Ping (2024)

Not to be confused with the signal measured by latency.

Pings are visual alerts used as a means of communication between players of a team during a match. Players can use these pings to provide tactical information about the state of the game to their team. These pings can be used anywhere on the map and at any time. Each ping has its own purpose during gameplay. Many of them are also transcribed in the team chat.

Visual pings can be used on the ground of the map and on the mini-map itself and are displayed as such.

No more than 6 pings can be used within a 5-second period. Doing so restricts further use of pings for 6/12/16/20/24 seconds, refreshing and increasing per ping cast after the lockout ensues, and attempting to use pings during this time sends a warning message in the chat. The warning reads: You must wait before issuing more pings.


  • 1 Types of Visual Pings
    • 1.1 Regular Pings
    • 1.2 Smart Pings
  • 2 Ping Behavior
  • 3 Chat Pings
    • 3.1 Ping Transcriptions
    • 3.2 UI Pings
    • 3.3 Purchase Announcements
  • 4 Media
    • 4.1 Previous Pings
    • 4.2 Current Sound Effects
  • 5 References

Types of Visual Pings[]

There are two types of visual pings: regular pings which exist through general functionality and can also indicate elements on the map or the user interface, and smart pings which exist on a radial wheel and convey specific signals.

Regular Pings[]

There are 2 types of regular pings: Generic (G + LMB / Hold Alt + LMB) and Caution (V + LMB / Hold Ctrl + LMB).

Both pings are used to gain a player's attention of an area or target. The Generic ping is a simple notification, whereas the Caution ping signals to be careful of potential danger.

Ping (1)


Ping (2)


Ping (3)

Generic (colorblind)

Ping (4)

Caution (colorblind)

Pinging a target

Regular pings can also be used on top of certain units to inform players to either target a unit (with Generic) or avoid them (with Caution).

Using the Generic ping on an enemy Ping (5) champion, structure, or Ping (6) monster informs allies to target them. Using it on an allied structure signals a call for allies to defend it from enemy attackers.

Using the Caution ping on an enemy Ping (7) champion, structure, or Ping (8) monster informs allies to avoid them. Using it on an allied champion signals them to retreat from their location, and using it on an allied structure signals to retreat from that structure and refrain from defending it.

Ping (9)


Ping (10)


Ping (11)

Target (colorblind)

Ping (12)

Defend (colorblind)

Smart Pings[]

Smart pings are different from regular pings in that they allow for specific forms of communication between teammates. There are 8 types of smart pings: Retreat, Push, On My Way, All-In, Assist Me, Need Vision, Enemy Missing, and Enemy Vision.

All of these pings provide for more established communication measures:

  • Retreat: Withdraw from an unfavorable situation.
  • Push: Clear out an enemy minion wave.
  • On My Way: Ally is coming to the location they pinged.
  • All-In: Engage and start a fight in the area.
  • Assist Me: Help with a situation.
  • Need Vision: Request to grant vision (place wards in the area).
  • Enemy Missing: An enemy is missing in action.
  • Enemy Vision: Opposing team has vision over the area.

Ping (14)


Ping (15)

On My Way

Ping (16)


Ping (17)

Assist Me

Ping (18)

Need Vision

Ping (19)

Enemy Missing

Ping (20)

Enemy Vision

Ping (21)

Retreat (colorblind)

Ping (22)

Push (colorblind)

Ping (23)

On My Way (colorblind)

Ping (24)

All-In (colorblind)

Assist Me (colorblind)

Ping (26)

Need Vision (colorblind)

Ping (27)

Enemy Missing (colorblind)

Ping (28)

Enemy Vision (colorblind)

Smart Pings Menu

There is a user interface for smart pings that can be opened by holding down Alt / Ctrl / G / V + LMB. Pressing RMB closes the menu without issuing any pings.

This menu displays all 8 smart pings on a wheel. Pings can be selected by dragging the mouse cursor in the designated direction of the desired ping on the wheel. Releasing the LMB button issues the ping at the location on the screen.

Smart pings are located on this interface by the following: Caution (Center), Retreat (North), Assist Me (South), On My Way (East), Enemy Missing (West), Enemy Vision (Northwest), Push (Northeast), Need Vision (Southwest), and All-In (Southeast).

Ping Behavior[]

