Write A Strong Personal Statement with These 12 Tips (2024)

Applying for college, fellowships, and graduate school is stressful; it can be daunting to select potential schools, take standardized tests, and secure letters of recommendation. The choices you make now will determine your future.

More than any other part of the application process, many people fear writing their personal statement. There’s good reason to take it seriously: competitive programs use personal statements to evaluate fit and identify candidates they think will make a lasting impact.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a crucial part of the application process. It helps you share who you are beyond your grades and show your personality. It describes your achievements, talents, interests, and goals. It’s an opportunity for you to tell a cohesive story that highlights your past and paints a picture of your future.

For new college applicants, the pressure to perform and adapt is immense. Each school may have different length requirements, and with 200-, 500-, and 900-word options, it’s easy to get stuck trying to write the story of you in so many ways, while keeping it fresh and authentic.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you’re returning to school or applying for fellowships and grants after several years in the workforce, you’ve come to rely on your resume and cover letters, so the length and topic may present a challenge. Many applicants with professional experience struggle with the unfamiliar task of writing 500 to 900 words about themselves.

How Do You Write a Good Personal Statement?

The personal statement is an important part of your application. You can prepare your best personal statement with these tips:

1. Do your research

You’re likely applying to multiple schools, and while you might be applying to as many as you can just hoping one will take you (I’m looking at you, potential med students), you chose each school for a reason.

Reusing part of your essay for different schools is fine, but tailoring part of your personal statement to each program shows admissions you identified concrete, compelling reasons you want to attend their institution. Connecting your interests or history with a professor’s research or a relevant student organization shows you want to be involved in that school, not just show up for classes.

2. Work on your personal statement early

Writing a compelling personal statement will take longer than you think, and you may have to start over more than once, so begin the process early. Think about the topic, themes, and takeaways you want to include in your personal statement; consider how your specific experiences relate. Before you write, conceptualize how everything fits together and what you want your reader to remember. Once you have an outline for your story, start your first draft. Getting through the first draft will help prevent procrastination.

3. Leave time for feedback and editing

Because you know the full story of your life, it’s easy to write a personal statement that feels cohesive and powerful to you, but seems unclear, fragmented, or contrived to the reader. Don’t wait until a week or two before the deadline—seek early feedback from specialists who can help you improve. The sooner a counselor or editor receives your draft, the more time they will have to carefully review it; they may even have time to review a second draft. If you start late or don’t leave time for feedback, admissions committees will see a weaker and less compelling version of your story. Since you only get one chance, make it count.

4. Think about your audience

Though your personal statement might be about you, it’s not for you. To keep your audience front-of-mind, before writing your first draft, ask yourself: Who will read your personal statement? What factors will they use to make a decision? How will you show the reader you’re a perfect fit for the school or program you’re applying to? What do you want your reader to remember about your story? These questions can help you craft a strong, focused personal statement.

5. Know what your personal statement adds

Your application package should present one consistent story; and your personal statement should seamlessly fit into that story without feeling repetitive or contradictory. Approach your personal statement like a necessary ingredient rather than a summary of your application package or a complete memoir of your life—it need not include everything that’s ever happened to you. Your personal statement can be your opportunity to discuss a topic you wanted to cover in your application but couldn’t because of limited space; express more thoughts about a specific subject or something you’d want people to remember you for; or share your success story. Know your purpose and revise until it’s clear.

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WordRake editing software is a second pair of eyes to help polish your writing.

Write A Strong Personal Statement with These 12 Tips (1)

Write A Strong Personal Statement with These 12 Tips (2)

6. Start with a strong opening sentence and introduction

The opening sentence and introductory paragraph will set the tone for your personal statement. Will your reader begrudgingly endure your statement or will they read on with interest? It all depends on how you start. A surprising, humorous, touching, or unique opener can win over your reader. Whatever you write, make sure it fits your personality and connects with the rest of your statement.

