eBay International Shipping Program is being expanded to international sellers (2024)

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The eBay International Shipping Program is being gradually extended to international sellers. Newly added eligible sellers will receive notifications via email and their eBay mailboxes. Please check your emails and messages regularly to see if you’ve been added to the program.

You can also visit your Shipping Preferences page to check your status (My eBay > Account > Selling > Shipping Preferences).

What is the eBay International Shipping Program?

The eBay International Shipping Program is a service that removes the challenges and complexities associated with international shipping. Previously, it was available to eligible US-based sellers only, but now it is being gradually rolled out to other countries. Over the coming months, all eligible international sellers will get to enjoy the benefits of the new service:

Expand your buyer pool

eBay International shipping helps you reach millions of buyers in 200+ countries.

Ship with ease

Simply ship your item to eBay’s domestic shipping hub. All the international details including customs paperwork will be taken care of.

Let eBay manage returns

eBay will manage returns and pay for them. You get protection from common claims. All at no cost to you.

What’s new?

Starting March 31, 2023, eBay is replacing the Global Shipping Program with the eBay International Shipping Program for eligible international sellers.

The feature is being released gradually, and eligible international sellers are added in batches. Those included in the program will receive a message and an email from the eBay team, notifying that they have been automatically added to the eBay International Shipping.

Please check your registration email and eBay messages to see if you’ve been deemed eligible for the program.

eBay International Shipping Program is being expanded to international sellers (1)

If you’re currently using the Global Shipping Program, your listings will be automatically changed to eBay International Shipping when you are added to the new program. If you ship with another international shipping service such as eBay International Standard Delivery, you will need to update your current listings to take advantage of eBay International Shipping benefits.

Benefits of eBay International Shipping

Sellers who use the eBay International Shipping Program don't need to worry about customs duties and returns. After the item is delivered to the domestic shipping hub, eBay takes care of everything that follows.

Protections included

Sellers are protected against common claims such as:

Lost or damaged items

If your item is claimed as lost or damaged during international transit, you won’t be at fault.

Late or no delivery

Your seller performance standards and service metrics won’t be affected by late deliveries or eBay Money Back Guarantee claims attributed to international shipping.

Negative or neutral feedback

Any negative or neutral feedback from handling during international transit will be removed from your account.

By participating in eBay International Shipping, you are agreeing to allow eBay to handle the export process and to the Program Terms and Conditions.

Domestic shipping hub

Ship to eBay’s domestic shipping hub, paying attention to proper labels and packaging, and eBay will take it from there. When your package arrives at the hub, eBay employees will prepare customs and tax forms, and it will be labeled for its final destination.

If you want to see what your buyer will pay for the international leg, see the representative rate chart.

eBay handles returns

You keep your sale

Your sale is complete when your item arrives at the domestic shipping hub.

eBay issues the refund

If the buyer opens a return, eBay issues a refund at no cost to you.

eBay manages communications

All returns communications are handled by eBay.

Combined shipping

Combined shipping is done automatically at checkout — there is nothing the buyer nor the seller need to do to enable it. If you receive a single order from a buyer with multiple items, this means it's already qualified for combined shipping.

Here are some eligibility requirements for combined shipping through eBay International Shipping:

  • Only selected categories can be combined within one order. eBay is gradually expanding this list of categories
  • Total value of eBay International Shipping combined order cannot exceed 1000$
  • Duties Due Paid and Duties Due Unpaid orders cannot be combined
  • Items that exceed eBay International Shipping package limits (weight and dimensions) cannot be combined
  • Items with different shipping services cannot be combined (for example, it should be "Free Shipping" for all to be combined)

If you want to use сombined shipping, you need to:

  1. Сontact eBay Customer Service asking if their order can be combined.
  2. Ensure the customer that if the order can be combined, all the buyer needs to do is add their items to the cart and eBay’s system will combine it for them.

If the order does not combine, then the order does not meet all eligibility requirements.

Combined shipping* on international orders

Сombined delivery is also available on international orders. By offering this option, buyers’ shipping costs will be determined by the weight and size of their entire order, rather than separately for each individual item.

With this new feature, eBay International Shipping will:

  • Offer lower shipping costs for buyers
  • Allow buyers to more easily order multiple items from the same seller
  • Increase conversion for sellers
  • Eliminate significant seller pain points, including the need for sellers to opt out of eBay international shipping or create new “combined” listings specifically for a buyer

* The feature is being released gradually.

