Advice for how to successfully guide students in group work online (opinion) (2024)

In a recent survey of more than 3,000 undergraduates taking courses online during the COVID-19 pandemic, Vikki Katz, associate professor in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University, along with her team of collaborators, found students were unhappy doing large-scale group projects. Students in the study found such projects online so frustrating that Katz and her colleagues recommended, “Group projects: just don’t do it.”

Katz and her colleagues emphasize that collaborative projects are important. They advocate assigning short-term group projects, managing them with care and making them low stakes. Since students now are contending with such things as illness and even death, unreliable bandwidth, and inadequate work and study environments, it is unfair to burden them with interdependence. They suggest that it is particularly difficult online to manage students who fall away, “ghost” the class for a period of time or fail to contribute, leaving their peers to shoulder the responsibilities for the group. Katz writes, “It serves neither you nor students to spend the semester managing group work dynamics that increase students’ anxiety instead of building community.”

While many of those suggestions are helpful, we would like to push back at the notion that managing group dynamics doesn’t serve students. It is complicated -- almost too complicated. However, guiding students in effective collaboration is one of the best ways to mentor them in this crisis.

We recognize that every instructor now is, like ourselves, facing the fraught and stressful conditions our students face -- and so is everyone else outside academe who is lucky enough to still have the kind of job that can be done remotely. As we write this piece “together” using collaborative writing tools (mostly email and Google Docs) and conferring by Zoom, one of us (Cathy) in Manhattan and the other (Christina) in Brooklyn, we each are hearing our partners in adjacent rooms, also on group video calls. One partner works in finance, the other in publishing. Both are on Zoom constantly, doing exactly the kind of work the students object to: group projects, under harrowing conditions, with stressed-out colleagues, 24-7.

As difficult as it is, now is exactly the time to be helping students learn how to collaborate online. Ditching group projects now, as the world increasingly depends on them, does not prepare our students for life beyond college.

We suggest, instead, that we need to show students why collaboration is important. In most workplace settings, collaboration is necessary so that we can succeed at tasks that no one person could begin to manage alone. Collaboration online is difficult yet essential. That’s the message we need to send students early and often, at the beginning of a semester, at the beginning of every class. We also need to reassure students that, as instructors, we have taken on the responsibility of ensuring that the process is equitable and each member of the group will be held accountable for completing work.

Key Recommendations for Course Collaborations

To that end, we offer the following tips for managing online course collaborations. (NB: These also work face-to-face.) Like all participatory, equitable, active learning, the goal of successful collaboration is to help students achieve a sense of agency, even within the strict parameters of a group project.

No.1: Structure group projects around real-world problems. Not surprisingly, ample educational technology research across many fields shows that students have more positive learning outcomes when they tackle meaningful projects with actual consequences. As Stanford University professor emerita Andrea Lunsford and her team of researchers have found, students’ writing improves when they write to communicate beyond the classroom and not simply to the professor for a grade.

We suggest instructors take advantage of the online experience and the complexity of the current crisis. Many are doing this already through service learning. The faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Sawyer Business School at Suffolk University offer examples of digital service learning that connect students to others through meaningful interactions such as developing a social media strategy for a community action group, designing marketing materials for a local nonprofit and gathering data for a community grant application.

No.2: Create an equitable distribution of labor and assure students that you, not they, are responsible for this aspect of the collaboration. One key difference between student online collaborative projects and those in the workplace is accountability. In a class, too often the most dutiful students are so worried that an irresponsible classmate will bring down their grade that they often jump in and assume the supervisor role. That’s unfair to everyone in different ways.

Supplementing students’ group meetings with one-on-one meetings with you allows you to ask, “How is group work going? Have you heard from all your peers this week?” You can offer to nudge a missing student, for example, with an email. To tame your own scheduling, give students a spreadsheet, Calendly or another way to set up time for one-on-one meetings with you.

No.3: Create “pods” large enough to guard against ghosting. We suggest a minimum of three people per group -- that way if one student doesn’t hold up their end, the rest of the group can continue moving forward. You might mentor students in these groups by holding office hours with the whole pod. This would help you save some time and labor, and you still can offer students one-on-one meetings with you to supplement pod office hours.

