Claymore (2024)

Claymore (1)

For other uses, see Claymore (disambiguation).
Claymore (2)

Claymores are the titular characters of the series. Named after the Great swords they wield, they are half-human, half-Yoma hybrid warriors of the Organization. Normally, Claymores don't call each other by the name "Claymore"; instead, the humans gave them this name, alternatively referring to them as "silver-eyed witches/slayers."[1]


  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Description
  • 3 Biology, appearance and characteristics
    • 3.1 Creation
    • 3.2 Appearance/Physical Traits
  • 4 Training
  • 5 Eyes
  • 6 Uniforms
  • 7 Symbols
  • 8 Lifestyle
  • 9 Abilities
  • 10 Ranks
  • 11 Names
  • 12 Combat Types
    • 12.1 Defensive Type
    • 12.2 Offensive
  • 13 List of Claymores
    • 13.1 Canon
    • 13.2 Non-Canon List of Claymores
  • 14 Trivia
  • 15 References


"Claymore" is a transliteration of the Japanese series title, "Kureimoa" (クレイモア, pronounced "kray-mor"). "Claymore" is derived from the Scottish-Gaelic claidheamh mór, meaning "great sword." Claidheamh mór can be pronounced "cleiv-more."

The term "Claymore" is only used by civilians to refer to human-Yoma hybrid warriors and the organization they serve. In fact, the Organization has no name.[2] Claymores usually refer to themselves and each other as "warriors" or "comrades."[3]


Claymores generally outclass ordinary Yoma, despite being only half-Yoma themselves. In particular, Claymores are far faster than most Yoma, moving before the Yoma can react.[2] Even Clare, the weakest Claymore (at the time), dispatched five Yoma at once with minimal effort.[4] Claymores receive extensive combat training from the Organization, and a dangerous final exam ensures that only the most competent trainees become fully-fledged warriors.[5]

Standard Claymore abilities include heightened physical strength, speed, durability and regeneration, limited shapeshifting and the ability to detect Yoma and other Claymores by sensing their Yoki. To further enhance these abilities, they access the powers of their Yoma half, releasing their Yoki. In most cases, a Claymore will lose her human mind and become a super-predator called an Awakened Being if the amount of Yoki she releases exceeds a certain limit. This process is known as "Awakening". However, there are exceptions to this rule and certain Claymores are able to temporarily go over their limits and then revert back to their original forms. Unfortunately, all Claymores will eventually succumb to their Yoma sides and Awaken due to the extreme toll that Yoki release has on the human mind and spirit. To, hopefully, prevent this from happening, a Claymore will send a black card marked with her personal symbol to another Claymore of her choice, usually a trusted friend, when her Awakening draws near so that she can die as a human before the process is completed and she becomes an Awakened Being. Presumably. the Organization taught this to warriors in order to save unnecessary bloodshed from having a powerful and troublesome yoma on the loose.

Biology, appearance and characteristics[]


All current Claymores are female. Originally, male warriors were also created. The Organization had no qualms over their strength, but they were found to be more prone to awakening due to their inability to resist the urge, as the Awakening process brings sensations akin to sexual pleasure.

The Organization takes in young girls, typically orphans, abandoned children, and survivors of Yoma attacks - though they may also purchase them from their families or villages if they possess a desirable quality - and embed Yoma flesh and blood into their bodies through an incision made from the throat to the mons pubis. This incision never heals. The incision is held together through a series of stitches throughout the life of the claymore. The transformation is extremely painful, as long as the transplant does not adapt to the human body. Side effects include loss of pigment in the hair, skin and eyes, resulting in all Claymores having silver eyes, pale unblemished skin and light to silvery blonde hair. A few also develop pointed, elf-like ears. It may also be possible that hair growth is stemmed after the creation of a claymore, as suggested in chapter 77.2 (volume 14) where Clare has her hair intentionally cut off in order to slay a yoma with her hair resembling her modern appearance afterward, although Irene's hair seemed longer after her desertion from the Organization.

The only known exception is Clare, who took Teresa's flesh and blood inside her in order to become a Claymore and take revenge on Priscilla. Thus, many Claymores have a personal vendetta against Yoma and throughout the series, stories are told of the horrors experienced by these young survivors, most notably Deneve and Priscilla. Some, such as in the cases of Clare and Ophelia, seek revenge against specific Yoma or Awakened Beings.

Appearance/Physical Traits[]

Claymores tend to be slender, elegant, shapely, and taller than average, with most females being around mid/late teens to early/mid twenties and 170 to 180 cm (approximately 5 ft 6 in to 5 ft 11 in) in height (from Claymore Databooks 1, 2, and 3). They appear fully human, save for their silver eyes, fairly pale skin and unusually light-colored hair. Certain individuals may have elf-like ears, such as Irene, Ophelia, Queenie and Cassandra. The most common hair colors are varying shades of blonde or very light brown; silvery-white is also occasionally seen. Some like Clarice may retain noticeable traces of their natural hair color; however, this is due to faulty hybridization, which also results in a lack of power. These individuals are considered "failed creations," and thus, darker hair is looked down upon.

Claymores can survive on minimal amounts of food, needing only to consume a very small portion once every couple of days, and can easily go a week without water or nourishment. This loss of appetite appears to be a result of taking in Yoma flesh; Yoma are capable of staving off hunger for up to two weeks on end.

Upon reaching adulthood, Claymores cease to age, maintaining lifelong youth.