The ability to offer different international shipping choices* for buyers

Buyers love to have choices, so sellers will soon have the ability to offer buyers the option to select their preferred shipping method at checkout when purchasing internationally.

In the past, sellers could only offer eBay international shipping or their own international shipping option on a listing. Now, sellers who opt in will be able to offer both eBay international shipping and another international shipping option on the same listing. This will also give buyers the option to pay applicable import charges at checkout or defer them until delivery.

It’s important to note that, should you offer both eBay International Shipping and another international shipping option and a buyer selects the non-eBay International Shipping option, you’ll be charged the international selling fee and will be responsible if the item gets lost or damaged in transit, or your buyer requests a return.

* The feature is being released gradually.

Savings for all

Buyers see lower shipping costs, making your listings more competitive. It’s a win-win.

In fact, sellers reduce their selling costs on international transactions by an average of 13%* with eBay International Shipping.

  • No international selling fees
  • Reduced shipping costs for buyers
  • No returns costs for sellers

*This discount reflects the average eBay savings; actual discount may vary by seller standard and service metrics status.

Update your listings

If your current listings offer other international shipping options, you may need to manually update your listings. See how below.

Update your active listings by removing all international shipping options.

When only domestic services remain, your job is done. Your listings will automatically be eligible for eBay International Shipping.

How to update My eBay listings:

Watch video

Download PDF

Managing country exclusions

Once you’re opted in to eBay International Shipping, you can fine tune where your listings are shown with country exclusions. View our how-to video or PDF to learn how to do it.

Watch video

Download PDF

Not interested?

If there’s an item you don’t want to sell internationally, you can manage your listing settings. To opt out of all the program benefits on all your listings, unenroll from eBay International Shipping. See the FAQ section to learn how to do it.


Managing my account

How do I exclude a listing from eBay International Shipping?

To remove a single active listing from eBay International Shipping, you can exclude all countries except the US in your shipping preferences.

  1. Go to the My eBay dropdown menu and select Selling.

2. Within your Active listings, click on the listing you'd like to update.

3. Click Revise listing and scroll down to the Shipping section.

4. If you already have exclusions set, navigate to your Preferences and to Excluded locations. Then select all the locations under the International


5. If you don’t have any exclusions set, within the Shipping section click See shipping options and select the toggle to the right of Excluded locations. Navigate to your Preferences and to Excluded locations. Then select all the locations under the international section. Select Done in the top-right corner of the “Excluded locations” window. If the excluded locations box shows “Algeria (+169)”, your listing will be excluded from eBay International Shipping.

6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Revise it.

Can I opt out of eBay International Shipping?

Yes. To opt out of the program:

1. In the top left corner, hover over “Hi, username”, and choose Account settings. OR Log in and go to Account Settings.

2. Choose Shipping Preferences under the Selling section.

3. Select Opt out to the right of eBay International Shipping

4. Select a reason for opting out.

5. Review the information. If you still wish to opt out, select Opt out.

Note that you must wait 24 hours before opting back into the program. To opt back into the program:

1. Log in and go to Account Settings.

2. Choose Shipping Preferences.

3. Next to eBay International Shipping, select Enroll.

Getting started

How do I check if I’m currently enrolled into the program?

  1. Log in and go to Account Settings.
  2. Choose Shipping Preferences.
  3. If you see “Enrolled” on the right from eBay International Shipping, your account is currently in the program.

When will I be enrolled?

Sellers are being enrolled in phases when they become eligible. You’ll get an email and get notified via Messages in My eBay when you’re enrolled.

How do I know if I’m eligible for the program?

eBay continuously evaluates seller performance and enrolls sellers when possible. You will be enrolled into eBay International Shipping when your account is eligible. You will be notified via email and Messages in My eBay about this change to your account as soon as it happens.

Do I need to do anything to my current listings?

Once you’re enrolled, if your current listings don’t have any international shipping service selected, you don’t have to do a thing* — your current eligible listings will automatically update to eBay International Shipping, as well as your new listings if you don’t add any international shipping service while listing them.

* If your current listings use other international shipping services, you’ll need to manually update them to eBay International Shipping.

My listings are already set up with another international service. Can I ship with eBay International Shipping instead?

