Will Bitcoin Be The Future Of Money When All The Bitcoin Has Been Mined? (2024)

Back in 2010, when most of us thought Bitcoin was either a fancy digital fad or some sort of online gaming money, I was sat in the office of a little digital marketing agency. We used to huddle around our chunky Macs and monitors, drinking overly strong coffee and we were all fascinated by the thought of “internet money”. Some of us even bought some Bitcoin back in that cold and draughty digital agency, in the deepest darkest depths of Wesham – a small village on the Fylde Coast in Lancashire. I often wonder what the guys who invested in Bitcoin did with it because I sure don’t have that Bitcoin sitting around waiting for me.

So, what’s this Bitcoin thing, anyway? It’s digital money. That’s probably the best way to describe it. It’s not the kind of gold coins you collect in computer games, but real money you can use to buy real stuff. Well, that’s the theory. It was all started in 2009 by someone called Satoshi Nakamoto. They wanted to make a new kind of money that didn’t need banks or governments to work. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi book, doesn’t it? But actually, it’s all in the realm of economic theory.

It’s something that’s been predicted for years. If you’ve read the seminal book of the Alt-Right, The Sovereign Individual, you’ll know digital money that’s divorced from national government control is one of the key ways in which they predict individuals will become increasingly “sovereign” from states.

In that book, the authors state: “New technologies will allow the holders of wealth to bypass the national monopolies that have issued and regulated money in the modern period. […] Their importance for controlling the world’s wealth will be transcended by mathematical algorithms that have no physical existence. In the new millennium, cybermoney controlled by private markets will supersede fiat money issued by governments. Only the poor will be victims of inflation and ensuing collapses into deflation that are consequences of the artificial leverage which fiat money injects into the economy.”

Now, here’s the thing: there is only ever going to be 21 million Bitcoins. That’s it. No more and no less. It’s like a digital version of gold, rare and valuable. Only rarer. This brings us to the big question: will Bitcoin be the future of money when all of it has been mined or perhaps even before that?

In 2010, talking about Bitcoin in that digital agency felt like we were discussing whether aliens built the pyramids. It was a fun conversation that we didn’t take too seriously. We were interested because we were all about the internet and how it could transform the lives of people. We were probably a bit utopian in our outlooks, too. But here I am, years later, wondering if our jokes and idealism might become reality. Will Bitcoin, or perhaps another cryptocurrency, take over as a key player in the global monetary system, especially after we’ve mined all the digital Bitcoins there are to find?

It’s funny how things turn out. What was once flippant talk over lunch breaks could soon be how we pay for those very lunches.

Alright, let’s get our digital pickaxes and real-world heads into the world of Bitcoin mining. No, we’re not going down any dark tunnels or facing any trolls or dwarfs. It’s all about computers and solving complex puzzles.

Bitcoin mining is like a giant, global competition. Imagine a huge Sudoku puzzle. The first one to solve it shouts, “Bingo!” and gets a prize. In the Bitcoin world, the puzzle is a math problem and the prize is, you guessed it – Bitcoin!

Why do we need mining? Bitcoin mining is how new Bitcoins are made. But it’s also how transactions get checked and added to the public ledger, known as the blockchain. Think of it as a giant, digital book where every Bitcoin transaction is recorded. This keeps everything open and honest.

So, how does mining work? Miners use powerful computers to solve the puzzles. When they crack it, they get to add a new block of transactions to the blockchain. As a thank you, the network gives them some Bitcoin. This is also how the system checks that no one’s trying to cheat with their Bitcoins.

Now, for the intriguing bit. The last Bitcoin is expected to be mined around the year 2140. We’ve got quite a bit of a wait before that happens. But, what does happen then? Miners won’t get new Bitcoins as a reward anymore. They’ll only get transaction fees from the transactions they add to the blockchain.

This final Bitcoin mining milestone is a big deal. It’s like the final piece of a massive digital jigsaw puzzle being put in place. For miners, it will mean a shift in how they earn their keep. For the rest of the Bitcoin network, it’s the completion of a grand experiment in digital scarcity and value.

Back in 2010, if you’d told us that people would be using supercomputers to dig up digital money, we might have spilt our coffees laughing. Yet, here we are, in a world where that’s exactly what’s happening. It’s a strange and fascinating journey, from a digital agency’s back room in a converted barn to the cutting edge of computer science and economics.

Bitcoin’s got a cap – it’s a bit like a co*ke bottle. Only 21 million Bitcoins can ever exist. This limit is kind of what makes it special, it’s a bit like a limited edition of a comic book. As more people want it, its value could increase, just because there’s not enough for everyone.