Claymore (3)

A Claymore's upper body also bears a stigma, a hideous deformation appearing as a vertical incision extending from the neck all the way down to the groin. Although Claymores have extraordinary regenerative abilities, this particular wound does not heal, and can only be crudely sewn shut to prevent organs from spilling out. Deneve explains that numerous other methods have been proposed, but all have proven futile.[6] The area where the stigma is present may be a weak spot, as Yoma and Awakened Beings seem to aim for the belly when attacking, and in the latter's case, use it as a torture hot-spot. Humans typically find the stigma frightening; early in the "Teresa of the Faint Smile" arc, Teresa scares away a gang of rapacious bandits by exposing the front of her torso,[7] but Clare later hugs the stigma to show her love for Teresa.[8]

Awakened Beings do not appear to bear stigmas, possibly because the Yoma has fully integrated with the Claymores's body as opposed to being grafted to it.


Claymores receive extensive training from the Organization before becoming warriors. They are generally implanted with Yoma flesh as young girls (as teens or preteens), and train for at least a year. They initially train with ordinary (lighter) swords,[5] before moving on to using "practice Claymores" (which are blunted to avoid injury).[9]

Claymores are also trained in other skills, including covert operations. Although most Claymores are naturally cold, brusque, and somewhat inhuman, they can pretend to be ordinary women (e.g. aristocrats or prostitutes) when necessary.[10]

Eventually, trainees are subjected to a final exam. Trainees are told that the test is a group fight between two teams of five, and that members of the winning team will be promoted to warriors. However, a Yoma is secretly released in the testing area; the true test is to kill the Yoma. The test has a high fatality rate; during Clare's test, seemingly only two out of ten trainees survived.[5]


Claymores' eyes are the most prominent trait that sets them apart from regular humans. The irises are typically silver in color (Claymores are sometimes called "silver-eyed witches") and maintain the normal round pupils of human eyes. When at least 10% of a Claymore's yoki is released, the color shifts to gold and the pupils take on the vertical-slit shape characteristic of Yoma.[1][2] Yoki suppression pills are used to temporarily achieve a natural eye color when disguising among humans.[10]

Claymore (5)

Another example of silver eyes

Claymore (6)

Gold eyes of a Claymore when releasing 10% yoki or more

Claymore (7)

Another example of gold eyes

Claymore (8)

Silver eyes

Claymore (9)

Eyes changing from silver to gold (click for animation)


Claymores wear a very simple uniform consisting of a plain long sleeved shirt and pants. It consists of a white (iron grey during the male period) garments, with a mock-neck dickie marked with the Claymore's symbol near the base of the throat. Over top of this, several pieces of plate armor are worn: shin-high, slightly heeled metal boots (sabatons), large wrist-guards (vambraces), shoulder pieces (pauldrons) and a partial skirt (fauld). Finally, they wear a short white cape, though the Male version of the uniform does not have this feature.

See Also

Certain Claymores may have modifications to their overall uniform to help compensate for unique abilities. Helen, for example, has arm coverings that are made out of a special black material to allow her ease of limb extension. Alicia and Beth both wear completely black uniforms of the same material; because they fight by Awakening, the Organization must provide new uniforms each time they fight.[11]

Claymore (10)

Standard Claymore uniform

Claymore (11)

Special black uniform

Claymore (12)

Isley, Rigardo and Dauf with an older version of the Claymore uniforms


When a Claymore is deemed ready by the Organization, she is given a rank and symbol. Each Claymore's symbol is unique and serves as an identification marker. It appears in white on their uniform at the base of the throat (though not present in the older uniforms from Isley's time), and in red on the Black Card and the forte of the sword.


Despite protecting humans, Claymores are usually feared and shunned due to their incredible powers, their relation to Yoma, and their typically aloof attitudes. Humans often refer to them "silver-eyed witches/slayers" or "monsters."[2] Family members of individuals impersonated by Yoma tend to be banished from villages out of fear that they might be Yoma too, as experienced by Raki and Clare.[12] Claymores are often young girls who suffered this fate or are survivors of villages and towns wiped out by Yoma.

Due to their background, Yoma blood, training, social isolation and harsh lives, Claymores tend to be outwardly cold and emotionless. Claymores live unhappy, lonely lives due to their solitary lifestyle and an inability to enjoy ordinary human pleasures such as food.[13] Some become hot-tempered and aggressive, like Helen or Undine; some suffer from psychological problems and mental instability, most often due to emotional trauma, like Miata; and others, like Ophelia, become homicidal killers who enjoy taking any form of life, more savage than the Yoma they hunt. Generally, companionship with humans is avoided.

Claymores characteristically sleep and rest sitting up, leaning against their swords. Teresa was unable to sleep in a bed.[13]

Claymores take orders from their black-clothed agents, who in turn appear to take orders from a small council of older males.[2] These agents assign missions to Claymores, collect payment for completed tasks, provide necessary equipment,[10] and deliver Black Cards.[14] In essence, the agents handle all aspects of the Organization's operations except for fighting Yoma or Awakened Beings, allowing Claymores to focus entirely on combat.

When a Claymore dies, her sword is used as her grave-marker.[14]


Main article: Abilities of the Yoma body and its Yoki

Claymore warriors possess physical strength, agility, and reflexes far greater than that of an average human being, allowing them to wield their exceedingly heavy claymore swords as both single-handed and two-handed weapons easily, move incredibly fast and perform acrobatic maneuvers with perfect grace.