No.4: Get rid of competition for grades within the group. We recommend contract grading for group projects. Assign each member of the project team a role, specific tasks and deadlines, and promise all the same final grade if they accomplish all they were assigned on deadline. Again, this mirrors contracts in the world beyond school.

No.5: Assign prework. Increase student engagement by asking students to create their own job descriptions. We like to jump-start this by posting lists of jobs that might be pertinent to group work: e.g., project management, graphic designer, researcher, lead writer, copy editor, proofreader, web manager, community networker. We invite students to use these or add their own. Then, synchronously, during class time, we design a low-stakes activity: “In 90 seconds, jot down your top three ideal jobs/roles on this project, skills you feel confident delivering to the project and your peers.” Have students submit this information to you, with their names and availability to meet outside class, so you can better organize teams.

No.6: Provide a clearly defined project timeline and checkpoints that help students move from one phase to the next. We suggest a number of intermediate deadlines, with clear deliverables for each group member at each milestone. Begin synchronous (in-class) group work with check-in time, where students share tasks completed and next steps. Encourage students to celebrate their successes and to help one another identify what needs to be done next.

No.7: Be forgiving and adaptable. Both you and your students may need to revise the scope, the timeline and the responsibilities as the project unfolds. Build that flexibility in from the very beginning. In the world beyond college, not every contract is fulfilled, not every project is successful and, as we see in every homeowner reality TV renovation show, surprises come up and the scope of work changes accordingly. Being able to survey a situation and adapt realistically to it is another important skill in college, work and life. A key component of active, participatory, radical pedagogy is learning that everything we do is part of a process and that failure is not a state but an iteration of our learning on the way to greater success in the future.

No.8: Put that achievement on a résumé! Once your class has completed this tremendous feat, show students how to put their accomplishment on a résumé. Literally. Have students search “workplace collaboration” online to see how many articles, books and management training opportunities exist for improving skills in this area. Job recruiters insist the ability to work well with others is a key skill they seek in new hires. If students succeed in their online collaborative projects, help them describe that success. They have earned it -- and so have you.

Advice for how to successfully guide students in group work online (opinion) (2024)


What is your best advice to be successful in online classes? ›

  • Create a schedule and manage your time wisely. Keep a semester and a weekly calendar. ...
  • Stay organized and be thorough. Have a designated study space that is free of distractions so you can focus on your work. ...
  • Remain engaged throughout the whole course. ...
  • Take care of yourself. ...
  • Know where to turn for help.
Aug 5, 2022

How can I be a better online teaching advice guide? ›

Top Tips for Effective Online Teaching
  1. Create Your Syllabus.
  2. Explore the Learning Platform.
  3. Offer Live Lectures.
  4. Include Graphics and Slides.
  5. Use a Variety of Teaching Methods.
  6. Use Open Source Resources.
  7. Provide Timely Feedback.
  8. Offer Virtual Office Hours.

What does it take to be a successful online student? ›

Embrace Online Learning
  • Participate in the virtual classroom 5-7 days a week.
  • Be able to work with others in completing projects.
  • Be able to use the technology properly.
  • Be able to meet the minimum standards as set forth by the institution.
  • Be able to complete assignments on time.
  • Enjoy communicating in writing.

What advice would you give students to remain engaged in online learning? ›

6 Tips for Staying Engaged During Remote Learning
  • Create a distraction-free space. Focusing on online lessons takes patience, discipline, and a quiet space. ...
  • Ask questions. ...
  • Connect with your instructor. ...
  • Take note of it. ...
  • Form virtual study groups. ...
  • Utilize study tools.
Nov 19, 2020

What are the 3 most important things needed for effective teamwork? ›

What Are the 3 Most Important Things Needed for Effective Teamwork in the Workplace?
  • Mutual trust and respect,
  • Effective delegation while communicating clearly,
  • The liberty to share ideas and embrace innovations.
May 24, 2021

What are 3 top tips for communicating successfully in a group? ›

6 strategies to build team communication skills
  • Resolve conflicts quickly. Conflicts at work can start off small and seem inconsequential. ...
  • Encourage engagement. ...
  • Promote bottom-up communication. ...
  • Strive for transparency. ...
  • Schedule one-on-one meetings. ...
  • Provide consistent feedback.
Nov 15, 2022

