WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (2024)

PUREVPNGuidesWireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior?

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WireGuard and OpenVPN are two of the best protocols that you can use to establish a VPN connection, but how do they fare against each other? In our WireGuard vs OpenVPN guide, we’ve compared both options to help you determine which protocol you should be using.

OpenVPN has been around for two decades and is the industry-standard VPN protocol as it provides a good balance of speed and security. However, there’s a new protocol in town. Launched in 2018, WireGuard is faster, modern, and utilizes the latest encryption technologies, making it a worthy alternative to OpenVPN.

Is Wireguard faster than OpenVPN?

Yes, WireGuard is faster than OpenVPN. WireGuard is a modern VPN that uses cryptographic algorithms.

On the contrary, OpenVPN is relatively slow because it is not well aligned with modern processors. The downloading speed of WireGuard is 52% faster than OpenVPN, and it is 17% faster at uploading.

WireGuard gives a faster internet connection as it preserves 50% of your original upload speed and around 86% of your original download speed.

On the other hand, OpenVPN reduces your actual upload speed by 54% and approximately 59% of your original download speed. Hence, it is evident that in terms of speed, WireGuard is the winner.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN – Quick Summary

Here’s the TL;DR version of our comparison, though you should read on for an in-depth analysis:

Censorship CircumventionOpenVPN
Device CompatibilityOpenVPN

What is WireGuard?

WireGuard is an advanced open-source VPN protocol that could soon replace today’s most well-known solutions, like OpenVPN, for example. Developed by Jason Donenfeld, an experienced independent software developer and security researcher, it was initially released for the Linux kernel and now has support for a handful of other major devices as well.

The protocol is already regarded as the next big thing in the VPN industry as it offers cutting-edge cryptography and lightning-fast speeds. Fewer lines of code and a simpler setup process are some other reasons why WireGuard is increasing in popularity.

What is OpenVPN?

OpenVPN is the most used VPN protocol around the world due to its flexibility and reliability. Developed by James Yonan, the open-source protocol is highly secure and capable of bypassing most firewalls and ISP/network restrictions.

It implements a wide variety of cryptographic algorithms and can run over either the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) transports. OpenVPN is supported by almost every VPN provider today and was considered the pinnacle of VPN technology until WireGuard came into the picture.

Related Read: TCP vs UDP – What is the Difference Between Both Protocols?

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (1)

WireGuard vs OpenVPN – A Comparison

Now that you know more about OpenVPN and WireGuard, take a look at our comparison to see how these protocols perform in various categories:

  • Speed

No other VPN protocol can deliver the consistently fast speeds that WireGuard can give you. As you can see below, the protocol’s throughput handily beats other protocols by some distance. It also connects more quickly (in approximately 100 milliseconds), and sudden/random disconnects are less frequent than OpenVPN.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (2)

OpenVPN isn’t as fast as WireGuard and takes longer to establish a connection with a server (as long as 8 seconds). While the protocol doesn’t deliver the fastest speeds, it certainly isn’t the slowest either. It can’t keep up with leaner protocols such as WireGuard because its architecture is a tad more robust..

Verdict: If you’re into bandwidth-intensive activities like gaming or streaming, then WireGuard is the best choice for you as it offers faster speeds.

OpenVPN vs. Wireguard Speed Summary

WireGuard has better speed than OpenVPN because it uses a smaller codebase of 4,000 lines than OpenVPN’s 70,000 lines.

It becomes easier to audit and maintain the network. To sum it up, WireGuard is undeniably faster than OpenVPN.

  • Encryption

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (3)

Unlike OpenVPN, WireGuard uses one set of protocols and ciphers, including ChaCha20, Poly1305, Curve25519, BLAKE2s, and SipHash25. This reduces the complexity of the code and attack surface that hackers can exploit. There’s no possibility of downgrade attacks, either.

OpenVPN is flexible as it can run various protocols and ciphers via the OpenSSL library like AES, DES, RSA, and SHA-1. However, this agility also brings with it increased complexity, a broad attack surface for hackers, and vulnerability to downgrade attacks.

