Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (2024)

    • 15 tests |
    • 168 questions

Bank of America Merrill Lynch provides global perspectives, comprehensive solutions and strategic guidance.

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Careers at Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Bank of America (BofA) is one of the largest financial institutions in the United States, with a history dating back to 1904. Today, the company offers a wide range of financial products and services to individuals, small businesses, and large corporations, including consumer banking, wealth management, investment banking, and corporate banking.

Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, Bank of America has a strong presence across the United States, serving 67 million consumer and business clients with approximately 4,300 retail financial centers and over 16,000 ATMs. Bank of America Merrill Lynch was formed through the acquisition of Merrill Lynch in 2008. The company also has a significant international presence, with operations in more than 35 countries around the world.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch offers a wide range of exciting career opportunities for individuals looking to build a career in the financial services industry. Whether you are interested in investment banking, wealth management, technology, or risk management, there are many opportunities to pursue a successful career at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Some of the popular career paths at Bank of America Merrill Lynch include:

  • Investment Banking
  • Global Markets
  • Wealth Management
  • Technology
  • Risk Management

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Application Process

  1. 1

    Online Application
  2. 2

    Aptitude Tests
  3. 3

    Video Interview
  4. 4

    Assessment Centre

Bank of America find your fit

“Find your fit” is a career exploration tool offered by Bank of America to help candidates identify potential career paths within the company. The tool is designed to provide candidates with personalized guidance and support in navigating the Bank of America recruitment process and identifying roles that align with their skills, interests, and career goals.

Candidates can also access additional resources, such as job descriptions, videos, and employee testimonials, to gain a deeper understanding of the various career paths available within the company. The “Find your fit” tool is available on the Bank of America careers website and is free for all candidates to use

Bank of America Online Application

The Bank of America online application process typically involves creating an online profile, submitting a resume and cover letter, and completing an online assessment.

To get started with the online application process, candidates should visit the Bank of America careers website and create an account. From there, they can search for open positions that match their skills and experience, and apply for each position of interest. The online application typically includes several sections, including a personal information section, a work history section, and an education section.

To ensure a successful online application process, candidates should carefully review each section of the application and provide accurate and detailed information. It is important to tailor the resume and cover letter to each position of interest, highlighting relevant skills and experience that align with the requirements of the role.

Candidates should also be prepared to complete the online assessment, which may include aptitude tests and situational judgment tests.

Bank of America Aptitude Tests

Bank of America Merrill Lynch aptitude tests are designed to evaluate the skills and abilities of candidates applying for various roles within the company.

The Bank of America aptitude tests typically cover a range of areas, including numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, and situational judgment. They are used to identify candidates with the right combination of technical skills, business acumen, and leadership potential.

Kenexa is the test publisher that provides these assessments.

BofA Numerical Reasoning Test

Bank of America’s numerical reasoning test consists of 20 questions that need to be answered within 20 minutes and are designed to measure your numerical abilities.

You’ll be given multiple-choice questions on numerical problems like graphs, percentages, and tables whereby you will be asked to select the correct answer. You may be asked to sit the test again on the assessment day.

BofA Verbal Reasoning Test

The Bank of America Verbal Reasoning Test is an aptitude test designed to evaluate a candidate’s ability to understand and interpret written information, as well as to assess their critical thinking and reasoning skills. This test is commonly used as part of the recruitment process for various roles within the company, including investment banking, wealth management, and corporate banking.

The test typically consists of a series of passages, followed by a set of multiple-choice questions designed to assess a candidate’s comprehension and analysis of the written material.

The passages may cover a range of topics, including current events, financial news, and business strategy. The questions may ask candidates to identify the main idea of the passage, evaluate arguments presented in the text, or draw inferences based on the information provided.

To pass the Bank of America Verbal Reasoning Test, candidates should prepare by practicing their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. It is important to read the passages carefully and thoroughly, taking note of key information and details. Candidates should also be familiar with common verbal reasoning question types, such as identifying assumptions, drawing conclusions, and evaluating arguments.

BofA Situational judgment tests

The BofA situational judgment test is an aptitude test designed to evaluate a candidate’s ability to make effective decisions and judgments in various workplace scenarios.

The test typically consists of a series of scenarios or situations, followed by a set of questions designed to assess a candidate’s decision-making skills and ability to handle challenging situations. The scenarios may cover a range of topics, including teamwork, communication, conflict resolution, and ethical considerations.

