You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 14, 2024

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You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? If you’re in this situation, you might be tempted to either accept the status quo or quit your job. But there’s a better way: you can learn how to confidently and effectively ask for what you deserve. In this article, we’ll show you how to prepare, present, and handle a salary negotiation with your boss.

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You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (1)

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  • Hayim Altschuler, MSHRM PeOps at Headspace

    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (3) 1

  • Neha Gandhi Advisor | Investor | Fractional Executive | I'm a seasoned operator, strategist, and team builder with a proven track…

    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (5) 5

  • Tina Chernodub Project Manager @ CyberFox | Productivity Coach | Certified Notion Consultant

    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (7) You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (8) 3

You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (9) You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (10) You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (11)

1 Know your worth

Before you approach your boss, you need to do some research and self-assessment. Find out what the market rate is for your role, skills, and experience. You can use online tools, industry reports, or network with peers to get a realistic range. Then, evaluate your own performance and contribution to the company. How have you added value, solved problems, or exceeded expectations? How do you compare to your colleagues or competitors? Gather evidence and examples to support your case.

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  • Hayim Altschuler, MSHRM PeOps at Headspace
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    Here are three things you should always incorporate:1. Research: benchmark what others with similar titles/duties, years of experience, and who live/work in similar geographies/types of companies are being paid.2. Formulate a coherent case: in addition to the "fairness" approach embodied by benchmarking, you'll want your case to highlight specific, recent achievements where you brought more value than was expected to your team, product, company, etc.3. Ask, and follow-up: if you do not prioritize your own raise request, don't expect that others will do so for you. You need to ring the bell if you want someone to answer the door :-)


    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (20) 1

  • Patricia Garza Alejo Coach y Facilitadora en CBC/Coach (PCC) por la (ICF)
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    Creo que para negociaciones es importantes, primero negociar contigo mismo: ¿sabes cuánto vale tu experiencia? ¿qué es lo que en realidad quieres, al solicitar un aumento? ¿qué es lo no negociable o EL límite de negociación para tí (BATNA/MAAN)? ¿pides lo que quieres o lo que crees que te dará lo que quieres? Muchas veces, ir a una negociación sin tener claro estos puntos es no estar listo para negociar. Cuando te preparas para una conversación, la energía de tu seguridad despertará el interés y la curiosidad de tu contraparte, queriendo ponerse a tu lado para mirar hacia donde tu miras. Cuando el otro puede mirar hacia dónde miras, y percibir el ganar-ganar en la negociación que ofreces, el porcentaje de "venderle" tu "producto" aumenta



    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (29) 1

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    Feeling overworked and undervalued is challenging, but negotiating a raise requires preparation and confidence. Start by researching your market value and highlighting your contributions. Schedule a meeting with your manager to discuss your concerns professionally. Present evidence of your achievements and how they've benefited the company. Be clear about your desired salary increase and justify it based on industry standards and your performance. Remain open to feedback and be willing to negotiate terms that work for both parties. Remember, advocating for yourself is essential to ensure your true value is recognized and compensated fairly.


    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (38) 1


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2 Pick your timing

Timing is crucial when it comes to negotiating a raise. You want to choose a moment when your boss is in a good mood, when the company is doing well, and when you have a recent accomplishment to highlight. Avoid asking for a raise when your boss is busy, stressed, or distracted, when the company is facing challenges or losses, or when you have made a mistake or received negative feedback. Ideally, you should schedule a meeting with your boss well in advance and let them know the agenda.

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  • Tina Chernodub Project Manager @ CyberFox | Productivity Coach | Certified Notion Consultant
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    The timing of negotiating a raise is crucial and should be properly planned. You should consider not only your boss's mood but also the company's schedules and duties. Discuss the possibility of raising your funds or seek advice from HR.


    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (47) You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (48) 2


3 State your case

When you meet with your boss, start by expressing your appreciation and enthusiasm for your work and the company. Then, briefly summarize your achievements and impact, using specific numbers and examples. Next, state your salary expectations, based on your research and self-assessment. Explain why you think you deserve a raise, and how it reflects your value and potential. Be confident, polite, and assertive, but not aggressive or entitled. Avoid making threats, complaints, or comparisons.

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  • Neha Gandhi Advisor | Investor | Fractional Executive | I'm a seasoned operator, strategist, and team builder with a proven track record of building and scaling deeply engaged brands—from Refinery29 to Girlboss.
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    Frame your case for an increase in comp around the value you drive for the business. Your ask is almost never about the fact that you need it or that you are unhappy or feel under-appreciated (even if those things are true), but that it's in the best interests of the business to retain you. Draw a clear line from the work you do to the improvement of a key business metric (revenue is obviously great and the easiest case to make but user growth and/or retention, margin optimization, or operational efficiency are also real and quantifiable things many non-revenue drivers can point to) and show how retaining you as an employee will continue to drive growth looking out to the next 12-18 months.