Verdict: WireGuard has a smaller attack surface and uses modern encryption algorithms. On the other hand, OpenVPN offers greater freedom in terms of the encryption you can use and relies on slightly outdated technology. Regardless, both are highly secure protocols, and which one you choose depends on your preference.

  • Security

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (4)

OpenVPN is secure as long as it’s appropriately configured. There are no known security vulnerabilities associated with this protocol. What’s more, the code has been audited several times and is backed by many security experts.

There are no known security flaws in WireGuard, too. The protocol is very secure and uses newer and faster cryptographic primitives. Since it has a small codebase, it’s easier to audit. Most importantly, if a hole is found in any cipher or algorithm, all endpoints are forced to update to a new version, ensuring no one uses the compromised code.

Verdict: Both don’t have any security flaws. WireGuard is relatively new and hasn’t gone through as many audits as OpenVPN, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s unsafe to use. As the protocol matures, it’ll become all the more attractive, courtesy of its minimal codebase and updated encryption algorithms.

  • Privacy

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (5)

OpenVPN doesn’t store any personally identifiable information on users, such as their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. If you use the protocol in conjunction with a true no-log VPN service, rest assured that your privacy will stay protected from prying eyes.

There are some privacy concerns with using WireGuard, though. The protocol’s Cryptokey Routing algorithm stores users’ IP addresses on the VPN server until it reboots, which doesn’t complement the concept of a zero-logs VPN.

There’s also the risk that your IP address could become exposed due to a WebRTC leak. The good news is, leading VPN providers have come up with workarounds to address this issue to make WireGuard more private.

Verdict: OpenVPN takes the win as VPN services that support WireGuard must include mitigations to ensure the privacy of users.

  • Auditability

Privacy advocates prefer using open-source VPN protocols because they can be audited. However, just because the code of a protocol is open-source doesn’t mean it’s easy to audit.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (6)

OpenVPN is an auditable protocol, but it has hundreds of thousands of lines of code. This means it’s impossible to conduct an audit without a team of experts and in a short span of time.

WireGuard is also an auditable and open-source protocol. However, with a codebase somewhere in the thousands, a single engineer can audit it without taking too much time.

Verdict: When it comes to auditability, WireGuard easily beats all other open-source VPN protocols.

  • Mobility

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (7)

Users today frequently switch between Wi-Fi and mobile networks on their devices. The best VPN protocols should be able to make that transition effectively and efficiently.

WireGuard is great for mobility as it manages network changes smoothly, but the same can’t be said about OpenVPN. The latter struggles when users regularly move between networks.

That’s why most VPN providers opt to use IKEv2/IPSec for mobile devices. The protocol is reasonably good, though there are concerns that it has been compromised by the National Security Agency (NSA).

Verdict: If you’re using a VPN on the go, try WireGuard instead of OpenVPN, as it’s capable of dealing with regular network changes. The protocol is also faster and more privacy-friendly than IKEv2/IPSec.

  • Censorship Circumvention

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (8)

WireGuard and OpenVPN are both reliable VPN protocols that provide a stable internet connection in most scenarios. However, you only have the option to use TCP with OpenVPN, which is helpful for circumventing censorship in countries with poor internet freedom.

You can use port 443 (the same is used by regular HTTPS traffic) via TCP connections, and it’s highly unlikely that internet-censored countries would block it because it would cease essential activities like online shopping and banking.

Verdict: OpenVPN is better at circumventing censorship as it can use both UDP and TCP. WireGuard, on the other hand, doesn’t support TCP connections.

  • Compatibility

As far as device compatibility is concerned, OpenVPN takes the cake. It’s compatible with all major platforms and even the less popular ones such as Solaris, QNX, Maemo, FreeBSD, and ChromeOS.

WireGuard, meanwhile, only covers the big hitters and can be used on iOS, Windows, Android, and Linux. However, expect the list of supported devices to grow with time.

Verdict: OpenVPN is the clear winner as it supports all major (and minor) platforms.

