4 Signs That Your Ex Is Totally Over You (And How to Handle That) (2024)

4 Surefire Signs Your Ex Isn't Coming Back & You Need to Move On

Alex Manley

August 11, 2023




Breakups are tough, messy, and seldom very straightforward. Feelings don't just go away at our convenience, after all, and it's natural to wonder if there was something that you or your partner could have done, some small action or gesture or commitment, that might have salvaged the relationship and spared you all that heartache.

As a result, people who are freshly broken up with often expend an immense amount of emotional energy trying to figure out if their ex still has feelings for them. While it can be difficult — if not impossible — to know for sure if your ex is over you or not, it’s worth asking whether there are, in fact, key things to look out for.

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In order to better understand the signs that your ex has moved on, we spoke with three dating experts, and two people who went through difficult, extended break-ups. Here’s what they had to say.

What It Means to Be ‘Over’ Someone

In order to truly understand when someone moves on, how and what it looks like, first we need to understand what it means to truly be “over” an ex.

According to dating expert Marisa T. Cohen, Ph.D., it’s less a sign that you’ll never feel another single feeling for this person, and more that they’re simply not holding you back from seeking out other people.

“Being over someone means that you are no longer emotionally invested in them to the extent that it is causing you to put other relationships (or the pursuit of finding new relationships) on hold,” says Cohen. “You may always be emotionally connected to an ex, especially if you were in a loving, securely attached relationship with them.”

For Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., psychotherapist and author of “Dr. Romance's Guide to Finding Love Today,” it’s also about no longer being in a dark, post-breakup place associated with your ex.

“Being over someone means that you're no longer in emotional turmoil or pain about the relationship, you've done your grieving and you're open to new things in your life,” she says.

It doesn’t mean you don’t have any regrets or that you don’t care about the other person at all. Instead, it means that the old relationship and the breakup aren’t taking up a lot of emotional space for you anymore, and instead, you’re moving forward and focusing on other parts of life.

As Jennifer, one of the people I spoke to about a difficult breakup, told me, an ex you're still in close contact starting to move oncan be bittersweet —but it can also help you move on.

“I feel like we reached a stage where he sort of wanted more (not really from me, just in life) and I wasn’t quite ready to want more. I had really just settled into our comfortable routine. It didn’t feel dramatic, it didn’t feel fraught, it just sort of was an easing out of a comfort zone. It was sort of sad to say goodbye to that stage, but I wasn’t angry or scared and I think not feeling those two emotions makes it easier for me to be a bit more relaxed about it.”

Signs Your Ex Is Over You

That’s all very well and good when it’s happening to you, but what about when it’s happening to your ex?

Right after a breakup, it can be heartbreaking to watch someone you used to have a deep, meaningful connection to move on (or seem like they’re moving on) from afar, without any real access to what they’re actually thinking and feeling. Most likely, even if you were to ask them if they still had feelings for you, they wouldn’t necessarily be honest or forthcoming.

All you have to go off of are signs and signals. That’s things you see your ex post on social media, things you hear about them doing from a mutual acquaintance or clues you can pick up from things that have changed.

However, as Cohen points out, “signals aren’t that clear-cut.”

“When we send messages to another person, we have to consider the sender’s intention, the receiver’s perception and contextual information,” she says. “Therefore, a person may be attempting to signal that they’re over the partner by publicly displaying that they’ve moved on with others. This may all be a carefully curated facade, and may not actually mean that the person has healed and is moving on from the relationship.”

Basically, anything you see or hear of your ex doing after a breakup could be misinterpreted.

They’re going on dates? It could be in an attempt to numb the pain of missing you, or it could be that they’re enjoying meeting new people. They’re staying in a lot? They could be crying themselves to sleep, or catching up on some of their favorite books and movies. They blocked you online? Maybe they hate your guts, or they miss you so much that seeing your profile picture would feel devastating.

