World Financial Group Review: Is WFG a Scam? (2024) (2024)

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve been either approached to buy a World Financial Group (WFG) product or to start working for WFG as a financial advisor.

You might be curious but may also be wondering: Is World Financial Group a scam?

You’ve probably heard whispers about this from other friends or colleagues warning you that WFG is a scam, which I believe is a common occurrence.

In the finance industry where I had worked for over a decade, World Financial Group doesn’t get a lot of respect amongst its peers. But as of 2022, WFG has over 53,000 associates working for them. In 2021, WFG paid out over $1.1billionin commission to its associates.

Say what you want about the company, but there’s no denying that it is a huge global force and one that requires close examination. Let’s go through this World Financial Group (WFG) review to see if it is a scam or legit.

Our Verdict

World Financial Group Review: Is WFG a Scam? (2024) (1)


World Financial Group

MLM Financial Planning

WFG has a multi-level-marketing method of promotion and recruitment that can turn both customers and employees off. Read this WFG review to find out if it’s a scam or legit.


  • The marketing and sales system is likely effective as WFG has impressive sales numbers, and you’ll get training on their tactics.


  • Multi-level marketing (MLM) strategy is seen as a pyramid scheme by many and can be a difficult objection to overcome when trying to close sales.
  • Reports of high pressure to recruit other associates to work under you
  • Very difficult to make a lot of money using an MLM strategy, with only a small fraction of members finding long-term success.
  • You could become a social outcast if you are too aggressive in selling to your family and friends.
  • There could be a conflict of interest as the WFG associate might try to sell you a high-commission product that isn’t necessarily well-suited.

Check out my viral video, with over 130,000 views about this topic!

Table of Contents show

What is World Financial Group?

WFG is a company that sells financial planning services. The company sells savings, insurance, and retirement products through its associates, who usually have to pass a licensing exam for the country they live in.

The company was launched in 2001 by an insurance company called Aegon. In 2008, another insurance company, Transamerica, purchased WFG from Aegon. The company operates in Canada, the U.S., and Puerto Rico.

Is WFG a Scam or Pyramid Scheme?

World Financial Group Review: Is WFG a Scam? (2024) (2)

One of the biggest accusations levelled against the World Financial Group is that it operates as a pyramid scheme and is an outright scam.

Pyramid schemes are illegal in most countries. In a classic pyramid scheme, individuals make money primarily from recruiting others, not from selling products or services to the public.

I wanted to answer this question right off the bat. In the literal sense of the word, no, World Financial Group is not a scam. The company will not take your money as a customer and give you nothing in return. That’s what a scam or a pyramid scheme is, and WFG is not that.

If you join the company as an agent, you will have the chance to earn an income and need to be licensed in order to sell any of these products directly. WFG is approved and regulated by the financial governing bodies of the countries where it operates.

However, where many people are turned off of WFG and wonder if it is a scam is due to its sales tactics in acquiring customers and multi-level marketing (MLM) methods of hiring agents to work for them.

How Does WFG Hire Associates?

WFG employs a multi-level marketing (MLM) business model for its associates. The way it works is after you get hired onto WFG and pass all the licensing exams, you’ll have to recruit new associates.

After you join WFG, you’ll be encouraged to get off to a “fast start,” where you are supposed to recruit three new members and sit in on three training sales within the first 30 days of the company.

This aggressive approach to recruiting new members sets off alarm bells in my head. Getting these new recruits and associates is another type of sales tactic.

Any products that those associates either buy themselves or sell to other people, you’ll get a percentage of the commissions.

A lot of WFG’s sales come from its associates themselves. It’s a classic MLM business model and one that should be a huge red flag in choosing to work for WFG. Their own website shows the multi-level shape of their business model.

World Financial Group Review: Is WFG a Scam? (2024) (3)

How Much Money Can You Earn at WFG?

You will only receive money as a commission if you sell something at WFG or if those associates you recruit under you buy or sell WFG products.

Even ignoring all the negative connotations that come with MLM companies, I’ll give you an example of why WFG is not a great place to work. Let’s take a look at the WFG contract levels, which is the amount of commissions you can earn for say, a product like life insurance.

If you have a contract level of 100%, you will earn 100% of the first-year commissions on top of what your commission structure is.

When I first started out as a life insurance broker, I had an 80% contract level to start, and it increased to 140% near the end of my time as a broker, which was in less than two years.

According to a previous year’s compensation report that I found (which I can’t link to due to copyright claims by WFG), a WFG Associate contract level is a measly 36%, a Marketing Director contract level is 51%, and a Senior Marketing Director contract level is 64%.

