Doublecortin is a highly valuable endogenous marker of adult neurogenesis in canaries (2024)

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Doublecortin is a highly valuable endogenous marker of adult neurogenesis in canaries (1)

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Brain Behav Evol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 Jul 17.

Published in final edited form as:

Brain Behav Evol. 2014; 84(1): 1–4.

Published online 2014 Jul 17. doi:10.1159/000362917

Jacques Balthazart1 and Gregory F. Ball2

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The publisher's final edited version of this article is available free at Brain Behav Evol


Commentary on “Evaluating the Predictive Value of Doublecortin as a Marker for Adult Neurogenesis in Canaries (Serinus canaria)” by Michiel Vellema, Moritz Hertel, Susan L. Urbanus, Annemie Van der Linden, and Manfred Gahr (Journal of Comparative Neurology 2014, 522 : 1299-1315)

Keywords: Adult Neurogenesis, Doublecortin, Bromodeoxyuridine, HVC, Thymidine analogues, Neuronal plasticity


Doublecortin (DCX) has emerged as an important marker of neurogenesis for comparative neurobiologists. In a recent paper published in the Journal of Comparative Neurology, Vellema, Hertel, Urbanus, Van der Linden and Gahr [Vellema et al. 2014] questioned the validity of DCX expression as a reliable marker of adult neurogenesis in songbirds (and other vertebrates in general!). We believe that Vellema et al. (2014) make some limited observations about DCX that are important and useful but then try to codify these observations into general rules, which threatens to generate serious doubts in the minds neurobiologists about a very useful method. Their conclusions will suggest to some readers that DCX is not being expressed in relation to neurogenesis in the same way in birds as it is in other vertebrate taxa. We focus on their conclusions as they might apply to canaries and contend that all presented arguments are either not novel, or are based on very limited evidence and generally inconclusive data. We review below 6 observations presented by Vellema et al. [Vellema et al. 2014] to support their contention that DCX is not a reliable marker of adult neurogenesis and discuss in a concise manner why, in our opinion, their conclusions are not supported by the facts they present.

1. The neuroanatomical distribution of doublecortin expression does not match the pattern of neurogenesis in the canary brain

Vellema and colleagues report that DCX-expressing cells, based both on immunohistochemistry for the protein and in situ hybridization for the corresponding mRNA, are found throughout the canary brain, with the most pronounced expression in the telencephalon, predominantly in the mesopallium and caudal nidopallium, which corresponds indeed to brain areas where an active incorporation of new neurons is observed in adult birds based on other methods. They indicate that scattered labeled neurons were also found “occasionally” in other regions outside the telencephalon (e.g. ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, locus ceruleus).

These are not new observations, as this broader distribution was already known from our previous immunohistochemical study in canaries [Boseret et al. 2007]. A similar pattern has also been described in other avian species, and mammalian studies have likewise described DCX in brain regions that are not normally considered neurogenic, but might well be upon closer examination [Ernst et al. 2014; Kokoeva et al. 2007]. These non-telencephalic DCX-expressing cells are rare compared to telencephalic populations, and staining in these populations is usually of a different nature than in the telencephalon: it is weaker and not as crisp (fuzzy) [Boseret et al. 2007].

It has been accepted that DCX in mammals is a marker of young neurons, but that it also labels some cells that are reorganizing their dendritic arbor (another form of plasticity that requires microtubule reorganization and thus DCX expression). It is thus possible that these DCX cells indeed do not represent young newborn neurons, but this conclusion cannot be firmly established at this time. Our current understanding of adult neurogenesis in avian and mammalian brains is incomplete, and adult neurogenesis may occur in currently unidentified locations [Ernst et al. 2014; Kokoeva et al. 2007]. A broader than expected distribution of neurogenesis in the canary brain is suggested by the fact that Vellema et al. (2014) detected cells labeled by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in sub-telencephalic brain regions that are not thought to recruit adult-born neurons (their Figure 7B).

2. Seasonal changes and hormonal effects on doublecortin expression do not match previously described changes in neurogenesis

Vellema and colleagues claim that the pattern of DCX distribution is similar in males and females and does not vary across seasons (based on the two examined time points), except in HVC and area X. The authors quantified the area covered by DCX-immunoreactive material in some brain areas, but it is unclear how extensive this quantification was. It seems that quantification concerned only area X and surrounding tissue. Furthermore, the authors only report relative expression, using plus and minus signs, and discuss the labeling in HVC sub-regions qualitatively. Based on these data, they claim that changes in DCX expression in HVC and area X “did not correlate with known patterns of neuron recruitment”. Two comments are in order here.

