Why Learn Investing? (2024)

Looking to kickstart a career in investing or enhance your professional life? Learn about the benefits of investing, the careers it can open doors to, and how Noble Desktop can help you get started.

Key Insights

  • Investing involves allocating money to assets that increase in value over time, such as stocks, bonds, real estate and more, providing potential capital for businesses.
  • Professional careers in fields like financial analysis, data science, banking, and FinTech can greatly benefit from investing knowledge.
  • Investing can help individuals become financially literate, understand the relationship between income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, and make informed financial decisions.
  • Soft skills such as emotional control, self-discipline, and time management can be honed through investing.
  • Properly invested money has the potential to outpace inflation and accumulate wealth for retirement, even enabling early retirement in some cases.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive investing training in both in-person and live online formats, providing access to expert instructors and in-depth tutorials.

On the surface, investing is allocating money to assets that should increase in value over time. You can invest in an IRA to prepare for your future or trade stocks as a Stock Broker to make money for companies. You can also invest in real estate. No matter the reason for investing, it is an important skill to learn as you become financially literate, build soft skills, accumulate wealth, and prepare for retirement. Here, you'll learn more about the careers that benefit from investing and how it can enhance your professional life.

What is Investing?

Investing is dedicating money to purchasing assets that increase in value over time. The main function of investing is to generate returns from invested assets. Investors can invest in several kinds of investments, including stocks, bonds, funds, trusts, private equity, and real estate. Investing in almost any industry can help build capital for businesses.

Investing puts money to work. On the surface, investing can appear like saving money; however, saving money sits in an account, gaining little per year, as saving accounts have an average of 0.7% growth per year. Investors can choose to actively invest, which means they manage their portfolio or passively invest, which means they take a less involved approach to investing. They can also choose to invest in high-growth companies with higher Price-earnings (P/E) or invest in companies that have lower P/E but have higher dividend yields. Both approaches can pay large sums; it depends on how much risk they want to include in their investment portfolios.

Read more about what investing is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Investing?

When you think of investing, the image that comes to mind is Stock Brokers frantically calling in trades as they watch the numbers scroll by on the screen. Stock Brokers are a large part of the investing world. They deal with the stock market every single day. They help keep the economy moving. However, there is more to investing than just stock brokers.

With the internet, anyone can invest in the market using mobile apps. You can also invest to save for retirement or various other reasons. When starting with investing, you want to start an investment portfolio. Often, these portfolios include bonds, stocks, mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), real estate, and cash equivalents. However, some people choose to invest their money in more unusual ways. One of the key parts of investing is choosing assets that will increase in value over time. Investments can be physical assets as well. One good way to invest is to buy a vacation or rental property that you can rent out. This option allows the money you used to purchase the property to bring more money back to you. Others invest in other items like cars, handbags, or even watches. Each of these items needs a lot of research to ensure they are worth purchasing and if they will bring in more money if sold later.

Common Professional Uses for Investing

You may wonder what careers await you once you are comfortable with the ins and outs of investing and finance. Any career you pursue will require more than one skill; however, financial and investing literacy can be a fantastic stepping stone for several financial jobs. Here are a few areas you can work in once you become familiar with investing.

  • Financial Analysis: This position focuses on examining historical and projected profitability. It is a data-intensive position that requires a lot of research and analysis. Those who enter this position need a strong understanding of finance and mathematics.
  • Data Science: This position will require proficiency in computer science and programming. This position deals with understanding financial marketing, financial instruments, and investment products. Those in this position will use their programming skills and analytical techniques to seek meaningful market patterns.
  • Banking: Banking is a large financial field with many positions under its umbrella. For the most part, those pursuing their career path will be working one-on-one with their clients, trying to meet and manage their financial needs.
  • FinTech: Another field that requires proficiency in computer science and programming. Those who want to pursue FinTech will be responsible for creating new technology used in the finance sector. This technology can include investing apps, banking apps, and much more.

Become Financially Literate

A large part of investing is understanding finances. Unfortunately, a large part of the country lacks financial literacy. The more you invest, the smarter you will be with your money.

As you invest, you will learn the relationship between income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, as they are all a part of investing. You will need to keep track of all those things, or you might lose a large amount of money. While investing involves risk, understanding how everything in the finance world works will help limit those risks as you make informed decisions.

