CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (2024)

Parasite BiologyImage GalleryLaboratory DiagnosisResources

Causal Agents

Giardia duodenalis is a protozoan flagellate (Diplomonadida).

Life Cycle:

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (1)

Cysts are resistant forms and are responsible for transmission of giardiasis. Both cysts and trophozoites can be found in the feces (diagnostic stages) CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (2). The cysts are hardy and can survive several months in cold water. Infection occurs by the ingestion of cysts in contaminated water, food, or by the fecal-oral route (hands or fomites) CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (3). In the small intestine, excystation releases trophozoites (each cyst produces two trophozoites) CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (4). Trophozoites multiply by longitudinal binary fission, remaining in the lumen of the proximal small bowel where they can be free or attached to the mucosa by a ventral sucking disk CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (5). Encystation occurs as the parasites transit toward the colon. The cyst is the stage found most commonly in nondiarrheal feces CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (6). Because the cysts are infectious when passed in the stool or shortly afterward, person-to-person transmission is possible. While animals are infected with Giardia, their importance as a reservoir is unclear.

Geographic Distribution:

Worldwide, more prevalent in warm climates, and in children.

Clinical Presentation

The spectrum varies from asymptomatic carriage to severe diarrhea and malabsorption. Acute giardiasis develops after an incubation period of 1 to 14 days (average of 7 days) and usually lasts 1 to 3 weeks. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. In chronic giardiasis the symptoms are recurrent and malabsorption and debilitation may occur.

Giardia duodenalis cysts in wet mounts stained with iodine.

Giardia duodenaliscysts are oval to ellipsoid and measure 8-19 µm (average 10-14 µm). Mature cysts have 4 nuclei, while immature cysts have two. Nuclei and fibrils are visible in both iodine-stained wet mounts and trichrome-stained smears.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (7)

Figure A: G. duodenalis cyst in a wet mount stained with iodine.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (8)

Figure E: G. duodenalis cyst in a wet mount stained with iodine.

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Figure B: G. duodenalis cyst in a wet mount stained with iodine.

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Figure F: G. duodenalis cyst in a wet mount stained with iodine.

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Figure C: G. duodenalis cyst in a wet mount stained with iodine.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (12)

Figure D: G. duodenalis cyst in a wet mount stained with iodine.

Giardia duodenalis cysts in wet mounts under differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy.

Giardia duodenalis cysts are oval to ellipsoid and measure 8-19 µm (average 10-14 µm). Mature cysts have 4 nuclei, while immature cysts have two. Nuclei and fibrils are visible in both iodine-stained wet mounts and trichrome-stained smears.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (13)

Figure A: G. duodenalis cyst in a wet mount under differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Image taken at 1000× magnification.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (14)

Figure B: Two G. duodenalis cysts in a wet mount under DIC microscopy; image taken at 1000× magnification.

G. duodenalis cysts in trichrome stain.

Giardia duodenalis cysts are oval to ellipsoid and measure 8-19 µm (average 10-14 µm). Mature cysts have 4 nuclei, while immature cysts have two. Nuclei and fibrils are visible in both iodine-stained wet mounts and trichrome-stained smears.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (15)

Figure A: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (16)

Figure E: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome.

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Figure I: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome. Sometimes the cytoplasm of the cyst may retract from the cell wall.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (18)

Figure B: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome.

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Figure F: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome.

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Figure J: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome. Sometimes the cytoplasm of the cyst may retract from the cell wall.

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Figure C: G. duodenalis cysts stained with trichrome.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (22)

Figure G: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome. Sometimes the cytoplasm of the cyst may retract from the cell wall.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (23)

Figure D: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (24)

Figure H: G. duodenalis cyst stained with trichrome. Sometimes the cytoplasm of the cyst may retract from the cell wall.

