9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (2024)

9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (1)

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (2)

By Jeff Reeves

last updated

Fidelity is one of the most iconic names on Wall Street, and Fidelity mutual funds are among the most respected investment vehicles on the planet.

The asset manager was established just after World War II and was one of the early leaders in the employer-led retirement plan space after the 401(k) made its debut roughly 40 years ago. Chances are you've owned a Fidelity product in some account or another across your investing life.

When it comes to picking the best Fidelity mutual funds, there's no universal answer to which option is at the top of the list. Investing always involves a level of personalization based on your personal risk profile, your investment timeline and how much capital you have in the bank.

That said, there are some general rules of thumb that can quickly separate the good from the bad. And the following options are among the best Fidelity mutual funds because of these characteristics. They include:

An established and liquid fund: Each of the mutual funds on this list has a minimum of $8 billion in assets under management, so they're likely not going anywhere anytime soon.

Reasonable fees: Mutual funds tend to generally be more expensive than exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, because of regulatory and recordkeeping costs. But the following funds all have no additional transaction fee, and some have expense ratios as low as similar ETFs.

You should always do your own research and make sure you're investing based on what's best for your personal situation. However, the following nine investments all are standouts that might work for you if you're looking for the best Fidelity mutual funds right now.


Data is as of September 18. Dividend yields represent the trailing 12-month yield, which is a standard measure for equity funds. There is no minimum to invest in any of the funds listed here.


Fidelity InvestmentsWall Street


9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (3)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Fidelity 500 Index Fund

  • Fund inception: 1988
  • Assets under management: $432.5 billion
  • Dividend yield: 1.5%
  • Expenses: 0.015%, or $1.50 annually for every $10,000 invested

If you're looking for the simplest way to invest in the U.S. stock market, many investors gravitate to the S&P 500 Index of the 500 largest companies on Wall Street. And the Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX, $155.07), like many similar index funds out there, is benchmarked to this fixed list of large-cap stocks.

This means that FXAIX is a simple way to access many of the big blue chip stocks you're looking for, including Microsoft (MSFT) and Apple (AAPL). And since it's a fixed index instead of actively managed, it's incredibly cheap when it comes to annual fees.

The only major drawback is that the S&P 500 isn't particularly complicated or elegant. It's a list of the largest stocks, and it's weighted in a way where the bigger companies carry more influence than the smaller ones. In fact, that duo of trillion-dollar tech stocks Microsoft and Apple represent nearly 14% of the total portfolio all by themselves.

Still, FXAIX is one of the most popular Fidelity mutual funds because it's easy to understand, affordable, and a good way to generally play the movements of the broader stock market.

Learn more about FXAIX at the Fidelity provider site.

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (5)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Index Fund

  • Fund inception: 2016
  • Assets under management: $15.9 billion
  • Dividend yield: 0.7%
  • Expenses: 0.035%

Taking a slightly different approach than the Fidelity 500 Index Fund is the Fidelity Large Cap Growth Index Fund (FSPGX, $26.94). As the name implies, this is an index fund of large stocks. However, FSPGX takes a more growth-oriented approach, pursuing companies with expanding sales and profits over established, slow-and-steady value stocks that might not have as much growth ahead of them.

The methodology of the Fidelity Large Cap Growth Index Fund is fairly simple: It takes the Russell 1000 Index of the largest U.S. stocks, then takes the top half of those based on the strength of growth metrics. The result is a list of about 500 companies that are very tech-heavy, with about 40% of assets in this sector. It also all but ignores materials, real estate, energy and utility stocks, with less than 5% of assets collectively across those four sectors.

If you want to take a long-term approach to growth investing, FSPGX is one of the best low-cost Fidelity mutual funds to do so. There's admittedly a bit more risk in this tactical approach, but there is also more potential reward. Consider that over the last five years, the fund has racked up a total return (price + dividends) of nearly 90% compared to the S&P 500's total return of around 67%.

