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Category: Stocks
Period: January 2009 - August 2024 (~16 years)
Consolidated Returns as of 31 August 2024
Currency: USD

(Change Settings)


Initial Capital
September 2014


Final Capital
August 2024


Yearly Return


Std Deviation


Max Drawdown

43 months

Recovery Period


Initial Capital
January 2009


Final Capital
August 2024


Yearly Return


Std Deviation


Max Drawdown

136 months

Recovery Period

Live update: August 2024 (USD)


Month - August 2024

The iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF covers to the following investment themes:

  • Asset Class: Equity
  • Size: Multi Cap
  • Style: Blend
  • Region: Developed Markets
  • Country: Broad Developed Markets
  • Sector: Energy
  • Industry: Clean Energy

As of August 2024, over the analyzed timeframe, the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF obtained a -0.46% compound annual return, with a 28.98% standard deviation. It suffered a maximum drawdown of -70.79% that required 136 months to be recovered.

Disclaimer: The simulations on this website are provided in good faith but should NOT be taken as investment advice. We are not liable for any errors or actions based on this information. The authors of the website are not affiliated with the ETFs/Assets issuers. Content is for informational, educational, illustrative and entertainment purposes only.

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Investment Returns as of Aug 31, 2024

The iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF guaranteed the following returns.

Returns are calculated in USD, assuming:

  • no fees or capital gain taxes.
  • dividend reinvestment, when applicable.
  • the actual US Inflation rates.


Time Period: 1 January 2009 - 31 August 2024 (~16 years)

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Chg (%)Return (%)Return (%) as of Aug 31, 2024
1 DayTime ET(*)Sep 2024YTD
iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETFn.a.n.a.-7.620.993.40-9.846.783.92-0.46
US Inflation Adjusted return-9.200.802.39-12.112.501.05-2.94
Returns over 1 year are annualized
(*) Eastern Time (ET - America/New York)
US Inflation is updated to Aug 2024. Inflation (annualized) is 1Y: 2.59% , 5Y: 4.17% , 10Y: 2.84%

In 2023, the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF granted a 1.25% dividend yield. If you are interested in getting periodic income, please refer to the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF: Dividend Yield page.

Capital Growth as of Aug 31, 2024

An investment of 1$, from September 2014 to August 2024, would be worth 1.47$, with a total return of 46.85% (3.92% annualized).

The Inflation Adjusted Capital would be 1.11$, with a net total return of 11.01% (1.05% annualized).

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An investment of 1$, from January 2009 to August 2024, would be worth 0.93$, with a total return of -6.93% (-0.46% annualized).

The Inflation Adjusted Capital would be 0.63$, with a net total return of -37.37% (-2.94% annualized).

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Investment Metrics as of Aug 31, 2024

Metrics of iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF, updated as of 31 August 2024, provide a comprehensive overview of the portfolio's performance and risk characteristics.

These metrics include detailed data on returns, volatility, drawdowns and other key performance indicators. By examining them, you can gain insights into how the portfolio has performed over various time periods and understand its risk profile.

Metrics are calculated based on monthly returns, assuming:

  • no fees or capital gain taxes.
  • dividend reinvestment, when applicable.
  • the actual US Inflation rates.


Advanced Metrics

Time Period: 1 January 2009 - 31 August 2024 (~16 years)

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Metrics as of Aug 31, 2024
Investment Return (%) -7.620.99-3.923.40-9.84-14.066.783.92-0.46
Growth of 1$0.921.010.961.030.900.631.391.470.93
Infl. Adjusted Return (%) -9.200.80-4.192.39-12.11-18.012.501.05-2.94
US Inflation (%)1.740.190.290.992.594.814.172.842.56
Returns / Inflation rates over 1 year are annualized.


