Your Debt Repayment Minimum (2024)

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Ihave participated in the Personal Finance blogging community for awhilenow and I have begun to notice something that seems so obvious but hasn’t really been put into words in the way the I’m about to put it: the bigger your debt repayments, the higher the likelihood that you will succeed in your debt repayment goals. Or, if you’re not paying $500, $700, $1,000 each month in debt repayment-you’re going to lose momentum FAST.

How Do I Give This Idea Credibility?

Check Out the Following Bloggers:

Catherine from Plunged in Debt:that month she paid around $1500 and that was LOWER than usual

Melanie from Dear Debt: She put $1300 towards her debt that month

Michelle from Making Sense of Cents: She.Works.HARD! And this work ethic helped her crush her student loans.

Jordann from My Alternative Life: Please note what she says in October about putting an additional $1000 towards the debt.

Toni from theDebt Free Divas paid off over $100,000 and larger payments were key in achieving that goal!! *added this after post went live 🙂

Your Debt Repayment Minimum

The bigger the debt repayment that you’re making the more focused you are about the following debt repayment activities:

  • Finding side hustles-the more you focus on them, the more you’ll find. They begin to multiply like rabbits.
  • Focus-you’re too busy to lose focus on your goal. Haven’t you noticed that the busier you are the more focused you tend to get?
  • You get addictedTo the process! As you gain momentum and success you will get addicted to seeing the debt numbers drop-quickly.

You get the picture. It’s my opinion that smaller payments don’t move the needle fast enough-even if they are double the minimum for the bill that you’re paying on. The larger the payments the easier it is to gain and sustain momentum in your repayment process.

Last year I paid off 2 credit cards. I have 2 more cards to go and my student loans. My current goal is to take care of the credit cards this year and then focus on the student loans. I have to admit though that I had a substantial decrease in momentum this year.

Part of that was a shift in focusing on some issues that I want to deal with in terms of how I’m living my life. I also spent a lot of money fixing things in my home. I have to admit that it has been very surprising how much energy it has taken to focus on those things and while I’m very proud of people who can focus on everything at once, I just didn’t have the energy to do that earlier this year.

Some of you may be wondering how on earth you will find the extra money to hit such a large repayment goal?

You would be surprised. Here are some ideas

  • Cut your monthly expenses-You may have cut your expenses already. Look at more line items in your budget and cut them further. I saved over $1100 this year by changing my cell phone service. I also saved almost $2000 this year by taking items out of a storage unit. Three thousand dollars is a huge savings in one year.
  • Track your discretionary monthly expensesI’ve tracked my monthly expenses for July and found a lot of wasted money. French Farmer’s Market anyone??
  • Is Everyone on BoardIf you live in a multi-person home make sure that you are all on the same page andin agreement about your goals. Make sure to include family/whomever in all discussions concerning your finances and short-term/long-term goals.
  • Micro-resolutions-I’maddicted to these!! I will be writing a post about them next week. Micro-resolutions are basicallysmall, very clear changes that create lasting big successes. For example: I wanted to get to work much earlierthan my usual time. I wasn’t having a lot of success with that goal. I was trying to: wake up early, exercise, and do other other things. I was basically overwhelmed and started going back to sleep. Snooze is fabulous. Now, I my goal was simple: wake up and turn on light. That’s it. No exercising, nothing else. Just get up and out of bed so that I could leave early. Since I made this switch, I’ve been early to work.
  • Side HustleDevelop the ability to find and opportunities that will earn you extra money. I focus on short turn around projects that pay high hourly rates. The higher the hourly earning and shorter-time frame=more time to make more money.
  • Rent out a room in your home-Thoroughly vet a potential roommate. Remember, it’s a business transaction that happens in your home. If you get a bad vibe-trust it. Get deposits, and a very clear lease agreement
  • Work Your Food BudgetHuge. If you don’t have your food budget under control you are bleeding money….and probably gaining weight (like I did)

The point is, rock your repayment. Dig deep and rethink your process. Maybe you can’t pay $1000 extra the first month you decide to increase your payments. But, $500 is pretty good.

Go Big Or Go Home. Good luck! I’m in your corner 🙂

Your Debt Repayment Minimum (1)

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Your Debt Repayment Minimum (2)

I am an obsessive foodie, but not self-righteous with it, love travel, meeting new people, helping you look good, and am freaked out by people who don't enjoying reading...something! Grab a Perrier, read my blog, feel free to drop me a line! Hope to hear from you soon.