How do you provide advice and support to team members? ›

12 ways to support your team
  1. Communicate often and regularly.
  2. Offer regular check-ins.
  3. Review their work frequently.
  4. Help prioritize their tasks.
  5. Show interest in their life outside of work.
  6. Plan goals together.
  7. Set the standard.
  8. Be available.
Apr 26, 2022

What skills do students need to be successful in group work? ›

Here are seven teamwork skills that are essential for your academic and professional success:
  • Communication. Communication is the foundation of effective teamwork. ...
  • Time management. ...
  • Problem-solving. ...
  • Listening. ...
  • Critical thinking. ...
  • Collaboration. ...
  • Leadership.

What are the most effective ways to group students? ›

Some ways you can group students include: by ability, strategy, expert/interest groups, cooperative tasks, and student choice The three setups I use the most are by ability, by strategy/skill, and by interest.

How do you motivate students to work in a group? ›

How to Motivate Students
  1. Be enthusiastic! ...
  2. Learn all members' names and use them frequently. ...
  3. Ask new members why they have joined the group. ...
  4. Learn both the strengths and interests of each member. ...
  5. Make clear the purpose of the group and the goals, the vision, and what needs to be accomplished.

What are the three most important skills online learners should show? ›

In reality, online courses require just as much, if not more, time and energy as traditional classroom courses.
What Makes a Successful Online Learner?
  • Persistence. ...
  • Effective Time-Management Skills. ...
  • Effective and Appropriate Communication Skills. ...
  • Basic Technical Skills.

What is the best advice a teacher can give? ›

  • Mental health is crucial to everyone.
  • Give yourself permission to make mistakes.
  • Students are whole people, not grades.
  • The foundation of success is failure.
  • Underneath the surface of success is failure.
  • Success is failure all grown up.
  • Success is the lesson that failure learned.
  • Teach with passion, love, and patience.
Jun 7, 2022

What factors will make the online learning successful? ›

All in all, there seem to be five key success factors with regard to online studying. There are the cognitive and social factors, the role of the instructor, self-regulated learning skills, and the platform's ease of use.

How do you motivate students in online classes? ›

How to Motivate Learners in an Online Learning Environment
  1. Personalizing Learning.
  2. Rewarding Students' Success.
  3. Providing Meaningful Feedback.
  4. Allow Self-Monitoring.
  5. Setting Clear Goals and Learning Paths.
  6. Encouraging Collaboration with Others.
  7. Using a Variety of Learning Tools.
Jan 22, 2022

What skills can students develop from online learning? ›

Below are just a few of those vital skills:
  • Time management. Time management usually equals excellent leadership. ...
  • Digital literacy. It's clear we live in a digital world. ...
  • Problem-solving skills. ...
  • Work-life balance. ...
  • Online communication.
Feb 25, 2022

What are some best practices for engaging students in person and virtual )? ›

The following strategies can be used to engage learners, whether they remain virtual, in-person, or in dual learner environments.
  • Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability. ...
  • Cultivate a Growth Mindset. ...
  • Use EdTech Tools that Support All Modes of Learning. ...
  • Plan for Dual Audience Learning. ...
  • Incorporate Daily Check-Ins.
Aug 9, 2021

How do you keep students attention in online classes? ›

Table of contents
  1. 1 1. Cut Back to Only What is Crucial.
  2. 2 2. Make 'Eye' Contact.
  3. 3 3. Be Clear and Organized While Teaching.
  4. 4 4. Set Clear Lesson Plans and Goals for Each Session.
  5. 5 5. Work in Breaks and 'Check-In' Points.
  6. 6 6. Be Commanding and Captivating.
Feb 16, 2021

What are the 5 reasons why teamwork is important? ›

So here are the key reasons teamwork is so important in the workplace.
  • Teamwork is efficient work. ...
  • Teams self-monitor. ...
  • Teams innovate faster. ...
  • Teammates learn from each other. ...
  • Teamwork can create healthy competition. ...
  • Teamwork promotes strong working relationships.

What are five tips for effective team motivation? ›

Here are five simple tips to help motivate your team.
5 Tips to Help Motivate Your Team
  • Assess Your Team. ...
  • Communicate With Your Team. ...
  • Empower Your Team. ...
  • Recognize and Reward Your Team. ...
  • Have Fun with Your Team.

