YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, June 25, 2024 (2024)

“What do you recommend for high blood pressure and at what point do you recommend medication for it?” [0:03:20]

Well, high blood pressure is really multifactorial and mostly idiopathic, meaning your doctors do not know the cause of it. When they say idiopathic or essential hypertension, it means it's just usually age. But we're starting to see younger and younger people with idiopathic hypertension, and that means this is something in our environment because younger and younger people should not be getting high blood pressure. And what I believe is happening in the environment is that blood pressure is showing that we are a people who are marketed to and everything we do has to be entertaining. And so, good old-fashioned water, like my water here with my little structured water one, we're not drinking enough water. Come to think of it, I'm talking all day, I take a drink of my water. Water is so important. You need to drink half of your body's weight, so in pounds. So if you're a 200-pound man, you need 100 ounces a day. If you're a 150-pound woman, you need 75 ounces a day, and that's your starting point. And water is what we're made of. And so, to neglect and think this is something casual or you'll extract enough from a Coca-Cola or some juicing is foolishness.

You have to drink water by itself. The tension in the blood vessels, when your heart pumps, it's not how blood gets around your body. Your heart pump itself is creating a stopping point and differential in pressures, yes, and it has propulsion to some degree. But in general, the capillaries that go out from your body all the way to your fingers and toes are getting smaller and smaller. So the passage for that blood gets smaller and smaller. And what that means then is, literally, your red blood cells pass one cell at a time through a capillary. And that is not through pressure. That is through an electrochemical photon energy, hydrostatic differential at the bed of the capillary tissue right next to the cell membranes, where exchange of oxygen and the taking on of carbon dioxide waste materials for removal. There has to be a pH, and there has to be an electrochemical electrical difference for these transactions to occur, and this is what is so critical. To not have enough water, and even a 2 percent drop in your hydrational status, can reflect poorer and poorer bio-physiologic exchanges in the tissues, in the capillary depth of all your tissues. When that happens, the body reflexively constricts to enhance the volumetric pressure and many other parameters. And so, this chronic constriction from chronic dehydration is probably the cause of essential idiopathic hypertension. It is also aggravated by the fact that we are less active. It is couch potatoes sitting too long. It is aggravated by the lack of being outside in the sunlight. The infrared light of the sun is picked up by the skin. It transmits energy photons to the water that helps the water and structure of the water in your body and intracellularly. And it is quite a topic and lecture all of itself. It's to boil down to saying, you have no idea how important water is. Water is life, and of course, if you're without it for a few days, you die.

Interestingly enough, I was doing some research on an Indian man who claims to have lived without eating or drinking water for decades, and this man was studied at the Indian Hospital. Indeed, the man spends a great deal of his time bathing in the sun, the infrared of the sun and is apparently truly stating that he's not eating or drinking for years. So we, doctors, need to humble ourselves and realize if this is true. And so, I did look at the medical doctor's statements about it, so it wasn't just some hype on the internet. It is most perplexing, but in general, we need the water, we need the exposure to the sun, the infrared, that would be early in the morning, and we need the movement, we need the exercise. And we need to stop clogging up the capillaries with extra protein contents of antibodies. So like if you develop autoimmune disease, you're making extra antibodies to really unnecessary things in your life, and most of these are food autoantibodies. So, if you're wheat-sensitive, and most of us are now since they've corrupted the food through industrialized farming, raping the land so that the nutrient density of food today, even if you were trying to eat just real foods, an apple today is maybe 50 percent of what an apple was 70 years ago because they've genetically engineered it to become sweeter, sweeter and fatter and tasty with the sugars in it. So, we developed this junk that goes into our blood vessels, these extra proteins and the sugar, starch, carbohydrate, high content, and this aggravates the flow as well.

So, you start putting together lack of sunlight exposure, lack of exercise, motility, lack of drinking water, and developing autoantibodies and then you're starting to get dehydration and vasoconstriction, and you get hypertension. So, the first treatment towards anyone being told they have blood pressure is to sit down and say there is no pill, there is no injection, there is no prescription for lifestyle. You have to choose to take care of your body. You have to choose to get on the scale, weigh yourself, and see how many ounces you drink a day, and you have to make that happen as an adult mature being. You have to get your body out and do weight training twice a week, lifting heavy weights. You have to walk your body around briskly three or four times a week for at least 20 minutes. You have to get a good evening sleep cycle and get a good morning ritual and move from that point forward. So, that's what I recommend for blood pressure.