Wireguard vs. Openvpn Performance Summary

WireGuard and OpenVPN have their pros and cons.

Wireguard offers better speed than OpenVPN due to its newer algorithms.

OpenVPN provides better privacy as it doesn’t store users’ sensitive information, unlike WireGuard.

Since WireGuard is a new service, it is not supported by all the devices unlike OpenVPN which is supported by almost all devices and commercial VPN services.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN – Which Should You Use?

WireGuard has been receiving praise from security experts worldwide, and many leading VPN services are already offering it. However, the VPN protocol is still in its early days, and problems could still arise at any time. For now, you should use both WireGuard and OpenVPN alongside each other as they excel in the areas where the other falls short. PureVPN offers OpenVPN as one of its protocol options and has recently added support for WireGuard to its Windows and Android apps, too.

Can WireGuard replace OpenVPN?

WireGuard is a new, open source VPN protocol that promises to be faster and more secure than OpenVPN. It’s still in development, but it’s already been adopted by several major VPN providers. So, can WireGuard replace OpenVPN?

In short, yes. WireGuard has the potential to replace OpenVPN as the standard VPN protocol. It’s faster and more secure than OpenVPN, and it’s much easier to set up and use. However, WireGuard is still in development, so it may not be ready for everyone just yet.

If you’re looking for a fast and secure VPN protocol, WireGuard is worth considering. But if you need a VPN that’s compatible with all devices and operating systems, OpenVPN is still the best option.

Are New Encryption Algorithms Safe?

OpenVPN is flexible as it supports several different cryptographic algorithms. It supports both modern algorithms ChaCha20Poly1305 and conventional methods like AES.

WireGuard uses one fixed set of algorithms. The set includes ChaCha20, Poly1305, Curve25519, BLAKE2s, and SipHash25. However, both WireGuard and OpenVPN use modern technology to encrypt data.

The purpose of encryption is to keep the information private and confidential. New encryption algorithms are safe and beneficial because they are easier to implement than traditional ones.

With modern encryption, security is improved because more sophisticated algorithms and larger key sizes exist. This makes it challenging for hackers to crack passwords using Brute Force methods.

Also, modern cryptography provides better protection and security as they are designed to be extra safe and resistant against known attacks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which protocol is faster, WireGuard or OpenVPN?

In general, WireGuard is faster than OpenVPN due to its simpler design and lower overhead. WireGuard also uses modern cryptographic protocols, which are faster than the older protocols used by OpenVPN.

Which protocol is more secure, WireGuard or OpenVPN?

Both WireGuard and OpenVPN are secure protocols, but WireGuard is considered more secure due to its use of modern cryptographic protocols and its smaller codebase. WireGuard also has fewer attack surfaces than OpenVPN.

Is WireGuard easier to set up than OpenVPN?

Yes, WireGuard is generally easier to set up than OpenVPN. It has a simpler configuration file format and fewer configuration options. WireGuard also has a built-in key management system, which makes it easier to manage and rotate encryption keys.

Which protocol should I use, WireGuard or OpenVPN?

Both protocols have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice depends on your specific use case. If you value simplicity, speed, and security, then WireGuard may be the best choice. If you need more advanced configuration options or compatibility with older systems, then OpenVPN may be a better choice.

Topics :

WireGuard vs OpenVPN

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (10)


WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (11)

November 2, 2023

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (12)

2 months ago

PureVPN is a leading VPN service provider that excels in providing easy solutions for online privacy and security. With 6500+ servers in 78+ countries, It helps consumers and businesses in keeping their online identity secured.

