13 Signs He Is Heartbroken Over You (2024)

13 Signs He Is Heartbroken Over You (1)

In This Article

When someone experiences heartbreak, it is usually a challenging moment for them, depending on the circ*mstances involved.

You may think that men don’t experience emotional pain when a relationship ends, but this isn’t the case. Men do struggle, but they may show it differently when compared to women.

You should know to spot the signs he is heartbroken over you. This article reveals some of these signs to watch out for.

Do men suffer heartbreak?

Men suffer heartbreak, and the pain intensity depends on how attached they are to their partners. However, research suggests that men have a more difficult time facing heartbreak as it affects them in a way that is often overlooked.

The signs of a broken-hearted man vary. When some of them experience heartbreak, they prefer to become loners until they heal from the pain. Others might decide to engage in other activities that keep them distracted until they are over the heartbreak.

This article, written by Queensland Health, reveals the science behind a broken heart. It explains what men truly feel when heartbreak happens.

What does heartbreak mean to a man?

Often, men are viewed as having a gruff exterior which means they are impervious to anything, including heartbreaks. However, no matter how much a man tries to mask his pain, you can tell when he is heartbroken by his actions.

Some men see heartbreak as an indication that they are not good enough. When their partner dumps them, they blame themselves for not meeting up with their ex’s standards.

Hence, the stage of a breakup for a man is an introspection period where they figure out their shortcomings and how to improve when they have a new partner.

If you have asked questions like “How to heal a broken heart in men?” The answer depends on the reason why the breakup happened.

In this book by Kimberly A. Johnson, you will learn the signs he is heartbroken over you and what the pain of heartbreak means to a man.

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13 signs a man is broken-hearted

Men deal with heartbreaks in different ways. Irrespective of the breakup, he will be trying to get back on his feet and handle the breakup in his own way. Some telltale signs strongly suggest that he is heartbroken. Here are some of them:

1. He may not want to see you

If he avoids seeing you at all costs, even though it is important, it is one of the signs he is heartbroken over you.

He knows that when he sees you, the memories will come flooding, and it might be too much for him to handle. Also, he will ensure he avoids places where you are likely to show up.

2. He may still plead with you for a second chance

One of the signs of a broken-hearted man is he begs you to come back into his life. From the way he pleads, you will notice how broken and desperate he is. A man who is not heartbroken would see no reason to plead with you to come back.

3. He may try to avoid other women

If you are still keeping tabs on him and you notice that he refuses to date or have flings with anyone, then he is still hurting over you.

He is waiting for the green light from your end for both of you to pick up where you stopped.

4. He might flirt with many women

A man with a broken heart is sometimes the exact opposite of a heartbroken man who decides to avoid other women. Some men would prefer to flirt around to hide away the heartbreak and pain. He will use his flirtatious lifestyle as a coping strategy to get over the heartbreak.

13 Signs He Is Heartbroken Over You (2)

5. He might post sad things on social media

Our social media activities can give people insights into what is happening in our lives. One of the symptoms of a broken-hearted man is the type of content they post on social media.

Many men would post depressing content to show they are struggling with heartbreak.

10 Ways Men Deal With Breakups

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6. He may try to get busy

Being busy is one of the ways heartbroken men heal eventually. If he is not working, he is having fun with friends or creating new projects.

He will want to remain busy so that he has less time to think about his sad situation.

7. He may start drinking excessively

One of the obvious signs he is heartbroken over you is when he picks up the drinking habit. Some men prefer to do this because it helps drown away their sorrows.

However, this feeling does not last long because the memories will flood their head when sober.

8. He may stop socializing

If you hear that your ex has stopped socializing like he used to, it is one of the signs he is heartbroken over you. He will only begin to socialize when he starts to heal from the heartbreak.

9. He may stalk you on social media

Not every man does this, but if you notice that your ex-partner monitors your posts on social media, it is one of the signs a guy is heartbroken.

He might like your posts, view your content, or engage with it, depending on the peculiarity of the social media platform.

10. He may block you on social media

If he doesn’t stalk you on social media, there is a chance he has blocked you. If you can’t see his social media posts anymore, it is one of the signs someone is heartbroken over you.

