Why Montessori is Bad (2024)

Montessori schools often come under scrutiny for their unconventional methods. Critics are quick to highlight what they perceive as glaring flaws in the Montessori approach, painting a picture of an educational system that seems almost too radical to be effective. From the outside looking in, Montessori education appears to challenge every traditional notion of what schooling should look like, leading many to question its validity.

Why Montessori is Bad (1)

If you are deeply immersed in the Montessori philosophy, perhaps as a Montessori teacher or parent, surrounded by Montessori-minded friends, and living a Montessori-inspired life, it can be easy to become enveloped in a Montessori bubble. In fact, you might find it hard to imagine that anyone would have anything negative to say about the approach.

And yet, if you are someone who has only seen snippets or heard stories of what people have said about Montessori in social media groups or in passing, you might think that this educational approach is the worst thing ever!

I heard such stories in my younger adult years. I lived down the street from a Montessori school and had heard rumors that the children were “forced to work” and “don’t get to play.” Someone told me a story about a child at this Montessori school, the son of a friend, who was only allowed to fold and unfold a towel all day, every day, until he got it right. After a couple of weeks of this, his parents withdrew him. I would have done the same.

Let’s take a look at some of the main criticisms of Montessori education.

Why Montessori is Bad

  • Variability in Montessori Implementation
  • A Lack of Traditional Structure
  • Too Much Freedom
  • Too Much Structure
  • The Absence of Grades
  • Not Enough Socialization
  • Too Much Socialization
  • Lack of Exposure to Technology
  • Accessibility
  • Insufficient Preparation for Standardized Testing
  • Perceived Lack of Emphasis on Basic Skills
  • Difficulty in Transitioning to Traditional Education Settings
  • Overemphasis on Individual Learning
  • Limited Focus on Creative Arts and Physical Education
  • Incompatibility with Traditional Systems: A Path to Nowhere?
  • Unveiling the Truth: The Strengths Behind the Criticisms

Variability in Montessori Implementation

Critics point out that there can be significant variability in how the Montessori philosophy is implemented across different schools. This inconsistency may lead to confusion about what Montessori education truly entails and result in varied educational experiences and outcomes for students. While it is true that not all schools claiming to be Montessori strictly adhere to the authentic method, reputable Montessori schools follow specific guidelines and undergo rigorous training to ensure fidelity to the philosophy. By choosing accredited Montessori schools, parents can ensure a consistent and authentic Montessori experience for their children.

A Lack of Traditional Structure

One of the most vocal criticisms is the apparent lack of traditional structure within Montessori classrooms. Some argue that without the rigid schedules and strict discipline typical of conventional classrooms, Montessori schools are breeding grounds for disorder and confusion. At first glance, this concern might seem valid. Children are seen moving freely, choosing their activities, and working at their own pace, which to an untrained eye could look like uncontrolled chaos. However, this freedom is far from unstructured. It is, in fact, a carefully designed environment where children learn to navigate their choices within set boundaries, fostering a sense of independence and self-discipline that is rarely achieved in more traditional settings.

Too Much Freedom

Critics also take issue with the level of freedom Montessori students are granted, suggesting that without constant direction, children are likely to miss out on essential learning. This perspective stems from a misunderstanding of the Montessori method, where freedom comes with responsibility and is balanced with support and guidance from trained teachers. These teachers work with the children to ensure that essential skills and knowledge are learned while also encouraging them to pursue their interests deeply, leading to a more profound and lasting form of learning that departs from traditional rote memorization.

Why Montessori is Bad (2)

Too Much Structure

On the flip side, some people will complain that Montessori is too rigid and doesn’t allow for flexibility. After all, the lessons are carefully scripted, and we are taught to deliver them as close to how we saw them presented as possible. The materials, particularly the math materials, grammar materials, and sentence analysis materials, are close-ended and procedural, leaving, at least at first glance, little room for deviation. But these materials also lend themselves to creative follow-up activities and extensions. They offer a structured foundation, and once the foundational concepts are grasped, that is when creativity comes into play.

Also, while the Montessori approach emphasizes freedom within a structured environment, it is possible to encounter teachers who are so overly structured that they leave no room for spontaneous, creative expression and open-ended experiences. Referring back to the story about the child folding the towel, it’s clear that some teachers may misinterpret the pedagogy, thus negatively impacting the child’s experience. Hence, some of the complaints are not actually about the pedagogy itself, but with its interpretation and delivery.

