39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (2024)

So you have a small backyard farm but you want to figure out how to make your money-sucking hobby at least pay for itself. It would be even better if you could get a supplemental income from it right? Before I give you some hobby farm income ideas I want to help you understand a few things about business and choosing the right source of income.

It’s one thing to start selling something and getting a few dollars in return for your efforts. But it’s another to run a farm for profit.

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (1)

You get the basic idea of breeding and selling the offspring from the livestock you raise or selling your garden produce at a farmers market. But how do you maximize your efforts and chances that someone whats to buy YOUR product?

Tips To Help You Choose The Right Income Stream

Before we get into the farm business ideas for your hobby farm let me give you some key points to help you choose the right product to sell so you can have a profitable hobby farm.

Think About The Mindset Of The Customer Who Wants To Buy The Product PLUS Your Homestead Goals

I want to make this as easy to understand as possible so let me see if I can simplify this. If you want to have a profitable business but you don’t have acres of land you have to be EXTREMELY strategic about the income streams you choose.

If you have an acre of land you have no choice but to choose products that are higher priced for your farm side hustle.

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (2)

Part 1 Of This Answer, What Fits Your Farm Goals

You don’t want to be having 5 different farm projects where some make an income, some are to supply your family with food, and some really don’t have a purpose at all. You want to have a streamlined system to be able to make money that doesn’t drive you crazy and isn’t hard to manage.

Here’s what I mean.

If you want to have a bee farm to provide your family with honey, you need to figure out what your expenses are and how many extra hives you would need to have so you could at minimum have your expenses covered. (This is where our farm profit calculator can help you figure this out)

Free Farm Goal Planner!!!

➡️Get my proven system for choosing your farm goals so you don’t get burnt out.

Or if you are raising something that is hard to get a higher price for your work you could consider having one breed to supply your meat and another breed of the same species to provide the income.

If you have meat rabbits most of those breeds are only going to sell for $15-$30 unless you can get your foot in the door with show people.

In which case you could have a trio or 5 breeding animals that could help you produce a higher income that sells for a lot more.

This is the only time I would suggest something like this.

What are people willing to pay more for that can also be a farm side hustle with the space you have?

An example would be the mindset of a person who is willing to pay $10 for a rabbit vs $75-$200 for a rabbit.

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (3)

The Mindset of The Person Willing To Pay The Price You Need

I am prowed of you for still hanging in there if you are still tracking with me. You might be feeling a bit confused but hang in there.

To have a profitable business you need to figure out what someone is willing to pay more for. And to do that you need to take the time to think about WHY someone buys something, especially at a higher price.

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (4)

For something like farm fresh honey from bees they want pure honey. For someone who is buying rabbits they either want a good show quality rabbit for showing. OR they want a pet that is unique and we all know how cray cray people can be about their pets.

Think about how these two pieces can fit together and help you create the country lifestyle you want to live but also give you a profitable hobby farm that sustains your dream life.

It’s time to get your money-sucking hobby to pay for itself!

If you’re tired of your backyard farm eating away at all your extra cash, The Profitable Backyard Farm Kickstart is for you! – Get the exact steps I took to earn multiple four figures a year in my small rabbitry.

Claim Your Kit Now

Packaging Is Everything

It doesn’t matter if you are selling animals, product from your animals, or you have a large-scale market garden. You need to make it look pretty. People are drawn to what they see.

Depending on the avenue that you plan to go for your income you will also need to think about how you present yourself to the best of your ability.

Whether that is your packaging, website, your in-person store or stand or online social platforms. If you want to make more money with less product or livestock sales then you are going to have to take your presentation to the next level.

That does not mean you have to spend more money. It can be as simple as putting in a little elbow grease.

  • Make sure your pens are neat and clean.
  • Pull weeds that are showing up where they are not supposed to. Or use our favorite thing…Roundup!
  • Make a few small pots of flowers and put them where your buyers will see them as they pull up.
  • Keep things painted.
  • If you have a website or social platform make sure it looks clean and neat. Not tacky or unprofessional. (if you struggle with choosing things like colors and fonts look up branding kits on Pinterest for inspiration.
  • Take nice images for social and edit them in the same way. (Lightroom Mobile app and presets are a great way to do this. Here are some of my favorite presets for supper cheap on Etsy)
  • and lastly, just find ways to be different and go out of your way to make people smile and answer their questions even if they don’t plan to buy from you you are building a reputation that will cause your business to grow like wild fire OR crash before you even get off the tarmac.
39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (10)

Think About The Space You Have And The Income You Need

In a world where people lead with their emotions for making pretty much all choices in life, this can be hard.