Inflation Adjusted:

Inflation Adjusted:

Deepest Drawdown Depth (%)-50.03-19.09-47.41-55.16-55.16-70.79
Start to Recovery (# months) 43*12*34*43*43*136
Start (yyyy mm)2023 092021 112021 022021 022009 06
Start to Bottom (# months)224333338
Bottom (yyyy mm)2023 102023 102023 102023 102012 07
Bottom to End (# months)1010101098
End (yyyy mm)----2020 09
Longest Drawdown Depth (%)


Start to Recovery (# months) 56
Start (yyyy mm)2023 092021 112021 022015 052009 06
Start to Bottom (# months)224332038
Bottom (yyyy mm)2023 102023 102023 102016 122012 07
Bottom to End (# months)1010103698
End (yyyy mm)---2019 122020 09
Longest negative period (# months) 12*36*48*67188*
Start (yyyy mm)2023 092021 092020 092014 092009 01
End (yyyy mm)2024 082024 082024 082020 032024 08
Annualized Return (%)-9.84-14.06-3.41-1.18-0.46
Drawdowns / Negative periods marked with * are in progress
Deepest Drawdown Depth (%)-58.24-19.45-52.73-61.72-61.72-72.78
Start to Recovery (# months) 43*12*34*43*43*138
Start (yyyy mm)2023 092021 112021 022021 022009 06
Start to Bottom (# months)224333338
Bottom (yyyy mm)2023 102023 102023 102023 102012 07
Bottom to End (# months)10101010100
End (yyyy mm)----2020 11
Longest Drawdown Depth (%)


Start to Recovery (# months) 57
Start (yyyy mm)2023 092021 112021 022015 052009 06
Start to Bottom (# months)224332038
Bottom (yyyy mm)2023 102023 102023 102016 122012 07
Bottom to End (# months)10101037100
End (yyyy mm)---2020 012020 11
Longest negative period (# months) 12*36*54110188*
Start (yyyy mm)2023 092021 092020 012015 052009 01
End (yyyy mm)2024 082024 082024 062024 062024 08
Annualized Return (%)-12.11-18.01-0.41-0.48-2.94
Drawdowns / Negative periods marked with * are in progress


Standard Deviation (%)29.5730.0032.9826.9628.98
Sharpe Ratio-0.51-0.580.140.09-0.05
Sortino Ratio-0.74-0.880.200.13-0.07
Ulcer Index12.0329.4831.2726.6444.03
Ratio: Return / Standard Deviation-0.33-0.470.210.15-0.02
Ratio: Return / Deepest Drawdown-0.52-0.300.120.07-0.01
Positive Months (%) 58.3344.4455.0052.5051.59
Positive Months716336397
Negative Months520275791


Inflation Adjusted:

Inflation Adjusted:

Best 10 Years Return (%) - Annualized3.9215.94
Worst 10 Years Return (%) - Annualized-6.59
Best 10 Years Return (%) - Annualized1.0513.02
Worst 10 Years Return (%) - Annualized-8.25


Inflation Adjusted:

Inflation Adjusted:

··· As of Aug 2024 - Over the previous 10Y
Best Rolling Return (%) - Annualized156.0048.3330.783.92
Worst Rolling Return (%) - Annualized-36.37-21.71-1.80
Positive Periods (%)50.470.596.7100.0
Best Rolling Return (%) - Annualized149.4645.7128.201.05
Worst Rolling Return (%) - Annualized-40.84-25.91-3.55
Positive Periods (%)46.764.795.0100.0
95% VaR - Value at Risk (%) - Cumulative 12.1820.3127.63
95% CVaR - Conditional Value at Risk (%)15.4125.9135.54
99% VaR - Value at Risk (%) - Cumulative 17.4929.5040.62
99% CVaR - Conditional Value at Risk (%)20.8635.3448.89
Short term VaRs: analytical
Safe Withdrawal Rate (%)77.2920.3415.5510.43
Perpetual Withdrawal Rate (%)---------1.03
% based on initial capital, inflation-adj. monthly withdrawals afterwards | Credits: BestRetirementPortfolio.com
··· All available data (Jan 2009 - Aug 2024)
Best Rolling Return (%) - Annualized156.0048.3330.7815.94
Worst Rolling Return (%) - Annualized-56.95-33.47-12.84-6.59
Positive Periods (%)48.054.968.275.3
Best Rolling Return (%) - Annualized149.4645.7128.2013.02
Worst Rolling Return (%) - Annualized-57.68-34.84-14.29-8.25
Positive Periods (%)44.051.661.271.0
95% VaR - Value at Risk (%) - Cumulative 13.4422.8731.7942.22115.8968.85
95% CVaR - Conditional Value at Risk (%)16.9128.8940.2950.30124.4374.87
99% VaR - Value at Risk (%) - Cumulative 19.1432.7545.7554.85128.0482.97
99% CVaR - Conditional Value at Risk (%)22.7739.0354.6456.95137.7782.97
Short term VaRs: analytical | 1+ year VaRs: historical data
Safe Withdrawal Rate (%)60.9916.539.534.55
Perpetual Withdrawal Rate (%)------------
% based on initial capital, inflation-adj. monthly withdrawals afterwards | Credits: BestRetirementPortfolio.com

