Apple Cranberry Cake Recipe (2024)

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Get ready to tantalize your taste buds this Apple Cranberry Cake that tastes so good and is easy to make. Easy and tasty two of my favorite words when it comes to recipes! This recipe has been adapted from the one at Barefoot Contessa, we've got to give credit where credit is due, as it inspired us to try it out and it come out so well!

We've cut down the sugar and I admit sometimes I'm a little heavy on the cinnamon but that's because we love it that way. I've also changed it to dark brown sugar a few times and personally I like it better that way but I love dememera sugar, however for this recipe we left it with the light brown sugar.

I love that this Apple CranberryCake recipe is fabulous for really any occasion. Having friends over for coffee or dinner, have some apple cranberry cake, baby shower, office party, potluck and the list goes on. I personally love it when I have time to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee and a slice of cranberry apple cake and if I'm feeling like make it extra special (which is always) I add some whip cream on top. Oh yummy does not even begin to cover it. So lets' get on with this recipe shall we?

Yield: 8

Apple Cranberry Cake

Apple Cranberry Cake Recipe (2)

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with this scrumptious Apple Cranberry Cake that is easy to make and great for any occasion.

Prep Time20 minutes

Cook Time1 hour

Inactive Time15 minutes

Total Time1 hour 35 minutes


  • 12 ounces fresh cranberries, rinsed and picked over for stems
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored,and diced (if you like it sweeter try a Gala apple yum)
  • ¼ cup light brown sugar, lightly packed (or if you want to try like I did dark brown sugar)
  • 1 tablespoon grated orange zest (2 oranges)
  • ¼ cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 ⅛ teaspoons ground cinnamon, divided - feel free to do to taste
  • 2 extra-large eggs, room temperature
  • ½ cup granulated sugar + 1 tablespoon set aside
  • ¼ pound unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup sour cream
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • ¼ teaspoon salt


    Preheat the oven to 325 degrees

  1. Combine the following: cranberries, apple, brown sugar, orange zest, orange juice, and 1 teaspoon of the cinnamon in a medium bowl. Set aside.
  2. Using an electric mixer with the paddle attachment, beat the eggs on medium-high speed for 2 minutes. On medium speed, add ½ cup of the granulated sugar, butter, vanilla, and sour cream and beat just until combined. Don't over mix. On low speed, slowly add the flour and salt.
  3. Pour fruit mixture into a 10-inch glass pie plate. Pour the batter over the fruit,covering it completely. Combine the remaining 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar and ⅛ teaspoon of cinnamon and sprinkle it over the batter. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean and the fruit is bubbling around the edges.
  4. You can serve it warm or at room temperature.

Nutrition Information:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 0Total Fat: 0g

Who is ready for a piece?Are you hungry for theapple cranberrycake yet?

Apple Cranberry Cake Recipe (4)

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Doesn't it sound fairly easy to make? If you don't have all of the ingredients run out and get them now. If you can't get fresh cranberries you can use frozen but drain them as much as you can. Well if you're not hungry for it I know I sure am! I think I will go and make myself a latte and eat that last piece of cake before my hubby or daughter realize there is one more piece left! If you try it let us know how you liked it!

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By Powered by Mom on January 21st, 2016

About Powered by Mom

I’m Michelle aka Powered by Mom. I’m married with one daughter, my hubby was my high school sweetheart, our two dogs Nyx and Cleo and our cat Oliver. As you can see we’re a family of animal lovers. We love to travel when we can, try different food and activities all over the world and enjoy being together. My passions are writing, travelling, creating new recipes, encouraging people to adopt not shop and just to enjoy life while we can.

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47 thoughts on “Apple Cranberry Cake Recipe”

  1. Wondering if a teaspoon of baking powder may be needed in this recipe?


    • Nope no baking powder needed.


  2. Recipe sounded good, so now I'm in the middle of making it, but there's no oven temperature to bake it at listed. You might want to add it. I went to the original recipe to find what was recommended there.


    • Hi Tammy,

      thank you so much for letting us know, we hope the recipe turned out for you and the oven temperature is there again.


  3. This looks great! I really like cranberries and who doesn't like apple pie. I will definitely try this. Thanks.


  4. This apple cranberry cake sounds amazing. I love cranberry and apple together


  5. wonderful combination of flavors. will have to try soon


  6. What a special cake. I would love to try this, esp as I like making recipes with fruits.


  7. This looks really good! Apples and Cranberries make me think of a cool autumn day. This might be something our family could make during the fall season, and maybe for Thanksgiving this year! 🙂


  8. Thanks for sharing, this looks perfect for a healthy breakfast snack. Unfortunately I don't get fresh cranberries where I love I hope dried or can ones will work.


