Why Is Cybersecurity Important? (2024)

Our data and digital devices are more vulnerable than ever to cybercrime due to the vast amount of sensitive information stored not just digitally but on networked systems and the connected devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). Every new piece of digital data and new connected system represents a point of vulnerability cybercriminals can target. Nothing is off limits. In 2015, a security researcher demonstrated how a hacker could use something as seemingly benign as asmart kettle to steal Wi-Fi passwords. In 2020, the nine-month-longSunburst hackcreated a backdoor in common network monitoring software that gave attackers access to Pentagon, U.S. Treasury and Department of Homeland Security networks.

People associate hacking with phishing attacks, but there are thousands of cybercriminals with knowledge and resources rivaling those of information technology companies – and hundreds of thousands of organizations without the resources to defend against them. The International Information System Security Certification Consortium – known as (ISC)² – predicts the cybersecurity workforceneeds to grow by 145% to meet growing demandaround the globe. The current talent shortfall amounts to approximately 4 million unfilled jobs, which doesn’t bode well for individuals, businesses and governments.

It does mean, however, that cybersecurity is a promising career path for those who have the requisite knowledge and skills plusmust-have credentials, such as TheUniversity of Tulsa’s 100% onlinepart-time M.S. in Cyber Security. Preventing and mitigating the impact of cybercrime is only going to get more important because identifying and defending against cyber attacks is only going to get more complicated. Ensuring that there is sufficient cybersecurity talent in the U.S. and globally has become a top priority across sectors and nations for reasons this article explores in detail.

What is cybersecurity?

There’s no one accepted definition of what cybersecurity is and isn’t, because cybersecurity is a broad term that encompasses the many processes and technologies used to prevent, detect and respond to attacks against digital data, devices and systems.

The U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) defines cybersecurity as “the art of protecting networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access or criminal use and the practice of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.” CompTIA’s chief technology evangelist, James Stanger,defines cybersecurityas a discipline “focusing on protecting electronic assets – including internet,WANandLANresources – used to store and transmit that information.” The total scope of cybersecurity may be even broader. According to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers & Studies, cybersecurity encompassesdozens of specialty areasthat can be further segmented into more than 50career roles.

In the simplest terms,cybersecurityis a technical discipline concerned with protecting the digital interests of people, households, companies, cities and nations. Its focus includes everything from phishing scams and digital identity theft to large-scale data breaches and cyber terrorism. Cybersecurity professionals work with various digital assets, systems and platforms, including financial databases, government databases, electronic health records, IoT-connected devices, power grids and public transportation systems. Because there are so many different points of vulnerability in our digital infrastructure, many professionals specialize in specific technologies or techniques after completing graduate-level cybersecurity education programs.

Some help large, medium and small businesses and organizations meet regulatory requirements related toinformation securityor network security. Others specialize incomputer forensics, penetration testing or cybersecurity risk mitigation. Still others work in homeland security, preventing cyberterrorism and foreign incursions into government computer systems. There are also cybersecurity professionals who specialize in educating people about information and systems security best practices. Human beings remain the biggest cybersecurity threat because more than99% of cyberattacks require humans to take some action(e.g., running a program or entering a password) to work.

The breadth and depth of this field will continue to grow and the role of cybersecurity professionals will continue to evolve as hackers find new points of vulnerability to exploit. To answer the question “Why is cybersecurity important?” requires a thorough understanding of what those vulnerabilities look like and just how acutely cyber attacks affect us all.

Six reasons why cybersecurity is important

We’re all vulnerable to cybercrime

Humanity is hugely reliant on information systems and connected digital technology, and that’s problematic for several reasons. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts humans willstore 200 zettabytes of dataacross personal devices, connected appliances, public infrastructures and data centers by 2025, and all that data represents a tempting target for thieves.

More Americans are working from home, which means more people are logging into devices remotely and using cloud storage and services. They’re also sharing – and generating – more data in the process. Each login and share is yet another point of vulnerability.

Billions of people interact with the internet each day, and100 million new people go online daily. Many don’t know how to protect themselves or their data, or feel it’s futile even to try. Two-thirds of people polled as part ofa Harris Poll survey for NortonLifeLockfelt there’s no way to reliably protect one’s privacy online.

Finally, there could be 25.4 billion IoT devices in use by 2030. As more everyday devices and appliances connect to home networks and store user or customer data on the cloud, the number of potential security blind spots goes up.

Cybercrime is common

Cyberattacks are much more common in the U.S. than people realize. Studies show that the frequency of brute-force attacks alone averages out toone attempted hackevery 39 seconds. According to the FBI, there are4,000 ransomware attacks targeting businessesdaily, and in 2020, there wasone ransomware victim every 10 seconds. There were about26,000 Distributed Denial of Service attacks each dayin the same year, which averages out to 18 per minute. Some of these attacks are random, but many others are targeted. A staggering 87% of businesses have faced a cyberattackdesigned to exploit a known system vulnerability.

