$1,000 is Not Enough. Keep This Amount in Your Emergency Fund Instead. - Easy Budget (2024)

An Emergency Fund is an essential part of a strong financial plan, especially while paying off debt rapidly. Dave Ramsey is famous for advocating for a $1,000 Starter Emergency Fund while paying off debt ($500 if you are very low income), but is that enough? We don’t think so. If you don’t feel that $1,000 is enough either, use this chart to determine how much you should keep in your Starter Emergency Fund Instead.

$1,000 is Not Enough. Keep This Amount in Your Emergency Fund Instead. - Easy Budget (1)

What is a Starter Emergency Fund?

An Emergency Fund is an amount of money you save up to use only for emergencies.

When paying off debt rapidly using Dave Ramsey’s method or your own debt payoff strategy, it’s smart to keep a Starter Emergency Fund on hand to help cover emergencies that may pop up while you are paying off debt in cash so you never have to rely on credit cards or loans ever again.

The idea of a Starter Emergency Fund is to save up the cash quickly though, and to move on to debt payoff as soon as possible. Later on, after you are debt-free, you will bulk up your Emergency Fund for the long-term into a Fully Funded Emergency Fund.

Simply put, your Starter Emergency Fund is just a small amount of money you save to tide you over and cover emergencies in cash while you are paying off debt. You don’t want to spend forever on this step because it can be a little bit of a drag to people still working on the discipline of saving, and moving on to paying off debt as soon as possible is great for keeping up the momentum on your financial journey.

Dave Ramsey recommends keeping $1,000 in your Starter Emergency Fund.

However, many money experts (myself included) have been suggesting that $1,000 is not enough for the Starter Emergency Fund.

After all, I can think of dozens of emergencies that could pop up during the debt-free journey that would cost more than $1,000, and I bet you can too.

  • a trip to the ER with a sick kid
  • a broken down car needing extensive repairs
  • a house leak and needing new flooring
  • a family member dying and needing plane tickets
  • etc.

You get the picture.

Having said this, you don’t want to spend forever saving up your Emergency Fund and you don’t want to keep tens of thousands in your savings account collecting dust if you have big debt to pay off.

So if $1,000 is not enough, how do you determine what a good number for your Starter Emergency Fund is?

See the chart below for a quick way to calculate how much to keep in your Starter Emergency Fund instead of $1,000!

This is a very good guide, but it is not a definitive guide. You may want to add more or go with less depending on what your gut is telling you. I encourage you to follow your gut- no one knows your circ*mstances and comfort level better than you.

Keep This Amount in Your Starter Emergency Fund Instead. Start with a base of $1,000, and add more for each item you answer YES to.

There is more than 1 person in my household$100 per person
I have pets$100 per pet
I have high deductible health insurance$500 or the amount of your deductible
At least one person in my family is in poor health or has a health condition that requires regular care/prescriptions$500
I have at least 1 vehicle older than 7 years old$500
I own my home, and it is older than 10 years$500
My family is reliant on 1 main income$500
My job security is poor$500
It will take me longer than 2 years to pay off my debt (not sure?)$200
I don’t use sinking funds $100

This chart will help you determine a good amount of money to keep in your Starter Emergency Fund if you don’t feel that $1,000 is enough, but you should always follow your gut. If you feel that less would work, go with less. If you would feel a lot more secure and comfortable with more, go with more!

Next, I will walk you through some examples of how to use the chart above to determine how much to keep in your Starter Emergency Fund.

Example 1 of a Starter Emergency Fund Calculation using the chart above:

Let’s walk through an example of determining how much to keep in your Starter Emergency Fund using the chart above.

Sarah has $200 in savings, a family income of $85,000/yr, and $60,000 of debt to pay off. She is frustrated and scared about her situation, and ready to make a change.

She decides to pay off her debt as quickly as possible, and the first step is saving up a Starter Emergency Fund.

Sarah will start with a savings goal of $1,000. Then, she will add $400 (4 people in her household). She has one dog, so she will add $100. They have poor health insurance, so a simple ER visit for a broken arm could cost them a lot. Their health insurance deductible is $2000, so she decides to make sure they have at least that much in savings to cover a medical emergency in cash. She will add $500 because of the high deductible insurance, carefully ensuring that the total of their Starter Emergency Fund is at least $2000. Sarah’s whole family is in good health. Both their cars are 3-4 years old. They do own a home that is 13 years old, so she will add $500. Although their job security is good, they rely on her husband’s income alone, so she adds $500 because of this. She thinks they can have all their debt paid off in 18 months. She doesn’t use any sinking funds, so she adds $100 because of this.

