WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time (2024)

I have partnered with WizeFi on this WizeFi Review. All opinions are 100% my own. I am excited to tell you about a new money tool that I recently started using. Are you looking for a money management tool that will help you budget, save hundreds of dollars each month, and accelerate your path to…

I have partnered with WizeFi on this WizeFi Review. All opinions are 100% my own.

I am excited to tell you about a new money tool that I recently started using.

Are you looking for a money management tool that will help you budget, save hundreds of dollars each month, and accelerate your path to financial independence?

If so, then I recommend checking out WizeFi. This money management software can be used from your phone or computer, and will give you all the tools that you need to take control of your finances.

Understanding money can be tricky, especially when you’re working towards long-term financial freedom. WizeFi helps you optimize your money to reduce waste and put your money where it’s most effective at accelerating financial freedom. It’s made for people who are serious about financial freedom.

Please click here to try out WizeFi for free for 30 days.

WizeFi right now is hosting a free 30-Day Financial Independence Challenge so that you can have a clear plan for reaching financial independence and retirement. You can sign up for WizeFi and the free 30-Day FI Challenge by clicking here.

WizeFi Review

Below is my WizeFi review. I will be talking about why it was started, the different ways this tool can help you, the cost, and answer some common questions.

WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time (1)

What is WizeFi?

WizeFi is a helpful money tool for your computer or phone that helps you reach financial freedom. It’s like having your own money coach, helping you to make better decisions with your finances.

Here’s what WizeFi does:

  • WizeFi helps you manage and eliminate debt, quickly! WizeFi will sort your debt in an efficient pay-off order to save you money and pay off your debt quickly. Plus, the 30-day challenge will give you tips to accelerate your debt freedom journey.
  • WizeFi tells you your financial independence date. Learn where you’re headed now if you change nothing with your finances, and then learn what you can do to reach retirement sooner.
  • WizeFi finds hidden spending habits that might be getting in the way of your financial goals. For example, it will help you find out about everyday habits that you didn’t know could postpone your retirement by 5 years.
  • WizeFi makes plans just for you, not using generic templates that fit everyone.
  • WizeFi helps you make smart choices by providing the ability to create “what if” scenarios, which it calls “drafts” to test financial choices before you actually make them. This can help avoid costly mistakes like major purchases that could delay your financial freedom date by years. Or, discover opportunities for applying bonus money (like tax returns) where they can have the biggest impact on your financial goals.
  • WizeFi keeps an eye on your progress and motivates you by showing visible results. For example, understanding how little changes can change your future net worth.
  • WizeFi makes money less confusing and boosts confidence, reducing the stress about finances.
  • WizeFi helps you learn money skills, making you less reliant on others and more confident in managing your own finances.

As soon as you start using WizeFi, you’ll notice it’s not just about tracking expenses. The software is built around the concept of empowering you to develop money habits that could potentially halve the time it takes to reach your financial goals, such as early retirement or financial independence.

I’ve signed up for WizeFi, and I really like how easy the platform is to use. There are no ads and they aren’t trying to sell anything else that is extra, so you don’t have anything else cluttering this tool when you are trying to use it. It is straight to the point.

Why WizeFi was started

WizeFi was started in 2017 by Sean Allen, a financial expert and 30-year veteran of the financial industry. He was noticing that clients were failing with their finances, even though they were making enough money for early retirement.

He learned that there were two main causes of this:

  • A lack of money skills and
  • Not understanding the future impact of current choices (such as spending).

He then realized that there was a need for a change in the way that people approach money management so that they can pay off their debt and reach financial independence.

To find a solution to these challenges, he created WizeFi, starting as a program and later becoming an app. It focuses on making the most of every dollar you earn. WizeFi is all about helping you manage and eliminate debts and expenses that don’t benefit you financially.

The app aims to reach millions with its easy (yet effective) approach, speeding up the path to financial independence and giving people the ability to create a lasting system for building wealth.