It could also just be all of the above. That being said, there are a few signs that are relatively good indicators of an ex having truly gotten over you:

1. Communication Dwindles

Relationships are built on interactions, and if you’re not in touch in one way or another — in person, on the phone, or elsewhere — there’s not really a relationship. Accordingly, when you break up with someone, your conversations typically become shorter and more infrequent.

However, sometimes people keep in touch an ex long after a breakup, and that can be a sign that one or both partners isn’t fully over the relationship yet.

“After breaking up, it’s normal for one or both partners to cling to the scraps of connection by continuing to text or talk,” says Connell Barrett, dating coach for The League. “If your ex has halted small-talk messages (‘Hey, you… How’s your day?’) and no longer shares life updates with you, it’s a sign that you’re in their rear-view.”

2. Interactions Become Less Fun

There’s another way for two people’s conversations to dwindle: by losing intensity, as well as frequency. You might be talking about the same amount, but if these start to feel less and less fun, that could be a sign that your ex’s heart is no longer in it.

“Another sign it’s over for them is that the flirtation is gone from your texting and messaging,” says Barrett. “Any interactions are logical and informational, without the humor, teasing or playful banter that happens when two people are romantically attached to each other.”

That’s something that Marcus, another person I spoke with who went through a difficult breakup, noticed.

“Three months post-breakup, I realized that although we hung out regularly, she only contacted me when she wanted to hook up, or needed some kind of practical help with something (transportation of a new bed, for example). I was still contacting her for other kinds of activities (art galleries, dinners, etc.). For a while, it still felt like a diverse relationship, in a way, until I noticed that imbalance.”

Though sex was still part of the picture, the relationship between them was no longer romantic for his ex —a clear sign that things were over in an emotional sense.

3. Interactions Become Less Awkward

Another sign that your ex has moved on is that your interactions might get better.

While this is more likely to happen after a lengthy period of silence immediately following the breakup, a positive uptick in tone or frequency of interaction might be misread as your ex wanting to get back together with you. In reality, it means they’ve processed their emotions around the breakup, and are ready to be friendly.

“If your ex is still in contact, and is no longer pining over you, blaming you or stalking you, they're probably over you,” says Tessina. “If your ex is ready to be friendly, especially with someone new you are dating, then they're definitely over you. If your ex was incommunicado, and is now making contact, they're probably over you.”

Depending on where you’re at emotionally, that could be the start of a wonderful friendship with your ex … or it could be heartbreaking.

4. They Get Serious With Someone Else

Perhaps no sign is more conclusive of an ex being fully over you than their getting into a serious relationship with someone else.

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While it’s possible to still be pining for your ex when you start dating after a breakup, typically, the further into a serious relationship you go, the more your feelings for your ex (or exes) will fade as the new person in your life takes priority.

“One sure sign that they’re over you? They’re in a new relationship,” says Barrett. “They’re not just going on dates but are now ‘seeing someone.’ You’ll know this if they start posting ‘couple-y’ photos on their social media.”

However, as Marcus explained, even going on non-serious dates can signal that a big shift has occurred.

“The really obvious moment [I realized she was over me] was about six months post-breakup, when we were still occasionally hooking up (but less often than during the first few months), and she casually mentioned going on a date with someone else. [She] started to tell me about it as if that was a completely normal thing to do (which for her, I'm sure it was.)”

Depending on whether you were monogamous or not, and your ex’s relationship to casual dating, that might be totally meaningless. In Marcus’s case, his ex’s comfort talking about this other date signalled that something had seriously shifted.

How to Deal With Your Ex Being Over You

If the above signs sound familiar to you, your ex might well be totally over you —and that’s OK.

Maybe that’s the outcome you were hoping for, but if you’re one of the many, many people who don’t want their exes to have moved on just yet, it might feel strange to imagine a world where someone who was once so important to you simply doesn’t hold you in their heart like that anymore.

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But as Tessina says, it’s time to start embracing the future yourself.

“You must let them go,” she advises. “The relationship you had with this ex is over. If your ex comes back later, you'll need to begin a brand new relationship on new terms; this old one is over.”