Unfortunately, your items must be listed with eBay International Shipping at the time the buyer makes a purchase. If you want to use eBay International Shipping, revise your listings, and remove other international shipping services.

I use a third-party shipping service. Can I turn off the automatic default to eBay International Shipping when listing items?

Yes. When your account is opted into the program, your listings will always default to eBay International Shipping. You can customize your international shipping services to use a third-party shipping service by adding an additional international shipping service to your listings. You can also specify which shipping service you want to use for specific countries.

Can I customize my international shipping services for different destinations?

Absolutely. Simply select the international shipping service you’d like to use for certain locations.

For example, you can set your preferences to ship to Canada through a standard carrier that provides international service but still use eBay International Shipping for the remaining eligible countries.

What countries can I sell using eBay International Shipping?

You can find a list of supported countries here.

How can I see if a sale is going to be shipped internationally?

If you see one of the domestic shipping hubs’ addresses with “EIS c/o Buyer Name” on the label, it will be shipped internationally through eBay International Shipping.

How do I see which country the buyer is in?

Go to the Order Details page and view the Shipping details section. Select the link to See buyer location.

Listings and item eligibility

Do my shipping country exclusions apply to eBay International Shipping eligible listings? How do I manage my exclusions?

Yes, both previous and new exclusions will apply. Want to update your settings to prevent sales to a specific country or region? Please note that you’ll decrease your buyer pool and limit your selling opportunities when you apply exclusions.

To manage shipping exclusions on an individual listing:

1. Go to the My eBay dropdown menu and select Selling.

2. Within your Active listings, click on the listing you'd like to update.

3. Click Revise listing and scroll down to the Shipping section.

4. If you already have exclusions set, navigate to your Preferences and to Excluded locations. Then select locations under the International section that you would like to exclude.


If you don’t have any exclusions set, within the Shipping section click See shipping options and select the toggle to the right of Excluded locations. Navigate to your Preferences and to Excluded locations. Then select the locations under the International section that you would like to exclude.

5. Select Done in the top-right corner of the “Excluded locations” window.

6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Revise it.

To manage shipping exclusions at the account level:

1. Go to your Account Settings.

2. Select Shipping Preferences.

3. Click Edit next to Exclude shipping locations.

4. Update your exclusions by selecting countries or regions to restrict.

5. Click Save.

Keep in mind that if you exclude shipping locations at the account level, those exclusions will be applied to all your current and future listings.

Who can see my listings?

If your item is eligible for export and is not restricted in any other countries, buyers in over 200 countries will be able to see your listing. Buyers can purchase your items based on US export regulations and the import regulations of the destination country.

What types of items can I sell using eBay International Shipping?

All applicable items meeting all eligibility requirements, up to $2,500 item value (excluding taxes, duties, and delivery fees), physically located in the US and listed on ebay.com can be sold using eBay International Shipping.

What’s not eligible?

As a general rule, items included in eBay’s hazardous, restricted or regulated materials policy, and items that don’t follow eBay’s International trading policy. View a list of restricted or prohibited categories.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and it may be updated based on transportation regulations and export laws, and on macro environment or international regulations.

What are the size and weight limitations?

Size: A package cannot exceed 47 inches in Length, 85 inches in Length + Girth.

Weight: Packages cannot exceed 44 lbs. in billable weight (not actual weight). This applies to all countries except Canada (66 lbs. in billable weight).

What is the item value limit?

The limit is $2,500 (excluding taxes, duties, and delivery fees).

What happens to my auction item when it exceeds $2,500?

The buyer will not be able to bid beyond $2,500, however domestic buyers and buyers from countries with other shipping services selected will be able to continue bidding for the item.

Can I sell items not eligible for eBay International Shipping?

If you’d like to sell items not eligible for eBay International Shipping, you can use other international shipping services. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the listing you wish to change and select Revise listing.
  2. Scroll down to the Shipping section.
  3. In the International shipping section, select Add other shipping services. You can add up to four services.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Revise it at the bottom of the page.

What happens if I ship an item that does not meet the program requirements?

Shipments may not meet eBay International Shipping requirements for a number of reasons, including but not limited to: overweight, oversize, hazardous, dangerous, or restricted goods. If it’s determined that your shipment does not meet the program requirements, you will keep the sale and eBay will issue a refund to the buyer.

What happens to existing business policies with no international shipping?

