Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (2024)

The IBM Data Science Professional Certificate is one of many stepping stones on my journey to become a data scientist. This certificate program is comprised of 9 courses, taking the student from the basics of data science through to creating their own unique capstone project. It is a well-established, well-crafted online education program that has been around for many years, with 234,952 enrollees in Course #1 at the time this article was written (interestingly only 67,533 enrollees in Course #9…quite a drop off, perhaps that speaks to the program difficulty).

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (1)

This certification is a great starting point for a career shift into data science. I highly recommend it to either beginners or intermediate level folks. Beginners receive a broad overview of the fundamentals of data science. Intermediate students will appreciate the capstone project for the experience gained by coming up with your own project, sourcing your own data, and writing your own code. An added bonus is kickstarting your portfolio with a mandatory GitHub account, writing a research paper, and writing a blog article. Curious students wondering whether a data science career might be a good fit will know if they make it to the end, and especially if they enjoy the last two courses.

How Much Money Does the Certificate Cost?

The course is free if you can complete it in 7 days, else $42 per month through to completion. Unless you can focus 10+ hours per day, you probably won’t complete it within the 7-day window unless you cut a lot of corners and short-change yourself of the full learning opportunity.

How Much Time Does the Certificate Take?

It took me 106 hours across 17 days working evenings and weekends. The course documentation indicates that on average a person takes 195 hours and up to 10 months to complete the program (6 weeks for the capstone course alone).

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (2)

My actual hours per course are listed in Figure 2. One caveat, I just went through an intense year completing a graduate degree in data science and consequently moved pretty fast thru the course material and labs; so adjust your expectations accordingly. Also note that for courses 1 thru 8, I went 2x to 4x faster than most students, but then dropped to 2x slower for capstone project #9. This was intentional as I planned on using the capstone to kick-start my project portfolio and wanted to really understand the material and polish off the artifacts (Jupyter Notebook code, PDF research paper, and PPT presentation).

Is the Certificate Worth the Time and Money?

Absolutely! You cover a lot of material and get to practice your data science skills throughout the program. In the Capstone course you get to heavily exercise what you’ve learned. The capstone also requires that you start a portfolio in GitHub…something I’d been putting off, but am very happy I had to complete (my GitHub). The capstone also requires that you write a blog or create a presentation summarizing your findings. Although I went with the PowerPoint / PDF presentation to complete the certificate faster, I understand the benefits of publishing articles and writing blogs…so here I am, one week later, freshly signed-up on Medium and writing my first article/blog.

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (3)

If you need more proof, this certificate is frequently rated in the top 8 to 20 data science certificates: here, here, here, here, and here. Completing this certificate will give you an extra edge, setting you apart from the competition that does not put in extra time sharpening their skills. The capstone course in particular gives you direct experience with real world data and tools that you could turn right around tomorrow and use in your job as a data scientist on a similar project.

What Social Media Badges are Awarded?

IBM offers pretty badges (Figure 3) for each individual course through Acclaim (by Credly). These are digitally verifiable and publicly accessible. Click my Acclaim link to see and example of how they work.

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (4)

Coursera provides the final certificate (Figure 4) representing completion of the whole program. Although not as pretty as the individual IBM course badges, this certificate is the one you should post on social media. (Astute readers will wonder about the pretty IBM Certificate badge displayed above in Figure 1— it came from Google search, not Coursera…I suspect it is from the $400 sister-EdX IBM certificate.)
Click my certificate below to see what the details look like, and notice that as this article ages, the certificate ages just fine along with it. I prefer not to do certificates that expire unless it is a job requirement.

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (5)

What Should be Posted to LinkedIn?

I happen to have a strong opinion on how to properly post ongoing certifications to LinkedIn. I believe it is best to post a single overarching certificate representing the program, or the single final or single highest-ranking badge in the series (Figure 5). It is NOT a good idea to dilute your certification section by posting each individual course badge. I also like to emphasize the level of effort behind the certification by including the count of courses or exams and the actual number of hours it took me to complete.

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (6)

This sets my certifications apart from the pack who either have no certifications, or alternatively who litter the section with 20+ little five hour courses. Of course, there is an exception…if you only have one or two individual 5 hour course badges completed then it would be a good idea to post those for now, and replace them later with the final certification when that is completed.
Click my LinkedIn page for an example of good Certification posts.
That all said, it is important to still post each of those individual courses so that resume crawlers, google, etc. is aware. I prefer posting them in the “Accomplishments” section, specifically in the “Test Scores” sub section because when a viewer expands it, they will see each credential’s URL. Nowhere near as nice as links in the credentials section where you can easily click them, but still the right decision to maintain message control by showing only the highest priority certifications in that section.