As a seasoned VPN enthusiast with a deep understanding of the protocols in question, WireGuard and OpenVPN, I'm well-versed in the technical intricacies that define their performance. My expertise stems from a combination of hands-on experience, extensive research, and a commitment to staying updated with the latest developments in the VPN landscape. Here's a breakdown of the concepts covered in the provided article:

  1. WireGuard:

    • Definition: WireGuard is an advanced open-source VPN protocol designed to replace traditional solutions like OpenVPN. Developed by Jason Donenfeld, it prioritizes cutting-edge cryptography, speed, and simplicity in its design.
    • Characteristics:
      • Utilizes modern cryptographic algorithms (ChaCha20, Poly1305, Curve25519, BLAKE2s, SipHash25).
      • Known for its fast speeds, simpler setup process, and a minimal codebase.
      • Compatible with various major devices, with support expanding over time.
  2. OpenVPN:

    • Definition: OpenVPN is a widely used and industry-standard VPN protocol known for its flexibility and reliability. Developed by James Yonan, it offers secure connections over both UDP and TCP transports.
    • Characteristics:
      • Supports a wide range of cryptographic algorithms (e.g., AES, DES, RSA, SHA-1) via the OpenSSL library.
      • Established as a secure and reliable protocol with a longer history in the VPN industry.
      • Compatible with almost every major platform and widely supported by VPN providers.
  3. WireGuard vs. OpenVPN - A Comparison:

    • Speed:
      • WireGuard is consistently faster, with a smaller codebase (4,000 lines) compared to OpenVPN (70,000 lines).
      • WireGuard's throughput surpasses other protocols, connecting faster and experiencing fewer random disconnects.
    • Encryption:
      • WireGuard uses a fixed set of modern protocols, reducing complexity and attack surfaces.
      • OpenVPN offers flexibility in cryptographic options but comes with increased complexity and potential vulnerability.
    • Security:
      • Both protocols are considered secure, with WireGuard perceived as more secure due to its modern cryptographic primitives and smaller codebase.
    • Privacy:
      • OpenVPN is known for not storing personally identifiable information, while WireGuard has some privacy concerns related to IP address storage.
    • Auditability:
      • WireGuard's smaller codebase makes it easier to audit, while OpenVPN's extensive code requires a team of experts for a comprehensive audit.
    • Mobility:
      • WireGuard excels in handling network changes for mobile users, while OpenVPN may struggle in such scenarios.
    • Censorship Circumvention:
      • OpenVPN is favored for circumventing censorship due to its support for both UDP and TCP, unlike WireGuard, which lacks TCP support.
    • Compatibility:
      • OpenVPN has broader device compatibility, supporting major and minor platforms, whereas WireGuard is gradually expanding its supported devices.
  4. WireGuard vs OpenVPN Performance Summary:

    • WireGuard is faster due to its simpler design and lower overhead, using newer cryptographic protocols.
    • OpenVPN provides better privacy practices, doesn't store sensitive information, and is more widely supported across devices.
  5. Which Should You Use?

    • Both WireGuard and OpenVPN have strengths and weaknesses.
    • WireGuard excels in speed, simplicity, and security but may have privacy concerns.
    • OpenVPN is a reliable, widely supported option with better privacy practices.
  6. Can WireGuard Replace OpenVPN?

    • WireGuard has the potential to replace OpenVPN due to its speed, security, and ease of use.
    • However, WireGuard is still in development, and using both protocols simultaneously may be a prudent approach.
  7. Are New Encryption Algorithms Safe?

    • Both WireGuard and OpenVPN use modern encryption algorithms, enhancing security.
    • Modern encryption provides improved protection, making it challenging for hackers to compromise data.
  8. Frequently Asked Questions:

    • Various questions are addressed, including speed, security, ease of setup, and device compatibility for both WireGuard and OpenVPN.

In conclusion, the decision between WireGuard and OpenVPN depends on specific needs and priorities, considering factors such as speed, security, privacy, and device compatibility. As a VPN enthusiast, I recommend evaluating these factors based on individual requirements to make an informed choice.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior? - PureVPN Blog (2024)


Is OpenVPN better than WireGuard? ›

Key takeaways from testing WireGuard vs OpenVPN speeds: On average, WireGuard was about 3.2 times faster than OpenVPN across all the locations we tested. WireGuard's performance advantage over OpenVPN is greater with nearby (low latency) servers in comparison to long-distance (high latency) server locations.