G. duodenalis trophozoites in wet mounts.

Giardia duodenalistrophozoites are pear-shaped and measure 10-20 micrometers in length. In permanent, stained specimens, 2 large nuclei are usually visible. The sucking disks (used for attaching to the host’s mucosal epithelium), median bodies, and flagella (8) may also be seen.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (25)

Figure A: G. duodenalis trophozoite in a wet mount stained with iodine.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (26)

Figure B: G. duodenalis trophozoite in a wet mount under differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Image taken at 1000× magnification.

G. duodenalis trophozoites stained with trichrome.

Giardia duodenalistrophozoites are pear-shaped and measure 10-20 micrometers in length. In permanent, stained specimens, 2 large nuclei are usually visible. The sucking disks (used for attaching to the host’s mucosal epithelium), median bodies, and flagella (8) may also be seen.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (27)

Figure A: G. duodenalis trophozoite stained with trichrome.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (28)

Figure B: G. duodenalis trophozoite stained with trichrome.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (29)

Figure C: Giardia duodenalis trophozoite stained with trichrome.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (30)

Figure D: G. duodenalis trophozoites. Image contributed by the Vermont Department of Health Laboratory.

G. duodenalis trophozoites in unique stains.

Giardia duodenalistrophozoites are pear-shaped and measure 10-20 micrometers in length. In permanent, stained specimens, 2 large nuclei are usually visible. The sucking disks (used for attaching to the host’s mucosal epithelium), median bodies, and flagella (8) may also be seen.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (31)

Figure A: G. duodenalis trophozoites in Kohn stain.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (32)

Figure B: G. duodenalis trophozoites in a Giemsa stained mucosal imprint

Cysts of Giardia duodenalis and oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum.

A direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA) is another method for diagnosingGiardia duodenalis infections. Antibodies tagged with fluorescent markers are added to stool and incubated. Visualization under a fluorescent microscope shows theGiardiacysts as green, glowing ovoid objects.

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (33)

Figure A: Cysts of G. duodenalis (lower right) and oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum (upper left) labeled with commercially available immunofluorescent antibodies.

Laboratory Diagnosis

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (34)

Cysts of G. duodenalis (lower right) and Cryptosporidium (upper left) labeled with commercially available immunofluorescent antibodies.

Giardiasis is diagnosed by the identification of cysts or trophozoites in the feces, using direct mounts as well as concentration procedures. Cysts are typically seen in wet mount preparations, while trophozoites are seen in permanent mounts (i.e. trichrome). Repeated samplings may be necessary. In addition, samples of duodenal fluid (e.g., Enterotest) or duodenal biopsy may demonstrate trophozoites. Alternate methods for detection include antigen detection tests by enzyme immunoassays, and detection of parasites by immunofluorescence. Both methods are available in commercial kits.

Direct Immunofluorescence Assay (DFA)

A direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA) is available for diagnosing Giardia duodenalis infections. Antibodies tagged with fluorescent markers are added to stool and incubated. Visualization under a fluorescent microscope shows the Giardia cysts as green, glowing ovoid objects. This test includes antibodies for Cryptosporidium and both diseases can be tested for simultaneously.

Bench Aids

Laboratory Diagnosis of Giardiasis — Giardia duodenalis[PDF, 108 KB, 2 Pages]

Treatment Information

Treatment information for giardiasis can be found at:

CDC - DPDx - Giardiasis (2024)


What is the gold standard for Giardia? ›

Microscopy with direct fluorescent antibody testing (DFA) is the gold standard for diagnosing giardiasis.

Why is Giardia hard to get rid of? ›

Thus, drug resistance in Giardia is the ability of this parasite to survive in the presence of an antimicrobial drug dose that would normally kill it or limit its growth.

How many people has giardiasis killed? ›

Giardiasis is a protozoan disease caused by the parasite Giardia lamblia. Around 200 million people are infected worldwide annually while, 500,000 deaths were reported each year. The infection rates were between 2-5% in the developed nations and 20-30% in the developing countries.

