Editors and Its types in System Programming - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Editors or text editors are software programs that enable the user to create and edit text files. In the field of programming, the term editor usually refers to source code editors that include many special features for writing and editing code. Notepad, Wordpad are some of the common editors used on Windows OS and vi, emacs, Jed, pico are the editors on UNIX OS. Features normally associated with text editors are — moving the cursor, deleting, replacing, pasting, finding, finding and replacing, saving etc.

Types of Editors
There are generally five types of editors as described below:

  1. Line editor: In this, you can only edit one line at a time or an integral number of lines. You cannot have a free-flowing sequence of characters. It will take care of only one line.
    Ex : Teleprinter, edlin, teco
  2. Stream editors: In this type of editors, the file is treated as continuous flow or sequence of characters instead of line numbers, which means here you can type paragraphs.
    Ex : Sed editor in UNIX
  3. Screen editors: In this type of editors, the user is able to see the cursor on the screen and can make a copy, cut, paste operation easily. It is very easy to use mouse pointer.
    Ex : vi, emacs, Notepad
  4. Word Processor: Overcoming the limitations of screen editors, it allows one to use some format to insert images, files, videos, use font, size, style features. It majorly focuses on Natural language.
  5. Structure Editor: Structure editor focuses on programming languages. It provides features to write and edit source code.
    Ex : Netbeans IDE, gEdit.

Some other editors:

  • Full Screen Editors: In computers, a full-screen editor or distraction-free editor is a text editor that occupies full display with the purpose of sidelining the user from the OS and the other applications. It helps the user to focus on writing only and do not get distracted by the other applications and the cluttered interface. Often fullscreen editors has a dark background and a text field with a light colored text. They include customizable interfaces and feature like word count.
    Ex : Acme, Coderoom, FocusWriter
  • Multiple Window Editor: Multiple window editor allows you to work on more than one file at a time and cut and paste text from file into another via yanking and putting. The two fundamental concepts that lie behind multi-window editors are buffer and windows.

    Buffer: Buffer holds the text to be edited. The text may come from a file or a brand new text that you want to write on a file. A file only has one buffer associated with it.

    Windows: Windows provides a view to the buffer to see what the buffer holds and edit and modify it. A buffer may have multiple windows. Any changes made in any of the windows will be reflected in all other windows associated with the same buffer. Once the last window associated with a buffer is closed, the file gets hidden. But if you have made any changes to the buffer and not have written them into the disk, it may not allow you to close the window.

  • DOS-Editor: MS-DOS editor or sometimes also known as just edit is a character based text editor that comes with MS-DOS and a 32-bit version of windows. Previously, it was QBASIC running in editor mode but after DOS-7, it became a standalone program. It is also used as a substitute for Notepad since notepad can work only on small files, DOS editor can work on around 66, 257 lines and up to 5 MB file size. It has features like a customizable color theme, it can open up to 9 files at a time, it can open files in binary mode.
  • VI editor : The vi editor (short name for the visual editor) is a screen editor which is available in UNIX OS. Vi has no menus instead it uses a combination of keystrokes to accomplish tasks. An improved version of vi is vim(vi improved). Vi editor is usually available in all versions of UNIX OS, its implementation is very easy, it requires only a few resources and it is more user-friendly.
  • Online Editors: Online text editors is an interface for editing the texts within a web browser. It aims to reduce the efforts made by the user by directly editing and updating into a valid HTML markup language. Internet Explorer added first the feature of “design mode”. The design mode allows the user to edit their document and it also allows the use of the cursor to do the editing.
    Ex : CKEditor, SnapEditor, designmode by Internet Explorer.

Editing Process

We all by now understand that editors are the program which is used to create, edit and modify a document. A document may include some images, files, text, equations, and diagrams as well. But we will be limited to text editors only whose main elements are character strings.
The document editing process mainly compromises of the following four tasks :

  • The part of the document to edited or modifies is selected.
  • determining how to format this lines on view and how to display it.
  • Specify and execute the operations that modify the document.
  • Update the view properly.

