World's Most Strongest Jobs in the World | Strongest in the world (2024)

Stress is a big part of our daily lives and most of it comes from the type of work that we do. Certain professions naturally come with higher stress levels while others take us completely by surprise.

World's Most Strongest Jobs in the World | Strongest in the world (1)Naturally, most people think that they have the most stressful job in the world and no other is more difficult than theirs. But just how stressful is their job really?

According to CareerCast’s annualJobs Rated report, these are the 20 most stressful jobs in the world.

20. Sports Referee

How difficult can standing on the side of the pitch, deciding penalties and judging the winners really be? With constant verbal abuse and death threats, a job as a referee can cause a lot of uneasiness. Along with numerous sleepless nights and lots of travelling to sporting venues, workers in this profession can get very stressed out.

Average Salary:$47,666 (£33,780)

19. Teacher

Althoughteachingis a fulfilling job with great holidays, it’s also a hectic position, and one without a hefty paycheque to show for it. People in this career tend to work out of hours to ensure their pupils’ work is marked and lesson plans are completed. They also deal with a variety of different personalities, including disruptive students.

Average Salary:$45,015 (£31,901)

18. Telephone Operator

Sitting at a desk and talking to people all day sounds like the easiest job in the world. However, when you’re dealing with angry customers and have a ridiculous amount of targets to hit in order to get a paycheque at the end of the month, you’ll soon be feeling the strain. While some people thrive in a competitive office, it can make others crumble under the pressure.

Average Salary:$32,000 (£22,678)

17. Mental Health Counsellor

For obvious reasons, working as a mental health counsellor can be quite stressful. You’ll need to have a calming nature to do well in this career, as well as be able to handle heavy workloads to help your patients get better through addressing emotional and mental disorders. Patients can often be verbally or physically abusive.

Average Salary:$39,943 (£28,311)

16. Social Worker

Social workersnever know what they are going to face when they start their working day. Depending on their line of work, they could care for patients who are elderly, children, sick or with mental health problems. Late nights and long shifts can also take a toll on their health and personal life, but the satisfaction of making a positive impact on someone’s life can make all the stress worthwhile.

Average Salary:$44,019 (£31,200)

15. IT Manager

Many seem to think that IT staff have it easy but being responsible for the whole company’s IT processes can cause quite a bit of strain, especially if there are any faults and the entire system goes down. In this role, you’ll need to quickly develop yourleadership skillsand be able to think on your feet and come up with quick, effective solutions – and this can be stressful, to say the least.

Average Salary:$84,329 (£59,771)

14. Paramedic

Being aparamedicis an extremely stressful and emotionally challenging job – you just never know what you’ll be faced with when you respond to an emergency.According to a piece in theGuardian, written by a current paramedic working for the NHS, ‘4 of the 30 paramedics at my ambulance station have been off with stress over the last few years. They just couldn’t face coming in for another run of 14- or 15-hour shifts’.

Average Salary:$45,021 (£31,910)

13. Bartender

Many think that being a bartender and getting paid to drink and hang out in bars isn’t even a real job. However, the truth is that it can be stressful, what with the added pressure from drunk customers to be served first, as well as spending hours on end on your feet and travelling home late at night.

Average Salary:$29,508 (£20,915)

12. Lawyer

Lawyersare usually tough characters that can take on the added pressure and handle difficult situations and personalities. The long hours and burden to win a court case can be extremely demanding and will leave many people in this role feelingburned outat some point in their career.

Average Salary:$81,562 (£57,811)

11. Surgeon

Surgeonsoperate on patients, treat injuries and deal with a number of hiccups and unexpected circ*mstances during an operation. They have the added stress not to make a wrong decision that can end in a fatal error.

Average Salary:$255,207 (£180,874)

10. Taxi Driver

What can make driving around all day so bad? Drunk and rude passengers, lunatic drivers, rush hour traffic and bad weather are just a few reasons worth mentioning! Being stuck in a car and dealing with a number of these issues can make any working day very stressful for a taxi or Uber driver.

Average Salary:$29,574 (£20,960)

9. Senior Corporate Officer

If you’ve made it to the highest step of the ladder in your company, it wouldn’t have come without additional responsibilities (and pressure). Being the go-to person for important decisions and spending hours outside those specified in your contract to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible is bound to take a toll on you at someone point or another.