How WizeFi Is Helpful

If you’re finding it hard to figure out why your money goals feel distant, WizeFi is the tool that can show you the patterns and choices that might be causing the challenge. Instead of being confused by a bunch of numbers, you’ll be able to see exactly where your money goes each month.

WizeFi helps you create a budget that fits your personal financial situation, and your financial plan is customized to you, making it more likely that you’ll stick to it and see real results.

Here are some ways that WizeFi can help you:

  1. Discover your financial independence date. Learn where you’re headed now if you change nothing with your finances, and then learn what you can do to accelerate your FI date.
  2. Find leaks in your spending habits: WizeFi will show you your spending all month long and compare it to your planned spending. This can be very eye-opening and help you discover spending habits you can change
  3. Develop wealth-building habits: Speaking of habits, WizeFi is all about helping you develop money skills that lead to healthy financial habits. For example, when you subscribe, WizeFi starts you off with a 30-day challenge that can help replace bad habits with good habits. Try it for yourself.

WizeFi helps with three main money skills: Money Organizing, Money Planning, and Money Monitoring.

WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time (2)

Money Organizing

WizeFi will sync with your financial accounts and organize your money into categories, and then it will provide a guideline spending amount for each category. See how your spending compares to the guideline.

WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time (3)
WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time (4)

Money Planning

WizeFi goes beyond just organizing your money; it also gives you a guideline so that you can know how to best use your money. It makes a personalized plan that matches your specific goals and financial situation, encouraging a proactive approach to your financial future.

WizeFi includes a process where you can go through each area of your finances and you can see how cutting back on certain expenses can increase money to be used towards accelerating your financial independence.

So, I could see how cutting back on dining out would give me more “financial independence dollars (FID) which WizeFi will then show me the best place to put those dollars in the 4-step plan. I can use WizeFi to plan the perfect budget that frees up FI-dollars.

Then, I can use WizeFi to determine the best use of those dollars—pay off debt, add to 401(k), or pay off a mortgage early – no more guessing. WizeFi will reveal which choices accelerate financial freedom and which delay it.

WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time (5)
WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time (6)

Money Monitoring

WizeFi allows you to monitor your money, such as your budget, spending, income, debt payoff progress, and net worth. Knowing these numbers and being able to monitor them can help motivate you to make changes for the better.

Money monitoring is known to help people think differently about their money. It keeps people constantly aware of where their money is going compared to where it should be going.

WizeFi provides monthly reporting to monitor your financial trends like is your net worth growing and your debt shrinking, and is your budget balanced like you want it to be.

WizeFi also provides real-time monitoring with progress meters so you can watch your money every day to make sure you stay on track. Both of these are key to empowering you to be a great manager of your money without having to become a financial analyst. WizeFI keeps it simple.

How To Get Started With WizeFi

WizeFi allows you to better manage your finances from both a computer/laptop and from your phone. They also have a 30-day email challenge that teaches you how to save money, make money, and develop money skills.

As you check out what WizeFi can do, you’ll see it provides various tools to improve how you handle money. With easy-to-use features and a clear plan, WizeFi is designed to guide you toward financial freedom in a better and more effective way.

Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Sign up for the 30-day free trial of WizeFi and get enrolled in the 30-day challenge
  2. Enter your goals, such as your emergency fund target, general savings target, and your desired monthly income at retirement.
  3. Enter your salary (net monthly income after taxes), any side hustle income, investing income, and more.
  4. Enter and connect your financial accounts, such as bank, car loan, mortgage, retirement accounts, and more.
  5. After you enter the information above, you will see your financial freedom projections. This will show you the exact date that WizeFi thinks you will be able to retire if you continue the way that you are with your financial situation. You will also see WizeFi’s built-in wealth potential guideline and the exact date you will be debt-free.