  9. OOhhhh this sounds delicious, I just have to try!!! I bet it is AWESOME!

    Thanks for the Post, Pictures, and the Recipe! YUMMY!


  10. Ohh I will have to make this! I have apples and cranberries in my fridge right now. Looks so good!


  11. Oh yum I love anything in a dessert that includes apples, this looks delicious, thanks for sharing


  12. oh yum,now this looks right up my alley! Apples and cranberries,sounds like a great combination




  14. I love apples and trying to find new recipes to tempt the family with. The cranberries and apples together and the recipe sounds scrumptious. This recipe is going into my book. Thanks


  15. My daughter loves to bake, she is 1yr old and is a way better baker than me!!
    I know this is a recipe she will enjoy making and the rest of the family will enjoy eating!


  16. The apples and cranberries would go great together.


  17. OMG!!! This is a must do! If it tastes as good as it looks and sounds it will become a winter staple. WE LOVE CAKE and I will make this one tomorrow!! Thanks for the recipe!


  18. looks good and we love apples


  19. Thank you for the food review.


    • food review? Um it's a recipe not a food review 🙂


  20. I am so making this tonight! My hubby loves cranberries and i love apples!


  21. Thanks for the receipe. I will make this 🙂


  22. I am always looking for new ways to use apples and this cake is perfect!


  23. Absolutely delicious (adding orange zest a treat) but the addition of the whipped cream topping makes this a must have


  24. I am so going to make this, it sounds amazing! I love that you added "my" secret ingredient, orange zest. Orange zest adds a touch of brightness to so many dishes, I love it!


  25. I have a recipe for Cranberry cake that is amazing! It is our favorite winter cake. This one really intrigues me. I love the idea about apples being added to it. Yum.


  26. this looks good and we love apples and cranberries, thanks


  27. Looks muy delicioso! Why couldn't I have seen this recipe during the holidays! I'm trying to go on a diet now from all the eating that I did. Oh well. 🙁 Great recipe.


  28. i like apples & cranberries sounds really good.


  29. Save me a slice! 😀 That looks delish! I love apple pie. Perfect combination for an afternoon tea or a fresh brew coffee.


  30. Makes me just hungry looking at the pictures, now if I only had someone make me this cake


  31. I volunteer at a food bank here that asks the people to go through and make healthy choices.Saw this pie and thought of the juice that was donated.It was apple/cranberry with no chemicals,preservatives,or sugar.They put a jug out to be tried.Oh my was it GOOD.The apples make it very sweet!


  32. This is very good. I love how you add fresh whipping cream to everything. It's one of the best toppings around.


  33. This cake looks so yummy I want some


  34. this recipe looks awesome.


  35. love this recipe because its delish and inventive.


  36. Great looking recipe. I like the combination of apples & cranberries with the orange.


  37. This Recipe is so Delicious sounding and it Looks Delicious! I will definitely be making this cake as soon as possible. Will make a Great Valentines Day Cake. All the red inside!! I have one question though! In the ingredients you say 1/2 cup of sugar + 1 tablespoon set aside. But in the directions you say add 1 cup of sugar! Please advise me which is the right amount of sugar! Thankyou Dear!! 🙂


    • Cathy apologies on that, the original recipe called for 1 cup of sugar + 1 tablespoon but I cut it down to 1/2 cup so 1/2 cup 🙂


  38. Really looks good and kind of healthy for ya too.


  39. Thanks for the Yummy recipe on Apple Cranberry Cake Recipe! OMG! This cake looks and sounds soooooooooo good! I can't make this too soon because I won't be able to get out of the house to get the ingredients I need! It's snowing outside and it's supposed to go all day tomorrow and into Sunday! They are saying that we will be measuring this snow in feet! I have apples and the rest of what I need, except for the cranberries and sour cream! I know that as soon as I can get out, I'll be getting what I need to make this yummy dessert! I've saved the recipe too!!! Thanks so much for sharing your yummy recipe, the pictures, and your personal and professional opinions on Apple Cranberry Cake Recipe with all of us! I truly honestly do appreciate it! Thanks again so very much! Michele 🙂


  40. I like cranberries and apples so this would be a good combination for in a cake. This would be good to make in the fall when apples and cranberries are popular . thanks or the recipe also.


  41. I pinned this so I can try it later. What a great flavor combo. I can just imagine how good it smells while baking!


  42. This sounds so good. I love the combination of apples and cranberries. I will be giving this recipe a try soon. Thank you so much for sharing


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Apple Cranberry Cake Recipe (2024)
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