Why We Left Traditional Health Insurance (2024)

Health insurance is a touchy subject. This post is not meant to be taken in a political way. Instead I’m writing about my family’s experience with traditional health insurance and how it has affected OUR finances. Any comments that I deem political will not be approved, but I do welcome your honest feedback and comments regarding your situation, whether good or bad. Also please realize everyone’s perspective and situation will be different.

Let’s start at the beginning:

Health insurance wasn’t always so stressful for me and my husband and to begin our story I need to go back a few years.In October 2003, I left a career as a department store buyer with a nice paycheck, paid vacation days, 401k match, profit sharing, and health benefits, to pursue a life of self employment with my husband where all of those things are up to us.I can’t believe it’s been that long. It some ways 2003 seems like yesterday, and it other ways it seems like a lifetime ago.

When I resigned from my corporate job, my boss asked me what my husband and I were going to do about health insurance. A lifelong corporate man himself, he just couldn’t wrap his brain around what our options would be regarding the topic. And honestly, at that time, I didn’t exactly know what to expect either.

Health insurance prior to October 2003 for me and my husband was pretty standard for that time. We had a policy through my employer and a portionwas taken out of my paycheck. I received an insurance card, paid a copay, and that was that. I had no idea how easy health care was for us until I left that corporate job.

Upon leaving, I switched to COBRA to cover us until we sorted through our options. COBRA (an acronym for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985) is a law that was passed during the Reagan administration that allows employees to continue their health coverage after leaving employment, but the employee must pay for it. With COBRA, I realized my company was paying about 60% of my health care premiums with 40% coming out of my paycheck.

Looking back, we were grateful for COBRA, even though it was pricey, because it gave us some time to research our possibilities while still insured. We quickly learned that everything changes when you leave the group health insurance market and enter the individual market.

For example, at that time, maternity was not included in any individual plan. Instead it was an additional rider and it was extremely expensive. If I remember correctly, we had to pay for it for 10 months before we could become pregnant. In 2004 when we were researching policies, we weren’t parents yet, but fully intended on having children. We opted out of the maternity rider and decided on a non-traditional option that I frankly won’t get into in this post. It really deserves a whole separate post and if today’s insurance environment was the same as 2004 I might explain further, but it’s not, so I’ll move on.

We eventually found an individual plan through an insurance broker. I remember being flabbergasted by the rates of individual policies back then, because I was so used to what had been coming out of my corporate paycheck which was about $100. Also, I never had a deductible when on agroup plan. To be honest, I don’t think deductibles were very common in corporate plans back then.

However, we entered the high deductible health plan market once we became self-employed. It kept our monthly costs low and we came to terms that we would have an out of pocket expense until we met the deductible. We did take advantage of one benefit of a high deductible health plan: a Health Savings Account.

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is for individuals who are covered under high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) to save for medical expenses that HDHPs do not cover. There is a maximum amount the individual can contribute each year and distributions out of the account must be for qualified medical expenses and includes dental, vision and over-the-counter drugs. There are three major tax savings: the money contributed into the account is tax deductible, it grows tax free, and certain withdrawals are tax free if they are for qualified medical expenses.

Most years we contributed the maximum allowable amount to the HSA, except for a few years when we needed to put funds elsewhere. We used this account to pay for all of our qualified medical expenses, including things that we didn’t have health coverage for like dental, vision, maternity, and more recently, orthodontics….because babies become tweens.

Over the years our premiums slowly inched up as you can see in the graphic below. To combat the premium increases, we would increase our deductibles. Once we hit a $7500 a year deductible, we realized that health insurance for us is simply catastrophic insurance to prevent us from complete bankruptcy.

Looking back there was only one year that we hit our deductible and that was from a surgery I had to remove a melanoma on my shoulder. After that deductible was met, our medical expenses were paid at 100% that year.

Shopping the individual market to compare prices and find a cheaper policy wasn’t an option for us, because we had developed pre-existing conditions during those early years. We would not have been insurable, so we were grateful to have coverage and thankful we didn’t have the problems in the beginning.

On a side note, I’m proud to say I have been cleared for 7 years now.

Enter 2012:

We had no idea how we were going to be affected when the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2012. We had health insurance, so we naively weren’t worried that it would affect us at all.

However in 2014, we were hit with a largepremium increase, so we once again raised our deductible to make the premium somewhat affordable. Had we not increased our deductible to $10,000, we would have faced a monthly premium of more than $1000.

A 10k deductible is completely insane, but over the years, we had become numb to the concept of a high deductible health plan. We felt it was our only option.