What are the 5 keys to effective communication? ›

5 Keys to Effective Communication
  • Choose your words wisely.
  • Listen to what others say.
  • Consider your tone, inflection and body language.
  • Write less, say more.
  • Know when to stop!
Feb 19, 2020

What are the four main tips to communicate effectively? ›

There are specific things to do that can improve your communication skills:
  • Listen, listen, and listen. ...
  • Who you are talking to matters. ...
  • Body language matters. ...
  • Check your message before you hit send. ...
  • Be brief, yet specific. ...
  • Write things down. ...
  • Sometimes it's better to pick up the phone. ...
  • Think before you speak.

How do you support and influence a team positively? ›

Strategies for gaining power and influence
  1. Build connections. Take the time to make one-on-one connections with people across the office. ...
  2. Listen first. ...
  3. Check your body language and tone. ...
  4. Consistency. ...
  5. Be assertive. ...
  6. Be yourself. ...
  7. Be flexible. ...
  8. Follow through.
Jul 12, 2021

How do you motivate support and encourage team members? ›

Jump to section
  1. Share your vision and set clear goals.
  2. Communicate with your staff.
  3. Encourage teamwork.
  4. A healthy office environment.
  5. Give positive feedback and reward your team.
  6. Provide opportunities for development.
  7. Give employees the space they need to thrive.

How do you provide advice and support to team members during feedback and evaluation? ›

1. Avoid giving unsolicited advice
  1. Be specific. ...
  2. Come with a deep level of empathy. ...
  3. Don't wait for a quarterly review. ...
  4. Keep it private. ...
  5. Don't take the “sandwich approach” ...
  6. Make the conversation a two-way street. ...
  7. Focus on performance, not personality. ...
  8. Keep the conversation going by following up.

What are the 3 most important qualities of a successful student? ›

Qualities of a Good Student
  • Self-Discipline. Discipline is a must in a student's life. ...
  • Diligent. A student should be determined towards studies or any work allotted to him. ...
  • Punctual. Time is money so every student must value time. ...
  • Courteous. ...
  • Team player. ...
  • Confident. ...
  • Responsible.

What are the 4 important reasons for doing group work in your class? ›

Benefits for students

Break complex tasks into parts and steps. Plan and manage time. Refine understanding through discussion and explanation. Give and receive feedback on performance.

What makes a group learning experience successful? ›

A good group learning opportunity demands higher-order thinking and collaboration that produces something better than they could have on their own. Assign groups a structured task that requires a specific deliverable at the end that shows outcomes have been met.

What are three 3 strategies that you can use to help facilitate effective group interaction? ›

Tips on Facilitating Effective Group Discussions
  • Create an inclusive environment. Opportunities for reflection. ...
  • Keep discussions constructive and positive. Make the discussion functional by clarifying the goals of each session to the group. ...
  • Encouraging participants. Encouraging participation can be accomplished by:

How do you keep students on task during group work? ›

  1. Show Students How to Be Effective Group Members. One strategy I've adopted that makes a huge difference is modelling what an effective discussion looks like. ...
  2. Give Students a Focused Task with Clear Instructions. ...
  3. Give Students Group Work That Is Engaging and Meaningful. ...
  4. Be Part of the Process.
Jun 19, 2017

What is the best way to organize students into groups for learning? ›

Different ways of grouping students in the classroom
  1. Find a classroom layout that works for you. ...
  2. Continents, patterns, and colors. ...
  3. Buttons and shapes. ...
  4. Behavior grouping with tech. ...
  5. Partner pairs. ...
  6. Interest groups. ...
  7. Popsicle sticks. ...
  8. Paint swatch secret ballot.
Aug 22, 2019

Which are good strategies to implement with working on group assignments? ›

Three Highly Effective Group Work Strategies
  • Start with an Engaging Activity. The first effective group work strategy is to start with a challenging problem to solve. ...
  • Set Clear Expectations. Before we can expect students to work productively in groups, we must let them know what's expected. ...
  • Teach Group Work Skills.

