Wrongful termination attorney: Fired for Taking Your Day Off (2024)

Wrongful termination attorney: Fired for Taking Your Day Off (1)

As employment lawyers, we have heard plenty of stories about bizarre firings, such as termination over workplace arguments and fights, gossiping about a colleague’s personal life, or downloading personal files onto a work computer.

While these situations may not all seem like valid reasons to fire someone, they all were perfectly legal.

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The same is generally true of refusing to work on a day off. Most employment attorneys will agree that termination cases are difficult to win due to the at-will structure of employment in this country.

There must be a legal reason why a termination is wrongful for any liability to be imputed on the employer.

The question of termination due to taking a day off is relatively complicated, however, and will depend on the circ*mstances.

Can my Job Make me Work on my Day Off and Fire me if I Refuse?

Firing an employee during his or her day off is a complicated question in employment law. Unfortunately for most workers the answer is: yes.

You can be fired on your day off for refusing to show up at work if your employer asks you to come.

Unfortunately, the employer is not required to change your work schedule merely because you request the same.

But there are several instances where being terminated during a day off may be illegal. We will describe them here.

What Is At-Will Employment?

First, a bit of background on the employment law framework in almost all of the states would be useful to help better explain the current state of whether termination is illegal. Almost every state follows the rule of at-will employment.

This means that employees can generally be fired at any time, for any reason, no reason, or even a false reason.

This rule may seem draconian and ripe for employer abuse at first; however, the rule also benefits employees, who can choose to take any available employment and quit at any time.

Historically, the rule evolved as a response to feudalism and indentured servitude practices. Without at-will employment, landed servitude might still be common practice.

An at-will employee can be fired at any time, for any legal reason. If the employer decides to let you go, that’s the end of your job–and you have very limited legal rights to fight your termination.

If you are employed at will, your employer does not need good cause to fire you.

In every state but Montana (which protects employees who have completed an initial “probationary period” from being fired without cause), employers are free to adopt at-will employment policies, and many of them have.

In fact, unless your employer gives some clear indication that it will only fire employees for good cause, the law presumes that you are employed at will.

However, there are cases when termination will be considered unlawful.

An at-will employee can be fired at any time, for any legal reason. If the employer decides to let you go, that’s the end of your job–and you have very limited legal rights to fight your termination.

For example, you cannot be fired because of certain characteristics, such as your race, religion, or gender.

Similarly, you cannot be fired because you have complained about unlawful discrimination or harassment, or about certain health and safety violations in the workplace.

And you cannot be fired for exercising a variety of legal rights, including the right to take medical leave, to take leave to serve in the military, or to take time off work to vote or serve on a jury.

Am I Employed at Will?

Generally, employees in America are employed on an at will basis.

However, if you have signed an employment contract that promises job security you are not considered an at-will employee.

For example, if your contract says that you are hired for one year and can be fired during that time only if you commit a crime – you are not an at-will employee.

Sometimes New York employment lawyers can prove that an employee was not an at-will worker applying to unofficial statements made by the employer.

This is called implied contract and it takes a skilled lawyer to collect evidence and prove implied contract.

An implied contract may be created in several different ways.

Oral assurances by a supervisor or employer representative (e.g., “We need good people around here, you’ve got a job for life!” or “We don’t dismiss employees without giving them a chance to correct their behavior.”) may give rise to an implied contract.

Likewise, the employer’s handbooks, policies, practices or other written assurances may create an implied contract.

In the case of the implied contract it is up to the judge to decide if the contract is valid or not. Usually a court requires:

    • The employer made a clear and unambiguous promise of employment;
    • The employee relied on this promise;
    • The employee’s reliance was reasonable and foreseeable; and
    • The employee was injured as a result.

    In this case “injured” does not mean physically injured but means that you suffered a sufficient consequence because of breach of the contract.

    For example, if your new employer asks you to relocate and assures you that you are a longtime employee, and you spend a lot of time and money to relocate yourself and your family, and then your employer abruptly terminates you, this could be considered as ‘injury’.

    The implied contract is an ambiguous concept in employment law and as such, we recommend not to rely on your own judgement if you suspect you have an implied contract.

    Consult an employment lawyer to discuss your situation.

    Can you get fired for refusing to work overtime?

    Employers generally are able to require employees to work overtime hours. If you refuse to work overtime hours, your employer may be able to fire you under the Fair Labor Standards Act which is the federal overtime law. The Act does not limit how many hours a week your employer can ask you to work. Rather, the Act just requires that employers are paying overtime for any hours over the typical 40 that an employee works in a single week.

    An employee cannot generally be fired for refusing to work overtime if the overtime breaches a contract, if the employee is not paid according to state or federal law, or if working that overtime could create a health or safety hazard. Some states may have regulations as well about working overtime.

