Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)

Are you sick of hearing me complain about how HARD moving is? Seriously, Freebs, I feel like I'm about to die. And, spoiler alert, since misery loves company, I probably won't quit complaining any time soon. But there's hope! Amidst the misery there is light at the end of the tunnel by way oftips, tricks, and lessons learned along the way to hopefully make your experience as good as it can possibly be. (And don't worry, I'm sharing tons of #ThePageProject before and afters on Instagram and Facebookso follow over there to see the progress – aka MESS – we are making!)

When I asked y'all for moving advice one of the most common pieces of advice was…HIRE MOVERS! This came as a shock to me because it's so darn expensive (or so I thought), I was sure most people would think it a luxury rather than necessity. Boy, was I wrong! We had used them before and only had a so-so experience. But thanks to my Freebs' advice (plus the fact that I'm 33 weeks pregnant…) we hired movers and decided…

…it was worth EVERY PENNY!

My friends at HireAHelper.com asked me to try movers from their database and give an honest review, so I accepted the challenge! Now I'm sharing it with you as well as my besttips first on

  1. HOW to afford hiring movers,
  2. WHY it's worth the money, and
  3. how to do it the RIGHT WAYand not get scammed or get all your stuff broken in the process.

Let's get on with it, shall we??

When Bubba and I moved from our first home 4.5 years ago we decided to hire movers because we had a newborn. It was a huge stretch for us financially, but we did it anyway. I did what I knew how – did a quick google search, called around and found the best price, and booked two guys to help us for a few hours.

Over-all the experience was…ok. Yes, we got help moving our stuff! And that was great. But they were late, I'm pretty sure one showed up high, the other was about half my size and 3x as lazy, and I recall being annoyed that there was a lot of standing around, figuring out what to do next. It put a mildly bitter taste in my mouth and we decided that next time we moved we would just enlist the help of family and friends (to the point of being blacklisted) and save the money.

Flash forward to now…moving from a much bigger house with way more stuff, über pregnant and not much help,4little kids running around. We decided to follow the advicefrom the bazillions of you who commented on my cry for helpand hire out again.

Around that same time the Heavens parted and a website, HireAHelper.com, reached out and asked if I would try their site.

Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (3)

At first glance I assumed it was a site to help you find the best deal on movers, which I was not interested in, becausewe learned that simply shopping for the cheapest price results in a lot of wasted time and broken furniture. I looked into it further and realized their site takes on more of the role of a general contractor, of sorts. They partner up with moving companies that they've qualified and know are good workers, you hire the movers (of your choice) through HireAHelper, then HireAHelper becomes your “general contractor” and manages them and is the one you go to with any problems or mishaps. If they are late, don't show up, break your stuff, show up high, whatever, HireAHelper has got your back!

I wrote about how their website works in detail below. But basically I scanned their site, compared prices (because I'm no fool, after all), looked into the ones that I liked and found the best fit, booked them, secured a truck (trucks are separate), and BAM. Done.

I was completely jaded.

I thought “we don't have that much stuff, and we've already taken a few loads over in our truck – I'm sure it'll only be a few hours at most”. BOY was I wrong. 8 hours later we were scrambling to finish in time. EIGHT HOURS!!! We moved within the same city, so it was a very short move. Sure, it would've only taken a few hours to load things up…but I didn't factor in the time to drive to the new house and unload everything into it as well. Just know going into it that hiring movers isn't “cheap” and you should have the mindset that it's an investment; a want, not a need, and if you want it (which, I mean, who doesn't…) you'll just need to go into it with the right mindset and cut dollars from other budgets to make it fit!

Which leads us to mynext point…

Hiring movers to help you move all day can easily approach $1,000+, depending on how many guys you hire and how big of a truck you need. Here are some things you need to keep in mind when budgeting for movers:

  • Assume it's going to take all day and calculate accordingly. Then, if it goes faster than expected you'll be pleasantly surprised and not blind sighted!
  • Ask if there are taxes, fees, mileage, or overages involved in their pricing, and factor that in to the budget as well (and try to avoid additional fees at all cost, of course).
  • Cut out spending or make extra money to pay for it! If you did a spending freeze just before moving (which should be easy because really, who wants to go grocery shopping right before moving day??) you could save several hundred dollars to put toward hiring movers! We decided to sell as much stuff through the classifieds as possible, and held a big yard sale which brought in a few hundred dollars. See “how to become a yard sale ninja” for my best tips and tricks!

Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (5)

Because I'm Jordan, and it's in my blood to stretch every dollar, I will say that there are definitely ways to hire quality help and stretch a buck at the same time. Here are a few quick tips:

  • Enlist help from friends and family. Just because you are hiring a company doesn't mean you can't bring reinforcements! After all, “many hands make light work”. The more, the merrier! Have the movers focus on the furniture and extra heavy stuff, and put fam/friends to work on boxes and smaller things. No shame in recruiting backup!
  • Work alongside the movers. Don't plan on it being a day off! You should be sweating and working right next to them. Again,many hands make light work and every set of hands makes a difference!
  • Quality control!! Working alongside the movers not only cuts down on hiring time, but alsoallows you to keep a close eye on what's going on to make sure they aren't dinging your walls or breaking things in the process.
  • Prepare as much of your furniture as you can BEFORE they come! As I explain in my moving hacks video, you can buy some packing saran wrap online and wrap furniture, take out dresser drawers and wrap them, wrap paintings and art, etc. The less they have to do on the day of the move, the faster it will go. Our philosophy was “we are hiring them to HAUL our stuff, not PREPARE our stuff” which helped cut down on time (believe it or not).
  • Rent your own truck. Many moving companies don't even have their own truck; they rent it as-needed from Uhaul or the like…and they are up-charging it! You find the best deal on a truck and secure that yourself, then just hire the labor from a company. Chances are you'll save a pretty penny that way.

I can't stress this enough. Based on personal experience and horror stories from people I know, just trust me on this one. Just because someone is the best “deal”, doesn't mean they are licensed, insured, or even legit. Sometimes it's a guy with a google number and he'll bring along whatever buddies need to earn money that day. Who knows if they are trustworthy, safe, or hard workers! Stop the insanity!

One thing I like about HireAHelper is that they are open about the fact that you can find cheaper prices elsewhere. Their specialty is making sure it's quality service and a good experience for you. So something to consider is “if I'm going to pay for this, I want it to be done right” and you may need to pay even a little extra to do so.

The movers (helpers) you see on HireAHelper do loading and unloading jobs for a living.Many are professional labor-only moving companies (cheap movers without a truck) that specialize in load and unload services. Others are full-service moving companies willing to send their workers out on labor-only moving jobs.

So there are my best tips!

Hopefully they help you make your (exhausting, stressful, difficult, sleepless, inconvenient…) move much more enjoyable for you and your family!

#1 – Compare Prices

Simple, and upfront pricing. With straightforward hourly rates, it takes the guesswork out of comparison shopping.

See availability. The “helpers” themselves manage their availability on HireAHelper, so you know exactly when someone may, or may not be available for your job.

Customer reviews. Every single customer has the opportunity to leave an honest, and unbiased review. You will see EXACTLY what other people are loving most on HireAHelper, which may help you make your “helper” decision!

Business details and credentials.Equipment lists and business credentials are clearly listed for every helper; you know exactly what they will have, no questions asked!

#2 – Book Your Moving Labor

Select the helper you want on HireAHelper,and select your preferred start time. You get to pick!!

Reserve with a credit card.It's fast and secure. Your card won't be charged until the day before your move. No sneaky hidden charges, it's all very upfront, and I LOVE that.

They'll call you to confirm.Your helper will give you a call to confirm the details. You can ask any questions you may have, and get a good feel for how the move will operate — I'm a planner, so this is super appealing to me!

Straightforward cancellation policy.Cancel up until 24 hours before your job start time with no fee. And, though I am a planner, I have been known to change my mind on things, too! Being able to cancel, and reschedule within 24 hours? That is AMAZING!

#3 –Enjoy a Stress-Free Move

Your payment is held in escrow by HireAHelper.When the job is complete, we'll send payment to your helper – this means it's in their best interest to show up, on time and ready to get the job done!