The Absence of Grades

The lack of traditional grading in Montessori schools is another point of contention. Skeptics argue that without exams and grades, there is no way to measure student progress or success, potentially leaving parents in the dark about their child’s education. Yet, Montessori educators conduct detailed observations and qualitative assessments that provide a more holistic view of a child’s development, focusing on growth over competition. This method fosters a love for learning itself, not for the reward of high grades.

In addition, Montessori follows a mastery-based model, which means that children progress to the next stages as they master the knowledge and skills. In a mastery-based model, traditional grades often become less relevant or are not used at all. Instead of receiving grades that rank students against a standard grading scale (A, B, C, etc.), students show progress by demonstrating mastery of specific skills or knowledge areas. The focus is on making sure that each student fully understands a topic or skill before moving on to the next one, rather than moving all students along at the same pace regardless of their individual levels of understanding.

Not Enough Socialization

Another common criticism is the belief that Montessori education does not adequately prepare children for real-world socialization, given its emphasis on individual learning. This is especially a concern in the preschool years, where children are working independently. This concern overlooks the dynamic social environment of a Montessori classroom, where even preschool children interact as a part of a larger community, learn from peers in mixed-age groups, and develop empathy and respect through daily interactions. They also practice Grace and Courtesy with one another, involving various interactions throughout the day. In addition, elementary-aged students collaborate in small group projects, practice conflict resolution skills, and have conversations about justice and morality. The Montessori method, in reality, offers a variety of social learning opportunities.

Why Montessori is Bad (3)

Too Much Socialization

Some argue that Montessori classrooms, especially in the elementary years and beyond, allow for too much socialization among the children. Unlike in traditional classrooms where students sit in rows or a circle listening to the teacher for extended periods, Montessori elementary classrooms often feature small groups or pairs where students engage in collaborative work. In some instances, elementary-aged Montessori students may spend hours discussing and agreeing on the vision and delegation of tasks for a collective project. Although this type of activity may not appear productive to the inexperienced observer, the children are practicing crucial life skills such as negotiation, debate, and decision-making that will benefit them as adults.

Lack of Exposure to Technology

Critics argue that Montessori classrooms lack exposure to technology, particularly in the elementary years when conventional schools are increasingly integrating laptops into the environment. However, this overlooks the focus on foundational skills and hands-on learning experiences that foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. While many Montessori elementary classrooms incorporate limited computer usage for typing, word processing, and research, the emphasis remains on tactile learning through the physical manipulation of objects. This includes maintaining a focus on handwriting and penmanship, which aligns with research showing that students retain more information when they write by hand as opposed to when they type.

Maria Montessori believed in the importance of hands-on experiences for meaningful learning, allowing children to fully engage, develop fine motor skills, and make concrete connections. By prioritizing hands as tools for learning, Montessori educators aim to foster deeper understanding and holistic development in students.

Why Montessori is Bad (4)


Another point of criticism directed at Montessori education is its cost and perceived lack of accessibility. Critics argue that most Montessori schools are private and expensive and that this creates a socio-economic divide, limiting access to families from lower income brackets. While it is true that Montessori schools can be more expensive than traditional schools, this criticism underestimates the efforts of the Montessori community in promoting accessibility initiatives. Many Montessori schools offer financial aid programs and scholarships to ensure that a wider range of students can benefit from this educational approach.

More importantly, the Public Montessori movement has gained significant momentum in the last 20 years, making free Montessori education more widely experienced than ever before. According to the Montessori Census, there are nearly 600 publicly funded Montessori schools in the US. While that still represents a drop in the bucket compared to the sheer number of conventional schools, interest in and initiatives for public Montessori education is growing.

Insufficient Preparation for Standardized Testing

Some critics argue that Montessori education does not adequately prepare students for standardized testing, which is often a requirement for further education and academic assessment. While the Montessori method focuses less on traditional testing and assessment methods, it does not mean that students are ill-prepared. Montessori education prioritizes deep understanding and mastery of concepts, critical thinking skills, and a love for learning. These qualities can often lead to success in standardized testing as students develop the ability to think critically, analyze information, and apply knowledge.

In addition, most Montessori schools, whether private or public, have their students participate in standardized testing. Even in private schools, parents want to ensure that their children are meeting benchmarks and norms. Teachers also spend some time giving lessons on the skills and vocabulary that their students need to know to successfully navigate a standardized test.

Perceived Lack of Emphasis on Basic Skills

Critics sometimes claim that Montessori education does not prioritize the mastery of basic skills such as handwriting, spelling, and rote memorization of math facts. This misconception arises from the misconception that Montessori education is solely focused on self-directed learning and exploration. However, Montessori classrooms do place importance on foundational skills. The difference lies in how these skills are acquired. Montessori offers hands-on materials and activities that engage children in active learning, allowing them to develop these skills at their own pace and in a meaningful context. In addition, teachers meet weekly with students in one-on-one conferences, setting goals on how and when to practice these ongoing skills.

