F Chord on Piano | How To Play It (2024)

The F chord on piano is one of the first few chords that everyone learns when learning chords. The F chord is a major chord and also known a F major chord.

Here you'll find a F chord diagram, learn which fingers to use, which notes are in the chord, inversions and some basic theory for the F major chord. You can also find out what F/A and F/C means.

This chord is part of the 14 day chord challenge which you can take a look at here.

The F Chord (The Notes in the Chord)

The F chord is made up of 3 notes and they are F A C.

You can play these notes, F A C, anywhere on the piano and you'll be playing an F chord.

F Chord on Piano | How To Play It (2)F Chord Diagram on Piano

On piano, you usually want to play F as the lowest note for this chord when you see just the "F". Often your left hand will play this note.

Video: How To Play The F Chord

F Chord on Piano | How To Play It (3)


When you see F/A for a chord, what this means on piano is the A needs to be your lowest note.

For example, if you're playing the F chord in your right hand, you will play A in your left hand.


F/C means to play C as your lowest or bass note in this chord. It makes it not quite as strong a chord. Play the rest of the notes from the F chord above this on the piano.

For example, if you play the F chord in your right hand, play C in your left hand as the bass note.

Which Fingers Do You Use?

When you play the F chord on piano in root position - which means playing it in this order: F A C - you can use your 1st, 3rd and 5th fingers in your right hand. (This is your thumb, middle finger and pinkie.)

With your left hand, you use fingers 5, 3, 1. Also your thumb, middle finger and pinkie.

This is the basic beginner position to play a chord.

Where The F Chord Comes From (Chord Theory)

The F chord comes from the F major scale.

All major chords are built on the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes of the scale.

The first note of the F scale is F, the 3rd note is A and the 5th note is C.

F Chord on Piano | How To Play It (4)

F Chord Inversions

You don't need to play the F chord only in the root position - meaning in the order of F A and C.

You can play these notes anywhere on the piano and still be playing the F chord but there are a few standard variations that are common and convenient to play the F major chord in.

The F chord inversions are:

Root position: F A C

(Fingering - RH: 1 3 5, LH: 5, 3, 1)

First Inversion: A C F

(Fingering - RH: 1 2 5, LH: 5, 3, 1)

Second Inversion: C F A

(Fingering - RH: 1 3 5, LH: 5, 2, 1)

F Chord on Piano | How To Play It (5)

If you're in the process of learning chords, be sure to get the Ultimate Chord Cheat Sheet below (it's free). It's a great resource for chords!

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Ultimate Chord Cheat Sheet

F Chord on Piano | How To Play It (6)

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F Chord on Piano | How To Play It (2024)
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