First, neurogenesis in the songbird brain is highly variable and controlled by a multitude of factors (strain, sex, testosterone, photoperiod, singing activity, social environment [Nottebohm 2008]). The impact of these factors on different aspects of neurogenesis (proliferation at the ventricle, migration, recruitment, differentiation and survival of neurons) is still largely unknown. It is impossible to predict the actual differences in neurogenesis between groups in the Vellema et al. study because neurogenesis was not investigated in these different groups of birds (different stages in the annual cycle, males vs. females, testosterone-treated or not) by an independent method, such as BrdU incorporation. Claiming that DCX does not correlate with neurogenesis is, therefore, not justified.

Second, the limited quantitative estimates for area X did not take into account the morphology of labeled cells: Vellema and colleagues only measured the surface covered by immunoreactive material. There are two morphological types of DCX-immunoreactive cells: fusiform, mostly bi-polar cells are probably very young neurons that are still engaged in the radial migration to their final destination, and round multipolar cells are presumably older neurons that have begun their differentiation. The temporal changes in numbers of these two cell types are substantially different [Balthazart et al. 2008; Yamamura et al. 2011]. Therefore, conclusions based on analyses that do not differentiate between these cell types seem unjustified.

3. Doublecortin is expressed in neurons of up to one year of age

In a potentially important experiment, Vellema et al. (2014) injected a small number of male canaries with BrdU and collected their brains 38 days (n=4), 60 days (n=4) and 365 days (n=2) later to analyze the expression of DCX in BrdU-labeled neurons. It is unfortunate that no information on the physiological state of these adult canaries was presented, since neurogenesis could, for example, be quite different in photosensitive or photorefractory birds [Balthazart et al. 2008]. More importantly, the injection schedule varied between birds (6 injections 4 hours apart in one day or 3 injections per day during two days) and readers are not told whether these two types of injections were equally distributed across the 10 birds and 3 survival times. Thus comparisons here seem to concern birds coming from three different experimental protocols that may not be directly comparable. These two patterns of injections in different groups of birds potentially living in different endocrine or social conditions likely resulted in a different degree of initial labeling that could interfere with the conclusions drawn from results observed 38, 60 and 365 days later.

The authors conclude from this experiment that DCX is still expressed in some BrdU-positive neurons at 38 and 60 days and that “even one year after BrdU injections we were still able to detect neurons expressing both BrdU and DCX, albeit sporadically”. No numbers are associated with this last statement (only one such neuron is shown in a photomicrograph), and we are not told where these few neurons expressing DCX after one year are located. A few adult neurons are known to express DCX because they are undergoing a plastic reorganization of their dendritic arbor [Kremer et al. 2013]. The “sporadic” expression observed by Vellema et al. may be related to this dendritic reorganization. If it concerns just a small fraction of neurons, this observation has little significance.

The authors suggest that their observation of DCX expression in BrdU-positive neurons 38 and 60 days after BrdU injections is a major issue especially because the percentage of double-labeled cells decreased only slightly between these two time points in HVC, NCM and area X (their Figure 7A). The total numbers on which these percentages are calculated are not indicated, making it difficult to appreciate the significance of these percentages (the decreases are said to be non-significant but no statistical analysis is presented). If we consider the reported numbers as representative of the entire nuclei, they remain consistent with our previous observations. We found that 10 days after BrdU injections approximately 70% of DCX-positive fusiform cells are BrdU-positive and that this percentage decreases to 30% by 30 days post-injection [Balthazart et al. 2008]. At 30 days, the percentage of round DCX-positive cells increases from 5 to 25%. In addition, the percentage of BrdU-positive cells that express DCX does not decrease between 10 and 30 days post-BrdU injection (73.38±7.57 and 75.37±13.22 % respectively; Balthazart and Ball, unpublished calculations based on results presented in [Balthazart et al. 2008]). Most if not all DCX-positive cells in HVC are thus young neurons labeled by BrdU, even if 100% co-labeling cannot be observed due to limitations of the BrdU method [Barker et al. 2013; Taupin 2007]. The limited decrease between 38 and 60 days in the percentage of BrdU-positive cells that are simultaneously DCX-positive observed by Vellema et al. indicates that the duration of DCX expression in neurons in different parts of the brain should be investigated further. This observation does not, however, invalidate the use of DCX as a marker, since the initial degree of co-labeling in their study is unknown and was likely to differ between groups.

4. Doublecortin expression does not correlate with BrdU labeling equally throughout the brain

In a second analysis of the brains of the same BrdU-injected subjects, Vellema and colleagues estimated in several brain areas the ratio of BrdU-positive to DCX-positive cells by dividing the absolute numbers of these two cell types (their Figure 7B). This ratio decreased from 38 to 60 days (consistent with DCX labeling young neurons!) and varied from one brain region to another (from 12% in HVC to less than 2% in the medial septum and thalamic region DMA), which according to Vellema et al. indicates that DCX cannot predict neurogenesis.