In addition to this, Claymores possess vast regenerative capabilities and resilience, allowing them to survive injuries like evisceration and multiple stabs to the torso, both of which are fatal if sustained by a human. Any wound that does not kill them usually heals over completely within hours. Defensive-type Claymores, such as Deneve, can even regenerate entire limbs within minutes. These abilities, combined with their intelligence, combat training and weaponry, allow Claymores to fight on par with most Yoma.

Claymores require far less food, water and sleep to survive than normal humans do. They need only consume a small portion once every few days and if required, can go for over a week without any, and usually rest by sticking their swords into the ground and leaning against them rather than lying down as it seems to be the only "comfortable" way they can rest. They are also capable of break down toxins like alcohol at will to avoid drunkenness and, conversely, allow them into their system if they wish to do so. Since Claymores ceased to age once they're matured and never presented any signs of illness or disease, they are biologically immortal by natural causes.[15]

Aside from their physical prowess, perhaps the most well-known ability possessed by Claymores (and the one for which they are most prized by their clients) is their ability to detect the presence of Yoma, even those in human form. This is achieved through the sensing of Yoki, or Yoma energy.

The extent of a Claymore's Yoki-sensing ability is dependent on the individual's skill; specialized Claymores like Galatea, Tabitha and Renee can detect the aura of Yoma from as far as several miles away. In Galatea's case, she can also read others' emotions from that distance as if she were right next to them. A refined form of sensing, utilized by Teresa and Clare, allow certain Claymores to be able to predict the movements of Yoma and other warriors to the point of being able to dodge attacks even before they have been fully executed.

A Claymore's abilities depend on control of Yoki flow to specific parts of the body. Most Claymores use their Yoki to gain strength, speed, and faster healing. At a 10% release, the eyes shift to gold and become cat-like; at 30%, the face distorts also gaining sharp teeth; at 50%, the body distorts, more muscular and color changes; at 80%, the body begins to Awaken and the human mind is overpowered, succumbing to predatory instinct and loss of self-awareness. Despite the theoretical limit being 80%, there have been cases of Claymores surpassing this percentage and successfully reverting back to their human forms; this is known as "partial-Awakening," which causes a permanent increased power and occasional pangs of hunger (Helena initially attributed it to supplementing her excessive Yoki use). It is also possible to temporarily Awaken parts of the body, such as the limbs, instead of the entire body without going over the limit; however, this has been shown to be dangerous and can result in a full Awakening if improperly controlled. Higher-ranking Claymores usually show far greater control of their Yoki, often displaying unique abilities or techniques.


Claymores are given ranks in correspondence to their overall power: Claymore No. 1 is the strongest, while No. 47 is the weakest (and receives a corresponding lack of respect). The number of official Claymores at any time is 47, the number of districts their island home is divided into.


Claymores seem to go by only their first names, with some having nicknames due to a personality trait ("Teresa of the Faint Smile," "Roxanne of Love and Hate"), appearance ("Alicia the Black,"), exceptional physical ability ("Muscular Sophia," "Stormwind Noel," "God's Eye Galatea"), fighting style ("Twin SwordUndine," "Winged Anastasia," "Cassandra the Dust Eater") or special technique ("Quicksword Irene," "Phantom Miria," "Windcutter Flora," "Hysteria the Elegant"). In the "Endless Gravestones" arc, Ophelia expresses a desire to have her own nickname ("RipplingOphelia"), although she was unknowingly dubbed the "Blood Smeared Wicked Witch" by her peers.

Claymore names alone are striking:

Here is a full list of the Claymore epithets (nicknames) as of the end of the Manga

47.87% of the known claymores have Epithets or nicknames:

  1. Teresa "of the Faint Smile"
  2. "Quicksword" Irene
  3. "Muscular/Destructive" Sophia"
  4. "Stormwind" Noel
  5. "Phantom" Miria
  6. "Rippling" (unofficial, coined by Ophelia herself); "Blood Smeared Wicked Witch" (official) Ophelia
  7. "God's Eye" Galatea
  8. "Windcutter" Flora
  9. "Twin Sword" Undine
  10. Alicia/Beth "the Black"
  11. "Winged" Anastasia
  12. "Tracker" Dietrich
  13. "Red Wall" Violet
  14. "Sand Cloud" Abigail
  15. "Beheader" Letitia
  16. Hysteria "the Elegant"
  17. Roxanne "of Love and Hate"
  18. Cassandra "the Dust-Eater"
  19. Sistina "the Divine Oracle"
  20. "Universal" Lutecia
  21. "Heavy-Bladed" Chloe
  22. "Three-Armed" Licht
  23. Riful "of the West"
  24. Isley "the White-Silver King"
  25. Rigaldo "the Silver-Eyed Lion King"
  26. Priscilla "the One-Horned Monster"
  27. "Fresh Blood" Agatha
  28. Europa "the Lazy"
  29. "Wild Horse" Octavia
  30. "Drill Sword" Jean
  31. "Shadow Hunter" Nina
  32. "Blood Eye (or Soul Link)" Miata
  33. "The Oracle" Alice or Galatice
  34. "Beautiful Sword" Elizabeth
  35. Luciela "the Failed Experiment of the West"
  36. "One-eyed Warrior" Rafaela
  37. "The Untouchable/Gentle Sword" Audrey
  38. "Strong Sword" Rachel
  39. "The Organization's Trump Card" Raftela
  40. "Twin Sword/Regenerator" Deneve
  41. "Snake Arms" Helen
  42. "Wide Range" Tabitha
  43. "Sword Thrower" Yuma
  44. "Fastest Sword Of All Claymores" Clare
  45. "Color Head / Mud Haired Girl / Mud Head" Clarice

Combat Types[]

There are two main combat types: "defensive" and "offensive." These are qualities inherent to an individual Claymore, not techniques that can be learned. The determination of combat style comes from one's approach to confrontation, either by "protecting oneself in order to survive," or by "killing or defeating the opponent in order to survive." The stronger the desire to live, the more likely the combat style will be defensive. Conversely, a Claymore who most desires destruction of the enemy will more likely be an offensive fighter.

