Why You Need a Static IP for Gaming (2024)

Table of Contents

Before we dive into the use of a static IP for online gaming, we need to understand the concept of an IP address and its types.

Since each device connected to the Internet has its own has IP (Internet Protocol) address, you can conveniently send and receive data from other devices and servers.

An IP addressis issued to you by yourInternet service provider(ISP). Normally, ISPs issue their users with two kinds of IP addresses:

  • Static IP addresses – remains the same
  • Dynamic IP addresses – changes periodically

What is a Static IP?

A static Internet Protocol (IP) address (static IP address) is a permanent number assigned to a computer by an Internet service provider (ISP).

Static IP addresses are useful for gaming, website hosting, or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. Speed and reliability are key advantages. Because a static address is constant, systems with static IP addresses are vulnerable to increased security risks which is why you need a Static IP VPN.

Get Dedicated IP Address for Gaming

A static IP address is also known as a fixed address. This means that a computer with an assigned static IP address uses the same IP address when connecting to the Internet.

Another good thing about a static IP is that when you make a temporary game server with your friends, you just have to remember your IP and tell it to your friends and not have to waste time looking for your IP.

Why You Need a Static IP for Gaming (1)

What is an IP?

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

How does it work?

An IP address serves two primary functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. It allows devices to communicate with each other by identifying their particular IP address and sending data packets across the network.

For example, would be an IPv4 address. There is also IPv6, which is 128 bits long and written in hexadecimal format with eight groups of four characters separated by colons; for example 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 would be an IPv6 address.

IP addresses are not static – they may change depending on the user’s connection or if a user has been assigned a new IP address from their internet service provider (ISP).

Pros and Cons of using a Static IP

Stays the same

The main advantage of a static IP address is that it remains the same over time, making it easier to identify a device on the network. This is because the IP address remains linked to the device even if it is moved or its connection changes.

Provides access to specific services

It makes it simpler for users to access services on the device as they know which IP address to use.

Gives remote access

Static IP addresses can also be helpful for devices that need to be accessed remotely, such as web servers or email servers, as they are usually more secure than dynamic IP addresses.

Requires manual configuration

On the downside, using static IP addresses requires more manual configuration than dynamic ones and can be time consuming and prone to errors.

Expensive to use

Since static addressing uses up a finite amount of available addresses in a network, it can make networks more difficult and costly to scale up or down if needed.

High maintenance costs

They also require extra maintenance by an administrator due to their fixed nature – any changes in the network will involve manually updating all affected static IPs within the system.

What Type of IP Address Should I Have?

Choosing the right type of IP address for your needs depends largely on the requirements of your network and the services you use.

Scenario #1

Generally speaking, if you need a device to be reliably accessible from outside the local network on a regular basis then a static IP address is usually the best option. This is also the case for servers that may need to be accessed remotely, such as web or email servers.

Scenario #2

On the other hand, if you only occasionally require access to a device remotely, and don’t want to deal with extra configuration, then a dynamic IP address may be a better choice.

Dynamic addresses are also more suitable for networks with variable sizes or that have frequent changes in terms of user numbers and device connections.

How are Static and Dynamic IP Addresses Used?

Static and dynamic IP addresses are used in different ways depending on the network and user’s needs.

Static IPs

It remain fixed for an extended period of time, so they enable users to maintain a consistent connection between devices even if there are changes in the network.

They are mainly used to set up servers that need to be accessed remotely, such as email or web servers, as they provide a more reliable connection than dynamic IPs.

Dynamic IPs

Dynamic IP addresses, on the other hand, are temporary and can change each time a device connects to the network. They are typically used in public networks where security is not a major concern, as it makes it easier to connect multiple devices without having to manually configure each one’s address.

Non-Routable IPs

Private non-routable IP addresses are also occasionally used for extra security purposes when public access is not necessary or desired. These types of addresses cannot be accessed from outside the local network and thus provide an additional layer of security from malicious actors trying to access sensitive information.

How much does a static IP cost?

The cost of using a static IP address varies depending on your internet service provider (ISP) and the type of plan you have. Most ISPs will charge an extra fee for residential customers to get a static IP address, but business plans are usually more expensive as they often require more resources and technical support.

Price breakdown

For example, on average a basic static IP address add-on from an ISP can cost around $5–$15 USD per month. However, this cost may increase if you need more features such as subnetting or additional flexibility with your IP range.

Some ISPs may offer discounts for longer term contracts. It is important to remember that there may be additional charges associated with changing or updating your static IP address in the future too.