Does PureVPN use WireGuard? ›

Experience the power of WireGuard and elevate your VPN connection with PureVPN today. We are thrilled to announce that PureVPN now supports WireGuard, a highly sought-after VPN protocol. PureVPN's decision to add WireGuard reflects our commitment to providing the best security options for our users.

What is the most advanced VPN protocol? ›

IKEv2 – Internet Key Exchange

Based on the IPSec framework, IKEv2 is the most recent and advanced VPN protocol.

Which is better for IPTV OpenVPN or WireGuard? ›

In conclusion: two great VPN protocols

WireGuard is newer and faster, which gives it a lot of charm. On the other hand, OpenVPN is a tool for those who want everything customized based on their character. But if you're a regular consumer, VPN providers like Surfshark will let you choose which one you prefer!

Why use WireGuard over OpenVPN? ›

Both OpenVPN and WireGuard are really secure open-source VPN protocols, if properly implemented. However, WireGuard is newer and faster than OpenVPN, because it was designed with modern devices and processors in mind. It is also easier to maintain.

Is OpenVPN outdated? ›

The OpenVPN Desktop Client is not receiving maintenance anymore, and has been deprecated for a while. All OpenVPN Access Server customers still using the OpenVPN Desktop Client for Windows should upgrade immediately to the OpenVPN Connect Client that comes bundled with our latest OpenVPN Access Server product.

Is PureVPN a Chinese company? ›

Founded in 2007, the company is based in the British Virgin Islands. PureVPN allows users to select from four categories: Stream, Internet Freedom, Security/Privacy, and File Sharing. The user's selection then determines which servers through which their traffic will be routed.

Is PureVPN a good VPN? ›

It delivered impressive speeds in our testing, though we wish its pricing structure were less confusing. PureVPN is an excellent choice for new VPN users, though TunnelBear VPN remains our Editors' Choice winner thanks to its ultra-friendly interface.

Is WireGuard the best VPN? ›

It works very quickly, provides a high level of security, and is written with relatively few lines of code. The lightweight nature of the protocol code is important, because it makes deployment and debugging easier. In short, WireGuard is a faster, more effective way to protect and transfer data across a VPN.

What is the #1 best VPN? ›

  • NordVPN.
  • Surfshark.
  • Private Internet Access VPN.
  • Hotspot Shield.
  • Norton Secure VPN.
  • IPVanish.
  • ExpressVPN.
  • CyberGhost.
Apr 16, 2024

What is the top 1 VPN? ›

Here are the three best VPN services right now:
  • The best VPN service around: NordVPN. NordVPN is the best VPN on the market right now. ...
  • The best for beginners: ExpressVPN. If you just want a VPN that does everything for you, ExpressVPN offers the simplest apps in the industry. ...
  • The best cheap VPN: Surfshark.
Apr 11, 2024

Is WireGuard the best protocol? ›

WireGuard FAQ

WireGuard is considered by many to be one of the safest, most secure VPN protocol options available today. Simplified design using less code equals fewer bugs and security vulnerabilities, while WireGuard's faster state-of-the-art cryptography employs superior default security settings.

What is more secure than OpenVPN? ›

WireGuard is newer, but it has already proven better than OpenVPN in terms of speed. Since OpenVPN is open source and it has been around longer, however, it has been audited and reviewed more times than WireGuard, so it has a better track record with security.

Does WireGuard hide IP? ›

As explained above WireGuard does not allocate a dynamic IP address to the VPN user. And, it indefinitely stores user IP addresses on the VPN server until the server reboots. So, there is no anonymity and privacy in WireGuard.

Why is OpenVPN better? ›

OpenVPN provides an extensible VPN framework which has been designed to ease site-specific customization, such as providing the capability to distribute a customized installation package to clients, or supporting alternative authentication methods via OpenVPN's plugin module interface (For example the openvpn-auth-pam ...

Is OpenVPN the most secure? ›

OpenVPN is one of the most secure open-source VPN protocols today. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) use OpenVPN as it remains the standard secure VPN protocol popular to many users and compatible with most operating systems.

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