If you compare Bitcoin to the money in your wallet (and I mean the normal kind of cash), this is known as fiat currency. Fiat money is like printing your own comic books; you can make as many as you want. Remember that first edition well, if you really want, who can tell if you’ve printed 5000 or 6000? This can lead to inflation, where the value of money drops because there’s just too much of it floating around. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is deflationary. Since there’s a cap, it could get more valuable over time, not less. This is what we’ve seen happening so far, despite more of it being created – demand is outstripping supply, driving up the price.

So, what happens when the music stops? When the last Bitcoin is mined and there are no more to dig up? For investors, it might be a bit of a scramble. Imagine being at a concert and the band announces it’s their last song. Everyone goes crazy. Similarly, as we get closer to mining the last Bitcoin, we might see a rush to buy, which could drive its value up even further. I won’t be around to see that though, unless quantum computing changes the rules of the game.

This is kind of what we’re seeing at the moment. In April, there is the next halving event, when the returns the miners get for their activity halve. This means there will be an increase in scarcity. This has resulted in people buying up Bitcoin ahead of the halving event. Usually, this happens after the event – but perhaps people are getting wise to Bitcoin trends now.

For the everyday user, it could mean Bitcoin becomes a more stable form of money. With no new Bitcoins coming into existence, its value might not jump around as much as it does now. It could start to look more like a currency and less like a rollercoaster ride at the amusem*nt park. And as we get past subsequent halving events it’s likely to stabilise further.

And then there’s the global market to think about. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are already shaking things up. As Bitcoin becomes more scarce, it could either become a coveted asset – like gold – or it might push people to look at other cryptocurrencies or even create new ones.

In the digital agency days, we used to wonder if digital money would ever catch on. Now, I’m pondering how it might reshape the global economy. It’s a bit like predicting the internet’s impact in the ’90s. We knew it was big, but we couldn’t quite grasp how big or even work out what we should be doing with it. With Bitcoin, we’re in a similar boat, watching as it sails into uncharted economic waters not quite sure how it will fare.

Diving into the tech and social side of things, the end of Bitcoin mining opens up a new chapter for blockchain technology. Without the need for mining, the focus might shift to making the blockchain even more secure and efficient. Imagine a world where blockchain doesn’t just back up digital money but also secures your online identity, medical records or even votes in an election. The technology that started with Bitcoin could morph into a digital skeleton key for all kinds of secure and transparent systems.

I am a big advocate of e-democracy and I would like to see more people voting directly on issues rather than just their representatives voting for them. Blockchain could be a central technology for this.

When it comes to Bitcoin being used in everyday life, we’re seeing more of it now than ever before. You can buy a coffee, book a flight or even pay your university tuition with Bitcoin in some places. As it becomes scarcer and hopefully more stable, it might not just be something for investors to speculate on but a currency that’s as common as tapping your card at the grocery store. The more it’s used, the more integrated it becomes, leading to a future where digital wallets become more commonplace than actual wallets.

Public perception is a bit trickier. The end of Bitcoin mining could go two ways. On one hand, knowing that no more Bitcoin will ever be created might make it more trustworthy, like a finite resource that’s been fully mapped out. People trust gold for this very reason; it’s rare, valuable and they know there’s only so much of it. Bitcoin could end up in the same category, a digital gold for the digital age.

On the other hand, change is always a bit scary. For some, the end of mining might signal uncertainty. “What now?” they might ask. Here’s where the stories from the early days come back to help. Remember the digital agency chats, the scepticism and the jokes about internet money? And that was from a group of relatively tech-literate youngish digital professionals. Overcoming scepticism takes time, education and a bit of boldness from those who believe in the technology. The same could be true for the next phase of Bitcoin’s life. As mining winds down, the narrative might shift from how Bitcoin is made to how it’s used, turning scepticism into everyday acceptance.

In those digital marketing agency days, we couldn’t really have imagined the impact of Bitcoin and blockchain technology on the world. Now, we stand on the cusp of a new era. It’s clear that the journey of Bitcoin is about much more than just mining; it’s about reshaping our understanding of money, security and trust in a digital world.

Navigating the future of Bitcoin, particularly in a post-mining landscape, presents its own set of challenges and solutions, especially when it comes to security, miner incentivisation and the regulatory environment.

With the cessation of mining activities, security concerns might bubble up to the surface. The robustness of Bitcoin’s network heavily relies on miners. They don’t just create new Bitcoins; they validate transactions and secure the network. Without the incentive of mining rewards, one might wonder, will the network remain just as secure? The answer lies in transaction fees. As the primary reward for miners post-mining era, these fees are expected to ensure that miners remain motivated to keep the network secure. Additionally, advancements in blockchain technology, including more efficient consensus mechanisms, could further bolster security, ensuring Bitcoin remains a fortress in the digital realm.