    However, there is some good news for hourly employees. Hourly employees have to be paid for all hours worked, so they will be paid for working on their days off. And if you are a non-exempt employee, meaning you are eligible for overtime, you will get overtime if working on your day off pushes you over the 40 hour work week.

    Can my employer change my work schedule without notice?

    If you are an employee, you have probably wondered if an employer can just change your work schedule. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, employers can make changes to an employee’s schedule. The Department of Labor allows work shifts to be changed not only without the consent of an employee, but without notice as well. This means that you may place yourself at risk of discipline if you are not compliant with the changes.

    However, if you have a prior agreement with your employer specifically stating that your employer cannot change your schedule, then your employer likely is not able to make those changes without consulting you. Additionally, employers cannot change your schedule if you are on leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. If you are on this leave, your employer cannot change your shifts or hours during your leave. Instead, the same scheduling must be provided upon your return. Certain industries also disallow changes to schedules, especially in instances where there is a legal limit on the number of hours someone in a certain profession can work. And finally, employers cannot make changes that would be in conflict or violation of local, state, or federal law.

    When It Is Illegal to Terminate on The Day Off?

    While at-will employment does give everyday employees the freedom to change jobs at will, it understandably has negative consequences when it seems that employees are terminated unfairly.

    For example, assume an employer sets a weekly schedule and assigns each worker a day off. An employer is permitted to thereafter change his or her mind and not allow the employee to take that day off.

    In fact, it may even be considered insubordination to refuse to work. That said, there are some common exceptions to this general rule that may apply.

    However, there are still several situations when termination on the day off could be proven wrongful.

    New York’s “One Day Rest in Seven” Statute

    Like many states, New York also has what is known as a “One Day Rest in Seven” statute.

    Under this law, certain employers are required to provide their employees at least 24 consecutive hours rest in any calendar week.

    Employers covered by this law include those operating factories, mercantile establishments, hotels, and restaurants.

    Any employer in non-compliance with this rule must answer to the New York Department of Labor.

    Wrongful termination attorney: Fired for Taking Your Day Off (2)

    So, if you have been working for six days during a week, and you are forced to work on your day off after the 6-day work-week, this is illegal.

    If you refuse, your employer has no right to fire you for this.

    Many employers consciously or through the lack of knowledge violate this rule.

    There are several exceptions for this rule as stated in Section 161 of The New York State Labor Law:

      • It does not apply for foreman in charge
      • Employees working in an industry where a continuous work process is required, under the condition that the employees do not work more than 8 hours per shift.
      • Employees working on a small (less than 7 employees) milk factories
      • Some other exotic cases, like maintaining fires, caring for live animals, setting sponges in bakeries, if this work does not require more than 3 hours on the 7th day.
      • Employees in seasonal hotels and restaurants in small rural communities
      • Employees in dry docks repairing ships

      New York law requires employers to keep a time book counting the exact time every employee worked. Failure to keep a time book could result in penalty and could be considered a violation of the Labor Law.

      Religious Accommodations Requiring Employee Time Off

      Employers cannot legally require an employee holding strict religious convictions to come into work on religious observance days.

      Under Federal and State laws, religious employees are entitled to a reasonable accommodation of their genuinely-held religious beliefs unless the accommodation poses an undue burden to the employer.

      This accommodation can require employers to permit religious employees to wear certain religious clothing at work or abstain from performing certain job duties.

      An employer’s duty to accommodate also extends to allowing religious employees time off for religious observances.

      Wrongful termination attorney: Fired for Taking Your Day Off (3)

      This means that if you are an observant Jew, your employee cannot force you to work on Saturdays. Your employer cannot make you work Easter Sunday if you are a Christian.

      As simple as this seems, this type of requirement often raises disagreements between employer and employees.

      Often employers claim that the worker is not that religious (that beliefs are not genuinely held) and refuse to provide a reasonable accommodation.

      Remember that failure to provide religious accommodations may constitute religious discrimination, which is forbidden by law.


      Do I have to answer my boss on my day off?

      The general answer is yes. If you have an at-will employment with a company, they can fire you for any reason or no reason at all. Not working on your day off could very well be a reason for an employer to terminate you, however unfair that may seem. The legal restrictions on this have to do with discrimination. If you are disputing medical leave, that is usually not something that you can be terminated for. Be sure to talk to your boss about their expectations with your days off.

      Can I get fired for not answering my phone on my day off?

      Again, you may be required to work on your days off, and this can include the need to answer your phone on your day off. If you are an hourly employee, you may be paid for the time you are spending working, including if you are taking calls on your day off. Luckily not every employer will require you to answer calls on your day off, at least not regularly. The best thing you can do is talk to your boss about what is required of you on your days off.