Average Salary:$181,210 (£128,429)

8. Public Relations Executive

PR executives are responsible for the reputation of their clients or the company they work for. They’ll need to work at all hours to ensure their client receives the best coverage and to book deals and appearances to heighten their visibility. As you can imagine, dealing with celebrities and public figures can take a lot of nail-biting to ensure no relationships are tarnished.

Average Salary:$107,320 (£76,061)

7. Broadcaster

As a broadcaster, you’ll be responsible for reporting and announcing breaking news on television. This isn’t a position for the camera-shy, as you’ll need to be a goodpublic speakerand be able to handle tricky situations (from technical errors to an interviewee acting out).

Average Salary:$56,680 (£40,167)

6. Reporter

As a news reporter, you don’t know what kind of dangerous locations you’ll be whisked off to, and with little notice. Your days can vary from being in the studio to a battlefield. Once you have the news piece, you’ll need to rush off to get it published before your competition does – all for a low salary.

Average Salary:$37,820 (£26,801)

5. Event Coordinator

Can you imagine arranging a bridezilla’s big day? Everything has to be just perfect, otherwise she’ll blow the roof and tarnish your reputation, leaving you with nothing but a headache at the end of it. Coordinating big events can be stressful when things start to go wrong, like typos on the seating arrangements or the wrong flavoured cake. You’ll need to have good connections and be a good problem-solver to survive in this cutthroat industry.

Average Salary:$47,350 (£33,555)

4. Police Officer

Police officers put their lives on the line every day, dealing with life-threatening situations such as armed robberies and making arrests of dangerous criminals. This, of course, causes a large amount of stress and other health problems. The good news is that their salary is quite high.

Average Salary:$61,600 (£43,653)

3. Airline Pilot

Being the sole person responsible for the safety of hundreds of passengers can be extremely stressful, as can last-minute changes in schedules and long hours of being in the air. The high salary makes the stress level ofairline pilotsworthwhile.

Average Salary:$105,270 (£74,602)

2. Firefighter

Firefighters risk their lives and limbs on a daily basis for the safety of others. They don’t know how dangerous the fire will be and how many people they’ll need to save on that day. Last-minute shift changes can also add a strain on their personal lives, as they won’t be able to make any plans in advance.

Average Salary:$48,030 (£34,037)

1. Military Personnel

The most stressful job for 2018 is that ofmilitary personnel. As you can imagine, being away from home for often months at a time in warzones can be extremely traumatic. The fear of injuries and casualties can cause great anxiety, with ‘many troops left with psychological problems and post-traumatic disorder,’ according toCBS News. In fact, ‘30% of them developing mental problems within 3 to 4 months of being home.’

Average Salary:$26,054 (£18,463)

World's Most Strongest Jobs in the World | Strongest in the world (2024)


What is the #1 hardest job in the world? ›

What is the #1 hardest job in the world?
  • Military. Coming first on our list of the hardest jobs in the world is the military.
  • Healthcare Worker. ...
  • Alaskan Crab Fisherman. ...
  • Iron and Steel Worker. ...
  • Roofer. ...
  • Cell Tower Climber. ...
  • Firefighter. ...
  • Oil Rig Worker. ...

What is highest paid job in the world? ›

Get Matched!
  • Anesthesiologist. #1 in Best Paying Jobs. ...
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. #2 in Best Paying Jobs. ...
  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist. #3 in Best Paying Jobs. ...
  • Surgeon. #4 in Best Paying Jobs. ...
  • Orthodontist. #5 in Best Paying Jobs. ...
  • Physician. #6 in Best Paying Jobs. ...
  • Psychiatrist. #7 in Best Paying Jobs. ...
  • Nurse Anesthetist.

What is the hardest job on earth? ›

Top 30 Hardest Jobs In The World
  1. Military. Coming first on our list of the hardest jobs in the world is the military.
  2. Healthcare Worker. There is just no rest for a health worker once the shift begins. ...
  3. Alaskan Crab Fisherman. ...
  4. Iron and Steel Worker. ...
  5. Roofer. ...
  6. Cell Tower Climber. ...
  7. Firefighter. ...
  8. Oil Rig Worker. ...
Sep 6, 2022

What's the most stressful job? ›

According to the report, the top 10 most stressful jobs are:
  • Anesthesiologist assistants.
  • Judges, magistrate judges, and magistrates.
  • Telephone operators.
  • Acute care nurses.
  • Obstetricians and gynecologists.
  • Public safety telecommunicators (911 operators)
  • First-line supervisors and retail sales workers.
  • Nurse anesthetists.
Dec 15, 2022

What is the number 1 stressful job? ›

(Gray News) - Urologists have the most stressful job in the United States, according to a new report. The report released this week by the Department of Labor's Occupational Information Network lists what they found to be the most stressful jobs in the country. The findings are based on 873 occupations.

