Why is implementing strategy so hard? Waking Giants (2024)

Implementing a strategy can be a daunting task for any organization.

Despite the amount of planning, resources and research, it can often feel like the goals set out in a strategy remain elusive. In this article, we will explore why implementing strategy is so challenging and suggest some best practices that can help achieve success.

Understanding the complexity of strategy implementation

One of the main reasons why executing a strategy can be difficult is that the implementation process is inherently complex. Each organization has unique challenges and opportunities, and a strategy must be tailored to fit its specific situation. The implementation process requires careful planning, effective communication, and strong leadership.

The Role of organizational structure

The way an organization is structured can have a significant impact on its ability to implement a strategy. When a company is split into silos with little communication, aligning and coordinating efforts across departments can be challenging. Breaking down these barriers can help ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

One way to achieve this is through the implementation of cross-functional teams. These teams are made up of individuals from different departments who work together to achieve a common goal. By working together, they can share knowledge and expertise and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Another way to improve organizational structure is by implementing a flat organizational structure. This structure eliminates the traditional hierarchy and creates a more collaborative environment. It gives employees more autonomy and encourages them to take ownership of their work.

This can lead to increased motivation and a greater sense of responsibility, which can help drive the implementation of a strategy.

The impact of company culture

Similarly, an organisation’s culture can shape its employee’s approach to strategy implementation. If there is a culture of resistance to change or a lack of trust in leadership, getting buy-in for new initiatives can be challenging.

Cultural change is a long-term process key to achieving success in strategy implementation. Organizations can start by identifying the values and beliefs driving their culture and then work to align them with the strategy’s goals. This can involve a range of initiatives, such as training programs, leadership development, and employee engagement activities.

Another important aspect of company culture is the level of innovation that is encouraged. A culture that values innovation and experimentation is more likely to be successful in implementing a new strategy. This is because employees are more willing to try new things and take risks, which can lead to new ideas and approaches.

Organizations can foster a culture of innovation by encouraging creativity, providing resources for research and development, and celebrating successes.

The importance of communication and collaboration

Finally, communication and collaboration are critical components of strategy implementation. If stakeholders are not kept informed and involved throughout the process, it can lead to confusion and a lack of alignment. Ensuring that open lines of communication are present will help ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction.

One way to improve communication is by establishing regular meetings between departments and stakeholders. These meetings can be used to share progress updates, discuss challenges, and identify opportunities for collaboration. They can also be used to address any concerns or questions that stakeholders may have, which can help to build trust and buy-in for the strategy.

Another important aspect of communication is the use of technology. Tools such as project management software, collaboration platforms, and communication apps can help streamline communication and ensure everyone can access the necessary information. By using these tools, organizations can improve the speed and accuracy of communication, which can help to keep everyone on the same page.

In conclusion, implementing a strategy is a complex process that requires careful planning, effective communication, and strong leadership. Organizations can increase their chances of success by addressing the challenges of organizational structure, company culture, and communication.

It is important to remember that strategy implementation is an ongoing process, and organizations must be willing to adapt and evolve as they work towards their goals.

Common challenges in strategy implementation

While the complexity of implementation can pose challenges, organisations often face several specific obstacles. Identifying and addressing these challenges is important to implement a strategy successfully.

Insufficient resources and budget constraints

One of the most common barriers to implementing a strategy is a lack of resources. Even with the best intentions, if an organization does not have the funds or personnel to execute a plan, the project may struggle to get off the ground.

It is important for organizations to identify the resources that are required for implementing a strategy and to secure the necessary funding and personnel. This may involve reallocating resources from other areas of the organization or seeking external funding sources.

It is also important for organizations to prioritize their resources and focus on the initiatives that are most critical to achieving their strategic objectives. This may mean deprioritizing other initiatives or delaying them until resources become available.

Resistance to change

Another significant challenge in strategy implementation is resistance to change. Employees may be hesitant to embrace something new, especially if they will have to learn new skills or change their way of working. It is important for organizations to communicate the rationale behind the strategy and to involve employees in the planning and implementation process. This can help to build buy-in and support for the initiative.

Organizations can also provide training and support to help employees develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the new environment. This can help to reduce anxiety and increase confidence among employees.

Lack of clear objectives and performance metrics

Without clear objectives and performance metrics, it can be difficult to measure progress towards a goal. This can make course-correct difficult if things are not going as planned. Organizations must establish clear objectives and performance metrics aligned with their strategic goals. This can help to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal and that progress can be tracked and measured.

Organizations should also establish a system for monitoring and reporting progress towards the objectives. This can help to identify areas where additional resources or support for project objectives may be needed and can help to ensure that the initiative stays on track.

Ineffective leadership and management

Leadership and management play a crucial role in implementing strategy. If those in charge cannot effectively communicate the vision and project plan and motivate employees to work towards it, the initiative may flounder. Leaders need to set a clear direction and communicate the strategy in a way that resonates with employees.

