7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (2024)

Financial problems in marriage can start before you’ve even walked down the aisle. And they can quickly build into major issues that you see no way out of.

That’s why it’s so important, right from the start, to think about and talk honestly about, how to manage finances in your marriage.

When two people agree to become married, they often open up a joint account and agree to share their money.

If you do this, you need to be very careful as some people can enter into a marriage with a lot of debt, or others could have spending habits that make it difficult for you to plan for the future.

When you are dealing with joint accounts, you need to be able to focus on having communication with your spouse, and the two of you need to learn how to manage your money together.

You have to work on this all the time, or it can lead to marital problems.

One of the biggest reasons why people get divorced is directly related to money problems.

How can financial problems affect a marriage?

Money is cited as one of the leading reasons for divorce. But before you get as far as divorce there are many other ways your marriage is impacted:

  • Arguments
  • Distrust
  • Resentment
  • Stress
  • Losing your home
  • Debt recovery action
  • Losing your job

In order to avoid getting divorced and ensure that you are not going to struggle financially, you need to take active steps. Never presume things will work out without you taking action.

7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (1)

7 Best Steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage happening to you

Step # 1 – Set a budget

One spouse may love to spend, and another may be great at saving. This is nice as it does assist in balancing out your marriage.

It is important, however, that you both sit down together and learn how to create a budget for your money. One that you both sign up to and agree to follow.

Make sure to allow for some fun money in your budget. This is guilt free spending money that you both should have. Free to spend on whatever you want with no questions asked.

It doesn’t have to be much, when my husband and I lived on one income we still had $50 a month each to ourselves. So important for martial harmony – believe me.

A good budget will stop many financial problems in marriage before they start. Your budget will be able to reign in the spender and allows you both to plan for your future.

Get your budget right and instead of borrowing to pay for things like furniture, you can easily pay for furniture outright, thanks to your strong budgeting habits.

Having a budget will prevent you from getting into debt, and it will allow you to prepare for your children’s needs as well.

Try to use the cash envelope system instead of using credit cards to buy groceries and other things. This will prevent you from spending too much money.

Related posts: How To Fix Budgeting Mistakes Right Now – 5 Simple Steps

Step # 2 – Get an income

To avoid having marital issues, you need to get a job! You need to have money coming in to provide for all the needs that your family has.

I can almost guarantee that financial problems in marriage will rear up very quickly if unemployment and social security are involved.

Those are the kind of financial stress that can kill a marriage very quickly.

In some marriages, a single income is enough to pay for your needs. In other marriages, both spouses will need to work to sustain their lifestyle.

Sit down with your spouse and go over your situation and determine what you are both comfortable with.

As you do this, you can easily find out how much money you need to make and look for a career that will be able to provide you with a comfortable lifestyle.

Step # 3 – Pay off debt

A big concern in marriage is debt. It is vital that you pay off debts as quickly as possible. Having too much debt is a headache, and it places a big financial strain on the marriage.

You may both become angry with one another, and it’s likely that you blame each other for the struggles with debt.

The best thing that you can do is to set up a plan as to how you will pay off debt.

Getting yourself out of debt is the best thing you can do for your marriage and your financial situation.

Learn to live within your means and within your budget.

Make sure you are not opening new credit card accounts and that you are not charging up the ones that you do have.

If you cannot control your spending and you keep adding to the debt, cut up your credit cards! Seriously do!

A credit card is a DEBT card unless you pay it off in full every month.

7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (2)

Step # 4 – Make it equal

In marriage, One of the hardest conversations to have is about how should married couples split finances. In the ideal world you want everything to be equal.

But life and jobs aren’t equal.

It is important that you look at the bills and all the things that you need to pay for and to divide everything in a way that works best for you both.

Both spouses need to be accountable, not one person being forced to pay for everything.

But also if one has a much bigger income, is it fair they pay the same amount as the partner who only earns a small income, perhaps only working part time?

This discussion is all about trying to make things as equal as possible given potentially very different incomes.

When things are equal, you will be able to avoid dealing with the issue of which person makes more and the little fights that this can cause.

Step # 5 – Communicate often

Sit down weekly with your spouse and go over the budget. You both need to be involved and to know where your finances are at.

Communicate with each other often about the finances, and both of you need to be involved instead of one person managing them all the time.