    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (57) 5

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    Build a strong case with evidence. One thing that can be a daunting task but is so helpful is to track on a daily or weekly basis what you accomplish and how it matches up against your job description. Many managers do not have very good systems to observe and track how their team members are doing and they may fall prey to recency or primacy biases. So, it's up to us to track how our work matches up to our job description and, especially, where it goes beyond, where we assume more responsibilities, ventured out on our own initiative, and achieved great results. These are the best opportunities for us to justify greater impact and therefore even a higher raise. It's all about making a true case and being professional about it.


    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (66) 2

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    Role play this scenario with someone you absolutely trust and who believes in you. Saying it out loud and practising it will help you to identify where you struggle in your delivery and help you to fix it so that you can go into the meeting strong and confident.


4 Listen and respond

After you present your case, listen carefully to your boss’s response. They might agree, disagree, or counteroffer. They might also ask you questions, give you feedback, or request more time or information. Whatever they say, acknowledge their perspective and show respect and understanding. If they agree, thank them and confirm the details. If they disagree or counteroffer, ask them to explain their reasoning and negotiate further. If they need more time or information, follow up with them and provide what they need.

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  • Tina Chernodub Project Manager @ CyberFox | Productivity Coach | Certified Notion Consultant
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    Active listening is essential in all situations. Try to understand your boss's perspectives, principles, and motivations. Consider them right away to effectively communicate your worth to your boss. Remember to maintain a professional and assertive demeanor, even in the face of disagreement or a counteroffer, to increase your chances of a promotion.


    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (83) You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (84) 3


5 Handle the outcome

The outcome of your salary negotiation might be positive, negative, or mixed. If you get the raise you wanted, congratulations! You should celebrate your success and continue to deliver value and excellence. If you get a lower raise than you wanted, you should weigh the pros and cons of accepting it or rejecting it. You might be able to negotiate other benefits or perks, such as flexible hours, training, or bonuses. If you get no raise at all, you should ask for feedback and guidance on how to improve your chances in the future. You might also consider looking for other opportunities elsewhere.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Andrea Horvath Ready to DETERMINE and TRANSITION to Your Soul-Aligned Career or START that Business? 💥 | Crossroads to Career Clarity | Aligning you with what lights your soul on fire 🔥
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    When negotiating a raise it is important not to OVER explain and justify why the raise is warranted. Pick a couple of really tangible points as to your justification for the request, and then let it go. Keep reiterating those points. When we over-explain or over justify, we give our power away and we have the opposite effect of what we desire. We water down our reasoning.My second suggestion is to be ok with silence. If there is awkward air time, let it be.


    You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (93) 2


Personal Coaching You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (94)

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You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? (2024)


You’re feeling overworked and underpaid. How can you negotiate a raise that reflects your true value? ›

Ask with confidence and gratitude.

Discuss your research, as well as any recent achievements or accomplishments at work that you can use to support your ask and prove your worth. At the end of your meeting, be sure to thank your manager for taking the time to listen.

How do I ask for a raise when I feel underpaid and overworked? ›

Ask with confidence and gratitude.

Discuss your research, as well as any recent achievements or accomplishments at work that you can use to support your ask and prove your worth. At the end of your meeting, be sure to thank your manager for taking the time to listen.

How do you negotiate a raise if you are underpaid? ›

Start by expressing your appreciation for your job and your boss's support. Then, state your request clearly and concisely, and back it up with your evidence of value. Avoid making ultimatums, complaints, or comparisons with other employees. Instead, focus on how your raise will benefit the company and your team.

How to ask for a raise based on increased workload? ›

Tips When Asking For A Raise
  1. Plan Ahead To Negotiate That Raise. ...
  2. Use Your Work Contributions As A Leverage. ...
  3. Determine When Your Workload Increase Merits A Raise. ...
  4. Be Confident. ...
  5. Deliver Your Intent Through Writing.