Terms and Definitions

  • Annualized Portfolio Return: it's the annualized geometric mean return of the portfolio.
  • Deepest/Longest Drawdown: a drawdown refers to the decline in value from a relative peak value to a relative trough. The deepest (or maximum) drawdown is the maximum observed loss from a peak to a trough of a portfolio before a new peak is attained. The longest drawdown is the period observed from a peak to the subsequent peak with the greatest duration.
  • Longest negative period: it's the maximum period for which an overall negative return has been observed.
  • Standard Deviation: it's a measure of the dispersion of returns around the mean.
  • Sharpe Ratio: it's a measure of risk-adjusted performance of the portfolio. It's calculated by dividing the excess return of the portfolio over the risk-free rate by the portfolio standard deviation. The risk-free rate here considered is the 1-3 Mth T-Bill return.
  • Sortino Ratio: another measure of risk-adjusted performance of the portfolio. It's a modification of the Sharpe Ratio (same formula but the denominator is the portfolio downside standard deviation).
  • Ulcer Index: it's a measure of downside risk that quantifies the depth and duration of drawdowns in an investment portfolio.
  • Best/Worst 10Y returns: the best and the worst 10-year return over a time frame.
  • Rolling Returns: N-year returns over a time frame, calculated over all the available data source (best, worst, % of positive returns). Each rolling period, longer than the longest negative period, yielded a non-negative minimum return.
  • Value at Risk (VaR): it's an evaluation of a cumulative worst-case loss (in absolute value), associated with a probability (95%-99%) and a time horizon. For short term, it's calculated based on the expected return and standard deviation, assuming a normal distribution of monthly returns. For long term is retrieved by the historical rolling return data.
  • Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR): it represents the average expected loss if that worst-case threshold (95%-99%) is ever crossed.
  • Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR): it's the percentage of the initial portfolio balance that can be withdrawn at the beginning of each month with inflation adjustment, without the portfolio running out of money in any case (money amount withdrawal).
    For instance: Your initial invested capital is 100.000$; withdrawal rate (annualized) is 4%. This means that, in the first month, you will withdraw 100.000 * 4% * 1/12 = 333.33$. The second month, you’ll withdraw 333.33$ plus the inflation monthly rate. You’ll continue adjusting your withdraw monthly for inflation.
  • Perpetual Withdrawal Rate (PWR): it's the percentage of the initial portfolio balance that can be withdrawn at the beginning of each month with inflation adjustment, preserving the original invested capital, adjusted for inflation too.

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Correlations as of Aug 31, 2024

Correlation measures to what degree the returns of two assets move in relation to each other. It is a statistical measure that describes the extent to which the returns of one asset are related to the returns of another asset.

The following table shows the monthly correlations of iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF vs the main Asset Classes, over different timeframes. Columns are sortable (click on table header to sort).