Reader Interactions


  1. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (4)Catherine says

    Thanks for the mention lady. I’m actually striving to put a minimum of $2100/month towards debt amd ideall id like $2500 some months will be better than others so just have to deal with ebb and flow 🙂


  2. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (6)Catherine says

    Thanks for the mention 🙂 in a good month I’m attempting to put $2,500 towards debt..yup, non mortgage debt. At least a very minimum of $2000. Sickening really but totally necessary!


  3. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (8)Toni says

    Toward the end, I was paying $1K towards the debt snowball with no pain at all. I hear you loud and clear.


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (9)Michelle says

      Toni, I’m going to add you to my list! There is just a point where the needle just needs to move faster in order to make things happen. The larger debt repayments are key to that and I’ve learned that the hard way.


  4. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (10)Michelle says

    Love this post! Yes, higher debt payments are definitely worthwhile. With payments at $500 and above, you can really see your progress and I believe that leads to more motivation.


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (11)Michelle says

      I just noticed a huge difference in my approach to debt repayment depending on the amount I was repaying. I’m in a huge reboot process right not because my momentum dropped. I’m looking forward to moving things along faster!!


  5. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (12)Dear Debt says

    If I didn’t have payments of 1k+ it would feel pointless. I STILL have almost $300 being eaten up in interest per month, so if I want it to actually move it has to be BIG. It’s tough and I hate how much I put to debt, but it’s necessary if I actually want to be debt free and not effectively double the size of my loan. Thanks for the mention, girl! 🙂


  6. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (14)Tonya@Budget and the Beach says

    I like the idea of micro goals too. Sometimes it just takes that inertia to get the ball rolling. Often times people give up goals because they are too far out of reach and so they give up. I’m also like you in that I can’t focus on a million things at one time. I’m trying to simplify my life, not make it more complicated. 🙂


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (15)Michelle says

      I’m writing about micro-resolutions next week. I can’t tell you what a HUGE difference they have made in some of my goal planning. I didn’t realize how complicated I was making my goals. They felt easy-but they really weren’t the closer I looked at them. Like you, I’m trying to keep things simple.


  7. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (16)eemusings says

    I’m not in debt but I kinda feel similarly about saving. Especially now I’m earning more, saving little dribs and drabs almost don’t feel worth it…


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (17)Michelle says

      I totally agree about saving in large focused amounts. Once I shift to aggressively saving I plan on depositing the largest amounts that I possibly can every time.


  8. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (18)lisavstheloans says

    Huge payments make the biggest difference. I miss the days when I was throwing over $500 each month towards my loans. Can’t wait to get back to that level!


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (19)Michelle says

      Summer is soooo distracting. I think a lot of us lost a little momentum in the past couple of months. It’s almost Fall and almost time to hunker down again and get it done.


  9. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (20)Kassandra says

    I agree that larger payments really help to get debt paid down or to ramp up savings. When I applied laser focus to my debt, I was paying $2k per month if not more. I had initially projected it would take five years to pay off my debt. Instead, it took me 35 months. I did whatever I could to increase my debt snowballs. Good post Michelle!


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (21)Michelle says

      Wow!! Kassandra, you killed the debt snowball! I’m really in that headspace. I’m so over debt and i’m looking forward to getting super intense and focused as I repay it. I’ve allowed my debt to be a road block to a number of things in my life and I’m no longer willing to do that.


  10. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (22)Hayley @ Disease Called Debt says

    I agree that making bigger payments is great for momentum – seeing those results happen quickly is what is needed. I like your suggestion of micro resolutions. Breaking tasks down to very small goals can start the ball rolling with what you need to do!


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (23)Michelle says

      As I re-start my debt repayment process and look back on the past year-the bigger the debt repayment the more I seemed to believe in the process of repaying the debt and I actually get it done. The smaller repayments are easier to not feel as deep a commitment to-you know what I mean?


  11. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (24)Alicia says

    Totally agree! I’m putting between $1,000 – $1,300 per month, plus any windfalls. Honestly, I would be so unmotivated if it was less. We are all pushing for debt-free and anything to make that journey as “easy” (aka quick) as possible so you need the big chunks.


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (25)Michelle says

      I just noticed that the bigger the payments, the more invested I was in the process. Then, as I read other people’s debt repayment posts, it seemed to be a similar sentiment. The smaller payments are just motivation drainers. They just take too long to lower the debt.


