Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (2024)

Are you planning to or already running Nico in Call of Dragons in one of your legions and want to see how you should invest the talent points, what artifacts works best and what other hero you should pair with? Well, then you’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Nico perfrom as strong as possible in all situations.

Current Ranking – is Nico S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (1)



Here is a quick overview of the rankings of Nico for the different game modes. Please refer to the full tier list linked below to see the ranking of all heroes in Call of Dragons and full evaluation and priority..

Open Field:








Full Tier List

See how Nico is ranking in the different game modes of Call of Dragons in my current tier list here and also make sure that you’re running the best faction in Call of Dragons or you might really affect your progress negatively – I have an updated guide on the best factions in Call of Dragons here

Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Keys, Boosters and Speedups and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Call of Dragons here.

Skill Order

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (2)Skill 1

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (3)Skill 2

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (4)Skill 3

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (5)Skill 4

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (6)Expertise

Skill Order Finetuning

Below you will find the best order to unlock and level up skills by how useful they are so you don’t have to level the skills up one by one and spend a lot of extra tokens on it. This will let you use this hero earlier and also saves you important Universal Token in the long run!

Your sweetspot of skills to make this commander useful is: 5x55 and this is the recommended way to get there:

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (7)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (8)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (9)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (10)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (11)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (12)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (13)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (14)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (15)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (16)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (17)

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (18)



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Not sure how it works and what you get? Check out guide for Garwood here that will is completely unlocked to show you how the skill order works. Preview here.

Best Troop Types

With all the talents and his 3rd skill, I recommend running Nico only with Marksman Units to be as effective as possible. Also as marksmen units have such a short range (compared to mage units), they often start off-tanking and dealing active counterattack damage.

Best Hero Pairing for Nico

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (19)


Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (20)


Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (21)


Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (22)


Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (23)


Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (24)


Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (25)


Kinnara is beyond any doubt the best combination along Nico, you will incredible amounts of damage and with Nico as the primary hero you can inflict the DEF break with his active skill, then his with Kinnara a lot harder . Alternatively you can consider running Kinnara primary to be able to have the Control Tree active but you want Nico expertised as you can use Ambush in the Control Tree to practically have always the chance to inflight DEF break and then Nico will deal his 200 extra damage (See full build here).

Hosk works great (but you can actually pair him with any hero in Call of Dragons). I only say he works fine as he is only available for high-spender sin the earlier stages of Call of Dragons as you can only get him through the Honour Store with VIP Level 10+. He works amazing as he buffs up practically everything that Nico does but requires, as I said, quite a high investment including his 3rd and 4th skill leveled up. In a perfect world I’d say Hosk is the best fit for Nico (See full build here).

Theia is a valid option BUT ONLY if you are using Wilderburg as your faction to have the flying riders that will trigger Theia’s 3rd skill. If you do NOT run that faction, don’t think about pairing Theia along Nico! (See full build here).

Ffraegar works and has a lot of synergy but there is one big issue that I don’t like here and that is the different ranges and Nico forces Ffraegar with the very long range into medium range which I do not appreciate that much and see way better cases for. Away from that and the way their kits work, they still go well with each other (See full build here).

Gwanwyn is a great early-game pairing as you can easily level her up, they share the marksman syernergy and just go really well along each other. The further you upgrade Nico, you want to use him as the primary hero for the legion. With the added damage against Darklings and Dark Legions this is more an early-game pairing, though (See full build here).

Kregg is also a really nice F2P pairing with Nico, also about Marksmen and the area damage. You’re missing out on the flying units synergy unless you run Wilderberg as your faction. If you do, I’d prefer Kregg over Gwanwyn anytime (See full build here).

Syndrion has only the synergy that both do run and work with marksman and there is actually no deeper synergy (See full build here).

Best Artifacts

Let’s now take a look at the numerous artifacts that you can possible use. We have tested many of them and some have amazing synergy and others are more in for the stats but no matter what artifacts you have possibly available, you will find the one that works best. Please also check out the full tier list of all artifacts here to see which ones are worth the invest in general.

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (26)


Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (27)

Rattle Spear



We have stricly tested all possible artifacts that make sense with this hero. Support us on Patreon to unlock the results..

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Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (28)

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Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (29)

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Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (30)

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Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (31)

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Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (32)

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Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (33)

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Shadowblades works also great with Nico but that is because it’s an amazing marksman artifact all round. Still, In the global terms I wouldn’t recommend it and I see better options for this artifact but when you just look at Nico it’s an incredible choice. Rattle Spear works also great with Nico but that is because it’s an amazing marksman artifact all round. Still, In the global terms I wouldn’t recommend it and I see better options for this artifact but when you just look at Nico it’s an incredible choice.

Best Pet Synergies For Nico (NEW)

With the new war pet system in Call of Dragons it’s aso important to pair Nico with the right pet to gain more synergies. Please also check out the full tier list of all war pets in Call of Dragons here to see which ones are worth the invest in general.

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (34)

Snowpeak Roc

is a perfect match with the trigger on DEF Break and works best with Nico legions.

Best Build

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (35)

Sand Lizard

is a good marksman war pet and works with Nico well but I personally would choose the Snowpeak Roc over this as their synergy are simply too well.

Best Build

Best Builds For Nico

Below you will find the talent tree builds for Nico that make sense when running as the primary commander in any legion in Call of Dragons. Please also refer to the description below each talent tree as I explain a general route on how you should spend your talents there + some additional background for each talent build that I very likely will appreciate.

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (36)For me this is the talent build you want to run with Nico. I see some builds that try find too much defense, but running a offense hero like Nico with Marksman Units that are about dealing damage are simply not for defense and they will never sustain – your best chance is to nuke the enemy before they close the gap towards you.So, after unlocking the center node go directly into the Marksman Tree and pick up the extra attack , additional rage so you can deal your active hero skill damage more frequently and apply the def debuff and more skill damage to unlock Shower of Blows, adding even more damage for the next rage skill. Then pick up more health as this helps most when the enemy can close the gap towards you and let your legion stay out in the field longer and helps keeping Delight active, generating more extrea rage for you. With Burst Shot you gain basically a second expertised-scale skill damage for Nico and you will deal a lot of damage.The leftover points are now well-spent in the Precision Tree, with more attack and counterattack and the final points should then land in Whirlwind, adding more extra hero skill damage. This build will make Nico a damage-dealing beast.

Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (37)For PvE raiding (e.g. Behemots as mentioned above in the artifacts section), the Precision Tree might be your friend and this build is designed specifically for this. Don’t brawl the open field with this build only for raiding Behemoths. This talent build is all about damage output for exactly that raid situations, you don’t need any defense as if you take damage on Behemoth raid with a Marksman hero like Nico it’s not working anyway.So, after you unlocked the center node, take all the attack boost in the precision Tree towards Invincible which increases damage further. Then take the yellow marked talents towards Mark of War. Mark of War is great as it takes 1 minute into combat but gives a great damage boost. This is why you can’t use this build in the open field, combats will end or leaving the combat is far to frequent.Then spend the last points in the red-marked talents (High Spirits for more rage, Supression and Force of Will) once you unlocked Mark of War and you will deal as much damage as possible on Behemoths.


I hope this guide for building Nico helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the comment section. Thanks for reading and have a great day.

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Best Nico Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons - AllClash (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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