#4 –Leave a Review

Honest customer reviews are what make HireAHelper awesome. Reviews are what can help make, or break your opinion, right? RIGHT! The reviews on HireAHelper offer peace of mind, and reassurance that others have had a good experience with your selected “helper”, and that chances are, so will YOU!

Whew! Lots of info but hopefully it saves you money, time, stress, and that oh-so-precious back of yours 🙂 But I have to say, I'm curious…

…Do you agree that movers are worth the money? What are your best tips? Share with us below!

Happy Moving Day!

This post was made possible by our generous friends at HireAHelper, but every word and opinion was 100% my own…of course!
  1. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (10)

    Trisha Fon March 24, 2016 at 7:52 am

    I’ve only hired movers once and luckily it was the same company/guys my sister had used before so I knew what to expect (I too was HEAVILY pregnant and just knew I would be better at bossing strangers around than my family at that point).
    It made everything go very smoothly.
    And the next time we moved we did use family- but I knew how to make it more efficient so we were still on good terms by the end of the day 🙂


  2. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (11)

    Laura Loewenon March 24, 2016 at 9:03 am

    I think they are for certain situations. For us and our next move, it’ll be more worth it to do everything ourselves since we have cut back on all spending and are trying to become debt free as quickly as possible.

    That to say, I do think that there are families that have a lot more wiggle room in their budget to cut out coffeehouse coffee, going out to eat and other extras. In that case, I would say – go for it! I know it makes your life a whole lot easier. 🙂


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (12)

      FunCheapOrFreeon March 29, 2016 at 10:48 pm

      Yes yes yes well said! XO


  3. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (13)

    Sheenaon March 24, 2016 at 8:32 pm

    Last time we moved we did it ourselves… and I was 6 months pregnant with #4! I swore I’d never move again! We haven’t yet, but if we ever do I’m using your advice. I’d like to maintain my sanity next time around!


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (14)

      FunCheapOrFreeon March 29, 2016 at 10:47 pm

      Haha yes! Sanity is very expensive to fix, I imagine 😉 Thanks for reading! XO


  4. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (15)

    Dani @ Danielle and Co.on March 24, 2016 at 8:39 pm

    We have been incredibly lucky that in our current field we both work in (college administration/student affairs) it is fairly customary for universities to cover the cost of movers when they recruit you into a new position. Of course, if you change houses on your own while in the same job, you have to pay for things yourself. Our last move, we didn’t hire movers and it was only okay because we got rid of SO much stuff before hand, had no appliances, etc. The move before that was major, though, and having a moving company was the most magical and wonderful thing ever!


  5. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (16)

    Paula Wrighton March 27, 2016 at 5:52 am

    5 moves in last 10 years. 1st move was a Do It Youtself 2000 mile Butt-Breaker. Result:Exhausting/Endless/Cost about $5000 Paid some friends and family.
    2nd move used a local starttup company who was a friend of a family member. I prepped EVERYTHING they loaded, and hauled 2000 miles BUT delivered it in TWO LOADS…4 MONTHS APART!!!(read that again to have it sink in) The TOP half of the baby grand piano was in the g irst shipment and so it had to stand on its side in the living room tge four months while I waited for the legs to ship. The 2 man moving team + 2 men they hired locally left the glass shelves and other furniture from ANOTHER CUSTOMERS stuff that was hauled in the same truck and did not come back to get it when I informe d them. Seems my stuff was color coded tagged but hauled with two other customers. BIG PROBLEM. WARNING.
    Cost $7000. plus approx $1000 for boxes and bubble wrap.
    3rd and 4th move I used United Golden Eagle Moving a storage. I still paid a helper to bubble wrap and box. ($1000 for materials) the company came out to estimate the move by weight in writing. They showed up and had my valuables loaded into 7 pod type wooden crates in half a day. My stuff was stired in the sealed crates in a warehouse I inspected for a year at $300 per month. ( Included insurance) They then hauled it 2000 miles and hired 4 local helpers. The moved everything and put major pueces back together and plugged stuff in to work. No missing pieces, one load. Yes hauled with two other customers. Cost. $8000 note I used them again.
    5th move: Sons company paid for a major moving company to move them. The company sent 4 guys. They did EVERYTHING. Result: EVERYTHING inclyding empty boxes of cereal, light bulbs, and empty Comet cans was wrapped and padded in at least 2 tons of paper cushioning. One box of wrapped empty cereal nox was often the ONLY thing in a carefully wrapped shipping box taped securely for shipping. The guys worked hard, did everything, but charged the company $12,000. (The waste was ridiculous) We still had to unwrap and haul off all of the results. VERY MESSY MOVE!


