10 common problems in foodservice and how to overcome them (2024)

Problem #1: Your menu

Creating a great menu is a real balancing act - you want to offer a lot of choices, but you also don’t want to confuse or overwhelm your customers.

You might think that having a large menu is more beneficial, but it can actually mean:

  • It takes longer for customers to order.
  • It creates longer ticket times in the kitchen.
  • You’ll need to buy more ingredients.
  • Slower overall table turnaround since each table takes longer to serve.

10 common problems in foodservice and how to overcome them (1)

Here are some ways you can improve your menu:

  • Make sure it is easily readable.
  • Avoid using dollar signs.
  • Take your customers on a culinary journey. A great copywriter can produce a compelling and mouth-watering menu.
  • Make sure your menus are always clean – no food or grease marks. Replace damaged menus and don’t white-out or mark mistakes or changes – it’s unprofessional.
  • Make sure staff really know the menu and can answer questions and make recommendations.
  • Include the menu on your website and make sure it’s easy to navigate using a mobile phone.

You might also consider:

  • Adopting a QR code digital menu to make ordering more efficient.
  • Embracing a simple menu design to make it easier for customers to pick what they want.
  • Include exciting and novel drink options to help you increase your beverage sales.

Problem #2: Customer service

First impressions are crucial when it comes to making your business a memorable one. Poor service can make great food and its surroundings unattractive. In contrast, a satisfied customer will return to your establishment and recommend you to others.

Make sure that your team has training in how to handle common customer complaints in the food industry. For example, does your team understand how to handle a customer who complains about something wrong with their order? Do your staff members understand how to be courteous towards disabled customers?

Investing in additional customer service training for your front of house staff will pay off when you start to get excellent online reviews written by grateful customers. Prioritising your diners’ customer service experience is just as crucial as ensuring the quality of the food and drinks you serve them.

Problem #3: Your unique selling point (USP)

Why should your customers dine at your restaurant and not the one next door? Think about the answer to this question - this is your unique selling point (USP).

A great menu and excellent customer service are essential to the success of your business. However, they are not USPs since any foodservice business could claim these things. You need an innovative idea and compelling reason for why customers should keep returning to your restaurant over others.

Go beyond what you’ve promised and give customers something new - a reason for them to return again and again! Perhaps you could offer new and exciting drinks, desserts or buffets, maybe you have a renowned chef working in your kitchen, or you might be using plant-based meat in new and exciting ways.

Whatever your USP is, make sure you lean into it and ensure your customers know what it is.

10 common problems in foodservice and how to overcome them (2)

Problem #4: Operations

Managing the day-to-day operation of your café or restaurant is essential, but you also need to consider the bigger picture. By stepping back and looking at your processes holistically, you can identify rising concerns, respond to consumer trends, and eliminate inefficiencies that cost you money.

  • How many customers are you serving each day?
  • Do you know what your most profitable menu items are? Are these selling more than the least profitable ones?
  • What is your profit and loss for each week that you are open?
  • How efficient is your supply chain? Could you reduce food waste by tightening up your ordering and inventory management operations?

Knowing the answers to these questions is key to reducing your overhead expenses and retaining more profit. The more profit you generate, the more you can reinvest to grow your business.

Problem #5: Retaining staff

Supporting and keeping good employees can save your business time and money while retaining valuable skills that could be hard to replace.

Top five tips for retaining hospitality staff:

  1. Be firm, fair and flexible. Staff need to know what your minimum expectations of them are from day one. Be flexible. This industry has odd hours, so staff need some regular weekends as well.
  2. Lead by example. Show leadership, integrity and maturity at all times.
  3. Review and reward. Carry out regular staff reviews and make sure you have staff bonus and reward schemes in place.
  4. Don’t forget to communicate. Good communication is vital for any relationship, and staff are no exception.
  5. Give feedback. Constructive, meaningful and honest feedback will do amazing things for staff and ultimately improve work performance.

10 common problems in foodservice and how to overcome them (3)

When you support your staff, you’ll reduce costs over time and enhance your customers’ dining experience. Having motivated and highly-trained staff is one of the biggest assets you can have in the foodservice industry.

