Get 6 tips for improving your team’s customer service skills | SurveyMonkey (2024)

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What is the most important thing you can do to improve relationships with your customers? The answer is as obvious as it is overlooked:improve customer service. No matter how great your product is or how talented your employees are, one of the things that customers are most likely to remember is the direct interaction they have with your company.

Bottom line, your customer service team is often the face of your company, and customer experience (CX) will be defined by the skill and quality of the support they receive.

A strong company will already have great customer relationships. But a smart company will constantly be asking, “What is good customer service?” The short answer is that it means carefully listening and attending to your customers’ needs. If you are not constantly on the lookout for opportunities to improve your customer service, your relationships will suffer.

What is good customer service?

Why improving customer service is so important

How to improve customer service

Good customer service supports good customer experience (CX). And it starts with empathy and adaptability, meeting customers where they are emotionally while addressing evolving needs.
It’s an important factor for business success or decline, as each customer interaction tends to be a positive or negative experience. A positive customer service experience will likely encourage repeat business and strengthen customer loyalty.

Related: “Ultimate guide to collecting customer feedback using surveys.”

Why improving customer service is so important

In contrast, a negative experience can provoke doubt in a product, service, business, or brand creating the opposite effect of good customer service and, consequently, declining brand loyalty. When you build customer loyalty, you also build brand equity, giving you an advantage over competitors. This achievement helps establish trust with consumers, who will likely be more trustful toward other products and services you present under the same brand name.

The other benefit of providing exceptional customer service is building brand equity. Brand equity allows you to sell products and services at a premium since you have already proven your business can meet customers' needs successfully.

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How to improve customer service

However, there is a way to recover, or to avoid a negative customer service experience altogether. Here are a few customer service tips for identifying ways to better serve customers:

1. Strengthen your customer service skills

First, it’s important to make sure that your customer service team has the right skills for your managing customers’ needs. No amount of CRM software can compensate for shortcomings in this area. But what skills should you be looking for in a customer service rep?


These days, many businesses are replacing human customer service with Artificial Intelligence (AI). While this technology has its benefits, it can also be frustrating for customers who require specialized attention that AI can’t provide.

Unlike a bot, you can listen to your customers' concerns and show empathy and patience. When customers are displeased, be prepared to handle the situation with empathy. Let the customer speak, and never interrupt or talk over them. Repeat their concerns to let them know you're listening.


Every customer is different—you should be able to handle surprises, sense the customer’s mood and adapt with empathy and consistency, as previously noted. This also includes a willingness to learn, as providing good customer service is a continuous learning process.

Customer service involves navigating challenging situations that can change frequently. The best way to manage difficult circ*mstances is to prioritize the tasks that require the most attention. It’s up to customer support teams to prioritize each case according to the immediate need of each issue and the order in which you received their ticket.

Clear communication

Ensure you convey to customers exactly what you mean. For example, you don’t want your customer to think they’re getting 50% off when they’re getting 50% more product. Use authentically positive language, stay cheerful no matter what, and never end a conversation without confirming the customer is satisfied.

Idealistically, every customer service situation should be handled on a case-by-case basis according to the issue and staffing you have. If you can't solve a customer's problem immediately, acknowledge that and let them know you'll be right with them to work toward solving their problem shortly.

The timing of the response, and how the response is communicated, are important attributes of clear communication and exceptional customer service.Good customer service also anticipates a problem before it occurs by understanding customer behavior. Learn what consumers consider good customer service with the right survey.

Work ethic

Brand loyalty isn’t a given, it’s earned by companies that work hard to keep it. Customers appreciate support teams that consistently see their problems through to their resolution. By showing that you are dependable and set a high standard of service through a strong work ethic, you’re also proving to be the ideal brand ambassador.

With every interaction, remember that every customer is equally crucial to building and strengthening your company’s brand equity. A strong work ethic is the foundation of reliability, care, and professionalism needed to build customer trust and loyalty.

Related: How to create a team that drives exceptional CX for your growing business


Ultimately, customers expect customer service to be close to the product or service their company provides. Exceed their expectations by staying informed on the latest product updates and offerings, anticipating any technical questions. At the same time,don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know, but I’ll ask someone that does.” Customers will appreciate your honesty and efforts to find the correct answer.