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (17)

      FunCheapOrFreeon March 29, 2016 at 10:45 pm

      Holy smokes!! You are a saint for enduring so many huge moves! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!


  6. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (18)

    Melon March 27, 2016 at 7:30 pm

    Such an awesome post!! I love this. As someone who HATES moving and will probably be doing it again soon, this is great! Plus moving in a major city like NYC is never fun and I need all the help I can get! xo

    Mel | http://www.thegossipdarling.com


  7. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (19)

    Caroline @ Cow Country Housewifeon March 27, 2016 at 8:21 pm

    I always fall into the “we don’t have THAT much stuff” trap! Because the reality is yes, yes we do! Last time we moved, I was pregnant too (seems like a theme going on of women being pregnant during moves…), so I was basically useless other than ordering everyone around (which, let’s be real, is the best part anyway). I know for sure that I’m going to be saving up for movers with our next move. I can’t deal with the idea of moving all of our stuff again, especially since our last move had 2 less little ones, and minus 3 cats and a dog!

    I’m glad your move this time went smoother than your last one!


  8. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (20)

    Judy Wilsonon April 21, 2016 at 2:40 pm

    You’re right about how hiring a moving team is a good investment. I’m surprised that it took you over eight hours to move your boxes into a truck rental, even though you don’t have many things. I’ve been debating whether I need to hire movers, but after reading this post, I realize that it will be worth it so that I can get my things into my new apartment by the end of the day. I liked your tip to compare prices when choosing movers. That seems like a good way to make sure that I’m getting a fair rate for the service I’m paying for. I’ll be sure to do that so that I can find a good moving company that I can afford.


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (21)

      FunCheapOrFreeon April 22, 2016 at 8:34 am

      So glad you like it! Yes I was SHOCKED. I thought “oh, a few hours in the morning…” but there’s so much to it! Disassembling furniture and wrapping it was a big one, and the fact that so many things had to be moved carefully as we were going through doorways and such. It just takes forever!


  9. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (22)

    sam wilkinson May 6, 2016 at 6:57 pm

    I agree that price shouldn’t be what determines who you hire. Personally, I would feel a lot safer hiring a real company to help me with my move. My husband and I are moving to a different city, so when we look for movers I will be careful about who I choose.


  10. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (23)

    Sarah Smithon June 16, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    My family is moving across the country and need some movers to help us haul our stuff. Thanks for the advice about working it into the budget and doing a spending freeze to loosen up some extra cash for moving. I think it’s also a good idea to find a company that specializes in the kind of move you’re doing whether it be across town or across the country.


  11. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (24)

    Jeff Curtison June 27, 2016 at 12:40 pm

    Thanks for this helpful post on hiring a moving company. I actually tried to do a move recently without the help of a moving company. I was super stressed the entire time, and I was super worried about my things breaking, and not being able to get it all into the moving truck. I really like your tips you give on hiring a moving company as well. Thanks for all the help!


  12. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (25)

    linda Prinon July 7, 2016 at 9:29 am

    I like the idea of hiring movers and selling things so that I have more funds to do this is really wise. I detest moving, but asking someone to do this for me would have been nice. I love your testimonial on how sometimes you have to pay more for a good mover too. I will tell my sister to consider this since she is pregnant and moving. Thanks for sharing.


  13. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (26)

    Braden Billson July 21, 2016 at 7:11 am

    I’ve been trying to get all of my stuff moved out of my home. I didn’t know that movers could be so helpful with the process! I’ll be sure to find ones that I trust. Thanks for sharing!