To pass the Bank of America Situational Judgement Test, candidates should prepare by reviewing common workplace scenarios and practicing their decision-making skills. It is important to understand the company’s values and culture and to approach each scenario with a focus on finding a solution that aligns with these values. Candidates should also be familiar with common situational judgment question types, such as prioritization, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.

During the test, candidates should focus on reading the scenarios carefully and thoroughly, taking note of key information and details. It is important to consider all possible options and to approach each scenario with a clear and objective mindset. Candidates should also be prepared to explain their reasoning and thought processes when answering the questions.

Bank of America Video Interview (Hirevue)

During a Hirevue Video Interview at Bank of America, candidates can expect a series of pre-recorded questions, which are designed to assess the candidate’s competencies and fit for the role.

Candidates will have a limited amount of time to review each question before recording their responses, so it is essential to be well-prepared and have a clear understanding of the position and the bank’s core values. The platform also allows for retakes of recordings, but only up to a certain limit, which can help alleviate some of the pressure associated with traditional interviews.

Candidates should be prepared to think on their feet and adapt to the questions asked during the interview. While the video interview format may feel unfamiliar, it is essential to remember that the goal is to create a more accessible and equitable hiring process.

To succeed, candidates should dress professionally, ensure they have a quiet and well-lit environment for the interview, and maintain strong eye contact and clear communication throughout the process

Some common video interview questions you might be asked include:

  • Name a current financial trend and how this trend will impact your role.
  • Tell us about a time you worked on a team and what the result was.
  • How has your success been previously measured?
  • Who are you as a person?
  • How would you sell a credit card?

By adequately preparing for the interview and embracing the unique format, candidates can showcase their potential and increase their chances of joining the Bank of America team.

Prepare yourself for leading employers

  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (1)
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (2)
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (3)
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (4)
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (5)
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (6)
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (7)

Bank of America Assessment Center

The Bank of America assessment center is an assessment day that helps the company shortlist potential candidates.

The assessment day typically involves:

  • Assessments
  • Interviews
  • Group discussions
  • Case studies
  • Presentations

BofA Assessments

You may be asked to take your assessment tests - this is so that BofA can compare your test scores and also prevent cheating.

BofA Interviews

The Bank of America interview process typically consists of several rounds of interviews, which may include a mix of phone or video interviews and in-person interviews.

The final interviews occur during the assessment day. Candidates can expect to be asked a range of questions designed to evaluate their technical skills, industry knowledge, and ability to work well in a team.

Depending on the role, the interviews may also include behavioral or situational questions, which ask candidates to provide examples of their experience and approach to common workplace scenarios.

To prepare for the Bank of America interview process, candidates should research the company and the role they are applying for, and review common interview questions and best practices. It is important to be able to articulate one’s skills and experience in a clear and concise manner and to demonstrate a genuine interest in the company and the industry.

During the interview, candidates should focus on communicating their experience and strengths in a confident and professional manner. It is important to listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions and to provide thoughtful and well-reasoned answers. Candidates should also be prepared to ask questions about the company and the role, demonstrating their interest and engagement in the opportunity.

Common questions you might be asked in the interview are:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Explain how an increase in depreciation affects P&L, Balance sheet, and Cashflow.
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why do you want this job and why are you capable?

BofA Presentation

You will be given a brief which you will then have to read and will be expected to present a 10-minute presentation followed by 10 minutes of questions from the assessors.

Researching the company and how they do business is highly advised beforehand and will help with this part of the assessment. You will be assessed on your analysis of the brief as well as your presentation skills.

BofA Group Exercise

For the group exercise, you will be given a brief involving a fictitious company which you will read and then discuss questions and their solutions with the group.

You will be expected to demonstrate good teamwork skills. You’ll be assessed as to how you perform within the group so ensure that you strike a balance between dominating the group and being too passive. It is important to be able to work in a group and this is what the assessors are looking for.

BofA Case Study

In a Bank of America case study, candidates can expect to be presented with a realistic business scenario or problem, often related to the banking and financial services industry. The purpose of the case study is to evaluate the candidate’s ability to think critically, analyze complex data, and develop effective solutions to the given problem. Candidates may be required to work individually or in a group, depending on the nature of the assessment.