However, the physiological meaning of this ratio is questionable as long as it is based on single-labeled material and estimated from tissue collected 38 or 60 days after the BrdU injections. The BrdU injections label cells only for a few hours after injection [Barker et al. 2013] and only during DNA replication, whereas DCX labels young neurons continuously. It is therefore quite logical that only a small fraction of DCX-positive cells contain BrdU after 38 or 60 days; most of them were born after the injections (or shortly before). In our previous study, we showed that, of the young (fusiform) neurons arriving in HVC 10 days post-injection, 72% contain BrdU, but 20 days later this percentage is already down to 30% [Balthazart et al. 2008]. The low percentages observed here are thus very consistent with our understanding of what DCX and BrdU are measuring in cells.

The differences between brain regions that the authors find surprising are completely expected: the migration, recruitment and survival of new neurons in different brain regions are obviously different and take place over different periods of time. In HVC, for example, one half of the new neurons die within a month [Kirn et al. 1999], and their survival depends on endocrine condition [Kirn et al. 1994; Kirn and Schwabl 1997; Rasika et al. 1994] and possibly social environment, neither of which were described in detail in the paper. The numerator of the BrdU/DCX ratio (number of BrdU-positive cells) is thus expected to differ from one brain area to another. The observations presented in Figure 7B are therefore consistent with the idea that DCX is a reliable marker of neurogenesis.

5. Doublecortin is expressed in adult neurons expressing the immediate early gene egr-1

The authors contend that DCX is expressed in differentiated neurons of the nidopallium, because the DCX-positive cells express the neuronal marker NeuN. One such neuron is illustrated in their figure 6. How frequent is this type of co-labeling? The authors give the figure of 41.3 ± 4.9% for the nidopallium, but what is the basis of this calculation? Percent of all cells? Was cell type considered (fusiform or round or both together)? How many birds and how many sections were investigated? Is this observation specific to the nidopallium, or can a similar observation be made in other brain areas? Contrary to what is stated in the Vellema paper, NeuN is not exclusively an adult neuron marker, at least in mammals. In the mammalian brain new neurons begin expressing NeuN before they stop expressing DCX [Kempermann et al. 2004][Ernst et al. 2014]. If the same is true in canaries, it would not be surprising to find the degree of colocalization observed by Vellema and colleagues.

These authors report that DCX is expressed in physiologically active neurons, as indicated by the expression of the immediate early gene egr-1. Once again, this observation raises several questions: Was this co-localization specific to the auditory regions (NCM)? What percentage of cells exhibited this pattern of double-labeling? What was/were the stimulus(i) that induced this expression? Young developing DCX-positive neurons must synthesize a large number of proteins during their differentiation, and it is quite possible that transcription of the corresponding genes is controlled by the immediate early gene egr-1. Some of these proteins may be necessary for neuronal maturation, since in mice inactivation of the egr-1 gene results in alterations of the neurogenesis process [Veyrac et al. 2013]. In the absence of experimental data demonstrating that egr-1 expression in DCX-positive cells in NCM correlates with neuronal activation by species-specific auditory stimuli, it is difficult to assign a specific meaning to the observation that some DCX-positive cells express egr-1.

6. Doublecortin is expressed in differentiated projection neurons

Finally, Vellema et al. (2014) report that DCX is expressed in neurons that have established functional connectivity and have, therefore, presumably been mature for a significant period of time. In three birds the authors labeled some DCX-expressing neurons in HVC by injecting a retrograde tracer into the target nucleus robustus arcopallialis (RA), but not into area X. These data are consistent with DCX being a marker of new neurons, since RA-projecting neurons in HVC are replaced in adulthood, whereas area X-projecting neurons are not.

Furthermore, based on available H3-thymidine or BrdU experiments, it seems that the HVC to RA connections form around two weeks after neurons become post-mitotic and full connectivity is achieved within a month [Kirn et al. 1999]. It is therefore no surprise that some DCX positive neurons in HVC could be retrogradely labeled from RA since DCX is still expressed one to two months after neurons become post-mitotic.


Based on these arguments, we see no reason to abandon DCX as a proxy for neurogenesis in the HVC of canaries and possibly in other neurogenic zones of the songbird brain. The Vellema et al. (2014) report contains interesting results and draws attention to the fact that a marker for a given cell type must always be considered with due caution. We certainly agree that reminding investigators in a particular field of the pitfalls of a particular technique is valuable. However, such critiques should be put in the broader context of the methods available to address a particular question. The fact that there are limitations to a particular method is true for markers of cell lineages (e.g. neurons vs. glia) as well as for markers of the cell cycling stage (e.g., Ki67). DCX as a marker of young new neurons is no exception, but DCX also has major advantages, including the fact that this marker provides an integrated view of the neuronal proliferation during the last few weeks before brain collection, that the separate analysis of fusiform and round cells provides information of cellular events that happened during two different time periods, and that it requires no injections of exogenous proliferation markers (e.g., BrdU), which may be impossible in some species and some situations. We urge scientists to consider the paper of Vellema and colleagues cautiously and to refrain from abandoning a very useful research tool.


