Why Most Wealth Building Systems Fail (2024)

By Todd Tresidder

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Learn The Cause And Effect Chain That Builds Wealth So You Can Discover Which Broken Link In The Chain Has Held You Back… Until Now!

Key Ideas

  1. Explains how most approaches to wealth building are half-truths.
  2. Why you'll only be as successful as the weakest link in your “wealth chain.”
  3. Reveals how to avoid breaking links so you can build your wealth faster.

Why do most wealth building systems and programs taught by financial experts fail?

To understand this problem, lets begin with a story.

It's a famous Indian folktale about three blind men and an elephant.

In this story, each blind man is asked to walk up to the elephant, feel it with his hands, and describe what an elephant is.

The first blind man puts his arms around the leg and decides the elephant is sturdy and strong, like a tree.

The second blind man grabs the swinging tail and defines the elephant like a rope.

The third blind man holds the ear and believes the elephant is like a giant fan.

Each man is partly right, but dangerously wrong. None has grasped the bigger picture because the truth of the elephant is far more complex than any one blind man's narrow experience can convey.

The same is true when building wealth.

Many people teach fragmented pieces of wealth building strategy – half truths – but they're blind to the bigger picture. They don't understand the entire elephant.

If you aren't working all parts of the wealth building elephant together, then you're setting yourself up for financial disappointment. You want to understand the whole elephant to put the odds of success on your side.

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The Three Schools Of Wealth Building

Most wealth education can be broken into three schools of thought:

  • The manifesting school: prosperity consciousness (laws of attraction)
  • The productivity school: work hard
  • The “how-to” school: developing skills.

Each school teaches a partial truth about wealth building.

“The thought manifests as the word; The word manifests as the deed; The deed develops into habit; And habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care…”– The Buddha

The manifesting school teaches prosperity-abundance-laws of attraction by emphasizing your thinking process. The underlying premise is when you change your thoughts, then success will follow, because success in the external world is a mirror reflection of your internal thoughts. It's a new-age approach to wealth building. Your success, or lack thereof, is all in your head.

The work-ethic, productivity school teaches that your actions are what create results. It's a salt of the earth, brick and mortar approach. You create your wealth by working hard to achieve it. The more you work, the more you make. Your success, or lack thereof, is all because of your actions.

The how-to skills school teaches the latest tricks and techniques to build wealth. The underlying belief is if you just knew what to do, then you would actually do it – all you need is better technique. This approach focuses on how-to skills and strategy. Your success, or lack thereof, is all because of what you know.

The reality is each school is a dangerous half-truth.

Related:How Your Financial Advisor is Taking 75% of Your Retirement Income (or More!) Video, PDF download, or Audio.

The wealth building systems they teach in their books, seminars and workshops are only partially correct, just like a blind man holding the tail of an elephant is only partially correct in defining the elephant as a rope.

Unfortunately, partial truths are also partially false. The elephant isn't like a rope, and building wealth isn't as simple as any one of these schools teaches. There is a subtle complexity to the process.

Building wealth with half-truths is like trying to build a house with only a hammer. Where are the saws, levels, punches, chisels, and blueprints?

The reality of home building is a more complex question than any one hammer can solve, and building wealth is more complex than any one school of thought can address.

You'll grow your wealth with minimum resistance and maximum speed when you learn how to integrate all three schools into a single, cohesive cause and effect model. Building wealth isn't an either-or situation where you learn certain skills, you manifest prosperity, or you become industrious any more than building a house is solely about a hammer and nails.

Use all 3 schools of thought on wealth building to put the odds of success on your side.

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Each school of thought offers valuable tools for solving specific problems, but none is a stand-alone, complete solution. Each is just another tool in your toolbox.

Why short-change yourself and take the risk of working with only one tool?

Put the odds of success on your side by integrating all the schools of thought into one cohesive, simple cause and effect model. Give yourself a complete toolbox because the whole is far greater than the sum of the parts.

Overview – The Cause And Effect Model For A Complete Wealth Building System

The financial coaching programs at Financial Mentor blend all three separate schools of wealth building into an inseparable continuum of cause and effect.

Wealth is just an effect, and the cause is a three link chain where your probability of success is only as strong as your weakest link. Below are the links:

  • Link 1: Your thoughts determine your actions (manifesting school).
  • Link 2: Your habitual actions determine your results (work ethic school).
  • Link 3: Your results are limited by the effectiveness of the plan you implement (how-to school).

