Will I Pay Capital Gains on the Sale of My Second Home? (2024)

At HomeLight, our vision is a world where every real estate transaction is simple, certain, and satisfying. Therefore, we promote stricteditorial integrity in each of our posts.

Selling your second home? When you sell a vacation home, rental, fix-and-flip, or any second property that is not your primary residence, you will typically be responsible for paying capital gains taxes on any profits you make, at a rate of up to 20%, depending on your tax bracket. But you may be able to mitigate those taxes.

In this post, we discuss under what conditions you can minimize your capital gains tax when selling your second home and maximize your profits as a seller.

To provide you with the most up-to-date information, we spoke with real estate attorney Koert Brown of Rammelkamp Bradney in Illinois and AJ Pettersen, a top Minneapolis real estate agent who works with 74% more single-family homes than the average agent in his market.

Will I Pay Capital Gains on the Sale of My Second Home? (1)

Selling a Second Home? Work With a Top Agent

While you will likely have to pay tax on any capital gains realized from the sale of your second home, working with a top agent can take some of the sting out. HomeLight data shows that the top 5% of agents across the U.S. help clients sell their home for as much as 10% more than the average real estate agent, potentially helping to offset the cost of taxes.

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Editor’s note: This post is meant for educational purposes, not tax advice. If you need assistance navigating capital gains on a home sale, HomeLight encourages you to contact your own advisor.

Selling a second home vs. selling a primary residence

When selling a primary home, the seller generally doesn’t have to worry about paying taxes on profits — up to a certain point. The IRS allows a single-filer homeowner to forgo paying taxes on up to $250,000 gained from the sale, and a married couple can exclude up to $500,000 in profit.

Brown says a property is considered a primary residence if the owners occupy it for the greater part of a year (more than six months) for at least two of the past five years, and can prove it. For audit purposes, proof is determined by where the owner is employed, banks, receives mail, and attends community places like recreational clubs.

When selling a second home, you typically have to pay tax on capital gains at a rate of up to 20% in 2024, depending on your tax bracket.

A property is considered your second home if it’s a vacation home or an investment property that you rent out.

How much you’ll pay in capital gains tax depends on several factors:

  • How long you’ve owned the second home
  • The cost of owning the property, including the cost of capital improvements and any fees
  • Your income tax bracket
  • Your marital status
  • Whether you rent out your second home
  • Whether you replace that property with a like-exchange
  • Whether you claim an investment loss in the same tax year

What are capital gains taxes?

Capital gains taxes are the taxes you pay when you sell an appreciating asset and make a profit (capital gain). According to the IRS, there are two main categories of capital gains tax on the sale of a non-primary residence:

  • Short-term capital gains tax. This is a tax on any profits from the sale of a property that you’ve owned for one year or less. For short-term properties, you’ll typically pay the same tax rate as you would for your ordinary income.
  • Long-term capital gains tax. If you’ve owned your second home for more than a year, you’ll typically pay a long-term capital gains tax between 0% and 20%, depending on your earnings. According to the IRS, property owners will pay a 15% tax unless they exceed the higher income level.

What’s the current long-term capital gains tax rate?

Long-term capital gains tax rates for 2023

Filing status 0% rate 15% rate 20% rate
Single Up to $44,625 $44,626–$492,300 Over $492,300
Married filing jointly Up to $89,250 $89,251–$553,850 Over $553,850
Married filing separately Up to $44,625 $44,626–$276,900 Over $276,900
Head of household Up to $59,750 $59,751–$523,050 Over $523,050

Source: Internal Revenue Service (IRS.gov)

Long-term capital gains tax rates for 2024

Filing status 0% rate 15% rate 20% rate
Single Up to $47,025 $47,026–$518,900 Over $518,900
Married filing jointly Up to $94,050 $94,051–$583,750 Over $583,750
Married filing separately Up to $47,025 $47,026–$291,850 Over $291,850
Head of household Up to $63,000 $63,001–$551,350 Over $551,350

Source: Internal Revenue Service (IRS.gov)

Ways to reduce your capital gains tax

The capital gains tax may seem high but don’t kiss all of those tax dollars away just yet. Depending on your situation, there are several different ways that you may be able to mitigate some of your capital gains.

Will I Pay Capital Gains on the Sale of My Second Home? (4)

Adjust your profits to reflect any acquisition costs or property improvements

At the most basic level, capital gain is calculated by determining your cost basis and subtracting any profit made from the sale.

The cost basis is typically the amount you spent to buy and improve your second home, including the purchase price, any acquisition or closing fees, and the cost of any capital improvements you made while owning it. Capital improvements are permanent repairs or upgrades not including routine repairs or maintenance. For a list of the capital improvements you can add to the cost basis of your home, see IRS Publication 530.