While some products might sell themselves–even to customers who are experts in the industry—it's important to be able to answer questions that allow you to explain your company’s differentiators. Customer service representatives are the face of a business, especially in e-commerce—that’s why educating your team on all possible solutions they can provide to your customers is vital.

2. Look at every touchpoint

For some customers, a bad experience at any point in the customer lifecycle can ruin the reputation of your brand forever. To anticipate any friction, you need to be sure customer experience skills are being demonstrated consistently throughout the journey. Pay the most attention to key touchpoints, but make sure you have a full view of the customer experience, or you risk lapses in service that can really hurt the business overall.

Key touchpoints involve how customers come into contact with your brand before, during, and after the purchase phase. So, it's crucial to consider all these steps when engaging with a customer who might have had a positive or negative experience.

3. Improve your customer interactions

If your staff has the necessary skill set, that’s a good start. But they still need to relate to your customers. Here are some tips for making sure customer service is both thorough and well received.

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Identify common ground

Ask reps to try to identify a common ground with the people they help. This point of understanding makes conflict easier to overcome by humanizing the relationship and endears customers to your rep (and ultimately your company). For instance, asking how a customer’s day is going makes a difference in how customers think about your business. Talking about the weather is another way to establish common ground and remind the person on the other line of communication that your conversation doesn’t need to be purely transactional.

Practice active listening

Active listening ensures that your customers feel heard. Clarify and rephrase what customers say to confirm that you understand them. Empathize with and reflect on their feelings by saying things like, “That must have upset you” or “I can see why you feel frustrated.” Repeating a customer’s issue back to them affirms you’re listening and establishes that you understand the problem and are working on it quickly.

Admit your mistakes

When you admit your mistakes in real time, even if you discover them before your customers do, it builds trust and restores confidence. By taking ownership, it also allows you to control the situation, refocus the customer’s attention, and resolve the issue.

Follow-up after a resolution

Don’t forget to follow up after a problem is solved to be sure that the issue remains fixed and that your customers are satisfied with the service. Sending an email or even a feedback survey is an excellent way to let the customer know you’re still on their side. In addition, a feedback survey can be a great way to understand customer service performance and where it might need improvement.

Related: 3 tactics to help you improve the customer experience

4. Enhance your customer service strategy

Your employees may have the skills and know-how to interact with your customers. But what organizational strategies can you employ to please customers? Practice proactive customer service by making your customers happy before they come to you with problems. Here’s how:

Get personal

Your customers want to feel like they have access to real people, not bots and FAQs. Offer more than just automated email responses; don’t let your telephone prompts or website send them down a rabbit hole. Take full advantage of social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, and Yelp) and write responses when your customers post on your page. Post photos and bios on your website. This shows your customers that you are real people working on their behalf.

Cater to your customers

To make sure you are fully meeting your customers’ needs, consider assigning reps to specific customers so they can develop a deeper understanding of individual customers’ needs.. You can also offer special benefits for your longest and most loyal customers to let them know they are appreciated. What special services might your customers enjoy? Set up focus groups, interview customers, or run a survey to generate ideas.

Create communities

Your customers will feel even more valued if you treat them as important community members. You can bring various customers together, including webinars, interactive websites, social media, trade shows, and conventions. And don’t forget that while your customers come to these forums to learn from you, you can learn as much—if not more—from them.

5. Make sure your reps are engaged

You can have the best customer service skills and the best training in the world, but if your reps aren’t engaged and enthusiastic about your company, it won’t matter. Improving employee engagement is another way to make sure customers have a great experience. Dissatisfied employees are unlikely to come forward with their problems, so consider an anonymous suggestion box or an employee engagement survey to see what makes your employees tick.

This also offers insight into how your customer service team feels about working conditions and compensation, opportunities for career advancement, training and their peers. Our employee engagement template is a great first step. We’ve also compiled benchmark engagement data to help you understand how your employees’ engagement compares to other companies.

