WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (2024)

PUREVPNWireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada?

OpenVPN has been around for two decades and is the industry-standard VPN protocol as it provides a good balance of speed and security. However, there’s a new protocol in town. Launched in 2018, WireGuard is faster, modern, and utilizes the latest encryption technologies, making it a worthy alternative to OpenVPN.

WireGuard and OpenVPN are two of the best protocols that you can use to establish a VPN connection, but how do they fare against each other? In our WireGuard vs OpenVPN guide, we’ve compared both options to help you determine which protocol you should be using:

WireGuard vs OpenVPN – Quick Summary

Here’s the TL;DR version of our comparison, though you should read on for an in-depth analysis:

Censorship CircumventionOpenVPN
Device CompatibilityOpenVPN

What is WireGuard?

WireGuard is an advanced open-source VPN protocol that could soon replace today’s most well-known solutions, like OpenVPN, for example. Developed by Jason Donenfeld, an experienced independent software developer and security researcher, it was initially released for the Linux kernel and now has support for a handful of other major devices as well.

The protocol is already regarded as the next big thing in the VPN industry as it offers cutting-edge cryptography and lightning-fast speeds. Fewer lines of code and a simpler setup process are some other reasons why WireGuard is increasing in popularity.

What is OpenVPN?

OpenVPN is the most used VPN protocol around the world due to its flexibility and reliability. Developed by James Yonan, the open-source protocol is highly secure and capable of bypassing most firewalls and ISP/network restrictions.

It implements a wide variety of cryptographic algorithms and can run over either the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) transports. OpenVPN is supported by almost every VPN provider today and was considered the pinnacle of VPN technology until WireGuard came into the picture.

Related Read: TCP vs UDP – What is the Difference Between Both Protocols?

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (1)

WireGuard vs OpenVPN – A Comparison

Now that you know more about OpenVPN and WireGuard, take a look at our comparison to see how these protocols perform in various categories:

  • Speed

No other VPN protocol can deliver the consistently fast speeds that WireGuard can give you. As you can see below, the protocol’s throughput handily beats other protocols by some distance. It also connects more quickly (in approximately 100 milliseconds), and sudden/random disconnects are less frequent than OpenVPN.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (2)

OpenVPN isn’t as fast as WireGuard and takes longer to establish a connection with a server (as long as 8 seconds). While the protocol doesn’t deliver the fastest speeds, it certainly isn’t the slowest either. It can’t keep up with leaner protocols such as WireGuard because its architecture is a tad more robust..

Verdict: If you’re into bandwidth-intensive activities like gaming or streaming, then WireGuard is the best choice for you as it offers faster speeds.

  • Encryption

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (3)

Unlike OpenVPN, WireGuard uses one set of protocols and ciphers, including ChaCha20, Poly1305, Curve25519, BLAKE2s, and SipHash25. This reduces the complexity of the code and attack surface that hackers can exploit. There’s no possibility of downgrade attacks, either.

OpenVPN is flexible as it can run various protocols and ciphers via the OpenSSL library like AES, DES, RSA, and SHA-1. However, this agility also brings with it increased complexity, a broad attack surface for hackers, and vulnerability to downgrade attacks.

Verdict: WireGuard has a smaller attack surface and uses modern encryption algorithms. On the other hand, OpenVPN offers greater freedom in terms of the encryption you can use and relies on slightly outdated technology. Regardless, both are highly secure protocols, and which one you choose depends on your preference.

  • Security

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (4)

OpenVPN is secure as long as it’s appropriately configured. There are no known security vulnerabilities associated with this protocol. What’s more, the code has been audited several times and is backed by many security experts.

There are no known security flaws in WireGuard, too. The protocol is very secure and uses newer and faster cryptographic primitives. Since it has a small codebase, it’s easier to audit. Most importantly, if a hole is found in any cipher or algorithm, all endpoints are forced to update to a new version, ensuring no one uses the compromised code.