A third, less common typing is "special," only seen in Alicia and Beth, who make extensive use of the Soul Link ability. [16]

Defensive Type[]

While not as physically strong as offensive fighters, defensive types possess remarkable self-healing abilities, and can regrow limbs of equal strength to the originals. Galatea, Veronica, Cynthia, Deneve and Yuma are of this type. Deneve, in particular, is an extreme example of a defensive type Claymore; she is able to regenerate lost limbs and heal from non-fatal injuries within minutes, even during a fight.

While defensive types can heal more quickly and from more serious wounds than their offensive counterparts, certain injuries can still be fatal or remain permanent if left unattended. Galatea, for instance, cannot regain her eyesight due to the seven years that had passed since she blinded herself. Healing also stems from the Claymore's individual skill, thus, unskilled defensive types such as Yuma are unable to regenerate much faster than offensive types without outside assistance.

In the case of Awakened Beings, some individuals can regenerate almost instantaneously.


Offensive types are capable of more powerful attacks than defensive types, but at the cost of significantly reduced regenerative ability. Clare, Ophelia, Rafaela and Irene are examples.

Offensive types are typically much slower and weaker to recover from serious injuries than defensive types, and regenerated limbs are only equivalent in power to those of normal humans. However, they can reattach recently severed limbs, including those of another Claymore.

In spite of their limited healing capabilities, offensive types are still able to survive some injuries that would kill a normal human being. The degree of healing depends on the severity of injury and the individual Claymore's Yoki control. For instance,during Clare's first Awakened Being Hunt, sheis stabbed several times in the torso, Miriasuffers internal wounds, and Helen had her back sliced open, but all eventually recover. In Jean's case, however, the hole in her abdomen from the fight with Rigardo couldn't be closed due to its size and severity, resulting in her eventual death.

In the case of Awakened Beings, those who are offensive types may still be able to regenerate body parts, but typically at a much slower rate. Dauf and Rigardo are such examples. There are exceptions, though. The Abyssal Ones and Priscilla, despite being offensive types, possess regenerative abilities surpassing those of weaker defensive types.

List of Claymores[]


Claymore rank is based on strength and ability. They can obtain higher ranks as they become stronger, but when surpassed by others, their rank is lowered. Claymores are known to belong to different "generations," marking the time they joined the Organization, but not all the Claymores who are active at the same time necessarily belong to the same generation.

The "After Seven-Year Timeskip" refers to the time period after the survivors of the Northern Campaign return south.

As o the end of the Manga there are at least 94 named claymores.