Why Montessori is Bad (5)

Difficulty in Transitioning to Traditional Education Settings

Concerns are sometimes raised about the transition from a Montessori environment to a traditional educational setting. Critics argue that Montessori students may struggle to adapt to a more structured and less self-directed learning environment. However, Montessori education equips students with essential skills that make them adaptable and resilient learners. The emphasis on independence, critical thinking, and love for learning prepares Montessori students to thrive in different educational settings. While there may be an adjustment period, Montessori students often demonstrate flexibility and excel in various educational environments.

Overemphasis on Individual Learning

Montessori education is often praised for its focus on individual learning paths. However, critics argue that this may lead to a lack of opportunities for students to engage in competitive and cooperative activities that prepare them for real-world scenarios. Montessori observed that children under the age of 6 tended to prefer to work alone or alongside one another, often engaged in activities that develop concentration. However, this does not mean that they are forced to spend their days working in solitude, or that they aren’t a part of a cohesive learning community. In reality, Montessori classrooms provide ample opportunities for both independent and collaborative learning. Mixed-age classrooms, particularly in the elementary years, encourage mentorship and cooperation among students, while small group projects foster teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Why Montessori is Bad (6)

Limited Focus on Creative Arts and Physical Education

Some critics express concern that Montessori education may not offer enough structured opportunities for students to engage in creative arts and physical education. However, Montessori education recognizes the importance of a holistic approach to education. While the implementation may look different than from traditional schools, Montessori classrooms provide a multitude of opportunities for creative expression and physical development. Art activities, music exploration, and outdoor play are usually integrated into the curriculum, rather than having a dedicated time of day for these activities, thus allowing students to develop their artistic abilities and physical coordination in a variety of ways.

Through a deeper understanding of these criticisms, it becomes evident that they actually underline the strengths of Montessori education. Rather than being detrimental, the Montessori method promotes independence, self-discipline, critical thinking, and a love for learning. It fosters a holistic approach to education that respects the individuality of each child and prepares them for success in various educational settings and real-world scenarios.

Incompatibility with Traditional Systems: A Path to Nowhere?

Finally, skeptics argue that Montessori education does not align with traditional educational systems, thus being potentially disadvantageous to students in later life. There’s a worry that existing within a Montessori structure for years will mean that they can’t possibly exist within a traditional structure, or at least not without a lot of support. This perspective fails to recognize the adaptability and resilience of Montessori students, who often excel when transitioning to different educational settings thanks to their developed critical thinking skills, creativity, and love of learning.

Once, when my oldest daughter was in high school, I asked her “What makes you and your sister different from your high school peers who didn’t attend a Montessori school?” She paused as she thought for a moment and said, “Our friends know how to do worksheets. So, when the teacher gives us projects, a lot of them sort of “fall apart,” and that is where we shine.” Their years of designing projects from start to finish meant that they had practice identifying what materials and resources they needed for a project, gathering the materials they needed, executing the project, then presenting and/or dismantling the project and putting the materials away.

In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability, problem-solving skills, and the ability to manage and complete complex tasks independently are highly valued. The skill of seeing a project through from beginning to end is particularly beneficial. A Montessori education emphasizes self-directed learning and practical life skills, providing students with unique abilities that will benefit them in all aspects of their lives. Montessori students learn not only to navigate academic challenges but also to approach real-world problems with creativity, resourcefulness, and resilience. By completing projects from start to finish, adapting processes as necessary, and collaborating effectively with others, Montessori students become well-rounded, competent, and confident individuals ready to contribute meaningfully to society.

Why Montessori is Bad (7)

Unveiling the Truth: The Strengths Behind the Criticisms

As we look more closely at criticisms of the Montessori approach, a pattern emerges: each perceived flaw in the Montessori method is, upon closer examination, one of its greatest strengths. What appears to be a lack of structure reveals itself as a sophisticated system designed to foster independence and self-discipline. The criticized level of freedom in learning cultivates a deeper, more meaningful engagement with education. The absence of traditional grading allows for a more nuanced understanding of a child’s progress, free from the pressures of competition. Concerns about socialization miss the rich, collaborative environment that Montessori schools nurture. And the fear of incompatibility with traditional systems underestimates the versatility and resilience of Montessori-educated students.