Why is motivation important in group work? ›

Motivated people are highly adaptable, particularly when it comes to change , and they have a positive attitude at work. They help to spread an organization's good reputation, reduce rates of absenteeism, and improve performance and profit.

What is the most effective learning method in online learning? ›

Game-based learning is a popular technique used to improve student engagement and retain attention. This approach helps reduce student anxiety and increase their involvement, especially when teaching complex concepts.

What is the most effective way for students to learn effectively in online lessons? ›

Tips for Taking Online Classes
  • Treat an online course like a “real” course. ...
  • Hold yourself accountable. ...
  • Practice time management. ...
  • Create a regular study space and stay organized. ...
  • Eliminate distractions. ...
  • Figure Out How You Learn Best. ...
  • Actively participate. ...
  • Leverage your network.
Mar 26, 2020

What is the best teaching method for online learning? ›

Pre-Recorded Video Lectures

Some students find this online teaching method and pedagogy better than live online classes as it gives them the flexibility to attend the lecture on their time. Unlike live online classes, students can use the video for revision purposes as well as to clear their doubts.

What is a key characteristic of a successful online learner? ›

Successful online students must be self-disciplined and goal-oriented as they work to complete their weekly assignments, post email messages, and work with their classmates in their online class.

What are the five elements of an effective online learning environment? ›

Private-independent schools set themselves apart with five essential elements that help spur academic success: positivity, predictability, support, connectedness, and challenges.

What are the 9 strategies for effective online teaching? ›

Strategies for Teaching Online
  • Writing your syllabus. ...
  • Working with Teaching Assistants. ...
  • Creating inclusive and equitable online learning environments. ...
  • Engaging discussions online. ...
  • Promote student well-being. ...
  • Facilitating effective online meetings. ...
  • Other resources.

What are some good advice for students? ›

10 Habits of Successful Students
  • Get Organized. Making a plan for what you're going to do and when you're going to do it will make sure you're always ahead of the curve - literally.
  • Don't multitask. ...
  • Divide it up. ...
  • Sleep. ...
  • Set a schedule. ...
  • Take notes. ...
  • Study. ...
  • Manage your study space.

What is the best advice you can give to students? ›

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Work should come before pleasure. Manage your time effectively; set up a timeline for getting word completed in each of your courses. Set aside adequate time for homework, study, sleep, relationships, and work. You need not always finish every task all at once.

How do you advice students for success? ›

Strategies for Successful Students
  1. Attending class regularly is essential! ...
  2. Always be prepared for class. ...
  3. Don't be afraid to ask questions! ...
  4. Practice time management! ...
  5. Always save your draft in multiple places. ...
  6. Understand the importance of the syllabus, and refer back to it throughout the semester.

What are 5 keys to a successful outcome in an online course? ›

5 Key Components To A Successful Online Course
  • Picking the right platform for a successful online course. Your school can't deliver successful online courses without a reliable course platform. ...
  • High class engagement. ...
  • Easy access to course materials. ...
  • Secure attendance tracking. ...
  • Virtual office hours.
Mar 23, 2020

What factors could contribute to the success of online classes? ›

All in all, there seem to be five key success factors with regard to online studying. There are the cognitive and social factors, the role of the instructor, self-regulated learning skills, and the platform's ease of use.

What are 5 advantages of online learning? ›

What are the Benefits of Online Classes for Students?
  • The “Home” Advantage. Digital learning has made learning interesting and fun for students. ...
  • Escape the Traffic. ...
  • Saves your Time and Money. ...
  • Best Online Guidance. ...
  • Instant Doubt Resolution. ...
  • Increased Convenience and Flexibility. ...
  • Enhances Self-Discipline. ...
  • Optimises focus.

What is the positive impact of online learning *? ›

It allows students to learn anytime.

Students can repeat the video recordings of their classes and the materials used in lessons anytime they need. They can also adjust their learning speed according to their current abilities. What's more, students can choose to do assignments in ways that are comfortable for them.

What are the challenges of successful online learning? ›

7 Top Challenges with Online Learning For Students (and Solutions)
  • Isolation.
  • Motivation.
  • Equipment.
  • Tech Issues.
  • Distractions.
  • Time Management.
  • Barriers to learning (Disabilities / Special Needs)
Aug 18, 2022

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.