Getting cute Highlander cows because you thought they were cute does not mean that you will be able to make the income you need.

If you don’t have a lot of land I don’t want you to feel bad about it or think that making a farm profitable is out of the question. Its really not. What people forget is the larger scale farms like a dairy farm or beef rancher is that they get paid WAY LESS for the product than if you went direct to the consumer.

You can also make way more if you find your specialty and it may seem small but you can charge a lot more per product.

Maybe you are an urban farmer and you don’t have much land at all. So raising several goats, sheep, cows, or other types of animals is out of the question.

So what can we do?

Well, have no fear. This post covers unique, out of the box ideas to generate income with just a few smaller animals, a small garden, or none of that at all if you are not physically capable.

If You Are Crafty

You don’t need any land or have to raise animals for these. If you are into urban farming and you just don’t have a lot of land think about these items. If you like to work with your hands and make things is fun for you then why not make a little extra on the side doing something you love?

These are the items that you can make to sell during the holiday season as gifts. Giving you a boost of income right when you need it most.

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (11)
  • Make and sell cheese and soaps. (Even if you can not raise a dairy goat, you could ask around and see who would be willing to sell you excess milk).
  • Hand paintings.
  • Home decor items.
  • Canned goods like jam seem hard for others to make and they are often willing to pay nicely for it. You can even make them out of store bough produce. You don’t have to grow it yourself.
  • Baskets.
  • Knit/Crocheted items.
  • Jewelry –Find Supplies Here on Amazon
  • Beauty Products.
  • Furniture.
  • Candles –Find all the supplies you need on Amazon.
  • Handmade decor for weddings.
  • Themed gift baskets.

It’s time to get your money-sucking hobby to pay for itself!

If you’re tired of your backyard farm eating away at all your extra cash, The Profitable Backyard Farm Kickstart is for you! – Get the exact steps I took to earn multiple four figures a year in my small rabbitry.

Claim Your Kit Now

Income Ideas For The Gardener

These income ideas are for those who have a garden. You don’t need to have a big one. Even if you have a few pots on your patio you could do a lot with them.

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (17)
  • Plant extra in your garden and sell fresh produce. (especially if you are near the city and can have a small garden. City people eat that stuff up no offense)
  • Start extra seedlings in the spring and sell them as mature plants. – Here are100 Pcs 4″ Plastic Plants Nursery Pot from Amazon
  • Split your over grown plants and sell them. These same posts will also work well for that.100 Pcs 4″ Plastic Plants Nursery Potfrom Amazon
  • Heirloom seeds at the end of the season.
  • Sell your own dried herb blends, tea/tincture blends, dip mixes, teas or salves. –Food Dehydrator Machine– This one has temperature control and a timer.
  • Flower farm – Sell your home-grown flowers or arrangements.
  • Put together hanging baskets and sell them in the springtime.
  • Grow pumpkins, gourds, and corn to sell as fall decorations.
  • Grow Fruit trees and sell the fruit.
  • Specialize in organic produce.

If your town allows, you can set up a small produce stand on your property.

Selling at a Farmer’s Market {check fees and requirements including insurance and licensing}.

Start your own website or Etsy shop and mail plant starts and seeds. You will be surprised where your orders will start to come from.

Income Ideas For Poultry Raisers

Poultry farming is a great option to have the same species but also be able to have one for producing the food for your family and the other type before getting your income.

  • Raise chickens for eggs and sell the extras. (In this scenario be willing to pivot and make a change if prices of eggs go down, markets change and they will not always hold their value).
  • Raise broiler chickens for meat.
  • Sell the old chickens as stewing hens.
  • If you have a rooster, fertilized eggs for hatching. (This will work best and you will make more if you can have one rooster to the same breed of hens so you know what breed then chicks will be).
  • Raise chickensto laying ageand sell them as layers. (Personally, I would start selling them at 6-12 weeks old. If you hold on to them any longer then that you will start eating into your profit very quickly).