Other factors to consider

In addition to the costs charged by the ISP, you should factor in any other costs associated with using a static IP address such as increased security measures or extra maintenance required to keep it up-to-date.

How can I change the Dynamic IP Addresses on my Device at Home?

Changing the dynamic IP address of your device at home is fairly straightforward. However, depending on the type of modem or router you have, the steps may vary slightly. Generally speaking, here are the basic steps you need to follow:

  1. Access your modem/router’s admin panel and log in with your credentials. This is usually done by typing in the IP address of your modem/router into a web browser.
  2. Find the section for LAN settings under your network configuration options and click on it.
  3. Select DHCP from the available options and then scroll down to find the “Address Lease Time” setting. Adjust this setting to determine how often you want your device’s dynamic IP address to change and save the changes when done.
  4. Alternatively, you can also select DHCP but then manually enter an IP address instead of allowing your ISP’s system to assign one automatically (this will require knowledge of subnetting).
  5. Lastly, make sure to reboot your modem or router for the changes to take effect and ensure that all devices connected to it are updated with their new dynamic IPs accordingly.

Some routers may offer additional options such as being able to set up static IP addresses for specific devices or assigning a specific range of IP addresses for different types of devices connected to them – these features can be found in more advanced networking panels usually available through third-party firmware software such as DD-WRT or Tomato.

Other ways to change IP addresses

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure connection between two or more devices, often over the internet. It uses tunneling protocols and encryption to provide security for data transmission and ensure privacy for users.

With a VPN, users can access their own private network from anywhere in the world, even if they are using public WiFi or an unsecured connection. This makes it ideal for businesses who need to securely access and share confidential information or remote employees who may be working in different locations.

How does a VPN work?

When connecting to a VPN, you establish an encrypted “tunnel” through which their traffic passes securely between networks.

This tunnel is created by the user’s device encrypting all outgoing data and then sending it through the internet to the VPN server where it can be accessed by authorized users on that network.

Once received, the data is decrypted and sent back over the internet before being returned to its original destination.


A proxy is a computer system or server that acts as an intermediary between a client and another server. It can be used to access websites, networks, services, and applications from anywhere in the world while keeping your IP address private.

How does a proxy work?

Proxies provide an extra layer of protection when browsing the web by acting as a buffer between you and the destination site.

This means that instead of directly connecting to the website or service, your request is routed through the proxy which acts as a middle man.

By doing this, your real IP address remains hidden from any websites or services you are accessing so they cannot track your activity back to you.

Proxy servers can also be used to speed up connections since they can cache data and act as a repository for web pages or other content that has been previously requested by users behind it.

Tor Browser

The Tor Browser is an anonymous web browser that provides its users with a secure and private browsing experience. It works by routing all web traffic through a series of encrypted nodes, making it difficult for anyone to track the user’s IP address or physical location. As such, it provides an effective way for users to remain anonymous while online.

How does a Tor browser work?

One of the unique features of the Tor Browser is its Onion routing protocol, which is based on layering encryption techniques that send encrypted data from node to node until it reaches its destination. By using this technique, it eliminates any single point of failure and makes it nearly impossible for anyone to monitor or trace the data being sent over the network.

The Tor Browser also offers other useful features such as built-in support for third-party security extensions like NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere that help protect users against malicious websites and other forms of online threats.

It also includes a variety of additional tools such as ‘New Identity’ that allows users to easily switch IP addresses in order to remain anonymous when accessing certain content; this feature can be used when accessing websites that are blocked in certain regions due to censorship or geo-blocking laws.

Consult your ISP (internet service provider)

When it comes to online security and privacy, it is always recommended to consult with your internet service provider (ISP) before setting up any additional measures to keep your data safe. Your ISP can provide valuable insight into the type of security measures your connection requires, as well as advice on which type of VPN or proxy would best suit your needs.

Your ISP is also a great source of information when it comes to understanding how certain technologies work and can offer helpful tips for configuration and setup. Additionally, they are well-versed in the latest security trends and can inform you of any new threats that might be targeted at your data or network.

It is important to note that while most ISPs will be more than happy to help guide you through setting up a secure connection, they are not necessarily responsible for any damage caused by third-party services such as VPNs or proxies. So make sure to thoroughly research and understand any service you decide to use before making a commitment.

Restart your network

Restarting your network is an important step for maintaining online security and privacy. When you restart your network, it refreshes your connection and helps protect against any potential vulnerabilities or hacks that may have occurred since the last time you were connected. By doing this regularly, you can ensure that your connection remains secure and private.

