Alternate Game Modes (2024)

There are currently 3 alternate game modes that can be played: Prismatic Trials, Eclipse and Simulacrum. Prismatic Trials can only be played solo, while Eclipse and Simulacrum can both be played in multiplayer.


  • 1 Prismatic Trials
    • 1.1 Seed
    • 1.2 Notes
    • 1.3 Tips
  • 2 Eclipse
    • 2.1 Eclipse Levels
  • 3 Simulacrum
    • 3.1 Interactables
    • 3.2 Waves
    • 3.3 Mechanics
  • 4 Version History

Prismatic Trials

The Prismatic Trials is a special, solo-only game mode where players compete for the fastest time of completing 2 stages. However, to initiate the Teleporter Event, the player must destroy three of a handful of Time Crystals scattered across the map. These crystals explode when destroyed, dealing moderate damage to players and monsters alike. Unlike in standard gameplay, the Teleporter charges instantly once the Teleporter Boss has been defeated.

Prismatic Trials feature a set of two Environments on Alternate Game Modes (1) Rainstorm difficulty, starting cash, and random artifact selections. The only adjustments a player can make are the selected Survivor and their skill loadout.

Prismatic Trials cannot be accessed if the player has installed mods.

Currently, the Prismatic Trial's only in-game purpose is to unlock Alternate Game Modes (2) Slicing WindsAlternate Game Modes (3)Slicing Winds (Special)Fire a wind of blades that attack up to 3 enemies for 8x100% damage. The last hit Expose enemies.
Survivor: Mercenary
and Alternate Game Modes (4) Harvester's ScytheAlternate Game Modes (5)Alternate Game Modes (6)Harvester's Scythe
'Critical Strikes' heal you.

Gain 5% critical chance. Critical strikes heal for 8 (+4 per stack) health.


  • Every 3 days (72 hours), a new seed is generated for the Prismatic Trial. This seed is the same for all players, but has different artifacts on console.
  • Seeds affect stage rotations, interactables' locations and drops, bosses, monster spawn timing, and activated artifacts.
  • Player choices may affect some outcomes of the seed. For example, if the player visits the Alternate Game Modes (7) Bazaar Between TimeAlternate Game Modes (8)Bazaar Between Time (Hidden Realm)
    Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time
    This stage serves as the shop in Risk of Rain 2. Players can purchase various Items with Lunar Coins or exchange items for higher-rarity ones in two crucibles.
    after the 1st stage, the 2nd stage will have a different spawn location and teleporter location.
  • Seeds are not the same for consoles and PC.


  • The second stage boss will always be an Elite.
  • The in-game time does not stop in Alternate Game Modes (9) Bulwark's AmbryAlternate Game Modes (10)Bulwark's Ambry (Hidden Realm)
    Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry
    The area consists of block-shaped platforms, with the Artifact Reliquary in the center.
    , Alternate Game Modes (11) Gilded CoastAlternate Game Modes (12)Gilded Coast (Hidden Realm)
    Hidden Realm: Gilded Coast
    You dream of wealth.

    This area is where the player fights the boss Aurelionite, the Titanic Goldweaver.

    , Alternate Game Modes (13) Bazaar Between TimeAlternate Game Modes (14)Bazaar Between Time (Hidden Realm)
    Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time
    This stage serves as the shop in Risk of Rain 2. Players can purchase various Items with Lunar Coins or exchange items for higher-rarity ones in two crucibles.
    , and Alternate Game Modes (15) Void FieldsAlternate Game Modes (16)Void Fields (Hidden Realm)
    Cosmic Prison
    Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
  • While there is no variation between Prismatic Trials and usual scenarios, item drops from the Alternate Game Modes (17)Artifact of Sacrifice are not guaranteed each run.


  • Since the monster spawns and item drops from interactables are the same every playthrough, it is possible to memorize them and create strategies for each Prismatic Trial seed.
  • If Alternate Game Modes (18) Sky MeadowAlternate Game Modes (19)Sky Meadow (Stage 5)
    Sprite Fields
    You dream of serenity.
    is the second stage, it is possible to skip the Teleporter event (without destroying Time Crystals or fighting a Teleporter Boss) entirely by submitting an artifact code and entering the artifact portal.
    • If Sky Meadow is the first stage, entering the artifact portal will take the player to the Alternate Game Modes (20) Bulwark's AmbryAlternate Game Modes (21)Bulwark's Ambry (Hidden Realm)
      Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry
      The area consists of block-shaped platforms, with the Artifact Reliquary in the center.


Alternate Game Modes (22)

Eclipse is an alternate game mode that adds stacking challenge modifiers to successive runs. Each Survivor starts at Eclipse level 1, where playing Eclipse mode as that Survivor will have the first of the modifiers shown below. After successfully completing a run, that Survivor's Eclipse level will increment (up to a maximum of 8), and the next modifier will be added to future runs (in addition to all the modifiers from lower Eclipse levels). Eclipse has the same difficulty settings as Alternate Game Modes (23) Monsoon, and Challenges that require Monsoon can be completed on Eclipse. However, clearing an Eclipse run will not unlock the Survivor's logbook entry.

  1. Ally Starting Health: -50%
  2. Teleporter Radius: -50%
  3. Ally Fall Damage: +100% and lethal
  4. Enemy Speed: +40%
  5. Ally Healing: -50%
  6. Enemy Gold Drops: -20%
  7. Enemy Cooldowns: -50%
  8. Allies receive permanent damage. "You only celebrate in the light... because I allow it."

Note: "Ally" includes the player in all cases.

Celestial Orbs and Alternate Game Modes (24) Beads of FealtyAlternate Game Modes (25)Alternate Game Modes (26)Beads of Fealty
Seems to do nothing... but...
do not spawn in this game mode, meaning that the only way to complete a run is to fight Alternate Game Modes (27) MithrixAlternate Game Modes (28)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
. The Alternate Game Modes (29)Alternate Game Modes (30)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Locus is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Alternate Game Modes (31) Void LocusAlternate Game Modes (32)Alternate Game Modes (33)Alternate Game Modes (34)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Void Locus (Hidden Realm)
You dream of potential.

The Void Locus contains many Void Potentials and Cradles in place of chests, and is inhabited by Void monsters.

is also inaccessible, although the player can still fight Alternate Game Modes (35)Alternate Game Modes (36)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Voidling is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Alternate Game Modes (37) VoidlingAlternate Game Modes (38)Alternate Game Modes (39)Alternate Game Modes (40)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Diviner of the DeepHP: 2000 (+600 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 45 m/s
Armor: 20
after defeating Mithrix by petting the Glass Frog at the starting area of Alternate Game Modes (41) CommencementAlternate Game Modes (42)Commencement (Final)
Moon of Petrichor V
You dream of glass and dirt.

Large domain located above the shattered breach of Alternate Game Modes (43) Petrichor V's moon. It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of Alternate Game Modes (44) MithrixAlternate Game Modes (45)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
and Providence's tools of creation.

ten times (one Lunar Coin per pet, ten Lunar Coins total), which will lead directly to Alternate Game Modes (46)Alternate Game Modes (47)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
The Planetarium is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Alternate Game Modes (48) The PlanetariumAlternate Game Modes (49)Alternate Game Modes (50)Alternate Game Modes (51)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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The Planetarium (Final)
Cell V
The Planetarium is an area somewhere within the Void, housing a collection of planets detained by the Void's denizens. It is inhabited primarily by the Voidling, the guard of the Planetarium or potentially the controller of the Void itself.
. Dying to Voidling on Eclipse will not progress the player's Eclipse level and will count as a loss.

Artifacts cannot be used in Eclipse, and the Artifact Portal cannot be spawned.