  12. Your Debt Repayment Minimum (26)Cecilia@thesingledollar says

    I totally agree — I LOVED making huge payments to my loans (over $2k a month for the last few months I was working on them.) I could see visible progress when I was doing that. Steadily chipping away at my credit card debt at the rate of a few hundred a month is just not as much fun, at all.


    • Your Debt Repayment Minimum (27)Michelle says

      I find that I’m so much more invested in the bigger prepayments. There is almost an addictive feeling, as I wonder how much I can make doing fun side hustles. I love the challenge of the process.



  1. […] followed whereas the smaller goals (maybe $100 a month) lose momentum quickly. It’s called Why $500-$1,000 Should be Your Individual Debt Repayment Minimum. We experienced this and find the concept rang true. It was so much easier to stay motivated when […]


  2. […] Grand It’s All About gave a shout out to my post: Why $500-$1000 Should be your Individual Debt Repayment Minimum. […]


  3. […] make focused and deliberate payments no lower than $500 a month on the smallest bill to […]


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Your Debt Repayment Minimum (2024)


What is the problem with only paying the minimum on your credit card with EverFi? ›

Paying only the minimum balance on your credit card can lead to... paying more interest. All of the following are benefits to paying the full balance on your credit card each month EXCEPT: Your credit score can decrease.

Should I make minimum payments on my credit card? ›

Experts recommend you pay the statement balance in full every month, but there are times when that may not be possible. In those cases, it's important to make at least the minimum payment so your account stays current and you don't incur any late fees or penalty APRs.

How much should go to debt repayment? ›

Many financial experts suggest the “50/30/20” rule, where you funnel 50% of your take-home income toward essential expenses, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings and debt repayments.

What is the problem with paying only your minimum? ›

Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay off your balance.

What happens if I only pay the minimum amount due? ›

A: Paying only the minimum amount due leads to prolonged debt due to accumulated interest and a higher credit utilisation ratio and can result in paying significantly more over time due to interest and fees.

What is the minimum payment? ›

What Is a Minimum Monthly Payment? The minimum monthly payment is the lowest amount a customer can pay on their revolving credit account per month to remain in good standing with the credit card company.

What is the minimum payment on a $500 credit card? ›

Percentage method: Some credit card issuers calculate the minimum payment as a percentage of your outstanding balance. This percentage typically falls within the range of 1% to 3% but can vary. For example, if your outstanding balance is $500 and the minimum payment percentage is 2%, your minimum payment would be $10.

What is an example of a minimum payment? ›

Suppose your balance (before interest and fees) is $10,000 and you've accrued $160 in interest and $38 in late fees. If your issuer calculates your minimum as 1% of the balance plus interest and fees, you'd have a minimum payment of $298.

Is it possible to negotiate credit card debt? ›

Credit card debt typically comes with high interest rates and negotiations are often an effective way to reduce those rates. However, if you're having a hard time making ends meet, it may be time to reach out to a debt relief service for a potentially faster route to debt relief.

Will credit card companies forgive debt? ›

The only way credit card companies are likely to forgive the full amount of your balances is if you file bankruptcy. However, there are other ways to get out of debt in a reasonable amount of time. For example, you may be able to have a portion of your credit card balances forgiven with a debt settlement program.

How to pay off $5000 quickly? ›

Debt avalanche: Make minimum payments on all but your credit card with the highest interest rate. Send all excess payments to that card account. Once you pay that account off, send all excess payments to your next highest rate. Repeat until all of your debts are paid off.

Is $5000 a lot of credit card debt? ›

$5,000 in credit card debt can be quite costly in the long run. That's especially the case if you only make minimum payments each month. However, you don't have to accept decades of credit card debt.

Is rent considered debt? ›

Rent is an expense of living which is normally paid monthly on the first day of the month. If you haven't paid your rent by the second day of the month, it would be considered a debt.

What is the problem with only paying the minimum on your credit card Quizlet? ›

Paying only the minimum balance on your credit card can lead to... b) paying more interest.

Why is a credit card a type of debt in EverFi? ›

Why is a credit card a type of debt? Credit cards are only used in stores and not between friends. Credit card companies charge a small fee to use them. Using a credit card is borrowing money that needs to be paid back later.

What factor has the biggest impact on a credit card everfi? ›

Your payment history and your amount of debt has the largest impact on your credit score.

Which is the best strategy for paying your credit card bill everfi? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

The best strategy for paying your credit card bill is to pay it off in full and on time every month. This means that you should aim to pay the full balance of your credit card bill by the due date each month to avoid accruing interest charges and late fees.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.