And I never restrict salt. Salt is important to the electrochemical potential difference between the inner and outer membrane, potential on every cell membrane, and you have to have the ions of the chloride negative and the sodium molecules to healthy electrical potential so that the whole system works.

We are electrochemical beings. So, it isn't salt that is the problem, it is the dehydration. So, if you drink enough water, you should be able to salt to taste for your food.


“Does carbonated water (not flavored like soda stream) affect your bone density? I have osteoporosis. I'm 62 female. I walk 3.5 miles a day, 6 days a week, and I lift weights 3 to 4 times a week.” [0:11:52]


The answer is no. Well, you're really on your way to good health and long health doing that, but carbonated water is not the problem. I'm not a specialist in carbonated water. The pH runs somewhere in the 3 and 4 range, but we are able, our stomach gets down to a pH of a 1.5 to 2 with your secretion of stomach acids. So that is not the problem. I would suggest to try and examine whether or not everything you do has to be entertaining. So, if you're taking carbonated water because you have to make it a little treat for yourself to force you to consume water, then you need to look at that maybe and say, why am I asking myself to buy something that's carbonated?

Now, I would filter all my water. I have my Berkey water filter. I get it from in the shop section of his website. It's the Alexapure Berkey water filter. And then I do also create the water vortex. I don't know if you can see that. I guess you can't, but I have the water as a swirl so that it's more like, that swirl vortex is increasing the surface area exposed to oxygen in the room and drawing more oxygen into the water and creating structure to the water. And then, I do use, I brought these in because I have these at home, so I decided to let you know. I use this Analema structured water crystal sticks in my water to train my water to be more structured and less chaotic because it's a group of molecules and it's better absorbed. So the carbonated water doesn't hurt your bones, the answer is no. Don't worry about it. But do get enough half your weight as pounds as ounces every day.


“I have lots of insomnia, went to bed at 11:30, got to sleep at 6:45! At 3 am, I got up to eat something to feed my brain, some protein in hopes to get some sleep. I tried 1 tablespoon of protein powder with some water skimmed off top of a green drink product. That didn’t help. What are the easiest-to-digest foods for a 3 AM ‘snack’? Also, does mineralized water keep me awake?” [0:14:16]


Well, eating keeps you awake. Alcohol keeps you awake. Having electromagnetic wavelengths going through, if your bed is oriented near the electrical breaker of your house, if you have that electromagnetic impulses going on, you might want to shut off your breaker to your house, and all the electricity, and see if you can, when you go to bed at night, shut off the power and see if you sleep better. I would stop eating at around 6 o'clock at night. I will never recommend eating food to calm you down. I would say that you need to be seen and have a doctor look at your sugar metabolism because people who feel they need to eat, even at the point of waking up, I would be concerned that you have some metabolic dysfunction with your sugar regulation. You might be pre-diabetic or getting into diabetes. These are issues that need to be addressed. Hormone replacement therapy, if you're a female, estradiol is lost, and having that to go to sleep at night, inadequate levels. And what would be adequate? In my 43 years of practicing medicine, and I would say at least 34 of them being in natural medicine exclusively using natural hormones, I would say that you would want an estradiol level of somewhere close to 100 nanograms per deciliter and a progesterone level of at least 5 or 6 picograms per deciliter. You might need much more progesterone, you might need much more estradiol, but you need to work with a doctor who has an understanding that we're all unique. And the need for sleep is very important to healing in our body. Therefore, I would certainly recommend looking at your hormones, and your sugar metabolism, finding out your blood type. Not recommending food as a mechanism to help you sleep. Looking at your electrolytes, and your mineral status, and going from there.

Does mineralized water keep you awake? No, the answer would be no. If anything, it should help.


“Dr. Rita, can you recommend “targeted red light therapy “ for joint relief pain? If by using this LED and laser therapy, is it possible to avoid knee replacement surgery? Have you heard of the company Kineon? Thank you for being there for all of us!” [0:17:14]


The answer is yes. Well, that would be conditional as to how bad the knee is. The less damage there is, the more the likelihood that the energy that is transmitted through infrared light therapy targeted will be more successful, but not as an isolated thing. You can't eat a selfish diet and self-excusing bad habits and expect to have a light that solves all your problems, the infrared light. So, the answer would be yes, if you're doing the other things well.

Have you heard of the company Kineon? No, I haven't.