Learn more about FSPGX at the Fidelity provider site.

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (7)

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Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

  • Fund inception: 1985
  • Assets under management: $9.1 billion
  • Dividend yield: 1.6%
  • Expenses: 0.57%

Investors keen on gaining exposure to established and stable companies that have staying power in any market environment will want to check out the Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio (FGRIX, $52.07). This mutual fund includes stocks such as energy major Exxon Mobil (XOM), big bank Wells Fargo (WFC) and industrial conglomerate General Electric (GE) among its top holdings right now.

The strategy of this Fidelity mutual fund involves a focus on stocks that currently pay dividends as well as show potential for capital appreciation. This means lower exposure to tech stocks – only about 18% or so of the portfolio, compared with 28% of the S&P 500 allocated to this sector – and more to sectors such as financials and industrials that make up roughly 17% each vs respective weightings of 12% and 9% in the S&P 500.

It also means your investment isn't as focused on growth stocks. This is because firms that pay dividends are typically focused on giving cash back to shareholders rather than investing it in new products or expansion.

If you are concerned about overall economic growth trends in the near term or if you simply want to have the long-term peace of mind that comes with leading multinational stocks, FGRIX is one of the best Fidelity mutual funds for investors looking to reduce their risk profile.

Learn more about FGRIX at the Fidelity provider site.

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (9)

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Fidelity OTC Portfolio

  • Fund inception: 1984
  • Assets under management: $24.9 billion
  • Dividend yield: 0.0%
  • Expenses: 0.81%

While the previously mentioned Fidelity mutual funds focus on large and established stocks, the Fidelity OTC Portfolio (FOCPX, $16.67) allows investors a way to gain exposure to innovative and non-traditional players.

The fund invests only in securities that are listed outside the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). This includes the tech-heavy Nasdaq exchange that's home to names like Amazon.com (AMZN) and Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL) among other leaders. But it also includes the OTC, or "over the counter," market where securities are not listed on a major exchange. This includes privately held companies that are not even listed on public markets yet.

It's this last category that's particularly interesting to many investors, as FOCPX holds a stake in firms like social media platform Reddit.

Now, there's admittedly a lot of risk investing in more aggressive and development-stage companies, along with the Nasdaq-listed heavyweights on this list. But as a long-term investment, the growth potential these firms provide cannot be denied. And with nearly 170 total positions, there's enough diversification that FOCPX can afford to swing and miss a few times along the way.

Learn more about FOCPX at the Fidelity provider site.

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (11)

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Fidelity Select Semiconductors Portfolio

  • Fund inception: 1985
  • Assets under management: $11.5 billion
  • Dividend yield: 0.1%
  • Expenses: 0.69%

If you're not afraid of a bit more risk or a bias toward the technology sector, the Fidelity Select Semiconductors Portfolio (FSELX, $22.90) is one of the oldest tech-driven mutual funds out there. With almost 40 years of trading under its belt, this multi-billion fund is well-established despite its very focused flavor.

Specifically, FSELX invests in companies engaged in the design, manufacture, servicing or sale of electronic components like semiconductors, circuit boards and other similar goods. Top holdings at present include some of Wall Street's best semiconductor stocks like Nvidia (NVDA), Dutch tech firm NXP Semiconductors (NXPI) and Arizona-based sensor specialist ON Semiconductor (ON).

In a digital age, chips exist in just about everything we buy – from smartphones to kitchen appliances to automobiles. If you don't want to research individual companies that have a particular product that's appealing right now, FSELX is one of the best Fidelity mutual funds to gain exposure to the space, with a diversified portfolio of about 50 global industry leaders.

Learn more about FSELX at the Fidelity provider site.

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (13)

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Fidelity Investment Grade Bond Fund

  • Fund inception: 1971
  • Assets under management: $8.7 billion
  • SEC yield: 5.0%*
  • Expenses: 0.45%

For investors interested in the best Fidelity mutual funds for income, it's important to acknowledge that there's a great big world out there beyond stocks. The Fidelity Investment Grade Bond Fund (FBNDX, $6.96) is a great example of this, with one of the firm's oldest and most respected ways to play fixed-income markets.