Eclipse can be played solo or multiplayer. In multiplayer, the Eclipse level will be set to the lowest level from all Survivors in the lobby.

There are no challenges or unlocks associated with Eclipse; it is strictly a challenge mode to test players' skills, although visual indicators of Eclipse progress will be displayed on the character select screen for the game mode, including a Gold Eclipse icon for beating an Eclipse level on every character.

  • Alternate Game Modes (52)

    Gold Eclipse Icons

Eclipse Levels

Alternate Game Modes (53) Eclipse 1Ally Starting Health: -50%The Eclipse 1 effect starts the Survivor and all allies at half of their maximum health upon spawning, including at the beginning of every stage.

Note that this is not a reduction to maximum health, only the starting amount.

Alternate Game Modes (54) TranscendenceAlternate Game Modes (55)Alternate Game Modes (56)Transcendence
Convert all your health into shield. Increase maximum health.

Convert all but 1 health into regenerating shields. Gain 50% (+25% per stack) maximum health.
completely negates Eclipse 1 due to the fact that Eclipse 1 ignores shields, and so only the player's 1 health will be halved.

While Eclipse 1 does not heavily impact most Survivors, Alternate Game Modes (57) Engineer'sAlternate Game Modes (58)EngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
Umbra: Fortification Expert
turrets' health will be at half every time they are built.

Alternate Game Modes (59) Eclipse 2Teleporter Radius: -50%The Eclipse 2 effect reduces the radius of the Teleporter Event by half. Note that this means that the ground area inside the radius is reduced by 75%.

This effect includes the radius of the vents in the Alternate Game Modes (60) Void FieldsAlternate Game Modes (61)Void Fields (Hidden Realm)
Cosmic Prison
Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
and the Pillars of Soul on Alternate Game Modes (62) CommencementAlternate Game Modes (63)Commencement (Final)
Moon of Petrichor V
You dream of glass and dirt.

Large domain located above the shattered breach of Alternate Game Modes (64) Petrichor V's moon. It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of Alternate Game Modes (65) MithrixAlternate Game Modes (66)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
and Providence's tools of creation.

, making them a very daunting prospect. It also makes using Alternate Game Modes (67) Focused ConvergenceAlternate Game Modes (68)Alternate Game Modes (69)Focused Convergence
Increase the speed of Teleporter charging... BUT reduce the size of the zone.

Teleporters charge 30% (+30% per stack) faster, but the size of the Teleporter zone is 50% (-50% per stack) smaller.
more challenging.

Alternate Game Modes (70) Eclipse 3Ally Fall Damage: +100% and lethalThe Eclipse 3 effect is identical to the effect of the Alternate Game Modes (71)Artifact of Frailty.

Alternate Game Modes (72) TranscendenceAlternate Game Modes (73)Alternate Game Modes (74)Transcendence
Convert all your health into shield. Increase maximum health.

Convert all but 1 health into regenerating shields. Gain 50% (+25% per stack) maximum health.
trivializes Eclipse 3, since the player's maximum health becomes 1, and therefore the most fall damage they can take becomes 2. Having more than 50% of a character's health be shield will also make fall damage non-lethal assuming full health.

Alternate Game Modes (75) LoaderAlternate Game Modes (76)LoaderThe Loader is a slow but powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment.
Class: Melee
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Bionic Powerhouse
is unaffected due to her Alternate Game Modes (77) Scrap BarrierAlternate Game Modes (78)Scrap Barrier (Passive)The Loader is immune to fall damage. Striking enemies with the Loader's gauntlets grants a temporary barrier.
Survivor: Loader

Alternate Game Modes (79) Eclipse 4Enemy Speed: +40%The Eclipse 4 effect is essentially the opposite of the Alternate Game Modes (80) Chronobauble'sAlternate Game Modes (81)Alternate Game Modes (82)Chronobauble
Slow enemies on hit.

Slow enemies on hit for -60% movement speed for 2s (+2s per stack).
effect. Only enemies' movement speed is affected; their attack speed and cooldowns are unchanged.

This effect can have some positive effects for the player. Enemies group up faster, and melee enemies (especially Alternate Game Modes (83) MithrixAlternate Game Modes (84)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
) may overshoot their attacks.

Alternate Game Modes (85) Eclipse 5Ally Healing: -50%The Eclipse 5 effect applies to all active healing effects (such as Alternate Game Modes (86) MedkitAlternate Game Modes (87)Alternate Game Modes (88)Medkit
Receive a delayed heal after taking damage.

2 seconds after getting hurt, heal for 20 plus an additional 5% (+5% per stack) of maximum health.
, Alternate Game Modes (89) Monster ToothAlternate Game Modes (90)Alternate Game Modes (91)Monster Tooth
Drop a healing orb on kill.

Killing an enemy spawns a healing orb that heals for 8 plus an additional 2% (+2% per stack) of maximum health.
, and Alternate Game Modes (92) REX'sAlternate Game Modes (93)REXREX is a half robot / half plant that uses HP to cast devastating skills from a distance. The plant nor the robot could survive this planet alone – but thankfully they have each other.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Symbiotes
abilities), as well base health regeneration and items with regeneration effects (such as Alternate Game Modes (94) Titanic KnurlAlternate Game Modes (95)Alternate Game Modes (96)Titanic Knurl
Boosts health and regeneration.

Increase maximum health by 40 (+40 per stack) and base health regeneration by +1.6 hp/s (+1.6 hp/s per stack).
or Alternate Game Modes (97) Cautious SlugAlternate Game Modes (98)Alternate Game Modes (99)Cautious Slug
Rapidly heal outside of danger.

Increases base health regeneration by +3 hp/s (+3 hp/s per stack) while outside of combat.

Alternate Game Modes (100) TranscendenceAlternate Game Modes (101)Alternate Game Modes (102)Transcendence
Convert all your health into shield. Increase maximum health.

Convert all but 1 health into regenerating shields. Gain 50% (+25% per stack) maximum health.
trivializes Eclipse 5, as shields are unaffected by the healing reduction.

Eclipse 5 can be helpful to Alternate Game Modes (103)Alternate Game Modes (104)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Fiend is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Alternate Game Modes (105) Void FiendAlternate Game Modes (106)Alternate Game Modes (107)Alternate Game Modes (108)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Void FiendThe Void Fiend is a corrupted survivor that fluctuates between a controlled and corrupted form, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Managing this curse has become its fate.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Corrupted Amnesiac
, as healing will reduce its corruption less.

Alternate Game Modes (109) CorpsebloomAlternate Game Modes (110)Alternate Game Modes (111)Corpsebloom
Double your healing... BUT it's applied over time.

Heal +100% (+100% per stack) more. All healing is applied over time. Can heal for a maximum of 10% (-50% per stack) of your health per second.
is impacted twice by the Eclipse 5 effect: once when the initial healing value is calculated, and once when the healing over time is applied. This makes the Corpsebloom a completely detrimental item on Eclipse 5+.

Alternate Game Modes (112) Eclipse 6Enemy Gold Drops: -20%The Eclipse 6 effect reduces all gold dropped from enemies by 20%. Other methods of obtaining gold, such as Barrels, Alternate Game Modes (113) Ghor's TomeAlternate Game Modes (114)Alternate Game Modes (115)Ghor's Tome
Chance on kill to drop a treasure.

4% (+4% on stack) chance on kill to drop a treasure worth $25. Scales over time.
, and Alternate Game Modes (116) Brittle CrownAlternate Game Modes (117)Alternate Game Modes (118)Brittle Crown
Gain gold on hit... BUT surrender gold on getting hit.