Leaders should also be visible and accessible to employees and provide regular updates on progress towards the objectives. This can help to build trust and confidence among employees and can help to ensure that everyone on the project team is working towards the same goal.

In addition, leaders should be willing to make tough decisions and course-correct when necessary. This can help to ensure that the initiative stays on track and that the organization can achieve its strategic objectives.

The role of strategic planning in the successful implementation

Strategic planning is a crucial component of any project timeline’s successful implementation. It is the foundation upon which the entire process is built. When done well, strategic planning can help organizations overcome the challenges that often arise during implementation, such as lack of buy-in, misalignment of goals, and unforeseen obstacles.

However, simply a project goal and having a strategic plan in place are not enough. It is important to ensure that the plan is well-executed and aligns with the organisation’s day-to-day operations. This requires careful planning and stakeholder engagement.

Aligning strategic goals with operational objectives

One of the foundations of a successful implementation is ensuring that the strategy’s goals are aligned with the organisation’s day-to-day operations. This means the strategic plan must be developed with a deep understanding of the organization’s current operations, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. It requires a thorough analysis of potential risks in the organization’s internal and external environment and a clear understanding of the resources available for implementation.

Once the strategic plan’s goals have been established, it is important to communicate them effectively to all stakeholders. This requires clear and concise messaging and ongoing communication throughout the project implementation process.

Involving stakeholders in the planning process

Another critical component of successful strategic planning is stakeholder engagement. This means involving all relevant stakeholders in the planning process, from employees to customers to partners and suppliers. By involving stakeholders in the planning process, organizations can build buy-in for the strategy before any implementation begins.

Stakeholder engagement also helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there is a shared understanding of the goals and objectives of the strategic plan. This can help to prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications down the line, which can derail the implementation process.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting the strategy

Implementing project goals is not static, even with the best planning. Often unforeseen obstacles and challenges arise, which require adjustments to the strategy. Therefore, it is essential to review progress and adjust the strategy regularly.

This requires ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the implementation process, as well as a willingness to make changes when necessary. By regularly reviewing the implementation schedule and adjusting the strategy, organizations can stay on track towards the ultimate goal and ensure successful implementation.

Best practices for effective strategy implementation

Implementing a strategy can be a challenging task for any organization. However, some best practices can help ensure an organization successfully executes its strategy. These practices include establishing a clear vision and mission, developing a strong implementation team, ensuring open communication channels, monitoring progress, and measuring success.

Establishing a clear vision and mission

Establishing a clear vision, scope statement, and mission is the first step towards successful strategy implementation. A vision statement outlines the organization’s aspirations and what it wants to achieve long term. A mission statement, on the other hand, defines the organization’s purpose and how it plans to achieve its vision.

When developing a vision and mission statement, it is important to involve all stakeholders. This includes employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. Ensuring that everybody understands the vision and mission is key to implementation success. It provides a roadmap for decision-making and helps to keep everyone aligned.

Developing a strong implementation team

Developing a strong project implementation plan and team is crucial to the success of any strategy. The team should be composed of individuals with the necessary skills and resources to execute the plan effectively.

It is important to ensure the team is dedicated solely to implementing the strategy. This allows them to focus on the task and ensures they are not distracted by other responsibilities. Additionally, each team member should clearly understand their roles and responsibilities and the timeline for implementation.

Ensuring open communication channels

Open communication channels are critical to the success of any strategy implementation plan. Regular check-ins, clear reporting structures, and open-door policies all help foster a culture of collaboration and alignment.

It is important to ensure that communication channels are open at all levels of the organization. This allows for feedback to be provided and issues to be addressed promptly. It is also important to encourage two-way communication, where feedback is provided to the implementation team and received from them.

Monitoring progress and measuring success

Finally, monitoring progress and measuring success is essential to ensure the strategy is on track. This allows stakeholders to see their efforts’ impact and course-correct if necessary.

Regular reporting allows the implementation team to provide feedback and update stakeholders on progress towards strategic goals. Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success is also important. These KPIs should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

By following these best practices, organizations can increase their chances of successfully implementing their strategies. However, it is important to remember that strategy implementation is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, risk assessment and adjustment.


Implementing strategy is complex, and there are many obstacles that organizations must overcome to achieve success. Organizations can avoid common pitfalls and achieve goals by focusing on clear communication, collaboration, and planning. Ultimately, it is essential to remember that implementation is an ongoing process. By reviewing progress regularly and adjusting as needed, organizations can ensure they stay on track towards their desired outcomes.

Why is implementing strategy so hard? Waking Giants (2024)


Why is implementing strategy so hard? Waking Giants? ›

One of the main reasons why executing a strategy can be difficult is that the implementation process is inherently complex. Each organization has unique challenges and opportunities, and a strategy must be tailored to fit its specific situation.

