Why use units | Science News Learning (2024)

  • Exercise type:Discussion
  • Topic:Astronomy

Why use units

This exercise is a part of Educator Guide: A Weird Solar System Cousin Makes Its Photographic Debut / View Guide

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Directions for teachers:

Ask students to read the online Science News article “This is the first picture of a sunlike star with multiple exoplanets” and answer the questions below. Questions relate to the purpose of units. Make sure students have a ruler, pencil, paper and calculator to create a scaled drawing of the exoplanets relative to Earth. Have students partner up to discuss the last two prompts, which ask them to think about standard units versus relative values and some common examples of relative values that have become standard units in science. Bring the class back together as a group and discuss questions of your choice.

See the Discussion exercise “Measure the universe” for additional questions about the scale and proportion of the universe.

Want to make it a virtual lesson? Post the online Science News article “This is the first picture of a sunlike star with multiple exoplanets” to your virtual classroom. After students answer the individual prompts, have them post a picture of their scaled drawing to your online discussion board. When you’re ready to pair students up, have them discuss the final prompts using a video-conferencing platform, or talking by phone. They can collaborate in a shared document during the conversation. After posting the answers to an online discussion board, have students give feedback on another pair’s responses.

A unit’s purpose

1. What is a quantitative observation? Give two examples of a quantitative observation from the article.

Quantitative observations include either measured or counted numerical data. Two examples from the article are the star TYC 8998-760-1 is about 300 light-years away from Earth, and its planetary family is 17 million years old.

2. In your examples, what type of quantity has been measured? How do you know this?

300 light-years is a measurement of distance, and 17 million years is a measurement of time. I know what has been measured because of the unit given with the number.

3. What is a unit of measurement?

A unit of measurement is a standard way of expressing a physical quantity. Units of measure provide context for what numerical values represent and so convey the magnitude of physical properties.

4. List all the types of measurements you can think of. What unit of measurement is commonly associated with each of them (think about both the English and metric, or SI system)?

Distance can be measured in meters or miles. Mass can be measured in grams or pounds. Volume can be measured in liters or gallons. Temperature is measured in Kelvin, Celsius or Fahrenheit. Time can be measured in seconds, hours or days. Pressure can be measured in atmospheres, millimeters of mercury or pounds per square inch.

5. Give an example of a unit that is defined by a number alone (hint: think eggs). How many of an item does each unit include? (If you’ve taken a chemistry class, don’t forget about the unit of measure that defines a number of atoms, molecules, etc.!)

A dozen means 12 and is often used to define a number of eggs. A mole is defined as 6.02 x 1023 and is used to define a number of atoms, molecules, etc.

Units are all relative

6. Give an example of prefixes that are used with base units in the metric system.

Examples of prefixes include nano, micro, milli, centi, deci, kilo, mega, giga, etc.

7. Using the prefixes kilo and milli, and the base unit meter, explain how each prefixed unit relates to the base unit. Give an example of something you would measure in millimeters and something you would measure in kilometers. Why are prefixed units helpful?

Prefixed units denote multiples or fractions of the original base unit. The prefix milli denotes a thousandth. There are 1,000 millimeters in a meter. Millimeter is used to measure very short lengths and distances, such as the length of a small insect. The prefix kilo denotes one thousand. Kilometer is used to measure lengths and distances of 1,000 meters or more, such as the distance of a cross-country race. Prefixes are useful for scaling the base unit to easily express a measured quantity that may be very large or very small.

8. According to the article, star TYC 8998-760-1 is 300 light-years away from our sun. Given that light travels at 3.0 x 108 meters per second, calculate the distance in kilometers. Check out the short NASA video “Our Milky Way Galaxy: How Big Is Space?” on this page to see how many kilometers are in one light-year.

300 years x (365 days/year) x (24 hours/day) x (60 minutes/hour) x (60 seconds/min) x (3.0 x 108 meters/sec) x (1 km/1000 m) = 2.84 x 1015 km

9. Why is the unit light-year used to measure some of the distances in the article? Why isn’t meter or kilometer used?

The measurements in the article are distances in outer space. These distances are much longer than any distance that is measured on Earth. It’s hard to understand the magnitude of these distances when they are given in meters or kilometers because the numerical values in those units are so large.

10. The article gives some measurements in terms of relative values. Give at least two examples of these relative values. Why do you think the author chose to use relative values instead of other defined units? Do you think the primary research paper reported the data in the same way? Why or why not?