In the end, the journey from skepticism to understanding Montessori education reveals much about our own preconceptions of what education should be. The initial impression of “Montessori is bad,” gives way to the recognition of its innovative approach to learning, one that respects the individuality of each child and fosters a lifelong love of learning. Far from being a system riddled with flaws, Montessori education challenges us to rethink our definitions of success and to consider a more holistic, child-centered approach to education.

Letty Rising

Letty Rising has been involved in Montessori education for over 15 years. She holds a B.A. in Sociology, a California State Teaching Credential, and an AMI elementary diploma for ages 6-12 and an M.Ed from Loyola University in Maryland. She has held positions as a Homeschool Education Specialist, Montessori Elementary Teacher, School Director, Principal, Montessori Coordinator, and Consultant in several public and private Montessori school communities throughout the years. Letty currently supports schools around the world through professional development offerings, consulting, and mentoring.

Why Montessori is Bad (2024)


What is the negative impact of Montessori? ›

One of the most vocal criticisms is the apparent lack of traditional structure within Montessori classrooms. Some argue that without the rigid schedules and strict discipline typical of conventional classrooms, Montessori schools are breeding grounds for disorder and confusion.

Is the Montessori Method good or bad? ›

We specifically looked at how they performed in the areas of academic learning, cognitive development, social development, sensorimotor development and creativity. The results of this meta-analysis show that Montessori teaching methods have significant positive impacts on social skills and school results.

Which is a weakness of the Montessori approach? ›

At the core of Montessori education lies the fundamental belief that students possess the capability to lead their own learning experiences. However, some individuals have criticized this approach, stating that it lacks structure and discipline, with a focus on rigorous academic preparation being an afterthought.

Is Montessori scientifically proven? ›

The Montessori method is based on scientifically validated principles of child development refined by more than 100 years of putting those principles into practice.

Why not to praise your child Montessori? ›

Most of us in the Montessori world have been cautioned not to praise children. Too much praise can lead to patterns of codependency and inadvertently teach children that their self-worth should be based on the perceptions of others.

Who disagrees with Montessori? ›

The American philosopher and educator John Dewey, and his student William Heard Kirpatrick, thought Montessori's program stifled creativity and focused too much on the individual.

Do Montessori students do better in life? ›

Analysing their progress at age five, Lillard found that the children who went to the Montessori school tended to have better literacy, numeracy, executive function and social skills, compared to those who had attended the other schools. And at age 12, they showed better story-telling abilities.

Does Montessori really make a difference? ›

They found that the children in the Montessori school showed better reading and math, improved social skills, and advanced executive functioning by the end of kindergarten.

Are kids happier in Montessori schools? ›

A Montessori education has been linked to elevated psychological well-being as an adult. One reason is that children in Montessori schools are allowed to choose their own work and participate in meaningful activities. They also experience greater social stability and cohesion in their classes.

Does Montessori lack structure? ›

Myth #2: “Montessori is a strict, structured program.” Interestingly enough, since some believe Montessori Education lacks structure altogether, others believe that the method is too strict. Montessori classrooms do embody an inherent structure and order, but this is only one part of the approach.

Do Montessori kids do well in college? ›

The Montessori Philosophy focuses on the long-term goals for students so they are prepared for college and beyond. A Montessori education will serve students well in college because there is a focus on mastery for each student. Students in the Montessori classroom are provided with individualized learning plans.

What does research say about Montessori? ›

Montessori students were, on average, a full school year ahead by sixth grade, according to the analysis. The most significant academic gains were in language, math, and general academic ability; there was not a significant benefit in science or social studies.

How do Montessori kids turn out? ›

Often, children from Montessori environments exhibit maturity above that of their peers. This is generally because Montessori students have been given the opportunity to make independent choices early on within the context of a multi-age peer group.

Which kids don't do well in Montessori? ›

Children who are consistently waiting for adult direction and those who have difficulty choosing and staying engaged in activities may have some initial difficulty transitioning into a Montessori class, but usually, they learn to trust themselves and gradually strengthen their concentration as they meet with successful ...

What are the long term effects of Montessori education? ›

Students of this educational method become lifelong learners. That is, they not only develop the skills needed to learn at a very high level, but they also enjoy learning new things. Lifelong learners are those who enjoy reading books, exploring new research, taking on new challenges, and solving problems.

Do Montessori students do better? ›

Analysing their progress at age five, Lillard found that the children who went to the Montessori school tended to have better literacy, numeracy, executive function and social skills, compared to those who had attended the other schools. And at age 12, they showed better story-telling abilities.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.