30% chance on hit to gain 2 (+2 per stack) gold. Scales over time.

Lose gold on taking damage equal to 100% (+100% per stack) of the maximum health percentage you lost.

are unaffected.

Eclipse 6 can make it so that some enemies on stage 1 will not give any gold upon defeat.

Alternate Game Modes (119) Eclipse 7Enemy Cooldowns: -50%Eclipse 7 halves all enemy skill cooldowns. Essentially, enemies use their moves twice as often.

Eclipse 7 is especially consequential for the Alternate Game Modes (120) Alloy Worship UnitAlternate Game Modes (121)Alloy Worship Unit
Friend of VulturesHP: 2500 (+750 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 7 m/s
Armor: 30
, which becomes nigh invincible once it starts using Alloy Supercharged Detonation over and over, attaining near-constant shielding. The same idea also applies to the shield of the Alternate Game Modes (122)Alternate Game Modes (123)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Xi Construct is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Alternate Game Modes (124) Xi ConstructAlternate Game Modes (125)Alternate Game Modes (126)Alternate Game Modes (127)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Xi Construct
Defense SystemHP: 2800 (+840 per level)
Damage: 13 (+2.6 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 60 m/s
Armor: 15

Some enemies whose attack animations are long are less affected by Eclipse 7; for instance, the Alternate Game Modes (128)Alternate Game Modes (129)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Blind Pest is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Alternate Game Modes (130) Blind PestAlternate Game Modes (131)Alternate Game Modes (132)Alternate Game Modes (133)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Blind Pest
HP: 80 (+24 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 6 m/s
Armor: 0
has a 1s cooldown on its attack (0.5s on Eclipse 7+), but the animation takes 2 seconds to finish.

Alternate Game Modes (134) Eclipse 8Allies receive permanent damage.

"You only celebrate in the light... because I allow it."

The Eclipse 8 effect leaves permanent curses on allies when they suffer damage. When an ally takes damage, they gain a number of stacks of Alternate Game Modes (135) Permanent CurseAlternate Game Modes (136)Permanent Curse (Debuff)
Permanently decrease maximum health per stage.Maximum health reduced by a factor of 1 + 0.01 ⋅ n , where n is the number of stacks.
equal to 40 ⋅ Damage / MaxHealth, rounded down. Maximum health is reduced by a factor of 1 + 0.01 ⋅ n, where n is the number of stacks.

Contrary to its name, this "permanent" damage is reset at the beginning of every stage. All curse stacks are also removed when resurrecting with Alternate Game Modes (137) Dio's Best FriendAlternate Game Modes (138)Alternate Game Modes (139)Dio's Best Friend
Cheat death. Consumed on use.

Upon death, this item will be consumed and you will return to life with 3 seconds of invulnerability.
, but not when using Alternate Game Modes (140) Blast ShowerAlternate Game Modes (141)Alternate Game Modes (142)20sBlast Shower
Cleanse all negative effects.

Cleanse all negative effects. Includes debuffs, damage over time, and nearby projectiles.

The formula for health reduction is hyperbolic, meaning health lost is not 1% per curse stack/2.5% damage taken. It instead is reduced by much less than this, making this modifier slightly more forgiving than expected.

There is a minimum damage to gain a curse stack of 2.5% of max health, so very small hits will not cause curse and Alternate Game Modes (143) Helfire TinctureAlternate Game Modes (144)Alternate Game Modes (145)45sHelfire Tincture
Burn everything nearby... including you and allies.

Ignite ALL characters within 15m for 12s. Deal 5% of your maximum health/second as burning as damage. The burn is 0.5x stronger on yourself, 0.25x stronger on allies, and 24x stronger on enemies.
is still usable. However, all of Alternate Game Modes (146) REX'sAlternate Game Modes (147)REXREX is a half robot / half plant that uses HP to cast devastating skills from a distance. The plant nor the robot could survive this planet alone – but thankfully they have each other.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Symbiotes
self-damaging moves will trigger the permanent damage effect, making REX easily the hardest character on Eclipse 8 on account of having to use most if not all of its non-self damaging abilities, which are considerably weaker than their self damaging counterparts.

Alternate Game Modes (148) Simulacrum

The Simulacrum is an infinitely scaling wave based alternative game mode that is new to the Survivors of the Void update and DLC.

Upon entering the game, players will spawn next to the Assessment Focus inside of a small cylinder (extending from the ground to the skybox) which protects them from the deadly Void Fog. Outside of the bubble provided, you take damage equivalent to 0.05 * (1 + fogStackCount * 0.1 * 0.2) * 0.2 * fullCombinedHealth every 0.2 seconds, where fogStackCount is the amount of times you've been damaged by the void fog, and fullCombinedHealth is your MaxHealth + MaxShield. Upon interacting with the Focus, the bubble will expand, giving it a radius of 62m, and the first wave will begin. Completing the wave requires killing all the enemies that will spawn. 60 seconds after the last enemy for the wave has spawned, the bubble will slowly shrink until it disappears. If the Void Fog kills all remaining enemies before the player, the wave will be completed successfully and the bubble will reexpand to its initial size. Upon completion of a wave, a Void Potential drops for each player and a 10 second timer starts for the next wave. Additionally, all dead players are respawned at the completion of a wave, effectively making Alternate Game Modes (149) Dio's Best FriendAlternate Game Modes (150)Alternate Game Modes (151)Dio's Best Friend
Cheat death. Consumed on use.

Upon death, this item will be consumed and you will return to life with 3 seconds of invulnerability.
useless for this game mode if played in multiplayer. Special modifiers known as Augments may also (randomly) trigger upon the start of a wave.

Every 5th wave will be a "boss wave", having stronger and more numerous enemies, and, after completion, the Assessment Focus will begin moving to a new location in the current Environment, during which all players must follow it. At the beginning of every 10th wave, the enemies will be granted an item, similar to the Alternate Game Modes (152) Void FieldsAlternate Game Modes (153)Void Fields (Hidden Realm)
Cosmic Prison
Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
, in a Common-Common-Uncommon-Uncommon-Legendary cycle. Completing this wave will spawn a portal, transporting players to another Environment. After this, they must once again interact with the Assessment Focus to begin the first wave in that Environment. Since this counts as clearing a stage, and Malachite and Celestine elites start appearing from stage 6 onwards, they will not spawn before Wave 51.

The Environments have various modifications from their original versions, including missing sections and having additional Launch Pads to make traversing a stage less deadly to the Void Fog. The Environments can be selected in any random order, and each one can lead to any of the remaining ones, making the same Environment possible with only one intermediate in the between. There are a total of 7 Environments:

  • Alternate Game Modes (154) Titanic PlainsAlternate Game Modes (155)Titanic Plains (Stage 1)
    Ground Zero
    You dream of rolling hills.

    Gigantic stone arches bracket the skyline, while the main play-field overlooks a vast fractured tectonic lowland.

  • Alternate Game Modes (156) Abandoned AqueductAlternate Game Modes (157)Abandoned Aqueduct (Stage 2)
    Origin of Tar
    You dream of sand beneath your feet.

    Massive skeletons and pools of tar are littered around, and a towering aqueduct pouring down tar dominates the area.

  • Alternate Game Modes (158)Alternate Game Modes (159)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Aphelian Sanctuary is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Alternate Game Modes (160) Aphelian SanctuaryAlternate Game Modes (161)Alternate Game Modes (162)Alternate Game Modes (163)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Aphelian Sanctuary (Stage 2)
    Cleansing Center
    You dream of clarity.
  • Alternate Game Modes (164) Rallypoint DeltaAlternate Game Modes (165)Rallypoint Delta (Stage 3)
    'Contact Light' Survivor Camp
    You dream of quiet snowfall.