I should have known at that point that the writing was on the wall for our insurance carrier. How many folks can afford premiums of over $1000 a month? That was such a dramatic price increase so we were not surprised when we received a letter from our carrier (for over 10 years) that they would be closing at the end of 2015. We would need to find another policy for 1/1/16.

We were completely out of the loop regarding insurance companies, policies, the ACA, and the health exchange, so we started researching and schooling ourselves in modern day Health Insurance 101.

Our first stop was Facebook, of course. We sought out recommendations from our self-employed friends in the same situation. There were many. We received several names of insurance brokers and met with at least 3. Their best recommendation for us was to venture onto the Health Exchange. So we did.

What We Found on the Health Exchange

In the fall of 2015, we acquainted ourselves with healthcare.govand compared the options available to us. We fall above the salary threshold for any type of subsidy, but we honestly thought we’d find plans similar to what we were used to. In reality though, that was not the case.

On the exchange, the policy with the lowest monthly increase of $200 was an HMO and our primary doctors were non-participating. The minimum premium increase if we were to stay with our current doctors was $400 a month. The benefit of that policy was it was a PPO, which we find to be far more flexible than an HMO.

After much thought, we decided on the cheaper plan and subscribed to anAetna HMO for 2016. We wanted to keep our monthly increase to just $200 versus $400. We felt we could squeeze the $200 from our budget and yes, it would be a hassle to find new doctors for all four of us, but it would be worth not paying an additional $400 each month.

In reality, the HMO aspect turned out fine for us. Yes, there was a slight hassle of finding a new doctor, especially since we had been with the original primary practice for over 10 years. But I went back to Facebook to ask local friends for recommendations and found a participating family practice for all four of us. It took several months into 2016 before the new practice could see us all for an initial visit, but they did assure us that there wasn’t a wait time for existing patients once we were on board.

By May, we had all seen our new doctor and really liked her. We are a fairly healthy family who rarely sees a doctor for illnesses. We typically only go to the doctor for required physicals. Personally, I simplified after we decided 2 children was just right for us and started seeing my primary doctor for all of my female appointments, like a yearly pap smear. I like having just one doctor, it keeps all of my records in one place.

Enter 2016

In the summer of 2016, it was announced on the news that Aetna would be leaving the health exchange for 2017. It was also announced that year that premium rates on the exchange could increase around 25%. As expected in the fall, we received the letter from Aetna confirming that they were exiting the exchange. On November 1 when the exchange opened up with 2017 rates, we immediately started researching new policies.

And this is when the junk hit the fan.

Now remember, we are just above the subsidy threshold. We knew this going onto the exchange on November 1, but nothing could have prepared us for what we were about to find. The cheapest option had a premium of $1700 a month, well above the predicted 25% increase we heard about in the news. The plan also had a $12k family deductible and it was NOT compatible with a health savings account,

If you are a follower of FBS, you know that we live a very frugal lifestyle due to many reasons. We’re self-employed and income varies from month to month and year to year. We also do not have an employer pension or retirement plan to fall back on, so our retirement will be financed 100% by us. And as you can see in the above spreadsheet, we had high health insurance expenses.

$1700 a month is not affordable to anyone, and certainly is is not affordable for us.

Since Aetna left the exchange, I checked their website to review their individual plans available directly through them. Their direct plan was $1360 a month, with a $12150 deductible, and also NOT compatible with a health savings account.

I checked another insurance carrier in my region and their non- exchange plan is $1634 a month, with a $14000 deductible, also not compatible with a health savings account.

A startling discovery as we researched options for 2017 was that many high deductible health plans are no longer compatible with a Health Savings Account. As you can see from my spreadsheet, the premiums and deductibles combined are outrageous and this one financial benefit is being taken away.

At this point, we had a few sleepless nights. What were we going to do for health insurance? How would we afford the have health insurance? Should we take the IRS penalty and not have insurance at all? We had a deadline of 12/15/16 to make a decision if we wanted coverage by 1/1/17 or we could face the tax penalty, or worse.

What did we decide to do?Read Part 2 to Find out!

Health insurance is a touchy subject. This post is not meant to be taken in a political way. Instead I’m writing about my family’s experience with health insurance and how it has affected our finances. Any comments that I deem political will not be approved, but I do welcome your honest feedback and comments regarding your situation, whether good or bad.Also please realize everyone’s perspective and situation will be different.