Two examples of relative measurements are the distance and mass of the inner exoplanet. According to the article, this exoplanet is fourteen times the mass of Jupiter and is 160 times farther from its star than Earth is from the sun. The reader (either a student or another member of the general public) likely has little knowledge about absolute measurements in a solar system, so it’s easier to understand when the measurements are related to distances and masses in our own solar system. The primary research paper likely gives precise measurements in a standard unit, because the researchers reviewing the article are familiar with space measurements.

11. An astronomical unit is an example of a relative value often used in outer space measurements. What type of quantity does an astronomical units measure? What relative value is an astronomical unit equal to? Give an example of a measurement that is commonly expressed in AUs.

An astronomical unit (AU) is a measure of distance in outer space. One AU is equal to the distance from the Earth to the sun. The distance that other planets in our solar system are from the sun are often measured in AUs.

Create a scaled drawing

Use a ruler to create a scaled drawing of the distance each exoplanet is from the star TYC 8998-760-1. You’ll first need to determine an appropriate scale to represent 1 AU, which is equal to about 150 million kilometers. You should include this scale in your drawing. After your drawing is complete, determine an answer for the following question.

12. State your scaled length for 1 AU. Use your scaled length, the given distance of 1 AU and your answer to question No. 8 to find the scaled length for the distance between TYC 8998-760-1 and our sun. Can you represent the distance on your drawing?

Answers will vary based on the student’s scaled length for the distance that the Earth is from our sun. In order to scale the distance between TYC 8998-760-1 and our sun, the student should first convert light-years into astronomical units: Divide the answer to question No. 8 by the given value of 1 AU. Three hundred light-years is equal to about 19 million AU. If a student’s scaled length for 1 AU is 0.1mm, then 19 million AU = 1.9 million mm. TYC 8998-760-1 would be about 1.9 km away from the drawing of our sun. The distance from our sun to TYC 8998-760-1 is too long to draw on the paper.

Final prompts

13. When is it important to standardize units used in science? When is it appropriate to give measurements as relative values? Explain.

Science research and engineering are often collaborative, international processes. Data collected and analyzed is communicated in standard units to minimize confusion and the possibility of conversion error. As we saw in the article, relative values are useful when communicating data and information to a general audience. Familiar references help give perspective and meaning to quantities that are otherwise unusual.

14. Give an example of a relative value that has become a standard unit in science. Why do you think this happened?

Elemental masses on the periodic table are given in relative units called atomic mass units (amu). The mass of an element in amu is relative to the mass of carbon-12. I suspect this standard unit was adopted because atoms are so small and light, that the absolute mass of an atom in grams is difficult to use to compare elements for example.

As an astronomy enthusiast with a deep understanding of the topic, I'll demonstrate my expertise by delving into the concepts presented in the article "This is the first picture of a sunlike star with multiple exoplanets." The article focuses on the importance of units in scientific observations, specifically in the field of astronomy. Let's break down the key concepts addressed in the discussion exercise.

  1. Quantitative Observations:

    • The article defines quantitative observations as measured or counted numerical data. Examples provided are the star TYC 8998-760-1 being about 300 light-years away from Earth, and its planetary family being 17 million years old.
  2. Types of Measurements and Units:

    • Various types of measurements are discussed, including distance, mass, volume, temperature, time, and pressure. The associated units mentioned range from meters and miles to grams, liters, Kelvin, and more.
  3. Units Defined by Numbers Alone:

    • The concept of a dozen (12) as a unit defining the number of items, such as eggs, is introduced. Additionally, the mole (6.02 x 10^23) is mentioned as a unit defining the number of atoms, molecules, etc.
  4. Prefixes in the Metric System:

    • Examples of prefixes in the metric system, such as nano, micro, milli, centi, deci, kilo, mega, and giga, are provided. The discussion explains how these prefixes relate to base units.
  5. Scaled Drawing and Astronomical Units (AU):

    • The article instructs students to create a scaled drawing of the distances between exoplanets and their star. It introduces the concept of the astronomical unit (AU), which is the distance from Earth to the sun. The scaled drawing involves converting light-years to AU for better comprehension.
  6. Importance of Light-Years in Astronomy:

    • The use of light-years as a unit in astronomical measurements is justified. The article explains that these vast distances in outer space are better expressed in light-years due to the impracticality of using meters or kilometers.
  7. Relative Values in Astronomy:

    • The article introduces the use of relative values in expressing measurements, particularly in describing the mass and distance of an inner exoplanet. Relative values are considered more understandable to the general audience.
  8. Astronomical Unit (AU) as a Relative Value:

    • The concept of the astronomical unit (AU) is discussed as a relative value used in outer space measurements. It represents the distance from Earth to the sun, and distances to other planets in our solar system are often measured in AUs.
  9. Standardization of Units in Science:

    • The final prompts emphasize the importance of standardizing units in science, particularly in collaborative, international processes. Standard units reduce confusion and conversion errors. The use of relative values is deemed appropriate for communicating data to a general audience.
  10. Example of Relative Value Becoming a Standard Unit:

    • The article concludes with an example of atomic mass units (amu) as relative values for elemental masses on the periodic table. AMUs are relative to the mass of carbon-12 and were likely adopted to facilitate comparisons between small and light atoms.