It’s okay to have someone who is the CEO of your money. Someone who organizes the bills to be paid on time, to set up everything on auto payments.

But they should be the manager, not the sole decision maker.

Step # 6 – be honest

As the saying goes:

Honesty is the best policy

Whether it’s your finances or another topic, honesty is how you keep your relationship working and on the right track.

Secret spending and secrecy as regards to what you earn or what debt you have are the kind if financial problems in marriage that can lead straight to divorce.

None of us are perfect, we all have our off days. Our days where we blow the budget, buy something on impulse. This is you being human.

Talk to your spouse, let them know when you’ve had a blip, likewise when you’ve been extra good. Honesty is not just about confessing something negative. Share your wins!

Step # 7 – Discuss your future

What your finances look like when you are newly married are very different from a few years down the road. It might be fine initially to split all bills equally as your income is similar.

But what about having kids? How are you going to organize your finances then?

Who’s going to be responsible for what bills? Will one of you want to b a stay at home parent?

You don’t need to rush into decisions but it’s wise to talk about future plans. Children, where you live, what you want to achieve in life. All things that can impact your finances.

All things that you might think very differently about to your spouse.

7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (3)

4 financial problems in marriage you want to avoid

How do you deal with money issues in marriage? Ideally you want to deal with them before they become and issue and start affecting your marriage.

Knowing the potential problems and being wise to them will help you avoid them becoming a problem for you.

1. bringing debt into marriage

Debt is something we all face at some point or other, whether that’s bad debt like credit cards, or good debt like a mortgage.

One of the major money imbalances in relationships is when one person is a free spender who thinks nothing of having thousands in debt. Whilst the other is a saver and careful never to go overdrawn.

When one person brings debt in to a marriage, it can upset your relationship before it has had a chance to mature.

All debt needs to be on the table and known about before you get married. And of course the ideal is to have it paid off before you do marry. That way you are starting a fresh.

2. hiding purchases

This money issue is so common! Often it goes unnoticed, especially if you are not tracking what you spend as a couple and checking how your budget is working.

Making secret purchases goes against being honest. Sure you might not lie, but you’re withholding the truth if your partner isn’t aware of how your secret spending is affecting your joint budget.

3. different money mindsets

They say opposites attract, and this is often true when it comes to money. Savers attract spenders. It can be a recipe for disaster if the spender keeps spending and the saver becomes very resentful.

Stop this from becoming a financial problem by budgeting, being honest, talking about your money and ensuring the spender has some fun money to spend guilt free.

4. Future financial expectations

Not talking about your future lifestyle, what you want to achieve, how you want to live your life can store up trouble for you both.

You may have very different ideas on where you want to live, the size of your house, how many vacations etc.

The big one for many couples of course is children. According to the USDA the cost of raising a child can be as much as $233, 610.

Part of that cost is childcare which is the crux of many a relationship discussion. Does one of you become a stay at home parent or work part time to fit around part time childcare?

Nice to do, but how is it going to affect your joint budget, how you pay your bills, how you save for your future?

Good questions to talk about and find answers to BEFORE you find out you’re expecting a baby.

Start taking back control of your money by grabbing your copy of the Money Saving Starter Guide today.

7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (4)

Grab your Money Saving Starter Guide:

– 30 quick and easy ways to save money today (tomorrow & next week)

– cash envelope template

– money vision

– goal planning

– spending log

– no spend planner

– monthly budget overview

– bills calendar

All the printables you need to take back control of your money and become the super savvy saver I know you are.

7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (5)

Come and follow me on Pinterest for more money saving hints and frugal tips!

7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (6)
7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (7)

Last Updated on 4th April 2023 by Emma

7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage (2024)


7 steps to Stop Financial Problems in Marriage? ›

#1: Dishonesty

While there are different kinds of dishonesty, it essentially amounts to the same thing – being unable to trust your partner with the truth.

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#1: Dishonesty

While there are different kinds of dishonesty, it essentially amounts to the same thing – being unable to trust your partner with the truth.