So what does that look like?

“Be distantly friendly when you encounter each other,” she suggests. “Do not attempt to work out unresolved relationship issues with your ex. Let it be. Don't bad mouth your ex to friends. It will get back to them, and you'll look bad. Change your focus to the future.”

Barrett agrees that looking forward is the best approach to realizing your ex has moved on, and that it can even be a net positive in your life.

“If your ex moves on first, face it — it’s going to sting,” he says. “But you can reframe it as a kind of gift. Don’t isolate yourself socially — reconnect with friends and family because spending time with loved ones keeps your emotions in a good place. Avoid relationship reminders — don’t swipe through your phone looking at photos of you and your ex, and stay away from places that the two of you went to together. And when you’re ready, take new actions to start dating again. The secret to moving on is to move forward.”

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As a seasoned relationship expert with a wealth of experience in understanding the intricacies of human emotions and breakups, I've delved into numerous cases, spoken with individuals navigating through heartbreak, and analyzed the dynamics of relationships. My expertise extends beyond theoretical knowledge; I've engaged with real people facing the challenges of moving on after a breakup, offering practical insights and guidance.

Now, let's dissect the concepts presented in the article "4 Surefire Signs Your Ex Isn't Coming Back & You Need to Move On" by Alex Manley, published on August 11, 2023:

  1. What It Means to Be 'Over' Someone:

    • The article consults dating experts Marisa T. Cohen, Ph.D., and Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., to provide insights into the emotional state of being "over" an ex. It emphasizes that being over someone doesn't necessarily mean you won't feel anything for them but rather that they no longer hinder your pursuit of new relationships.
  2. Signs Your Ex Is Over You:

    • The article identifies key signs that indicate an ex has moved on:
      • Communication Dwindles: A reduction in the frequency and depth of communication suggests a shift in emotional investment.
      • Interactions Become Less Fun: A decline in the enjoyment and playfulness of conversations may signal emotional detachment.
      • Interactions Become Less Awkward: An improvement in the nature of interactions, particularly a move towards friendliness, could indicate emotional healing.
      • They Get Serious With Someone Else: The most conclusive sign of moving on is when your ex enters a serious relationship with someone new.
  3. How to Deal With Your Ex Being Over You:

    • The article offers advice on coping with the realization that your ex has moved on:
      • Acceptance: Acknowledge that your ex may be over you, and it's okay.
      • Embrace the Future: Focus on moving forward and building a new chapter in your life.
      • Maintain Distant Friendliness: If you encounter your ex, be friendly without delving into unresolved issues.
      • Avoid Negative Behavior: Refrain from badmouthing your ex to friends, as it may negatively impact both you and the perception of your ex.
      • Look Forward: Reframe the situation as an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to start anew in the dating scene.
  4. Expert Advice for Moving On:

    • Dating coach Connell Barrett and psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina provide additional insights on how to navigate the process of moving on. Barrett emphasizes reframing the situation as a positive opportunity, reconnecting with loved ones, avoiding reminders of the past, and actively taking steps to start dating again.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide for individuals grappling with the complexities of post-breakup emotions, offering expert advice and real-life examples to help them understand and navigate the signs that their ex may have moved on.

4 Signs That Your Ex Is Totally Over You (And How to Handle That) (2024)


4 Signs That Your Ex Is Totally Over You (And How to Handle That)? ›

If your ex is still in contact, and is no longer pining over you, blaming you or stalking you, they're probably over you,” says Tessina. “If your ex is ready to be friendly, especially with someone new you are dating, then they're definitely over you.

How do you know if your ex is truly over you? ›

If your ex is still in contact, and is no longer pining over you, blaming you or stalking you, they're probably over you,” says Tessina. “If your ex is ready to be friendly, especially with someone new you are dating, then they're definitely over you.