Why is strategy implementation the most difficult stage? ›

Various challenges make the strategic implementation stage difficult. One, lack of human or financial resources might hinder the implementation of the set strategies. Secondly, resistance to change is experienced during this stage, where employees fail to undertake the necessary resources.

Why strategic management is difficult to implement? ›

Resource Constraints: Insufficient resources, such as budgetary constraints, limited staff, or inadequate technology, can impede successful strategy implementation. Without adequate resources, organizations may struggle to execute their plans effectively.

Why are strategic planning activities difficult to implement? ›

Lack of ability to visualize complex data: Strategic planning often involves complex and interconnected data from various sources. Spreadsheets can become unwieldy when handling large datasets or trying to model intricate relationships between variables.

What factors might make it difficult to implement a new strategy? ›

Issues in strategy implementation
  • Lack of commitment to the strategy.
  • The alignment of strategy with organizational structure.
  • The alignment of strategy with the organization's culture.
  • The creation of an environment for your strategy to succeed in.
  • The setting of realistic targets for delivery across a set time period.
Apr 11, 2023

What are the top three reasons strategy implementation fails? ›

Here are the six top reasons why strategy implementation fails.
  • Your strategy isn't meaningful. ...
  • You haven't properly understood your current situation. ...
  • Failing to engage the right people. ...
  • Allocating insufficient time. ...
  • It's too far from 'here' to 'there' ...
  • Failure to follow-up.

What are the major difficulties and challenges in strategy implementation? ›

  • 1 Resistance to change. One of the most common challenges when implementing a new strategy is resistance to change from various stakeholders, such as teachers, students, parents, or administrators. ...
  • 2 Lack of resources. ...
  • 3 Inadequate skills. ...
  • 4 Conflicting priorities. ...
  • 5 Unforeseen circ*mstances. ...
  • 6 Here's what else to consider.
Sep 28, 2023

What are five most common challenges in implementing a strategic plan? ›

The five most common challenges in executing a strategic plan are:
  • Poor goal setting. ...
  • Lack of alignment. ...
  • Inability to track progress. ...
  • People not connected to the strategy. ...
  • No measurements or leading indicators.
Apr 12, 2019

Why strategy is so difficult and challenging? ›

Strategy is difficult because it not only entails difficult analytical thinking, but also involves combining that with identifying actions to take, and with the challenges of moving both the analytical and the action components through the organizational environment of a company.

Why is strategy implementation harder than strategy formulation? ›

Strategy implementation is more difficult than strategy formulation because it involves a lot of work and coordination. Implementation requires resources, time, and effort to make sure that the plan is being executed effectively. It also requires monitoring progress on an ongoing basis to make sure that it is on track.

Why strategic evaluation is difficult to implement? ›

This is because of the complex environment and its variables that make the future uncertain. Also, the local and national factors are changing with the change in the market. Due to this, even the best plans become obsolete. All these things make strategy evaluation difficult.

How to overcome barriers to strategy implementation? ›

There are many different ways to practice change management, but these are some of the best ways to help bring in a new KAM strategy:
  1. Be Proactive. ...
  2. Get Needed Buy-In. ...
  3. Practice Transparency. ...
  4. Facilitate Staff Changes and Training. ...
  5. Honor the Fear, but Appeal to Reason. ...
  6. Own the Change. ...
  7. Encourage Others to Own the Change.

Why does management frequently fail at strategy implementation? ›

A common mistake when implementing strategy is underestimating the power of business goals and objectives. According to a study by The Economist Intelligence Unit (pdf), 90 percent of senior executives say they failed to reach all their strategic goals because of poor implementation.

What makes strategy implementation so challenging? ›

One of the main reasons why executing a strategy can be difficult is that the implementation process is inherently complex. Each organization has unique challenges and opportunities, and a strategy must be tailored to fit its specific situation.

How to overcome implementation challenges? ›

What's your strategy for overcoming challenges to your plan implementation?
  1. Communicate your plan clearly and consistently. ...
  2. Anticipate and prepare for potential risks and obstacles. ...
  3. Involve and empower your stakeholders in the implementation process. ...
  4. Cultivate a culture of learning and improvement.
Sep 19, 2023

What is the most difficult step in strategic planning? ›

What is the hardest part of strategic planning? The answer to that is clearly its implementation. But making the process a 'whole of organisation' experience can ensure buy-in and leadership across the business. Bringing in other stakeholders including both suppliers and customers can further enrich the process.

What is the most difficult challenge in strategic management? ›

One of the biggest challenges of strategic leadership is insufficient resources. This challenge can occur at several different levels. First, organizations may need more financial resources to achieve their goals. This can be a problem if the company's leaders do not project the right revenue and profit level.

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