If you’ve created exclusions to states, territories, countries or regions that you don’t ship to, they’ll still apply to eligible listings under the eBay International Shipping program. You can manage your shipping exclusions through your Shipping Preferences, Business Policies or by revising your listings. eBay will not change your business policies.

What happens to current listings with US shipping only?

All current and new eligible listings will be displayed with eBay International Shipping, but you will still ship domestically. Your responsibility ends when the package reaches the domestic shipping hub.

Payments, fees, duties, and taxes

When will I be paid?

How quickly you get paid after a sale depends on what shipping method you choose to get your item to the domestic shipping hub. Your sale is complete when your item is received undamaged at the hub. Once eBay initiates your payout, your bank typically takes 1-3 business days to make your funds available in your account.

Do I get paid differently on international orders?

No. You’ll receive the item price and any specified domestic shipping and handling charges directly from the buyer. You can review the total charges on your Order Details page.

How will the program affect my margins?

eBay International Shipping has already proven to improve business by removing international fees for sellers. You’ll save 13% on selling fees compared to other international sales.*

*This discount reflects the average eBay savings; actual discount may vary by seller standard and service metrics status.

How will my final value fee be calculated?

Your final value fee is based on the final price of the item, plus shipping cost you charged the buyer to deliver the item to the US shipping hub, and any other amounts you may charge the buyer. If you offer free domestic shipping, the final value fee won’t be applied to this component.

Sales tax, international shipping cost, and import charges are not included into the final value fee calculation. Refer to the standard eBay selling fees for more information.

Are there additional fees with eBay International Shipping?

There are no additional fees to use eBay International Shipping beyond the standard eBay selling fees. The eBay international fee does not apply to eBay International Shipping transactions.

How do I know what shipping rate will be applied to my listing?

eBay uses the domestic shipping info on your listing to calculate shipping costs to the domestic shipping hub. Next, eBay manages and calculates the international shipping costs based on weight and dimensions of the package, and destination country. Then eBay displays a combined shipping cost (including domestic and international shipping costs) to the buyer — it is visible to you if you open your item page and choose the buyer destination country in the “Shipping, returns and payments” tab.

You can check the eBay International Shipping rates that buyers pay for the international part of delivery service depending on the weight of an item and the destination country. Keep in mind that those expenses are covered by a buyer, not a seller.

Who pays for shipping?

For the domestic leg, you have two options: you can offer the buyer free shipping and pay for it yourself, or the buyer can pay for it. And the buyer always pays for the international leg.

Will my buyer incur additional charges because the item is shipping internationally?

If applicable. When international buyers view your listings, they’ll see shipping charges and estimated import charges.

At checkout, the buyer will see final charges based on the destination country, including the item price, shipping charges, and import charges (if applicable).

Shipping charges include any US shipping charges you specify, as well as applicable international shipping, handling, and any other fees from the carrier.

Who pays duties and taxes?

The buyer is responsible for settling all charges or fees in order for customs to release the shipment and have it delivered to them.

What do Duties Delivered Paid (DDP) and Duties Delivered Unpaid (DDU) mean? And what’s the difference between them?

The customs clearance service is an important part of international shipping and is meant to facilitate the import of goods to your buyer’s country. With a Duties Delivered Paid (DDP) shipment, the buyer pays import charges at checkout. With a Duties Delivered Unpaid (DDU) shipment, the buyer pays any applicable import charges prior to delivery. DDU shipments may also result in the buyer being assessed additional delivery fees by the carrier.

What options does eBay provide to buyers to pay duties?

eBay International Shipping offers both Duties Delivered Unpaid (DDU) and Duties Delivered Paid (DDP) options to buyers. Currently, the option to be used is predefined for every transaction based on the item price, item weight, and buyer shipping country. Later this year, eBay International Shipping will enable buyers to choose how they prefer to have their shipment cleared through customs — using DDP or DDU.

Shipping and packaging

Am I responsible for shipping my item internationally?

No, eBay does it for you. Simply ship your item to the domestic shipping hub and eBay will take it from there. Please note, there are multiple eBay International Shipping, hub locations, thus, you may see different shipping addresses on different orders.

How should I package my item? Should I package it differently than a domestic order?

When packing your item, it is best to use nondescript boxes and packaging. Please note that some items, particularly items that include lithium-ion batteries, have specific packaging requirements that you can see here. You should also carefully pack your item so it’ll arrive to your buyer undamaged.