Build Soft Skills

Investing is not different from other skills as it helps you develop soft skills the more you do it. However, investing is a little different in terms of the soft skills it does develop.

Experts investing will always tell beginners not to put their emotions into investing. Doing so can cause stress and cause beginners to make uninformed decisions that lose them money. As you learn to invest, you will gain more emotional control. Doing so will help make proper decisions. It will also help prevent burnout, as constant decision-making is already difficult enough. Keeping your emotions under control will help you make clear decisions without stress.

Learning investing skills also requires a lot of self-discipline and time management. You must stay on top of everything while keeping an eye on the market to ensure you don't lose money. However, you must maintain self-discipline to not sell every time the market dips, as the reactionary market may fluctuate again and level out.

Earn Wealth that Outpaces Inflation

Investing money in the stock market, an IRA or real estate allows your money to grow. Doing this also means your money can outpace inflation.

If your money sits in your pocket, it is subject to the market values at that time. It will gain or lose value depending on inflation rates. If you invest your money, it can continue to grow no matter what the inflation rates are.

Retirement/ Early Retirement

Investing can be a great way to accumulate wealth. In doing so, you can prepare for your future. You can set up retirement accounts like IRAs that will grow compound annually, leaving you with more money to enjoy retirement.

However, the more you invest, the more money-making potential you have. By investing, you can make enough money to retire earlier than planned and maintain your lifestyle.

How to Start Learning Investing

Learning to invest is challenging, so you may need to take structured classes to help you succeed in your investing goals. Noble Desktop provides ways to help you find the right program to fit your needs. You can utilize the school's Classes Near Me tool to locate in-person investing classes near you if you prefer to learn face-to-face. For students who prefer a virtual learning environment, you can also utilize the tool to discover live online investing courses or check out Noble's virtual investing courses.

Of course, enrolling in a class is a large time commitment whether you choose in-person or virtual learning. It may be difficult to fit these courses into your busy schedule; however, you should still begin learning. To fit in with your schedule, you could try on-demand investing classes. On-demand options are available for all skill levels, from those who want to learn the basics of investing to those who want to learn Python and make algorithms for trading and research. Several of these courses are introductions and are free. Others require a small fee ranging from $80 to $300 or a subscription to a particular service. All these options are prerecorded and can be accessed when you have time.

Another great way to begin your investing learning journey is to watch video demonstrations. Noble Desktop provides several YouTube videos devoted to in-depth investing tutorials covering topics like Income statements and stock exchange. You can also search for Noble Desktop's free seminars to view courses related to investing, like Stock Market Investing Fundamentals. You may also check out financial modeling to find similar courses.

Read the full guide on how to learn investing.

Learn Investing with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop provides an array of Investing and Financial classes that meet various scheduling requirements and learning styles. No matter how you enroll in these courses, students will learn from expert instructors in small classes. Students may attend in-person training at Noble's Manhattan campus or remotely from anywhere. In addition to the courses, all students can retake the course within one year of completing it for no extra charge, giving them more time to hone their skills.

For those interested in beginning their investment journey, Noble offers a short introduction course, Stock Market Investing, teaching students the fundamentals of the stock market and how to invest. Students will learn what moves the stock market and how investors value stocks. Students will understand P/E ratios and DCF analysis as they dive into different financial statements. While this course does not provide enough information to start your investing career, it does provide vital information that will help you out in your career and get you on the right path.

Students may consider the Financial Analysts Training Program to jump-start a career in the financial sector or with investing. In the program, students work with financial modeling and valuation. As students learn basic and advanced features of Microsoft Excel, they learn to utilize the program for long-term planning, financial functions, and cash flow projection. Those interested in becoming Financial Analysts may also consider the Python for Finance Bootcamp. This course teaches how to use the Python programming language’s financial libraries to gather and manipulate financial data. Both of these courses can jump-start your career in investing!

Key Insights

  • Investing is challenging to learn but worthwhile
  • Become financially literate by investing
  • Develop soft skills
    • emotional control
    • self-discipline
    • time management
  • Invested money typically outpaces inflation
  • Build for retirement or retire early
  • You can receive comprehensive investing training through Noble Desktop with in-person or live online courses
Why Learn Investing? (2024)


Why Learn Investing? ›

Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build wealth. Smart investing may allow your money to outpace inflation and increase in value. The greater growth potential of investing is primarily due to the power of compounding and the risk-return tradeoff.