Listed by Generation

CharacterEmblemRankStatus After Seven-Year Timeskip
IsleyClaymore (13)No. 1Awakened/Dead (Killed by Abyss Feeders)
RigardoClaymore (14)No. 2Awakened/Dead (Killed by Clare)
DaufClaymore (15)No. 3Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
ChronosClaymore (16)No. 4Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
LarsClaymore (17)No. 6Awakened/Dead (Killed by Cassandra)
RifulClaymore (18)No. 1Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
LichtClaymore (19)No. 1Dead
ChloeClaymore (20)No. 1Dead
SistinaClaymore (21)No. 1Dead
LuteciaClaymore (22)No. 1Dead
AgathaClaymore (23)No. 2Awakened/Dead (Killed by Clare)
OctaviaClaymore (24)Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
AlexandraClaymore (25)Awakened/Dead (Killed by Teresa)
Alice/Galatice "The Oracle"Claymore (26)Awakened/Dead (Killed by Alexandra)
Former Single-digitClaymore (27)Single-DigitAwakened/Dead (Killed by Ophelia)
ChristineClaymore (28)No. 3Dead/killed by Hysteria
CassandraClaymore (29)No. 1Awakened/Resurrected/Dead
  • First Death: Killed by Roxanne and other Claymores
  • Second Death: Killed by Priscilla
  • Third Death: Killed by Teresa
RoxanneClaymore (30)No. 2Awakened/Resurrected/Dead
  • First Death: Unknown
  • Second Death: Killed by Cassandra
"Beautiful Sword" ElizabethClaymore (31)No. 5Dead (Unknown Causes)
NeideenUnknownNo. 9Dead (Killed by an Awakened Being)
UranusClaymore (32)No. 31Dead (Killed by an Awakened Being)
Cassandra's FriendClaymore (33)No. 35Dead
RoxanneClaymore (34)No. 1Awakened/Resurrected/Dead
  • First Death: Unknown
  • Second Death: Killed by Cassandra
LucielaClaymore (35)No. 1Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
RafaelaClaymore (36)No. 2
No. 5
Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
HysteriaClaymore (37)No. 1Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
Europa "The Lazy"Claymore (38)No. 3
No. 5 (Unknown Gen)
Awakened/Dead (Killed by Miata)
RosemaryClaymore (39)No. 4
No. 1
No. 2
Awakened/Dead (Killed by Teresa)
TeresaClaymore (40)Single-Digit
No. 2
No. 1
Alive (through Clare's body)
PriscillaClaymore (41)No. 2Awakened/Dead (Killed by Teresa)
IreneClaymore (42)No. 2
No. 3
Alive/Deserted (Member of Teresa's Hunting Party)
SophiaClaymore (43)No. 3
No. 4
Dead (Killed by Priscilla);(Member of Teresa's Hunting Party)
NoelClaymore (44)No. 4
No. 5
Dead (Killed by Priscilla);(Member of Teresa's Hunting Party)
EldaClaymore (45)No. 5
No. 6
AliciaClaymore (46)No. 1Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
BethClaymore (47)No. 2Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
GalateaClaymore (48)No. 3Alive/Deserted
AudreyClaymore (49)No. 3Alive/Deserted
OpheliaClaymore (50)No. 4Awakened/Dead (Killed by Clare)
MiataClaymore (51)No. 4Alive/Deserted
RafaelaClaymore (52)No. 2
No. 5
Awakened/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
RachelClaymore (53)No. 5Alive/Deserted
HildaClaymore (54)No. 6Awakened/Dead (Killed by Miria)
MiriaClaymore (55)No. 6
No. 8
No. 17
Alive/Deserted (Survivor of the Northern Campaign; Leader of the Seven Ghosts)
ReneeClaymore (56)No. 6Dead
EvaClaymore (57)No. 7Dead (Killed in the North before the Northern Campaign)
AnastasiaClaymore (58)No. 7Alive/Deserted
FloraClaymore (59)No. 8Dead (Killed by Rigardo)
DietrichClaymore (60)No. 8Alive/Deserted
JeanClaymore (61)No. 9Dead (Sacrificed herself to Clare)
NinaClaymore (62)No. 9Alive/Deserted
RaftelaClaymore (63)No. 10Alive/Deserted
UndineClaymore (64)No. 11Dead (Killed by Rigardo)
VioletClaymore (65)No. 11Alive/Deserted
LuciaNo. 12Claymore (66)Dead (Killed in the North before the Northern Campaign)
AbigailClaymore (67)No. 12Alive/Deserted
VeronicaClaymore (68)No. 13Dead (Killed by Rigardo)
LetitiaClaymore (69)No. 13Alive/Deserted
CynthiaClaymore (70)No. 14Alive/Deserted (Survivor of the Northern Campaign)
LinaClaymore (71)No. 14Alive/Deserted (Member of Search Party for Renee)
DeneveClaymore (72)No. 15Alive/Deserted (Survivor of the Northern Campaign)
NikeClaymore (73)No. 15Alive/Deserted (Member of Anastasia's Hunting Party)
TeslaClaymore (74)No. 16Alive/Deserted
ElizaClaymore (75)No. 17Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
LilyClaymore (76)No. 18Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
ClarissaClaymore (77)No. 18Alive/Deserted
DominiqueClaymore (78)No. 19Alive/Deserted
QueenieClaymore (79)No. 20Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
HelenClaymore (80)No. 22Alive/Deserted (Survivor of the Northern Campaign)
NomaClaymore (81)No. 22Alive/Deserted (Member of Search Party for Renee)
ZeldaClaymore (82)No. 24Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
MinervaClaymore (83)No. 24Alive/Deserted
RaquelClaymore (84)No. 25Dead (Killed by Dauf)
KateNo. 26Claymore (85)Dead (Killed in the North before the Northern Campaign)
EmeliaClaymore (86)No. 27Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
UnknownClaymore (87)No. 28Alive/Deserted (Member of Dietrich's Hunting Party)
WendyClaymore (88)No. 30Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
TabithaClaymore (89)No. 31Deserted/Dead (Killed by Priscilla)
PhinaClaymore (90)No. 31 or 38Alive/Deserted (Member of Anastasia's Hunting Party)
KeiraClaymore (91)No. 31 or 38Alive/Deserted (Member of Anastasia's Hunting Party)
KateaClaymore (92)No. 32Awakened/Dead (Killed by Dauf)
PamelaClaymore (93)No. 35Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
UnknownClaymore (94)No. 35Alive/Deserted (Member of Dietrich's Hunting Party)
ClaudiaClaymore (95)No. 36Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
NatalieClaymore (96)No. 37Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
KarlaClaymore (97)No. 39Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
YumaClaymore (98)No. 40Alive/Deserted (Survivor of the Northern Campaign)
MatildaClaymore (99)No. 41Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
UnknownClaymore (100)No. 42Alive/Organization (Member of Dietrich's Hunting Party)
JulianaClaymore (101)No. 43Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
DianaClaymore (102)No. 44Dead (Killed in the Northern Campaign)
ElenaClaymore (103)No. 46Dead (Killed by Clare)
ClareClaymore (104)No. 47Alive/Deserted (Survivor of the Northern Campaign)
ClariceClaymore (105)No. 47Deserted/Dead
UnknownClaymore (106)Claymore (107)Dead (Killed by Dauf)
Undine's FriendClaymore (108)Claymore (109)Dead
UnknownClaymore (110)No.???Unknown (Member of Teresa's Execution Squad)
UnknownClaymore (111)No.???Unknown (Member of Teresa's Execution Squad)
UnknownClaymore (112)No.???Unknown (Member of Teresa's Execution Squad)
UnknownClaymore (113)No.???Unknown (Member of Teresa's Execution Squad)
UnknownClaymore (114)No.???Unknown (Member of Teresa's Execution Squad)