Check out my blog post 4 figure profit potential for chicken farming.

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (18)

Other Out Of The Box Income Ideas For Your Hobby Farm

Most income is made by simply being creative. If you look around you will see income ideas all around you. The one word of caution I would give you is to start with one idea. Validate it and get it working well before you add another one.

It is so easy to want the money now and put the weight of the world on your shoulders. But building a business just does not work like that. It is a slow burn and you need to be willing to do the work or it won’t last.

  • Flip items you find at yard sales or second-hand.
  • Worm farm – Raise worms, sell their “poo” or castings. It is the dirt that they have processed as fertilizer. You can also sell extras for composting or worms as bait.
  • Raise fish, such as tilapia or catfish.
  • Grow mushroom logs and sell homegrown mushrooms.
  • Allow photographers to use parts of your property for photoshoots.
  • Have a few different livestock options for people to rent the animals for photoshoots. (chicks and bunnies at Easter time and so on)
  • Rent out farm space for weddings, receptions, etc
  • Teach classes. (In-person or online)
  • Take pre-orders for Holiday pies, cakes, and candies, people can pick them up at your home.
  • Make and sell preserves.
  • Beekeeping and sell the honey and beeswax.
  • If you have a lot of trees, cut and sell firewood.
  • Make and sell compost using your animal’s manure.
  • Sell wool/fiber from animals such as sheep, alpacas, angora goats, angora rabbits…
  • Cut down trees for people or offer to take away the wood for payment.
  • House sit for someone. If you haveexperiencewith animals other then dogs this is gold.
  • Animal training.

Affiliate Income For Your Hobby Farm

Don’t forget to share the products you love with your followers on social or with people who come to your site. It’s a great way to add extra income that can be set up once and let alone.

That is one of the easiest ways to “sell” something and make a little extra cash. While it may not be as much as if you would have sold a product of your own, selling someone else’s product is far less stressful and easier to do early on while your audience is small.

There are many different programs out there. Rather than signing up for 30 different programs before you even get started, think about the top 5 things you will talk about the most and see if there are affiliate programs for those.

How To Make Money With Affiliate Products Without Feeling Salesy

Create Your Own Products

Don’t be so quick to dismiss the online world because you make products or are in the country and want to teach about the animals you raise or skills you have.

There is so much you can do to make money from home and off your farm. You just have to get creative with it. Don’t be afraid to try things out and give it time to work. Start a website and make money selling online. Start an email list and create a relationship with those people who will eventually buy your products.

  • Teach people how to care for the animal you raise. Even if you have 1 horse you can teach people how to ride.
  • Have a dog you have trained? Teach people how to train their dogs.
  • Create printables and worksheets – If you created a tool that helps you organize your homestead put it on Etsy and sell it.

Everyone has a skill they can teach others. You might have to think for a minute to figure it out. But I am sure you have something.

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (19)

Build a business you enjoy. The money is nice but if you don’t like what you are doing then you will burn out and get sick of the work and people can tell when you don’t at least “like” what you are doing.

It is possible to have a profitable farming business that gives you the life you want. I have done it and its the best thing I could ever hope for getting paid to live the lifestyle I want to live.

If you are ready to take your money-sucking hobby and turn it into a business check out my eBook the Profitable Backyard Farm Playbook to start your journey TODAY!

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (20)

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (21)

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (22)

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (23)

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (24)

It’s time to get your money-sucking hobby to pay for itself!

If you’re tired of your backyard farm eating away at all your extra cash, The Profitable Backyard Farm Kickstart is for you! – Get the exact steps I took to earn multiple four figures a year in my small rabbitry.

Claim Your Kit Now

39+ Hobby Farm Income Ideas (2024)


How much can a hobby farm earn? ›

So, what conclusions can we draw from this? First, a full-time income from a CSA market garden becomes possible around 100 customers. With sales of other farm products (see How to Raise Meat Chickens and Pigs on Pasture ) you can probably net $40K-$50K or even more from your small farm.

How to make money off of hobby farm? ›

4 Ways to Make Money from Your Hobby Farm
  1. Sell Produce at a Farmers Market: One of the most popular ways to make money from a hobby farm is by selling produce at a farmers' market. ...
  2. Sell Farm-Fresh Eggs: ...
  3. Lease your Property for Events: ...
  4. Rent Out Farm Animals for Petting Zoos:
Oct 17, 2022

Can you write off a hobby farm? ›

If your farming activity is deemed a hobby by the IRS, any losses incurred cannot be deducted from other income sources. Hobby farm losses are classified as personal expenses and are subject to limitations.