Generally, bonds as an asset class are much more stable than stocks, meaning investors don't shoulder as much risk of losing principal value. This stability can also come with reliable yields that produce regular income. The tradeoff, though, is that bond funds don't experience the same growth as equity ones do – meaning you get a bit more certainty, but less upside potential.

As the name implies, the Fidelity Investment Grade Bond fund focuses only on "investment grade" assets from the most credit-worthy entities. Top issuers at present include the U.S. Treasury and government-backed mortgage entities like Fannie Mae, along with top-rated corporations like Citigroup (C).

About 4,300 different bonds that make up the current portfolio, providing incredible diversity across the holdings that also adds to the stability of this top Fidelity mutual fund.

* SEC yields reflect the interest earned after deducting fund expenses for the most recent 30-day period and are a standard measure for bond and preferred-stock funds.

Learn more about FBNDX at the Fidelity provider site.

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (15)

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Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund

  • Fund inception: 2000
  • Assets under management: $11.6 billion
  • SEC yield: 9.3%
  • Expenses: 0.68%

In a high interest rate environment, bond funds can be a challenging asset because they tend to fall when principal value rates go up. This is because old bonds that pay 2% are naturally less attractive than newer bonds that pay 3% or more, and are discounted by investors as a result.

But what if you don't have to be beholden to a fixed rate and instead can invest in instruments where the interest rate "floats" based on the market environment? That's what the Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund (FFRHX, $6.96) offers.

This top Fidelity fund invests in floating rate loans. These are often lower-quality debt securities to smaller or troubled businesses rather than fixed-rate investment-grade debt to large and established firms, and have the benefit of being linked to current and future interest rates. That's particularly attractive to investors right now with interest rates at their highest level in over a decade.

Top holdings in FFRHX include loans to camping and sporting goods retailer Great Outdoor Store and Las Vegas casino resort Golden Nugget.

There's clearly risk in cyclical investments like these, but there's also the potential for a big-time payday as evidenced by the 30-day yield of more than 9%.

Income investors seeking out the best Fidelity mutual funds should definitely take a closer look at FFRHX.

Learn more about FFRHX at the Fidelity provider site.

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (17)

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Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

  • Fund inception: 1977
  • Assets under management: $11.7 billion
  • SEC yield: 6.7%
  • Expenses: 0.72%

If you're really after yield and don't mind taking on a bit more risk in fixed-income markets, then the Fidelity Capital & Income Fund (fa*gIX, $9.34) could be worth a look. This top Fidelity mutual fund invests in a small amount of high-yield equity investments, but mostly in distressed debt securities, including so-called "junk" bonds from lower-quality borrowers.

Investing in companies with troubled or uncertain financial conditions is definitely a risky game, but you can command a higher premium on your loans to these enterprises as a result.

And with a list of about 500 total holdings, including digital bank Ally Financial (ALLY) and industrial stock TransDigm Group (TDM), there's a long list of diversified individual investments that can overcome one or two stumbles along the way.

And from an income perspective, the yield is more than four times that of the S&P 500. In other words, you'll have a much more generous payout rate that could make the higher risk profile worth it if you're in pursuit of bigger paydays.

Learn more about fa*gIX at the Fidelity provider site.

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9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (19)

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Fidelity Balanced Fund

  • Fund inception: 1986
  • Assets under management: $41.1 billion
  • SEC yield: 2.2%
  • Expenses: 0.50%

Not sure which of the prior Fidelity mutual funds is right for you, or how to mix and match the stocks and bonds to build a diversified long-term portfolio? Then look to the Fidelity Balanced Fund (FBALX, $25.89), a one-stop shop for investors who want a single holding that does it all.