    Rallypoint Delta is the remains of a makeshift camp constructed by a group of scattered crew members from the UES Contact Light, somewhere in the frigid tundra of Petrichor V.

  • Alternate Game Modes (166) Abyssal DepthsAlternate Game Modes (167)Abyssal Depths (Stage 4)
    Tectonic Relics
    You dream of fire.

    A hellfire-forged zone of blazing heat, the Abyssal Depths are believed to be a continuation and adaptation of the Magma Barracks from Risk of Rain.

  • Alternate Game Modes (168) Sky MeadowAlternate Game Modes (169)Sky Meadow (Stage 5)
    Sprite Fields
    You dream of serenity.
  • Alternate Game Modes (170) CommencementAlternate Game Modes (171)Commencement (Final)
    Moon of Petrichor V
    You dream of glass and dirt.

    Large domain located above the shattered breach of Alternate Game Modes (172) Petrichor V's moon. It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of Alternate Game Modes (173) MithrixAlternate Game Modes (174)Mithrix
    King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
    Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    Speed: 15 m/s
    Armor: 20
    and Providence's tools of creation.

Due to the nature of the game mode, e.g., lack of Teleporter and drones, there are certain things that cannot occur:

  • Other than the special portal to advance to the next Environment, no portals can spawn
  • Family Events will never happen
  • Items that activate during the teleporter event activate during the waves
  • Certain items are blacklisted and cannot be obtained, even with the Alternate Game Modes (175)Artifact of Command:
    • Alternate Game Modes (176) Bundle of FireworksAlternate Game Modes (177)Alternate Game Modes (178)Bundle of Fireworks
      Activating an interactable launches fireworks at nearby enemies.

      Activating an interactable launches 8 (+4 per stack) fireworks that deal 300% base damage.
    • Alternate Game Modes (179) Squid PolypAlternate Game Modes (180)Alternate Game Modes (181)Squid Polyp
      Activating an interactable summons a Squid Turret nearby.

      Activating an interactable summons a Squid Turret that attacks nearby enemies at 100% (+100% per stack) attack speed. Lasts 30 seconds.
    • Alternate Game Modes (182)Alternate Game Modes (183)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Spare Drone Parts is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Alternate Game Modes (184) Spare Drone PartsAlternate Game Modes (185)Alternate Game Modes (186)Alternate Game Modes (187)Alternate Game Modes (188)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Spare Drone Parts
      Your drones fire faster, have less cooldowns, shoot missiles, and gain a bonus chaingun.

      Gain Col. Droneman. Drones gain +50% (+50% per stack) attack speed and cooldown reduction. Drones gain 10% chance to fire a missile on hit, dealing 300% TOTAL damage. Drones gain an automatic chain gun that deals 6x100% damage, bouncing to 2 enemies.
    • Alternate Game Modes (189) Focused ConvergenceAlternate Game Modes (190)Alternate Game Modes (191)Focused Convergence
      Increase the speed of Teleporter charging... BUT reduce the size of the zone.

      Teleporters charge 30% (+30% per stack) faster, but the size of the Teleporter zone is 50% (-50% per stack) smaller.
    • Alternate Game Modes (192) Beads of FealtyAlternate Game Modes (193)Alternate Game Modes (194)Beads of Fealty
      Seems to do nothing... but...
    • Alternate Game Modes (195) Halcyon SeedAlternate Game Modes (196)Alternate Game Modes (197)Halcyon Seed
      Summon Aurelionite during the Teleporter event.

      Summon Aurelionite during the teleporter event. It has 100% (+50% per stack) damage and 100% (+100% per stack) health.


Each Environment is given 600 credits to spend on interactable spawning (this is independent on the number of players, but they will still be halved with the Artifact of Sacrifice) it can select only from a limited pool of spawn cards. Unlike the original game mode, the spawn cards have no stage requirements, which means, for example, Legendary Chests can spawn as early as stage 1.

Small ChestChests240
Damage ChestChests20
Healing ChestChests20
Utility ChestChests20
Large ChestChests40
Adaptive ChestChests10
Equipment BarrelChests20
Multishop TerminalChests80
Equipment Triple ShopChests20
Lunar PodChests10
Shrine of BloodShrines1
Cloaked ChestRare6
Legendary ChestRare2
3D Printer (White)Printers30
3D Printer (Green)Printers6
Mili-Tech PrinterPrinters1
3D Printer (Overgrown)Printers2
Void CradleVoid Stuff1

The category weights are:

  • Chests: 45
  • Shrines: 1
  • Rare: 0.4
  • Printers: 8
  • Void Stuff: 3

This means that for each stage one should on average expect the following:

  • 27 items (+10 from the wave rewards) (+10 more if one holds the Alternate Game Modes (198)Alternate Game Modes (199)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Executive Card is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Alternate Game Modes (200) Executive CardAlternate Game Modes (201)Alternate Game Modes (202)0.1sAlternate Game Modes (203)Alternate Game Modes (204)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Executive Card
    Gain 10% cash back on all purchases. Multishops remain open.

    Whenever you make a gold purchase, get 10% of the spent gold back. If the purchase is a multishop terminal, the other terminals will remain open.
  • 4-5 equipment
  • 2 Void Cradles
  • 6% chance for a Legendary chest and 10% for a Mili-Tech Printer to spawn

Do note that on the earlier stages one is very unlikely to accumulate enough gold, or have enough healing and mobility to traverse the void fog safely to fully loot a stage.


Each wave can trigger an Augment that can determine the monsters that spawn, as well as enable and disable artifacts. The rarity of item you receive can also be determined by an Augment.

Common Waves

Augment of Spite1.0The Alternate Game Modes (205)Artifact of Spite must be disabled for the run.Enables the Alternate Game Modes (206)Artifact of Spite for that wave.
Augment of Command1.0The Alternate Game Modes (207)Artifact of Command must be disabled for the run.Enables the Alternate Game Modes (208)Artifact of Command for that wave.
Augment of Glass1.0The Alternate Game Modes (209)Artifact of Glass must be disabled for the run.Enables the Alternate Game Modes (210)Artifact of Glass for that wave.
Augment of Dissonance1.0The Alternate Game Modes (211)Artifact of Dissonance must be disabled for the run.Enables the Alternate Game Modes (212)Artifact of Dissonance for that wave.
Augment of Kin1.0The Alternate Game Modes (213)Artifact of Kin must be disabled for the run.Enables the Alternate Game Modes (214)Artifact of Kin for that wave.
Augment of Frailty1.0The Alternate Game Modes (215)Artifact of Frailty must be disabled for the run.Enables the Alternate Game Modes (216)Artifact of Frailty for that wave.
Augment of Soul1.0The Alternate Game Modes (217)Artifact of Soul must be disabled for the run.Enables the Alternate Game Modes (218)Artifact of Soul for that wave.
Augment of Enigma1.0The Alternate Game Modes (219)Artifact of Enigma must be disabled for the run.Enables the Alternate Game Modes (220)Artifact of Enigma for that wave.