When he sees your posts, it reminds him of the pain attached to the breakup. Some of them cannot cope, so the best thing for them is to avoid you.

11. He may text or call you repeatedly

Some heartbroken guys find it challenging to keep their distance both physically and online.

When you observe that he keeps calling or texting you frequently, it is one of the sure signs he is heartbroken over you. Such guys probably miss everything about you, and they want to keep hearing from you.

12. He may hit the gym regularly

One of the signs that he is heartbroken over you is when he goes to the gym more than before. At this point, he increases his pace because he wants to release the negative emotions faster than usual.

Going to the gym can become the primary motivation when a man is heartbroken and is trying to heal from the breakup.

13. He may try to remove all the signs that you were in his life

To help himself heal better, one of the signs he is heartbroken over you is how he erases every sign of you from his life.

A brokenhearted guy might clean up everything to show that you were never in his life, from phone numbers to text messages, pictures, videos, and the like. He would see less of you by doing this, and he wouldn’t be reminded that you broke his heart.

13 Signs He Is Heartbroken Over You (3)

How should a guy behave after a breakup

Have you ever wondered, “What does heartbreak feel like for a man?” You might be surprised to see your ex-partner behaving in a way that you did not expect.

Here are some ways a guy behaves when they break up.

How Does A Guy Behave After A Breakup

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1. Spend time alone

This is not conventional, but many guys prefer to keep to themselves after a breakup. If something goes wrong, men generally like to sit down and brood over the whole process.

Usually, they do this to prevent it from happening next time. Also, this is the period where they make critical decisions about their love life moving forward.

2. Hang out with friends

Staying around friends more often is an obvious sign that a guy is trying to heal.

They use such moments to forget about the heartbreak and reduce the pain they are feeling. Also, hanging out with people who care helps them have a clear head.

3. Find a new hobby

Many guys see a relationship as a project, so when the breakup has happened, the project is complete. Therefore, some will look for a new hobby that will take their attention until they find another partner.

How does a man handle a breakup?

Men do not get happy after a breakup, except if they want it all along. Breakups can impair an individual’s mental health and cause psychological stress. Therefore, no matter how stoic you are, a breakup will have some effect on you.

When it comes to handling breakups, men do it differently. And sometimes, their temperament and character determine how they handle breakups.

Some men will begin to have several one-night stands to keep the breakup memories at bay.

They will keep sleeping around until they find another worthy partner. Other men might prefer to remain in solitary and try to plan their lives without a partner.

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Commonly asked questions

Heartbreak is a deeply emotional experience that affects individuals differently, regardless of gender. However, for men, societal norms often discourage open expressions of vulnerability, making it crucial to understand their unique experiences.

Let’s delve into the emotional heartbreak signs for men and explore aspects like recovery duration and emotional pain.

  • What does heartbreak feel like for a man?

Heartbreak for a man can be an overwhelming rollercoaster of emotions. It may trigger profound sadness, loneliness, and feelings of rejection. Men might struggle to express their emotions openly due to societal expectations of stoicism. They might also experience anger, frustration, and a sense of loss.

It can lead to a loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, and reduced focus on daily activities. Nevertheless, it’s essential to recognize that every man’s experience of heartbreak is unique and should be approached with empathy and understanding.

Watch this video to learn more about the science of heartbreak:

13 Signs He Is Heartbroken Over You (4)

  • Do men fully recover from heartbreak?

Yes, men can eventually recover from heartbreak, though the process is subjective and varies for each individual. Some men might rebound relatively quickly, while others may take longer to heal.

Recovery involves acknowledging emotions, seeking support from friends or professionals, and engaging in self-care. Time, personal growth, and new experiences often play vital roles in the healing process. It’s essential to remember that healing doesn’t mean forgetting the past but finding ways to move forward and build a stronger emotional foundation.

  • How long does heartbreak last for men?

The duration of heartbreak for men varies based on their coping mechanisms and the intensity of the emotional bond broken. While some may start feeling better within a few weeks or months, others might take several months or even years to heal fully.

It’s essential not to rush the process and allow oneself time to grieve and rebuild emotionally. External factors like a strong support network, self-reflection, and adopting healthy habits can expedite the healing journey.