Verdict: Both don’t have any security flaws. WireGuard is relatively new and hasn’t gone through as many audits as OpenVPN, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s unsafe to use. As the protocol matures, it’ll become all the more attractive, courtesy of its minimal codebase and updated encryption algorithms.

  • Privacy

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (5)

OpenVPN doesn’t store any personally identifiable information on users, such as their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. If you use the protocol in conjunction with a true no-log VPN service, rest assured that your privacy will stay protected from prying eyes.

There are some privacy concerns with using WireGuard, though. The protocol’s Cryptokey Routing algorithm stores users’ IP addresses on the VPN server until it reboots, which doesn’t complement the concept of a zero-logs VPN.

There’s also the risk that your IP address could become exposed due to a WebRTC leak. The good news is, leading VPN providers have come up with workarounds to address this issue to make WireGuard more private.

Verdict: OpenVPN takes the win as VPN services that support WireGuard must include mitigations to ensure the privacy of users.

  • Auditability

Privacy advocates prefer using open-source VPN protocols because they can be audited. However, just because the code of a protocol is open-source doesn’t mean it’s easy to audit.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (6)

OpenVPN is an auditable protocol, but it has hundreds of thousands of lines of code. This means it’s impossible to conduct an audit without a team of experts and in a short span of time.

WireGuard is also an auditable and open-source protocol. However, with a codebase somewhere in the thousands, a single engineer can audit it without taking too much time.

Verdict: When it comes to auditability, WireGuard easily beats all other open-source VPN protocols.

  • Mobility

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (7)

Users today frequently switch between Wi-Fi and mobile networks on their devices. The best VPN protocols should be able to make that transition effectively and efficiently.

WireGuard is great for mobility as it manages network changes smoothly, but the same can’t be said about OpenVPN. The latter struggles when users regularly move between networks.

That’s why most VPN providers opt to use IKEv2/IPSec for mobile devices. The protocol is reasonably good, though there are concerns that it has been compromised by the National Security Agency (NSA).

Verdict: If you’re using a VPN on the go, try WireGuard instead of OpenVPN, as it’s capable of dealing with regular network changes. The protocol is also faster and more privacy-friendly than IKEv2/IPSec.

  • Censorship Circumvention

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (8)

WireGuard and OpenVPN are both reliable VPN protocols that provide a stable internet connection in most scenarios. However, you only have the option to use TCP with OpenVPN, which is helpful for circumventing censorship in countries with poor internet freedom.

You can use port 443 (the same is used by regular HTTPS traffic) via TCP connections, and it’s highly unlikely that internet-censored countries would block it because it would cease essential activities like online shopping and banking.

Verdict: OpenVPN is better at circumventing censorship as it can use both UDP and TCP. WireGuard, on the other hand, doesn’t support TCP connections.

  • Compatibility

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (9)

As far as device compatibility is concerned, OpenVPN takes the cake. It’s compatible with all major platforms and even the less popular ones such as Solaris, QNX, Maemo, FreeBSD, and ChromeOS.

WireGuard, meanwhile, only covers the big hitters and can be used on iOS, Windows, Android, and Linux. However, expect the list of supported devices to grow with time.

Verdict: OpenVPN is the clear winner as it supports all major (and minor) platforms.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN – Which Should You Use in Canada?

WireGuard has been receiving praise from security experts worldwide, and many leading VPN services are already offering it. However, the VPN protocol is still in its early days, and problems could still arise at any time. For now, you should use both WireGuard and OpenVPN alongside each other as they excel in the areas where the other falls short. PureVPN offers OpenVPN as one of its protocol options and has recently added support for WireGuard to its Windows and Android apps, too.

Can WireGuard replace OpenVPN?

WireGuard is a new, open source VPN protocol that promises to be faster and more secure than OpenVPN. It’s still in development, but it’s already been adopted by several major VPN providers. So, can WireGuard replace OpenVPN?