Should I provide package measurements in my listing?

Sellers are encouraged to provide accurate dimensions and weight for their packages. This will help ensure the right shipping price for your items is shown to buyers. In the event dimensions and weight are not provided on a listing, eBay will estimate them. However, these estimations come with an inherent margin of error and can result in lower accuracy and higher costs for your buyers.

How do I ship a multi quantity order that won't fit in one box?

When shipping an order that is multi-quantity but doesn’t fit into one box, you can pack those items separately/individually into a few boxes and purchase multiple labels – one per package. The most important thing is to keep the same reference number associated with the order on every package (you can find it on the Order Details page along with the buyer’s name and the address of the shipping hub).

If you create a shipping label on eBay, you can purchase multiple labels within one order flow. Once you've printed the label for your first package, simply select Print another label for this order from the label confirmation page. You can then enter the weight and dimensions for the next package.

Each additional label you print will have its own tracking number and will be charged separately, based on the package weight and dimensions you entered.

Please, note that multiple orders or multiple items from different orders can’t be packed and shipped in one package together.

How do I ship my items?

Ship to eBay’s domestic shipping hub, paying attention to proper labels and packaging.

If you create a shipping label on eBay, it will automatically include the address of a shipping hub and the reference number. Tracking information will automatically be uploaded to My eBay.

If you create your own shipping label, remember to include the reference number and add the tracking number. You can find the reference number on the Order Details page along with the buyer’s name and the address of the shipping hub.

When your items are received undamaged at the hub, eBay will take it from there. eBay employees will prepare customs and tax forms, and your package will be labeled for its final destination. Sellers are protected from common claims, including negative feedback, and eBay also manages any returns.

Can I purchase shipping insurance?

Yes, you can purchase shipping insurance for the domestic leg. The international leg is insured by eBay.

If you purchase USPS insurance or signature confirmation for your item, it protects you against any loss or damage to the package until it reaches the domestic shipping hub. You’re responsible for getting the package safely to the shipping hub. If the item is lost or damaged during international shipping after being received at the hub, eBay’s got your back.

Are there physical customs forms? How are those handled?

eBay handles the import declaration through the carrier. There is no export declaration in the US since the value of items currently eligible for eBay International Shipping is under $2,500.

How do I track my shipments?

eBay will track your package to the shipping hub and then to your buyer. You can find tracking details on the Order Details page.

There will be two tracking numbers for your shipment. The first tracking number will be the domestic tracking number for the shipment to the shipping hub. The second tracking number is the international shipment to your buyer.

When you upload tracking information, eBay notifies the buyer by email that the item has shipped. Tracking is also visible to the buyer on the Order Details page in My eBay.

What if my packaging is not suitable for international shipping?

eBay evaluates all packages that are received at the hub. Anything that does not comply with international shipping standards will be assessed, and where possible, repackaged for international travel at no additional cost to you.

How long does shipping take? Can I control my handling time or schedule Time Away?

Even though it takes about two additional days to ship to the domestic shipping hub and have the item processed, eBay’s carrier contracts provide rapid delivery times. Your estimated delivery dates (EDDs) are automatically updated with eBay International Shipping delivery timeframes, so there’s no need to add additional handling time — that will just extend the delivery date.

If you schedule Time Away, your EDD will be updated to reflect the extended handling time.

Who will handle the export process?

As part of eBay international Shipping, eBay will manage the export process on your behalf. Please see the eBay EIS Seller’s T&C for more information.

Does eBay handle new requirements like harmonization codes and packaging/Lucid requirements, or will I have to do it myself?

eBay takes the work out of selling internationally! eBay handles EU and other regulatory requirements for you at the domestic shipping hub.

Combined shipping

Can I combine anything into one order?

Items from certain categories, such as goods containing lithium ion batteries, might be excluded from combined shipping due to dangerous goods regulations.

How will current price limits be applied?

Currently, items up to $2,500 are eligible for eBay International Shipping. This price limit will be applied to the whole order — total order value (including shipping costs) shouldn't exceed $2,500. If it does, the order will be split into multiple orders up to $2,500 each.

How will current weight thresholds be applied?