In other words, what you think determines what you do (link 1): what you do and how you do it determines your results (link 2): and your results are only effective at attaining a goal when they are focused and directed by a plan based on proven principles that actually work (link 3).

It all has to work together or it doesn't work at all. That is a key point to understand.

Each link is essential because the chain of cause and effect is an inseparable continuum.

Unfortunately, almost none of the seminars, workshops, or coaching programs available offer this complete solution. Instead, they teach half-truths as if they were the whole truth, like the blind man defines the elephant based on his limited experience.

They are self-deceived.

Breaking The Cause And Effect Wealth System

See My Related Book…

Multiple studies prove only a small percentage of the population retires wealthy.

How does this happen in a world where most people desire financial security, and are inundated with offerings for educational seminars, workshops, books, and coaching programs teaching wealth building ideas?

Certainly, it's not from lack of information.

Instead, lack of wealth can nearly always be traced back to a break in one or more of the three links in the cause and effect wealth chain. Let's look at how that happens…

The first link is broken when you don't believe you deserve wealth, ignore financial issues, or falsely conclude wealth isn't really possible for you in this lifetime.

Thinking negatively about yourself, wealthy people, investing, or financial issues breaks the connection between link one (prosperous thoughts) and link two (action).

When you criticize any aspect of wealth, it only serves to separate you from having it. The content in your brain will determine the context of your life, and limiting thoughts about yourself and wealth will naturally limit your ability to reach the goal. It's simple cause and effect.

“There is never a shortage of time. Instead, there is a confusion of priorities.”– Unknown

The second link in the chain is broken when your action is insufficient to create the desired result.

If you procrastinate, act inconsistently, or don't follow through on your wealth building plans, then link two is a problem for you.

Maybe other life issues besides financial security are a higher priority for you, or maybe your daily actions aren't based on your highest priorities due to a lack of clarity. Whatever the reason, your action is inadequate, which means your results will be as well.

The final link, link three, requires you to develop a plan to achieve wealth based on proven success principles. This link is a problem for you if you have no real plan to achieve wealth, your plan is poorly designed, based on incorrect assumptions, or is out of congruence with your resources and abilities.

Related: Why you need a wealth plan, not a financial plan.

A properly designed wealth plan helps you do the “right thing” rather than just “anything”. It keeps your actions focused and directed so that you reach your goal in less time using less effort.

This cause and effect chain explains why so few people achieve wealth. All it takes is for any single link to break, and that's enough to slow or stop all progress toward building wealth.

Breaking only one link in the chain can set you up for financial failure, and that is why so few people actually succeed at building wealth.

Fixing The Cause and Effect Chain To Wealth

How does this play out in real life?

Based on coaching experience, most people need help developing more than one link to balance and complete their wealth building plans.

Most clients are typically strong in one link, and need help in the other two. This is because we all have natural tendencies based on our personality that make us strong at one link while weaker at others.

For example, analytical types are good at planning (link three), while driven types are strong action takers (link two). Visionaries and creative types are good at manifesting (link one). Very rarely is someone naturally good at all three types.

Few personalities are sufficiently balanced without coaching and other personal development work to excel in all three categories.

“There is no expedient to which a man will not go to avoid the labor of thinking.”– Thomas A. Edison

That is why you should be careful with all the courses, workshops, seminars, and coaching programs that claim to teach a stand alone solution to the wealth building elephant, but are limited in scope to just one of the links in the chain. Building wealth simply doesn't work that way: it requires a complete solution.

The danger is you'll be attracted to and want to purchase educational information that is congruent with your personality type (we like what is most like us).

Analytical personalities will be drawn toward how-to courses, creative types will believe in manifesting knowledge, and the hard driving worker bees will believe the solution is to become more productive.

You're attracted to what you already know because it's easy and comfortable, but it's the direct opposite of what you should be doing to achieve success.

Related: How to be a pro at growing your wealth

If your goal is financial success, then you should strengthen your weakest links. Don't play to your strengths, which is the natural tendency and comfortable thing to do. Instead, find your weakness and develop it into strength. Build on the links that are broken by doing what is uncomfortable. Your wealth depends on it.

Below are just a few examples to illustrate what can go wrong when your wealth plan has broken links.