You can also increase your cost basis by adding any qualifying real estate fees, such as real estate commission and closing costs, paid when selling your second home, which can reduce your taxable gain even further.

How to calculate capital gains tax

Remember that the capital gains tax depends on marital status, how long you’ve owned your home, your taxable income, and your net profit. For example, if you’re married filing jointly with a net combined income of $233,000, and you purchased your second home for $400,000 and sold it for $500,000, it would initially appear that you profited $100,000 from the sale.

But if you also spent $15,000 on acquisition costs, $20,000 to renovate the bathrooms, $25,000 to put on a new roof, and $30,000 in real estate commission, your cost basis may be $490,000. Your profit could actually only be $10,000. In this example scenario, you’ll pay a capital gains tax rate of 15% or $1,500.

Depreciate the property if it was used as a rental

If you rent out your home, you can typically deduct depreciation on an annual basis. Simply put, depreciation is the tax deduction of the cost to fix, update, maintain, or own a rental property, spread out over the years you own the property.

If your second home was rented out while you owned it, you could opt to deduct real estate depreciation for the number of days it was occupied by renters or available to rent each year. As an example, if the property was rented or available to be rented for half of the year, you could claim 50% of the yearly depreciation deduction. Each year, the depreciation would continue to reduce your cost basis.

However, keep in mind that if you depreciate your second home, you’ll have to pay another tax called a depreciation recapture, which is a flat 25% of the cumulative depreciation. For example, if you’ve claimed $35,000 in total depreciation, you would likely face an additional $8,750 in taxes when you sell.

Rent out your second home

You cannot depreciate a vacation home, which is considered personal property. But because it’s a second property, when you sell, it is fully taxable at the capital gains rate as an investment. However, renting out a vacation home is one of the most common ways for a homeowner to mitigate their tax liability on the sale of a second home. In this case, you can typically deduct depreciation and the costs to own, maintain, and rent that property.

To use this strategy, you’ll need to start renting out the home long before you list it. It’s also important to note that if you use this strategy to mitigate your capital gains tax, you cannot have used it as a primary residence for the last two of the past five years, and you will very likely have to pay the depreciation recapture tax. It’s strongly encouraged that you consult with a tax and/or real estate professional to map out whether this strategy is available and how it might apply to your situation.

Make your second home your primary residence

Another way to reduce your tax liability is to turn your second home into your primary residence, which will make you eligible for up to a $500,000 exclusion. According to Brown, every homeowner will most likely exempt the sale of a primary residence within their lifetime.

The definition of primary residence is most important when going about making your second home your primary residence. You must have lived in it the majority of the year (more than six months) in any given year for two out of the last five years.

“That’s the safe harbor that will get you there. The tests, facts, and circ*mstances that prove a home is your primary residence include your place of employment, where you have your mail sent, where you bank, and where you go to church,” says Brown.

It’s important to note that you can’t use this strategy if you have excluded a capital gains tax on the sale of another property within the past two years.

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What is Needed for Taxes When Selling a Home? Learn more
1031 Exchange, Explained: How to Defer Capital Gains ‘Til You Die Learn more

Do a 1031 exchange and defer capital gains tax

Named for the IRS Code Section 1031, a “1031 exchange” — also called a “like-kind exchange” — allows you to swap out an investment home for another property of the same type without paying any capital gains tax.

The 1031 exchange can generally only be used if the real estate involved is an investment or business property, so you can likely only employ the like-kind strategy if your second home is used primarily as a rental rather than for personal enjoyment, and the replacement property cannot be used as your primary residence. There are also other specific exclusions in the tax code, even if a property is used for investment or business purposes. These include:

  • Inventory or stock in trade
  • Stocks, bonds, or notes
  • Other securities or debt
  • Partnership interests
  • Certificates of trust

If you want to do a like-kind exchange, the clock starts ticking right after you sell the first property. You must find the replacement home within 45 days and must close on the second purchase within 180 days. If you miss that deadline, you’ll get hit with the full capital gains tax.

With the 1031 exchange, you do not avoid capital gains tax altogether. Instead, you are deferring the tax until you sell the replacement property. However, there is typically no limit to the number of times you can defer the capital tax with the 1031 exchange. You can continue rolling capital gains into a replacement investment property indefinitely, deferring the tax over and over and eventually paying it or passing the rental property to a beneficiary.

Property requirements for the 1031 exchange

So you’d like to take advantage of the 1031 exchange rule — but how do you know if your property and the replacement property qualify?