Coming up with that perfect opening sentence can be a challenge, so take your time. If you’re stuck, you can come back to your opening sentence or paragraph. It’s sometimes easier to write the opening after you’ve reached the conclusion. You can also try deleting the first few sentences, which may be aimless throat-clearing, to see if that creates an energizing introduction.

7. Connect your story to your dream program

Your personal statement should connect your history to your future in your dream program. Explain why you’re applying and how the program will help you achieve your goals. Be specific. Invite the reader to imagine your future with you, and make it memorable—“show, don’t tell.” Consider writing about your intended major, research, or career path; how you discovered your program and what inspired you to apply; and why the experience is important to you. If you’re stumped, try writing about the program’s location, internship opportunities, or extra-curricular activities.

8. Leave some subjects out of your personal statement

With a name like personal statement, you might think there’s no limit to how personal you can be, but that’s a mistake. Unless the prompt from your program specifically asks you to discuss controversial topics such as religion or politics, avoid them. Respect boundaries: don’t overshare. Leave out irrelevant or outdated experience. If you’ve already graduated from college, steer clear of experiences or accomplishments you’ve had in high school or earlier.

Your personal statement should help the reader get to know you and make them want to learn more. Write about your unique achievements, interests, experiences, qualities, or opinions. Avoid irrelevant or inappropriate topics—they won’t make you memorable for the right reasons.

9. Don’t worry about word counts for your first draft

Outlines, lists, unrelated paragraphs—first drafts can take many different forms. However you write your first draft, remember it’s not your final draft, so it need not abide by the word limit or every punctuation rule you’ve ever learned. You just need to get your ideas on paper; expanding on or condensing them can come later.

10. Write in active voice

A personal statement should not read like a long-form, detached summary of your resume. Don’t forget that you’re telling a story. Use the active voice to make sure you’re the star of your story and use action verbs to set the pace and drive engagement. Falling into passive voice minimizes your presence in the story and diminishes the value of your experience, judgment, and decision-making. Use “I” in your sentences and don’t use “allowed,” “gave,” or similar words which make you the receiver of a particular action. Choose dynamic verbs that capture your reader’s imagination; weak, generic verbs won’t hold your reader’s attention or make a lasting impression.

11. Make your personal statement concise

Concise is compelling, so choose your words carefully. When you don’t waste words, you show you’re confident about your message and delivery. Long words, winding sentences, redundant phrases, filler words, and unclear language make you seem uncertain about your story or insecure about yourself. They also slow down reading, which bores the reader and encourages nitpicking about writing style. Focus on clarity and brevity to wow your reader with a captivating personal statement.

12. Choose your editors carefully

You obviously want to choose editors who write well, but it’s also important they know you well. Your friend’s sister’s girlfriend who works as a copy editor might make good grammar suggestions, but she won’t know if you’re writing in your own voice. If an editor encourages you to use long words and jargon, or to take other approaches that don’t come naturally to you, find a different editor. An editor who is a good fit won’t let their prescriptive ideals overwhelm your authentic voice. Don’t get caught up in spelling and grammar errors before you know you’ve expressed the ideas you want to convey. Friend’s sister’s girlfriends, and editing software like WordRake, will be there when you’re ready to polish your draft.

Impress Your Reader with a Polished Personal Statement

The key to writing a good personal statement (or any other document) lies in revising and editing until you create a polished piece that explains why you have applied to a specific school or fellowship. Editing features in Microsoft Word’s grammar checker and spell checker can help, and add-ins like WordRake will suggest ways to clean up and clarify your writing so your message is clear to the reviewing committee.

With WordRake’s help, you can:

  • Edit your essay for plain language
  • Cut unnecessary introductory phrases
  • Improve the pace with shorter words and sentences
  • Remove filler words and redundancies
  • Correct usage errors
  • Detect high-level grammar and punctuation errors
  • Stay under maximum word limits
  • Write using professional style and tone

Make sure your personal statement shows your personality and your writing skills. Try WordRake on your personal statement (and anything else you write) for the next seven days for free at wordrake.com/trial.