Currently, scale weight thresholds for the eBay International Shipping program are set up at max 44 lbs for non-Canada locations and max 66 lbs for Canada ship-to addresses. Additionally, the package can’t exceed 48 inches in length and 84 inches in length and girth ((height x 2) + (width x 2)). These thresholds will be applied to the whole order — total order scale weight shouldn't exceed the threshold. If it does, the order will be split into multiple orders up to the threshold each.

What will be the default shipping option shown to buyers?

During the initial launch, the default will be the option with the lowest shipping cost. In the coming months, we’ll evaluate buyer purchasing behavior and make adjustments to how the default option is selected in order to maximize buyer conversion.

How will I know if my items offer combined shipping?

If you receive a single order from a buyer with multiple items, you will know it qualified for combined shipping. The combined shipping experience in eBay International Shipping now looks similar to a domestic order because all you need to do is ship to the eBay International Shipping hub.

What do I need to do when I receive a combined shipping order?

All items in a single order should be packaged together for shipping and properly identified for export and import.

Note: Do not combine items from several orders even if the items are for the same buyer.

How does eBay determine if an order qualifies for combined shipping?

eBay is continuing to expand combined shipping to additional categories over the next few months. Don’t worry, there’s nothing for you to keep track of the eligibility of items is determined by eBay and your listings will be automatically updated when they become eligible.

eBay factors in the total value of an eBay International Shipping combined shipping order, as the current limit for combined orders is 1,000$.

Items that have to be sold DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) due to international regulations cannot be combined with items sold as DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid.) Again, eBay will apply the relevant restrictions for you.

Items that exceed the current eBay International Shipping thresholds for weight and dimensions cannot be combined.

What happens at the domestic shipping hub

Does eBay open my package and check the contents?

At present, in most cases, no. All packages are checked by running through x-ray machinery and/or hand inspected by US domestic hub employees. The primary focus of this checkpoint is to identify and prevent shipment of any goods that may be deemed dangerous and/or prohibited for export/import.

Additionally, if the scan indicates items not described in the listing, or there are concerns around safety of an item for shipping, the box may be opened. If after that inspection there are no issues, the package is resealed and sent as normal.

Are items repackaged at the hub?

Not usually. Sellers should package their items ready to go to the final destination.

How long is the item at the hub? How many days does this add to international shipping?

The package is typically only at the hub for one day. The estimated delivery date shown to your buyer at the time of purchase includes this day at the hub. Because eBay has negotiated with carriers to ensure competitive and efficient services, your eBay International Shipping packages are still likely to arrive faster than with other international shipping services.

What if the item is broken or damaged when it arrives at the hub?

If the package arrives in a damaged condition, the hub employees will take a picture for further examination. If the damage is deemed to have been caused by the carrier that the seller used to ship the item to the hub, eBay will have the seller reach out to that carrier for a claim.

What happens if the international carrier breaks or damages the item after it leaves the hub?

The seller is not responsible for items damaged in transit after it arrives at eBay’s domestic shipping hub.

Returns and seller protections

Am I responsible for international returns?

No, eBay handles them for you, taking on all the risk of international shipping and even managing return communications with your buyer. All at no cost to you. And you keep the sale.

How will international returns be handled?

Once your item is received undamaged at the domestic shipping hub, your sale is considered complete. If the buyer opens a return, eBay will issue a refund at no cost to you.

What should I do if a buyer contacted me and asked for a refund?

Let your buyer know to choose the return option in their order history. eBay will handle all international returns. Learn more about how your buyer can request a refund here.

What protections does eBay International Shipping offer?

eBay International Shipping includes protections in addition to eBay Money Back Guarantee cases, in scenarios such as:

  • If an item is lost or damaged during international shipping, you will not be found at fault if your buyer opens an eBay Money Back Guarantee case.
  • Your seller performance standards and Service Metrics won’t be affected by late deliveries or eBay Money Back Guarantee cases attributed to international shipping.
  • Any negative or neutral feedback from item handling during international transit will be removed from your account.
  • eBay will handle international returns on your behalf, including Not as Described claims.
eBay International Shipping Program is being expanded to international sellers (2024)


Is eBay getting rid of the Global shipping Program? ›

Starting March 31, 2023, eBay is replacing the Global Shipping Program with the eBay International Shipping Program for eligible international sellers.

Is eBay Global shipping Program the same as eBay international shipping? ›

The Global Shipping Program (GSP) always included tariff and VAT. The newer eBay International Shipping only includes tariff and VAT for more expensive items, or for specific types of items, and on a country by country basis.