Problem #6: Marketing

Marketing is all about attracting new customers to your business and keeping existing ones. A great marketing plan can be one of the most powerful ways of growing your business and bringing in more revenue.

Here are some simple steps that can help:

  • Create a marketing plan. Set yourself a goal for what you want to achieve and make it specific SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely. Your plan needs to be flexible and short term - 6 to 12 months.
  • Formalise your brand standards. This includes developing a mission statement, logo, graphics, guidelines, etc. This helps to ensure all your messaging remains consistent.
  • Think about digital marketing for your business. Social media and websites are essential if you want to thrive. Consider investing in social media or search engine marketing.
  • Respond to comments on review sites - even the negative ones (be professional).
  • Network within your community and businesses in the area – they can help spread the word.

Be creative with your marketing. Whatever your budget, there are inexpensive ways to promote your business.

Some cheap ways to market your café or restaurant include:

  • Creating a customer loyalty program so that customers are more likely to recommend your business to others.
  • Purchasing inexpensive marketing materials to use in your café or restaurant, such as flyers and magnets.
  • Creating a hashtag for your business so customers can tag you in their social media posts relating to your food and drinks.
  • Building relationships with local media will help you attract customers by publicising your new seasonal menu items or events taking place at your café or restaurant.

Problem #7: Cash flow

Having good cash flow is key to business success. If your business is experiencing poor cash flow, here are a few things you can do:

  • Make sure you’re getting the most from your menu. If you think prices are too low or you can get more from some dishes, increase the price.
  • Manage stock and make sure you have a suitable rotation method in place to reduce wastage.
  • Effective budgeting and management reporting is important. Do a short course if you need to upskill in this area.
  • Consider applying for a business line of credit so you can draw on funds to cover gaps in your cash flow.
  • Brush up on your knowledge of supply chain management and see if there are ways you could be doing things better.

10 common problems in foodservice and how to overcome them (4)

Owners should plan to have at least enough money to continue operating for one year. Additionally, restaurant owners need to have enough financial resources to cope with unexpected costs and price increases.

It’s important that you know how to identify and solve common cash flow problems.

Problem #8: Work-life balance

Maintaining a good work-life balance can be hard when you’re running a business. Finding time to deal with ordering, finances, rosters, menu changes, marketing, and general day-to-day tasks isn’t easy.

Here’s how to achieve a happy medium:

  • Planning. Get into a weekly routine so that people know when you will be available and onsite. Make sure they know that they can call you if something is urgent.
  • Prioritise. Set yourself lists of key tasks and get the important ones done first.
  • Delegate responsibilities. Make sure your staff are well trained and are delegated responsibilities appropriately. Not only does this ease your workload, but it also gives people working with you something to learn and a greater sense of involvement.

Being well-organised helps you to maintain total focus while working and easily switch off when you get home. If needed, take some time off to work out how you can maintain healthy boundaries with your business.

Problem #9: Finding new employees

As we wrote about in our article on hospitality staffing challenges, some foodservice operators have faced issues recruiting talented staff to join their team, particularly experienced wait staff.

The solution to this is to focus on your recruitment and retention strategies. Make sure you have the right KPIs, structure, and culture to motivate people to work for you while respecting the value of your staff members. Pay attention to what your staff are telling you so you can make your workplace more appealing to new hires.

You can also try upskilling your existing staff or leveraging restaurant technology trends like cloud-based point-of-sale systems so that you don’t need as many workers on your payroll.

Investing in training and technology can help you get more from your current team without overworking them.

10 common problems in foodservice and how to overcome them (5)

Problem #10: Food safety

Protecting food safety is one of the major challenges many restaurants, cafes, and food and beverage manufacturers face. Since food safety has become a key concern for consumers, it’s worth doing everything in your power to ensure the food you serve is high-quality and hasn’t been contaminated in any way.

Here are a few common food safety mistakes made by many businesses and some tips on how to avoid them:

  • Leaving cooked or ready-to-eat foods at room temperature for more than four hours. To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure that your cold and hot holding equipment is working correctly.
  • Having high levels of bacteria in your food. Your equipment, water supply, storage facilities and even staff training need to be up to par.
  • Spoiling raw ingredients by using dirty utensils or surfaces. Make sure you have your work surfaces cleaned daily with hot soapy water, then sanitise them just before use.

