Does Chlorination Promote Antimicrobial Resistance in Waterborne Pathogens? Mechanistic Insight into Co-Resistance and Its Implication for Public Health (2024)

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Does Chlorination Promote Antimicrobial Resistance in Waterborne Pathogens? Mechanistic Insight into Co-Resistance and Its Implication for Public Health (2024)


Does Chlorination Promote Antimicrobial Resistance in Waterborne Pathogens? Mechanistic Insight into Co-Resistance and Its Implication for Public Health? ›

While chlorine has been effective in reducing outbreaks of waterborne diseases, the molecular mechanisms underlining its roles in promoting the evolution and spread of resistance remain a grey area, with its attendant ecological and public health implications.

What is the antimicrobial mechanism of chlorine? ›

Antimicrobial mechanism of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is determined by oxidation ability and action site. ClO2 stimulates plant innate immunity. ClO2 maintains horticultural produce quality in postharvest management applications. ClO2 is a potential controlled release agent in antimicrobial packaging.

How can the public be protected against chlorine-resistant pathogens? ›

Inactivation technology of chlorine-resistant bacteria

At present, researches on inactivation technologies for chlorine-resistant bacteria mainly include chemical disinfectant inactivation, physical disinfection method inactivation, and combined disinfection process inactivation.

What general types of pathogens are most resistant to chlorination? ›

protozoa, such as cryptosporidium (which causes diarrhea), and giardia, also known for its severe gastrointestinal effects. Some of these pathogens are highly resistant to chlorine and can survive for days in typical chlorine concentrations; and. hepatitis A and noroviruses.

Does chlorine affect antibiotics? ›

Exposure to chlorine can stimulate the expression of efflux pumps and drug resistance operons, as well as induce mutations in certain genes, leading to increased antibiotic resistance [16].

What is the mechanism of action of chlorination? ›

Chlorine kills pathogens such as bacteria and viruses by breaking the chemical bonds in their molecules. Disinfectants that are used for this purpose consist of chlorine compounds which can exchange atoms with other compounds, such as enzymes in bacteria and other cells.

Which bacteria is resistant to chlorination? ›

Among them, Bacillus, Mycobacterium and Tsukamurella are the more common genera of chlorine-resistant bacteria at present.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of chlorination? ›

Chlorination is the most commonly used disinfection process to pretreat the water to reduce biofouling. Although chlorination is widely used, it has several disadvantages, such as formation of disinfection by-products and being ineffective against some types of microbes.

Does chlorination remove pathogens? ›

Chlorination is the process of adding chlorine to drinking water to kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Different processes can be used to achieve safe levels of chlorine in drinking water.

Is chlorination the most common means of disinfection used today to protect the public's health? ›

The most common method of disinfection is through the addition of chlorine to drinking water supplies. Chlorine effectively kills waterborne bacteria and viruses and continues to keep the water safe as it travels from the treatment plant to the consumer's tap.

What is the most resistant to antimicrobial agents? ›

Important examples of antimicrobial resistance strains of bacteria are: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) multi-drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB)

What disease does chlorination reduce? ›

Many public water systems add chlorine (a process known as "chlorination") to their water supply for the purpose of disinfection. Disinfection kills or inactivates harmful microorganisms which can cause illnesses such as typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and giardiasis.

What organisms have the greatest resistance to chlorine? ›

The most resistant microorganisms were able to survive a 2-min exposure to 10 mg of free chlorine per liter. These included gram-positive spore-forming bacilli, actinomycetes, and some micrococci.

Can bacteria grow in chlorinated water? ›

While it can kill most bacteria in less than a minute, other germs are more chlorine-tolerant. For instance, one of the common causes of recreational water diarrheal illness, Crypto, can survive as long as 10 days in a properly chlorinated pool.

Can chlorine weaken your immune system? ›

The disinfectant properties of chlorine can affect our body's natural balance of good and bad bacteria, known as the microbiome. This disruption may lead to digestive issues and a weakened immune system.

Is chlorine an antimicrobial agent? ›

Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful disinfectant that disrupts protein synthesis and cell membranes and a strong antioxidant that inhibits microbial growth. ClO2 has demonstrated antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties in vitro.

What is the action of chlorine on microbes? ›

Chlorination is one of the most widely used processes for microbial control (5) in both drinking water and wastewater processing (16). Chlorine is a powerful antimicrobial substance due to its potential oxidizing capacity.

What is the reaction mechanism of chlorine? ›

A chlorine molecule absorbs energy, from either ultraviolet light or high temperatures, and the Cl─Cl bond breaks hom*olytically to give two chlorine atoms. They are electron-deficient, highly reactive radicals. This step starts the reaction and is called the initiation step.

What type of mechanism is chlorination? ›

The mechanism involves a chain reaction. During a chain reaction, for every reactive species you start off with, a new one is generated at the end - and this keeps the process going. The over-all process is known as free radical substitution, or as a free radical chain reaction.

What is the primary mechanism of action of chlorine on microbial cells? ›

The primary mechanism of action for halogens such as chlorine or iodine against microbial cells involves disruption of cellular processes through protein denaturation and alteration of cellular components.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.