Let’s not forget, the regulatory environment poses both a challenge and an opportunity for Bitcoin. Across the globe, governments and financial institutions are grappling with how to integrate cryptocurrencies within their legal and economic frameworks. Regulations can play a double-edged sword; on one side, they can provide a framework that promotes stability, security and trust, encouraging adoption. On the other side, overly stringent regulations could stifle innovation and limit the growth of cryptocurrencies. The balance lies in crafting policies that protect consumers and the financial system whilst also fostering an environment where digital currencies can flourish.

Financial experts and economists have long debated the potential of Bitcoin. Some see it as a revolutionary technology that could decentralize global finance, whilst others caution against its volatility and uncertain regulatory future. For instance, renowned economist Thomas Lee has highlighted Bitcoin’s potential as a “store of value,” comparing its trajectory to gold during economic uncertainties. On the flip side, critics like Nouriel Roubini have dismissed Bitcoin as a speculative bubble with no intrinsic value, emphasising its susceptibility to market whims and regulatory crackdowns. Whereas, gold can be physically stored or turned into jewellery or used in electrical equipment. It’s a different kind of value.

The comparative analysis of Bitcoin’s role in the global economy reveals a spectrum of viewpoints. Proponents argue that Bitcoin offers unparalleled advantages, including lower transaction fees for international transfers, enhanced privacy and resistance against inflation – particularly in countries experiencing currency devaluation. Critics, however, point to its volatility, energy consumption in mining activities and potential for use in illegal activities. This dichotomy underscores the ongoing debate about Bitcoin’s viability as a mainstream financial instrument.

Case studies of countries and companies integrating Bitcoin into their financial systems provide concrete examples of its potential impact. El Salvador made headlines as the first country to adopt Bitcoin as a legal tender, aiming to boost financial inclusion and reduce remittance costs for its citizens. Similarly, companies like Tesla and Square have embraced Bitcoin, adding it to their balance sheets as an investment and accepting it as payment for goods and services. These examples demonstrate a growing acceptance of Bitcoin, suggesting a shift towards wider adoption in the global economy.

The journey of Bitcoin, from an obscure digital currency to a topic of international and corporate strategy, illustrates its potential to influence the future of money. Whilst opinions on its ultimate role diverge, the ongoing exploration by countries and companies alike signals a curiosity and willingness to experiment with this digital asset. As Bitcoin continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly keep sparking debate, research and innovation in the quest to redefine financial systems around the world.

In pondering the future of Bitcoin and its brethren, we’re not just contemplating the evolution of currency but the potential for a transformative shift in global governance. The decentralised nature of cryptocurrencies poses a unique challenge to nation-states, accustomed to exerting control over their monetary systems. This digital revolution could necessitate a form of global federalisation or at the very least, a coordinated regulatory framework, to effectively manage and harness the power of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

The notion of global federalisation or harmonised regulation isn’t about stifling innovation or curtailing the freedom that digital currencies promise. Rather, it’s about creating a safe, stable and equitable environment for these technologies to flourish. A global consensus on the regulation of digital currencies could mitigate risks associated with money laundering, fraud and the volatility that can erode public trust in cryptocurrencies.

This unprecedented level of cooperation could catalyse a new era of financial inclusion and democratisation. By providing a unified approach to the oversight of digital currencies, we could ensure that the benefits of these technologies are accessible to all, not just a technologically or financially elite minority. Moreover, such a framework could enhance the security of digital transactions, bolstering confidence in cryptocurrencies as a reliable medium of exchange.

The path to global federalisation or harmonised regulation of cryptocurrencies will undoubtedly be complex. It requires balancing the libertarian ethos that fueled the inception of Bitcoin with the pragmatic need for oversight to protect users and the financial system at large. Yet, the potential rewards are immense. A globally coordinated approach could pave the way for a truly decentralised financial system, one that empowers individuals and fosters economic participation on an unprecedented scale.

It’s also worth remembering those early days in that digital agency on the Fylde Coast, where the notion of “internet money” sparked both scepticism and fascination. What seemed like a distant dream is now at the forefront of discussions on the future of money and governance. The journey of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is not merely about technological innovation; with crypto, we have the potential to reimagine what global cooperation and governance can look like in the digital age. By embracing the challenge of global regulation, we could see a significant step towards a future where digital currencies bring people from all corners of the world in a shared vision of financial empowerment, security and personal self-determination.

And just like that, I feel like I’m back in that little digital marketing agency in 2010 dreaming of great big ideas about the future of the world.

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Will Bitcoin Be The Future Of Money When All The Bitcoin Has Been Mined? (2024)
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