An Everdistant Horizon (Worm/Horizon Series AU) (2024)

Re: Christener

Honestly, when I imagined Roy Christener for this story, I channeled a bit of Warden Norton from Shawshank Redemption. I mean, it takes a special someone to seek out a shadowy organization to get a vial of powers for his son. It reeks of a man who likes power and prestige, and I applied it in this case here.

This is a political animal who has been in his element unmolested for quite some time. He will use anyone he can in order to advance his personal interests. He has also cultivated numerous connections, favors, and debts to continue that dominance. But more to his advantage, he has been a boon to the local power brokers because he has been advantageous for their business.

Now, one of the very things he has been using and abusing for years suddenly has broken their chains from him, they know the score on him, and while he could likely survive any type of scandal because he'd have the connections with media and others. However, his pride cannot allow it. And the fact that this Tinker, who gained her powers naturally, instead of everything he did for his son, is doing this to him, only further incites him.

So yeah, Roy is a f*cking piece of work, and I plan to run with it for a bit.

Halfgeek said:

An Everdistant Horizon (Worm/Horizon Series AU) (1)
I kinda want to reuse "the unwritten checklist" now. Even though it's a bit of an oxymoron.

I'll admit, I've been watching too many Fat Electrician videos lately. It's like every other video he makes a reference to the Geneva Checklist, and honestly, it seems appropriate. I mean, they might be unwritten, but they can still be a verbal checklist for violations. And Accord strikes me as the type of person if suitably pissed off, he'll literally start checking off the violations as he destroys you.

Teatime42 said:

Piggot after Armsmaster quits to go elsewhere leaving her short yet another cape: I am a genius

To be fair, this is the same Director that let her personal experiences color her perception of her subordinates when her job requires her to be impartial. This is also the same Director that was going to call an airstrike on both heroes and villains and violate the Truce, in order to take a stab at the Slaughterhouse 9. This is the kind of woman that doesn't seem to have really good long term planning. She seems quick to action, and there is plenty of room for her to be spiteful.

Teatime42 said:

What next? Jack Slash starts helping their PR? XD

No. Jack Slash isn't doing PR. Unless its his own PR, and he prefers to not play PR games and just cuts straight to the bone...literally.

megamindwriter said:

This line brings up a good question that hasn't been answered. Why hasn't the Simurgh interefered with Taylor. She's a precog, so she must see the things that Taylor will do and isn't her goal to cause conflict and despair?

So, when I was looking at Simurgh, I kinda noticed that for all of her grandiose chessmaster abilities, she needs to be aware of the target in order to plot accordingly against it. The longer she is in operation against said target, the further she can path. What's protecting Taylor right now is her anonymity. Now, that anonymity will eventually fade, but honestly, Taylor doesn't even get anything except like a page 8 entry in the local BB news. Partially because Christener's a c*nt, but also because its just a business action, nothing gigantic, even if its a company moving in and looking to create jobs.

So right now, Simurgh is not on the table, but she will be...soon.

Bob_Lobster said:

Now that I consider it, did he even send that message? Or was it from Contessa? The triumvirate still thinks the Bay is off limits, after all.

So, the original thought was that Contessa did do this. But I sat on it for a few chapters thinking about it and realized that that really isn't necessary. Legend is in a position to where he is under orders to ignore the plight of Brockton Bay, organizationally. He cannot sweep in and clean the city, nor can he shift forces without Cauldron's approval, so realistically, he has to tell Armsmaster he can't do anything.

Now, that doesn't mean he doesn't feel guilty because of it. But Armsmaster, who likely never contacts him or says anything, is reaching out to him and saying hey, this Tinker maybe something special? Terminus likely doesn't say he can't just forward some stuff to someone else to look at? After all, he's not exactly violating the spirit of Terminus.

Edgar Fizzlewhip said:

I don't know why Roy thinks that the Youth Guard is going to be some sort of silver bullet. Their primary remit is the Wards, which Taylor isn't a member of. Even if they have some sort of additional authority over underage parahumans, Taylor is doing this with the knowledge and approval of her father. Plus, she isn't going out and attempting to either fight crime or commit it, she's just sitting in her lab doing science. It's not even cool pew pew laser science but boring old accessibility aid science. They couldn't force her into the Wards without first stripping Danny of his parental rights, and I'm sure they have enemies that would love the chance to finance a court case and media blitz with the potential to screw them.

Never underestimate the bullsh*t a group of people with a extreme sense of moral superiority can do. These people have been living high on the hog, and they believe themselves as the moral and just protection for all of these poor children. Suddenly, someone dangles a fifteen year old girl who has powers being taken advantage of for some sort of twisted corporate greed? And they can stick it to the PRT for not stopping this? Sign them the f*ck up.

Anyways, its 3am. I'll see about the edits tomorrow. Tired as hell, and I want to at least have another chapter out before my inevitable return to work if Friday they don't extend my medical leave. Which honestly, they should, my knee is swelling back up again.

An Everdistant Horizon (Worm/Horizon Series AU) (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.