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (7)
Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (8)

Are there Better Certifications Available?

Sure. Harvard and MIT both have statistics and data science certificates out on EdX, as does Johns Hopkins on Coursera. Several excellent Python/R/Statistics focused certifications exist at Duke University, the University of Michigan, the University of Washington, and other large institutions. I plan on taking many of them.

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (9)

To me, the point is NOT which is certificate is better or worse. Instead, the objective is to hit the material from a diverse set of perspectives, each reinforcing the last. Example, I just completed a graduate degree on this subject and yet was still able to take away many new ideas, new tools, and new techniques from this certification…especially from the capstone. The learning never ends, you just see more approaches more clearly and can execute faster over time. So, I suggest viewing this certification not as better or worse than others, but more as a great starting point on a long journey for those who already have a solid foundation in math or statistics or data analysis or software development. If you have no related experience at all, then there are simpler certifications with fewer courses than this from which you might better start. Likewise, there are courses and certifications that are much more advanced and should follow this one.

How are the Courses Graded?

Quizzes are automatically and instantly graded. You typically have 5 to 10 multiple choice questions from the course material. There are generally some difficult questions mixed in where you really need to understand the specifics to get it right. You either pass and move on, or fail and must retry. If you fail, Coursera will show you the pass / fail status of each question, but not necessarily the answers. At this point, you should go re-review the labs and videos before attempting a re-test. If you fail the test a 3rd time then that’s it, you’re done and cannot re-attempt it for 8 hours (when you fail the 2nd time, a warning pops up underscoring the importance of slowing down, studying and getting it right). Each re-test will have different variations of the questions and sometimes even completely different questions are asked. Take the quizzes seriously and make sure you understand the material.

Projects are “peer-graded”, meaning that other students currently taking the same course at the same time as you are required to review and grade at least one other student’s material. A detailed rubric is provided walking each student-grader through what is expected. From Coursera: “Reviewing another student’s work is a valuable way to learn. Providing quality feedback is a useful skill to master.” They recommend using a polite and positive tone when providing critical feedback, and to remember that English is not everyone’s native language (look past grammar and typos at intent and understanding). The screenshot provides one of many rubric grading points that helps you walk thru the grading process.

How has the Material Stood Up Over Time?

The answer is a mix of good and bad. The core concepts are all building blocks of Data Science and have held up fine and will continue to do so for a long time to come. That said, as with most technology-specific how-to’s, they age out. Some of these courses are no different. I had to do some reading between the lines to work through incorrect documentation on projects. Although occasionally frustrating, think of it as a simulation of how the real-world works where you frequently get handed a broken widget or process or code and need to “go make it work.”
A former professor of mine was once asked, “why is the documentation so sparse and some of the labs outdated and broken? That makes things much more difficult and time consuming than it otherwise could be.” His response has stuck with me. It was something like “This is a graduate level course. Your job is not just to find the answers, but to also figure out the right questions to arrive at the best answers”. So, although frustrating, it is best to accept it and realize other students are working through the incorrect documentation and successfully completing the labs, projects, courses, and certificate. Also remember that in the real world, you’re paid to solve problems, not complain about them. I know, harsh…but it’s a good reality check on yourself from time to time.

…in the real world, you’re paid to solve problems, not complain about them.

In Conclusion, this certificate is well worth the time, effort, and minimal cost. I highly recommend it if you are on a path to becoming a data scientist.

I hope these observations and opinions were helpful. If so, hit me up on LinkedIn or subscribe to my fledgling YouTube channel at DataResearchLabs.

If you’d rather watch this on YouTube:

Coursera “IBM Data Science Professional Certificate” Review (2024)


Is IBM data science professional certificate enough? ›

The IBM Data Science Professional Certificate program is a great way to prepare for a career in data science. But its biggest advantage is that you pay just a margin of the cost compared to traditional education.

How good is the IBM data science course on Coursera? ›

IBM Data Science Professional Certificate is one of the best online courses that will give you the most needed skills to get started, and it doesn't require any skills to get started your journey in his field, so let's discuss more this course and what you will learn when enrolling in this program.

Can I complete IBM data science professional certificate in a month? ›

According to the FAQ, “The Professional Certificate requires completion of 9 courses. Each course typically contains 3-6 modules with an average effort of 2 to 4 hours per module. If learning part-time (e.g. 1 module per week), it would take 6 to 12 months to complete the entire certificate.