What is the easiest job? ›

The top easiest jobs to get are waiting tables, a customer service specialist, and a retail clerk. Most of these jobs listed require great customer service skills and strong communication skills. It's important to remember that your idea of an easy job may differ from another person, so find a job that fits your needs.

What are the top 3 jobs? ›

You can also explore the best paying jobs and other more specific career rankings.
Here are the best jobs of 2023:
  • Software Developer.
  • Nurse Practitioner.
  • Medical and Health Services Manager.
  • Physician Assistant.
  • Information Security Analyst.
  • Physical Therapist.
  • Financial Manager.

What is the happiest job on earth? ›

Agriculture, logging and forestry have the highest levels of self-reported happiness — and lowest levels of self-reported stress — of any major industry category, according to our analysis of thousands of time journals from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' American Time Use Survey.

What is the unhappiest job in the world? ›

And the unhappiest are:
  • Product Manager.
  • Senior Web Developer.
  • Technical Specialist.
  • Electronics Technician.
  • Law Clerk.
  • Technical Support Analyst.
  • CNC Machinist.
  • Marketing Manager.

What's the hardest job in America? ›

What Are Considered the Hardest Jobs in America?
  • Coal Miners. Coal is a natural resource that lies beneath the earth and is regularly used in America to produce electricity, among other things. ...
  • Broadcast News Analysts. ...
  • Logging Workers. ...
  • Line Installers and Repairers.

What job causes the most depression? ›

As reported by the Insider, these professions have high rates of suicide and depression:
  • Emergency medical technicians (EMTs)
  • Construction workers.
  • Childcare workers.
  • Doctors.
  • Nurses.
  • Restaurant workers.
  • Humanitarian workers.
  • Lawyers.

What is an extreme job? ›

BusinessWeek reports that the average employee has a job that requires them to work 50 or more hours a week. Career experts have coined occupations with 50-hour workweeks as "extreme jobs." A few examples of these extreme jobs can be found in the health-care industry, legal profession or manufacturing.

Which job is hard? ›

Military personnel

All military roles have their difficulties, but challenging roles such as a marine and mercenary are among the hardest in the world. These positions require soldiers to put their lives at risk on a daily basis.

What is the most comfortable job? ›

Here are 27 fun and lower-stress career paths to consider.
  1. Audiologist. Average Annual Salary: $81,030. ...
  2. Art Director. Average Annual Salary: $97,270. ...
  3. Dental Hygienist. Average Annual Salary: $77,090. ...
  4. Geologist. Average Annual Salary: $93,580. ...
  5. Food Technologist. ...
  6. Librarian. ...
  7. Technical Writer. ...
  8. Biostatistician.
Feb 12, 2022

What is the most stress free job? ›

  • 14 Low-Stress Jobs.
  • Data Scientist.
  • Dietitian.
  • Medical Records Technician.
  • Massage Therapist.
  • Appliance Repairer.
  • Librarian.
  • Diagnostic Medical Stenographer.

What are the 5 most stressful jobs in the world? ›

Top 5 most stressful jobs
  • Social/support worker.
  • Teacher.
  • Police officers.
  • Health care professional.
  • Prison officer.
  • How to deal with stress at work.

What is highest paying job in USA? ›

What is the highest paying job? Spoiler: It's in medicine.
  • The highest paying jobs in the U.S. are all in medicine, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • Chief executives and airline pilots are also among the highest paid professions.
3 days ago

What's an easy high paying job? ›

Easy, good, paying jobs include pet care, dog walking, home sitting, technical writing, patient care, delivery driving, massage therapy, and political science jobs. Most of these jobs only need the skill set and perhaps a post-secondary qualification.

Which job is best for girls? ›

Top 10 Best Career Options For Women And Girls In India 2022
  1. Human Resources. A highly sought-after corporate job in the present-day world is the Human Resource Manager. ...
  2. Doctor. ...
  3. Data Scientist. ...
  4. Fashion Designer. ...
  5. Journalist. ...
  6. Banker. ...
  7. Career Counselor. ...
  8. Interior Designer.

What are the top 5 professions? ›

The best careers are mainly in the healthcare and technology fields. In fact, the top 10 careers are all in these two fields. Dentist, Nurse, Pharmacist, Physician, Physical Therapist, Dental Hygienist for healthcare and Systems Analyst, Database Admin, and Software Developer and Web Developer for technology.