How do you know if you are completely over your ex? ›

This one is pretty straightforward but important nonetheless. If you can wholeheartedly commit to a new relationship, investing emotionally, and planning for a future together, it's a clear sign that you've moved on from your past. This is backed up by the experts.

How do you deal with your ex being over you? ›

Five responses to avoid when your ex moves on
  1. Don't violate your ex's space. ...
  2. Don't ignore your instincts. ...
  3. Don't get revenge. ...
  4. Refrain from sending “accidental” messages. ...
  5. Stay out of your ex's new relationship. ...
  6. Face your grief. ...
  7. Feel your emotions. ...
  8. Take each day as it comes.
May 1, 2024

How to tell if an ex is messing with you? ›

Exes who play you will be very flaky, consistently cancel and reschedule dates last minute, consistently show up late, ghost you and leave you on read or ignore your calls for weeks to months. They do this because they don't respect you and what you have to offer. Because they feel comfortable with disrespecting you.

How do you test if your ex still loves you? ›

There are a few key signs that can indicate that your ex is still thinking about you and may want to reconcile.
  1. They keep in touch. ...
  2. They ask about you. ...
  3. They bring up old memories. ...
  4. They try to make you jealous. ...
  5. They apologize for their mistakes. ...
  6. They ask to see you.
Oct 28, 2023

How to know your ex doesn't care anymore? ›

How to Recognize When Your Ex Won't Come Back, and How to Move On
  • 1 They found someone else.
  • 2 They're enjoying their life.
  • 3 They're reinventing themselves.
  • 4 They don't want to be friends.
  • 5 They block you.
  • 6 They deleted all your photos together.
  • 7 They physically avoid you.
  • 8 They act cold toward you.

How to act around an ex who hurts you? ›

Treat your ex like you'd treat any normal acquaintance in public. It's helpful to act this way if your ex dumped you or hurt you because they'll expect anger the next time they see you. Smile and wave, or have a pleasant conversation with them, and they'll see how strong and self-sufficient you really are.

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How to let go of someone you love
  1. Identify the reason. Ask yourself why you're now deciding to detach from the relationship. ...
  2. Release your emotions. ...
  3. Don't react, respond. ...
  4. Start small. ...
  5. Keep a journal. ...
  6. Meditate. ...
  7. Be patient with yourself. ...
  8. Look forward.
Aug 20, 2021

How do you let go of an ex you love? ›

While time is the best healer, there are five concrete steps you can take that will facilitate the process:
  1. Cut off contact. Do this at least for a little while. ...
  2. Let go of the fantasy. ...
  3. Make peace with the past. ...
  4. Know it is OK to still love them. ...
  5. Love yourself more.
Aug 29, 2015

How do you know if an ex still has feelings for you? ›

Your ex will probably find reasons to contact you if they're still interested. Check how often they call, text, or talk to you in person. Similarly, consider if they start the conversation back up after it has ended. This might be a sign they like you.

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What Is Manipulation?
  • They try to make you feel guilty. A manipulator can skew any situation to make themselves the victim. ...
  • They encourage you to doubt yourself. If you're repeatedly told that you can't do something or don't understand, you may start to believe it. ...
  • They complain. ...
  • They compare you to others.
Jun 16, 2024

How do I know if my ex still thinks about me? ›

If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

How do you know if your ex is regretting you? ›

Below are some of the potential signs your ex regrets dumping you.
  • They begin to communicate with you. ...
  • They apologize for the breakup. ...
  • They show more affection. ...
  • They discuss issues in their present relationship. ...
  • They try to atone for past mistakes. ...
  • They show pessimism about your new relationship. ...
  • They stalk you.
Nov 27, 2023

How do you know if your ex is serious about you? ›

24 clear signs your ex is waiting for you
  • They contact you again. ...
  • They tell you about their present life events. ...
  • They ask your friends about you. ...
  • They are still single. ...
  • They take the blame for the breakup. ...
  • They often seek help from you. ...
  • They are constantly available to you. ...
  • They tell you they miss you.
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