Since engagement can vary between industries, you may also want to look at more specific data through a service like SurveyMonkey Benchmarks.

6. Give your customers a way to provide feedback

No matter how proactive you are, you’ll never be able to get in front of every customer issue. To make sure you learn about all the experiences your customers have, create an easily accessible way for them to give feedback.

Whether it’s a phone survey at the end of a service call, an email survey sent directly from your CRM tool, or a form on the “Contact Us” page of your website, creating a means for customers to give feedback makes it easier for you to learn what needs improvement. It also helps keep unhappy customers from voicing their displeasure on highly visible places like your social media pages.

Whatever steps you choose to take, remember that feedback is important to customer satisfaction. Here are a few examples of how to get it:

Customer satisfaction survey

Asking meaningful questions using a customer satisfaction survey (CSAT) can give you valuable insights into how well your business operates in the eyes of customers. You can ask binary or open-ended questions or use the Likert system that allows survey respondents to rate their experience with your business. Utilizing a researched bank of questions from SurveyMonkey, you can pinpoint what’s working well and which part of your customer service model needs work.

Net Promoter Score®

A Net Promoter Score (NPS) is another way to learn about the customer experience in a qualitative way that will make the analysis process more efficient. The NPS can measure a customer’s opinions, attitude, and overall perception of your business in contrast to a binary question requiring a yes or no answer. For example, you can ask customers how they felt about the purchase experience by gauging it with an NPS.

Related: How to use NPS surveys to create the best customer experience

Increase customer satisfaction with good customer service skills

See how SurveyMonkey can help improve customer service by gathering valuable feedback and insights from customers and employees. Get started today to garner targeted responses to enhance customer service operations.

Net promoter, Net promoter Score, and NPS are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

Discover more resources

Get 6 tips for improving your team’s customer service skills | SurveyMonkey (4)

Customer satisfaction survey templates

Explore our customer satisfaction survey templates to rapidly collect data, identify pain points, and improve your customer experience.

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Get 6 tips for improving your team’s customer service skills | SurveyMonkey (5)

The complete guide to user experience metrics

Learn how to measure attitudinal and behavioral user experience (UX), and how UX supports better CX.

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Get 6 tips for improving your team’s customer service skills | SurveyMonkey (6)

The product manager’s CX handbook

How product teams can develop a customer feedback program to improve CX and customer centricity.

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Get 6 tips for improving your team’s customer service skills | SurveyMonkey (7)

How to drive sales with purchase feedback

How to gather purchasing feedback across the customer journey to improve CX and increase ROI.

Learn more

Looking to improve your customer service?

With SurveyMonkey, creating surveys and sending them to your customers is quick and easy. Get insights on how to enhance your customer service in a few minutes!

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Get 6 tips for improving your team’s customer service skills | SurveyMonkey (2024)


How to improve customer service skills? ›

If you're working in a customer-facing service role and want to excel in your work, these are for you.
  1. Practice active listening. ...
  2. Learn to empathize with your customers. ...
  3. Use positive language. ...
  4. Improve your technical skills. ...
  5. Know your products and services. ...
  6. Be human. ...
  7. Communicate clearly. ...
  8. Be solutions-focused.

What are the 7 steps to developing customer service strategy? ›

Let's discuss what are the 7 steps to Developing Customer Service.
  • Identify Your Customer Service Goals. ...
  • Identify Your Customer Needs and Expectations. ...
  • Develop customer service standards and guidelines. ...
  • Invest in Resources and Training. ...
  • Improve Your Customer Service Processes. ...
  • Analyze Customer Service Data.
Feb 21, 2023

What are the 7 qualities of good customer service? ›

Your List of the Most Important Customer Service Skills (According to Data)
  • Persuasive Speaking Skills. Think of the most persuasive speaker in your organisation. ...
  • Empathy. ...
  • Adaptability. ...
  • Ability to Use Positive Language. ...
  • Clear Communication Skills. ...
  • Self-Control. ...
  • Taking Responsibility. ...
  • Patience.