Learn more about following food safety in the kitchen.

10 common problems in foodservice and how to overcome them (2024)


What are the possible problems might encounter during food processing? ›

Key challenges faced by the food processing sector are gaps in supply chain infrastructure which means inadequate primary processing, storage and distribution facilities; the insufficient connection between production and processing; seasonality of operations and low capacity utilisations; institutional gaps in the ...

What is the biggest problem in the food industry? ›

The increasing complications of inventory management

Given the limited shelf life of food products, inventory management has come up to be one of the current issues in the food industry.

How can we solve food safety problems? ›

Here are five ways in which we can make a sustained difference in food safety:
  1. Ensure food is safe. National governments are critical in guaranteeing food is safe and nutritious for all. ...
  2. Grow food safely. ...
  3. Keep food safe. ...
  4. Check that food is safe. ...
  5. Team up for safety.
6 Jun 2019

What are some problems in the fast food industry? ›

Study reveals the five biggest challenges faced by fast food restaurants
  • Covid-19 regulatory requirements.
  • The rise of home delivery.
  • Equipment malfunctions.
  • Training and staff turnover.
16 Feb 2022

What are five common mistakes that food service workers make? ›

Employees are the face of a restaurant.
Here are some of the most common restaurant service mistakes that we see.
  • “MAY I HELP YOU?” ...
  • “JUST ONE?” ...
  • “NO PROBLEM” VS. ...

What is the most common customer complaint in restaurant and foodservice operations? ›

Food was Overpriced or Poor Value for Money

Restaurant customers likely have an idea in their mind about what restaurant meals cost and what they're willing to pay. A common restaurant complaint is that their food was overpriced, or perhaps a poor value for the money they paid.

How can we overcome poor customer service? ›

7 Steps to Fixing Customer Service Issues
  1. Listen to the customer and show genuine empathy. ...
  2. Assess the situation. ...
  3. Ask for the customer's needs and preferences. ...
  4. Offer a solution and give options whenever possible. ...
  5. Deliver the solution. ...
  6. Follow up with the customer. ...
  7. Address the issue within the company.

What are some food problems? ›

Overfishing, soil erosion, and depletion and deterioration of aquifers threaten food security. At the same time, food production faces increasing risks from climate change — particularly droughts, increasing frequency of storms, and other extreme weather events.

What are 5 challenges to food safety? ›

Challenges in Food Safety
  • Changes in our food production and supply, including more imported foods.
  • Changes in the environment leading to food contamination.
  • Better detection of multistate outbreaks.
  • New and emerging bacteria, toxins, and antibiotic resistance.
  • Changes in consumer preferences and habits.

What are 4 common food safety issues? ›

  • The search process. ...
  • Food safety–related public health risks identified from the search process. ...
  • Microbial contamination of foods. ...
  • Chemical contamination of foods. ...
  • Food adulteration. ...
  • Misuse of food additives. ...
  • Mislabeling. ...
  • Genetically modified foods.
30 Nov 2019

What can we do to prevent food shortage write five ways? ›

5 Ways CARE Helps to Prevent a Food Crisis
  1. Saving for a not-so-rainy day. Being better prepared often means having more money in your pocket. ...
  2. Banking on cereal. ...
  3. Being “climate-smart” about farming. ...
  4. Years of experience partnering with communities.
8 Mar 2016

Who found a way to solve the problem in food preservation and food safety? ›

Appert had found a new and successful method to preserve foods, but he did not fully understand it. He thought that the exclusion of air was responsible for the preservations. It was not until 1864 when Louis Pasteur discovered the relationship between microorganisms and food spoilage that it became clear.

What is the most difficult and challenging problem that food industries facing today? ›

The fragility of the global and local supply chain has been exposed over the last year, and many companies have realized how poorly prepared they were. Shortages or irregular supply puts a lot of stress on manufacturers and retailers who now have to better manage their inventory and diversify their supply chain.

What problems do restaurant owners face? ›

Restaurant business owners face multiple operational challenges. Some of them being stock wastage and theft, and inventory mismanagement. Employee and customer management is also a considerable challenge. All these kinds of mismanagement lead to revenue losses.