      How to ask for a day off on short notice?

      You may find yourself suddenly needing a day off from time to time. Unfortunately, it may not be plausible to give much advance notice every time you need time off. Once you find out you need a day off, tell your boss right away. This will give them the most time possible to change the schedule around so that your work is not as impacted by your last minute time off. Try to also choose an appropriate time to make this request. The best way to go about asking for the day off is to make it easy for your boss to allow you to take the time off. Try to figure out coverage before approaching your boss. And make sure you do not make a habit of the last minute requests.

      Can I get fired for missing one day of work?

      If you are an at-will employee, you may be fired for missing one day of work if you did not get prior authorization to miss work. Unless the employee has a legally protected disability, illness, or obligation that causes them to miss that day of work, the employee can be fired. If you are a contract employee, the provisions of the contract will outline whether the employee can be fired for missing that day of work. A typical provision in contract employee agreements is that an employee can only be fired for “just cause.” This may include missing one day of work without previous permission. The contract may have more specific terms which could disallow the employee from being fired for missing one day of work. It will depend on the terms of your specific contract.

      Can I be terminated because I was on a sick leave?

      It depends. If you are out on leave under the Family and Medical Leave act or under the American with Disabilities Act, you cannot be terminated because you took a medical leave of absence. It is also illegal to fire a person who was on leave for jury duty. If your employer forces you to come to work while on jury duty, you have a right to file a claim. If you are out on leave under the Family and Medical Leave act or under the American with Disabilities Act, you cannot be terminated because you took a medical leave of absence

      How long can you work in one day?

      Unless a worker is 15 or under, federal and state laws do not limit the number of hours in a work day.
      However, union agreements or corporate policy may step to keep working hours in check.

      Can an employer keep you past your scheduled time?

      Finally, under both Federal and State laws, employees are entitled to overtime when they work more than 40-hours in a workweek. Employers often carefully plan employee work schedules to maximize the 40-hour standard pay period to avoid paying anyone overtime. A sudden change in schedule, however, will often result in an employee working at least some amount of time over the 40-hours per workweek threshold. If a non-exempt employee works more than 40 hours in a one-week period, that employee will be owed time-and-a-half pay for each hour worked over 40 hours. According to the Department of Labor, non-exempt employees must receive overtime pay for hours worked more than 40 in a workweek at a rate not less than time and one-half their regular rate of pay. This does not apply if you are qualified as exempt.

      What to do to avoid being fired on your day off?

      Check if you are working under a contract that guarantees you a job for a certain period. Check if you have a reason to believe that there is an implied contract. Consult a lawyer about it. If you practice a religion that requires you to observe religious holidays (like Sabbath) make sure you let your employer know about this in advance. This will protect you against accusations that you’re just pretending to be religious to get a day off. Keep a time book of your hours worked. This could help if you decide to file a claim for unlawful termination. If you are confused or don’t exactly know what you are entitled to, consult an employment attorney to know your rights as an employee.

      What to do if my employer threatens to fire me if I don’t work on my day off?

      Check your time book. If you had 6 working days and 40 hours and you are called in on a day off, you have a legal right to refuse to work. Remind your employer about it. In case this is a religious holiday that you observe, inform your employer about it. If you have a written contract that guarantees your job, remind your employer that under that contract you cannot be fired for refusing to work on your scheduled day off. Document all interactions with your employer, especially if you’re informing the employer that you have a religious holiday, or you are out on medical leave. Consult an employment attorney immediately. Sometimes a qualified letter from an attorney is enough to make your employer reconsider its actions.

      If you believe that your employer has violated the law or believe that you are owed overtime, you should call an experienced employment law attorney or unpaid wages lawyer to help you resolve this issue with your employer.

      The Law Office of Yuriy Moshes provides white glove service to all our clients, and we may be able to help you resolve any issues that arise with your employer.

      Wrongful termination attorney: Fired for Taking Your Day Off (4)

      We help workers in the New York City area including all its boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island) as well as Northern New Jersey, Long Island, and Upstate New York.

      Link to SoundCloud: Fired On Your Day Off

      Wrongful termination attorney: Fired for Taking Your Day Off (2024)


      Wrongful termination attorney: Fired for Taking Your Day Off? ›

      The general answer is yes. If you have an at-will employment with a company, they can fire you for any reason or no reason at all. Not working on your day off could very well be a reason for an employer to terminate you, however unfair that may seem. The legal restrictions on this have to do with discrimination.

      Can you be fired for requesting time off? ›

      It's illegal for an employer to fire, demote, or otherwise punish an employee because they request or use their legally entitled right to work leave. Because the FMLA is a federal law, all employers subject to the law in all states must follow it.