Monthly correlations as of 31 August 2024

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Correlation vs ICLN
Asset Class1 Year5 Years10 Years30 Years


US Total Stock Market 0.69 0.65 0.63 -


US Large Cap Blend 0.65 0.62 0.60 -


US Mid Cap Blend 0.84 0.66 0.62 -


US Small Cap Blend 0.87 0.67 0.58 -


US REITs 0.81 0.58 0.53 -


US Technology 0.53 0.62 0.59 -


US Preferred Stocks 0.66 0.61 0.57 -


EAFE Stocks 0.89 0.63 0.65 -


World All Countries 0.78 0.68 0.68 -


Emerging Markets 0.70 0.65 0.68 -


US Total Bond Market 0.74 0.55 0.45 -


US Long Term Treasuries 0.76 0.37 0.24 -


US Cash 0.65 -0.23 -0.13 -


US TIPS 0.73 0.59 0.51 -


US Invest. Grade Bonds 0.75 0.63 0.57 -


US High Yield Bonds 0.80 0.63 0.62 -


US Convertible Bonds 0.82 0.78 0.75 -


International Bonds 0.68 0.52 0.42 -


Emerg. Market Bonds 0.85 0.66 0.64 -


Gold 0.21 0.28 0.24 -


Commodities -0.43 0.27 0.28 -

Terms and Definitions

Correlation values range between -1 and +1

  • A correlation of +1 indicates that the returns of the two assets move in perfect synchrony; when one asset's returns go up, the other asset's returns also go up by the same percentage, and vice versa. This perfect positive correlation implies that the assets perform similarly in different market conditions.
  • A correlation of -1 indicates a perfect inverse relationship between the returns of the two assets. When one asset's returns go up, the other asset's returns go down by the same percentage. This perfect negative correlation suggests that the assets move in opposite directions, providing a diversification benefit by reducing overall portfolio risk.
  • A correlation of 0 means that there is no linear relationship between the returns of the two assets. The returns of one asset do not predict the returns of the other.

Learn about historical correlations here: see how the main asset classes relate to each other.


A drawdown refers to the decline in value from a relative peak value to a relative trough. A maximum drawdown is the maximum observed loss from a peak to a trough of a portfolio before a new peak is attained.


Drawdown periods

Drawdown periods - Inflation Adjusted

Time Period: 1 September 2014 - 31 August 2024 (10 Years)

Time Period: 1 January 2009 - 31 August 2024 (~16 years)

Inflation Adjusted:

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Rolling Returns

For a detailed rolling return analysis, click here
iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF: Rolling Returns

A rolling return is a measure of investment performance that calculates the return of an investment over a set period of time, with the starting date rolling forward. This approach can provide a more accurate representation of the investment's historical performance and helps investors to evaluate the investment's consistency over time.


Annualized Rolling Returns

Annualized Rolling Returns - Inflation Adjusted

Time Period: 1 September 2014 - 31 August 2024 (10 Years)

Time Period: 1 January 2009 - 31 August 2024 (~16 years)

Inflation Adjusted:

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The values shown for the rolling periods represent key statistical points: the minimum, maximum, median, and the 15th and 85th percentiles. These percentiles give insight into the distribution of the data, indicating the range within which the central 70% of the values lie, while the median represents the middle value.


In which months is it better to invest in iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF?

Both the Average Return and the Gain Frequency (Win %) are useful to get an idea of what happened in the past. They are retrieved considering the time period from January 2009 to August 2024.

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For further information about the seasonality, check the Asset Class Seasonality page.

Monthly Returns

This section provides a visual/tabular representation of the performance variability in the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) ETF over time. It illustrates the distribution of monthly returns, showcasing the range and frequency of positive and negative returns.


Monthly Returns Distribution

Time Period: 1 September 2014 - 31 August 2024 (10 Years)

Time Period: 1 January 2009 - 31 August 2024 (~16 years)

63 Positive Months (53%) - 57 Negative Months (48%)

97 Positive Months (52%) - 91 Negative Months (48%)

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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