Thank you for being here as a patient. We are all valuable, and we have to sort out who's marketing and who is really looking to make the patient healthy. And I have found in my 43 years of practicing medicine that most of your health is in your hands. Most of your health is in your lifestyle. Most of your health projection is going to be determined by your behavior, and your choices, as with anything in life. So, adequate hydration, exercise, good sleep hygiene habits to bed and up at a certain time. You could talk about grounding. You could go and stand out in the wet grass dew in the morning with the infrared light coming at you from the sun as it just begins to peak over the horizon, standing out there a few minutes, getting your electrons from the earth balanced, and so to say, because we are batteries. We are literally electrochemical batteries. And the more we isolate and insulate ourselves with plastics and cushy things, the less we are able to discharge stress. And by standing on your feet, you'll actually create a battery circuit with the earth and get grounded and balanced electrochemically. This has been so well-proven and blood flow establishment enhanced, of course if you drink enough water and so forth. So, that will enhance also performance, and all blood flow in the capillaries and to the knee. And the knee cartilage doesn't have a blood supply, it depends on just diffusion. So you have to be well hydrated to try and help that little synovial, tiny little arterial to help supply all the needs to repair your cartilage. The light of the targeted LED infrared lights will help the energy so that the cellular function matrix is performing optimally.

So, it is a complex thing. We are made of protein and fat, not fruits and vegetables. There are micronutrients in the fruits and vegetables that we can use, but most of them are being so abused and sugared up, that a construct of fat and meats and eggs and cheese and bacon, that's what we're made of. That's what cartilage is made of. And so, you have to eat plenty of that. So hopefully that helps you.


“What are your thoughts on tirzepatide or other peptides for weight loss in someone who has “tried” everything?” [0:20:57]


My answer is don't. I am not going to support the Ozempic, and what are the other ones? I forget their brand names. But these are GLP-1 and mimickers. And what they're doing is there are receptors in your stomach, as it out goes right out the pylorus into the duodenum, these receptors are sensing your fullness, glucagon, your sugar insulin metabolism, and by using these modulating drugs, they are having negative side effects to the point of nausea, vomiting, gastroparesis, meaning the stomach is just shut down and going into a state of paralysis. This is not something you fool around with.

I am going to suggest you do weight training three times a week with heavy weights for half an hour, and get outside, get your body grounded, and eat largely as a carnivore, drink half your weight in ounces as water, and see if the energy balance from the earth, the grounding, the weight training, the water in your body is enhanced to help you with that. You know, we all struggle, we're not all equal, and you need a doctor with a lot of experience. So, I would encourage you to look at those things and not these drugs with serious side effects.


“I just used the Libre 3 glucose sensor for 14 days. The GMI (glucose management indicator) came out at 6.1% - does that mean I am pre-diabetic? I have fatty liver and will do a carnivore diet to help with glucose stability cause issues with my liver?” [0:23:03]


That's a continuous glucose monitor. Does this mean you are pre-diabetic? The answer is yes. Well, it is really the fructose, which is an alcohol. These things are liver toxic. We are being bathed in hyper-concentrated fructose, called high fructose corn syrup, in everything, even our ketchup and our salad dressings. We're all living for pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure rather than discipline and having pleasure in what I would consider, in my humble opinion, the right things, which is to be wanting to please God and to serve your fellow men with love and respect and to see him as a creation of God. My whole focus is to please God and to serve others. That's where I put my time, my reading, my studying, and my thinking about why do I go to the gym and work out right after these things, three times a week I do this because I want to be a good grandmother. I want to be not feeble. I'd like to live to 100 so I can see my grandsons all grow up and give them a perspective on my century of life of living. So it's all about taking a healthy goal, a God-fearing goal, and making that my goal. Not food my goal, not sex my goal, not alcohol my goal but making service to those around me my goal, because I'm totally convinced that I'm eternal already. And that, of course, as a Christian, I believe all my sins have been paid by once in the offering of the blood of Jesus Christ and that paid for everyone's sin. So, I have such confidence in that, I have no concern for myself, and I am able then to be free to focus on trying to do those things that are healthy and to serve others. This then is the way that we can try to choose foods, and get away from the high fructose corn syrup, the alcohol, and these other dietary marketed quick, fast lifestyles. I have enough time in a 24-hour day to cook. I cooked my meat today before I came to work today. I had to cook up two all-beef patties to make sure I had enough protein in me.

