40 Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas for Your Emails (2024)

Christy Walters


March 23, 2022 (Updated: May 4, 2023)

40 Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas for Your Emails (1)

Using an email newsletter as part of your marking strategy can help real estate agents to educate, entertain, and connect with their target audience directly. Coming up with good, engaging real estate newsletter content can take time and brainstorming, so we’re providing you with a list of ideas to get started. In this article, we’re exploring topics like:

  • Why Developing Real Estate Newsletter Content Is Important
  • 10 Basic Content Ideas
  • 4 Real Estate Industry Newsletter Content Ideas
  • 6 Local Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas
  • 7 Real Estate Finance Content Newsletter Topics
  • 6Homebuyingand Selling Content Ideas
  • 7 Homeownership Newsletter Ideas

Why Developing Real Estate Newsletter Content Is Important

Email newsletters help real estate agents with outreach. They let you connect with current buying and selling prospects, but also others in the community who may not need your services yet but could in the future. Newsletters are a way of sharing up-to-date valuable information with your coverage area. This helps develop your reputation as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source of information. That can help your personal or agency brand when people look to find the right organization or person to take care of theirhomebuyingand selling needs.

10 Basic Content Ideas

These basic content ideas are ones you can adapt and specify to meet your audience’s inquiries and needs. They include:

1. Evergreen Content

Evergreen piecesare those that stay relevant for a long time. They’re the opposite of trending content, which only lasts as long as the topic is popular or until new information arises to replace it. You often create evergreen content for websites and blogs. Use those pieces you’ve already developed andrepurposethem for your newsletter.

2. How-To Articles

By name, how-to articles tell people how to complete a process or project. They often include step-by-step instructions the reader follows to achieve a specific goal or result. Real estate topics like “how to prepare for a home inspection” or “how to work with a moving company” fall into this category.

3. Informative Guides

Informative guides give people an overview of a topic related tohomebuyingor selling. Newsletters aren’t usually the place for long-form content. That’s because readers like to scan them or read them on smaller devices like mobile phones. But you can preview guides in your newsletter and give your audience a taste of a larger article. Then invite them to visit your blog or website to read it in its entirety. This can help you improve your traffic andclickthroughrates online.

4. Curated Articles

Curated information comes from collecting work from other sources and sharing it with your audience. This isn’t plagiarism. You don’t pass these pieces off as your own work. Use outside resources and give proper credit when sharing interesting, timely, or valuable information with your audience from third-party sources.

5. Business Updates

Business updates tell your audience about new things happening with you as a realtor or with your agency. This may include announcements like you’re working in a new geographic area or changing business hours. You can also use business updates to tell people when a new agent joins your firm.

6. Interviews

Interviews involve talking to a person and asking them questions about specific topics. For real estate, your content team can interview your agents, clients, or local important figures, like business owners or council members. Interviews can humanize your content and give your audience different perspectives on a topic.

7. Guest Newsletters

Like guest blogging, guest newsletters invite someone else to share their opinions or expertise through your communication channels. You may ask other real estate professionals or people related to thehomebuyingand selling industry to write a piece for your audience. Guest newsletters let you form partnerships with others in the industry, which can help you share an audience on other channels, like blogs, websites, or social media platforms.

8. News Stories

News stories cover important issues and topics happening in real estate. They may also cover local hot topics in your property areas. News stories include information from press releases, interviews, and data reports. You may discuss information such as the local housing market or laws that affect property.

9. Surveys

Surveys can get your audience involved in the newsletter creation process. They encourage people to read your emails and engage with them. Consider creating surveys to add within your newsletters through widgets or form links. You can share the results in a later issue, or take the results and create an entire newsletter topic around them.

10. Lists

Lists are quick and easy newsletter ideas you can apply to various areas of real estate. For example, you may answer a list of frequently asked questions from past clients. You could also create resource lists or groups of property listings to share. Lists work well in newsletters because they’re short and scannable for the reader.

4 Real Estate Industry Newsletter Content Ideas

40 Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas for Your Emails (2)

Image via Unsplash by @precondo

Industry content ideas focus on the field of real estate and cover topics that clients may not know about or want to understand better as they work with an agent. Examples include:

1. Government Initiatives

Local, state, and federal governments all play some role in real estate. Whether it’s new initiatives to make it easier for people to buy homes or a change in the property tax rate, you can discuss government involvement that may interest your audience. You can provide how-to guides or tips about how to navigate changes from government interference.