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Link One: The Tricks And Traps Of Prosperity Consciousness

“Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives. Unfortunately most of us are completely unaware of this fact, and we don't monitor our thoughts with the care needed so that we can create in our lives the results we say we want. Since the great majority of people don't feel worthy and deserving of abundant good fortune, radiant good health and total success in all areas of their lives that overriding thought pattern controls the results people get. The first order of business of anyone who wants to enjoy success in all areas of his/her life is to take charge of the internal dialogue they have and only think, say and behave in a manner consistent with the results they truly desire.”– Sidney Madwed

Some wealth seekers might be tempted to dismiss the laws of attraction, prosperity consciousness, and abundance thinking as “airy-fairy” or irrelevant.

However, this school teaches the valid principle that when thinking is focused on building wealth and awareness is increased, the result will be improved actions.

The more you focus on building wealth, the more wealth you'll create. Your thoughts become your reality.

Related: Here’s a scientific system to build your wealth now

With that said, however, it's equally important to understand that thought alone isn't going to cut it in the wealth building game. Your heightened awareness must translate into improved actions to create reliable results, because action is where the rubber meets the road.

Thought is the first link, but it must connect to the second link (action) or the chain is broken. A broken chain means disappointing results.

For example, one trap I've noticed is “magical thinking”, where people falsely believe wealth and financial security will somehow take care of itself as if it were solely a matter of faith. They think this belief will magically manifest itself in reality.

When pressed for their plan or asked what actions they are taking today and tomorrow to make it happen, there is usually silence. Belief, when used as a rationalization to avoid concrete action and planning, violates the chain of cause and effect. It's dangerous to your wealth.

You must do something to solve your money problems and build wealth – you must take action. Anything less is irresponsible. Everyone is worthy of wealth, but no one is entitled to it – it must be earned.

Related: How to take back control of your portfolio

Trying to think the problem away or magically manifest financial security is like trying to build a house with blueprints but no tools. Not a lot of progress will be made. Why short-change yourself?

Conversely, those who lack a working understanding of prosperity consciousness often fall victim to their own limiting thoughts. They are also missing essential tools. The limiting thoughts act like a ball and chain, making the journey to wealth laborious, hard work.

Building wealth is a painful process when you're missing the first link, and it flows much easier when the first link is functioning.

“Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.”– John Quincy Adams

The value in prosperity consciousness is it helps you release the brakes on your journey to wealth. The laws of attraction reduce friction and open up possibilities.

If you're stuck in your thinking, have negative beliefs around yourself or money, limiting self-esteem issues, or can't imagine yourself wealthy, then prosperity consciousness and the laws of attraction may be an appropriate next step for you.

Use prosperity consciousness to remove obstacles to wealth so that you're motivated to greater action and develop strategic plans. Use it as a refinement to action and planning, but never use it as a substitute for action and planning.

Nobody is entitled to wealth, and no amount of positive thinking and manifesting can ever be a substitute for quality planning and action.

Link Two: The Tricks And Traps of Getting Into Action

Action is the most important link in the wealth chain because it's the center link.

It's the bridge that connects your thinking to your plan to produce results.

You may envision extraordinary financial success and develop genius plans to achieve it, but what you actually get done is what really matters. Results tell the truth.

“Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.”– Unknown

The trap with link two is to falsely believe more action equals more wealth. “The harder you work, the more you make” isn't a prescription for wealth, but instead is a prescription for an out-of-balance life.

Hard work will likely be involved in building wealth, but what is really required is working smarter.

Countless people work very hard to get ahead, but rarely do they achieve the goal. That's why links one and three are essential. They help you work smarter.

For example, if your plan for wealth is based on trading time for money, then you're doomed before you begin. No matter how many hours you work or how much you earn per hour, you'll still fail at building wealth because your plan is fundamentally flawed (link 3 is broken).

Trading time for money lacks leverage, and leverage is an essential part of any plan to become wealthy. Trading time for money might earn you a nice lifestyle, but it can never make you wealthy. You need a better plan.


Similarly, you may work real hard executing a brilliant plan to build wealth, but get sidetracked in your progress by messing up one or two critical decisions.

Building wealth is governed by Pareto's law where 80% of your results come from 20% of your decisions. Clients with negative thoughts about themselves and wealth (link one broken) are far more likely to botch up the critical 20% of decisions that can make or break financial success. The result is working too hard for too little wealth.

'The harder you work, the more you make' isn't going to lead to you wealth, but to an unbalanced life.

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Link two is most effective when it's used to convert healthy financial consciousness and well designed plans into material reality. In other words, don't get too heavy into action until your plans and your thoughts are proven out first.

Test small and keep risk to a minimum until you have a proven formula – then roll it out with maximum action for maximum gain. That's the smart way to build wealth.

