Why End-to-End (E2E) Testing is Often Good Enough - Semaphore (2024)

End-to-End tests are the way to ensure sanity and the integrity of a system as a whole. It lies in the upper tier of the testing pyramid right below UI testing; in E2E testing, we pick user scenarios and test if all components of the system produce desired outputs when they interact. For certain apps, E2E tests are more critical than UI testing and can give better results. In this post, we will discuss what E2E testing is and how it can make our systems more resilient and reliable.

Software today consists of many small components, each built with specific requirements that are optimized for the best outcome. Each of these components has an impact on how the system works. Testing these components in isolation might ensure stability on the component level, but it cannot guarantee that the system fulfills requirements. In order to ensure that all of these components work together to deliver the required output to end-users, one must test the system as a whole in an environment that is similar to production.

E2E tests are found below UI testing near the top of the testing pyramid because they are more costly in terms of resources and more sensitive to small changes made in the system. But they can provide much more confidence, as they are executed in exactly the same way as the system.

Why End-to-End (E2E) Testing is Often Good Enough - Semaphore (1)

Let’s dive into E2E tests more to understand their importance, benefits, and challenges. We will also look at the tools that are available that make E2E testing a joyous experience, and how we can better integrate E2E tests into CI workflows for quality assurance.

Why E2E tests?

Systems today are developed in small parts by different teams, often using different tech stacks . To make sure that each component is delivering the correct output, teams often write unit and integration test suites. When these components are put together to achieve desired outputs, i.e. the application, one has to ensure that they are fulfilling all the requirements.

Ensuring the integrity of complete systems is only possible when all of these components are tested together in an environment that is similar to the production environment. Any fault or issue in a component or any loophole in the integration of components may cause the system to crumble. To be confident about how the system will work for end-users, one must test common user scenarios and ensure that the desired outputs are achieved.

E2E tests are the way to achieve this confidence, by ensuring that the system as whole is fulfilling all requirements and that all components are functioning well together. In other words, E2E testing ensures that the system is working as intended, i.e. that the system functions well in common user scenarios and that there is data integrity across various components. This prevents regression in composite scenarios, use cases, and workflows.

How E2E testing differs from UI testing

Main purpose for UI testing is to check if a system’s UI is delivering inputs & outputs correctly, which can be done by mocking backend services. On the other hand, E2E tests are focused on the integrity of the system itself, and don’t go through the UI. Let’s take an example of a payment process where our system communicates with an external API for the user’s payment. UI tests for this feature might fail because of an errant extra modal being rendered over the input field or some incorrect validation being placed on the UI layer, even if the backend is working just fine. Such cases can generate false alarms for teams; resulting in headaches and reduced confidence in existing tests.

For some systems UI testing might not be so critical, but the integrity of all other components is crucial and requires continuous checking. E2E tests can be super helpful in ensuring system function. Fleet monitoring or analytics logging systems are some of the best examples for such cases.

E2E testing process

E2E tests should validate all user cases to see if the system is working as expected. Hence, these tests should cover all relevant scenarios for each user case . Like other tests, E2E tests also go through planning, design, execution, and analysis phases.

Let’s consider an example of an e-commerce company with a website, mobile app, and backend service. Let’s go over what each stage will look like.


The planning phase includes analyzing business requirements and relevant scenarios for each requirement. For example, we have to test scenarios related to login, signup, cart, checkout, and payment. These user cases will have different conditions, e.g. what happens when the payment gateway is not responding or when a promo code is applied and discounts are calculated.


Once the requirement analysis is complete, we can design the test cases. Each user case can be mapped into a suite of test cases, which covers all relevant conditions for that journey. To keep our CI pipeline fast, tests should be designed in a way that we execute them in parallel without depending on each other. For example, we can have test suites for login, signup, and cart; all can run in parallel without impacting each other.


E2E tests are intended to run in an environment like the one where the app will run. Usually, these shadow environments are set up before the CI pipeline starts and are torn down after the CI pipeline is complete. In our scenario, we must test if all of the app’s components are working together properly.