  • Do men feel more emotional pain after a breakup?

Men, like anyone else, experience emotional pain after a breakup, but societal expectations may lead them to suppress their feelings, making them seem less apparent. Men might struggle to communicate their emotions openly, potentially intensifying their internal struggles.

Cultural norms often discourage vulnerability in men, which may compound emotional pain. Therefore, it’s crucial to create an environment where men feel safe expressing their emotions without judgment, fostering healthier ways of processing and healing from the aftermath of a breakup.

Final thoughts

Heartbreaks are painful, and it is okay for everyone who experiences them to grieve. However, it is important not to wallow in the pain for too long.

In every heartbreak, find the lessons to help you become a better person when the next partner comes along. If you have ever suspected that your ex-boyfriend has not gotten over you, the signs he is heartbroken over you mentioned in this piece will provide much insight.

I am a relationship expert with extensive knowledge in understanding the emotional complexities of heartbreak, particularly in men. My expertise is rooted in both academic research and real-world experience, making me well-equipped to shed light on the intricacies of this challenging emotional phenomenon.

The article you provided delves into the often-overlooked aspect of men experiencing heartbreak, challenging the stereotype that they are impervious to emotional pain. It emphasizes that men may express their heartbreak differently from women. Let's break down the concepts discussed in the article:

1. Do Men Suffer Heartbreak?

  • Men do experience heartbreak, and the intensity of pain depends on their attachment to their partners.
  • Research suggests that men may have a more challenging time facing heartbreak, contrary to societal expectations.

2. What Does Heartbreak Mean to a Man?

  • Men may see heartbreak as a reflection of their self-worth, blaming themselves for not meeting their ex-partner's standards.
  • The post-breakup period serves as an introspective phase for men to identify shortcomings and seek self-improvement.

3. 13 Signs a Man is Broken-Hearted

  • The article lists various signs indicating a man is heartbroken, such as avoiding the ex-partner, pleading for a second chance, or engaging in flirtatious behavior.
  • Social media activity, changes in social behavior, and attempts to erase traces of the past are discussed as signs of a broken heart.

4. How Should a Guy Behave After a Breakup?

  • The article suggests that men may spend time alone, hang out with friends, or find new hobbies to cope with a breakup.

5. How Does a Man Handle a Breakup?

  • Men handle breakups differently based on temperament and character.
  • Some may engage in one-night stands, seeking temporary relief, while others may prefer solitude and self-reflection.

6. Commonly Asked Questions

  • Questions address the emotional aspects of heartbreak for men, including what it feels like, recovery duration, and the societal expectations that may influence their experience.

7. Final Thoughts

  • Acknowledges the pain of heartbreak but encourages learning from the experience and not dwelling in the pain for too long.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive exploration of men's experience of heartbreak, debunking stereotypes and offering insights into their emotional responses and coping mechanisms. If you have further questions or if there's a specific aspect you'd like to explore, feel free to ask.

13 Signs He Is Heartbroken Over You (2024)


How do guys act when they are heartbroken? ›

Men retreat inward, go to a solitary state of disconnection, and are more likely to enter into addictive states in the wake of grief – and by extension, heartbreak. Create an environment of safety to talk about what is happening – usually by doing something active, like a walk or something distracting.

How to tell if he's really done with you? ›

Signs your relationship may be ending or over
  • Communication breakdown. ...
  • Lack of physical intimacy. ...
  • Aggressive or confrontational communication style. ...
  • You or your partner are spending extended periods of time with other people, like family and friends, at the expense of time you might usually spend together.

How do you know he's heart broken? ›

Signs of a Broken Heart

Reduced or increased appetite. Sleeping too little or too much. Lack of interest in your usual activities. Anxiety.