I’ve had some WFG people reach out to me directly, and the contract levels they have mentioned seem pretty in line with those numbers.

There are other better and more reputable brokerages out there. If you are willing to get licensed, they can also train you and support you better than WFG and give you a larger payout.

Also, don’t be fooled by the WFG website, which states that the average earnings for someone with 0 – 3 years of experience is $88,075 per year. This is for a Senior Marketing Director if you read the fine print. The average new associate who joins WFG won’t make even close to this amount and often won’t make anything at all.

How Does WFG Get Its Customers?

WFG relies on its associates in two main ways to get customers. Firstly, any of the products the associates themselves purchase essentially turn them into customers.

All those new associates will be immersed in WFG products and culture, and many will end up buying products themselves. Then, many are taught to aggressively try to get more associates, spreading the WFG product line and sales almost like a virus as it multiplies down the levels.

As an associate, you’re expected to make a list of all your friends and family and approach them to sell your financial products or to recruit them as an associate for WFG.

But that is typical of all MLM financial companies, and I don’t want to knock WFG specifically. They aren’t doing anything illegal, but I just think it’s a terrible business model for both customers and associates, and there are so many better options out there. But it obviously works, as WFG has a tonne of sales. If anything, this just shows the power of “warm” leads and buying from people that you know and trust.

As a former sales guy, I think that WFG must have an extremely effective pitch for new members because it is obviously working and getting results. But as an investor or insurance purchaser, I would never hire a WFG associate.

I get it, though; investing and insurance can be intimidating. If you’ve never worked with numbers or cared about your finances before, the whole process can be daunting. But consider putting some time in, learn how to start investing, and take control of your own finances.

If you need to hire an advisor, try to find a properly trained fee-based one, and one that won’t just try to charge you an annual fee on your investments and never speak to you again.

Is WFG a Legitimate Company for Customers?

Yes, WFG is a legitimate company. If you purchase an insurance or investment product from them, you will receive the product.

But beware, you may be pressured into purchasing expensive products that may not be the best for you but will earn the associate selling it a big commission, such as permanent life insurance or segregated funds.There are numerous anecdotal accounts of this happening; just scroll through the dozens of comments below this article (some even state that “WFG ruined my life!”).

Often, the associate you are dealing with may not have much financial or investing experience and will likely try to recruit you to become an associate also.

As a former life insurance agent and financial advisor, I can understand the success of WFG. The secret to WFG is its method of using what we call in the industry “warm” leads.

You’re much more likely to buy or trust someone that you know. Multi-level marketing relies on this, and you’ll see it applied to many different businesses, the most successful one probably being Amway.

Have your guard up, and if WFG is pitching you something, don’t be afraid to ask tough questions like “what will you get paid in commissions on this product?” They are legally obligated to tell you their financial incentive; if they don’t reply, that’s a big red flag.

Should You Become a WFG Associate?

In my opinion, it is very difficult to make money with this business model. Yes, there are some success stories, and in its marketing materials, there will be descriptions of people getting rich at WFG. However, it will be a very tiny fraction of the overall recruits.

Sure, if you’re willing to hustle your butt off, contact all your friends and family, and aggressively pursue new sales prospects, then yes, you might be able to find success with WFG. But if you’re this much of a go-getter, why would you stick with a company like WFG?

You’ll also risk damage to your reputation and maybe even your personal relationships. WFG almost has the same negative stigma as Amway does. You could become known as the “pyramid scheme” person behind your back and might be avoided in social situations.

Other Reasons to Not Join WFG

High Fees

Another accusation against World Financial Group is that the company charges high fees from its associates. When someone joins WFG as an associate, they are required to pay a fee for background checks and online access to company resources. There are also continuing costs for training materials and meetings.

There have been complaints from WFG associates that the cost of becoming an associate and maintaining the membership is too high. Some also argue that the company is not clear about these fees upfront, leading to surprises for many new associates.

Misleading and Inadequate Training

Training provided to new recruits often focuses more on sales and recruitment techniques than on giving a comprehensive understanding of the financial products they’re expected to sell.

Many new recruits feel they are not adequately prepared to provide accurate financial advice to clients. They contend that the training is misleading because it overstates the potential income and understates the difficulty of selling insurance and investment products. This could potentially lead to unsuitable financial advice being given to clients and new recruits having unmet income expectations.

Unsuitable Products

World Financial Group has been accused of promoting unsuitable financial products when it isn’t necessary for the client, such as Universal Life Insurance. This can have the effect of giving the agent a big commission cheque, but it might not be the best product for the customer.