This work was supported by an NIH/NINDS RO1 35467 and an Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP) grant number SSTC PAI P7/17 from the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) to JB and GFB.


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Doublecortin is a highly valuable endogenous marker of adult neurogenesis in canaries (2024)


What is Doublecortin a marker for? ›

Indeed, DCX expression has become a widely accepted marker for young neurons as they emerge from the cell division cycle. The major mode of DCX action is thought to involve regulation of the stability and bundling of microtubules.

What is the marker of adult neurogenesis? ›

Markers that are currently widely used for the investigation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis are: glial fibrillary acidic protein, nestin, Pax6, NeuroD, PSA-NCAM, doublecortin, TUC-4, Tuj-1, and calretinin.

What is the function of the doublecortin protein? ›

Doublecortin (DCX) is required for normal migration of neurons into the cerebral cortex, since mutations in the human gene cause a disruption of cortical neuronal migration.

What is adult neurogenesis in songbirds? ›

Studies in songbirds were among the first to show that new neurons can be incorporated into functional circuits in the adult vertebrate brain. These birds continue to be a productive model for the study of adult neurogenesis.

What is the best marker for neurogenesis? ›

Neurogenesis Markers

Neurogenesis begins with a GFAP+Nestin+BLBP+SOX2+ stem cell progenitor, called type 1 cells. These cells develop into type 2 cells, a rapidly proliferative cell type that downregulates SOX2 and upregulates EOMES (TBR2), PROX1, NEUROD, NCAM1, and DCX.

What are doublecortin positive cells? ›

We hypothesize that these DCX-positive cells in vivo have a role in cortical plasticity and brain reaction to injury. Moreover, in vitro these DCX-positive cells have the potential to reacquire progenitor characteristics that confirm their potential for brain repair.

Is too much neurogenesis bad? ›

Increasing neurogenesis may not always be beneficial in the context of pathology. New neurons may not develop, migrate, or integrate correctly, as in animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy.

How can I improve my adult neurogenesis? ›

Factors that encourage neurogenesis include:
  1. Learning new skills.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Sex.
  4. Intermittent fasting.
  5. Calorie restriction.
  6. Caffeine.
  7. Resveratrol (found in red wine)
  8. Curcumin (found in turmeric)
May 23, 2021

What diseases have adult neurogenesis? ›

Impaired adult neurogenesis in neurodegenerative diseases indicates that in addition to losing existing neurons, the adult brain's endogenous capacity for cell renewal and the putative function of these new neurons is compromised or lost.

What happens during neurogenesis? ›

Neurogenesis is the formation of neurons de novo—the hallmark of a developing brain. In an adult animal brain, neurogenesis is said to occur in the lateral subventricular zone (SVZ) and the DG of the hippocampus (Figure 1).

Where is doublecortin expressed? ›

5. Doublecortin is expressed in adult neurons expressing the immediate early gene egr-1. The authors contend that DCX is expressed in differentiated neurons of the nidopallium, because the DCX-positive cells express the neuronal marker NeuN. One such neuron is illustrated in their figure 6.

What is the name of the doublecortin gene? ›

Doublecortin (DCX) is one of the three genes found from Affymetrix gene chip analysis related to glioma patient survival. During development of the cerebral cortex DCX is expressed in both pyramidal and non-pyramidal migrating cells, as well as in Cajal-Retzius cells.

How do you grow neurogenesis? ›

So activity impacts on neurogenesis, but that's not all. What you eat will have an effect on the production of new neuron in the hippocampus. So calorie restriction of 20 to 30% will increase neurogenesis. Intermittent fasting - so spacing the time between your meal - will increase neurogenesis.

Which bird can regenerate its brain cells? ›

Proving that canaries can grow new brain cells

Nottebohm and his team discovered large numbers of radioactive cells, many of which were nerve cells – new nerve cells were being made at an astonishing rate.

How does adult neurogenesis work? ›

Adult neurogenesis, a process of generating functional neurons from adult neural precursors, occurs throughout life in restricted brain regions in mammals. The past decade has witnessed tremendous progress in addressing questions related to almost every aspect of adult neurogenesis in the mammalian brain.

What is the marker for GABAergic cells? ›


GAD2 encodes the islet cell specific (65 kDa) form of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), a prevalent autoantigen in T1D. GAD65 appears to be localized in nerve terminals and responds to short-term changes in demand for transmitter GABA. GAD65 is considered an excellent marker for GABAergic neurons.

What is the marker for serotonin cells? ›

TPH2. Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) is an isozyme of tryptophan hydroxylase which is primarily expressed in the serotonergic neurons of the brain, with the highest expression in the raphe nucleus of the midbrain.

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