Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (2024)

Are you planning to or already running Theia in Call of Dragons in one of your legions and want to see how you should invest the talent points, what artifacts works best and what other hero you should pair with? Well, then you’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Theia perfrom as strong as possible in all situations.

Current Ranking – is Theia S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (1)



Here is a quick overview of the rankings of Theia for the different game modes. Please refer to the full tier list linked below to see the ranking of all heroes in Call of Dragons and full evaluation and priority..

Open Field:








Full Tier List

See how Theia is ranking in the different game modes of Call of Dragons in my current tier list here and also make sure that you’re running the best faction in Call of Dragons or you might really affect your progress negatively – I have an updated guide on the best factions in Call of Dragons here

Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Keys, Boosters and Speedups and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Call of Dragons here.

Skill Order

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (2)Skill 1

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (3)Skill 2

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (4)Skill 3

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (5)Skill 4

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (6)Expertise

Skill Order Finetuning

Below you will find the best order to unlock and level up skills by how useful they are so you don’t have to level the skills up one by one and spend a lot of extra tokens on it. This will let you use this hero earlier and also saves you important Universal Token in the long run!

Your sweetspot of skills to make this commander useful is: 5511 and this is the recommended way to get there:

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (7)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (8)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (9)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (10)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (11)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (12)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (13)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (14)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (15)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (16)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (17)

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (18)



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Not sure how it works and what you get? Check out guide for Garwood here that will is completely unlocked to show you how the skill order works. Preview here.

Best Troop Types

Theia doesn’t care about troop types at all and if you run her in the open field, you pair her as the secondary hero so take whatever troops type your primary hero requires. Later when you expertised her, you run her in a supportive legion so troops types aren’t that important there either. The only exception is if you pair her with a flying hero like Kregg or Atheus, then you want to use flying units.

Best Hero Pairing for Theia

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (19)


Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (20)


Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (21)


Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (22)


Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (23)


Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (24)


Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (25)


Ffraegar is, in my humble opinion, the best pairing with Theia as you can make use of Ffraegars logn range skill and Theia adds a lot of sustain to the damage-heavy kit of Ffraegar (See full build here).

Forondil also works incredibly well with Theia as you can make use of their flying capabilities, the whole synergy is there and also vacalry just struggles with survivability which Theia bumps up a lot (See full build here).

Atheus is also a flying unit that you can combine well with Theia and flying units if your faction is league of Order as their special flying are pretty strong and with the support build below you will get an incredibly strong pairing as Atheus will help generate more rage constantly. I recommend running Theia as the primary hero unless you have your Atheus a lot further upgraded (See full build here).

Kregg is the other flying hero in the game have great cross-synergies and buff each other up. They are a mutual pairing and you will start using Kregg as primary hero unless you have Theia leveled up higher. You should be Wilderburg to use the special flying unit (See full build here).

Madeline is a very tanky legion with Theia, especially as Madeline will be able to trigger the buff from Theias’s passive skill that triggers each time the legion gets a shield. Not a pairing for the average player, though (See full build here).

Liliya also works well with Theia even though you cannot really make much use of the flying aspect (See full build here).

Nika is a great pairing, too as you will gain the shielding passive buff and then Nika deals her massive active skill damage (if you’re looking for a non-flying combo) (See full build here).

Best Artifacts

Let’s now take a look at the numerous artifacts that you can possible use. We have tested many of them and some have amazing synergy and others are more in for the stats but no matter what artifacts you have possibly available, you will find the one that works best. Please also check out the full tier list of all artifacts here to see which ones are worth the invest in general.

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (26)

Visage of the Sanctus

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (27)

Troop Type Dependant



We have stricly tested all possible artifacts that make sense with this hero. Support us on Patreon to unlock the results..

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Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (28)

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Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (29)

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Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (30)

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Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (31)

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Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (32)

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Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (33)

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Visage of the Sanctus if you run Theia primary with marksman, choose Shadowblades, with cavalry you want Sorlands Blade, with magic units for with the Infernal Flame and with infantry choose Dragonrift. This isdepending what you run her with. Troop Type Dependant if you run Theia primary with marksman, choose Shadowblades, with cavalry you want Sorlands Blade, with magic units for with the Infernal Flame and with infantry choose Dragonrift. This isdepending what you run her with.

Best Pet Synergies For Theia (NEW)

With the new war pet system in Call of Dragons it’s aso important to pair Theia with the right pet to gain more synergies. Please also check out the full tier list of all war pets in Call of Dragons here to see which ones are worth the invest in general.

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (34)


is in general the best option with Theia as you have the shield and then you can deal damage back which goes perfectly with Theias kit, independent from the hero you combine her with. Otherwise, check what hero you run her with and choose the war pet accordingly

Best Build

Best Builds For Theia

Below you will find the talent tree builds for Theia that make sense when running as the primary commander in any legion in Call of Dragons. Please also refer to the description below each talent tree as I explain a general route on how you should spend your talents there + some additional background for each talent build that I very likely will appreciate.

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (35)The alternative route you can go if you’re not running her with flying units is the Overall/PvP build which I really like as it’s really universal. After you make yur way to the core nodes to the center node you already get a bigger shielding. From here pick the extra HP, march speed and attack damage until you can unlock Guardian Angel. I Know the beginning of the talent tree here isn’t that promising butit gets a lot better later.From here you can take Fury for more rage (means more shielding), Triage for some auto-healing of severely wounded troops and Occult Barrier for taking less hero skill damage and then take Thunderfury. This all plainly doesn’t look to crazy but when you look in detail, all those talents will grant you small buffs and every buff will grant you 15 extra rage with Unrelenting Fury so you have a crazy rage-engine rolling here. And you will generalte a ton of range and cycle through your active skill and shield so it doesn’t really matter that the buffs you gain from the talents in the Overall Tree aren#t that strong individually for sustaining.The last points now can go into the PvP Tree with more march speed, rage and make your way to Army of Valor for even more buffs to trigger you extra rage generation.

Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (36)Although the Support Build for Theia was the way to go in Season 1, in Season 2 I would recommend the above Overall Tree with the backdoor rage-engine more – if you haven’t unlocked/maxed her skills the support tree might by something to consider with a more active rage engine.With Forcefield you increase the overall health whenever you gain a buff and with Flock of Blessing you can gain healing when you gain a buff effect which can help sustain.


I hope this guide for building Theia helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the comment section. Thanks for reading and have a great day.

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Best Theia Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (2024)
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