The above steps include filtering, formatting, and traveling.

  • Formatting : Visibility on display screen.
  • Filtering : Finding out the main/important subset.
  • Traveling : Locating the area of interest.

User Interface of editors: The user interface of editors typically means the input, output and the interaction language. The input devices are used to enter text, data into a document or to process commands. The output devices are used to display the edited form of the document and the results of the operation/commands executed. The interaction language provides the interaction with the editor.

  • Input Devices : Input devices are generally divided as text input, button devices and locator devices. Text device is a keyboard. Button devices are special function keys. The locator devices include the mouse. There are special voice devices as well which writes into text whatever you speak.
  • Output Devices : TFT monitors, Printers, Teletypewriters, Cathode ray tube technology, Advanced CRT terminals.
  • Interaction language : The interaction language could be, typing oriented or text command-oriented or could be menu oriented user interface as well. Typing or text command-oriented interaction language is very old used with the oldest editors, in the form of commands, use of functions and control keys etc. Menu oriented interface has a menu with the set of multiple choice of text strings. The display area is limited and the menus can be turned on/off by the user.

Editor Structure

Editors and Its types in System Programming - GeeksforGeeks (1)

The command language processor accepts commands, performs functions such as editing and viewing. It involves traveling, editing, viewing and display. Editing operations are specified by the user and display operations are specified by the editor. Traveling and viewing components are invoked by the editor or the user itself during the operations.

Editing component is a module dealing with editing tasks. The current editing area is determined by the current editing pointer associated with the editing component. When editing command is made, the editing component calls the editing filter, generates a new editing buffer. Editing buffer contains the document to be edited at the current editor pointer location.
In viewing a document, the start of the area to be viewed is determined by the current viewing pointer. Viewing component is a collection of modules used to see the next view. Current viewing can be made to set or reset depending upon the last operation.
When display needs to be updated, the viewing component invokes the viewing filter, generates a new buffer and it contains the document to be viewed using the current view buffer. Then the viewing buffer is pass to the display component which produces the display by buffer mapping. The editing and viewing buffers may be identical or completely disjoint. The editing and viewing buffers can also partially overlap or can be contained one within the another. The component of the editor interacts with the document from the user on two levels: main memory and the disk files system.

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Editors and Its types in System Programming - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is editor and types of editor? ›

In the field of programming, the term editor usually refers to source code editors that include many special features for writing and editing code. Notepad, Wordpad are some of the common editors used on Windows OS and vi, emacs, Jed, pico are the editors on UNIX OS.

How many types of computer editors are there? ›

There are basically 5 types of editors: Line editor: In this, we can only edit a single line at a time or an integral number of the lines. Moreover, we can't have a fluent sequence of the characters.

What is the role of editor in system programming? ›

Editors are basically computer programs that are utilised to edit files on a computer. The provide environment to a programmer to create, edit, update, format a document in any order he/she wants to. In system programming or programming, editors are software or tools that are used to edit the program.

What is editor structure in system software? ›

Structure editors can be used to edit hierarchical or marked up text, computer programs, diagrams, chemical formulas, and any other type of content with clear and well-defined structure. In contrast, a text editor is any document editor used for editing plain text files.

What are the three types of editors? ›

Every book published goes through multiple rounds of editing under the close scrutiny of various types of editors — including developmental, line and copy editors. The process starts at the office of an acquisitions editor.

What are some examples of the types of editors? ›

The four basic types of editors are developmental, substantive, copy, and proofreaders.