How to negotiate your pay raise? ›

How to negotiate a raise
  1. Research salary data for your position. ...
  2. Reflect on your achievements. ...
  3. Practice negotiating with friends or family. ...
  4. Start with a higher figure. ...
  5. Establish a timeline. ...
  6. Discuss alternative benefits. ...
  7. Thank them for their time. ...
  8. Don't apologize.
Feb 2, 2024

How do you deal with being overworked and underpaid? ›

Are You Overworked but Underpaid? Here's What You Can Do
  1. Your salary is not aligned with your personal and professional goals. ...
  2. By talking to an expert. ...
  3. By consulting your social and professional network. ...
  4. Prepare your new salary expectations. ...
  5. Prove your worth with your past work contributions. ...
  6. Be prepared to negotiate.
Dec 19, 2023

How do you tell your boss you're overworked and underpaid? ›

Here are several steps you can take to tell your boss you have too much work:
  1. Schedule a meeting with your boss. ...
  2. Prepare what you are going to say. ...
  3. Provide specific examples. ...
  4. Focus on your work experience. ...
  5. Offer thoughtful solutions. ...
  6. Offer to help in smaller ways. ...
  7. Consider your goals. ...
  8. Remain calm.
Jul 21, 2022

How do you negotiate a pay rise example? ›

Here's an example of how a conversation may unfold: Manager: Thank you for that overview. While I agree that you've contributed a great deal to the company, a raise of X% may not be possible at this time. Employee: From my research I've learned that X% is a reasonable increase and in line with what I contributed.

How to ask for a raise when you are underpaid example letter? ›

Subject: Salary Adjustment Inquiry – [Your Name]

I recently conducted research on market rates for [Your Position] and noticed that my current salary is below the industry average. Given my valuable contributions to the team, I'd like to request a discussion about adjusting my pay to better align with industry norms.

How do you politely negotiate a higher salary? ›

Here are eight tips for how to negotiate a salary that can help you tactfully and confidently ask for what you want.
  1. Become familiar with industry salary trends. ...
  2. Build your case. ...
  3. Tell the truth. ...
  4. Factor in perks and benefits. ...
  5. Practice your delivery. ...
  6. Know when to wrap it up. ...
  7. Get everything in writing. ...
  8. Stay positive.
Dec 4, 2023

What not to say when asking for a raise? ›

What Not to Say When Asking for a Raise
  1. "I will Quit this job if I don't get a raise!" ...
  2. "I know my Co-worker makes X amount" ...
  3. "I want more money!" ...
  4. "I need a pay raise because (insert personal problems) ...
  5. "I want my salary to be increased by(x)." ...
  6. "I have received other offers from company X." ...
  7. "You are underpaying me."
Jun 7, 2023

What is a normal pay raise per year? ›

Most employers give their employees an increase of around 3% per year. Consistent job switching may have an impact on the rate at which your salary increases. Your paycheck shouldn't be the only thing on your radar, so don't forget to consider benefits and other forms of compensation.

How do I gracefully ask for a raise? ›

How to Ask For a Raise
  1. Understand why you are asking for a raise.
  2. Rehearse what you want to say.
  3. Gather salary data for your position.
  4. Bring it up to your manager before the company review cycle.
  5. Share a list of your accomplishments and impact.
  6. Ask about possible promotions.

How to negotiate salary example? ›

"I'm very excited about the position and know that I'd be the right fit for the team. I'm also excited about your offer, and knowing that I'll bring a lot of value to the table based on my experience that we discussed during the interviews, I'm wondering if we can explore a slightly higher starting salary of $80,000.

How to ask for a pay rise? ›

To professionally inquire about a pay raise, schedule a meeting with your supervisor or manager to discuss your request. Clearly and confidently express your desire for a salary increase, providing concrete reasons based on your performance, accomplishments, and additional responsibilities you have taken on.

How do you negotiate a raise when given more responsibility? ›

How to negotiate a raise or additional benefits for taking on more responsibility?
  1. Research industry standards.
  2. Highlight your achievements.
  3. Outline professional growth.
  4. Emphasise your future value.
  5. Request a performanc review.
  6. Know the difference between pay rises and promotions.
  7. Negotiate benefits instead.
May 22, 2024

How to ask for a raise when you are underpaid template? ›

Hi [Manager's Name], I recently conducted research on market rates for [Your Position] and noticed that my current salary is below the industry average. Given my valuable contributions to the team, I'd like to request a discussion about adjusting my pay to better align with industry norms.

How do you professionally say you are underpaid? ›

You might say, “As you can see, my research shows that a fair market salary range is $X-Y. Given my current salary of $Z, I believe I'm underpaid.” Give your boss room to respond and listen to what they say. They should be able to offer more insight into how the company determines salary ranges.

Is asking for a 20% raise too much? ›

Establish your target salary

Make sure to research the average salary for people in your position and industry with the same level of experience. Then, come up with a figure to give your manager when they ask. Typically, it's appropriate to ask for a raise of 10-20% more than what you're currently making.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.