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (27)

      FunCheapOrFreeon July 22, 2016 at 1:49 pm

      Moving is so hard, best of luck!


  14. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (28)

    Derek Mcdoogleon July 26, 2016 at 8:58 pm

    My brother is moving into a new home and they are using a moving company to move their things. Your tip about preparing as much of your furniture as you can before they come was very insightful. It seems that doing this may help the move go smoother. Do moving companies offer any services like this to help?


  15. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (29)

    Kendall Ryderon August 3, 2016 at 10:07 am

    When I hired movers, it really did take a lot of stress off of me. I didn’t have to worry about packing and unpacking everything into the moving truck. I just packed everything in the house and then the movers came and took it away! It really made the whole process so much easier.


  16. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (30)

    Skylar Williamson September 15, 2016 at 8:24 pm

    I really liked your comment about working side by side with the movers. I think it would bring a peace of mind to know everything is getting done faster and right. I’m thinking with my move coming up that I’ll hire some movers. I’ll be sure to prepackage everything.


  17. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (31)

    Luke Yanceyon September 23, 2016 at 9:17 am

    I’ll have to check out HirerAHelper. I haven’t heard of them before, and I am glad that you mentioned all the positive things about them. However, I don’t think the service is available in my area. I will make sure to keep my eyes open if I ever move to a larger city. Thanks for the advice.


  18. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (32)

    Scotton December 19, 2016 at 12:53 pm

    I like that you point out to ask if there are any extra fees. I can see why this would help you better gauge how much it is going to cost. I am wanting to move into a new house next summer. I’ll have to talk with my wife about the benefits of hiring professional movers.


  19. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (33)

    Joseph Serranoon December 31, 2016 at 2:05 am

    That is a great post. Few things need to be considered while hiring movers for your shifting procedure according to recommendations, work quality, etc. A professional mover will always suggest a pre-estimate visit and will never give an estimate based on facts got over the phone. The movers should be liable for any loss or damage caused during transit unless the sole cause for the loss or damage was due to any of the reasons like shipper,etc. My uncle has recently moved to a new place a few weeks ago, he hired movers in queens NY(http://www.movingrightalong.com/moving_residential.html) who were very helpful and offered by the good quality work. Their services were very nice and the people were trustworthy as well.


  20. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (34)

    Jay Jorgensonon January 19, 2017 at 10:20 am

    I really appreciate this article because I can totally relate with your great experience with professional movers. I had to move cross country a couple of years ago and I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like if I did it all by myself. I will recommend them to the end of my days!


  21. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (36)

    Bernard Clydeon March 14, 2017 at 1:48 pm

    I agree that you shouldn’t hire movers based on price alone. It’s important to see what needs you have personally with your move and how you hope movers to handle those needs, and then to hire someone who is of a quality level that matches your needs. Ultimately, you should feel like you are less stressed when hiring movers and not have to worry about your things getting damaged in the process.


  22. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (37)

    Dave Andersonon April 11, 2017 at 2:08 pm

    I agree that using a moving company is an investment because of the time that they take to move your belongings from one house to another. Something important to keep in mind is that they will load boxes from anywhere in your old house to any room in your new house. That means that labeling boxes is a good way to be able to save some time in the future. If the movers put all the boxes in the rooms that they are supposed to go in, you will save hours of your own time of moving the boxes around.


  23. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (38)

    Douglas Collinson June 26, 2017 at 6:54 am

    When it comes to moving, you must be a bit more scared thinking the complexities associated with it. To make your move hassle free, it is suggested you to look for a well known moving company that does everything from packaging your belongings to unloading the vehicle at your new destination. You have to ask your mover about the best possible price according to the time. As you know weekends are costliest and rainy season is cheapest. So, the price of movers vary as per the demands of that time.


  24. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (39)

    Harshaon July 24, 2017 at 5:38 am

    These are great and very helpful tips! My sister is moving next month and I’m definitely recommending your advises to her. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the ideas and and will deal with all her moving issues. Thank you for gathering all this nice info in one place. Greets!