And so, you know, that is more important to me than having a hair appointment or my nails being done.

So, yeah, that is pre-diabetic. Your high fructose corn syrup, fruit, fruits, smoothies, and juices, all are challenging, and the carbohydrate starches are just a challenge to the liver. So, find a good doctor who will help you stay focused and love you, and want your greatest potential to emerge from your life.


“When using Detoxamin, Vitamin K-2 was suggested. I am on 81 mg aspirin as a blood thinner. Since K will thicken blood, will it be OK to use it while doing chelation?” [0:26:38]


K doesn't thicken blood. There are different kinds of vitamin K. Vitamin K1, which is in leafy green vegetables, will be associated with some, generally speaking, thickening. But we're not talking about vitamin K in the generic term. We're talking about vitamin K-2 or the MK7 derivative, which is a different type of vitamin K that's associated with taking your vitamin D and helping your calcium deposit into the right areas like your bones instead of on inflamed soft tissues. So, these are two different, and really they should be labeled different vitamins essentially, but yeah. So, the vitamin K will not thicken your blood from the K2 that's in these vitamin K2, and vitamin D supplements. They're totally different.

And will it be okay to use while doing chelation? It would be absolutely okay, and I would encourage it, especially with chelation, because chelation does facilitate helping improve cardiovascular and microcirculation fluidity, microcirculation permeation, and blood flow. So, yes. So, don't worry about the K thickening your blood at all. It's vitamin K2.


“Hello, Dr. Rita. What are your thoughts on a procedure called “Bulkamid”? It is a bulking product procedure for stress incontinence (SUI).” [0:28:29]


That's an acrylate. It's a polyacrylamide. The precursor to polyacrylamide is acrylamides, and acrylamides are carcinogenic and neurotoxic. So, if some doctor didn't tell you that it is a derivative of a known carcinogen and neurotoxic element, then maybe your doctor doesn't know and can't inform you enough about this. The Bulkamid is injected along the urethra, and if the urethra is that thick and it's getting flabby and it's hard to sneeze and not lose urine through the urethra if you put in a squirt of Bulkamid right behind the urethral membrane, then it's going to make it easier for you to do a Kegel and squeeze up so you don't squirt out urine with coughing or sneezing or exercise. But at what price?

Now, did they give you transvagin*l testosterone? Did they measure your testosterone level? Did they look at your estradiol, which will help the lining of the cells that are in the vagin*l area so that the whole milieu is healthier and thicker with the natural estradiol affecting all the cells in the area there? So, no, I can't recommend that at all.


“Hi Dr. E., I am wondering what your opinion is on getting a non-contrast brain MRI (vs contrast) for worsening headaches, neuropathy, and upper extremity numbness/tingling. I have chronic Lyme’s, chemical sensitivity, CIRS, and difficulty detoxing. I don't want to add contrast toxicity to my already overloaded system. Thank you.” [0:30:37]


Well, I'm all for them doing the MRI. If you can do it without the contrast and get a baseline, I think that's reasonable. I do think that the gadolinium that's in the contrast, which is the heavy metal that is going to be picked up by the MRI and the CT X-rays, this is the metal that will be imaged, is a neurotoxin itself, and aggravates the nerves. So, yeah, I can see why you don't want to use it. Again, I don't know your particular situation. You're going to have to talk about it with your doctor and how many prior exposures or treatments you've had with this. However a non-contrast MRI can have value and can be a baseline for maybe a later MRI without this contrast, and they can look at subtle variations from that. Of course, the ideal, standard of care is to use it with contrast. So, you have to talk with your doctor about that, but I don't see why they couldn't allow you to choose not to use contrast, and that seems reasonable.

Now, I would try and do EDTA chelation to pull out the gadolinium, especially if you've had anything in the past with it in it, and get a measurement of that in your body, and so many other things to look at your health in general.


“Any other weight loss suggestions? (Have done keto, carnivore, vegan, Weight Watchers, hCG, etc. And the only one that worked was hCG, but the weight came back and hCG does not seem to be effective anymore).” [0:32:37]


The energetics of the body diminishes. You are a battery that is declining. Just like your battery for your cell phone, eventually you have to replace it, it doesn't charge as well. Batteries are limited. And so, we can recharge our batteries as this energy source, which will help metabolize the carbohydrates and proteins and fats in our body, as long as you're taking account of what you're bringing in and the timing of when you're eating them. But we have to look at the energetics, that's something I'm looking at more recently, and that's why I'm into so much about research on structured water. The energy of the cell membrane potential. In fact, cancers are associated with when the cell membrane potential, it gets below about 50 millivolts, and a healthy cell normally has a 90-millivolt depolarization and repolarization health dynamic, and the more weak the body gets and the more disorganized the function of the cell, and the cell membrane has lots of holes in it and injuries, the lower the potential, the less well that cell works, and then you start getting more free radicals, and that creates more DNA damage, oxidative stress, in that tissue.