Examples of Edits WordRake Makes to Personal Statements

Being a perfectionist, I often tore up my work in frustration at the slightest hint of imperfection. As a result, I was slowly falling behind in my art class, so I had to seek out alternative options alternatives to actualize the ideas I had my ideas in my head. Oftentimes Often that meant using mixed media or experimenting with an abundance of many unconventional materials like newspaper or cardboard. Eventually I went on to win won several awards, showcased my art in numerous many galleries and magazines, and became President of the National Art Honors Society. Taking four years of art hasn't just taught me to be creative; it's taught me that there are a plethora lot of solutions to a problem.

WordRake improves the pace of reading by reducing the number of words used to convey a thought (ex. changing "seek out alternative options" to "seek alternatives"). Removing extra words can help the applicant meet word limits and keep the attention of the reader evaluating their application. WordRake also helps writers see where they can trade complex words for short, familiar words, lowering the mental load for the reader so they can quickly read the personal statement while still absorbing full meaning.

Irregardless Regardless of these impediments, I have sustained an exemplary scholastic record, buoyed by an unyielding resolve to transcend the bounds of my initial circ*mstances through the pursuit of tertiary education. My ambition is to harness a variety many of the opportunities proffered offered by San Jose State University for the development developing and advancement of advancing my career path.

WordRake identifies nominalizations (which can become mind-numbing for readers) and helps writers create more engaging sentences by suggesting edits for how they can use active voice instead. In this example, WordRake's track-changes style editing suggestions offer clear, non-judgmental feedback showing the writer they can change "irregardless" (which is not commonly accepted in formal writing) to "regardless." Using the former word may have distracted the reader from the content of the personal statement. With WordRake, it becomes a non-issue—the writer can find and switch out this word in seconds.

As I reach out to express my interest in UC San Francisco, I carry with me not only the pride of being a first-generation college student but also a profound sense of purpose. I have the aspiration aspire to become a scientist, driven by a personal mission to make a contribution contribute to the medical field and to develop and implement create a cure for the cancer that afflicts my grandmother.

WordRake helps writers better convey meaning by cleaning up extra words that clutter the page and weigh on the reader's already busy, tired brain. Here, WordRake finds more nominalizations and offers clear suggestions for how to use more verbs for active voice (ex. change "have the aspiration" to "aspire"). WordRake software also identifies where writers can remove redundant words that don't add meaning to the sentence (ex. "express" does not need "reach out").

Unfortunately, I have decided to choose chosen a career different from my family's wishes. Their recommendation was to focus They recommended focusing on engineering, which has led to a difficult situation regarding financial support. My family, staunch in their belief in a scientific career, will not provide financial assistance for assist my education in the arts. Therefore, So I am humbly requesting asking for financial aid to help me pursue my passion for music and dance at your esteemed institution.

Writers may think that using nominalizations will help them sound more professional. However, condensing these phrases helps to make meaning more immediately clear by reducing the mental burden on your reader. For example, "they recommended focusing " can be processed by readers more quickly than "their recommendation was to focus." When readers instantly understand your meaning, it is easier for them to connect with what you've written and share with others why they think you are a strong candidate.

Clear, concise writing makes an impact, so it's worth it to polish your writing. In seconds, WordRake helps you edit your personal statement to improve brevity and simplicity. Thoroughly edit your writing to tip the scales in your favor. Try WordRake free for 7 days.

About the Author

Caroline Engle is WordRake’s Marketing Communications Specialist. She convinced WordRake to hire her as an intern after placing in editing competitions and writing a novel in a month. When she isn’t editing or writing copy, coordinating conference logistics, or helping improve WordRake’s functionality, she’s reading, going on ten-mile walks, or looking up flight prices. Connect with her on LinkedIn here.

Get an in-house editor at your fingertips for 35 cents a day.

WordRake editing software is a second pair of eyes to help polish your writing.

Write A Strong Personal Statement with These 12 Tips (3)

Write A Strong Personal Statement with These 12 Tips (2024)


How to write a strong personal statement? ›

Address your strengths, experiences and accomplishments. It is important to be specific by using examples from your experiences to support your statements. Do not make assumptions, use clichés or state the obvious. Conclude the statement by summarizing everything that was previously addressed.