For the initial property, these conditions apply:

  • You must have owned and held the property for at least 24 months immediately preceding the 1031 exchange; and
  • You must have rented the subject property at fair market rates to other people for at least 14 days (or more) during each of the preceding two years; and
  • You must have limited your personal use and enjoyment of the property to not more than 14 days during each of the preceding two years, or 10% of the number of days that the property was actually rented out to other people during each of the preceding two years. For example, if you rent your investment property for 330 days in a given year, you can use it for personal enjoyment no more than 33 of the remaining 35 days of that year. However, time spent in the home to do maintenance and repairs doesn’t count toward that limit.

For example, if you rent out your vacation home at least 14 days per year for two consecutive years, don’t live in it more than 14 days per year, and it’s considered an investment property in the eyes of the IRS, it could be eligible for the 1031 exchange.

Likewise, the replacement property must meet the following criteria:

  • You must own the property for at least two years after exercising the 1031 exchange; and
  • You must rent it out for at least 14 days per year; and
  • You cannot use the property for personal enjoyment for more than 14 days per year or 10% of the days the home is rented out.

According to Pettersen, the biggest difficulty with 1031 exchanges right now is the deadline combined with the inventory shortage. “It’s not easy to find a like-kind property for a 1031 exchange in the first place and it can be harder still to do it in a 45-day time frame. I’ve had 1031 exchanges fall through because of the housing shortage.”

A warning about deferred 1031 exchanges

For homeowners wanting more flexibility in the 1031 exchange timeline, there is such a thing as a deferred exchange in which the owner sells the property to a qualified intermediary, known as a 1031 Accommodator, who buys the property at a later date. The entire process must still take place within 180 days and the sale is more complex as well as more risky.

The IRS warns that homeowners should fully vet a 1031 Accommodator and beware of schemes. There have been instances of these sales falling through or not meeting IRS requirements. It’s important to consult with a tax and/or real estate professional to see if this strategy might work for you.

Will I Pay Capital Gains on the Sale of My Second Home? (7)

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Offset capital gain from the sale of rental property with an investment loss

If your second home is a rental property and you are holding an investment that has lost value, there is a tax provision that may let you sell that investment in the same tax year to offset some or all of your capital gains. Also called tax-loss harvesting or tax-loss selling, this investment strategy is commonly used to minimize taxable capital gains from investment income, but can sometimes also be used to offset capital gains from the sale of a rental property.

When using this strategy, Brown says it’s important to remember that a short-term capital gain can only be offset by a short-term capital loss; a long-term capital gain can only be offset by a long-term capital loss.

Example: In July 2023, Jim and Elizabeth sold a rental property for a net profit of $45,000. They were holding a stock investment that had lost $55,000 in value. To offset their capital gains for tax year 2023, they sold $45,000 of that stock at the end of 2023 and paid $0 capital gains tax.

When in doubt, talk to a professional

Real estate taxes can get complicated fast. It’s best to partner with a real estate accountant and a top real estate agent with experience in selling second homes. They can help you determine your net profits and identify opportunities to mitigate your capital gains tax so you don’t pay more than you absolutely must.

Contributing editor Jedda Fernandez assisted with this 2024 update.

Header Image Source: (Gunnar Ridderström / Unsplash)

Will I Pay Capital Gains on the Sale of My Second Home? (8)

Jael Batty

Contributing Author

Jael Batty is a freelance writer with 23+ years of marketing experience. Her expertise includes marketing and writing content for solar installers, electrical service providers, HVAC contractors, landscapers, and tile installers. Over her lifetime, she has lived in six states, moved 17 times, bought three houses, and sold two.

Will I Pay Capital Gains on the Sale of My Second Home? (9)

Richard Haddad

Managing Editor

Richard Haddad is the managing editor of HomeLight.com. He works with an experienced content team that oversees the company’s blog featuring in-depth articles about the home buying and selling process, homeownership news, home care and design tips, and related real estate trends. Previously, he served as an editor and content producer for World Company, Gannett, and Western News & Info, where he also served as news director and director of internet operations.

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Will I Pay Capital Gains on the Sale of My Second Home? (2024)


Will I Pay Capital Gains on the Sale of My Second Home? ›

When you sell a vacation home, rental, fix-and-flip, or any second property that is not your primary residence, you will typically be responsible for paying capital gains taxes on any profits you make, at a rate of up to 20%, depending on your tax bracket. But you may be able to mitigate those taxes.

How do I avoid capital gains on my second home? ›

A few options to legally avoid paying capital gains tax on investment property include buying your property with a retirement account, converting the property from an investment property to a primary residence, utilizing tax harvesting, and using Section 1031 of the IRS code for deferring taxes.

How to calculate capital gains on sale of second home? ›

Capital Gains Taxes on Property

Your basis in your home is what you paid for it, plus closing costs and non-decorative investments you made in the property, like a new roof. You can also add sales expenses like real estate agent fees to your basis. Subtract that from the sale price and you get the capital gains.