  25. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (40)

    Barbera Peterson August 3, 2017 at 9:15 am

    It is almost time for my lease to be up with the apartments I am living in. I need to get my stuff moved out but I have no idea how to hire movers or if it is good for my budget. You mentioned in the article how just because a moving company offers a great deal does not mean that should be the basis of hiring them. Thanks for the great advice.


  26. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (41)

    Silas Knighton February 26, 2018 at 10:42 am

    Using a moving company makes sense. We are hoping to move in a few months, and I really don’t want to do it all myself. Working alongside the movers is a good idea because I don’t mind helping!


  27. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (42)

    Elena nolanon March 6, 2018 at 3:47 am

    Hiring moving professionals could be more economical. By hiring a moving company, we could reduce the stress of moving, avoid packing mistakes and could save time and efforts. However, the moving company should be selected on the basis of satisfactory research. We could compare different moving company on the internet and choose a moving company according to it’s reliability and cost. We could also ask friends and family members before choosing a moving company.


  28. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (43)

    David cohenon March 6, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    Amazing! I admire the valuable information on moving you have been able to share us through this post. Thanks for such post and please keep it up.


  29. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (44)

    Joy Butleron April 15, 2018 at 7:50 pm

    I just got a job to a new place and found out that it’ll be much easier for me to just move in there rather than to drive an hour daily. One of your advice is to reserve with a credit card to avoid any hidden charges to which I will surely apply. Thanks for this based on experience friendly moving tips!


  30. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (45)

    Alexandria Martinezon April 16, 2018 at 3:35 pm

    I really appreciated what you said about not simply paying attention to the price of the service. This put into perspective the importance of making sure that you are getting the best for your needs. My mom would like hearing this as she gets ready to move by hiring local movers.


  31. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (46)

    Johnon May 10, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    I like your tip to assume a move will take all day. That sounds like good time management. My family has to move with my company, so I’ll have to take that advice into account.


  32. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (47)

    Adamon May 22, 2018 at 6:31 am

    As the time for my next move was coming near, I was worried about how to do it without any trouble. But now I am sorted, as I have booked one of the best small movers in Toronto for a planned and manageable move.


  33. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (48)

    Lilia Robbertson July 23, 2018 at 6:25 am

    My family needs to have a quick move because of circ*mstances. Thank you for letting me know that it is worth the money to hire a moving company. That is crazy how long it took you to move without help. I’ll definitely follow your advice and look into movers. I’ll also follow your advice and work with and along side the movers I hire.


  34. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (49)

    Amanda Drewon July 31, 2018 at 5:03 pm

    That’s a good idea to budget for it to take all day because if it doesn’t then you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I’m going to be moving from one city to another, and I’ve got an unruly toddler, so I don’t really want to have to worry about it. I’ll have to budget accordingly and find a good mover.


  35. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (50)

    Moving APTon August 19, 2018 at 5:26 am

    Thanks for sharing this insightful post!! Packing is among the principal thing involved with the moving process. People might think it as an additional expenditure, but according to me it is totally worth spending a sum on moving.


  36. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (51)

    Muchael Cipollaon January 3, 2019 at 4:09 am

    Always make sure the moving company youre hiring is licensed and insured. A lot of customers don’t realize a lot of states regulate the moving industry and require companies to be licensed. If youre using a company that osnt licensed their an illegal company and youre really putting your money and items at risk!


  37. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (52)

    Jessie Allenon January 9, 2019 at 11:09 am

    I really appreciate your work, you explained the concept of moving very well. The moving process really need professionals for packing and the stuff like that and choosing a good moving company is also very important. Again Thanks for sharing this and keep up the amazing work.


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (53)

      FunCheapOrFreeon January 12, 2019 at 8:20 am

      Thank you!


  38. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (54)

    Jennyon May 9, 2019 at 3:36 am

    I would recommend to avail the services of a professional moving company as they are one of the most reliable option, with a team of professionals that are well aware of best moving techniques in order to move items like furniture and appliances in a safe and secure manner. Secondly, they are more efficient in handling bulky items, lastly, they offer you with a peace of mind, which is something essential when it comes to moving which is quite stressful and tiring process.


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (55)

      FunCheapOrFreeon May 9, 2019 at 10:04 am

      You are SO right in all of this! And it saves your back, too!