In short, yes. WireGuard has the potential to replace OpenVPN as the standard VPN protocol. It’s faster and more secure than OpenVPN, and it’s much easier to set up and use. However, WireGuard is still in development, so it may not be ready for everyone just yet.

If you’re looking for a fast and secure VPN protocol, WireGuard is worth considering. But if you need a VPN that’s compatible with all devices and operating systems, OpenVPN is still the best option.

I'm an expert in the field of virtual private networks (VPNs) and encryption protocols, with a deep understanding of the technologies involved. My knowledge encompasses the historical evolution of VPN protocols, their encryption methodologies, and the practical implications of using different protocols in various contexts.

In the provided article comparing WireGuard and OpenVPN in the context of VPN usage in Canada, the author discusses crucial aspects such as speed, encryption, security, privacy, auditability, mobility, censorship circumvention, and compatibility. I'll break down each of these concepts to provide a comprehensive understanding:

1. Speed:

  • WireGuard: Demonstrates consistently fast speeds, quick connection establishment (approximately 100 milliseconds), and fewer sudden/random disconnects.
  • OpenVPN: Slower than WireGuard, takes longer to establish a connection (up to 8 seconds).

2. Encryption:

  • WireGuard: Utilizes a specific set of modern protocols and ciphers (ChaCha20, Poly1305, Curve25519, BLAKE2s, SipHash25), reducing code complexity and minimizing attack surface.
  • OpenVPN: Offers flexibility with various protocols and ciphers via the OpenSSL library (AES, DES, RSA, SHA-1), resulting in a more complex codebase.

3. Security:

  • WireGuard: Relatively new but considered secure, with a smaller codebase, making it easier to audit and update in case of vulnerabilities.
  • OpenVPN: Established and secure, with a well-audited codebase, backed by security experts.

4. Privacy:

  • WireGuard: Some privacy concerns due to the Cryptokey Routing algorithm storing users' IP addresses on the server until reboot. Potential exposure to WebRTC leaks, but mitigations have been implemented by VPN providers.
  • OpenVPN: Generally considered private, especially when used with no-log VPN services.

5. Auditability:

  • WireGuard: Easier to audit with a smaller codebase, making it accessible for a single engineer.
  • OpenVPN: Auditable but has a larger codebase, requiring a team of experts for comprehensive audits.

6. Mobility:

  • WireGuard: Effective in managing network changes, suitable for users switching between Wi-Fi and mobile networks.
  • OpenVPN: Struggles with frequent network changes, not as efficient for mobile users.

7. Censorship Circumvention:

  • WireGuard and OpenVPN: Both reliable, but OpenVPN has an advantage in circumventing censorship with support for both UDP and TCP, using port 443 for TCP connections.

8. Compatibility:

  • WireGuard: Limited device compatibility but growing over time, currently supporting major platforms.
  • OpenVPN: Broad device compatibility, supporting all major and many minor platforms.

Conclusion for Canada:

  • WireGuard: Praised for speed and security, but still in early days. Recommended to use alongside OpenVPN.
  • OpenVPN: Established, compatible with all devices, and remains a reliable option.

WireGuard's Potential to Replace OpenVPN:

  • Yes: WireGuard has the potential due to its speed, security, and ease of use.
  • Consideration: WireGuard is still in development, so adoption may vary based on individual needs and device compatibility.

In summary, choosing between WireGuard and OpenVPN depends on specific preferences, use cases, and the importance of factors like speed, security, and device compatibility.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? (2024)


WireGuard vs OpenVPN: Which One is Superior in Canada? ›

Is WireGuard better than OpenVPN? Neither protocol is necessarily “better.” The choice between the two depends on requirements and use cases. WireGuard excels in speed and simplicity. OpenVPN is more established and configurable.

Is OpenVPN better than WireGuard? ›

The biggest notable differences between WireGuard and OpenVPN are speed and security. While WireGuard is generally faster, OpenVPN provides heavier security. The differences between these two protocols are also what make up their defining features.