WizeFi 30-Day Financial Independence Challenge

As you noticed above, I think the best way to get started with WizeFi is to sign up and take their 30-Day Financial Independence Challenge.

WizeFi just launched this challenge and it’s a free, daily guide filled with steps to help you grow your money smarts and sprint toward financial independence faster than you might think possible. You’ll receive an email every day with new actions to take that can refine your spending and saving habits.

Here are a few highlights of the challenge:

  • Reduce expenses – You’ll see how small changes in daily spending can create big savings over time. You’ll actually learn 200 different strategies to stop wasting money!
  • Debt mastery – Get tips on handling debts that stand in your way.
  • Build wealth – Learn about strategies that can increase your income.

On Day 1, you start crafting your very own FI plan. This sets the foundation. By Day 2, you’re diving into ways to spend less on food, and by Day 3, it’s all about saving on transportation. Throughout the challenge, you’ll learn to cut costs across many different spending categories without sacrificing the fun in your life.

Day 9 shows you powerful wealth-building strategies. As you approach Day 17, you’ll see the five stages of financial independence.

Jumping into Day 20, get creative with 50 side hustle ideas to boost your income. Later on, Day 26 focuses on investing tactics designed to speed you along to FI.

This is a free challenge that is sent straight to your email. I am signed up for this challenge and it is full of actionable tips that are actually helpful (and not just fluff or generic tips).

You can sign up for the free 30-Day FI Challenge by clicking here.

WizeFi Cost

So, after reading all of the above, you’re probably wondering “How much does WizeFi cost?”

Free trial

You get to use WizeFi risk-free for the first 30 days. During this period, you have complete access to all features, and you can cancel anytime if you decide it’s not for you.

Monthly cost

The service is available for $8.99 per month. This subscription is designed to pay off by helping you potentially grow your net worth by tens of thousands (or even hundreds of thousands of dollars) and put you on a faster track to financial independence.

Why isn’t there a free plan?

WizeFi is dedicated to providing a complete set of money tools and tailored advice for your financial growth. Unlike some free tools that might restrict your potential, your paid subscription makes sure that the services are high-quality.

Plus, WizeFi stays focused on your financial well-being, avoiding promotions of external products that might conflict with your financial goals. This is something that I really like about WizeFi – they aren’t trying to sell you anything else – you are getting a helpful money tool without any ads.

WizeFi Security – Is WizeFi Safe?

When thinking about using WizeFi for managing your finances, security is important.

WizeFi makes sure that your information is safe with protective measures similar to those used by banks.

In a digital world where safety is important, you can relax knowing that WizeFi doesn’t keep your account numbers or personal details within their app. What you see are the important elements—your budget and balances. It’s like having a clear view of your financial landscape without any doors open to the private account information you don’t want to share, like account numbers or other personal information, making the platform safer for you.

Think of WizeFi as a one-way mirror. You have the full picture of your finances at a glance, yet there’s no path for anyone to reach in and move things around.

Frequently Asked Questions

When thinking about using a financial planning tool like WizeFi, you probably have questions about what it offers and whether it’s the right fit for you. Here are some of the common questions answered to help you decide.

Can I try out WizeFi for free?

Yes, you can start with WizeFi for free. They have a 30-day trial period for you to explore the full range of features before you commit to a subscription.

Please click here to try out WizeFi for free for 30 days.

How can WizeFi help me reach early retirement sooner?

WizeFi is designed to guide you in creating a personalized financial plan. By helping you customize the right budget plan, and track your spending against that plan, you’ll easily identify unnecessary expenses you can cut, which can help you better manage debt and increase your savings rate, which can help you reach your financial goals faster.

Is WizeFi worth using?

Yes, WizeFi is worth it if you’re serious about taking control of your finances and reaching financial independence or early retirement.

Does WizeFi have an affiliate program?

