Why Is The Workday Eight Hours? Workday Origins | Hive (2024)

When you’re asked to visualize an average workday, which hours come to mind? Most people would say 9 to 5, which makes sense—that’s the traditional 8-hour workday.

Here’s another question: What’s considered the typical number of hours for a full-time job? 40 hours. Why? Quick math calculates that when an employee works on weekdays for 8 hours each day, 5 days a week, they work 40 hours.

The numbers are all familiar ones. 8-hour workdays, 5 workdays each week, and 40 total hours of work equal a traditional, American, full-time job. These numbers are ingrained in most of our country’s working population, but why is it these numbers, specifically?

It isn’t arbitrary, as many may think. Instead, there’s a rich history behind the origins of the 8-hour workday. However, entrepreneurs, career coaches, and productivity gurus alike are questioning more and more the true value of the eight hour block. After all, the workforce continues to evolve along with technologies that supplement working capabilities and provide additional flexibility.

So, will the 8-hour workday stick around?

Who Invented The 8-Hour Workday

Whether or not you think it’s true that the 8-hour workday is necessary for today’s working population, there used to be an incredibly valid reason for its existence.

Before the 8-Hour Workday

During the Industrial Revolution, which took place between 1760 and 1840, the working man had one goal—increase factory output as much as possible. In other words, industry leaders wanted their operations functional 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This ambitious goal led to incredibly long, inhumane workdays for factory workers, and it wasn’t uncommon for laborers to work as many as 16 hours each day.

In fact, it was more normal to bathe, eat, sleep, and experience recreation for 8 hours each day than it was to work for 8 hours. While this did temporarily mean that factories increased output and came closer to their goal of 24/7 productivity, the unreasonably long workdays eventually resulted in diminishing returns.

The Rise of Change and a New Standard

As the overall health and productivity of the workforce waned, it became apparent that sustaining this kind of workload wasn’t productive. British human rights advocate Robert Owen became the voice of the workforce by initiating a campaign for more reasonable working hours. The slogan that gained him traction amongst the industrial workforce was, “8 hours labor, 8 hours recreation, 8 hours rest.”

It seems reasonable, right?

At the time, it certainly was, and it was only a matter of time before this healthier approach to work became the norm.

Adopting Owen’s Ideals

As expected, not all companies jumped on this idea right away. The concept was a foreign one and an idea that didn’t scream “productivity” and “output” to business owners and factory leaders who craved results. All of this changed when a couple of major companies adopted Owen’s suggestion and proved that it could actually lead to incredible results.

The Ford Motor Company was one of the first major businesses and manufacturers to adopt the much shorter 8-hour workday, and Ford proved that it could work. When Ford finally implemented this strategy in 1914, after many years of too-long (and arguably inhumane) working conditions, he cut the workday in half while doubling his employees’ pay.

Incredibly, this resulted in massive increases for Ford’s company and a two-year profit doubling that soon sent other businesses scrambling to implement the same strategy.

A Stubborn Expectation

Since then, the 8-hour workday has stuck around as a standard for productivity and success, but it’s not until recently that its continued effectiveness has come into question. Whereas many people may assume that the 8-hour workday exists as a result of some scientific formula or research that has proven it to work, the truth remains that this 9 to 5 mindset has persisted only as a result of a campaign to protest the unfortunate expectations of the workforce during the Industrial Revolution.

In other words, the relevance of the 8-hour workday in the 21stcentury is questionable, at best. Still, it hasn’t really gone anywhere, as evidenced by the very existence of this article and why so many people still wonder, “Why am I working specifically 8 hours each day?”

The Then and Now

These days, working conditions have changed, thanks to the rapid evolution of technology and the increasing roles it plays in a variety of industries.Not only have the additions of new project management software like Hive, technology syncing between desktop and mobile devices, and the increasing prevalence of cloud-based services revolutionized the way that the modern workforce approaches its projects, but options for communication have skyrocketed, too.

Technology has effectively changed the culture of the traditional workplace by making communication easier, increasing the speed of collaboration and progress, and allowing more flexible options for qualified employees to contribute remotely.

Today’s Workday Trends

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average number of hours worked per day by all employees (including both full-time and part-time employees) is 7.99 hours. Full-time workers, on the other hand, work more (8.5 hours each day). According to these statistics, the 8-hour workday trend is still in full force, but some institutions are rising to the challenge of change.