$1,000 + $400 + $100 + $500 + $500 + $500 +$100 = $3,100

The total amount Sarah decides to keep in her Starter Emergency Fund is $3,100. This is not so much money that it will takes her months and months to save up. In fact, she should be able to save this in less than 2 months. It’s also more than her high insurance deductible of $2,000, so if a medical emergency happens, she will have the cash to cover it.

Example 2 of a Starter Emergency Fund Calculation using the chart above:

Lucas has $20,000 in savings, a family income of $78,000/yr, and $100,000 of debt to pay off.

He decides to pay off his family debt as quickly as possible, and saving up a Starter Emergency Fund is the first step. He already has $20,000 saved, but he doesn’t think that $1,000 is enough. He isn’t sure whether to pay off some debt with his $20,000 savings, or keep it.

To determine how much to keep in his Starter Emergency Fund and how much of his savings he can use to pay off debt, he uses the chart above.

Lucas starts with a $1,000 savings goal. He doesn’t have any kids, but he is married, so he adds $200 for the 2 people in his household. He also has 2 cats, and they are older so he adds $200 for them. They have great health insurance with low deductibles. Lucas and his partner are in great health. They only have one car and it is 10 years old, so they add $500 for that. They live in a rented condo and are not responsible for repair costs, as the landlord takes care of those. They both work, so they have 2 incomes, and both have good job security. However, Lucas thinks it will take them 3 years to pay off their debt, so he adds $200 because of that. He has sinking funds for a vacation, birthdays, and Christmas, so no emergencies will pop up there.

$1,000 + $200 + $200 + 500 + $200 = $2,100

The chart determines $2,100 would be a better amount for Lucas to keep in his Starter Emergency Fund, but he would feel more comfortable with more, so he listens to his intuition and comfort level and decides to save $2,500. He already had $20,000 in savings, so he decides to take $17,500 of his savings and pay down debt with it!

This reduces his debt from $100,000 down to $82,500, and he still has $2,500 in savings for emergencies. He’s excited about his debt payoff and feeling motivated to keep it going rapidly.

Fully Funded Emergency Fund

The idea is that your Starter Emergency Fund will help you cover emergencies while you are working on debt payoff. After you become debt-free and are ready to move on to saving, investing, and other steps in the financial journey, it’s time to make sure you have a Fully Funded Emergency Fund.

Most money experts suggest you keep 3-6 months worth of expenses saved in your Fully Funded Emergency Fund.

This number will be different for everyone because it is based on your family’s unique expenses.

If your monthly expenses are $6,000/mo, your Fully Funded Emergency Fund should be around $18,000-$36,000.

However, some people prefer to keep more, and I have seen very reputable money experts suggest you keep 6-12 months of cash on hand.

This really depends on your situation, and I urge you to be very thoughtful when making this decision and to not necessarily follow the masses.

While keeping lots of cash on hand may sound like security to some, to others, it’s less secure. That’s because cash is experiencing an average inflation amount of 2% per year, meaning the tens of thousands sitting in your bank account are losing value every day. Many agree that keeping too much cash on hand causes it to succumb to inflation when it could be growing in investments elsewhere.

If you want to have a really healthy Fully Funded Emergency Fund but you don’t want tons of cash sitting on hand losing value to inflation and you’d rather have it working for you, keep 3-6 months of expenses in cash and put the rest into investments.

This is my personal opinion if I were talking to a friend and what I personally do: I recommend keeping 3-6 months worth of expenses on hand as your Fully Funded Emergency Fund, and then investing the rest. If you feel secure with more money available (because perhaps your job is at risk or you have poor health), consider keeping an additional 3-6 months worth of expenses in an investment that is growing but is still easy to liquidate (i.e. not a retirement account, but a regular brokerage account you can access at any time). This way in a true emergency you’d have access to 6-12 months worth of expenses.

I wouldn’t keep more cash than this on hand unless you are saving up for a house downpayment, an investment, a baby, or something else (and in this case it’s not an Emergency Fund, this should be a separate savings fund entirely anyway).

Did this article help you determine how much to keep in your Starter Emergency Fund? Is $1,000 enough for your Starter Emergency Fund or are you going for more? Let me know in the comments!

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$1,000 is Not Enough. Keep This Amount in Your Emergency Fund Instead. - Easy Budget (2)
$1,000 is Not Enough. Keep This Amount in Your Emergency Fund Instead. - Easy Budget (2024)


Is $1,000 enough of an emergency fund? ›

If you make more than $20,000, then aim for at least $1,000. Once you have paid down debt and can meet all of your other expenses, continue to add to your emergency savings account until you have enough so that you could live without a paycheck for six months.