Yes, WizeFi has an affiliate program where you can earn 20% of the monthly subscription (so 20% of $8.99). Their hope is that people will use WizeFi for a month and dial in their own personal finances (craft a new plan that makes them feel empowered to manage their money for financial freedom). Then, they’ll share what they’ve learned with their audience.

WizeFi Review – Summary

I hope you enjoyed my WizeFi review.

If you are committed to improving your personal finances and want to reach early retirement or financial independence, I think that WizeFi is great to sign up for.

WizeFi stands out from other money tools because they focus on developing money skills, and not just giving you information, because the WizeFi team knows that money skills can make a difference for a lifetime. Plus, there are no ads and they don’t sell your information.

Their goal is to empower a person to master their money, speed up financial independence, and live their best, most meaningful life.

If that is you, then this is the money tool that I recommend checking out.

Please click here to try out WizeFi for free for 30 days.

What other questions do you have about WizeFi?

WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time (2024)


WizeFi Review: Reach Financial Freedom In Half The Time? ›

The software is built around the concept of empowering you to develop money habits that could potentially halve the time it takes to reach your financial goals, such as early retirement or financial independence. I've signed up for WizeFi, and I really like how easy the platform is to use.

How long does it take to achieve financial freedom? ›

We'll assume that your income and expenses will remain at about the same ratio for the time it takes you to achieve financial independence. Realistically the time to accumulate enough savings will be a matter of 5-10 years, although a few will take longer.

How long will it take to achieve financial independence if you save 50% of your income? ›

Boost your savings rate

For those who are able to retire in their 60s or 70s, they may end up having much less money than they think. But by saving about 50% of your income, the average person can reach financial independence in 10 years or less, Sabatier said.

What does it mean to reach financial freedom? ›

What Is Financial Freedom? Financial freedom means you get to make life decisions without being overly stressed about the financial fallout of those decisions. That's because you're financially prepared for whatever life throws your way—you have no debt, you have money in the bank, and you're investing for the future.

How much does it cost to reach financial freedom? ›

The cost of living comfortably: On average, Americans feel they'd need to earn over $186,000 to feel financially secure or comfortable, a 20 percent drop from 2023 but still more than two times what the average full-time, year-round worker earned in 2022 (about $79,000), according to Census Bureau data.

What is the average age to get financial freedom? ›

Assessments vary considerably by age group. Two-thirds of those ages 30 to 34 say they are completely financially independent, compared with 44% of those ages 25 to 29 and just 16% of those ages 18 to 24.

What is the 4 rule for financial freedom? ›

Key Takeaways. The 4% rule says people should withdraw 4% of their retirement funds in the first year after retiring and take that dollar amount, adjusted for inflation, every year after.

At what point are you financially free? ›

You'll know you've achieved financial freedom when you have enough income streams or assets to cover your basic living expenses, as well as any additional discretionary spending you desire, without having to rely on a traditional job or career.

Can I retire at 40 with 500k? ›

Yes, it is possible to retire comfortably on $500k. This amount allows for an annual withdrawal of $30,000 and below from the age of 60 to 85, covering 25 years. If $20,000 a year, or $1,667 a month, meets your lifestyle needs, then $500k is enough for your retirement. Is $500k nough?

What percentage of Americans have $100,000 for retirement? ›

How many Americans have $100,000 in savings? About 26% of U.S. households had more than $100,000 in savings in retirement accounts as of 2022, according to USAFacts, a nonprofit organization that analyzes data from the Federal Reserve and other government agencies.

How much money do you need to live comfortably for the rest of your life? ›

Key Findings. On average, an individual needs $96,500 for sustainable comfort in a major U.S. city. This includes being able to pay off debt and invest for the future.

Is it possible to be financially free in 10 years? ›

Common personal finance wisdom says to save 10% of your earnings with every check, but you'll have to get much more aggressive than that to achieve financial independence in just a decade. “Aim to save a significant portion of your income, at least 50% if possible,” Standberry said.

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Author: Roderick King

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Views: 5890

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.