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Here are 10 tips to bring back the passion in your marriage:
  1. Change your pattern of initiating sex. ...
  2. Hold hands more often. ...
  3. Allow tension to build. ...
  4. Separate sexual intimacy from routine. ...
  5. Carve out time to spend with your partner. ...
  6. Focus on affectionate touch. ...
  7. Practice being more emotionally vulnerable during sex.
Jul 17, 2024

How do you reset your marriage? ›

11 ways to reset your marriage
  1. Give your partner grace. ...
  2. Don't assume you know what is going on with your partner. ...
  3. Take time to affirm with your partner. ...
  4. Get to know your partner on a deeper level. ...
  5. Make a list of your disagreements. ...
  6. Work on yourself. ...
  7. Stop criticizing and express concerns effectively.
Nov 28, 2023

What is the 7 7 7 rule for marriage? ›

Here's how the 777 Rule works: every seven days you go on a date, every seven weeks you go away for the night and every seven months the two of you head off on a romantic holiday. It might sound a tad prescriptive, and an à deux holiday almost twice a year could be one too many, but nevertheless we get the point.

What is the #1 cause for divorce? ›

Lack of Commitment Is the Most Common Reason for Divorce

That's why it is not surprising that a lack of commitment could spell disaster for a couple. In fact, 75% of individuals and couples cited lack of commitment as the reason for their divorce.

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Constant fighting, lack of communication, and emotional or physical abuse are serious indicators. If you find yourself asking, “How do you know your marriage can't be saved?” it may be time to reevaluate your situation. Do you feel safe and respected in your marriage? Have you tried counseling without success?

Why do couples divorce after 25 years of marriage? ›

Much like divorce after 20 years, marriages ending after 25 years will center around issues related to children and finances. Divorce after 25 years most likely means at least one of your children is in college. Which means once again, you might be wrestling with what to do with your marital home.

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So, what exactly is walkaway wife syndrome? In essence, it refers to wives who become so emotionally disconnected and dissatisfied with their marriages that they eventually decide to leave—often after years of built-up resentment. This isn't your typical cold feet or mid-life crisis.

How to fix an unhappy marriage? ›

Here are eight ways to repair your marriage when it's falling apart:
  1. Share each other's joy. ...
  2. Blame the situation, not your spouse. ...
  3. Eliminate the three A's that ruin marriages. ...
  4. Kiss each other more. ...
  5. Let your conflict lead to growth. ...
  6. Know the difference between quality and quantity. ...
  7. Ask yourself why you want to make this work.
Nov 13, 2017

How to fix a broken marriage without counseling? ›

How to Fix a Marriage Without Counseling
  1. 1 Make a choice to prioritize your marriage.
  2. 2 Diagnose the underlying problems together.
  3. 3 Set concrete goals together.
  4. 4 Schedule restorative conversations.
  5. 5 Rely on “I” statements when discussing problems.
  6. 6 Ask questions instead of making assumptions.

What is the No. 1 rule for saving your marriage? ›

The No. 1 rule for saving your marriage is communication. All other efforts to improve a relationship will likely succeed with this foundation. It allows partners to build strong bonds even during tough times and resolve issues easily.

When it's too late to save a marriage? ›

Technically Speaking… Until the divorce papers are signed and finalized, it's technically never too late to save a marriage. Many couples have miraculous stories of saving their marriages from the brink of divorce and re-building something better than ever.

When should you give up trying to save a marriage? ›

Here are eight signs that you should give up on your marriage:
  1. Domestic violence. ...
  2. Infidelity. ...
  3. Issues with your sex life. ...
  4. Lack of communication and respect. ...
  5. Freedom of choice is lost. ...
  6. Being trash-talked. ...
  7. When you are not on the same page. ...
  8. You are the one always sacrificing.

What is the first thing that kills a marriage? ›

The main reasons include lack of communication, infidelity, financial stress, and incompatibility. These issues, if unaddressed, erode the marriage's foundation, leading to a breakdown of the relationship.

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Top 13 Signs a Marriage is at Risk of Divorce
1Lack of showing an interest in one another48%
2Poor conflict resolution47%
3Avoiding each other45%
4Lack of respect38%
5Increased criticism to or from my partner38%
8 more rows
Aug 15, 2023

What is the number one thing that breaks up marriage? ›

Infidelity or an extramarital affair

Extra-marital affairs are the number one reason for divorce and responsible for the 20-40% breakdown of most marriages that end in divorce. This is one of the most common causes of divorce.

What is the number one marriage problem? ›

1. You have communication issues. A lack of communication between married couples—or any couple, for that matter—can lead to a variety of issues in the relationship, says Dr. Tamika Torres, a psychologist.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.