Globally, hackers perform billions of malicious scans, find their way into millions of sensitive digital records, blackmail organizations, target life-sustaining infrastructure and steal hundreds of thousands of dollars each day. Ginni Rometty, former chairman, president and chief executive officer of IBM, called cybercrime “the greatest threat to every profession, every industry, every company in the world.”

Cybercrime is an economic issue

The economic impact of cybercrime is immense. Cybercrime will inflictdamages totaling more than $6 trillion globallyby the end of 2021, up from$3 trillion in 2015. It is more expensive than the damage inflicted by natural disasters worldwide – andmore profitable than the global illegal drug trade. Some sources call cybercrime the “greatest transfer of economic wealth in history” – one that could potentiallykick off another major recession.

Sources predict that figure will continue to go up year by year. A single sophisticated, large-scale hack or data breach cancost an organization $13 millionto detect and mitigate. Global spending on cybersecurity products and services is currently measured in billions of dollars, but many industries are still responding to yesterday’s threats because it’s tough to find professionals with the right cybersecurity education and experience. By 2025, the global shortage of data security and cybersecurity experts could cost the world more than $10 trillion annually.

Cybercrime erodes personal privacy

Cybercriminals are experts at finding new ways to steal sensitive information, and even highly technologically savvy people fall victim to their attacks. Having strong passwords is no longer all it takes to protect one’s data. Anyone who works, shops or plays online – which is nearly everyone – is vulnerable to digital strikes that take the form of viruses, phishing, worms, spyware, malware and simple fraud. Attacks are frequent and attackers unrelenting. Google has registered2,145,013 phishing sites as of Jan. 2021. People receive dozens of malicious emails each day and many are identical to correspondence from legitimate organizations.

At the organizational level, data breaches happen frequently and affect millions. Consider that540 million Facebook profiles and user recordswere exposed in 2019,147 million Equifax recordswere exposed in 2017 and more than3 billion Yahoo accountswere part of a 2013 breach that exposed names, birth dates, email addresses and passwords. As a result of such breaches, more than 14 million consumers, or1 in 15 people, fall victim to identity fraudeach year.A third of adults in the United Stateshave experienced some form of identity theft. One in five fall victim more than once. The burden of securing sensitive personal information is technically on the individual, but there is very little people can do to ensure the organizations and services they use safeguard data shared with third-party entities.

Cybercrime is a threat to national security

According to the Department of Homeland Security, “Our daily life, economic vitality, and national security depend on astable, safe, and resilient cyberspace.” Cybercrime is increasingly a national security issue because the ubiquity of unprotected databases and networked systems opens a door to foreign nations, terrorists and extremist groups looking todisrupt physical infrastructure, gain an economic advantage, steal state secrets and erode confidence in citizens.

President Biden has deemed cybersecurity a top priority for his administration at all levels of government, and one facet of the White House plan to defend the nation against cybercrime involvesbuilding a more robust national cybersecurity workforce. Reducing the shortage of qualified cybersecurity professionals in government is only the first step, however. As theColonial Pipeline attackillustrated, further cybersecurity measures in the private sector will be vital to beefing up America’s digital security because there’s little to prevent enemies of the state from targeting privately owned infrastructure.

Rates of cybercrime are increasing

A 2019 Accenture study found that 68.4% of business leaders felt their organizations aremore vulnerable to cybercrime, and they’re probably right. Digital technology is evolving quickly and the rapid, widespread implementation of new technologies is creating areas of vulnerability that cybercriminals eagerly exploit. Security breaches haveincreased by 11% since 2018 and 67% since 2014, in part because people and organizations adopt new technologies without performing thorough risk assessments.

There is nowone cyberattack every 11 seconds, which is twice the 2019 rate (one attack every 19 seconds) and four times the 2016 rate (one attack every 40 seconds). For this reason, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Everyone who uses computers and mobile devices is at the mercy of thieves and hackers.

How The University of Tulsa is bridging the cybersecurity workforce and skills gap

Bridging the cybersecurity skills gap is vitally important because every minute counts in the fight against hackers; however, the average time to even identify a breach in 2020 was 207 days. The average total lifecycle of a breachfrom identification to containmentwas a shocking 280 days – or just over nine months. The reason businesses and government agencies don’t respond more quickly isn’t that cybercriminals are getting craftier, but rather that the workforce necessary to defend against attacks just isn’t there.

According to theGlobal Information Security Workforce Study, the cybersecurity workforce gap will hit 1.8 million by 2022.The Washington Postreports there are more than 36,000 open public sector cybersecurity positions across all levels of government right now. The challenge is that this isn’t a field someone can enter without education or experience because enterprises, nonprofits and governments aren’t willing to entrust their sensitive data protection, digital systems security, intellectual property protection or network oversight to just anyone. They look for professionals with demonstrable skills and advanced credentials such as an M.S. in Cyber Security – particularly one from aDesignated Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defensesuch as TU.

The University of Tulsa has a long-standing reputation forexcellence in cybersecuritywith on-campus and online programs supported by the federal government, National Security Agency, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency. It has been a designated Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense since 2000, when it was one of the first 14 institutions awarded this distinction. Since then, TU has held and continues to hold all three National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity designations, and the university’scybersecurity master’s programalumni have gone on to work in leading roles in the private sector, the public sector and academia.