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Why We Left Traditional Health Insurance (2024)


Which is better, HSA or traditional insurance? ›

For example, traditional health plans typically have higher monthly premiums, a smaller deductible, and fixed copays and/or coinsurance. You pay less out-of-pocket due to the lower deductible and copay, but pay more each month in premium. HSA plans generally have lower monthly premiums and a higher deductible.

What are the downsides of traditional indemnified health insurance plans? ›

There are several disadvantages of indemnity health plans when compared to ACA-compliant plans, including: Predetermined payouts for healthcare services may fall short of actual costs, leaving you with unpredictable out-of-pocket expenses, as you'll cover the difference.

Is health insurance even worth it anymore? ›

Health insurance can help reduce your risk of racking up medical debt. Only a handful of states enforce financial penalties if you don't have health insurance but it's still wise to have the financial protection.

Why do most Americans not have health insurance? ›

uninsurance has been attributed to a number of factors, including rising health care costs, the economic downturn, an erosion of employer-based insurance, and public program cutbacks. Developing effective strategies for reducing uninsurance requires understanding why people lack insurance coverage.

What is a downside of HSA? ›

The main downside of an HSA is that you must have a high-deductible health insurance plan to get one.

Is it better to have a PPO or HSA? ›

PPOs typically have higher premiums but lower out-of-pocket costs for routine services. HSAs may have lower premiums but higher out-of-pocket costs until the deductible is met. Consider how these costs align with your budget.

What are the disadvantages of traditional insurance? ›

What Are The Limitations Of Traditional Life Insurance Policy?
  • Life insurance can be expensive if you're unhealthy or old.
  • It offers Low Coverage Amount.
  • If an individual surrenders his policy before the completion of the policy term, then he will only be able to recover the paid-up value.

What is an advantage to using a traditional health insurance plan? ›

The advantage of using a traditional health insurance plan is freedom to use any healthcare provider. With a traditional plan, you are not limited to a specific network of providers and can choose any doctor or hospital that accepts your insurance.

Why might a patient want to have a PPO policy instead of a traditional insurance? ›

PPO plans provide more flexibility when picking a doctor or hospital. They also feature a network of providers, but there are fewer restrictions on seeing non-network providers. In addition, your PPO insurance will pay if you see a non-network provider, although it may be at a lower rate.

What does Dave Ramsey say about health insurance? ›

What health insurance does Ramsey recommend? The Ramsey team and Dave Ramsey himself recommend high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) whenever possible. That way, you can enjoy lower monthly premiums, and you'll qualify to open a Health Savings Account (HSA).

Is it smart to not have health insurance? ›

Without health insurance coverage, a serious accident or a health issue that results in emergency care and/or an expensive treatment plan can result in poor credit or even bankruptcy.

How much does the average American pay for health insurance? ›

Average annual health insurance premiums in 2023 are $8,435 for single coverage and $23,968 for family coverage. These average premiums each increased 7% in 2023. The average family premium has increased 22% since 2018 and 47% since 2013.

Why is US healthcare so expensive even with insurance? ›

The complexity of the U.S. healthcare system can lead to administrative waste in the insurance and provider payment systems. The consolidation of hospitals can lead to a lack of competition or even a monopoly, granting providers the opportunity to increase prices.

Why do Americans pay so much for health insurance? ›

There are many factors that contribute to the high cost of healthcare in the country. These include wasteful systems, rising drug costs, medical professional salaries, profit-driven healthcare centers, the type of medical practices, and health-related pricing.

Why do people decide not to get health insurance? ›

Despite policy efforts to improve the affordability of coverage, many uninsured people cite the high cost of insurance as the main reason they lack coverage.

Is it better to get insurance with HSA? ›

So, if you have an HSA-eligible plan, and don't need many health care items and services, you may benefit from the lower monthly premium. If you need more care, you'll save by using the tax-free money in your HSA to pay for it.

Is it better to pay medical bills with HSA? ›

Saving in your HSA can help you plan for health expenses you anticipate in the coming years, such as laser eye surgery, braces for your child, or paying Medicare premiums.

What is the main disadvantage of choosing a high deductible on an insurance policy? ›

The main drawback to choosing an HDHP is having potentially high out-of-pocket expenses when you receive covered services during the year. You pay more in upfront costs (your deductible and copays and/or coinsurance) for nonpreventive care until you meet your yearly out-of-pocket maximum.

Why choose an HSA over an HMO? ›

Is an HSA better than an HMO? An HSA isn't better; it's just different. An HSA is a kind of savings account for people enrolled in a high-deductible healthcare plan and is used to pay for medical costs. An HMO is a low-cost health insurance plan that gives you access to a specific network of healthcare professionals.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.