Is Ping better with WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

Performance and speed

Additionally, the ping time when using WireGuard is much lower (better) than OpenVPN, with a ping of 0.403 ms compared to 1.541 ms.

Is WireGuard the best VPN? ›

It works very quickly, provides a high level of security, and is written with relatively few lines of code. The lightweight nature of the protocol code is important, because it makes deployment and debugging easier. In short, WireGuard is a faster, more effective way to protect and transfer data across a VPN.

Which is better for IPTV OpenVPN or WireGuard? ›

wireguard is generally far less demanding on cpu than openvpn. If iptv only streams at less than 5 Mbps, then it shouldn't severely impact the Linksys even if you choose to use OpenVPN.

Which is the strongest VPN to use? ›

NordVPN tops our VPN rankings by offering an unmatched blend of features, speed, unblocking, and value for money. Not only is it half the price of ExpressVPN, it also has more features compared to Surfshark. They're its two nearest rivals, making Nord a no-brainer for most people.

Why is WireGuard so good? ›

By using a simplified encryption method known as ChaCha20, WireGuard is able to offer quicker speeds that older, slower protocols can't. Rather than routing over the traditional TCP protocol, WireGuard uses the lighter, leaner UDP protocol when sending traffic back and forth with the outside world.

Can WireGuard be detected? ›

Can WireGuard be detected? Yes, WireGuard can be detected. It doesn't do VPN obfuscation, mostly because of the insistence on UDP transmission mode. Surfshark turned to a customized implementation of OpenVPN in TCP mode for an undetectable VPN.

How much does WireGuard cost? ›

Since WireGuard and OpenVPN are free software, there is no expense associated with using them. Though there are some free solutions, you'll still need to pay for a VPN subscription. Since WireGuard and OpenVPN are free software, there is no expense associated with using them.

Which VPN has the fastest ping? ›

Surfshark stands out for the best ping, providing the lowest latency and ensuring an optimal gaming experience. The fastest VPN for gaming is ExpressVPN, which consistently delivers the highest speeds for minimal lag and smooth gameplay.

What is the weakness of WireGuard? ›

WireGuard uses the same key by default, which means if a hacker gets into the server and can steal your key, they may also be able to decrypt your traffic. By default WireGuard also doesn't do anything to obfuscate your traffic, so it can be vulnerable to DPI (Deep Packet Inspection).

Can you use OpenVPN and WireGuard at the same time? ›

I have installed OpenVPN on the same server as Wireguard and all devices connect no problem to both vpn networks, however, they can not "see" each other.

What is the time limit for WireGuard? ›

The WireGuard protocol uses sessions to manage various aspects of the peer data exchange, sessions last maximum for 180 seconds.

Is OpenVPN the most secure? ›

Yes, OpenVPN is one of the safest VPN protocols. It uses SSL/TLS to ensure data security and has access to the OpenSSL library for further customization, including additional security features.

What is the most reliable VPN for streaming? ›

The best VPN for streaming is ExpressVPN. It has top-tier speed and a massive global network of servers while supporting numerous devices. Regardless of what you're streaming on and where you want to stream, it's likely that ExpressVPN will have you covered.

Which OpenVPN should I use? ›

VPN protocol comparison
VPN protocolSecuritySpeed
OpenVPN TCPVery secure (no known vulnerabilities)Very fast
OpenVPN UDPVery secure (no known vulnerabilities)Very fast
IKEv2/IPSecVery secure (no known vulnerabilities)Very fast
4 more rows
Jul 2, 2024

Why is OpenVPN better? ›

It's not only considered the most secure VPN tunneling protocol, it also delivers faster connections and can bypass most firewalls. Any IP subnetwork or virtual ethernet adapter over a single UDP (user datagram protocol) or TCP (transmission control protocol) port.

Is WireGuard the fastest protocol? ›

WireGuard – The Fastest VPN Protocol

High speeds. Open-source code base. Less bandwidth usage.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.