Why should I restart the network?

It is also important to keep all of your devices up to date with the latest security patches and updates. This ensures that any potential loopholes are patched, thereby ensuring maximum protection from malicious attacks or malware.

It also helps to install a reliable antivirus program on all of your devices in order to prevent any potential viruses or trojans from getting into your system and stealing sensitive data like passwords or financial information.

Change your network settings

When it comes to keeping your network secure and private, a great first step is to change your network settings. This will help ensure that you’re not leaving any open doors for hackers or other malicious actors.

Enable encryption

One of the most important settings to change is enabling encryption. This can be done by enabling Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) on your router, which offers more robust security than older protocols like WEP or WPA. By using an encrypted connection, all data being transmitted over the network will be kept safe from prying eyes.

Change SSID broadcast

Another important setting to consider changing is the SSID broadcast option. This setting controls whether or not the name of your wireless network is visible to others who are looking for one in their area. If possible, it’s best to disable this feature so that potential attackers do not know what type of network they are trying to gain access too.

Enable the router’s firewall

In addition, it’s also important to make sure that the router firewall is enabled and set up properly. The firewall acts as a barrier between your internal network and external threats and helps keep malicious actors out while allowing legitimate traffic into the system.

Configure firewall rules

It is recommended that you configure the firewall with specific rules for each application or service running on the network in order to provide maximum security protection against malicious attacks.

Double-check security settings

Finally, if you have any devices connected directly into your network, such as computers or smart home appliances, it’s also a good idea to review their security settings as well since they could potentially be vulnerable points of entry for hackers as well.

Use strong passwords

Make sure to update firmware regularly and use strong passwords for all devices connected directly into your network in order to further protect yourself from any potential attacks.

How to protect my IP address

Use a VPN: One of the most effective ways to protect your IP address is to use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN creates a secure tunnel between your computer and another server, allowing all data transferred to be encrypted and protected from potential prying eyes.

Use a proxy server: Another way of protecting your IP address is by using a proxy server. A proxy server works in the same way as a VPN but instead of encrypting data it redirects web traffic from one point on the internet to another.

Get a dedicated IP: If you are looking for an even higher level of protection, you may want to consider investing in dedicated IP addresses or shared hosting. Dedicated IP addresses are unique addresses assigned exclusively to one person, making it much more difficult for anyone else to gain access or track their activities on the internet.

Get shared hosting: Similarly, shared hosting can allow multiple people on different computers to share the same IP address, obscuring each individual’s activity from others who are sharing this same address.

What else can a VPN do to protect my online identity?

Access region-locked sites

You can access websites and services anonymously and securely, without anyone knowing who you are or what you’re doing. This is done through encryption of all data being sent and received over the VPN network, making it impossible for any third parties to intercept your information.

Doesn’t store logs and history

A good quality VPN will also provide features like “no-logs” policies, which ensures that no records of your activities are stored or kept on the server. This helps protect against companies selling user information or even government agencies accessing your data without permission.

DNS leak protection

Moreover, DNS leak protection is another important feature that comes with some VPNs. It stops DNS requests from accidentally leaking out of the encrypted tunnel and revealing your true location or identity to any onlookers.

Split tunneling

Many trusted VPNs also offer split tunneling which allows you to choose which apps should be sent through the encrypted tunnel or not. This means that you can ensure that only sensitive data is protected by the VPN while allowing other apps to use an unencrypted connection for fast speeds.

Plenty of server connections

You’ll have access to servers located throughout the world. This means that even if certain websites or services are blocked in your country due to censorship laws, you’ll still be able to access them by connecting to a server in another country where they’re allowed legally.

Common Difference Between a Static IP and Dynamic IP

The most common difference between Static and Dynamic IP is that you are assigned an IP address on a Static IP, so when your ISP provided modem/wireless device comes online or is reset, it always gets the same WAN IP address.

Dynamic means that you will have a WAN IP address for a period of time and depending on what your ISPs policy is, when your modem/wireless device is reset or rebooted, the IP address may change to something else as they may set a lease time frame on IP addresses that are Dynamic.

Learn more about a Static IP and Dynamic IP.

How do I Change my IP Address for Gaming?