What is a good example of a personal statement? ›

I am ready to commit to full time study and have much to contribute to university life. I realise that I am most interested in people, what makes them the people they are and how this manifests in their behaviour and opinions.

What is a powerful opening statement for a personal statement? ›

'The best opening sentences refer to experiences – students need to think about what stands out to them regarding their relationship with their chosen subject… their interest in the subject may have been generated from work experience, voluntary work, hobbies/interests or even from studying it at A Level. '

How do I start my personal statement? ›

Just start by showing your enthusiasm for the subject, showcasing your knowledge and understanding, and sharing your ambitions of what you want to achieve. Avoid cliches! Remember, this opening part is simply about introducing yourself, so let the admissions tutor reading your personal statement get to know you.

How to write a short statement about yourself? ›

How to write a personal statement
  1. Read the instructions.
  2. Ask yourself questions before you begin.
  3. Introduce yourself.
  4. Write a captivating opening sentence.
  5. Expand on relevant skills, interests and experiences.
  6. Conclude your statement.
  7. Proofread and edit.
May 17, 2024

What is a good example of a statement? ›

A statement is true if what it asserts is the case, and it is false if what it asserts is not the case. For instance, the statement “The trains are always late” is only true if what it describes is the case, i.e., if it is actually the case that the trains are always late.

What is a good last sentence for a personal statement? ›

To do this, take the most heart-moving story from the body of your personal statement on what inspired you to apply for your course. Mention the main idea of it in a sentence or two, then end with a “for this reason, I believe pursuing [mention course] is the best way to achieve my [state your why].

What are the three parts of a personal statement? ›

MAP the parts of your personal statement
  • Let's start with the M – Motivation. What makes you tick? Why have you made the decisions you have made? ...
  • Next, the A – Aspiration. Where is your bigger vision? ...
  • Finally, the P – Perspiration. When and how do you really have skin in the game?
Aug 24, 2023

What is a strong statement example? ›

A strong thesis statement is specific.

A thesis statement should show exactly what your paper will be about, and will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic. For example, if you're writing a seven-to-ten page paper on hunger, you might say: World hunger has many causes and effects.

How to start a statement? ›

Write an introduction

If you're writing a personal statement, you should explain why you're interested in the job or the degree program and express your enthusiasm. You should have a strong opening sentence that references parts of the program or job and how it aligns with your interests and experience.

How to write a good hook for a personal statement? ›

There are several standard approaches to writing a hook that can work well for many different types of writing:
  1. An intriguing rhetorical question.
  2. A suprising fact or statistic.
  3. A relevant quotation.
  4. An interesting anecdote.
  5. An evocative image or description.
  6. A common misconception.
Jan 4, 2023

How do you write a powerful opening statement? ›

Going Deeper: Ways to Improve the Opening Statement:
  1. Story telling is at the heart of a good opening.
  2. A story paints a vivid picture – walk jury through it with each witness.
  3. Use active voice.
  4. Use language that reinforces your themes.
  5. Create interest but don't tell everything.

What are good sentence starters for personal statements? ›

Example sentence starters

In my free time I enjoy... After school I dedicate a lot of time to... It is important to me because... In the future I hope to become a...

What does a strong personal statement look like? ›

A personal statement is a chance to tell your university all about you - a good personal statement is one that showcases your passion for the subject, what inspired you to apply for the course you're applying for and why you think you would be an asset to the university.

What is a good structure for a personal statement? ›

There's no one 'correct' way to structure your personal statement. But it's a good idea to include the following: A clear introduction, explaining why you want to study the course. Around 75% can focus on your academic achievements, to prove how you're qualified to study it.

How do you show strengths in a personal statement? ›

Write concise summaries and stories that demonstrate your strengths, e.g. how your strengths helped you to achieve certain goals or overcome obstacles. Summarize your research experience(s). What were the main project goals and the “big picture” questions?

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.