Non-Canon List of Claymores[]

from the 65th Generation (male and female)

ClaymoreEmblemRankStatus ()after the Seven-year timeskip
John "of the Nine-Tailed Fox Beast"Claymore (115)No. 1Alive/Deserted
Jenna "of the Eight-Tailed Octo-Bull Beast"Claymore (116)No. 2Alive/Deserted
Alfred "of The Seven-Tailed Flying Beetle Beast"Claymore (117)No. 3Alive/Deserted
Carla "of The Six-Tailed Giant Slug Beast"Claymore (118)No. 4Alive/Deserted
Jaynon "of The Majestic Five-Tailed Beast"Claymore (119)No. 5Alive/Deserted
Sarah "of The Four-Tailed Monkey King Beast"Claymore (120)No. 6Alive/Deserted
Denxel "of The Three-Tailed Armored Sea Beast"Claymore (121)No. 7Alive/Deserted
Diane "of The Fiery Two-Tailed Cat Beast"Claymore (122)No. 8Alive/Deserted
Rexon "of The Sandy One-Tailed Tanuki Beast"Claymore (123)No. 9Alive/Deserted
Charlotte "of the War Hammer Gideon"Claymore (124)No. 10Alive/Deserted
Joshua "of the Spirit Spear Chastiefol"Claymore (125)No. 11Alive/Deserted
Olivia "of the Morning Star Aldan"Claymore (126)No. 12Alive/Deserted
Chris "of the Demon Sword Lostvayne"Claymore (127)No. 13Alive/Deserted
"Bloody" MaryClaymore (128)No. 14Alive/Deserted
Jonathan "of the Divine Axe Rhitta"Claymore (129)No. 15Alive/Deserted
Jessica "of the Holy Staff Courechouse""Claymore (130)No. 16Alive/Deserted
Kevin "of the Twin Bow Herritt"Claymore (131)No. 17Alive/Deserted
Luna "of the Absolute Limitation: Erastone"Claymore (132)No. 18Alive/Deserted
William "of the Blood Collection: Absordex"Claymore (133)No. 19Alive/Deserted
Michelle "of Chaos Throw: Big Leaguer"Claymore (134)No. 20Alive/Deserted
Michael "of the Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot"Claymore (135)No. 21Alive/Deserted
Aurora "of the Cutter of Creation: Extase"Claymore (136)No. 22Alive/Deserted
Zachary "of the Demon Armor: Incursio"Claymore (137)No. 23Alive/Deserted
Cora "of the Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract"Claymore (138)No. 24Alive/Deserted
Joseph "of the Double Bladed Axe: Belvaac"Claymore (139)No. 25Alive/Deserted
Ruby "of the The Speed of Lightning: Susanoo"Claymore (140)No. 26Alive/Deserted
Leo "of the Glorious Hands of God: Perfector"Claymore (141)No. 27Alive/Deserted
Eileen "of the Great Tremor: Heavy Pressure"Claymore (142)No. 28Alive/Deserted
Mark "of the Imperial Guardian: Shikoutazer"Claymore (143)No. 29Alive/Deserted
Ivy "of the Infinite Uses: Cross Tail"Claymore (144)No. 30Alive/Deserted
Gabriel "of the L'Arc Qui Ne Faut"Claymore (145)No. 31Alive/Deserted
Nicole "of the March of the Dead: Yatsufusa"Claymore (146)No. 32Alive/Deserted
Philip "of the Magical Beast Transformation: Hekatonkheires"Claymore (147)No. 33Alive/Deserted
Erika "of the One Cut Killer: Murasame"Claymore (148)No. 34Alive/Deserted
Jason "of the Military Music Dream: Scream"Claymore (149)No. 35Alive/Deserted
Lucy "of the Moonlight Sword Dance: Shamshir"Claymore (150)No. 36Alive/Deserted
Luke "of the Omnipotent Five Sights: Spectator"Claymore (151)No. 37Alive/Deserted
Victoria "of the Phantasmagoria: Gaea Foundation"Claymore (152)No. 38Alive/Deserted
Isaac "of the Hannah"Claymore (153)No. 39Alive/Deserted
Hannah "of the Roman Artillery: Pumpkin"Claymore (154)No. 40Alive/Deserted
Kai "of the Purgatory's Invitation: Rubicante"Claymore (155)No. 41Alive/Deserted
Zoey "of the The King of Beasts Transformation: Lionel"Claymore (156)No. 42Alive/Deserted
Christopher "of the The Mysterious: Adayusu"Claymore (157)No. 43Alive/Deserted
Madelyn "of the Thousand-Mile Flight: Mastema"Claymore (158)No. 44Alive/Deserted
Ian "of the Thunder God's Rage: Adramelech"Claymore (159)No. 45Alive/Deserted
"Blood-eyed" JosephineClaymore (160)No. 46Alive/Deserted
Arthur "of the Water Dragon Possession: Black Marlin"Claymore (161)No. 47Alive/Deserted
List of Claymores