What are the two types of most commonly editors? ›

5 Different Types of Editors
  • Editor in chief. The editor in chief is the head of a publication. ...
  • Managing editor. The managing editor oversees a team of editors and makes sure that edits are made appropriately and consistently. ...
  • In-house editor. ...
  • Freelance editor. ...
  • Copy editor.
Aug 23, 2021

What are the different roles of the editors? ›

Editor responsibilities include:
  • Coordinating online or print publishing cycle and managing content areas.
  • Setting publication standards and establishing goals and expectations.
  • Suggesting stories and generate headline ideas in alignment with targeted audience's preferences.

What are the three functions of an editor? ›

First, to the truth; second, to the reader; and third, to the integrity and reputation of the newspaper.

What is the definition of an editor? ›

a person who corrects or changes pieces of text or films before they are printed or shown, or a person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine: She's a senior editor in the reference department of a publishing company.

What are the two modes of editor? ›

i — Switch to Insert mode. Esc — Switch to Command mode.

What are the four editing functions? ›

The four stages of editing are:

structural editing (aka developmental editing) copy editing (aka line-by-line or just 'line' editing) proofreading (detailed correction of the final draft just before layout) page proofs (making sure there are no remaining typos on the 'ready to print' digital pages).

What is difference between editor and console? ›

In the editor, lines of code are numbered. In the console, they are not numbered. Type a basic sum into the console (lower area) and press Enter. As you can see, you get the answer immediately.

What is line editor in system programming? ›

A line editor is a basic type of computer-based text editor whereby one line of a file can be edited at a time. Line editors were the precursor to document editing software that is commonly used today. Line editors were used before interactive video graphic screens were commonly available in computers.

What are the 4 types of editing? ›

Copy editing, line editing, substantive editing, mechanical editing, and developmental editing are all different methods of editing a written document.

What are the 5 stages of editing? ›

Those five stages are: beta readers, self-editing, story editing (which you may know as developmental or content editing), copy editing, and, finally, proofing.

What are the 6 elements of editing? ›

Murch's six rules on editing consist of Emotion, Story, Rhythm, Eye trace, Two- dimensional Plane of Screen, and Three-dimensional Space of Action, which all have different values in order of importance for the cut.

What is an editor answer? ›

An editor is the person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine and who decides what will be published in each edition of it. 2. countable noun. An editor is a journalist who is responsible for a particular section of a newspaper or magazine.

What are three important qualities that editors need? ›

As an Editor, you'll need: good planning and organisational skills. excellent English language skills. leadership and business skills.

What are editors most important responsibilities? ›

They are responsible for planning and creating written materials. A few of the main duties of an editor are editing copy and improving on it, educate writers on best practices, identify ways to improve the flow of materials, and advise writers on content pieces. They also have to create a content calendar.

What are the two types of data editing? ›

Depending on the medium (electronic, paper) by which the data are submitted, there are two levels of data editing—micro- and macro-editing. Micro-editing corrects the data at the record level. This process detects errors in data through checks of the individual data records.

What are the two main tasks of editing? ›

Editing involves looking at each sentence carefully, and making sure that it's well designed and serves its purpose. Proofreading involves checking for grammatical and punctuation errors, spelling mistakes, etc. Proofing is the final stage of the writing process.

What are the skills of an editor? ›

Skills and knowledge
  • knowledge of English language.
  • knowledge of media production and communication.
  • the ability to read English.
  • excellent verbal communication skills.
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail.
  • excellent written communication skills.
  • the ability to work well with others.
  • to be flexible and open to change.

How are editors identified? ›

The editor (or group of editors) are usually listed in the middle, underneath the publisher's information, but above the country and printing number. The editors name is often included alongside credits for the cover art and any photographers with images in the book.

Why do we need editors? ›

An editor helps you look good.

You want to put out the best communications possible and avoid embarrassing errors. An editor can help you find the right tone, choose the right words and make you look as professional and credible as you are.

What type of word is editor? ›

Noun. A person who edits or makes changes to documents. A copy editor. A person who edited a specific document.