What is the Dave Ramsey 1000 rule? ›

Baby Step 1: Save $1,000 in an Emergency Fund

Ramsey and Kleiner agree that setting $1,000 aside as soon as you can is a key first step toward walking away from debt. Being prepared when bad things happen minimizes the damage and avoids borrowing. So make a budget, then set the emergency funds aside.

What percentage of Americans have a $1000 emergency fund? ›

Fewer than half of Americans, 44%, say they can afford to pay a $1,000 emergency expense from their savings, according to Bankrate's survey of more than 1,000 respondents conducted in December. That is up from 43% in 2023, yet level when compared to 2022.

How much cash should you keep in an emergency fund? ›

While the size of your emergency fund will vary depending on your lifestyle, monthly costs, income, and dependents, the rule of thumb is to put away at least three to six months' worth of expenses.

What is a realistic emergency fund amount? ›

People have different estimates about the best amount to save in an emergency fund, and the answer will depend on your income and spending habits. Generally, your emergency fund should have somewhere between 3 and 6 months of living expenses.

What percent of Americans don't have $1000? ›

A stunning new Bankrate survey of 1,030 individuals finds that more than half of American adults (56%) lack sufficient savings to shoulder an unexpected $1,000 expense.

How many people can afford a $1000 emergency? ›

Only 44% of U.S. adults would pay an emergency expense of $1,000 or more from their savings, as of December 2023 polling. 35% would borrow money, including 21% who would finance with a credit card and pay it off over time, 10% who would borrow from family or friends and 4% who would take out a personal loan.

Do 90% of millionaires make over 100000 a year? ›

Choose the right career

And one crucial detail to note: Millionaire status doesn't equal a sky-high salary. “Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career,” the study found, “and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.”

How to save $1,000 in 3 months? ›

Breaking down the amount you need to save in shorter intervals can help you make concrete changes to your monthly budget and make the end goal more tangible. If you wanted to save $1,000 in three months, for example, you'd need to save roughly $84 per week.

How many people can't afford $1000 emergency? ›

The survey was conducted by Bankrate, a financial analysis and comparison site. Bankrate found that only 44% of Americans surveyed could afford a $1,000 emergency expense. That number is actually up one percentage point from the previous year, the company said.

How many Americans can't afford a $1000 emergency? ›

Bankrate's latest survey results found 56% of U.S. adults lack the emergency funds to handle a $1,000 unexpected expense and one-third (35%) said they would have to borrow the money somehow to pay for it.

How can I get a $1000 emergency fund? ›

Choose a traditional savings account or a short-term certificate-of-deposit (CD), currently the most attractive accounts. (Early withdrawal penalties on a CD rarely lower the yield below that of a savings account.) Consider opening a new account or sub-account for this money so you're not tempted to spend it.

Why shouldn t you keep your emergency fund money in your checking account? ›

Checking account

Keeping your emergency fund in the same account as the funds you use for everyday finances is a bad idea for two reasons: It's too accessible, and you aren't tapping into the interest-earning potential other accounts offer.

Is $500 enough for an emergency fund? ›

The short answer: If you're starting out, try to set aside an amount that would cover an important bill, say $500. But keep working your way up. You'll want to max out at about half a year's worth of expenses.

Is $2000 a good emergency fund? ›

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much you should keep in an emergency fund, but Orman said that $1,000 to $2,000 is usually enough. “With an emergency savings account, if you have $1,000 in there, you have $2,000 in there, great,” she said.

How many people can afford a $1,000 emergency? ›

Only 44% of U.S. adults would pay an emergency expense of $1,000 or more from their savings, as of December 2023 polling. 35% would borrow money, including 21% who would finance with a credit card and pay it off over time, 10% who would borrow from family or friends and 4% who would take out a personal loan.

How many people can t afford a $1,000 emergency? ›

(KTLA) — A $1,000 unexpected emergency expense could derail the lives of more than half of all Americans, according to a new survey. The survey was conducted by Bankrate, a financial analysis and comparison site. Bankrate found that only 44% of Americans surveyed could afford a $1,000 emergency expense.

How many people don t have $1,000 in savings? ›

Bankrate's latest survey results found 56% of U.S. adults lack the emergency funds to handle a $1,000 unexpected expense and one-third (35%) said they would have to borrow the money somehow to pay for it.

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