How do I know he's not coming back? ›

20 Very Clear Signs He Will Never Come Back
  • It Did Not End Well. ...
  • Some Things Were Said (That Can't Be Unsaid) ...
  • He Isn't Getting Back to You. ...
  • You're Blocked. ...
  • He's Dating Someone New. ...
  • He's Moved On Socially. ...
  • He Talks Badly About You. ...
  • He Won't Respond to Your Messages.
Jun 17, 2023

What are the stages of heartbreak for a man? ›

  • Stage 1: Ambivalence.
  • Stage 2: Denial and Shock.
  • Stage 3: Anger and Resentment.
  • Stage 4: Bargaining and Negotiation.
  • Stage 5: Depression and Sadness.
  • Stage 6: Acceptance and Healing.
  • Stage 7: Growth and Moving On.
  • Keep in Mind.
Feb 9, 2024

How long does heartbreak last for a guy? ›

When looking at the timeline of breakups, many sites refer to a “study” that's actually a consumer poll a market research company conducted on behalf of Yelp. The poll's results suggest it takes an average of about 3.5 months to heal, while recovering after divorce might take closer to 1.5 years, if not longer.

How do you test a guy if he's serious about you? ›

9 Signs a Guy Is Serious About You
  1. He Makes You a Priority.
  2. He Respects You.
  3. He Calls You His Girlfriend.
  4. He Stays in Regular Communication with You.
  5. He Makes Romantic Gestures.
  6. He Listens and Asks Questions.
  7. He's Introduced You to His Inner Circle.
  8. He Includes You.
Apr 5, 2024

How do you test if a guy still loves you? ›

The top 25 signs he still loves you
  • Continues to follow you on social media platforms. ...
  • He teases you playfully. ...
  • Tries to maintain contact with you. ...
  • Your ex-partner often sends you pictures of places or things that remind them of you. ...
  • Stays in touch with your loved ones. ...
  • Often expresses nostalgia.
Dec 9, 2022

How do you know if a man has gone off you? ›

Even trivial things become more important than being with you: He cancels plans because he has to clean his place. He makes plans with his friends and family without including you. He makes no effort to check in with you just to see how you are doing.

How do you know he will break your heart? ›

He'll break your heart if he's not ready for commitment and you are. You plan fun dates, but he never takes a turn thinking of something to do this weekend. Plus, when you have plans, they fall through most of the time because "something came up" and your man had more important places to be.

How do you know a guy is hurt by you? ›

He gets angry with you when you talk

A good sign that he has been affected by your hurtfulness is when he answers you angrily every time you speak to him. He seems irritated and disinterested in you. That might leave you wondering, “Did I hurt his feelings that much?”

How can I tell if he's not into me anymore? ›

Trust your instincts.

If it feels like there's something off, more often than not, there is. Look for signs like the other person not texting you as often as they did early in the courtship, disappearing for longer periods of time, or not putting as much effort into your dates.

How do you know he isn't over you? ›

They're in regular contact with their ex.

Texting, calling, and spending in-person time with a former partner is a very strong sign someone isn't yet over that relationship. Don't be fooled by a new date's claims that they're still friends with someone they had a strong emotional and romantic attachment to in the past.

How long does it take a guy to realize he wants you back? ›

If you had an intense, serious relationship that lasted over 6 years, it might take him less than 8 weeks to miss you because you were such a big part of his life. If you had a casual relationship that only lasted a couple of months, he might hit you up a couple of months later, but it's more likely he'll just move on.

What does heartbreak feel like for a guy? ›

Heartbreak for a man can be an overwhelming rollercoaster of emotions. It may trigger profound sadness, loneliness, and feelings of rejection. Men might struggle to express their emotions openly due to societal expectations of stoicism. They might also experience anger, frustration, and a sense of loss.

How does a man deal with heartbreak? ›

Seek support via social groups. While online networks may provide a sense of connection, hanging out in person remains very important, particularly for men going through a breakup and who may not feel that other things in life, such as work, are going particularly well.

How does a broken man behave? ›

Give back what they have gotten

At some point in their life, the emotionally abused man will end up returning the favors they have been given. They would abuse their partner, gaslight them, stonewall them, or just do anything to make that partner feel the same pain and bitterness they have felt.

How do you know if a guy is sad after a breakup? ›

25 signs he is hurt after the breakup
  1. He talks to you often. ...
  2. He says he misses you. ...
  3. He is in denial of the breakup. ...
  4. He enters a new relationship. ...
  5. He cuts you off. ...
  6. You don't hear from him. ...
  7. He blocks you from his digital life. ...
  8. He changes his location.
Dec 12, 2023

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.