Boss Waves

Default100.0N/AEnemies spawn in greater, stronger amounts. Clearing the wave grants the player a green orb.
Boss Augment of the Moon4.0N/AEnemies spawn in greater, stronger amounts and are guaranteed to be Alternate Game Modes (221) Alternate Game Modes (222)Lunar Chimera (Exploder)
Zenith DesignsHP: 180 (+54 per level)
Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
Speed: 8 m/s
Armor: 0
Alternate Game Modes (223) Alternate Game Modes (224)Lunar Chimera (Golem)
Zenith DesignsHP: 1615 (+485 per level)
Damage: 35 (+7 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 8 m/s
Armor: 0
Alternate Game Modes (225) Alternate Game Modes (226)Lunar Chimera (Wisp)
Zenith DesignsHP: 850 (+255 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 18 m/s
Armor: 0
Lunar enemies. Clearing the wave grants the player a blue orb.
Boss Augment of the Void10.0N/AEnemies spawn in greater, stronger amounts and are guaranteed to be Alternate Game Modes (227) Alternate Game Modes (228)Alternate Game Modes (229)Alternate Game Modes (230)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void Barnacle
HP: 225 (+68 per level)
Damage: 6 (+1.2 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 0 m/s
Armor: 0
Alternate Game Modes (231) Alternate Game Modes (232)Alternate Game Modes (233)Alternate Game Modes (234)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void Devastator
Destroyer of WorldsHP: 2800 (+840 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
Speed: 8 m/s
Armor: 20
Alternate Game Modes (235) Alternate Game Modes (236)Alternate Game Modes (237)Alternate Game Modes (238)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void Jailer
HP: 2200 (+660 per level)
Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
Speed: 7 m/s
Armor: 0
Alternate Game Modes (239) Alternate Game Modes (240)Void Reaver
HP: 1900 (+570 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
Speed: 6 m/s
Armor: 0
Void enemies. Clearing the wave grants the player a purple orb.
Boss Augment of the Scavenger2.0Wave 11 or higher.A Alternate Game Modes (241) ScavengerAlternate Game Modes (242)Scavenger
Item HoarderHP: 3800 (+1140 per level)
Damage: 4 (+0.8 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 3 m/s
Armor: 20
spawns by itself and upon being defeated grants the player a blue orb. This is likely a bug and it was supposed to grant a red orb instead. The reason for this suspicion is the internal name for the red orb implies it's reserved for special bosses and this augment exhibits many such traits, i.e., the wave description mentions a special reward, it's a singular powerful enemy, and it has small chance of occuring with a specific requirement.
Boss Augment of Mithrix2.0Wave 11 or higher.Alternate Game Modes (243) MithrixAlternate Game Modes (244)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
spawns by himself and upon being defeated grants the player a red orb. Mithrix only uses his phase 1 skills and does not steal items from players.

The reward for the common waves is a white orb with chances:

  • 88.4% Common
  • 11.0% Uncommon
  • 0.3% Legendary
  • 0.3% Boss

The green orb has items with chances:

  • 84.2% Uncommon
  • 7.9% Legendary
  • 7.9% Boss

The blue orb has items with chances:

  • 100% Lunar

The purple orb has void items with chances:

  • 79.2% Common
  • 19.8% Uncommon
  • 0.99% Legendary

The red orb has items with chances:

  • 80% Legendary
  • 20% Boss

Note that these percentages are actually affected by the drop chance bias.


This game mode uses its own difficulty coefficient, which is very similar to the one used in the normal game mode if one sets playerCount to 1. This makes the formula independent on the number of players:

Alternate Game Modes (245)

Alternate Game Modes (246)

Alternate Game Modes (247)

The enemy level is calculated by the standard formula with setting playerCount to 1:

Alternate Game Modes (248)

The enemy level cap is set to 9999, compared to 99 for the normal mode. It takes 213 waves to reach that on Monsoon difficulty.

On starting a wave, the Combat Director gets a total amount of credits equal to:

Alternate Game Modes (249)

where baseCredits is the base amount of credits a wave can use. Common waves have 159 credits and boss waves 500 credits respectively.

There is an initial burst of credits awarded for immediate spawning and the rest are slowly released over a period of time.

Alternate Game Modes (250)

Alternate Game Modes (251)


  • immediateCreditsFraction is the fraction of total wave credits to grant initially. For common waves it's 0.15 and for boss waves 0.3. This is irrelevant for the Boss Augment of the Scavenger/Mithrix, as they don't rely on credits to spawn the explicit enemy monster.
  • wavePeriodSeconds is the number of seconds over which the remaining credits will be awarded. For common waves it is 30 seconds and for boss waves 60 seconds. While this places a minimum duration per wave, realistically this is limited by how quickly the director can spend the accumulated credits.

The immediateMonsterCredits is also what the director will use to set the first spawn of the boss wave to a boss monster. Such a boss spawn will fail to materialise for at least the first couple of boss waves as there will be insufficient credits. Most notably, on wave 10 on Monsoon difficulty the director will initially have access to 599.19 credits, while the cheapest boss monster costs 600.

Since there can be a maximum of 30 enemies spawned at once, the director stops accumulating credits when it hits the limit and resumes when at least one enemy has been killed.