Choosing The University of Tulsa is one way to do your part in the fight against hackers, cybercriminals and cyberterrorists. In the university’s part-timeonline cybersecurity master’s program, you canearn a master’s degree in as little as 20 monthswhile studying withindustry-leading faculty, and you’ll graduate prepared to become a technical and managerial leader in the world of cybersecurity. You will also graduate with valuable connections because TU has relationships with industry-leading employers, including Amazon, Instagram, Google and cybersecurity-focused government agencies, giving you lifelong access to an array of career opportunities.

Ready to learn more about how to launch a career in cybersecurity? You’ll findanswers to your questions on the Online M.S. in Cyber Security program website.Scholarships and financial aidare available. Read more about the program’sadmission requirementsand, when you’re ready,apply online.

Why Is Cybersecurity Important? (2024)


Why Is Cybersecurity Important? ›

Cybersecurity is the protection to defend internet-connected devices and services from malicious attacks by hackers, spammers, and cybercriminals. Companies use the practice to protect against phishing schemes, ransomware attacks, identity theft, data breaches, and financial losses.

Why is cyber security important? ›

Cybersecurity is important because it protects organizational assets and services from malicious attacks and safeguards all types of data, including but not limited to sensitive data, protected health information (PHI), and personally identifiable information (PII) from theft and loss.

What are the 5 benefits of using cyber security? ›

Here are eight reasons why cyber security is important:
  • To Protect Your Data. ...
  • To Defend Against Reputation Damage. ...
  • To Prevent Business Disruptions. ...
  • To Protect Your Employees. ...
  • To Stay Compliant With Regulations. ...
  • To Safeguard Your Intellectual Property. ...
  • To Prevent Identity Theft. ...
  • To Protect Your Finances.
Apr 25, 2024

What are the 5 reasons why cybersecurity is important now more than ever? ›

Six reasons why cybersecurity is important
  • We're all vulnerable to cybercrime. ...
  • Cybercrime is common. ...
  • Cybercrime is an economic issue. ...
  • Cybercrime erodes personal privacy. ...
  • Cybercrime is a threat to national security. ...
  • Rates of cybercrime are increasing.
Dec 8, 2023

Why cyber security is more important now than ever? ›

Cyber attacks and threats violate sensitive data and lead to substantial financial losses for the business. Thus, companies and organisations of all sizes and across all sectors are now actively investing in strengthening their cybersecurity infrastructure.

How does cybersecurity benefit us? ›

Cybersecurity is important because it protects all categories of data from theft and damage. This includes sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), personal information, intellectual property, data, and governmental and industry information systems.

What are the main purposes of cyber security? ›

Cyber security's core function is to protect the devices we all use (smartphones, laptops, tablets and computers), and the services we access - both online and at work - from theft or damage.

What are the three main goals of cybersecurity? ›

Conclusion: Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solutions

As a result, we can provide our clients with the best-in-class security solution to meet the three main objectives of cybersecurity: protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information, systems, and data.

What is the importance and goal of cyber security? ›

The goal of cyber security is to ensure secure storage, control access, and prevent unauthorized processing, transfer, or deletion of data.

How does cyber security protect you? ›

Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes, and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks. It aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks, and technologies.

Why should I choose cyber security? ›

One of the key benefits of having skills in cyber security is that you'll be in high demand from employers. There is a significant shortage of talent in this sector, which means firms are always having to compete for the best employees.

Why does everyone want to do cyber security? ›

Staying ahead of criminals is a significant part of the job. You can feel good about your work knowing that you're helping protect peoples' livelihoods and privacy. You might also find great satisfaction in a job that requires you to be on your toes and that keeps your mind engaged.

Why should we take cyber security seriously? ›

A cyber attack can lead to the loss of sensitive data, including customer information and financial details. This can result in significant financial losses for your business, including lost revenue, legal fees, and recovery costs. Proper cyber security measures can help prevent these losses.

What is the main advantage of cyber security? ›

Cyber security offers numerous advantages, including enhancing cyber resilience, preventing cyber attacks, and securing systems and networks to mitigate risks. By implementing robust cyber security measures, organisations can significantly bolster their defence against digital threats.

Will cybersecurity be important in the future? ›

In the next five to ten years, prevention and preparedness will be more vital than ever. If 2023 taught the cybersecurity industry anything, it's that proactively planning for a cybersecurity incident or data breach is critical.

Why is cybersecurity awareness important? ›

Security awareness training is important as it protects an organization from cyber attacks on the system resulting in data breaches. The primary focus is the prevention of such incidents that lead to loss of brand reputation and financial losses as well.

Why cybersecurity is important for a modern day society? ›

Cybersecurity extends beyond mere protection; it also encompasses risk management and mitigation. That is why cybersecurity is important for a modern-day society. It involves implementing measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

Why is cybersecurity an important job? ›

A career in cyber security is vital not only for protecting individuals and businesses but also for promoting social justice and economic growth. As cyber threats continue to rise, well-trained cyber security professionals are in high demand.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.