What are the 5 skills for excellent customer service? ›

Based on my company's 12-year experience in customer service, these are the top five skills we find valuable in order to thrive in this position:
  • Excellent Communication Skills.
  • Empathy Skills.
  • Time Management Skills.
  • Ability To Perceive Clients.
  • Willingness To Learn.
May 20, 2022

What are the 4 keys to good customer service? ›

Good customer service means consistently meeting customers' expectations. Great customer service is quick, easy, personalized, and empathetic.

What are the 3 most important skills for a customer service agent? ›

Customer service plays an important role in attracting and retaining customers. Businesses can leverage good customer service to boost sales. Empathy, good communication, and problem-solving are core skills in providing excellent customer service.

What are the 6 key elements of customer service? ›

The 6 Customer Service Elements That Define the Experience
  • Speediness.
  • Quality.
  • Comprehensibility.
  • Accessibility.
  • Empowerment.
  • Friendliness.
Sep 7, 2020

What are the 6 techniques to gain customer insights? ›

Consider the following six methods for your education.
  • Analyze reviews for customer insight. ...
  • Analytics provide valuable customer insight. ...
  • Surveys provide insightful information. ...
  • Paid interviews take customer insight one step further. ...
  • A/B testing gives you behavior insight. ...
  • Social listening keeps you in the know.
Jan 24, 2023

What are the six steps of customer service? ›

6 Steps to Develop an Excellent Customer Service Strategy
  • Identify the customer touchpoints. ...
  • Recognize the needs of your customers. ...
  • Make customer delight the end goal. ...
  • Track KPIs for customer service. ...
  • Use customer feedback. ...
  • Build a strong customer service team.

What are the 7 C's of customer service? ›

The 7 Cs include Customer, Cost, Convenience, Communication, Credibility, Connection and Co–creation. They provide an understanding a customer needs to improve their relationships.

What are the 8 key principles of quality customer service? ›

identifying customer needs • designing and delivering service to meet those needs • seeking to meet and exceed customer expectations • seeking feedback from customers • acting on feedback to continually improve service • communicating with customers • having plans in place to deal with service problems.

What are 2 key characteristics of excellent customer service? ›

5 Characteristics of Good Customer Service
  • Responsiveness. Good customer service is all about being there for your customers when they need you. ...
  • Professionalism. Professionalism is a crucial characteristic of good customer service. ...
  • Empathy. ...
  • Patience. ...
  • Problem-solving.
Dec 28, 2022

What is your strongest skill in customer service? ›

Top 15 Customer Service Skills According to Data
  1. Persuasive Speaking Skills. Think of the most persuasive speaker in your organisation. ...
  2. Empathy. ...
  3. Adaptability. ...
  4. Ability to Use Positive Language. ...
  5. Clear Communication Skills. ...
  6. Self-Control. ...
  7. Taking Responsibility. ...
  8. Patience.

What are hard skills for customer service? ›

Most Essential Hard Skills for Customer Service Agents
  1. Digital literacy. Today's digital age has made it essential for every customer service agent to know their way around a computer and basic computer programs. ...
  2. Omnichannel awareness. ...
  3. Data entry. ...
  4. Writing skills. ...
  5. Data analysis. ...
  6. Language skills. ...
  7. Product knowledge.
Dec 15, 2023

What are the five 5 core principles of a successful customer service strategy? ›

5 must-have principles for any customer experience strategy
  • Understand customers' needs and feelings. ...
  • React positively to customer requests. ...
  • Show customers they matter. ...
  • Empower staff to go above and beyond. ...
  • Give gifts that reflect customers' needs.

What 8 skills are needed in customer service situations? ›

Some good customer service skills to include on a resume include empathy, communication, adaptability, efficiency, relationship building, problem-solving, product knowledge, and digital literacy.

How to improve service level in a call center? ›

The following are 17 tips, tools and techniques that will allow you to enhance service level.
  1. 1) Optimize workforce management. ...
  2. 2) Optimize occupancy rates. ...
  3. 3) Increase schedule adherence. ...
  4. 4) Improve call forecasting. ...
  5. 5) Reduce agent attrition. ...
  6. 6) Enable agent call-backs. ...
  7. 7) Enhance first call resolution (FCR)
Jan 20, 2014

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.