Version History

PC Patch v1.2.2.0
  • Simulacrum
    • Waves now skip if nothing has spawned for 60 seconds
    • Waves now have a limit of how many credits can be given out at once
    • Waves will now spawn slightly more elites, and slightly less normal monsters
    • Artifact of Kin will always spawn monsters, even if they are considered ‘cheap’
    • Developer Notes: Simulacrum has a few edge cases where the director fails to spawn monsters - and as a result, the gamemode no longer advances. We added a few different checks to address situations where the game gets stuck. Not only that, but simulacrum tended to spam a lot more normal monsters instead of elites - so now, it’ll spawn a little bit more elite-y.
Survivors of the Void
  • Eclipse is now available in multiplayer
  • Prismatic Trials now has Survivors of the Void permanently enabled, even for non-DLC owners
PC Patch v1.0.2.0
  • Bug Fixes
PC Patch v1.0.1.1 (Build ID No.5440050)
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix Alternate Game Modes (253) Void FieldsAlternate Game Modes (254)Void Fields (Hidden Realm)
      Cosmic Prison
      Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
      safe zones on Alternate Game Modes (255) Eclipse 2 being larger than the actual charging radius
    • Fix Prismatic Trials counting your run in leaderboards when you die
Early Access Content Update 5
  • (Undocumented) Added Eclipse
PC Early Access Patch (Build ID No.4892828)
  • Gameplay Changes
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix the teleporter not instantly reaching full charge on killing the Prismatic Trials boss
Early Access Artifacts Content Update
  • Gameplay Changes
    • 🌧 Now spawns with a random selection of Artifacts!
    • 🌧 Fix stage object rotation randomization not being seeded
  • Bug Fixes
    • 🌧 Fix Alternate Game Modes (257) Magma WormsAlternate Game Modes (258)Magma Worm
      Ancient Lava SwimmerHP: 2400 (+720 per level)
      Damage: 10 (+2 per level)
      Class: Melee
      Speed: 20 m/s
      Armor: 15
      and similar monsters from spawning as an elite version in Prismatic Trials. Goodbye Alternate Game Modes (259) OverloadingAlternate Game Modes (260)Overloading (Affix Buff)
      Gain the power of an Overloading Elite.Attacks explode after a delay. 50% of health is replaced by shield.
      Alternate Game Modes (261) Overloading WormAlternate Game Modes (262)Overloading Worm
      The ReminderHP: 12000 (+3600 per level)
      Damage: 50 (+10 per level)
      Class: Melee
      Speed: 20 m/s
      Armor: 15
Early Access Patch (Build ID No.3703355)
  • Gameplay Changes
    • Add Friends-Only Leaderboard
    • Update Global Leaderboard to be around your current position in the Leaderboard
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
ArtifactsChallengesChestsDifficultyDronesEquipmentInteractablesItemsItem StackingLoreMechanicsMonstersNewt AltarsPrismatic TrialShrinesStatus Effects
Alternate Game Modes (263) AcridAlternate Game Modes (264)AcridAcrid is a melee-range hybrid who uses powerful poisons to melt tanky enemies.
Class: Melee / Ranged
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Umbra: Test Subject
Alternate Game Modes (265) ArtificerAlternate Game Modes (266)ArtificerThe Artificer is a high burst damage survivor who excels in fighting large groups and bosses alike.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Herald of the House Beyond
Alternate Game Modes (267) BanditAlternate Game Modes (268)BanditThe Bandit is a high-skill combo character that can dish out devastating backstabs while weaving in and out of stealth.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Desperate Outlaw
Alternate Game Modes (269) CaptainAlternate Game Modes (270)CaptainThe Captain is a unique survivor that can control the battlefield with utility and damage - with help from the UES Safe Travels.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Tired Veteran
Alternate Game Modes (271) CommandoAlternate Game Modes (272)CommandoThe Commando is a jack-of-all-trades character that is reliable in all situations of the game.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Cornered Gunslinger
Alternate Game Modes (273) EngineerAlternate Game Modes (274)EngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
Umbra: Fortification Expert
Alternate Game Modes (275) HereticAlternate Game Modes (276)HereticThe Heretic is a powerful character who can only be accessed through extraordinary means.
Class: Ranged
HP: 440 (+132 per level)
Damage: 18 (+3.6 per level)
Umbra: Unorthodoxy Risen
Alternate Game Modes (277) HuntressAlternate Game Modes (278)HuntressThe Huntress is an extremely mobile but fragile survivor with a high damage output.
Class: Ranged
HP: 90 (+27 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Judge, Jury, Executioner
Alternate Game Modes (279) LoaderAlternate Game Modes (280)LoaderThe Loader is a slow but powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment.
Class: Melee
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Bionic Powerhouse
Alternate Game Modes (281) MercenaryAlternate Game Modes (282)MercenaryThe Mercenary is a high skill melee survivor that uses his many dodges to weave in and out of combat.
Class: Melee
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Hired Blade
Alternate Game Modes (283) MUL-TAlternate Game Modes (284)MUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
Class: Melee / Ranged
HP: 200 (+60 per level)
Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
Alternate Game Modes (285)Alternate Game Modes (286)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Railgunner is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Alternate Game Modes (287) RailgunnerAlternate Game Modes (288)Alternate Game Modes (289)Alternate Game Modes (290)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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RailgunnerThe Railgunner is a long-range, single target survivor that can instantly kill any high priority target - and from any range.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Forgotten Nomad
Alternate Game Modes (291) REXAlternate Game Modes (292)REXREX is a half robot / half plant that uses HP to cast devastating skills from a distance. The plant nor the robot could survive this planet alone – but thankfully they have each other.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Symbiotes
Alternate Game Modes (293)Alternate Game Modes (294)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Fiend is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Alternate Game Modes (295) Void FiendAlternate Game Modes (296)Alternate Game Modes (297)Alternate Game Modes (298)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void FiendThe Void Fiend is a corrupted survivor that fluctuates between a controlled and corrupted form, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Managing this curse has become its fate.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Umbra: Corrupted Amnesiac
Abandoned AqueductAlternate Game Modes (299)Abandoned Aqueduct (Stage 2)
Origin of Tar
You dream of sand beneath your feet.

Massive skeletons and pools of tar are littered around, and a towering aqueduct pouring down tar dominates the area.

Abyssal DepthsAlternate Game Modes (300)Abyssal Depths (Stage 4)
Tectonic Relics
You dream of fire.

A hellfire-forged zone of blazing heat, the Abyssal Depths are believed to be a continuation and adaptation of the Magma Barracks from Risk of Rain.

Alternate Game Modes (301)Alternate Game Modes (302)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Aphelian Sanctuary is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Aphelian SanctuaryAlternate Game Modes (303)Alternate Game Modes (304)Alternate Game Modes (305)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Aphelian Sanctuary (Stage 2)
Cleansing Center
You dream of clarity.
CommencementAlternate Game Modes (306)Commencement (Final)
Moon of Petrichor V
You dream of glass and dirt.

Large domain located above the shattered breach of Alternate Game Modes (307) Petrichor V's moon. It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of Alternate Game Modes (308) MithrixAlternate Game Modes (309)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
and Providence's tools of creation.

Distant RoostAlternate Game Modes (310)Distant Roost (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of waves, crashing on cliffsides.

Spires of earth jut through the fog and unknown avian creatures circle far peaks guarding their broods.

Rallypoint DeltaAlternate Game Modes (311)Rallypoint Delta (Stage 3)
'Contact Light' Survivor Camp
You dream of quiet snowfall.

Rallypoint Delta is the remains of a makeshift camp constructed by a group of scattered crew members from the UES Contact Light, somewhere in the frigid tundra of Petrichor V.

Scorched AcresAlternate Game Modes (312)Scorched Acres (Stage 3)
Wisp Installation
You dream of wind, blowing through trees.

Large, circular platforms make up the majority of the stage, and embers float through the air.

Alternate Game Modes (313)Alternate Game Modes (314)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Siphoned Forest is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Siphoned ForestAlternate Game Modes (315)Alternate Game Modes (316)Alternate Game Modes (317)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Siphoned Forest (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of fire and ice.

The map is blanketed in a layer of snow, with large trees surrounded by platforms spanning multiple levels.

Siren's CallAlternate Game Modes (318)Siren's Call (Stage 4)
Ship Graveyard
You dream of wind.
Sky MeadowAlternate Game Modes (319)Sky Meadow (Stage 5)
Sprite Fields
You dream of serenity.
Alternate Game Modes (320)Alternate Game Modes (321)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Sulfur Pools is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Sulfur PoolsAlternate Game Modes (322)Alternate Game Modes (323)Alternate Game Modes (324)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Sulfur Pools (Stage 3)
Pungent Spring
You dream of brimstone.

Tiered lakes of shallow sulfur pools. Arcing bridges and underground caves connect the map together.

Sundered GroveAlternate Game Modes (325)Sundered Grove (Stage 4)
Dormant Locus
You dream of violent growth.

Ancient flora has risen up to reclaim this once sacred refuge. Mazes of roots and overgrown fungus have twisted the landscape, leaving only ruins.

Titanic PlainsAlternate Game Modes (326)Titanic Plains (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of rolling hills.

Gigantic stone arches bracket the skyline, while the main play-field overlooks a vast fractured tectonic lowland.

Wetland AspectAlternate Game Modes (327)Wetland Aspect (Stage 2)
Rehabilitation Zone
You dream of twisting roots.

Full of ruined stone structures and swampy areas filled with water.

Hidden Realms
A Moment, FracturedAlternate Game Modes (328)A Moment, Fractured (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: A Moment, Fractured
Multiple floating islands in a void, with sharp blue crystals embedded in them. The Obelisk can be found on top of the last island.
A Moment, WholeAlternate Game Modes (329)A Moment, Whole (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: A Moment, Whole
A bleak and desolate realm. The refuge of the Alternate Game Modes (330) Twisted Scavengers, safe from Alternate Game Modes (331) Mithrix'sAlternate Game Modes (332)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
vengeance and destruction.
Bazaar Between TimeAlternate Game Modes (333)Bazaar Between Time (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time
This stage serves as the shop in Risk of Rain 2. Players can purchase various Items with Lunar Coins or exchange items for higher-rarity ones in two crucibles.
Bulwark's AmbryAlternate Game Modes (334)Bulwark's Ambry (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry
The area consists of block-shaped platforms, with the Artifact Reliquary in the center.
Gilded CoastAlternate Game Modes (335)Gilded Coast (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Gilded Coast
You dream of wealth.