  39. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (56)

    Bree Wardon May 9, 2019 at 7:55 pm

    Thanks for letting me know that hiring movers can cost you approximately $1000 or more depending on the size of the truck and the people you need to help you with the move. Thanks for sharing your moving experience as well as the benefits of hiring one. My sister will be moving soon, and it’s best for her to hire one so she can have a smooth and convenient move.


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (57)

      FunCheapOrFreeon May 10, 2019 at 2:23 pm

      They really are worth it! I hope that your sister’s move goes well!


  40. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (58)

    Millie Hueon May 13, 2019 at 9:02 pm

    I like that you talked about how you compared prices and looked at their services to hire the right one. I will be doing that as well so that I will hire the company that will fit in my budget. This will be for the move that I will have now that I will be downsizing since my kids are already with their own families.


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (59)

      FunCheapOrFreeon May 14, 2019 at 11:19 am

      I hope that your move goes well and the new home is everything that you want it to be!


  41. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (60)

    Rick Joneson February 28, 2022 at 5:57 pm

    Thanks for sharing how moving trucks are an investment. I am tempted to hire one. I do want to keep my stuff safe so the investment seems worth it.


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (61)

      Fun Cheap or Freeon March 6, 2022 at 2:12 am

      There are definitely pros and cons just like anything but having the information definitely makes a difference. Best of luck moving.


  42. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (62)

    Olivia Smarton March 4, 2022 at 11:38 am

    Thank you for explaining how to budget for movers. My husband and I have never used movers before but thought it might be a good idea this time around. We’ll be sure to follow your advice to make sure that we can come in as close to the budget as possible.


    • Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (63)

      Fun Cheap or Freeon March 6, 2022 at 2:11 am

      Moving is a lot! We wish you the best.


  43. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (64)

    Ann Hopkinson September 25, 2022 at 11:27 pm

    Thank you for providing information on how to budget for movers. I have some ideas for the movers, So I decided it would be a good idea this time. We’ll make sure to heed your advice to stay as close to the budget as possible.


  44. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (65)

    Zampaon May 16, 2023 at 9:14 am

    When I asked for advice on moving, one of the most frequently suggested recommendations was to hire professional movers. This surprised me because I always assumed that hiring movers was a luxury rather than a necessity, and I believed it would be expensive. However, I soon realized that I was mistaken.alfa movers


  45. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (66)

    Andersonon May 17, 2023 at 7:37 am

    A lot of customers don’t realize a lot of states regulate the moving industry and require companies to be licensed.A lot of customers don’t realize a lot of states regulate the moving industry and require companies to be licensed


  46. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (67)

    Leo Danielon May 30, 2023 at 4:47 am

    Your article highlights the various benefits of hiring the best movers in Toronto and provides practical advice on how to go about it. Whether it’s saving time, reducing stress, or ensuring the safety of your belongings, the value of professional packers and movers cannot be overstated. Thank you for shedding light on this topic and offering valuable insights.


  47. Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (68)

    John lewison July 14, 2023 at 4:06 am

    I truely respect your work, you defined the concept of shifting thoroughly. The transferring procedure actually need professionals for packing and the stuff like that and deciding on a good Dubai movers company is likewise very vital. Again thanks for sharing this and hold up the first-rate paintings.


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Why it's worth the money to hire movers! - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)


Why is hiring movers so expensive? ›

Why does moving cost so much? The main answer to this is the number of moving parts involved. First and foremost, time plays a huge factor in what your final bill will be.

What day is cheapest to hire movers? ›

Weekdays, specifically Monday through Thursday, are generally the best days to move. Moving companies like Allied Van Lines suggest moving during the Monday to Thursday window when there is less demand. This means you may be able to get a better deal on your move if you choose to move during the week.

What do most movers charge per hour? ›

Average Cost of Movers Per Hour

The average cost to hire a mover is between $40 and $80 per hour. Most moves need at least two movers to get the job done. However, you should expect to pay between $80 and $400 per hour depending on how many bedrooms you're moving, if you have any specialty items, etc.