This top Fidelity fund invests about 60% of its total assets in stocks, led by familiar mega-cap tech companies like Apple, Amazon.com and Microsoft. There are about 300 different names on the list of stocks that make up this share of the pie.

The other 40% of this fund is allocated towards bonds, primarily U.S. Treasury or "agency" debt issued by government-backed mortgage providers like Fannie Mae. The fund does have a mandate to chase lower-quality debt securities or emerging market bonds when its managers feel appropriate, so not all of those bonds are top graded. Still, the vast majority tend to be.

There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to investing, so the FBALX portfolio might not be perfect for all investors. If you have a relatively longer runway to grow your nest egg, for instance, you might want to consider a fund with a heavier allocation towards stocks. Or if you're in capital-preservation mode late into retirement, the added risk that a 60% allocation to stocks provides might not be right for you.

But generally, this fund is popular because of its simplicity. You don't have to manage allocations or worry about multiple holdings. Just invest in this Fidelity fund and let it do the rest.

Learn more about FBALX at the Fidelity provider site.

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Sponsored Content9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (20)

9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (21)

Jeff Reeves

Contributing Writer, Kiplinger.com

Jeff Reeves writes about equity markets and exchange-traded funds for Kiplinger. A veteran journalist with extensive capital markets experience, Jeff has written about Wall Street and investing since 2008. His work has appeared in numerous respected finance outlets, including CNBC, the Fox Business Network, theWall Street Journaldigital network,USA Todayand CNN Money.





9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now (2024)


9 Best Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Now? ›

On average, the Fidelity Contrafund has beaten the S&P 500 Index by 2.78% per year. Growth of $10,000 invested in Contrafund versus S&P 500 Index, September 17, 1990 to March 31, 2024. Total value March 31, 2024 for Contrafund was $751,828 compared to $327,447 for the S&P 500 Index.

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5 Best Mutual Funds to Buy Now
Mutual FundAssets Under ManagementExpense Ratio
Vanguard Wellington Fund (ticker: VWELX)$111.7 billion0.26%
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX)$1.6 trillion0.04%
Fidelity 500 Index (FXAIX)$512.4 billion0.015%
Fidelity ZERO International Index (FZILX)$4 billion0%
1 more row
May 10, 2024

Which Fidelity funds outperform the S&P 500? ›

On average, the Fidelity Contrafund has beaten the S&P 500 Index by 2.78% per year. Growth of $10,000 invested in Contrafund versus S&P 500 Index, September 17, 1990 to March 31, 2024. Total value March 31, 2024 for Contrafund was $751,828 compared to $327,447 for the S&P 500 Index.

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Best-performing U.S. equity mutual funds
TickerName5-Year Return (%)
USNQXVictory NASDAQ-100 Index21.1
VIGRXVanguard Growth Index Investor18.61
NWJFXNationwide NYSE Arca Tech 100 Idx InsSvc16.13
VQNPXVanguard Growth & Income Inv15.08
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Jul 2, 2024

What is the best mutual fund to invest in in 2024? ›

  • Fidelity 500 Index Fund. : Best overall.
  • Fidelity Large Cap Growth Index Fund. : Best for growth investors.
  • Fidelity Investment Grade Bond Fund. ...
  • Fidelity Total Bond Fund. ...
  • Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund Investor Shares. ...
  • Schwab Fundamental US Large Company Index Fund. ...
  • Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund. ...
  • Vanguard High-Yield Tax-Exempt Fund.
Jun 28, 2024

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Fund House Fund Category Fund Rank and Ratios Fund Parameters Investment Parameters Filter
Scheme NamePlan1Y
Sponsored AdvInvest Now Canara Robeco ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthELSSDirect Plan33.13%
Sponsored AdvInvest Now Motilal Oswal Midcap Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthMid Cap FundDirect Plan67.71%
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Top Mutual Fund Houses in India
S.No.Mutual Fund House
1.SBI Mutual Fund
2.ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund
3.HDFC Mutual Fund
4.Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund
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Jul 9, 2024

Are Vanguard or Fidelity funds better? ›

Overall, you might save money at Fidelity if you trade options, but Vanguard will be cheaper if mutual funds are your focus. The key difference is that Fidelity is low-cost for a wide range of investor types, while Vanguard is a great low-cost solution aimed primarily at buy-and-hold investors.