  • Using a ping causes it to be displayed on both the map and the mini-map at the same time, regardless of where the ping was issued.
    • A ping on the ground (visible on the screen) lasts for 2 seconds, while a ping on the mini-map lasts 5 seconds (the icon persists for 2 seconds and the splashes for 5 seconds after pinging).
  • The Need Vision ping leaves behind a small persistent indicator that lasts for 1 minute, or until a ward is placed nearby. Only one of these indicators may be active at a time per player, and using this ping again overrides the previous one.
  • Allies' pings that are not directly visible on the player's camera will cause visual splashes and an indicator pointing in the ping's direction to appear at the edge of the screen. Enemy Missing pings will be displayed regardless of their location on the map, while Assist Me, Hold, On My Way, Retreat, and Caution pings will only be displayed if they were cast within 3000 units of your camera (and do not persist through panning away).
  • Generic, Alert, and Enemy Missing pings may only be used 3 times each within 6 seconds at most. This incurs a separate cooldown from the global one, sending an alert to the player that reads: You must wait before issuing more pings of that type. Otherwise, the global ping cooldown is incurred as normal.
  • Using a Generic or Vision ping near a ward within 10 seconds of an enemy placing it or an ally revealing it/attacking it, will cause an accurate ward timer for that ward to appear on the map.
  • Normally, scoreboard pings on allies are only visible to the caster and their premade party (denoted by [Party] at the start). There are some exceptions to this behavior:
    • If a summoner spell, item, or the ultimate ability cooldown is incurring the last half of its cooldown, pings on them will be visible to all allies.
    • For 10 seconds after an ally scores a Ping (29) champion or epic Ping (30) monster Ping (31) takedown, all scoreboard pings on them will be visible to all allies.
Ping (32)

Chat Pings[]

The allied team may also be notified of pings through chat. The only ping that is not transcribed is the Generic ping when cast on the map and without a target.

Ping Transcriptions[]

In addition to pings being displayed on the map and the mini-map, they are also transcribed to the team chat to notify players that somebody used a ping. Information of the ping is relayed to the chat. The player who used the ping will be indicated in the chat with [Summoner Name (Champion Name)] followed by the transcription of the ping.

Note that Generic pings, when used on the ground, are not transcribed as they can represent any kind of communication. Regular pings have multiple transcriptions given that they can be used on units.

Generic Ping
Generic Ping on Allied Turret[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] is defending the [Turret Type (Outer/Inner/Inhibitor/Nexus)] [(Plating Amount)/(Percentage Health)]
Generic Ping on Allied Structure[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] is defending the [Structure Name (Inhibitor/Nexus)]
Generic Ping on Enemy Champion[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] has targeted [Summoner Name] - (Champion Name)
Generic Ping on Enemy Turret[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] has targeted the [Turret Type (Outer/Inner/Inhibitor/Nexus)] [(Plating Amount)/(Percentage Health)]
Generic Ping on Enemy Structure[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] has targeted the [Structure Name (Inhibitor/Nexus)]
Generic Ping on Monster[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] has targeted the [Monster Name]
Caution Ping
Caution Ping on Ground[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] signals to be cautious
Caution Ping on Allied Champion[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] signals [Summoner Name] - (Champion Name) to fall back
Caution Ping on Allied Turret[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] is falling back from the [Turret Type (Outer/Inner/Inhibitor/Nexus)]
Caution Ping on Enemy Champion[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] signals everyone to back away from [Summoner Name] - (Champion Name)
Caution Ping on Enemy Turret[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] signals everyone to fall back from the [Turret Type (Outer/Inner/Inhibitor/Nexus)]
Caution Ping on Enemy Structure[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] signals everyone to fall back from the [Structure Name (Inhibitor/Nexus)]
Caution Ping on Monster[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] signals everyone to fall back from the [Monster Name]
Smart Pings
Retreat[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] signals to retreat
Enemy Vision[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] enemy has vision here
On My Way[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] is on the way
Assist Me[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] is asking for assistance
Enemy Missing[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] signals that enemies are missing
Push[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] wants to push forward
Need Vision[Summoner Name (Champion Name)] is asking for vision

UI Pings[]

Various user interface elements on the screen during gameplay can be relayed to the team chat to display different information depending on team affinity.

To ping a UI element, hold Ctrl / Alt and press LMB on that element. Scoreboard elements can be clicked without holding Alt.

Selected ElementInformation
Health bar (self)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: Health [% Amount]
Mana bar (self)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: Mana [% Amount]
Champion level/Experience bar (self)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [% Amount] towards [Next Level]
Champion level[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Champion Name] - [Champion's Level]
Champion statistic[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Statistic] [Value]
Rune[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Rune Name]
Status (champion portrait)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Champion Name] - [(Alive)/(Respawning in Xs)]
Buff Monster icon[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [(Allied/Enemy) (Red/Blue)] Buff - [(Alive)/(Spawning in (X:XX)]
Epic Monster icon[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Epic Monster (Baron Nashor/Drake Element Type/Elder Dragon/Rift Herald)] - [(Alive)/(Spawning in (X:XX)]
Ability icon[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Ability (Passive/Q/W/E/R)] - [(Not learned yet)/(Ready)/(Cooldown Remaining)/(X Charges)/(Activation Details)/(In Range: [(Target Name)/(No Targets)]]
Summoner spell icon[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Summoner Spell Name] - [(Cooldown Remaining)/(X Charges)/(Activation Details)]
Ultimate indicator (self)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: R - [(Not learned yet)/(Cooldown Remaining)/(X Charges)/(Activation Details)/(In Range: [(Target Name)/(No Targets)]]
Ultimate indicator (ally)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Champion Name] - [(Not learned yet)/(Cooldown Remaining)]
Ultimate indicator (enemy)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Champion Name] - R
Recall[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: Recall
Item icon (self)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Item Name] - [(Cooldown Remaining)/(X Charges)]
Item icon (ally)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Champion Name] [Item Name] - [(Cooldown Remaining)/(X Charges)]
Item icon (enemy)[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Champion Name] [Item Name]
Gold[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Gold Amount] Gold
Bounty[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: [Champion Name] has a [Gold Bounty]
Server Pinging Latency[Summoner Name (Champion Name)]: Ping is [milliseconds]