2. Housing Market Studies

Those trying to decide if it’s the right time to buy or sell a home may rely on data and statistics reports during the consideration process. Organizations like theNational Association of REALTORS®and theFederal Housing Finance Agencyoften share reports with valuable information. Studies to cover may include recent sales, home values, pricing fluctuations, or market comparisons.

3. Foreclosure Updates

Property buyers may look for foreclosures as one avenue tohomebuying. Some may also consider snagging these properties to flip and turn into rental properties. Discuss the state of foreclosures in your coverage area. You can also give tips or tricks about finding properties and what to do when engaging with this type of sale.

4. Agent Interviews

Let your audience get to know you or the other agents at your company with employee spotlights. Learning about the different agents within a group could help someone choose the right partner for theirhomebuyingand selling. Consider asking questions about why each agent decided to work in real estate, what they enjoy about working in their service area, and some facts about themselves as people outside of the industry.

6 Local Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas

These topics cover buying and selling property in a specific geographical location. They give people an idea of what’s going on in the community around them or what takes place in the new city where they’re moving. Topics include:

1. Property Lists

Property lists help you showcase current market offerings and listings to your audience. You can create a property list around any theme. For example, share your own listings, homes in a certain price range, or homes with the best views. Property roundups let you link out to the listings online, which helps yourclick-through rate for email metrics.

2. Testimonials from Local Clients

Ask satisfied clients you’ve worked with previously to share information about theirhomebuyingor selling process. You can ask about their personal experiences and how they felt about working with you or your agency. Another option is to ask past clients about their favorite things they’ve discovered after moving to a new area.

3. Small Business Spotlights

You can highlight small businesses in your coverage cities and towns, like retail shops, restaurants, or recreation facilities. This can help people moving to the area learn what’s available to them. It also creates partnerships for you with other businesses in the area, which may allow you to access their audiences for more reach.

4. Community Events Calendar

Besides highlighting businesses, you can also create a calendar of community events to share. This can include things like fairs, parades, live music, community days, and open house listings. Calendars make for easy download resources for your audience. You can brand them with your logo and contact information, which works as free advertising for you and your agency.

5. Council or School Board Meeting Summaries

Decisions made at city council or school board meetings may affect your homebuyers and their properties. Recapping these meetings or mentioning information that affects your audience helps you act as a community news source. Paying attention to this information also keeps you informed of what’s going on in your districts to answer buyer and seller questions as they arise.

6. Local History Profiles

If you have any historic buildings or homes in your coverage area, share their background stories in your newsletter. Consider introducing other media by writing a summary of the property and its significance, then sharing photos or a video walkthrough. You may also make a list of historic places in your area to encourage people to notice them as they walk or drive around town.

7 Real Estate Finance Newsletter Content Topics

Your newsletter can cover topics about finance or money related tohomebuyingand selling, like:

1. Mortgage Application Information

Most people have to take out a loan to purchase property. You can create how-to guides for explaining the mortgage application process. Consider sharing information about mortgage rates or the best lenders for different types of buyers.

2. Tax and Fee Articles

There are many taxes and fees that come with buying, selling, and renting property. You can inform your audience about topics like closing costs or rental fees. Other options include discussing property taxes in your area or alerting your audience when they change or when tax breaks become available.

3. Tips To Save forHomebuying

Give first-time homebuyers advice about how to save their money to secure their first property. This could include information about immediate and long-term payouts associated with purchasing a home. It could also include information about loans, assistance programs, and other tips to make purchasing a home more affordable.

4. Home Insurance Advice

First-time homebuyers may wonder how to choose the best option for home insurance. Those moving or purchasing new property may wonder if there’s a better provider for their new venture. You can meet both sets of needs by offering home insurance advice in your newsletter, such as talking about how to pick the right provider and reduce your costs per month.

5. Refinancing Guide

Some of your newsletter audience may be people who bought homes from you in the past but still subscribe to get information about the community or home maintenance. You can target them by explaining how to refinance a mortgage, or developing a checklist for deciding if it’s the right option for them. Consider making this a guest newsletter and asking a lender to talk about the topic in more detail.

6. Loan Pre-Qualification Information

Those who need a loan to purchase property must be pre-qualified to secure the financing. You can explain why this process exists and what people can do to improve their chances of getting pre-qualified. Suggest local lenders that help people get the approval they need to start theirhomebuyingjourney.

7. List Price Determination Guide

Sellers may wonder just how much they can get for a property when they list it on the market. There are a variety of factors that affect the sale price of a property. Go over these factors and how they influence listing prices. You may also explain why it’s important to work with an agent to buy and sell property so that the client is working within a competitive market with a knowledgeable partner.