WFG associates, driven by high commissions, might be pressured to sell products that are more beneficial to them rather than ones suitable for their clients.

Why I Hate MLMs

I’ve been pitched multiple MLM ideas over the years, ranging from smoothie drinks, painting business, Amway, and many more. Here are some of the reasons I hate MLMs:

  1. MLM pitches are annoying and misleading and always sell the same kind of story: be your own boss, recruit three other people, and they will recruit three more, then you’ll have hundreds of people working for you, all while making money on whatever they sell!
  2. If someone I know pitches me an MLM business idea, it makes me think less of the person and want to avoid them in the future.
  3. While selling something like smoothie drinks is relatively harmless, having this business model for something so vital as investment products could have a direct harmful impact on customers by not having properly trained advisors that have your best financial interests at heart.
  4. It’s very difficult to climb to the top of an MLM company and actually start making really good money.
  5. Any business model that places more of an emphasis on recruiting new members rather than customer needs in order to make money is one to be cautious of.

World Financial Group Alternatives

If you were excited to join WFG before reading all this, I hope you aren’t too dejected now because there are a lot of other ways to make money and build your own business.

Build a Skill

I strongly suspect that most people who join WFG aren’t that passionate about investing and insurance, and certainly not sales. Instead, they’re just looking for a way to make some money on the side or at home.

If that’s the case for you, why not build a tangible skill instead? You can learn something like how to code, become a virtual assistant, or brush up on design skills, then freelance your services to clients. The possibilities are endless. Check out lists like these for ideas:

  1. 25 Authentic Work-From-Home Jobs – No Degree Needed
  2. 30 Effective Ways to Make Money Online in Canada
  3. 30 Side-Hustles in Canada To Start Right Now


Instead of working at WFG, you can get licensed on your own to sell investment and insurance products and start working for an insurance or investment brokerage.

I mentioned before that I worked for an insurance broker in Canada that had way higher commission payouts than WFG has (see below).

ou won’t have to worry about the bad reputation that WFG seems to have among some consumers. You will also get trained up at these brokerages. Contact brokerages in your area to see if there are any opportunities or see if there are any job postings on sites like Indeed.

As A Customer

As a consumer, there are countless other options for you other than buying from WFG:

For Investors

If you’d like to become a do-it-yourself (DIY) investor, sign up for an online broker and learn how to invest on your own. Here are my top picks on the best trading platforms in Canada.

If you need a little bit of advice, you can look at my top picks for the best robo-advisors in Canada.

For Insurance

For Canadian term life insurance, I would recommend PolicyMe. They’ve recently created their own products and offer them at very competitive rates. Check out PolicyMe’s website for some free quotes.

Another life insurance option for Canadians is PolicyAdvisor. You can compare 20 different insurers very quickly and get the best rates. They have more options such as term and whole life, disability, and critical insurance you can choose from. Check out PolicyAdvisor’s website for a quick comparison of 20 companies.

Finding an Advisor

If you must use an advisor, try to find a fee-based advisor that is not incentivized to push you towards a certain product.They can help you with both investments and insurance. Do a search for a “fee-based financial advisor” in your area. Try to find one with a Certified Financial Planning (CFP) designation. You can also search on a site like Money Coaches Canada for a fee-based advisor in your area.

Work for a Better Insurance Company

Steer clear of MLM companies with low payouts like WFG. Opt for a career with a credible insurance company. Here’s how you can do it.


  1. Choose a License Type:
    • Canada: Decide between types such as life insurance, accident & sickness, and general insurance (e.g., property, auto).
    • USA: Decide if you want to sell life, health, property, casualty, or other insurance.
  2. Complete Required Education:
    • Canada: Enroll in an accredited insurance course relevant to your type; courses are offered by institutions like the Insurance Institute of Canada.
    • USA: Complete the required pre-licensing education hours, either in-person or online, as mandated by your state.
  3. Pass the Licensing Exam:
    • Canada: Take and pass a provincial licensing exam.
    • USA: After pre-licensing education, take the state licensing exam, focusing on state-specific regulations and general insurance topics.
  4. Apply for a License:
    • Canada: Submit an application to your province’s insurance regulatory body, which may include background checks.
    • USA: Apply through your state’s Department of Insurance or equivalent, with most states requiring fingerprinting and a background check.
  5. Maintain the License:
    • Both: Obtain Continuing Education credits periodically and stay updated with regulatory changes and industry practices.
  6. Join a Brokerage or Insurance Company:
    • Canada: To sell insurance products, align with a recognized insurance provider or brokerage.
    • USA: Before selling, be contracted or appointed with an insurance company.