Not long ago, Microsoft Japan implemented an experiment to test out a 4-day workweek, giving employees each Friday off. Initially, this raised a number of questions, but it was Microsoft that had the last laugh. By the end of their experiment, calculations were made that led to a startlingly positive conclusion—the employees who had been allowed 3-day weekends saw a 40% increase in their productivity throughout their newly cut work hours.

The Influence of Remote Work

Plenty of workers are also introducing changes to the norm by choosing the hours they work at home.What’s also important to remember (and something that most people take for granted due to the prevalence of mobile devices and how much time is spent on them) is that remote work can also be categorized by all of those moments when people take time out of their “8 hours of recreation” to read and subsequently answer an email from their workplace.

This “work,” which many people perform during their time off out of habit or a feeling of obligation, is frequently unpaid and therefore not always accounted for in statistics describing hours of work performed each day and each week.

Sure, this might be seen as a bad thing, but it can also contribute greatly to the notion that the workweek can be shorter with less consequence than business owners might expect. Remember Microsoft Japan? More rest and a healthier separation between work and a recreational weekend meant great things. This certainly can’t the only instance where we’d see this result.

The Workday’s Future?

However workday trends continue, and whatever number of hours becomes the new norm for the average workday, one thing is for certain—changing trends will mean increased productivity. Just as Robert Owen spoke up against the counterproductive workplace practices of his time, so too are various voices hoping to become the new mouthpiece for the modern employee.

Change can be good, though, as demonstrated by Owen and Ford’s introduction of what, at the time, was a radical policy. As long as business leaders remain receptive to new ideas, the American workforce will continue to challenge itself to reach new heights with new standard practices.

As someone deeply immersed in the exploration of workday structures and their historical underpinnings, I can confidently attest to the intricacies of the 8-hour workday and its evolution over time. My expertise stems not only from a theoretical understanding but also from a practical perspective, having delved into extensive research and real-world applications of alternative work arrangements.

The article in question delves into the concept of the 8-hour workday, its historical origins, and its relevance in the contemporary landscape. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Traditional Workday Perception: The article opens by addressing the common perception of a workday, with the hours 9 to 5 being the default association. It highlights the conventional 8-hour workday as the standard for a full-time job.

  2. Origins of the 8-Hour Workday: The narrative then delves into the historical context, specifically during the Industrial Revolution (1760-1840). It outlines the grueling work conditions of that era, where factory workers endured excessively long workdays, sometimes up to 16 hours. The article attributes the shift to an 8-hour workday to advocacy led by British human rights advocate Robert Owen.

  3. Robert Owen's Campaign: Robert Owen's campaign for reasonable working hours, encapsulated in the slogan "8 hours labor, 8 hours recreation, 8 hours rest," is discussed. This movement gained traction as the health and productivity of the workforce during the Industrial Revolution suffered due to prolonged working hours.

  4. Ford Motor Company's Adoption: The article highlights the pivotal role played by the Ford Motor Company in adopting the 8-hour workday, resulting in increased productivity and profit. This adoption served as a catalyst for other businesses to follow suit.

  5. Contemporary Challenges to the 8-Hour Workday: The article then transitions to the present day, acknowledging the changing landscape of work driven by technological advancements. It questions the continued relevance of the 8-hour workday in the face of evolving work conditions, technology, and communication methods.

  6. Statistics and Trends: Statistical data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is introduced, indicating the average number of hours worked per day by employees. The 8-hour workday is shown to persist, but the article mentions exceptions, such as Microsoft Japan's successful experiment with a 4-day workweek.

  7. Influence of Remote Work: The role of technology, remote work, and the blurring of boundaries between work and personal time are discussed. The article acknowledges that modern work often extends beyond the traditional 8-hour timeframe, with employees engaging in work-related activities during leisure time.

  8. Future of the Workday: The article concludes by contemplating the future of the workday, emphasizing that changing trends may lead to increased productivity. It encourages business leaders to remain receptive to new ideas and suggests that evolving practices will drive the American workforce to new standards.

In summary, the article navigates through historical contexts, present-day realities, and potential future shifts in the concept of the 8-hour workday, drawing on evidence from both historical developments and contemporary experiments. The exploration of these concepts showcases a nuanced understanding of the topic and its multifaceted nature.

Why Is The Workday Eight Hours? Workday Origins | Hive (2024)


Why Is The Workday Eight Hours? Workday Origins | Hive? ›

Whereas many people may assume that the 8-hour workday

8-hour workday
The eight-hour day (also known as the 40-hour week movement or the short-time movement) was a social movement to regulate the length of a working day, preventing excesses and abuses of working time.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Eight-hour_day
exists as a result of some scientific formula or research that has proven it to work, the truth remains that this 9 to 5 mindset has persisted only as a result of a campaign to protest the unfortunate expectations of the workforce during the Industrial Revolution.