Why is eBay charging me for international shipping? ›

If your registered address is in the US, we charge an International fee if either: The delivery address for the item (entered by the buyer during checkout) is outside the US, or. The buyer's registered address is outside the US (regardless of the delivery address for the item)

Is there a way to turn off international shipping on eBay? ›

To modify international shipping options for all your listings, go to Shipping Preferences - opens in new window or tab then "Exclude shipping locations" and select the countries you wish to exclude.

What is the alternative to eBay global shipping program? ›

Hipshipper works with multiple international carriers (FedEx, DHL, UPS, Asendia and yes, also USPS) and every order is matched with the best rate we can get from our shipping partners. We offer very competitive rates when compared with eBay GSP, again, especially when it comes to lower-cost items.

Is China part of eBay's Global shipping Program? ›

eBay does ship to china. eBay offers two kinds of shipping, a standard one and that included in the Global Shipping program. The Global Shipping Program eligibility requires a standard rating if you're a seller. Moreover, the shipping isn't exactly direct.

Is eBay international shipping worth it? ›

Shipping is much higher for international buyers. Therefore not only are you paying higher fees overall, you are also paying those higher fees on higher shipping prices. Therefore I believe international shipping is not worth it for me. Especially on heavier and bigger items which will certainly cost much more to ship.

Is the Global shipping Program worth it? ›

Is the eBay Global Shipping Program Worth It? As with any optional program, it all depends on your business needs and goals. If you sell small, lightweight items of low value, your buyers will probably be put off buying from you through the GSP. The cost of the program may significantly outweigh the price of the item.

Who pays for international shipping on eBay? ›

When you pay, your payment will be split into two transactions: The first payment goes to the seller to cover the item price and any domestic shipping costs to send the item to the global shipping center. The second payment covers the international shipping cost and any import charges, if applicable.

Does eBay automatically calculate international shipping? ›

Choose either Select shipping for me or Select shipping myself. Select Create your own international shipping option. In the Shipping option dropdown, you have two options: Charge actual cost: Shipping costs are automatically calculated based on the buyer's ZIP code and the dimensions and weight of the package.

How do I enable international shipping on eBay? ›

Here's how to add international shipping to your listings:
  1. On your listing, choose Show international services and options and select Save.
  2. Choose Flat Rate or Calculated. ...
  3. Select the countries you'll ship to from Destination, and choose your preferred shipping carrier from Service.

Does eBay still handle international shipping? ›

Yes, eBay International Standard Delivery is available on eligible listings when a buyer selects the shipping option you've designated instead of eBay International Shipping.

What happened to the eBay Global shipping Program? ›

GSP is no longer; it is now EIS (Ebay International Shipping) and 2 issues. UK is blocked by EIS because of licensing issues required. So, you will have to ask a seller to figure out the cost and add it doing the Forms etc. themselves and shipping it themselves.

What is the difference between global shipping and international shipping on eBay? ›

The Global Shipping Program (GSP) is a Delivery Duties Paid (DDP) shipping program—buyers pay duties and tax during checkout on eBay via GSP. eBay international standard delivery gives you full control of what you want to charge buyers for shipping (Free, Flat, Calculated) from end to end.

Why is my eBay listing not showing international shipping? ›

The international site visibility feature only appears in the Sell Your Item form if you meet the following qualifications: Your listing must meet all applicable country policies. You must have a verified PayPal account associated with your seller account.

What are the cons of the eBay Global shipping Program? ›

eBay Global Shipping Program Cons
  • No support for buyer returns. You may not need to deal with shipping an item out to an international buyer, but you may very well need to find a way to facilitate a return. ...
  • Not suitable for larger items. ...
  • It could end up costing you more.

How do I get the global shipping program on eBay? ›

To be eligible for the eBay International Shipping program, you'll need to meet the following requirements:
  1. Above Standard or Top Rated seller performance.
  2. eBay account is registered in the US.
  3. Eligible for seller protections.
  4. Low or Average Service Metrics.
  5. Compliant with eBay rules and policies.

What is the value limit for eBay Global shipping Program? ›

All applicable items meeting all eligibility requirements, up to $2,500 item value (excluding taxes, duties, and delivery fees), physically located in the US and listed on ebay.com can be sold using eBay International Shipping.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.