How big should a hobby farm be? ›

As a general guideline, a hobby farm is less than 50 acres, with many being only 10 acres or less. As long as you have the necessary space, a hobby farm can be started just about anywhere.

How many acres does the IRS consider a farm? ›

Another question that frequently comes up in this discussion is “how big does my farm have to be to be considered a farm?” Since property taxes are handled at the local level rather than the federal level, the answer will vary from state to state. Generally speaking, there is no minimum acreage for farm tax exemption.

What does IRS consider a hobby farm? ›

If the IRS can prove that the operator has no intent to make a profit or is attempting to generate tax losses to offset other taxable income, the activity is then assumed to be a hobby and all deductions are disallowed.

What is the most profitable item to farm? ›

7. Saffron: The Most Profitable Crop per Acre. Dubbed "red gold", saffron's high market value makes it arguably the most profitable agricultural crop. Though it requires careful cultivation, the potential profits per acre are unmatched, highlighting its viability for small farms looking to maximize their earnings.

Is a hobby farm worth it? ›

Hobby Farms aren't going to Provide Money – Although you might be able to get some extra cash, there is no way for it to be sustainable on its own. Plus, the IRS doesn't provide tax breaks for hobby farmers.

What type of farming makes the most money? ›

Corn, soybeans account for more than half of the 2022 U.S. crop cash receipts. Crop cash receipts totaled $278.2 billion in calendar year 2022. Receipts from corn and soybeans accounted for $148.5 billion (53.4 percent) of the total.

Should I make my hobby farm an LLC? ›

A significant benefit of a formal business entity such as an LLC is that the entity can protect the owners'—or members' in LLC lingo—personal assets from the farm business' liabilities. With an LLC, the members' risk is limited to the amount that they invest in the farm business. No more, no less.

How many animals do you need to be considered a farm? ›

To be a legal “farm” for tax purposes you have minimum acreage requirements and there there are maximum amounts of livestock depending on zoning, A1, A2, etc. So, legally, if your plot of land qualifies as a farm, 1 chicken should be enough. If it does not meet the land qualifications, the # of chickens doesn't matter.

Can I write off a tractor on my farm? ›

Qualifying purchases

Using the Section 179 deduction, you can write off the entire purchase price of qualifying equipment up to the deduction limit. In recent years, qualifying equipment was expanded to include both new and used equipment.

Are hobby farms profitable? ›

A hobby farm is a small farm that's run for your own pleasure rather than for profit. Hobby farmers must have another form of income (an outside job, pension, etc.), as they are unlikely to make money by farming (though they may be able to sell some items such as canned vegetables, eggs, or honey).

Is 40 acres enough to farm? ›

While it is possible to generate enough income through farming 20 to 40 acres, in most cases folks approach this as a part-time venture. It is much better to select an income-producing idea that you enjoy and want to do even if no profit is realized.

How many acres does a farmer need to make a living? ›

To attain $30,000 net farm income – approximately 4½ acres at $19,000 gross income per acre ($6,650 net income); approximately 7 acres at $12,000 gross income per acre ($4,200 net income); and approximately 12 acres at $7,000 gross income per acre ($2,450 net income).

Is hobby farming worth it? ›

Hobby Farms aren't going to Provide Money – Although you might be able to get some extra cash, there is no way for it to be sustainable on its own. Plus, the IRS doesn't provide tax breaks for hobby farmers.

Is owning a small farm profitable? ›

The short answer is 'yes', of course small farms are profitable. The slightly longer answer is 'yes, provided you have put real thought and effort into your model of operations'. But the good news is, there is more than one path to small farm profitability.

What kind of farm is most profitable? ›

Here are some profitable small farming ideas suited for rural areas.
  • Tree Nursery. A tree nursery can be a great investment when done right. ...
  • Fish Farming. ...
  • Dual Crop Farming. ...
  • Goat Farming. ...
  • Alpaca Farming. ...
  • Herb Gardening. ...
  • Bee Farming. ...
  • Aquaponics.
Sep 6, 2023

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.