      Can you get fired on your day off? ›

      Their authority includes the right to fire someone whenever they want, in most circ*mstances, including on an employee's day off. Firing someone on their day off might be in poor taste, but there is no legal requirement that employers have to wait for an employee to return to work before firing them.

      How do you argue wrongful termination? ›

      File a Complaint with HR

      To prepare for this crucial meeting, gather all relevant evidence, such as employment contracts, emails, and performance reviews. Clearly outline your concerns and the reasons you believe the termination was wrongful. Consider consulting a wrongful termination lawyer for guidance.

      Can you get fired for not answering your phone on your day off? ›

      So to summarize, yes, your boss can fire you for not answering your phone on your day off. Some employers are respectful of employees' time off. Others may abuse at-will employment laws and harass you consistently on your days off. In fact, they may consider it part of your job.

      Can your boss tell you you can't take time off? ›

      It is important to realize that, where paid time off is concerned, an employer can deny a time off request. The only circ*mstances where an unpaid time off request cannot be denied are in cases protected under the Family and Medical Leave Act and the California Family Rights Act.

      Can I get fired for taking a personal day? ›

      Can I be fired for using PTO? In most situations, your employer can fire you for any reason that does not violate state or federal labor laws. However, when an employer sets out a PTO policy, firing an employee simply for using their PTO may expose the employer to legal claims.

      Can my boss tell me to take the day off? ›

      Forced Time Off

      Whether an employer may require employees to take involuntary unpaid time off depends on state leave laws and the contract or collective bargaining agreement. These techniques should be part of company policy and included in the employee handbook.

      Can I refuse to come in on my day off? ›

      Normally, if you're a full-time employee, they cannot force you to work on your day off, but they can request that you do so. And if it comes to more than 40 hours a week, they have to pay your time and a 1/2.

      How many times can you miss work before they fire you? ›

      Assuming you're in an at-will employment state, you can immediately fire your employee. Though, grounds for termination also depend on your attendance policy. According to Findlaw.com, a common policy says an employee has voluntarily quit if they are absent without explanation for three consecutive days.

      What makes a strong wrongful termination case? ›

      Gathered evidence forms the backbone of any wrongful termination claim. Performance reviews, text messages, emails - they all matter here. It's important to note that proving discrimination or harassment at work often hinges on witness statements.

      What is the most you can sue for wrongful termination? ›

      While multimillion awards are possible, it is crucial to keep in mind that federal laws limit the amount of punitive and compensatory damages awarded in cases involving wrongful termination. They cannot exceed $50,000 – $300,000, depending on the number of employees working for the employer's business.

      Has anyone ever won a wrongful termination lawsuit? ›

      Precise statistics showing the win rates on wrongful termination cases each year compared to the overall number of wrongful termination lawsuits are hard to come by. Nevertheless, estimates range from as low as 30% of wrongful termination cases being successful to as high as 90% of cases succeeding.

      Can you be fired for using PTO? ›

      Well, to clarify, an employer cannot fire an employee for using their PTO, but they can deny use of it and when someone takes it anyway, then they can fire them as they can rely on the fact that they denied it and so when you used it, it violated their wishes for that period of time.

      Am I obligated to go into work on my day off? ›

      Yes, your employer can require you to work on your day off.

      If you do deny it, it is important to note that in most cases, it would be entirely legal for an employer to fire someone over refusal to come work overtime. This employer right is protected under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

      Can you get fired for saying no to working on your day off? ›

      Can I really get fired for not working on my day off? YES. As unfair as it may seem, in most states, employers and employees have an "at-will employment" agreement.

      Can you get fired for asking for a leave of absence? ›

      Your employer cannot fire you for taking leave, interfere with your ability to take leave, deny a valid leave request, or retaliate against you for exercising your right to take leave. In general, your employer must give you back the same job when you return from leave.

      How often is it okay to request time off? ›

      In order to avoid workers requesting time off too often, you can make a rule of thumb that states that only three time-off requests can be submitted per month.

      Is it possible to request time off from work? ›

      As long as your employer's policy states that you're entitled to time off, you're able to ask for this whenever necessary. While it's important to remain considerate of the organization's workload and needs, don't hesitate to request PTO or unpaid time off if you want to take it.

      Does an employer have to approve time off? ›

      In many cases, employers have the discretion to deny or approve requests for the use of paid time off (PTO request), including vacation time and a vacation request, sick time, or other forms of a paid time off request. However, there are certain limitations and legal considerations regarding the denial of PTO.

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      Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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      Author information

      Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

      Birthday: 1993-07-01

      Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

      Phone: +22014484519944

      Job: Banking Officer

      Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

      Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.