Can I get Giardia from my dog licking me? ›

Can I get Giardia from my dog licking me? Fortunately, the risk of humans contracting Giardia from dogs is relatively low, but it can happen. Make sure to wash your hands after handling your dog's poop to reduce this low risk. In humans, giardia transmission commonly occurs via drinking water, not from pets.

What is the most accurate test for Giardia? ›

Stool O&P testing aids in the diagnosis of giardiasis in 80-85% of patients. It remains the diagnostic method with which other tests are compared.

How long does Giardia last in humans without treatment? ›

Living with giardiasis

Call your doctor if you have diarrhea, bloating, and nausea for more than a week. Giardiasis is unpleasant, but it's not usually dangerous. Once you begin the medicine, you can recover in about a week. If it's left untreated, symptoms can last 6 weeks or more.

What is the new treatment for Giardia? ›

Ayradia is the first FDA-approved animal drug for treating Giardia duodenalis infections. Ayradia is available by prescription from a licensed veterinarian and administered orally at 25 mg/kg (11.3 mg/lb) of body weight, using the supplied syringe, twice daily for five consecutive days.

Can the body rid itself of Giardia? ›

Signs and Symptoms

They include: Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, increased gas, bloating, fatigue, and sometimes weight loss due to nausea and loss of appetite. These symptoms last for several days only and the body can naturally rid itself of the parasite in one to two months.

What does Giardia poop look like? ›

Symptoms of giardiasis may include: Explosive, watery, foul-smelling stools. Greasy stools that tend to float. Bloating.

Can you have Giardia for life? ›

But giardiasis doesn't always go away in everyone. And in some people, it can be very persistent. If you continue to have symptoms for longer than six weeks, visit your healthcare provider. They can test you to find out if you're still infected, or if your symptoms are due to the after-effects of the infection.

Where is giardiasis most common in the world? ›

Giardia is the most common gut parasite in the United Kingdom, and infection rates are especially high in Eastern Europe. Prevalence rates of 0.94-4.66% and 2.41-10.99% have been reported in Italy. A 2005 study demonstrated a Giardia infection rate of 19.6 per 100,000 population per year in Canada.

What is the prognosis for giardiasis? ›

If left untreated, giardiasis can persist for weeks, as the parasite stays in the stool, and reinfection is possible. Potential complications include weight loss, disaccharidase deficiency, growth retardation, and malabsorption.

Can you kiss your dog with Giardia? ›

Parasites like hookworm, roundworm, and giardia can be passed from dog to human through licking. Salmonella, too, can be passed from your dog to you, or vice versa. Viruses tend to affect one species or the other; you're not going to give your dog a cold, and they won't be giving you their cough.

Can I touch my dog if he has Giardia? ›

Two of the types of giardia–type A and type B–can infect both dogs and humans, and type A can also infect cats. Therefore, you should practice excellent hygiene when handling your dog if he has been diagnosed with giardia. Wash your hands after picking up your pet's stool and after petting or handling your pet.

Can my dog with Giardia sleep with me? ›

Can my dog give a Giardia infection to me or my family? Giardia can cause diarrhea in humans and can be passed from dogs to humans.

What is the standard treatment for giardiasis? ›

When signs and symptoms are severe or the infection persists, doctors usually treat giardia infection with medications such as: Metronidazole (Flagyl). Metronidazole is the most commonly used antibiotic for giardia infection.

What is the gold standard for parasite detection? ›

Stool Specimens – Molecular Diagnosis. Microscopic examination is still considered the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases. If an unequivocal identification of the parasite can not be made, the stool specimen can be analyzed using molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

What is the best stain for giardia? ›

Methylene blue staining is a simple staining method which can be used for detecting and preserving the Giardia trophozoite's structure and the stained smears can be kept as a permanent record.

What does giardia positive mean? ›

Overview. Giardia infection is an intestinal infection marked by stomach cramps, bloating, nausea and bouts of watery diarrhea. Giardia infection is caused by a microscopic parasite that is found worldwide, especially in areas with poor sanitation and unsafe water.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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