Once execution completes, we can analyze the results and see if the system is working as expected. The reasons for all failing tests are determined and reports are sent to relevant stakeholders. This can sometimes be a costly part of E2E testing, as it’s not very simple to identify which component or part of the system is causing a given problem. Nevertheless, it is easier to analyze broken tests than it is to lose users because of system errors.

Pitfalls of E2E testing

End-to-End tests are great, but come with their own set of problems. They are notoriously flaky and often fail for unexpected and unforeseeable reasons. They are heavily dependent on the environment; keeping purity and predictability intact is tough. False positives happen often–mostly because of small issues with the environment. Systems might rely on third party integration that can affect the execution of tests, etc..

Now, let’s talk about a few common pitfalls.

Simulation & shadow environments

Creating environments similar to production might be costly and challenging at the same time. For systems spanning several microservices, it can also be resource-intensive. Additionally, for mobile apps, the testing environment must connect with real devices; simulating location changes or other sensors can be challenging for GPS-based apps.


Systems relying on external services may have to maintain simulations along with the code base.

Team structure

With distributed architectures, micro-frontends, or microservices there’s also the big question of who’s in charge of writing these tests. Since they span multiple components, there’s no single team responsible for writing E2E tests. In most cases, these tests are written by a centralized quality assurance team that works closely with the DevOps and business teams. This may vary from organization to organization and can be a bit challenging to manage.

Benefits of E2E testing

The testing pyramid places E2E tests in the upper tier right below UI testing and suggests having fewer 2E tests than unit & integration tests because they can be costly and hard to maintain. Since we are not testing smaller components, a small number of tests can cover most user cases. And, despite their faults, the fruit they bear generally makes the effort worthwhile.

Now, let’s discuss some of the benefits briefly.

User experience

Simulating the real user scenarios can help developers determine how a failing test would impact the user. This makes it easier to provide a consistent user experience as we add more features to the app.

Verifying real-world cases

Testers often worry about missing a bug or writing a test that does not verify real-world behavior. Other parts of the test pyramid (Unit & Integration tests) cannot guarantee that all use cases are covered in apps being shipped to users. Writing tests from the user’s perspective often avoids both problems and gives the tester a greater sense of accomplishment.


Since E2E tests are performed in environments similar to production, one can ensure that the system remains stable and is capable of handling edge cases.

There are many tools available today to make writing E2E tests fun; we have compiled a list of a few of them. Please feel free to leave a comment if you think we should add more to the list. Here are a few top tools to test APIs:

  • Postman – a great tool to periodically test APIs with monitors and support for different environments.
  • Assertible – focused on reliability, it supports running API tests after deployment
  • JMeter – though it was created for stress testing, it can also be leveraged for E2E tests for APIs

E2E tests for CI environments

If it is not fast enough to give rapid feedback, the CI pipeline can become a bottleneck in development cycles. Some say that E2E tests are inherently the slowest and add overhead to the CI process, but if your CI environments are fast and tests are written smartly, the results can be the exact opposite.

One of the best solutions to get E2E tests to integrate better into CI pipelines is to have the ability to execute them in parallel; using standalone private CI execution machines also alleviates some potential problems. SemaphoreCI offers both of these truly awesome features that can help you accelerate 🚀 the execution of E2E tests and gain confidence about function of your systems.

Final words

E2E testing is at the top of the testing pyramid, but it can be as effective as other types of testing to ensure the performance & reliability of the system for end-users. While it is true that they are often hard to maintain and execute, the level of confidence and benefits that they provide make them worth the effort.

Correct implementation and the right CI tool can make E2E testing a blast and, thus, a more integral part of development cycles. It can also be leveraged to ensure high availability for a system .

As someone deeply immersed in the field of software testing and quality assurance, I can affirm the critical role that end-to-end (E2E) testing plays in ensuring the sanity and integrity of complex systems. My experience in testing methodologies, particularly E2E testing, has allowed me to navigate the nuances and challenges associated with this approach. Allow me to provide insights into the concepts discussed in the article:

1. End-to-End Testing Overview:

  • E2E tests validate entire user scenarios to ensure that all components of the system produce desired outputs when interacting.
  • Positioned just below UI testing in the testing pyramid due to resource intensity and sensitivity to system changes.