Note that before getting licensed, you can try to find an insurance company that will sponsor and guide you through the licensing process. Research life insurance companies in your region, and use LinkedIn and Glassdoor for insights if you go this route. You can try reaching out to insurance agents directly as well via LinkedIn.

Has WFG been sued in Canada?

Yes,WFG has been sued before both in the U.S. and inCanada. Here are the details of some of the cases:

  • In 2014,WFG Securities of Canada Inc.agreed to pay $250,000 to settle a case against it by theManitoba Securities Commission.
  • In 2022, WFG terminated an agent’s membership agreement and the agent was served two administrative monetary penalties.
  • In April 2023, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) issued a notice of proposal against World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Canada Inc., alleging gaps in WFG’s operation and ongoing proceedings by another regulator against WFG.
  • In 2022, a lawsuit was filed against WFG in the United States. Seven brokers sold $1.4 million worth of fraudulent notes, scamming investors of their retirement savings.

Final Thoughts

While WFG may not be an outright scam, I wouldn’t personally ever work or buy any products from them, nor would I recommend any of my friends or family to either.

I believe there are so many other better options in terms of choosing a career or buying financial products.

When I wrote this article, I wanted to get to the bottom of WFG’s success despite the many complaints I’ve heard about them.

I want to end this by saying that not all WFG agents are bad, and it wasn’t my intention to paint every person there with the same brush or to cause so much anger in what I wrote.

There are competent, honest, and intelligent agents at WFG, and I’ve interacted with many since publishing this article. I’ve also interacted with some fairly nasty ones as well.

I’ve edited content in this article that I didn’t deem accurate after a rational argument and facts were presented to me, but my negative opinion on financial MLMs still stands.

If you can avoid all of the bad agents at WFG (and there are a lot of stories about unscrupulous agents, see the hundreds of comments in the comment section below or on my Youtube video for some horror stories!) and find a good agent that you can trust, then you might be alright with buying products at WFG, but I still feel there are better options out there.

There are two extremely divided sides to this argument, and I hope that this has helped to spark some conversation between them.

If you want to learn about other MLM companies that you might want to avoid, check out my Primerica review or my Greatway Financial review.

World Financial Group Review: Is WFG a Scam? (2024) (2024)


How do I get out of the World Financial Group? ›

Write a resignation letter: Draft a formal resignation letter stating your intention to leave the company and the reason for leaving. Keep it professional and polite. Schedule a meeting with your supervisor: Schedule a meeting with your supervisor to deliver your resignation letter and discuss the transition process.

Who is the owner of World Financial Group? ›

Who owns WFG? World Financial Group has been owned by Transamerica since 2001. With thousands of offices across the United States and tens of thousands of agents in Canada and the U.S., World Financial Group and Transamerica are thriving businesses at the forefront of financial strategies and insurance.

How do I quit WFG as an agent? ›

Can you quit WFG? You cannot quit, they will always terminate an agent, so that you have no ability to sell your agent code, which is basically the book of business that you may have spent years building.

Should I work with WFG? ›

75% of World Financial Group employees would recommend working there to a friend based on Glassdoor reviews. Employees also rated World Financial Group 4.1 out of 5 for work life balance, 4.1 for culture and values and 4.2 for career opportunities.

How do I cancel my WFG membership? ›

You can cancel this service at any time. Just text STOP to 75939.

How much do you get paid at World Financial Group? ›

The average World Financial Group salary ranges from approximately $54,845 per year for Administrative Assistant to $90,904 per year for Insurance Broker.

How legit is the World Financial Group? ›

Conclusion. World Financial Group is a legitimate company that sells genuine insurance, investment, and financial products and services. However, it has no products of its own; instead, it promotes products and services of other reputable companies.

What is the commission for World Financial Group agents? ›

According to an anonymous conversation on The Insurance Forum, World Financial Group starts agents out at a 25% commission rate. Then, when you recruit 3 agents, commission moves to a 55% rate. Likewise, all future commission increases are dependent on agency building, higher levels of recruiting, and production.

Does World Finance do a hard pull? ›

A soft check allows us to peek at your credit score. During approval, we do a hard check, which does affect your credit score. A hard check will let the credit bureaus know that your credit history is about to change.

What happened to the World Financial Group? ›

Who owns World Financial Group? It was founded by Hubert Humphrey after he left Primerica in 1991. In 2001, financial services giant AEGON acquired select assets of World Financial Group. The company was rebranded as Transamerica Securities in the United States in 2015, although it is still a subsidiary of AEGON.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.