This area is where the player fights the boss Aurelionite, the Titanic Goldweaver.

Alternate Game Modes (336)Alternate Game Modes (337)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
The Planetarium is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
The PlanetariumAlternate Game Modes (338)Alternate Game Modes (339)Alternate Game Modes (340)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
The Planetarium (Final)
Cell V
The Planetarium is an area somewhere within the Void, housing a collection of planets detained by the Void's denizens. It is inhabited primarily by the Voidling, the guard of the Planetarium or potentially the controller of the Void itself.
Void FieldsAlternate Game Modes (341)Void Fields (Hidden Realm)
Cosmic Prison
Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
Alternate Game Modes (342)Alternate Game Modes (343)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Locus is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void LocusAlternate Game Modes (344)Alternate Game Modes (345)Alternate Game Modes (346)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Void Locus (Hidden Realm)
You dream of potential.

The Void Locus contains many Void Potentials and Cradles in place of chests, and is inhabited by Void monsters.

Alternate Game Modes (347)Alternate Game Modes (348)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Survivors of the Void
Alternate Game Modes
EclipsePrismatic TrialsAlternate Game Modes (349)Alternate Game Modes (350)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
ArmorDamageDirectorsFamily EventsGoldHealthItem StackingLunar CoinsMovement SpeedProc Coefficient
Developer ConsoleDevelopment TeamLanguagesModdingSoundtrackUnreleased ItemsVersion History
Alternate Game Modes (2024)


What are the modes in lol? ›

League of Legends currently has these game modes available for the player to choose using the client:
  • PvP. Normal game (Blind, Draft) Ranked game (Draft) ARAM. Teamfight Tactics. Featured game mode.
  • Co-op vs. AI.
  • Training. Tutorial. Practice Tool.
  • Custom game.

What modes are in Call of Duty? ›

List of Game Modes in the Call of Duty Series
  • Deathmatch.
  • Team Deathmatch.
  • Retrieval.
  • Behind Enemy Lines.
  • Search and Destroy.
  • Headquarters.

What is simulacrum mode risk of rain 2? ›

The Simulacrum is an infinitely scaling wave based alternative game mode that is new to the Survivors of the Void update and DLC. Dio's Best Friend useless for this game mode if played in multiplayer. Special modifiers known as Augments may also (randomly) trigger upon the start of a wave.

How to do a Prismatic Trial? ›

Prismatic Trials are seeded runs that switch out every few days. A Prismatic Trial takes you through two random stages and in those, you'll need to find and destroy three Time Crystals. Then you need to complete the Teleporter-Event… but you only need to beat the boss, really.

What are modes in gaming? ›

A game mode is a distinct configuration that varies gameplay and affects how other game mechanics behave. A game with several modes will present different settings in each one, changing how a particular element of the game is played.

What is a Hexakill? ›

The name comes from the new multi-kill possible with six players, where the "Hexakill" will be announced when one player scores six kills in quick succession (the previous limit was five being a Pentakill).

What are the old game modes in Warzone? ›

At launch, Warzone featured two primary game modes: Battle Royale and Plunder. These game modes were initially playable in a squad capacity of three players ("Trios"); post-launch updates made the modes playable in other squad sizes, such as Solos, Duos and Quads.

What game modes does PUBG have? ›

List of Game Modes
  • Arcade Mode.
  • Classic Mode.
  • Arctic Mode.
  • Rage Gear Mode.
  • Payload Mode.
  • Team Deathmatch.
  • Infection Mode.
  • War Mode.

What Call of Duty has no story mode? ›

Gameplay. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game. Unlike previous titles in the Call of Duty series, Black Ops 4 is the first entry to not feature a traditional single-player campaign, and contains only Multiplayer, Zombies and a new battle royale mode called Blackout.

Can a simulacrum get pregnant? ›

The Simulacrum is an Illusion

No matter how human the Simulacra appear to be, at the end of the day they are effectively just animated ice/snow sculptures. Depending on the depth of the illusion, they could appear to have functioning reproductive organs, and even go so far as to appear to get pregnant and give birth.

Does simulacrum end? ›

An arena mode featuring endless waves of nasty foes, Simulacrum also spawns a random boss appear every fifth wave. The game only ends when the last survivor dies. How far are you be able to go? 25, and only cause I fell off a chain and had no way to get back to the zone before dying to the DoT.

What is the point of simulacrum? ›

Lore. In the world of Tower of Fantasy, Simulacrum technology is a technology invented by District 9 of Hykros that allows users to project Simulacrum AI data on oneself or transform the data into a physical partner.

What is Eclipse mode risk of rain 2? ›

Eclipse is an alternate gamemode that adds stacking challenge modifiers to successive runs to create difficulties "beyond" Monsoon.

How do you unlock harvester's scythe? ›

Harvester's Scythe: increased critical hit chance, critical hits heal you. To unlock: complete a Prismatic Trial. You can queue up a Prismatic Trial - basically a time trial in a controlled environment - from the main menu. You don't have to top the leaderboards or anything, just finish one successfully.

How do you get mercenary ethereal? ›

As Mercenary, complete a Prismatic Trial without falling below 100% health.

What is God mode in gaming? ›

God mode, a general purpose term for a cheat code in video games that makes a player invincible.

What is ultra Game Mode? ›

It supports Esports Mode, Autoplay with screen off, 4D Game Vibration, Game surround sound, Ear-customized sound effects, Mute notifications, Accidental touch prevention, Game picture-in-picture. The detailed instruction can be found in Settings--Ultra Game Mode.

What does God mode do in games? ›

God Mode is a classic cheat that gives players who use it with the gift of invincibility. It's like finding the Super Star in any of the Super Mario games. It grants invulnerability to any enemy attacks and usually makes you unstoppably powerful.

How much is a Pentakill? ›

Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Sona description

This skin belongs to the Sona. Players have an option to purchase this champion skin for 1350 Riot Points, which equals $10.8.

Is hexakill back? ›

League of Legends: One For All, Hexakill and many other modes will be reopened by Riot in 2020. After being complained too much about the disappearing game modes, Riot Games made the first moves in bringing them back.

What is a Pentakill league? ›

Pentakill is a virtual heavy metal band associated with the League of Legends universe. Their music is primarily composed and performed by Riot Games' in-house music team but features cameos by various renowned metal musicians.

Is the old Warzone deleted? ›

Yes, you can still play Warzone 1 in 2023 following the battle royale's re-release as Warzone Caldera after it was temporarily removed following Warzone 2's launch on November 16. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on Esports, Gaming and more.

What is the OG Warzone map called? ›

It's called Al Mazrah, and is based in the fictional Republic of Adal region.

Is the old Warzone gone? ›

You can still play the original Warzone in 2023, which is currently titled Warzone Caldera to distinguish it from the second version of the battle royale. Warzone Caldera doesn't have the same support as it used to though, with players only able to play the Caldera map on the Quads and Solo's playlists.

What is God mode in PUBG? ›

god mode (countable and uncountable, plural god modes) (video games) A game mode where the player character is invulnerable to damage, typically activated by entering a cheat code.

What is spider mode in PUBG? ›

The spider crates have webbing on them and are stuck to walls, ceilings, structures, and more. To unlock the spider crates, shoot them down, and once they fall to the ground, loot them for the web-shooters.

What is gyro mode in PUBG? ›

Last Updated: 715d. Gyroscope is a feature where you can move the viewpoint of the character according to the tilting direction of the device by using the gyroscope sensor. This feature can be used after enabling 'Activate the scope' or 'Always on' in the main tab of the game settings.

Which is the shortest Call of Duty game? ›

What is the shortest cod campaign? 1 Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - 9.5 Hours.