Clarice's TimeAlicia (No. 1) • Beth (No. 2) • Audrey (No. 3) • Miata (No. 4) • Rachel (No. 5) • Renee (No. 6) • Anastasia (No. 7) • Dietrich (No. 8) • Nina (No. 9) • Raftela (No. 10) • Violet (No. 11) • Abigail (No. 12) • Letitia (No. 13) • Lina (No. 14) • Nike (No. 15) Tesla (No. 16) • Clarissa (No. 17) • Dominique (No. 19) • Noma (No. 22) • Minerva (No. 24) • unknown (No. 28) • Unknown (No. 35) • Unknown (No. 42) • Clarice (No. 47) • Phina (No. 31 or 38) • Keira (No. 31 or 38)
Clare's TimeAlicia (No. 1) • Beth (No. 2) • Galatea (No. 3) • Ophelia (No. 4) • Rafaela (No. 5) • Miria (No. 6) • Eva (No. 7) • Flora (No. 8) • Jean (No. 9) • Undine (No. 11) • Veronica (No. 13) • Cynthia (No. 14) • Deneve (No. 15) • Eliza (No. 17) • Lily (No. 18) • Queenie (No. 20) • Helen (No. 22) • Zelda (No. 24) • Emelia (No. 27) • Wendy (No. 30) • Tabitha (No. 31) • Katea (No. 32) • Pamela (No. 35) • Claudia (No. 36) • Natalie (No. 37) • Karla (No. 39) • Yuma (No. 40) • Matilda (No. 41) • Juliana (No. 43) • Diana (No. 44) • Elena (No. 46) • Clare (No. 47) • Unnamed (No.???) • Raquel (No.???) • Kate (No.???) • Lucia (No.???) • Undine's Friend (No.???)
Teresa's TimeTeresa (No. 1) • Rosemary (No. 2) • Priscilla (No. 2) • Irene (No. 3) • Sophia (No. 4) • Noel (No. 5) • Elda (No. 6)
Rosemary's TimeRosemary (No. 1) • Teresa (No. 2)
Hysteria's TimeHysteria (No. 1) • Europa (No. 3) • Rosemary (No. 4) • Teresa (No.???)
Luciela's TimeLuciela (No. 1) • Rafaela (No. 2)
Roxannes's TimeRoxanne (No. 1)
Cassandra's TimeCassandra (No. 1) • Roxanne (No. 3) • Elizabeth (No. 5) • Neideen (No. 9) • Uranus (No. 31) • Cassandra's Friend (No. 35)
Riful's TimeRiful (No. 1)
Male GenerationIsley (No. 1) • Rigardo (No. 2) • Dauf (No. 3) • Chronos (No. 4) • Lars (No. 6)
Unknown GenerationLicht (No. 1) • Chloe (No. 1) • Sistina (No. 1) • Lutecia (No. 1) • Octavia (No. 2) • Agatha (No. 2) • Former Single-digit
List of Claymores by Rank
Number 1Isley (of the North)Riful (of the West)(The Three-Armed) Licht(The Heavy-Bladed) ChloeSistina (the Divine Oracle)Lutecia (The Universal)Cassandra (the Dust Eater)Roxanne (of Love and Hate)Luciela (of the West)Hysteria (the Elegant)RosemaryTeresa (of the Faint Smile)Alicia the Black
Number 2Rigardo (the Silver-Eyed Lion King)(Fresh Blood) Agatha(Wild Horse) OctaviaRoxanne (of Love and Hate)RafaelaRosemaryTeresa (of the Faint Smile)(Quicksword) IrenePriscillaBethAlexandra(The Oracle) Alice/Galatice
Number 3Dauf(Muscular) Sophia(Quicksword) Irene(Gentle Sword/the Untouchable) AudreyChristineUuropa the Lazy
Number 4ChronosRosemary(Stormwind) Noel(Muscular) Sophia(Blood-Smeared Wicked Warrior) Ophelia(Blood Eye) Miata
Number 5ElizabethRoxanne (of Love and Hate)Elda(Stormwind) NoelRafaela(Strong Sword) RachelEuropa the Lazy
Number 6LarsEldaHilda"Phantom" MiriaRenee
Number 7Eva(Winged) Anastasia
Number 8Miria"Windcutter" Flora"Tracker" Dietrich
Number 9Neideen"Drill Sword" Jean"Shadow Hunter" Nina
Number 10The Organization's Trump Card Raftela
Number 11Undine of the Twin Swords) • (Red Wall) Violet
Number 12"Sand Cloud" Abigail
Number 13Veronica(Beheader) Letitia(Quicksword) Irene(Gentle Sword/the Untouchable) AudreyChristineUuropa the Lazy
Number 14CynthiaLina
Number 15(Regenerator) DeneveNike
Number 16Tesla
Number 17MiriaEliza
Number 18LilyClarissa
Number 19Dominique
Number 20Queenie
Number 22"Snake Arms" HelenNoma
Number 24Roxanne of Love and HateZeldaMinerva
Number 25Raquel
Number 26KateAlice/Galatice "The Oracle"
Number 27Emelia
Number 30Wendy
Number 31Uranus • (Wide Range) Tabitha
Number 32Katea
Number 35Roxanne of Love and HateCassandra's FriendPamela
Number 36Claudia
Number 37Natalie
Number 39Karla
Number 40(SwordThrower) Yuma
Number 41Matilda
Number 43Juliana
Number 44Diana
Number 46Elena
Number 47(Fastest Sword of All Claymores) Clare • (Color Head / Mud Haired Girl / Mud Head) Clarice
Unknown RankClaymore of Jean's teamFormer Single-digitPhinaKeira