Therefore, I would say you have to start looking into food research. I mean, energy potential studies, grounding, standing in the grass for minutes in the morning with the infrared lights coming to you from the sun. Maybe getting a sauna and doing the sauna with infrared. That's what I do about, no less than three or four times a week. Having a time restriction on your eating. Don't eat past 6 and maybe shift. Since energy metabolism is best when you wake up, for those that are of us that are getting older and having weight energy control issues, then it might be not so good to skip breakfast, but it would be better to skip dinners. So, I'm shifting in that direction to say, that the older you get, the more you should skip dinners and have a more robust breakfast and lunch, and it should be largely protein because we're losing our muscle mass. So the net volume of our muscle bulk is diminishing with the capacity of that muscle to burn down the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our body.

So, weight training, muscle building it up, water, and the kind of battery recharging in the morning by grounding, standing on the grass in your bare feet for a few minutes, getting infrared to absorb more energy potential from that light wave, a good night's sleep, good sleep hygiene. Those are the directions I'm seeing increased results because things change with aging. And so, to age is to be low in your battery, and to have loss of muscle and all of that leads to weight gain.


“Dear Dr. E.! My brother-in-law has two herniations of the lumbar spine L2-5. He is a retired firefighter. Other than the severe disc degeneration, he is rock rock-solid fit and strong core. Anything else you can suggest to prevent further deterioration? Thank God he actually does not have arachnoiditis but is still in severe pain down his left leg.” [0:36:30]


Well, of course, he needs to be managed by his orthopedic doctor. He needs exercise to build up his muscular structure to hold him up properly on his posture. He needs adequate hydration. He needs the Systemic Enzymes maybe five/three times a day. He needs to find out what aggravates inflammation in his body. He should have his food allergies done, Immuno IgE immediate fast-acting allergies, with the Immuno IgG slow-reacting allergies to food, anything to reduce inflammation. Adequate hydration, of course, grounding, and the exercise. Have his minerals done. Find out his blood type. He might need to use Digestive Enzymes when he's eating his food. That's the direction I would aim for there.


“I've recently read that some women's health providers are using bio-identical pellets rather than the bio-identical estradiol cream I've used from you for years. Could you tell me what the differences are and the pros and cons? Thanks so much!” [0:37:59]


It isn't bio-identical to take estradiol and mix it in with a medium that is not natural. So, the pellet matrix, the substance they put the estradiol in, is a goop of various types of materials, chemicals that create that bulk that they squeeze under your skin that slowly allows the release, but it isn't actually a perfect release. So you could have ups and downs and swings in the release of that. I just am against injecting foreign material into any part of the body. Period. End of statement. I used to try pellets when I was more ignorant and younger as a doctor in the 1990s, and I had trouble with it. I had reactions, lumpiness, I had inflammation of the skin, and it just did not make sense to use a foreign material mixed in with bio-identical hormones as a pellet matrix to put it under the skin to create a slow-release phenomenon. So, I will never endorse it. I will never ever endorse pellets ever.


“My grandson had a forced COVID vaccine by his college which triggered repeated seizures. I am aware of all the prescriptions for spike protein removal (EDTA ). Any other methods to lessen them? PEA seems to have promising animal testing(?) Be Well yourself!” [0:39:47]


I would say quercetin would be the direction I would go and take the Vitalzym systemic enzymes. Quercetin, the dose I would take would be 800 mg. I use D-Hist from Ortho Molecular. I take 400 mg. Of course, I never would agree to anything such as that injection. So, I always, every day of my life, take quercetin because it's an antiviral, it is an antihistamine, and has as an antioxidant, other features that are anti-cancer like. And so, I take quercetin. Quercetin also seems to have the benefit of reducing inflammation because spike protein is inflammation. So that's what I would use as well as enzymes.


