75 trillion. In our recent study of student debt statistics, we found that the Millennial generation (age 25-34) had the most student debt, with 14.9 million borrowers, compared to 7.6 million Gen Z borrowers (aged 18-24).

Two-thirds (65.9%) of our Gen Z survey participants said they had student loan debt.

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (19)

Taking out loans

Many people may take out loans to cover unexpected costs, or for things like college tuition and car payments. Three-quarters (76.7%) of those we asked said that they had taken out a loan of some sort.

Participants were asked if they had taken out a loan, what reason they had taken it out for, with the option to select all that applied to them. Not including student loans, the most common thing Gen Z had taken a loan out for was medical costs, with 34.3% saying they used a loan to cover these costs.

This was followed by regular household expenses at 32.5% and home repairs at 29.1%. Some of the less common reasons people had taken a loan out included weddings, Christmas shopping and building credit.

Reasons Gen Z have taken out a loan %
Medical costs 34.3
Regular household expenses 32.5
Home repairs 29.1
Car repairs 28.3
Pet emergency 18.2
Emergency travel 17.1
Other 5.4

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (20)

Buy now, pay later plans

The use of ‘buy now, pay later’ (BNPL) plans has become increasingly popular with online shopping platforms. Shoppers can use these plans to buy items on credit and spread the cost over monthly payments. Some people reported using BNPL plans to avoid credit card debt. [5] Using Buy Now Pay Later Plans

Three-quarters (74.6%) of survey participants said that they had used a BNPL plan to purchase something.

They also told us what they had used one of these plans for, with the option to select multiple answers. The most common thing Gen Z used a BNPL plan for was buying clothing and accessories, with 37.1% saying they used one for this reason. The next most popular was purchasing home furnishings, one-third of our respondents used a BNPL plan for this.

Item %
Clothing or accessories 37.1%
Home furnishings 33.6%
Vacation 28.2%
Household bills 26.3%
Home remodeling or building work 25.4%
Food or groceries 24.1%
Electronics 20.6%
Payday loan 18.7%
Debt consolidation 14.8%
Gifts 12.6%
Other 3.9%

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (21)

Of those who had used a BNPL, three-quarters (77.8%) said they would use one again, 11.8% said they wouldn’t, and 10.3% said they didn’t know if they would.

Are Gen Z worried about money?

Money worries can be normal for people of all generations, but how do Gen Zers feel about their finances, and which money worries cause them the most anxiety?

Survey respondents were asked how often they worried about money-related issues. One-third said they worried about money every day, with almost two-thirds (61.3%) saying they worried about money at least once a week.

Only 3.7% of those in the group said they never worried about money, and 8.3% said they only worried about money a few times a year.

How often Gen Z worry about money? %
Every day 33.60
Once a week 27.72
Once a month 26.72
A few times a year 8.28
Never 3.69

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (22)

Financial concerns they worry about the most

The most common thing that Gen Zers said they worry about when it comes to their finances is saving money, with 29.5% saying this is what worries them the most. This was followed by household bills which a quarter (23.1%) said they worried about the most in relation to money.

One-fifth (19.1%) worried the most about paying for healthcare and medical bills. Only 7.6% said they worried the most about economic stability throughout the U.S.

Financial concerns that Gen Z worry about the most %
Household bills 23.10
Healthcare and medical bills 19.14
Paying off debt 12.21
Saving money 29.54
Paying for college 4.13
Economic stability in the U.S. 7.59
Paying for a car 3.14
Home repairs 1.16

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (23)

Financial planning

As we mentioned, almost all of our participants (96.3%) said they worried about money at least sometimes. We also asked them whether they did any kind of financial planning, 79.2% said yes, they did do some form of financial planning.

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (24)

Gen Z and credit scores

Credit scores can have a big impact on the financial aspects of our lives, they affect whether we can buy a house, get a credit card, or be approved for a loan. We asked our Gen Z participants how important they thought a credit score was on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being ‘not important at all’, and 5 being ‘very important’.

Over 80% scored the importance of a credit score as a 4 or a 5, with 41.97% saying it was very important. Only 1% of our respondents thought a credit score was not important at all.

How important do Gen Z think a credit score is? (Scale of 1 - 5) %
1 - Not important at all 1.00%
2 2.69%
3 13.36%
4 40.98%
5 - Very important 41.97%

Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (25)

We also asked whether our participants knew what their own credit score was. Over 90% said that they did know their own credit score.


The study surveyed 1,702 Americans between April 1st and April 24th, 2022 using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform to ask them about their financial habits. Of the respondents, 1,003 were in the Generation Z age group and all were over 18.