What are the 4 types of file formats? ›

5 types of document files
  • Portable document format (PDF) A PDF file is a common file type in many work environments. ...
  • Word document (DOC and DOCX) ...
  • Hypertext markup language (HTML and HTM) ...
  • Microsoft excel spreadsheet file (XLS and XLSX) ...
  • Text file (TXT)
Jun 1, 2021

What is editor mode? ›

Editor mode is for creating Python script files, which you can later run. When the book tells you to create a new file, this is the mode you'll use. To open a new file in the editor mode, simply navigate to File | New File in the menu or hit Ctrl + N on the keyboard.

What is the default mode of editor? ›

Explanation: The default mode of vi editor is command mode, where every key which is pressed is interpreted as a command to run on the text.

What is another word for editor? ›

Synonyms of editor
  • columnist.
  • copyreader.
  • sportswriter.
  • staffer.
  • reporter.
  • journalist.
  • photojournalist.
  • correspondent.

Are compiler and editor the same? ›

Usage. IDE provides tools to create, build and test software. It also provides programmable editors, object and data modelling, libraries, build automation tools and many more. On the other hand, a compiler translates the source code to machine code so that it can be executed by the computer.

Is visual code an editor? ›

Visual Studio Code

A standalone source code editor that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. The top pick for JavaScript and web developers, with extensions to support just about any programming language.

What is line editor and screen editor? ›

Line editors keep a reference to the "current line" to which the entered commands usually are applied. In contrast, modern screen based editors allow the user to interactively and directly navigate, select, and modify portions of the document.

What is text editor example? ›

A text editor is a type of computer program that edits plain text. Such programs are sometimes known as "notepad" software (e.g. Windows Notepad).

What is the difference between line editor and stream editor? ›

" A line editor is a traditional type of earlier text editor where only one line of a file can be edited at a time. ... Whereas, a stream editor is a basic text editor which can be used to perform some transformations on input streams (or pipelines). The input stream may be from a file or a pipeline."

What is meant by an editor? ›

a person who corrects or changes pieces of text or films before they are printed or shown, or a person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine: She's a senior editor in the reference department of a publishing company.

What are the 3 qualities of editor? ›

But there are three qualities that cannot be taught, and without which a good editor cannot function— judgment, taste and empathy. Judgment is the ability to evaluate a manuscript and its author.

What are the 6 C's of editing? ›

The foundation of this philosophy is what I call the "6 C's": correctness, clarity, conciseness, consistency, commenting, and customization.

What are the benefits of an editor? ›

Five advantages of hiring an editor:
  • An unbiased critique. When you hire an editor they'll tell you, in a professional and unbiased manner, what works and what doesn't. ...
  • A professional, easy to read document. ...
  • A chance for better reviews. ...
  • A better chance of being traditionally published. ...
  • It sets you apart from the rest.
Oct 6, 2017

What are 4 responsibilities task of an editor? ›

They are responsible for planning and creating written materials. A few of the main duties of an editor are editing copy and improving on it, educate writers on best practices, identify ways to improve the flow of materials, and advise writers on content pieces. They also have to create a content calendar.

What are elements of editing? ›

Some main elements of editing are ellipsis, cross-cutting and parallel action, juxtaposition, transitions, and montage.

What are the two types of editing system? ›

Node-based vs Layer-Based Editing

Both Node and Layer Based Editing software utilize Non-Linear methods, and each workflow is entirely different. As an editor, the good news is that you'll probably only need to learn a Layer-based system.

What are 2 editing modes *? ›

As with the full-screen editor, you can work with the editor in two basic modes: edit mode. editor-input mode.

What are the four levels of editing? ›

The four levels of editing and how they fit within the publishing...
  • Step 1: Beta read or manuscript evaluation. This type of editing is a reader's response to the manuscript. ...
  • Step 2: Developmental or structural editing. ...
  • Step 3: Line editing and copy-editing. ...
  • Step 4: Proofreading.
Apr 6, 2020

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.