“Dr. Rita, your carnivore eating plan appears to contain very little fiber. Do you need to supplement with fiber products to ensure daily bowel movements?” [0:41:08]


No, I don't. And I am really I would say 99 percent pure carnivore. And what I would point out is that, yes, I do have regular formed bowel movements. But I take probiotics. I take iodine, and I take plenty of water, and I exercise regularly, and I have a good sleep cycle. And so, everyone's different. What you have to do is get a complete digestive stool analysis to look at the microbiome of your poop. Now, we've been doing this for 40 years. I'm so glad to see doctors finally catching up who call themselves so-called specialists and that they're finally getting in with this and learning to do these things. If you are on a pure carnivore diet, 90 percent of the time people who have constipation are just so absorbing all the contents of the phospholipids and the protein into their body for repair, that they're surprised that they don't need to have a bowel movement. So, if you have a comfortable abdomen and you just haven't had a bowel movement, there's nothing wrong with that. But I would say, after about a week or two, you should start seeing bowel movements if you're taking probiotics and enough water, a multimineral because I do take TLC Multi Minerals for this and adequate water.


“This is a repeat of my question last week: To get my daily fruit requirement, I dice 1/2 of one apple, and add blueberries, strawberries, and grapes to create a 'fruit bag' that I eat separately from meals, ideally mid-afternoon. My question is if I forget to eat these fruits in the middle of the afternoon, is it better to eat them with dinner or totally skip eating my fruits?” [0:42:53]


Well, I need to know how old are you and what is your lifestyle. Are you working? Are you breastfeeding? So many other things, because I don't eat any fruit. I have really never eaten fruit in 30 years. I eat no fruit. So, I take Juice Plus which is a natural concentrate of 30 different fruits, vegetables, and berries that has the fruit sugar taken out and starches. So, I eat no fruits. I don't want a high fructosamine fructose level in my body. That's an irreversible attachment of a 5-carbon ring to my proteins as opposed to hemoglobin A1c, which is a 6-carbon ring that loosely associates and will come off if you start lowering your carbs right away. So I don't eat fruit, and I have to see who you are and where you're at. Little children/toddlers can nibble and graze, you might say, on fruits and vegetables, but in general, I'm not a supporter of these at all.


“Are bioidentical hormones safe to take?” [0:44:30]


The answer is yes. And there's a great book out there, Estrogen Matters is the title, and I would recommend you read it. I've been using natural hormones for 40 years at least, and I just see no problem. And I have tens of thousands of patients over the years, and they've only done wonderful.


“What would you treat preseptal cellulitis? Had strabismus surgery on my right eye on May 1, then developed preseptal cellulitis, diagnosed by CT scan - symptoms were pain and right side swelling around the eye and eyelid. The doctor says the infection is gone, but I still have pain, 10 days of Bactrim and clindamycin and prednisolone + ofloxacin drops. Surgery site healing well.” [0:44:57]


I think you need time. I would fast. I would fast, if you can tolerate it. I don't know your other medical problems, but I would fast for 48 hours, just on a water diet. I would stay low carb, and I would use Argentyn silver. I put a drop in my eyes every night to kill off viruses, bacteria, and fungi. I often do it in the morning as well. I inhale, I sniff up the Argentyn up my nose, and Argentyn is just a ubiquitous antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal. I use it all the time. Systemic enzymes help stop and bring down the inflammation, removing the debris from surgery. So, I would use Vitalzym or Systemic Enzymes. I would use five twice a day on an empty stomach. So first thing in the morning, last thing before you go to bed. And that will more rapidly, with a kick-off 2-day fast, help you to get that pain level down. And I would keep the enzymes going for like two more weeks twice a day, and then I’d always keep it at once a day for months.


“Hi, Dr. Rita. How many calories should a 40-year-old man and woman eat per day?” [0:46:47]


Well, most of the 70-kg weight male studies, which most of the medicine is designed after this theoretical 70-kg man, which is approximately 160-pound male, they recommend the average, depending on the activity level, a 2000-calorie per day. But you see, it's so unique, we're mostly left living these seated office lifestyles. And so, it is very different. And you said your age, you're in the 40s. Well, your healing starts now by you finding a good functional doctor who will do a metabolic panel to see what your fasting insulin is, your fasting glucose, your hemoglobin A1c sticky sugar, and your triglyceride level. That would be the first step in trying to determine how many calories you need.