There are various ways to change your IP address for gaming. You can choose the one that best suits you:

  1. Connect to a VPN to Change Your IP Address
  • Choose a reputable VPN service provider that aligns with your privacy and security preferences.
  • Download and install the VPN application on your device. Launch the application and log in with your credentials.
  • Within the VPN application, select a server location of your choice. This will assign you a new IP address associated with the selected server.
  • Click the “Connect” button to establish a secure connection within the VPN application. The VPN server’s address will now mask your IP address.
  1. Use a Proxy to Change Your IP Address:
  • Look for a trustworthy proxy service that suits your requirements, considering factors like speed and security.
  • Set up the proxy on your device by entering the provided IP address and port number in your network settings.
  • Confirm that the proxy is operational by checking your IP address through online tools or websites.
  1. Use Tor to Change Your IP Address for Free:
  • Visit the official Tor Project website, download the Tor Browser, and follow the installation instructions.
  • Open the Tor Browser and wait for the connection to the Tor network to be established.
  • Use the Tor Browser for your online activities, and your IP address will be changed as your traffic is routed through the Tor network.
  1. Change IP Addresses by Unplugging Your Modem
  • Turn off your modem by unplugging it from the power source. Wait for at least 5 minutes to ensure a complete disconnection.
  • Reconnect the modem to the power source and wait for it to restart entirely. Your ISP will assign a new IP address during this process.
  1. Ask Your ISP to Change Your IP Address

Contact your Internet Service Provider’s customer support through phone or online channels.

  1. Change Networks to Get a Different IP Address
  • Connect to a different WiFi network by selecting an alternative one available nearby.
  • If applicable, switch to mobile data on your device for a distinct IP address.
  1. Renew Your Local IP Address
  • Log in to your router’s settings using a web browser and the provided IP address.
  • Go to the DHCP settings and choose to renew the lease. This action may result in a new local IP address assignment.

Will a Static IP Improve My Gaming Experience?

A Static IP address is renowned amongst the hosting and gaming community for the very reason that it offers a seamless internet experience. You don’t have to worry about your IP being blacklisted just because of someone else.

Since you are the sole owner and user of that particular IP, you can customize it to however you deem necessary. However, having a static IP in comparison to a dynamic IP (with everything else being equal) will not increase or decrease network performance.

Learn why you need a static IP for security cameras.

Quite often Static IP’s come with business packages whereas most home packages come with dynamic IPs, and in some countries such as the UK and USA, business packages tend to get greater priority across the central networks so pings are better and data transfer is higher.

If you’ve upgraded your package to one with a static IP, it might come with extra benefits such as higher priority but it’s no guarantee (check with your ISP first), and some ISP’s do offer changes from dynamic IP’s with static ones without changing the package in which case you’ll see no benefit at all.

When it comes to gaming, a static IP address is preferred for a dedicated internet connection that isn’t interrupted nor influenced by other user’s online activities. Since online gaming is a rejoice activity, the last thing you want is to experience network issues commonly faced by Dynamic IP users.

Learn about PureVPN’s Gaming VPN.

Concluding thoughts

With these tips in mind, hopefully now you feel more confident about how best to protect yourself from potential cyber threats while enjoying all the benefits of being connected online!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does static IP help ping?

Yes, having a static IP address can help reduce latency (or ping) in some cases, as it makes it easier for the server to identify your data packets and therefore decreases the amount of time required for sending a response back.
In addition, using a static IP address also reduces the need for DHCP requests which can add additional latency due to their complexity. However, other factors such as internet speed and distance from the game server can have more of an impact on ping than an IP address.

Is static IP better than VPN?

While having a static IP address can provide more consistent connections and may help reduce latency in some cases, a VPN offers more security and privacy benefits due to its encryption of data being sent and received between your device and the internet.
If anonymity is your main concern, then using a VPN is generally recommended over solely relying on an unencrypted static IP address. However, if speed is more important than privacy then sticking with a static IP address could be the better choice. It ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Is static or DHCP faster?

In general, static IP addresses are faster than DHCP as they provide a more reliable and consistent connection due to the fact that the address is fixed. This eliminates the need for repeated requests for a new IP address each time you want to log in, leading to more efficient data exchange.

Should I enable static IP?

It depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you require a more consistent or reliable connection, then having a static IP address could be beneficial. However, many people opt for using DHCP as it automatically assigns an IP address and doesn’t need to be configured.

Topics :

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Why You Need a Static IP for Gaming (2)

Marrium Akhtar

Why You Need a Static IP for Gaming (3)

December 7, 2023

Why You Need a Static IP for Gaming (4)

9 months ago

Marrium is a dedicated digital Marketer and an SEO enthusiast who is skilled in cracking SEO codes. Other than work, she loves to stream, eat, and repeat.

Why You Need a Static IP for Gaming (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.