Of the other respondents:

  • 58.6% were born between 1981 and 1996
  • 31.1% were born between 1965 and 1980
  • 10.2% were born between 1946 and 1964
  • 0.2% were born between 1928 and 1945


Gen Z Financial Habits: Spending & Saving Stats 2022 | Self Financial (2024)


What are the statistics for Gen Z and finances? ›

Key Statistics

The estimated average annual earnings for Gen Z are $22,924.68, or $1,910.39 per month. Gen Z spend most of their money on household bills and expenses, with 52.3% saying they spent the most money on these costs. 17.2% of Gen Z don't think they'll ever have enough money to buy their own home.

How much money does the average Gen Z have saved? ›

The following is a breakdown of how much each generation saved last year, according to a study by New York Life. Millennials took the lead with $9,299 saved, on average, in 2023. Generation Z followed closely behind with more than $6,000 saved, and Generation X came in third with $5,132 saved for the year.

Are Gen Z spending more money? ›

While both generations came of age in the midst of an economic upheaval, Gen Z is spending more on necessities than millennials did at the same age, according to a Washington Post analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data. While millennials are between 28 and 43, Gen Z generally refers to those ages 12 to 27.

What are the top 3 categories that Gen Z spends its money on? ›

5 Things Gen Z Will Spend Money On. According to the 2023 Consumer Culture Report by 5WPR, Gen Z will “splurge” in three areas: electronics, health and wellness, and clothing and fashion.

Are Gen Z financially savvy? ›

For example, a new study by the Investment Company Institute (ICI) finds that “Gen Z households have nearly three times more assets in the [retirement] plan accounts (adjusted for inflation) that Gen X households did at the same age.” More Gen Z-ers have retirement plans set up and they've saved more in those accounts.

Which generation is the most financially stable? ›

Baby boomers have the most wealth among four recorded generations. Other generations have less wealth, but it's not necessarily an indication of financial problems. Plan for upcoming economic issues such as higher housing and medical costs by investing early.

What is the spending capacity of Gen Z? ›

The spending power of Gen Z is on the increase. In 2022, Business Insider, estimated their spending power at over $360 billion in disposable income, more than double what was estimated three years ago.

Which generation has the most money to spend? ›

In 2022, the average expenditures in a household led by a Millennial in the United States came to 74,782 U.S. dollars per year. The only generation with higher expenditures were households led by someone from Generation X with around 91,382 U.S. dollars per year.

Do Gen Z have no savings? ›

Gen Z's financial vulnerability in the face of a downturn is worrisome. Nearly a fifth (18 percent) lack emergency savings, leaving them exposed if faced with job loss or unplanned expenses, according to a February Bankrate poll.

Which generation has the highest purchasing power? ›

According to the research: Baby Boomers (ages 55-75 years old) spend a total of $548.1 billion annually. Gen X (ages 36-54 years old) follow Boomers with $357 billion annual spend. Millennials (25-35) are next with $322.5 billion in annual spend.

What generation has the most debt? ›

The Gen X debt situation

The cohort also has the largest share of people with debt, nearly 99% carry some type of balance, LendingTree found. Gen Xers led the way in three of the four categories analyzed. The group — between 44 and 59 years old — has the highest median credit card, auto loan and student loan balances.

Are Gen Z saving more for retirement? ›

Generation Z is beginning to invest at age 19 on average, which is significantly younger than prior generations. Setting aside $5,000 a year each year starting at age 19 could yield $500,000 more at retirement than starting at age 25.

What are the financial statistics for Gen Z? ›

Most Gen Z respondents shared that they feel equipped to handle financial basics, such as managing their day-to-day expenses (70%), sticking to a budget (70%) and building/managing credit (66%). The vast majority (82%) of Gen Z have financial goals, and over half (51%) are prioritizing them.

What are the saving habits of Gen Z? ›

They're saving earlier than generations before them, making long-term money goals, and becoming financially independent sooner. While still having big career aspirations, they're more conscious about making sure to find a job soon after college to avoid the burden of student loan debt.

What is the main source of income for Gen Z? ›

This number is the sum of money Gen Zers between the ages of 16–23 generate from full- time or part-time employment, parental support, or by cunning side hustles. In addition, younger Gen Zers generate some additional power through the regular allowances they receive (See Figure 1).

What is Gen Z's attitude towards money? ›

Despite being young, Gen Z has exhibited a surprising level of financial prudence. Growing up during the financial crisis of 2008 and coming of age in the tumultuous economic climate following the COVID-19 pandemic, this generation has adopted a cautious approach to spending and saving.

What the statistics say about Generation Z? ›

Gen Z makes up about 30% of the world population today and is also expected to account for 27% of the workforce by 2025. 98% of Gen Z people have a smartphone. 77% of Gen Z believe in having a good work-life balance in their life. More than one-third of social media influencers today are Gen Z.

What generation is currently in the most debt? ›

The Gen X debt situation

The cohort also has the largest share of people with debt, nearly 99% carry some type of balance, LendingTree found. Gen Xers led the way in three of the four categories analyzed. The group — between 44 and 59 years old — has the highest median credit card, auto loan and student loan balances.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.