To succeed in a Bank of America case study, candidates should familiarize themselves with the bank’s products, services, and overall business strategies, as well as the broader financial industry landscape. During the case study, candidates will likely be asked to examine financial data, identify trends or challenges, and propose solutions that align with the bank’s objectives. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, are essential, as candidates may need to present their findings and recommendations to a panel of interviewers or in a written report.

To prepare for the case study, candidates should practice analyzing financial data, developing insights, and formulating strategic recommendations. Additionally, brushing up on relevant industry trends, recent news, and regulatory changes can provide valuable context for addressing the case study scenario. By demonstrating a thorough understanding of the bank’s business and the financial industry, candidates can showcase their ability to think critically and make informed decisions, increasing their chances of success in the hiring process.

Sample Bank of America Merrill Lynch Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

An investment manager is discerning patterns in asset allocation sequences in response to economic changes. If the previous response sequence to a recession scare was 'increase liquidity, diversify holdings, reduce risk exposure, reallocate to bonds', what would be the next most reasonable step in this sequence?

  • Review interest rate trends

  • Increase stock market investments

  • Focus entirely on real estate

  • Sell off all assets

A financial analyst reviews the quarterly sales data for five products over a period of one year. If Product A's sales increased by 5% each quarter, starting from $800 in the first quarter, what would be its sales value in the fourth quarter?

  • $926.25

  • $905.00

  • $850.00

  • $955.00

Given an evenly declining market interest rate over a three-month period, how should a short-term debt fund adjust its portfolio to maximize returns?

A team is analyzing sequence patterns in market data anomalies. If the last observed pattern was 'rise-fall-rise-stable', which of the following would logically represent the next market anomaly in the sequence?

  • Fall

  • Rise

  • Stable

  • Unexpected jump

If the first three actions of a procedural sequence to evaluate credit risk are Assess Income, Analyze Debt, and Evaluate Collateral, which of the following could logically be the next step in the sequence?

  • Calculate Credit Score

  • Conclude Contract Negotiations

  • Review Investment Portfolio

  • Inspect Property

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Bank of America Merrill Lynch Tests Tips

1Understand the Format

Acquainting yourself with the structure of the tests beforehand can significantly boost your confidence. Go through each section to understand the types of questions asked.

2Time Management

Keep an eye on the clock! Pacing yourself to allocate sufficient time for each section is critical. Regular practice can improve your time management skills.

3Practice Makes Perfect

The old adage really applies here; the more you practice, the better prepared you’ll be. Luckily, you can take practice tests for free right here on Practice Aptitude Tests!

4Read Carefully

Misinterpretation will be your biggest downfall. Read each question carefully to ensure your answers are as accurate as they can be.

5Stay Calm

Test anxiety can affect performance. Stay calm with some deep breaths and always remember that preparation is key to easing those nerves.

Improve your hiring chances by 76%

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Bank of America Merrill Lynch Tests FAQs

What are the Bank of America tests?

Bank of America utilizes a series of aptitude tests during their hiring process to assess a candidate’s analytical and decision-making abilities. These exams scrutinize various aspects like numerical reasoning, verbal skills, and situational judgment.

Are the Bank of America tests hard?

Like any aptitude tests, the difficulty of the Bank of America tests can vary depending on your existing skills. Those unfamiliar with the style of questions might find them challenging, which is why preparation is essential.

How do I prepare for Bank of America tests?

Preparing for Bank of America tests is all about practice. Taking practice tests, available here on Practice Aptitude Tests, is the most effective way to familiarize yourself with the types of questions and the format of the actual tests.

How long does the recruitment process take at Bank of America?

The recruitment process at Bank of America, from initial application to job offer, can vary in length, but it typically takes several weeks. This period includes various stages, such as interviews and aptitude tests.

What are Bank of America's core values?

Bank of America’s core values revolve around trust, inclusion, and a commitment to excellence. They value sustainable growth and building meaningful relationships with their customers, employees, and communities.

Reviews of our Bank of America tests

What our customers say about our Bank of America tests

  • william h greene

    United States of America

    February 20, 2022

    It was fun. I'm a little intrigued.

    I liked the number of factors at play and the use of logic switching to calculating. It was something fun to do while eating breakfast.

  • Amy Cooper

    United States of America

    February 26, 2021

    Not in US dollars

    Helpful aptitude test, not in US dollars

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online Aptitude Tests (2024) (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.