  • The trainees and the current generation are the last Claymores to be created.
    • Rubel agreed to keep the war from ever affecting the island again; this along with Rimute's death effectively ended the inhumane experiments of the Organization.
    • Since Claymores are ageless, they can eternally protect the island.
  • Due to the stigma on the front of their bodies, its unlikely Claymores would be capable of handling a pregnancy as it would require their abdomens to swell to accommodate a growing baby. Such a development would likely cause the sutures to burst.
    • The stigma may also be the reason they do not feel comfortable while laying down; since their organs are weighing against the sutures.
    • Awakened Beings do not seem to have stigmas, though it is unknown if they can reproduce.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Claymore Anime Episode 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Claymore Manga Scene 1
  3. Claymore manga chapter 51
  4. Claymore manga chapter 2
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Claymore manga chapter 77.6
  6. Claymore Manga Scene 129
  7. Claymore Manga Scene 13
  8. Claymore Manga Scene 15
  9. Claymore manga chapter 115
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Claymore manga chapter 5
  11. Claymore manga chapter 62
  12. Claymore manga chapter 3
  13. 13.0 13.1 Claymore manga chapter 13
  14. 14.0 14.1 Claymore manga chapter 4
  15. Claymore Manga Scene 80
  16. Claymore Manga Scene 35
Claymore (2024)


What is a claymore weapon? ›

The word 'claymore' comes from the Gaelic claidheam-hmor, meaning 'great sword'. The weapon itself is a two-handed cutting sword used in the Highlands of Scotland and by Scottish mercenaries in Ireland between the early sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries.

Does the US military still use Claymores? ›

Named after the Scottish broadsword, the M18A1 claymore munition is a compact anti-personnel mine designed to take out several people simultaneously. Designed to strengthen defensive perimeters and ambush bad guys, this mine is still in use today by the U.S. military and several other countries.

Why was claymore anime cancelled? ›

5 Claymore

The reason why it didn't receive one was that the anime ran out of material to adapt. The anime caught up to the manga, to say the least, and never received another adaption as it was not able to catch up.

Is claymore illegal? ›

“Directional fragmentation devices” such as Claymore “mines” are prohibited by the convention if they are victim activated (e.g., by a tripwire). If they are “command detonated” by the action of a soldier, they are not covered by the convention.

Are claymores lethal? ›

[25] Claymore mines normally propel lethal fragments from 40 to 60 meters across a 60-degree arc. However, U.S. Army tests indicate that the actual hazard range for these types of mines can be as high as 300 meters.

Can a civilian own a Claymore Mine? ›

The possession or use of anti-personnel mines is prohibited by the Anti-Personnel Mines Convention signed in 1997 by over 100 states.

What sets off a claymore? ›

The mine is detonated as the enemy personnel approaches the killing zone. Controlled detonation may be accomplished by use of either an electrical or non-electrical firing system.

How safe is it behind a claymore? ›

In theory no fragments fly backwards, but a danger zone extends sixteen yards behind the mine where troops are advised to be behind cover. The Claymore mine was first used in Vietnam in 1966 and soon gained a reputation for annihilating infantry charges.

Why are Claymores female? ›

The act of awakening is likened to the feeling of sexual climax, so while both male and female warriors existed in the past only the women proved to be successfully able to resist the allure of the awakening, and so the creation of male Claymores stopped altogether.

What is Claymore based on? ›

Elements of medieval European folk tales, such as those collected by the Brothers Grimm, appear throughout Claymore. These stories and other sources form the basis of the Fantasy genre.

How old is the Claymore? ›

1400 to 1700. Although claymores existed as far back as the Wars of Scottish Independence, they were smaller and few had the typical quatrefoil design (as can be seen on the Great Seal of John Balliol King of Scots).

Is the M18A1 Claymore banned? ›

Claymore mines are legal for use by US military personnel. This is because the US is not a signatory to the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, better known as the Ottawa Treaty.

Do Claymores have shrapnel? ›

The M18A1 Claymore is a directional anti-personnel mine, a plastic explosive combined with steel shrapnel. It was the Special Weapon of the US Army Rangers.

What is the blast radius of a claymore? ›

The forward danger radius for the weapon is 820 feet (250 meters). The backblast area is unsafe in exposed areas 53 feet (16 meters) to the rear and sides of the mine.

What does a claymore do to someone? ›

The Claymore fires steel balls out to about 100 m (110 yd) within a 60° arc in front of the device. It is used primarily in ambushes and as an anti-infiltration device against enemy infantry. It is also used against unarmored vehicles.

Can civilians own Claymores? ›

They are legal in warfare, for the military to use. They are not legal for civillians. If the soldier is from a country which has signed the Ottawa Treaty which prohibits the use of anti-personnel mines, they can only be set up so they are command-detonated.

What is the difference between a claymore and a greatsword? ›

Claymores are sort of a greatsword, but more of a longsword. Greatswords tended to be designed for both anti-armor and anti-personnel, so their blades were thicker and heavier. Claymores had a thin, broad blade, as they tended to be used more against lightly or non-armored people.

Were claymores actually used in battle? ›

The two-handed claymore was a large sword used in the late Medieval and early modern periods. It was used in the constant clan warfare and border fights with the English from c. 1400 to 1700.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.