Purchase Announcements[]

Purchasing certain items will also inform the entire team. Their purpose is to inform the team either of a noteworthy purchase that affects the game, or of an item effect that does not stack. These items are:

These announcements are transcribed as: [Summoner Name (Champion Name)] purchased [Item Name]


Previous Pings[]

Ping (53)

Basic Ping

Ping (54)

Caution Ping

Ping (55)


Ping (56)

On My Way

Ping (57)

Enemy Missing

Ping (58)

Assist Me

Ping (59)

Area Is Warded

Ping (60)

Bait (first version)

Ping (61)

Bait (second version)

Ping (62)

Bait (second version) (colorblind)

Ping (63)

Hold (Smart Ping version)

Ping (64)

Hold (Smart Ping version) (colorblind)

Ping (65)

Vision Cleared

Ping (66)

Vision Cleared (colorblind)

Ping (67)

Removed Vision Pings UI

Ping (68)

Removed Vision Pings UI (mini-map)

Ping (69)

Previous Smart Pings UI

Ping (70)

Previous Smart Ping UI (mini-map)

Current Sound Effects[]


Ping (2024)


What does PING mean in golf? ›

The name "PING" came from the sound that Solheim heard as the metal struck the ball. Popular musician-golfer Murray Arnold shared in 1960 that the clubhead, on striking the ball, rings out with the 440 pitch used in tuning pianos.

Why are PING Eye 2 illegal? ›

Further, the pundits say Karsten revolutionized iron spin when he invented square, or U-shaped, grooves. What's more, those grooves were such a competitive advantage that both the USGA and the PGA TOUR banned the Eye 2 for spinning the ball too much.

What is PING 10K? ›

It's called MAX 10K because it eclipses the 10,000 g-cm² combined MOI threshold, setting a record and making it our straightest and most forgiving driver ever.

What is the G430 10K? ›

PING G430 MAX 10K Technology

The fixed back weight allows for the record-setting MOI as it drives mass down and back to increase forgiveness and optimize the center of gravity position, lowering spin and ensuring ball speed preservation across the clubface for added distance.

What defines ping? ›

A ping (Packet Internet or Inter-Network Groper) is a basic Internet program that allows a user to test and verify if a particular destination IP address exists and can accept requests in computer network administration. The acronym was contrived to match the submariners' term for the sound of a returned sonar pulse.

Is a ping of 7 good? ›

A good ping speed typically ranges between 10-20ms for professional gamers. Although a perfectly average ping for gaming is around 20-50ms. It's important to consider that the lower your ping, the faster your connection and the more competitively you can play.

What does the U stand for on a PING iron? ›

P – Pitching wedge (or 10-iron) 46-50 degrees. A, G, or U – Approach, Gap, or Utility wedge (or 11-iron) 50-54 degrees.

What ping is too high? ›

Ping is measured in milliseconds, and the higher the number, the worse the lag time. Ping of about 100ms is considered average, and ping of 50ms or less is ideal for online gaming. Any number below 20ms is excellent.

Is 2000 ping good or bad? ›

What is considered high ping? Generally, a ping of below 20 ms (milliseconds) is considered excellent, between around 40 to 50 ms is great, around 80 to 120 ms is fairly good, and 150 ms and up is considered high. Most people would consider a ping of above 250 ms to be unplayable, especially in competitive games.

What does 100 ping feel like? ›

For reference, if your ping has a speed over 100ms, it will have an obvious delay. And if you have a 10ms ping, playing on your chosen game will feel like a smoother experience, and a faster one, in comparison to a 100ms ping.

What does a 120 ping mean? ›

Generally, a ping of below 20 ms (milliseconds) is considered excellent, between around 40 to 50 ms is great, around 80 to 120 ms is fairly good, and 150 ms and up is considered high. Most people would consider a ping of above 250 ms to be unplayable, especially in competitive games.

Does higher ping mean better? ›

The lower your ping, the better. A low ping number — usually defined as 50ms or less — will enable a smoother gaming experience with less lag time. Achieving the lowest ping number possible is particularly important for professional gamers, as this gives them an edge over their competition.

What are good ping rates? ›

Ping is the time it takes for the system to respond to an action (such as pressing a button or moving a joystick), and a low ping rate in the 15 to 20 ms range is considered exceptional. For professional gamers, low ping, high speeds, and guaranteed service is a good business decision.

What does ping test tell you? ›

A ping network test transmits data packets to a specific IP address and either confirms or denies there is connectivity between IP-networked devices. In the case of confirmation, you will discover the “latency” (i.e., the length of the response time) by performing a ping test.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.