Don't fall prey to the trap of believing wealth is just about working harder – because it isn't. You may have to work hard to implement your thoughts and plans, but just working hard isn't enough.

You must work smart.

Link Three: The Tricks And Traps Of Your Wealth Plan

Your wealth plan is what brings purpose, focus, and consistency to your actions and thoughts. It provides the filter through which action and manifestation are processed.

Without a plan based on proven success principles, your actions will be diffused, disjointed, and possibly even pointing in the wrong direction. A well designed plan can help you achieve your financial goals with less effort and faster results.

Below are just a few of the principles that must be included in a successful wealth plan:

  • Leverage
  • Risk Management
  • Asset class growth limits
  • Personal skills, interests, abilities
  • Life Cycle of Wealth
  • Habits of self-made millionaires
  • Business Systems
  • and much more

When your efforts are consistent and congruent with proven success principles, then you'll produce reliable results.

A frequent trap of wealth builders is to master their thinking (link 1) and take great action (link 2), but fall short of achieving the goal because their plan pointed them in the wrong direction.

For example, I coached a client whose goal was time freedom. He was mentored by a “half-truth” school to accumulate single family homes as his wealth plan. The result was he made plenty of money, but was unhappy.

He felt as if he had invested himself into another job and was no freer than before he began. The problem was he broke link three because his plan was incongruent with his goals and values. He climbed the ladder to success, but the ladder was leaning against the wrong wall.

Another trap with link three is the “get ready to get ready” syndrome. In this trap, planning becomes a substitute for action.

You can't get wealthy by attending seminars and reading books – you must take action. You can't just intellectualize the process – you must make it happen.

Related:How Your Financial Advisor is Taking 75% of Your Retirement Income (or More!) Video, PDF download, or Audio.

There is a fine line that differentiates the practice of preparing a well thought out plan from the practice of analysis-paralysis. Action (link 2) must connect to planning (link 3), or the chain is broken. Balance is the key.

“All science is concerned with the relationship of cause and effect. Each scientific discovery increases man's ability to predict the consequences of his action and thus his ability to control future events.”– Lawrence J. Peters

A final trap with link three occurs when contradictory principles are taught as part of link one and two.

For example, I've attended prosperity coaching programs and workshops that incorrectly encouraged people to purchase flashy cars or designer clothes so they could feel abundant and attract additional wealth from that positive state of mind. This is a flagrant violation of fundamental wealth building principles.

In fact, collapsing wealth and abundance thinking with material goods is one of the primary causes of debt and poverty. Making wealth about the pursuit of stuff instead of the pursuit of freedom is a vicious cycle that must be broken, otherwise spending grows as income grows, causing true wealth to remain forever elusive.

It's the opposite of what actual millionaires practice, as evidenced by studies such as “The Millionaire Next Door”. Spending your way to prosperity may feel temporarily abundant, but your financial statement knows the truth. Nobody ever spent their way to financial freedom.

These are just a few examples of how half-truth teachings offered in isolation from the complete cause and effect chain may contradict what really works in practice to build wealth.

Putting It All Together Into One Wealth Building System

There are four key principles to take away from the cause and effect wealth chain:

  1. Building wealth is a big elephant to understand. Beware of single-link half-truths sold as complete solutions.
  2. Your odds of succeeding at building wealth are only as strong as the weakest link in your chain.
  3. Few people are good at all three links. Your job is to balance yourself by converting your weakest links into personal strengths.
  4. Up until now, no one has offered a complete solution that integrated all three schools of thought into one cohesive model. The result was unnecessary expense, wasted time, and wasted energy, as genuine wealth seekers fell into various traps on their journey to financial security.

“Seven Steps to Seven Figures” is a step-by-step wealth building system that integrates all three schools of thought into one cohesive financial coaching program.

Steps Two and Four work together to overcome the obstacles in your thinking that keep you from consistent and persistent action. Step three teaches you proven wealth building principles and shows you how to build your personalized plan to grow wealth so that your actions are efficient, laser focused, and purposeful.

“Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson

When you add the financial steps in 1, 5, & 6 you have a complete wealth building coaching program so that none of the links in your cause and effect chain are weak or broken.

When you master the cause and effect wealth chain, you'll know how to sidestep the tricks and traps that have stopped so many before you from successfully building wealth.

You'll be actively working all three links so that your chain is strong and powerful. The result will be more wealth more consistently, with fewer problems.

It's simple cause and effect.