Why is it important to learn about investing? ›

Investing can help individuals become financially literate, understand the relationship between income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, and make informed financial decisions. Soft skills such as emotional control, self-discipline, and time management can be honed through investing.

Is it worth learning to invest? ›

Investments should be seen as a medium to long term commitment. This means, you should be prepared to hold them for at least 5 years to give your money a chance to grow. Ideally, you should have an emergency fund – between 3 and 6 months' worth of living expenses –before you start investing.

What do you want to learn about investing? ›

Among the investment strategies that the beginning investor should understand fully are active versus passive investing, value versus growth investing, and income-oriented versus gains-oriented investing. While savvy investment managers can beat the market, very few do it consistently over the long term.

Why I started investing? ›

Investing can give you financial freedom.

When you invest, you buy things like stocks, bonds and real estate with the expectation that when you sell them, you'll have more money. Investing is a way to put your money to work for you, even while you're off doing something else.

How does investing benefit you? ›

As savings held in cash will tend to lose value because inflation reduces their buying power over time, investing can help to protect the value of your money as the cost of living rises. Over the long term, investing can smooth out the effects of weekly market ups and downs.

What is the overall purpose people have for investing? ›

First, people try to build wealth over time through investment projects like stocks and bonds that provide dividends and payouts, in turn, offering huge revenues. Secondly, individuals invest to achieve their financial goals.

Is $100 too little to invest? ›

Investing just $100 a month can actually do a whole lot to help you grow rich over time. In fact, the table below shows how much your $100 monthly investment could turn into over time, assuming you earn a 10% average annual return.

How much money do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

Is it worth investing $100 a week? ›

Don't miss. In a new report, the Milken Institute recommends that Americans start investing for their retirement at age 25. Saving $100 a week as of that tender age will, by the power of compounding, yield $1.1 million by age 65 (assuming a 7% annual rate of return).

What is the key idea of investing? ›

The Bottom Line

An investment is a plan to put money to work today to obtain a greater amount of money in the future. It is also the primary way people save for major purchases or retirement. With stocks, bonds, real estate, or commodities, individuals can create a diversified portfolio.

When should I start investing? ›

When it comes to retirement, the recommendation is to start as early as possible, even if it's with small amounts, and aim to save around 10% to 15% of your income. For non-retirement investments, ensure you're in a stable financial position and ready to handle the inherent risks of investing.

Can you learn how to invest by yourself? ›

One of the best ways for beginners to learn how to invest in stocks is to put money in an online investment account and purchase stocks from there. You don't have to have a lot of money to start investing. Many brokerages allow you to open an investing account with $0, and then you just have to purchase stock.

What is the main purpose of investing? ›

Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build wealth. Smart investing may allow your money to outpace inflation and increase in value. The greater growth potential of investing is primarily due to the power of compounding and the risk-return tradeoff.

Why do I enjoy investing? ›


Investing is often framed as a way to pay for retirement. But building a financial cushion can give you the freedom to do other things that matter to you too. Maybe you want to take six months off work for an epic trip. Investing can help make that happen.

Is investing actually worth it? ›

Investing provides the potential for (significantly) higher returns than saving. As your investments grow, they allow you to take advantage of compounding to accelerate gains. Investing offers many different access points and strategies, from individual stocks and bonds to mutual or exchange-traded funds.

What is the importance of investing in knowledge? ›

Just as investing money wisely can generate future wealth, investing in knowledge and education can lead to personal growth, increased understanding, and improved skills. Franklin believed that knowledge is an asset that can never be taken away and can positively impact an individual's life in various ways.

What is the importance of investment study? ›

It can include charting past returns to predict future performance, selecting the type of investment that best suits an investor's needs, or evaluating individual securities such as stocks and bonds to determine their risks, yield potential, or price movements.

What is the general importance of investing? ›

Investing helps you grow your money which can then be used to meet your future financial goals. When you invest your money, it is likely to provide you with returns. These returns can either be guaranteed`` or market-linked depending on where you invest your money.

Why do we need to learn value investing? ›

Buying a stock that's undervalued means your risk of losing money is reduced, even when the company doesn't do well. Recall that one of the fundamental principles of value investing is to build a margin of safety into all your investments.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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