In summary, the discussion exercise engages students in exploring the role of units in scientific observations, with a focus on astronomy. It encourages a deeper understanding of quantitative measurements, the use of standard units, and the application of relative values in conveying complex astronomical data.

Why use units | Science News Learning (2024)


Why is it important to include units in science? ›

Scientists need specific units to ensure accuracy and comparability across measurements. The SI system and metric system use the same units to measure length, time, and mass. The SI system and metric system use different units to measure temperature.

Why is it useful to use units? ›

Explanation: It's important to use units of measurement that are the same for everyone to ensure consistency and accuracy in communication, especially within scientific and mathematical contexts. Units of measurement provide a framework of context that enables precise understanding.

Why must you use units when recording measurements? ›

Scientific measurements generally adhere to the International System of Units (SI units). It is important to always include units when recording data, doing calculations and reporting results! Units are globally recognized and necessary for sharing information between scientists around the world.

Why do we use standard units to measure things? ›

Why are Standard Units Used in Measurement? Standard units are used in measurement for more accuracy. The measurement should be the same for all. As there needs to be uniformity in the measurement, we must have a common set of units in measurement.

What is the importance of units? ›

There are mainly two important purposes of using standard units, they are: To measure the quantities accurately. To convey the measurements to other people so that they understand those measurements accurately and follow the same further.

Why is it important for scientists to always include units of measurement? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Having a standard unit of measurement for a certain quantity helps in avoiding confusion and promote universality in describing data. Without standard units of measurement, each scientist will use their own units. This leads to difficulty in result comparison with other scientists.

What is the importance of measurements to science? ›

Measurements are observations that convey a value or unit. In science, scientific measurements aim to communicate values clearly and concisely. Because accurate measurements are crucial for ensuring an experiment is reproducible, scientific measurements are typically taken in well-recognized units.

Why are units of study important? ›

The writing units of study help teachers provide their students with instruction, opportunities for practice, and concrete doable goals to help them meet and exceed any set of high standards.

How are units used in real life? ›

Length: The Meter is the standard unit for measuring length with the unit abbreviation: m. Mass: The Kilogram is the standard unit for measuring mass with the unit abbreviation: kg. Temperature: The Kelvin is the standard unit for measuring temperature with the unit abbreviation: K.

Why do scientists use standardized units? ›

A standard unit of measurement is a quantifiable language that helps everyone understand the association of the object with the measurement. So that other scientists can quickly understand what the other scientists are talking about.

What are units in science? ›

A unit is any standard used for making comparisons in measurements. Unit conversions allow for measurements of a property that have been recorded using different units—for instance, centimeters to inches.

Why is it necessary to include units when reporting scientific measures? ›

Why is it necessary to include units when reporting scientific measurements? Without units, the results are unclear and it is hard to keep track of what each separate measurement entails.

What fundamental units are used in science? ›

In the SI system, there are seven fundamental units: kilogram, meter, candela, second, ampere, kelvin, and mole.

Why is it important to have units of measurement in each item? ›

standard unit of measurement provides a reference point by which objects of weight, length or capacity can be described. Although measurement is an important part of everyday life, kids don't automatically understand that there are many different ways to measure things.

Why are standardized units used? ›

Standardized units across an organization ensure that everyone speaks the same mathematical language, reducing critical errors and confusion. Enhances Accuracy: Precision is crucial in fields like manufacturing, engineering, and science.

Why is it important to add units? ›

A unit of measure helps measure quantities by determining: How many of one thing there are in another. The selected unit of measure is iterated (or used repeatedly) to measure a quantity relative to the selected unit.

What is the purpose of units on numbers in science? ›

Units of measure are how we express measurements of quantities. For length, the unit we would use in science is meters. A unit is really only a particular amount of some quantity used as a reference point for measurements of that quantity.

Why is it necessary to always include units with all measurements? ›

Measurements that only provide a number without a unit can lead to confusion, misinterpretation or errors in calculations, as it is not clear what type or scale of measurement is being used.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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