Is there a way to avoid capital gains tax on the selling of a house? ›

You will avoid capital gains tax if your profit on the sale is less than $250,000 (for single filers) or $500,000 (if you're married and filing jointly), provided it has been your primary residence for at least two of the past five years.

What are the IRS rules for second homes? ›

For the IRS to consider a second home a personal residence for the tax year, you need to use the home for more than 14 days or 10% of the days that you rent it out, whichever is greater. So if you rented the house for 40 weeks (280 days), you would need to use the home for more than 28 days.

What is the 6 year rule for capital gains tax? ›

Here's how it works: Taxpayers can claim a full capital gains tax exemption for their principal place of residence (PPOR). They also can claim this exemption for up to six years if they move out of their PPOR and then rent it out. There are some qualifying conditions for leaving your principal place of residence.

At what age do you not pay capital gains? ›

Capital Gains Tax for People Over 65. For individuals over 65, capital gains tax applies at 0% for long-term gains on assets held over a year and 15% for short-term gains under a year. Despite age, the IRS determines tax based on asset sale profits, with no special breaks for those 65 and older.

Do I have to report the sale of a second home to the IRS? ›

Answer: Your second residence (such as a vacation home) is considered a capital asset. Use Schedule D (Form 1040), Capital Gains and Losses and Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets to report sales, exchanges, and other dispositions of capital assets.

How much can you write off on a second home? ›

Are Second-Home Expenses Tax Deductible? Yes, but it depends on how you use the home. If the home counts as a personal residence, you can generally deduct your mortgage interest on loans up to $750,000, as well as up to $10,000 in state and local taxes (SALT).

What is the 2 out of 5 year rule? ›

The 2-Out-of-5-Year Rule Explained

The 2-out-of-five-year rule states that you must have owned and lived in your home for a minimum of two out of the last five years before the sale.

How soon do I have to buy another house to avoid capital gains? ›

Frequently Asked Questions about Capital Gains Tax

You might be able to defer capital gains by buying another home. As long as you sell your first investment property and apply your profits to the purchase of a new investment property within 180 days, you can defer taxes.

Do you have to pay capital gains if you reinvest in another house? ›

You can avoid capital gains tax when you sell your primary residence by buying another house and using the 121 home sale exclusion. In addition, the 1031 like-kind exchange allows investors to defer taxes when they reinvest the proceeds from the sale of an investment property into another investment property.

Can you deduct closing costs from capital gains? ›

In addition to the home's original purchase price, you can deduct some closing costs, sales costs and the property's tax basis from your taxable capital gains. Closing costs can include mortgage-related expenses. For example, if you had prepaid interest when you bought the house) and tax-related expenses.

Do you have to pay capital gains when you sell your 2nd house? ›

Since a second home doesn't meet the IRS definition of a primary residence, it is not entitled to the capital gains exclusion. In a nutshell, any net capital gain you make upon the sale of a second home is taxable at the appropriate rate (long term or short term).

Do you have to pay capital gains when you sell a vacation home? ›

Capital gains on sale of vacation home

For example, say you sell a vacation home that you owned since 2010 for $775,000, and you have a tax basis of $610,000. Your $165,000 gain is taxed at capital gains rates. As with primary homes, you can't deduct a loss on the sale of a vacation home.

What is the difference between a second home and a vacation home? ›

Second homes are often used as vacation homes, but can also be properties (like condos) in an area that you regularly visit. According to the IRS, second homes can be rented out to generate income as long as you live there for more than 14 days a year or for more than 10% of the total days you rent it to others.

How to avoid capital gains tax when inheriting property? ›

How to Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax on Inheritance
  1. Sell the inherited property quickly. ...
  2. Make the inherited property your primary residence. ...
  3. Rent the inherited property. ...
  4. Disclaim the inherited property. ...
  5. Deduct selling expenses from capital gains.

Can a second home qualify for a 1031 exchange? ›

Yes, a second home can qualify for a 1031 exchange, but it must adhere to specific conditions. The property should primarily be used as a business or investment asset and not for personal enjoyment. The IRS applies strict rules regarding personal usage of the property to maintain its eligibility for a 1031 exchange.

What should I do with a large lump sum of money after sale of house? ›

What to do with home sale proceeds
  1. Purchasing a new home.
  2. Buying a vacation home or rental property.
  3. Increasing savings.
  4. Paying down debt.
  5. Boosting investment accounts.

What is the capital gains over 55 rule? ›

The over-55 home sale exemption was a tax law that provided homeowners over age 55 with a one-time capital gains exclusion. Individuals who met the requirements could exclude up to $125,000 of capital gains on the sale of their personal residences.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.