6Homebuyingand Selling Content Ideas

These ideas cover the processes involved with buying and selling a home successfully:

1. Rental vs. Purchase Advice

Not all your clients may be ready to purchase property immediately. Some may wonder if renting or buying is the right choice. You may also have some audience members who own rental properties and seek advice on how to work with clients of their own. You can cover these and other rental vs. purchase questions to help readers decide which option best fits their lifestyle.

2. Buyer/Seller Search Guide

People who choose to sell a home and buy a new one at the same time have special sets of challenges to face during the real estate process. There are more intricacies when doing both simultaneously that may cause frustration or confusion. You can give tips about how to deal with these issues, like coordinating move-in and out dates and working with multiple agents.

3.HomebuyingApps and Resources

Your audience may look for ways to collect information on their own about certain aspects ofhomebuyingand selling before they contact an agent. You can still provide resources by giving a list of apps or tools they can use to start the process independently. These could include anything from budget calculators to online lending services. Try the apps and tools you’re recommending before including them in your newsletter. This can help your credibility and build trust with your audience.

4. Relocation Tips

Whether someone is moving across the city or the world, there’s still an element of relocation involved. You can help your audience with this by covering topics about moving day. Share information like how to work with a moving company, how to move with children and pets, or tips for moving long distances.

5. Home Staging Tips

Sellers may wonder what they can do to make their homes more appealing for showings and open houses. You can prepare them for these events by sharing home staging tips. For example, talk about what features and elements prospective buyers may cover when looking through their homes.

6. Home Inspection Guide

First-time homebuyers and sellers may wonder how the inspection process works. Discuss what factors influence passing or failing an inspection. You can also discuss how you receive the results of an inspection and how you can make repairs and negotiations during the buying and selling process to meet the requirements.

7 Homeownership Newsletter Ideas

These topics cover information someone needs after they buy a home and settle into their new environment, such as:

1. Home Renovation Guides

There are many big and small projects people can undertake before and after they buy and sell property. Since your audience may stay subscribed to your newsletter after making a purchase, you can cater to that niche by offering information about home renovations. Give suggestions of projects to do in the home and explain how to find the right resources to make them happen.

2. Tips for Hiring a Contractor

For those home renovations, people need the right contractors. Compile a list of local professions to help or resources for finding one. You may also cover topics like questions to ask a contractor before they start work on a project.

3. Home Maintenance Basics

Even when a home doesn’t need a big overhaul, there are still little fix-it projects that pop up alongside everyday maintenance. Give tips about things like basic plumbing, electrical, structural, or lawn care issues that could arise. This could be extra valuable to a first-time homebuyer or rent-to-buy transitional audience.

4. Homeowner Checklists

Checklists are short and easy to create, but also valuable for your audience. Create checklists for a variety of homeowner topics, such as preparing your home for a new season, things to do during spring cleaning, or items to check before you leave for vacation. Use checklists for other newsletter topics too, like moving day or closing appointment checklists.

5. Service Provider Reviews

As you do with local stores and restaurants, provide spotlights or reviews of service providers your homeowners may contact if they have issues around the house. This could include people like electricians, contractors, plumbers, and HVAC technicians. Consider reviewing their performance or simply creating a list of available service providers and citing information like online reviews to justify your choices.

6. Home Product Reviews

Review products that people may purchase to put in their homes. This covers major appliances like stoves, dishwashers, or clothes dryers. It also includes outdoor maintenance equipment like lawnmowers or recreation items like pools or grills.

7. Homeowners Association (HOA) Guides

If members of your audience are new to living in a location with an HOA, it may confuse them to learn how to deal with them. You can cover this topic to explain why certain residences have them and their purposes. Consider including content like questions to ask of your homeowner’s association or a breakdown of the items for which your HOA fees pay.

To find more topics for your real estate newsletter and your company blog, request your free content marketing analysis fromCopyPress. This tool lets you compare your online content to your top three competitors. It also shows you gaps in your keyword and content strategy for topics your audience will love. Once you see your results, considergetting started with us. We’ll work with you on developing a style guide specific to your brand voice, then train our team of expert writers and editors to produce the content you need to stay competitive in your market.