So, go down that direction and get your hormone baselines, estradiol, testosterone, and for you, progesterone. And have a routine weightlifting program that you do at least twice a week, an aerobic program that you do at least twice a week for 30 minutes also, like a fast walk or jog, and be good with your water volume, drinking half your weight as pounds as ounces every day. A good sleep cycle. See a functional doctor and look at the direction that you're going to go with the guidance of your lab.


“Does driving an electric car present health issues from electromagnetic frequency exposure? If so, what can one do if they drive one?” [0:48:32]


The answer is yes. Go and get a lead-based filled cloth or a metal-filled cloth and put it over the back of your seat. I just don't like electric vehicles, and I do believe that that is an electromagnetic frequency disrupter. And since we're electrochemical beings, it does not make sense to be near these strong areas. And it's been well studied, that when you live near those electric towers, there is an electromagnetic area space around them, and we do see cancers emerge. So, when your cell membrane potential drops below 50, you will develop cancers. You can do that by eating sugars and fructose and inactivity and juices and being around late-night activities and screens and ruining your healing phase and time and recharging your battery. So, I am against electromagnetic vehicles.


“Hi, sister! Where can I get that stick you put in your water?” [0:49:53]


If you go on the internet, it's called Analemma. I have one here for at work and I have one for at home at my desk where I do a lot of studying so that I'm always drinking the highest quality water I can. It's called Analemma.


“What do you think about other naturopathic doctors who are vegan? There's so much conflicting information out there.” [0:50:25]


I feel sorry for them. There’s so much conflicting information out there. Yeah. And there’s a lot of different religious views and political views. And I do believe, if you seek the Lord with all your heart, He will lead you into all truth for He is truth. His word is truth. And we are made of protein and fat. It's not like I'm saying you can't have vegetables. It's not like I'm saying you can't have a piece of bread occasionally. But once you've injured yourself throughout the decades you've already lived, and you already have cellular damage from the glyphosate, genetically modified nutritively diminished foods out there that have been destroyed full of high fructose corn syrup, you have some repair to do. So, you have to make some decisions about that.


“Gluten/dairy-free 8-year-old is always hungry, extended stomach. Some constipation. What to do?” [0:51:29]


He needs a complete digestive stool analysis. Find a functional doctor who knows how to order those and an immuno food lab. Find out his blood type and we can get a better feel for what his metabolism is like. Get his fasting insulin, get his fasting blood sugar, his triglyceride level, and a hemoglobin A1c, and you can get a feel for his metabolic state of health of processing, because we are seeing kids already becoming diabetics with fatty livers and kids getting a liver transplant from the damage that does to the liver. So, that's where I would start.


“She was tested when she was younger for food sensitivities. Should she be tested again?” [0:52:21]


Yes, she could be updated because that's not permanent. Things change. Our immune systems change with aging.


“Dr. Rita, regarding my question about fruit. I'm 72, not pregnant. Just wondering if it's okay to mix with my protein and carbs dinner?” [0:52:34]


It depends on how much. If it's just a half-cup serving of some mixed strawberries and blueberries and blackberries, I don't see a problem there. So, yes, have it with dinner. But you need to know where your fasting sugar, triglyceride, insulin, hemoglobin A1C is, and these other aspects of your diet.


“I'm 100% carnivore and manage my regularity by adjusting the saturated fat content in my diet. Fatty red meat is the best. I supplement with butter, tallow, etc. when needed.” [0:53:15]


Yeah. Yeah, I've heard a lot of people say that, that a lot of people are underutilizing the more marbled, healthy grass-fed fats and butters in their diet. And I do, I use a lot of butter in my diet. I butter my eggs. I made like six scrambled eggs yesterday, and I must have put three tablespoons of butter on top of it and melted it in. And yeah, I agree with that statement. That does indeed help with bowel movements. Thank you for that statement.


“Dr. Rita, is brisk walking considered ‘exercise’? I do lots of yoga, Zumba, water aerobics, racquetball, but not resistance training, plus I walk about 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day.” [0:54:07]


Is brisk walking considered exercise? Yes. Well, you're getting great aerobics, but what you're also not doing is your deltoid muscles, your latissimus dorsi, your pectorals, your biceps, and then your intraspinal muscles, these need exercise to maintain their volume. So you need to do twice a week some gym heavy weight training and pushing and crunches and so forth for your upper body at least. I'm very proud of all the walking you're doing, the 8,000 to 10,000 steps. So, I'm very, very pleased with that.

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, June 25, 2024 (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.