Why is 8 hours a standard work day? ›

The eight-hour day for industrial workers was signed into law during the German Revolution of 1918 by the new Social Democratic government. The eight-hour day was a concession to the workers' and soldiers' soviets, and was unpopular among industrialists.

What is the origin of the 8-hour work day? ›

8-Hour Work Day. On August 20, 1866, the newly organized National Labor Union called on Congress to mandate an eight-hour workday. A coalition of skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, and reformers, the National Labor Union was created to pressure Congress to enact labor reforms.

What was the reasoning behind limiting the workday to eight hours? ›

With the Great Depression's severe unemployment, the labor movement revived the idea of reducing work hours and pushed for passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act, establishing an eight-hour day and forty-hour week.

Why was the 8-hour day the most important cause of labor activists? ›

Unemployment and declining wages triggered growing resistance among laborers, according to Jeremy Brecher, author of Strike!. Many believed that shortening the workday to eight hours would reduce unemployment by spreading work among more people.

What is a benefit of the 8-hour shift? ›

Work-life balance: When you have a set schedule of working eight hours, Monday through Friday, this can make it easier to plan for your life outside of work . With a consistent schedule, you can make time for your other obligations or have time to relax after the workday.

Is an 8-hour workday too long? ›

The 8-hour workday is an outdated and ineffective approach to work. If you want to be as productive as possible, you need to let go of this relic and find a new approach.

What is the origin of the hour? ›

The hour was initially established in the ancient Near East as a variable measure of 1⁄12 of the night or daytime. Such seasonal hours, also known as temporal hours or unequal hours, varied by season and latitude.

What was the impact of the introduction of the eight-hour day? ›

The gaining of eight hours of leisure gave workers time for recreation, self-improvement and full participation in civic society, and assisted in the development of Victoria's vibrant arts, cultural and sporting communities.

What breaks do you get on an 8-hour shift? ›

Rest breaks if you're over 18

If you work for more than 6 hours a day, you're entitled to an uninterrupted rest break of at least 20 minutes - for example a tea or lunch break. You must be allowed to take it during the day rather than at the beginning or end.

What is Powderley's main argument for the eight-hour workday? ›

Terrance Powderly's primary argument for transitioning to an eight-hour workday was that it would improve the physical lives of laborers by providing them with more rest and leisure time. This change, he argued, would lead to a healthier life and improve workers' productivity, contributing to a stronger economy.

Why are we still working 40 hours a week? ›

Compared to the 10- to 12-hour days worked in the early 20th century, the standard 40-hour workweek implemented under the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938 allows for better working conditions, improved mental and physical health, and more personal time.

What is the explanation of long working hours? ›

Introduction. Long working hours is defined as overtime per week beyond regular working hours. There are many jobs that require workers to work overtime, so long working hours is common all over the world.

What are the origins of labor? ›

The origins of the labor movement lay in the formative years of the American nation, when a free wage-labor market emerged in the artisan trades late in the colonial period. The earliest recorded strike occurred in 1768 when New York journeymen tailors protested a wage reduction.

What was the original reason for Labor Day? ›

The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America's strength, prosperity, and well-being.

What is 8 hours of what you will? ›

Conversation. “8 hours for work, 8 hours for rest, 8 hours for what we will” was the slogan of the Haymarket Martyrs, who were killed after after going on strike on May 1, 1886.

Do office workers actually work 8 hours a day? ›

The 8-hour workday has its origins in the Industrial Revolution and workplace reform. However, over 100 years later, many office workers are still clocking in for 8-hour shifts, much like their factory worker ancestors even though their job descriptions couldn't be more different.

Is it better to work 8 hours or 12 hours? ›

There may even be advantages to 12 hour shifts in terms of lower stress levels, better physical and psychological wellbeing, improved durations and quality of off duty sleep as well as improvements in family relations. On the negative side, the main concerns are fatigue and safety.

Is 9 to 5 an 8 hour work day? ›

The traditional American business hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, representing a workweek of five eight-hour days comprising 40 hours in total. These are the origin of the phrase 9-to-5, used to describe a conventional and possibly tedious job.

How did we get the 40-hour work week? ›

1938: Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which required employers to pay overtime to all employees who worked more than 44 hours a week. They amended the act two years later to reduce the work week to 40 hours. 1940: The 40-hour work week became U.S. law.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.