What is the most good job? ›

Top 11 Highest Paying Jobs in India
  • Medical Professionals (Doctors and Surgeons)
  • Data Scientist.
  • Machine Learning Experts.
  • Blockchain Developer.
  • Full Stack Software Developer.
  • Product Management.
  • Management Consultant.
  • Investment Banker.
Jan 12, 2023

Which is the best job in USA? ›

What are the best jobs in the U.S.?
  • Data Scientist.
  • Development Operations Engineer.
  • Marketing Manager.
  • Occupational Therapist.
  • HR Manager.
  • Electrical Engineer.
  • Strategy Manager.
  • Mobile Developer.
Dec 30, 2022

What is the least paid job in USA? ›

Laundry and dry-cleaning workers are the lowest paid workers in the United States, earning a median wage of $432 per week, or $22,464 per year. These jobs are most common in densely-populated areas with high shares of renters who do not usually own a washing machine.

What are good paying jobs that aren't 9 5? ›

Hate the 9-to-5? 15 Cool Careers with Unconventional Hours
  • Freelance Web Designer.
  • Nurse.
  • Real Estate Agent.
  • Social Media Consultant.
  • Political Campaign Manager.
  • Personal Trainer.
  • Air Traffic Controller.
  • Graphic Designer.

What is the lowest pay in America? ›

The federally mandated minimum wage in the United States is 7.25 U.S. dollars per hour, although the minimum wage varies from state to state. As of January 1, 2023, the District of Columbia had the highest minimum wage in the U.S., at 16.50 U.S. dollars per hour.

What is the hardest job in America? ›

What Are Considered the Hardest Jobs in America?
  • Coal Miners. Coal is a natural resource that lies beneath the earth and is regularly used in America to produce electricity, among other things. ...
  • Broadcast News Analysts. ...
  • Logging Workers. ...
  • Line Installers and Repairers.

What is the poorest job in USA? ›

25 of the Lowest Paying Jobs
  • Cooks. ...
  • Fast-Food and Counter Workers. ...
  • Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers. ...
  • Dishwashers. ...
  • Dining Room and Cafeteria Attendants and Bartender Helpers. ...
  • Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers. ...
  • Pressers of Textiles, Garments, and Related Materials. ...
  • Food-Preparation Workers.
Dec 3, 2022

What is the highest paid job in America? ›


What's an easy job that pays a lot of money? ›

Easy, good, paying jobs include pet care, dog walking, home sitting, technical writing, patient care, delivery driving, massage therapy, and political science jobs. Most of these jobs only need the skill set and perhaps a post-secondary qualification.

What are most dead end jobs? ›

Miscellaneous occupations

Dead-end work is usually regarded as unskilled and the phrase usually applies to those working as shelf stackers, cleaners, call center agents, clerks, or in other menial jobs where the pay is low, and the hours are long.

What jobs have the highest death rate? ›

What Are the Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in America)?
  • Logging Workers — 135.9 fatality rate (91 total fatalities)
  • Fishers and Related Fishing Workers — 86.0 fatality rate (24 total fatalities)
  • Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers — 55.0 fatality rate (75 total fatalities)

What are the worst jobs ever? ›

Some of the more repulsive or dangerous jobs included fuller, executioner, leech collector, plague burier, rat-catcher, leather tanner, gong farmer, and sin-eater. There was a one-off special called The Worst Christmas Jobs in History in December 2005.

What jobs will make me rich? ›

There are all kinds of degrees to earn these days, but not all of them guarantee a high-paying job in the end.
The following are jobs that will have you cashing in big time.
  • Doctor. ...
  • Surgeon. ...
  • Investment Banker. ...
  • Corporate Executive. ...
  • Petroleum Engineer. ...
  • Psychiatrist. ...
  • Data Scientist.

What is the most weird job? ›

The 10 Weirdest Jobs in the World
  • 8) Full-time Netflix viewer: ...
  • 7) Train Pusher: ...
  • 6) Professional Mourner: ...
  • 5) Snake Milker: ...
  • 4) Dog food taster: ...
  • 3) Odor Judge: ...
  • 2) Marmite Taster: ...
  • 1) Scuba Diving Pizza Delivery Man:

What is the happiest job ever? ›

The 10 Happiest and Most Satisfying Jobs
  • Dental Hygienist.
  • Physical Therapist.
  • Radiation Therapist.
  • Optometrist.
  • Human Resources Manager.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.