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Why Most Wealth Building Systems Fail (2024)


What is the biggest obstacle to building wealth? ›

Living beyond one's means is a common financial trap that prevents wealth accumulation. Many individuals fall into the habit of excessive spending, relying on credit cards or loans to maintain a certain lifestyle. By consistently spending more than they earn, people find it challenging to save, invest, or build wealth.

Why is it so hard to build wealth? ›

It's hard to build wealth from nothing without a regular source of income. You cannot invest without saving money, and you can't save money without a regular income. This is to say that people don't build sustainable wealth from multilevel marketing, Ponzi schemes, or betting.

Why do most people fail to become rich? ›

One of the primary reasons for failed attempts at wealth is the absence of a clear financial vision. Without a defined goal and a well-thought-out plan, individuals may find themselves drifting aimlessly, making haphazard financial decisions.

Why is it difficult to build generational wealth? ›

Planning for investments, taxes and how to distribute assets is complex and requires a plan. Without a proper estate plan, assets may not be distributed according to a grantor's wishes, possibly erasing any chance of building real generational wealth.

What is the number 1 key to building wealth? ›

1. Earn Money. The first thing you need to do is start making money. This step might seem obvious, but it's essential—you can't save what you don't have.

What is the biggest killer of wealth? ›

By steering clear of these wealth killers, you protect your assets and secure a brighter, more stable financial future for yourself.
  • #1 Biggest Wealth Killer: Debt. ...
  • Wealth Killer #2: Poor Financial Planning. ...
  • Wealth Killer #3: Living Beyond Your Means. ...
  • Wealth Killer #4: Not Investing.
Mar 27, 2024

What builds wealth the fastest? ›

Compound interest makes early investing one of the most effective ways to build wealth fast. By starting to invest at a young age, individuals can take advantage of the exponential growth of their investments over time.

What is the #1 way to accumulate wealth? ›

Stay Diversified

Having a diversified portfolio with different types of investments can both protect the wealth you've accumulated and position you to reap rewards even in market downturns.

Is 50 too late to build wealth? ›

Indeed, it's never too late for anything in life and by following certain rules, you can still get wealthy after 50, experts said. “If you've started saving later in life, don't get discouraged,” said Joe Camberato, CEO of National Business Capital. “Instead, focus on what you can control.

Why are rich people still unhappy? ›

For one, it often puts you in different social circles, and it might mean you spend less time with certain friends because they don't have the means to enjoy a similar lifestyle. That can lead to feelings of guilt or loneliness. Plus, Norlander said wealth often magnifies the character of the person.

Why do rich people suffer? ›

The upper class commonly struggles with a cache of problems set off by their extreme wealth, including loneliness, paranoia and a distorted sense of purpose, which can provoke them to instigate issues in their lives and even infect their impressional children.

What is the biggest problem rich people have? ›

'Wealth can be pretty isolating': Problems that rich people face, according to therapists
  1. Feelings of isolation. A top problem that Hokemeyer's clients suffer from is chronic isolation. ...
  2. Paranoia and distrust. ...
  3. Distorted sense of purpose.
May 13, 2024

How did the Rockefellers create generational wealth? ›

The Rockefeller Waterfall Method is a sophisticated estate planning strategy designed to facilitate the efficient transfer of wealth across generations. This method leverages the strategic use of whole-life insurance policies to create a seamless and tax-efficient legacy.

What generation holds the most wealth? ›

Wealthiest Generation: Baby Boomers

According to the Federal Reserve data, baby boomers – people born between the 1946 and 1964– win the top spot for the wealthiest generation in the U.S. In aggregate, their total net worth is $78.55 trillion.

How much money is considered rich? ›

Test 2: Comparing your income

For example, you may be considered rich if you're in the nation's top 1% of earners. In 2022, that group saw an average annual income from wages of $785,968—nearly 19 times higher than the bottom 90%, according to the Economic Policy Institute Open in new tab.

What is the greatest barrier to creating wealth? ›

You don't invest in yourself

This might be the single biggest obstacle on your path to riches. If you're not investing in continuing education, training and personal development, you're limiting your ability to make more money in the future.

What are three key factors to building wealth? ›

3 Steps to Successfully Build Wealth
  • Making Money. Building wealth starts with cash flow – money coming in and money going out. ...
  • Saving Money. ...
  • Making Wise Choices.

What are the 4 key things you need to build wealth? ›

Bottom Line

However, if you focus on these four principles, you'll be in a much better financial situation by this time next year. If you want to build wealth, focus on creating a budget, paying off debt, living below your means and investing for the future.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.