Which Call of Duty has the longest story mode? ›

"Call of Duty Black Ops 4" remains the longest game in the series, taking up to 15 hours to complete the base experience. In comparison, the average "Call of Duty" Campaign requires around 6-7 hours to finish.

Can you play as ghost in cod? ›

Players can unlock the Ghost Operator in both games by purchasing the Modern Warfare 2 Vault Edition. This gives players access to the Red Team 141 Operator Pack, which includes Ghost, Captain Price, Soap, and Farah.

Is simulacrum alive? ›

Is a Simulacrum Alive? The short answer appears to be yes! Even though it's an "illusion" the spell creates a copy of the creature with all their features and even their memories and personality intact, save that they are compelled to obey the commands of the caster.

What happens when a simulacrum dies? ›

A simulacrum has no ability to become more powerful. It cannot increase its level or abilities. If reduced to 0 hit points or otherwise destroyed, it reverts to snow and melts instantly into nothingness.

Is gender a simulacra? ›

Queer theorist Judith Butler argues that gender is a simulacrum because it is an elaborate construct that is not embodied in any person in its totality. The concepts of masculine and feminine instead serve as ideal models of behavior, appearance, and desire.

Who killed Maya Simulacra? ›

The Rippleman is the main antagonist of Simulacrum and Simulacra 2. Its name is first revealed in a synced webcam recording of Maya, Arya, Rex, and Mina trying to get rid of the Rippleman, before Maya's inevitable demise at its hands.

Who is the killer in Simulacra 1? ›

The Spark Simulacrum, Catfish Simulacrum, or just Simulacra (as it referred to itself as such at the end of SIMULACRA 1) is the main antagonist of SIMULACRA 1, it is responsible for Anna's disappearance - and, most likely, the disappearances or murders of other people, such as James Aulner. It is voiced by Gavin Yap.

What is the max simulacrum level? ›

The maximum capacity of the number of Mimeographs that can be generated is set at 20. Enemy level can be set by the player, up to 5x their Mastery Rank plus 30.

Can a simulacrum eat? ›

As other answers here provide, a simple answer is yes, a simulacrum eats, drinks, sleeps, and breathes. After all, it is a creature, and creatures need to eat, drink, sleep, and breathe; and the spell doesn't say it doesn't have to do these things, so it must.

Can a simulacrum heal itself? ›

The simulacrum lacks the ability to learn or become more powerful, so it never increases its level or other abilities, nor can it regain expended spell slots. If the simulacrum is damaged, you can repair it in an alchemical laboratory, using rare herbs and minerals worth 100 gp per hit point it regains.

What are the three types of Simulacra? ›

Science Fiction Studies
  • Simulacra and Science Fiction.
  • There are three orders of simulacra:
  • (1) natural, naturalistic simulacra: based on image, imitation, and counterfeiting. ...
  • (2) productive, productionist simulacra: based on energy and force, materialized by the machine and the entire system of production.

Why is Risk of Rain so hard? ›

The Risk of Rain games are challenging roguelikes where you land on a planet and try to get to the teleporter in order to proceed. What makes the game so challenging is that you essentially have to race against the time itself. The longer the game proceeds, the more challenging it goes.

Does ror2 stop scaling? ›

The Scaling Difficulty does not stop increasing once the final difficulty "HAHAHA" is reached. The bar will increase endlessly until you flatline in the game.

Who is the Void Fiend? ›

The Void Fiend is a playable character in Risk of Rain 2, added in the Survivors of the Void expansion. It is an eldritch, void-mutated monstrosity capable of harnessing the Void as a lethal weapon.

What is the rarest Scythe? ›

The Orb Scythe is a Rare Warrior weapon in Treasure Quest. It can be obtained in the Coral Kingdom. The chance of obtaining it is 0.643% (1 in 155), or 1.266% (1 in 77) with the x2 Luck gamepass.

How rare is the Reaper Scythe? ›

Cauldron. Opening a cauldron has a 1% chance of rewarding the reaper's scythe, having a rarity of 'mythic'.

How do you get mythical Scythe? ›

Mythical Scythe is a gamepass in Mining Simulator. It can be purchased for 4,999 R$. It grants the user the Mythical Scythe, a tool with 200 mining speed and 2,250 mining power.

Is slicing winds good? ›

Slicing Winds is a very effective single-target and area-of-effect tool for Mercenary, as it has a higher general damage output than Eviscerate, as well as inflicting Expose at the end of the skill.

How do you unlock Mercenary Alt special? ›

How To Unlock Mercenary. To unlock Mercenary, you have to Obliterate yourself at the Obelisk. This is one of the more difficult challenges to complete; you have to complete stage eight, then go through the Celestial Portal that appears.

What is the main game mode in League of Legends? ›

Summoner's Rift is the flagship game mode of League of Legends and the most prominent in professional-level play.

What are the ranked game modes in LoL? ›

Ranked League has two major options when it comes to game modes: ranked solo/duo and ranked flex. The two game modes are exactly the same in terms of gameplay but only see alterations regarding how many players you can queue up with.

What are the different signals in LoL? ›

There are 8 types of smart pings: Retreat, On My Way, Assist Me, Enemy Missing, Push, All-In, Hold, and Bait.

What is the next rotating game mode league? ›

League of Legends fans have been asking for a new limited-time game mode for a while, and, in 2023, we'll finally be getting it. Details are vague, but it's been confirmed it'll be a 2v2v2v2 mode.

What is the next Gamemode in league? ›

A massive summer event is coming to League of Legends that is rumored to be bigger and better than previous events. Developers confirmed in January 2023 that this would include a new 2v2v2v2 game mode after struggling to get a new game mode going behind the scenes.

Why is League still popular? ›

Connecting With Friends is Easy

The ability to play with friends is one of the biggest reasons why players stick around with League of Legends. In addition, many new games take place daily thanks to the multiplayer parts of the game. Making friends on the platform is relatively easy to do, as well.

What is classic Gamemode League? ›

Classic Mode refers to the two Fields of Justice, Summoner's Rift and. Twisted Treeline. This category was added upon the release of Dominion. Each map has its own unique mechanics and playstyles.

What game modes are coming to League 2023? ›

League's upcoming two-vs-two-vs-two-vs-two deathmatch game mode will be going live with the 2023 summer event, according to lead gameplay producer Ryan “Reav3” Mireles. This mode will bring a ton of new mechanics and features that will be both fun and challenging for casuals and high-level players alike.

What is the next game mode in League 2023? ›

Enter our hero, a 2v2(v2v2) mode where four teams of two will pick champions and be paired against another team in several deathmatch-style rounds. Champions will progress in power over the game, gaining items, levels, and special powers called Augments in between the combat rounds.

What is the hardest role to play in LoL? ›

Jungle. The Jungle is the hardest role in League of Legends and everybody can agree that they have the most responsibilities and the most consequences for their actions.

What is the strongest role in LoL? ›

From best to worst we have: Jungle, Mid, Support, Top, and Bot.

What are the 5 roles in League of Legends? ›

The five roles in League of Legends are Top Lane, Jungle, Mid Lane, Bot Lane, and Support and at the start of the game, they populate the three lanes and the jungle, with the Support and Bot Laner forming a duo in bot.

What are the 3 types of damage in League of Legends? ›

There are three types of damage in League of Legends, physical, magical, and true. Damage is basically the opposite of health. If you take damage, you lose health. If you lose all your health, you die, unless a special effect comes into play.

What does APC mean in league? ›

The Ability-Power Carry, also known as the APC. This role is used virtually always in the middle lane of the map. Along with the ADC, this is usually the champion that dishes out the highest amount of damage.

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