Is Coursera IBM certificate valuable? ›

Besides learning the theory of data analytics, students will learn how to perform data analysis with Python and SQL. More than 100K students have already enrolled for the course and it's one of the best Coursera certificates worth pursuing.

Is IBM certificate enough to get a job? ›

33% said earning their IBM Data Science Professional Certificate helped them get a job.

Are IBM certifications recognized? ›

IBM skills are recognized and valued around the world, so having an effective way to easily share your knowledge and expertise with your professional network is essential for your career growth.

Are Coursera certificates respected? ›

With Coursera certificates, they are widely recognized and are just as valuable as a college certificate or degree. You can add them to your resume just like you would any college qualifications.

Are Coursera data science certificates worth it? ›

To become a data scientist, or to get any job in data science, it is a good idea to get a data science certification. A certification (or certificate) will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed as a data scientist.

How much can you earn with IBM data science professional certificate? ›

The average IBM Data Scientist salary is $139k per year, which is 15% above the national average. The range typically falls between $127,788 and $162,846. This salary includes a $129k base and a $10k bonus.

Can I get a data science job with just a certificate? ›

A data science certificate alone won't land you a job—but it will help you build the hands-on experience and professional portfolio you need to be considered for a data science role.

Is 3 months enough for data science? ›

In conclusion, I would say that it is hard to become a Data Scientist, especially in three months. This is because: Some Bootcamp is not qualified enough to teach you the necessary data science skills. Not every student are talented enough to catch up with the learning material in a short time.

Do IBM certifications expire? ›

3. Do IBM certifications expire? Data science and machine learning certificates issued by IBM have no expiration.

Is Coursera certificate enough to get a job? ›

A straightforward answer to this, Yes. The Coursera certificate adds value to your resume and will help you if you are looking for a promotion or job change. Coursera offers great courses from top educators and top universities that can help you get a job if you are an individual.

Does working at IBM look good on resume? ›

Great for the resume, as IBM is a pretty well respected company. My coworkers have left for great tech companies and top 5 business schools. Good benefits (but getting worse). Hard to get recognition for good work.

Do companies hire people with certificates? ›

Certificates Can Help Make Up for a Lack of Experience

If you're applying for new jobs, look at your resume like a hiring manager would. In some cases, adding a professional certificate could make up for a lack of real-life experience.

Is it hard to get a job with IBM? ›

Yes, it is hard to get a job at IBM. The company is known to have an extremely rigorous hiring process, with four interview rounds lasting one hour each. The difficulty rating for the interview process at IBM is rated 2.9 out of five. Their above-average salaries also make it relatively difficult to get a job at IBM.

Which IBM data science certification is best? ›

5 Best Data and Cloud Certifications from IBM on Coursera
  • IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate. ...
  • IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate. ...
  • IBM Data Science Professional Certificate. ...
  • IBM Full Stack Cloud Developer Professional Certificate. ...
  • Applied Data Science with R Specialization.

How valuable is IBM certification? ›

The IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate is worth it. Made for data analytics beginners, the certification is worth buying for its high-quality learning resources and interactive exercises on popular data analytics software, all for an affordable cost of only USD$39/month.

Do IBM badges mean anything? ›

The badge is issued to your with the specific purpose of identifying you and providing access for you. It is the property of the Company, to be surrendered when you leave, and not to be used for any personal reasons.

Do employers verify Coursera certificates? ›

Some employers may recognize Coursera certificates, while others may not. Ultimately, it is up to the employer to decide whether or not they want to recognize a Coursera certificate.

Should I put Coursera on my resume? ›

Add Coursera professional certificates to your resume

A relevant certification has the potential to improve your job prospects. As you are thinking about your next big career shift, you might consider obtaining a professional certificate through Coursera.

Is Coursera certificate valid in USA? ›

Coursera is a recognised website and has good courses. The courses are valid across the Globe.

Is Coursera certificate hard copy? ›

coursera don't provide printed certificate you can save your certificate as pdf and print it by yourself .

Do Coursera Google certificates matter? ›

Google also offers access to career resources like coaching sessions, mock interviews, and a resume builder tool to help students. Like most Coursera courses, Google Career Certificates are not comparable to business school degree programs. You won't get the same immersive experience, network, or boost to your CV.

Is IBM data science course good for beginners? ›

By the end of this course, you'll feel comfortable creating basic programs, working with data, and automating real-world tasks using Python. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Data Science, Data Analytics, Software Development, Data Engineering, AI, and DevOps as well as a number of other job roles.