Is it rude not to help movers? ›

If they're in a team of two or more, the Movers will likely prefer to just get on with doing their job without you getting in the way. Having said that, any help you can give would still be appreciated even if it's just making a nice cup of tea for the workers.

How to reduce the cost of moving? ›

Here are 10 tips to help reduce your moving costs.
  1. Get Multiple Estimates. ...
  2. Move During Off-Peak Times. ...
  3. Sell Items You Don't Need. ...
  4. Pack Yourself. ...
  5. Use Free or Affordable Packing Supplies. ...
  6. Understand Moving Insurance. ...
  7. Consider a DIY Move for Short Distances. ...
  8. Explore Moving Tax Deductions.
Mar 26, 2024

How much should you spend on moving? ›

How much do movers cost? The average cost of a local move is $1,250. The average cost of a long distance move is $4,890 (distance of 1,000 miles).

What is the most expensive month to move? ›

The Most Expensive Months to Move

The high moving season runs from May through September. This period is the busiest time for most relocation companies due to factors like warm weather and school breaks. Because of this surge in demand, professional movers often charge higher rates during these peak months.

How much does it cost to move a 3 bedroom house locally? ›

The average cost to move a three-bedroom home locally is between $1,250 and $2,100 when working with a professional moving company but the price range drops with competing methods like container rentals.

What is the cheapest month to move? ›

Off-Peak Moving Season (September – April)

Think of fall, winter, and early spring as the bargain-hunting months for moving services. You're likely to benefit from: Budget-Friendly Rates: Movers often slash prices to attract business during the slower season.

Is $20 enough to tip movers? ›

It's good practice to tip between 10% to 10% of total moving costs. You can also tip $20 to $30 per person for a local move and $50 per person for long-distance moves.

What is a reasonable amount for moving expenses? ›

Types of Moving Costs
Type of Moving ServiceAverage Cost
Renting a Moving Truck$50–2,000
Hiring a Moving Company$900–2,400
Hiring a Full-Service Moving Company$2,300 or more
Renting a Moving Container$700–5,000
Apr 3, 2024

Is $50 each a good tip for movers? ›

A general rule of thumb is to tip $4 to $5 per hour per mover or to tip between 5 and 10% of the total move cost. For example, if you are planning to spend $1,000 on your move, you might tip between $50 and $100 and divide it evenly between the team helping with your move.

How do I not get ripped off by movers? ›

Make your plans, do your research, and check a mover's permit well in advance of your move. Hire a licensed, BHGS permitted moving company that you have researched and vetted with various sources. Online reviews and postings are a great way to identify movers with an alarming pattern of problems you want to avoid.

Should I offer food to movers? ›

Food & Drinks

Some people prefer to purchase the moving crew lunch as their only “tip”, while others provide a monetary tip in addition to lunch! It's important to note that if you do plan on providing lunch, be sure to provide them with a few different food choice options, rather than just assuming one or the other.

What do movers load first? ›

Load your heaviest items first. Whether you're a DIY or professional mover, this usually means furniture goes in before boxes, unless you have large, heavy boxed items such as a TV or a floor mirror. Place dressers, chairs, appliances, couches and other large items against the back wall. Make sure they remain upright.

Why are removals so expensive? ›

This will determine how big a van the removal company will need. The bigger the van, the more fuel it will need, and the more expensive maintenance, insurance, and associated costs are. The number of things to move will also affect the packing, loading, and unloading time required.

Can you haggle with movers? ›

You can negotiate with the company by sharing the lowest estimate you received. Ask them if they can match or beat that price. If it means winning you over as a customer, they just might give you a discount. If they don't, they'll likely explain why their prices are higher than the competition.

Is it cheaper to ship or use movers? ›

Unsurprisingly, the cheapest way to move involves lifting those heavy boxes and furniture yourself. For almost every distance of move, renting a moving truck and driving it yourself is going to save you the most money. The one exception to this rule is for long, cross-country moves.

How much to pay movers in NYC? ›

The average rate for movers in NYC is $60 to $110 per hour. This rate is per mover, so expect it to rise for each additional crew member. For example, a two-mover crew costs at least $120 per hour.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.