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40 Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas for Your Emails (3)

Kevin Doory

Director of SEO at Auto Revo

40 Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas for Your Emails (4)

Christy Walters

CopyPress writer

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40 Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas for Your Emails (2024)


40 Real Estate Newsletter Content Ideas for Your Emails? ›

A good address should be short, clear, and easy to remember. In the real estate business, the most common option is to use your name and your brand name in an email address. For example, if your name is Jane Smith and your company name is Perfect Housing, your email address can be [email protected].

What to add to a real estate newsletter? ›

What to Include in Real Estate Newsletter
  • New data from the National Association of Realtors.
  • Local information on the communities you list in.
  • Event information for local businesses.
  • Mortgage and financing information.
  • Investment opportunities.
  • Customer testimonials.
  • Seller information.
  • Market updates.
Apr 9, 2024

What is a good email address for a real estate agent? ›

A good address should be short, clear, and easy to remember. In the real estate business, the most common option is to use your name and your brand name in an email address. For example, if your name is Jane Smith and your company name is Perfect Housing, your email address can be [email protected].

Is Email marketing good for real estate? ›

Real estate is all about relationships, even after the final transaction has been made (40% of buyers find an agent through referrals from past clients, after all)! Email marketing lets you nurture your client base so that they come back to you for their next purchase, and/or refer their network to you as well.

How do you make a catchy newsletter? ›

Email Newsletter Best Practices
  1. Keep things short and sweet. When making a newsletter, don't overwhelm people with too much text or imagery. ...
  2. Make your content valuable. ...
  3. Always test your emails. ...
  4. Don't skip A/B testing. ...
  5. Make it mobile-friendly. ...
  6. Monitor email frequency.
Aug 8, 2024

How do you write contents for a real estate company? ›

When it comes to website content writing for real estate, here are some points that you should consider:
  1. Content should be persuasive, eye-catchy, and appealing.
  2. Be it the highlights or location advantages, the content should be clear and uncluttered.
  3. High-quality images should be used to showcase real estate projects.
Apr 4, 2024

What should my real estate email look like? ›

Write in a personal and conversational style that reflects your brand or specific agent. Write as you would normally talk, and your lead should believe you wrote the welcome email just for them. Remember, this real estate welcome email is the first real interaction you'll have with the lead.

How to introduce yourself in an email to a real estate agent? ›

7 Tips for writing introductory emails to real estate agents
  1. Strike the right tone. ...
  2. Keep it short and sweet. ...
  3. Personalize the introduction. ...
  4. Master the unique value proposition. ...
  5. Include a sample report. ...
  6. Close with contact info. ...
  7. Proofread, proofread, proofread!
Feb 3, 2021

What should be avoided by email marketing? ›

Common email marketing mistakes to avoid
  • Ignoring sender reputation. ...
  • Overlooking regulations. ...
  • Using a no-reply ID. ...
  • Designing unresponsive email. ...
  • Skipping welcome emails. ...
  • Failing to segment your email list. ...
  • Overgeneralizing rather than personalizing. ...
  • Sending emails without proofreading.
Jul 22, 2024

What is the best email marketing platform for realtors? ›

Top Real Estate Email Marketing Software by Use Case
  • Moosend – Best for building attractive emails with ease.
  • ActiveCampaign – Best for pre-built automation journeys.
  • GetResponse – Best for building beautiful landing pages.
  • Mailchimp – Best for small email lists.
  • Benchmark Email – Best for beginners.

What should a realtor say in an initial email? ›

Hello [Prospect], I'm so happy we could connect. Purchasing a home is one of the best financial decisions a person can make. Once you're ready to continue your journey, I'd be more than happy to walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have.

What should be included in a tenant newsletter? ›

Provide content that is relevant, informative, and helpful for your tenants, such as updates on property maintenance, safety tips, local events, tenant spotlights, or resources for saving money or living green.

What should be included in a paid newsletter? ›

After you decide to pursue a paid newsletter and have a topic in mind, it's time to work out a few details. What do you put in a paid newsletter? A paid newsletter isn't just 'news. ' Paid newsletters include text, links to content like videos and courses, access to exclusive video chats, and curated information.

How do I make my real estate listing stand out? ›

Follow these real estate listing tips from our real estate experts on how to make your online listing stand out.
  1. Drop the Price on a Weekend. ...
  2. Offer to Pay January Taxes. ...
  3. Offer a Bonus to Agents. ...
  4. Present Honest Details. ...
  5. Keep It Simple (and Clean) ...
  6. Get 3D Videos and Floor Plans. ...
  7. Use Professional Photographers. ...
  8. Know the Keywords.
Apr 5, 2023

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.