What do you think the common mistakes done by servers when taking orders? ›

  • Not being able to recommend meals. ...
  • Getting orders wrong. ...
  • Not bringing the order on time. ...
  • Being overly friendly or in-the-way. ...
  • Not “reading” tables well. ...
  • Paying more attention to certain guests. ...
  • Not going the extra mile for their tables. ...
  • Making guests wait for their check.
24 Sept 2019

What is the cause of food safety issues? ›

Foodborne diseases result from the consumption of contaminated foods and products. Contamination of the food at any stage, from production to consumption, produces bacteria, viruses, parasites, chemical agents and toxins, which eventually cause the foodborne diseases [1].

How do you respond to customer complaints about food? ›

Apologise: Let them know their complaint has been heard, express regret that their experience was not a positive one and assure them you're taking every step to make things right. Invite the customer to a private conversation: Solve the problem, but do so directly with the customer rather than on a public review forum.

How would you handle a difficult customer in fast food? ›

How To Deal With Angry Customers
  1. 1) Assume The Customer Has A Right To Be Angry. ...
  2. 2) Stay Calm. ...
  3. 3) Let The Person Vent. ...
  4. 4) Listen to The Customer. ...
  5. 5) Don't Take It Personally. ...
  6. 6) Speak With A Soft Tone Of Voice. ...
  7. 7) Express Sympathy For Their Feelings. ...
  8. 8) Smile When You Talk.

How do you handle complaints examples? ›

Complaints handling procedure
  • Listen to the complaint. Thank the customer for bringing the matter to your attention. ...
  • Record details of the complaint. ...
  • Get all the facts. ...
  • Discuss options for fixing the problem. ...
  • Act quickly. ...
  • Keep your promises. ...
  • Follow up.

What are the 10 tips of customer care? ›

10 Tips for Good Customer Service
  • Provide multiple ways for your customers to get in touch with you. ...
  • Acknowledge that you've received their request. ...
  • Solve customer problems immediately. ...
  • Don't be afraid to over-communicate with customers. ...
  • Go above and beyond customer expectations.

How can we improve our service? ›

How to improve customer service
  1. Strengthen your customer service skills. ...
  2. Look at every touchpoint. ...
  3. Improve your customer interactions. ...
  4. Enhance your customer service strategy. ...
  5. Make sure your reps are engaged. ...
  6. Give your customers a way to provide feedback.

What can you help to improve the service in the fast food? ›

Tips To Improve Your Restaurant Service
  • Train Employees For an Excellent Customer Service. ...
  • Encourage Effective Communication Between Staff Members. ...
  • Ensure Accurate Wait Timings. ...
  • Deal With Customers Complaints and Concerns. ...
  • Use Technology For Better Restaurant Service. ...
  • Maintain Hygiene And Cleanliness In Your Restaurant.

What 3 vegetarian dishes would you recommend someone serve in their restaurant Why? ›

10 Totally Tasty, Trendy Vegan and Vegetarian Dishes for Restaurants
  • Cauliflower Pizza Crust. Recently, cauliflower has emerged as a versatile, all-star vegetable. ...
  • 2. … ...
  • Fries in Every Form. ...
  • “Zoodle” Dishes. ...
  • Smoothie Bowls. ...
  • Grain Bowls. ...
  • Portabella Mushroom Burgers. ...
  • Cashew Cheese and Fruit Plate (Charcuterie)
12 Dec 2020

What is the problem statement in restaurant management system? ›

PROBLEM STATEMENT. Traditionally the method in which customers specify their desired menu to the waiter who takes the order on a paper. Personally, he then takes the order to the kitchen department and then he supply the food item to the customer.

What are key challenges restaurants will face in 2022? ›

More than 50% of full-service, quick-service, and fast-casual segments reported labor recruitment and retention as the biggest challenge of 2022. Even though the restaurant and foodservice industry added back 1.7 million jobs in 2021 for a total of 14.5 million jobs, many restaurants are still understaffed.

What are the threats of a restaurant business? ›

Some common threats to a restaurant business include:
  • Any new restaurants in your neighborhood opening.
  • New restaurants that directly compete with your customers opening anywhere in your city.
  • Successful competitor promotions and specials. ...
  • Any new competitor menu items.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.