What is the highest paying job at IBM? ›

Highest Paying Jobs At IBM
RankJob TitleAverage IBM Salary
1Account Executive$134,367
2Management Consultant$104,647
3Solutions Architect$102,673
4Information Technology Architect$101,863
16 more rows

What is the highest salary in IBM? ›

What is the highest salary in IBM? The highest-paying job at IBM is a Client Partner with a salary of ₹96.0 Lakhs per year. The top 10% of employees earn more than ₹20 lakhs per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping ₹37.26 lakhs per year.

Can I become a data scientist with no experience? ›

Ideally, you need higher education in Data Analysis or a related field, like Statistics, Computer Science, or Information Technology. Alternatively, you can take an online certification course. If you're not sure where to start, take a look at the 365 Data Analyst Career Track.

What is a data scientist salary? ›

Despite a recent influx of early-career professionals, the median starting salary for a data scientist remains high at $95,000. Mid-level data scientist salary. The median salary for a mid-level data scientist is $130,000. If this data scientist is also in a managerial role, the median salary rises to $195,000.

Which online certification is best for data science? ›

In summary, here are 10 of our most popular data science certificate courses
  • IBM Data Science: IBM Skills Network.
  • Google Data Analytics: Google.
  • Applied Data Science with Python: University of Michigan.
  • Introduction to Data Science: IBM Skills Network.
  • Machine Learning for All: University of London.

Is 30 too old to become a data scientist? ›

So despite industry ageism, a recent study by Zippia showed that the average age of data analysts in the U.S. is 43 years old. This takes us back to our titular question: are you too old to start a new career in data analytics? The short answer, in our opinion, is no.

Is 30 too old to get into data science? ›

It's never too late to become a data scientist - as long as you've got the right skills and determination, you can become a data scientist at any age. Assuming you have the skillset, there isn't an age limit - even if you're starting from scratch with a degree.

Is 30 too late for data science? ›

You are not late to learn data science. It is not an easy task to learn data science and find your first job.

Does IBM pay for certifications? ›

The You Pass We Pay Program is an offering from IBM and is designed to help your company build IBM product skills by reimbursing some or all of your tuition and test fees when you achieve eligible certifications on selected Software products.

How long do people stay at IBM? ›

13% of IBM employees are Hispanic or Latino. The average employee at IBM makes $86,845 per year. IBM employees are most likely to be members of the democratic party. On average, employees at IBM stay with the company for 7.1 years.

Do expired certifications matter? ›

It is not acceptable to list old or expired certifications on a resume. If you have a certain certificate from a course or license from a degree etc. that has a possible expiry date, it is vital that you renew your certification before this date in order to include it on your resume.

Can I actually get a job with Coursera? ›

Coursera does not provide or guarantee job placement. So, take specializations and certificate programs that help you hone the skills you intend to showcase to employees. No, you can't get a job by simply taking a single Coursera course but you may be able to get a job by completing a professional certificate program.

Do universities look at Coursera certificates? ›

No, universities do not accept Coursera because Coursera certificates are not on a college transcript. If you are missing courses, you have two options: take the courses as an NDO (non degree option) or in a Graduate Certificate at the university you want to do your master's.

Is it worth getting a data science professional certificate? ›

The short answer is yes. As is demonstrated by the stories of our certified learners, becoming a certified data scientist gives you: An advantage over other candidates. Proof of your data science skills, whether you're transitioning from another profession or completely new to data science.

Is IBM Data Analytics Professional Certificate worth it? ›

The IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate is worth it. Made for data analytics beginners, the certification is worth buying for its high-quality learning resources and interactive exercises on popular data analytics software, all for an affordable cost of only USD$39/month.

Can you become a data scientist with just a certificate? ›

Earning a professional certification is not required for becoming a data scientist, but it can help you prove your skills to potential employers. Get entry-level professional experience. Apply for jobs like data analyst, data engineer, and market research analyst.

Are Coursera data science certificates worth IT? ›

To become a data scientist, or to get any job in data science, it is a good idea to get a data science certification. A certification (or certificate) will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed as a data scientist.

How much is Coursera IBM data science Professional Certificate? ›

How much does the certificate cost? The IBM Data Analytics Professional Certificate is accessed through the Coursera online learning platform which has a $39 (USD) monthly subscription fee.

How to become a data scientist in 3 months? ›

Let's look at each of these in detail.
  1. Python/R Programming. Python is a popular programming language and a basic part of the data science skillset. ...
  2. Statistics & Linear Algebra. ...
  3. Numpy, Panda, & Matplotlib. ...
  4. Machine Learning. ...
  5. Production systems.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.