What is Fidelity's best performing ETF? ›

The largest Fidelity ETF is the Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund FBTC with $11.34B in assets. In the last trailing year, the best-performing Fidelity ETF was FDIG at 33.81%. The most recent ETF launched in the Fidelity space was the Fidelity Yield Enhanced Equity ETF FYEE on 04/11/24.

What is the difference between Fidelity 500 and S&P 500? ›

Fidelity® 500 Index Fund is a diversified domestic large-cap equity strategy that seeks to closely track the returns and characteristics of the S&P 500® index. The S&P 500® is a market-capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the performance of 500 large-cap U.S. companies.

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  • American Funds Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio (TAIFX)
  • Schwab Balanced Fund (SWOBX)
  • Vanguard Wellington Fund (VWELX)
  • Dodge and Cox Income Fund (DODIX)
  • PGIM High Yield Fund (PHYZX)
  • T. ...
  • Schwab International Index Fund (SWISX)
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What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

7 High-Return, Low-Risk Investments for Retirees
  • Money market funds.
  • Dividend stocks.
  • Ultra-short fixed-income ETFs.
  • Certificates of deposit.
  • Annuities.
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Treasury bonds.
2 days ago

What is the best performing fund of all time? ›

Fidelity Select Software & IT Services (FSCSX, $18.45) has not only survived the Crash of 1987, the Tech Wreck of 2000-02 and the Great Recession, but it has emerged as the top-performing fund since inception.

Should a 70 year old invest in mutual funds? ›

Conventional wisdom holds that when you hit your 70s, you should adjust your investment portfolio so it leans heavily toward low-risk bonds and cash accounts and away from higher-risk stocks and mutual funds. That strategy still has merit, according to many financial advisors.

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Summary: Best Mutual Funds
Fund (ticker)10-Year Avg. Ann. Return
Dodge & Cox Income (DODIX)2.27%
Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Investor Shares (VWESX)2.25%
Schwab Fundamental US Small Company Index Fund (SFSNX)8.51%
T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap Growth Fund (RPMGX)10.71%
6 more rows
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What if I invest $5,000 in mutual funds for 5 years? ›

The SIP calculator will show that after investing Rs. 5,000 per month for 5 years at a 12% annual return, you will receive a final amount of Rs. 4,12,432. Be aware that the total amount you invested over 5 years is Rs. 3,00,000.

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Key takeaways

Some options include individual stocks and bonds, ETFs, and mutual funds. Choose what's right for you according to your risk tolerance and your goal's time horizon. Review your investments regularly. As your life changes, so can your risk tolerance and goals.

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"Personally, I like Fidelity mutual funds because they offer a variety of investment options, have low fees and are backed by a reputable company with a long history of success in the industry," Latham says.

Who has better mutual funds Vanguard or Fidelity? ›

Overall, you might save money at Fidelity if you trade options, but Vanguard will be cheaper if mutual funds are your focus. The key difference is that Fidelity is low-cost for a wide range of investor types, while Vanguard is a great low-cost solution aimed primarily at buy-and-hold investors.

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List of High Risk & High Returns in India sorted by Returns
  • Tata Midcap Growth Fund. ...
  • SBI Small Cap Fund. ...
  • Invesco India Mid Cap Fund. ...
  • Axis Small Cap Fund. EQUITY Small Cap. ...
  • HSBC Midcap Fund. EQUITY Mid Cap. ...
  • PGIM India Midcap Opportunities Fund. EQUITY Mid Cap. ...
  • UTI Mid Cap Fund. EQUITY Mid Cap. ...
  • Axis Midcap Fund. EQUITY Mid Cap.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.