2. Importance of E2E Testing:

  • Software comprises small components developed by different teams using diverse tech stacks.
  • Unit and integration tests ensure stability on the component level, but E2E testing is crucial for system-level assurance.
  • E2E tests guarantee that the system, as a whole, fulfills all requirements, ensuring data integrity and preventing regressions.

3. Difference from UI Testing:

  • UI testing focuses on checking if the UI delivers inputs and outputs correctly, often mocking backend services.
  • E2E testing concentrates on the integrity of the entire system without going through the UI.
  • E2E tests are essential for systems where UI testing might not be critical, but the integrity of other components is crucial.

4. E2E Testing Process:

  • Planning involves analyzing business requirements and identifying relevant scenarios for each user case.
  • Design includes mapping user cases into test suites, designed for parallel execution to maintain CI pipeline speed.
  • Execution runs tests in an environment similar to production, ensuring all components work together properly.
  • Analysis involves scrutinizing results, identifying reasons for failures, and sending reports to stakeholders.

5. Pitfalls of E2E Testing:

  • E2E tests can be flaky and prone to unexpected failures, heavily dependent on the testing environment.
  • Simulation and shadow environments can be costly and challenging, especially for systems with multiple microservices.
  • Maintenance of simulations and code base, along with external services, can pose challenges.

6. Benefits of E2E Testing:

  • Positioned in the upper tier of the testing pyramid, emphasizing fewer E2E tests than unit and integration tests.
  • Despite challenges, E2E tests offer benefits such as ensuring a consistent user experience, verifying real-world cases, and ensuring reliability.

7. Tools for E2E Testing:

  • Postman, Assertible, and JMeter are highlighted as tools for testing APIs.
  • Integration of E2E tests into CI pipelines is discussed, emphasizing the importance of parallel execution for faster feedback.

8. Final Thoughts:

  • E2E testing, despite being at the top of the testing pyramid, is effective in ensuring performance and reliability for end-users.
  • Correct implementation and the use of the right CI tools can make E2E testing a valuable and integral part of development cycles.

In conclusion, my extensive knowledge and practical experience in software testing underscore the significance of E2E testing in achieving robust and reliable software systems. If you have any questions or need further clarification on these concepts, feel free to inquire.

Why End-to-End (E2E) Testing is Often Good Enough - Semaphore (2024)


What are the benefits of E2E testing? ›

E2E benefits for managers

End-to-end testing provides managers with a clear understanding of how each part of the application interacts in real-world scenarios, aiding in prioritizing tasks that most directly impact user experience and system stability.

Why is it important to test end-to-end connectivity? ›

Why End-to-End Testing Matters. E2E testing helps uncover performance issues that may not be apparent in unit or integration tests. Simulating real user interactions reveals slowdowns or inefficiencies in the system. This proactive identification helps maintain a smooth and responsive user experience.

What is end-to-end testing E2E? ›

End-to-end (E2E) testing is a software testing methodology that verifies the working order of a software product in a start-to-finish process.

What is the focus of end-to-end testing? ›

End-to-end testing (E2E testing) checks an entire software application from beginning to end, mimicking real user interactions and data. Its goal is to find bugs that appear when all parts of the system work together, ensuring the application performs as expected in real-world scenarios.

What are the objectives of end-to-end testing? ›

The product's functionalities are tested from one end to another to ensure the entire application flow functions without setbacks. A fundamental objective of E2E testing is to offer developers insights into the user experience by simulating real-world scenarios.

What are the benefits of end user testing? ›

Prevent Bugs and Errors: It helps to prevent bugs and errors from reaching the end-users. Improve User Experience: It improves user experience, increasing user satisfaction and adoption. Enhance Product Quality: It ultimately contributes to a higher-quality product that better aligns with user expectations.

Is end-to-end testing the same as integration testing? ›

End-to-end testing tests the entire software system, from the user interface to the database. Integration testing concentrates on the interaction between different software modules or components. It ensures that these modules or components can communicate with each other and exchange data correctly.

Is end to end testing part of UAT? ›

UAT focuses on making sure the software meets the needs of its users, while E2E testing looks at how all the different parts of the software work together.

What is the E2E lifecycle? ›

End-to-end describes a process that takes a system or service from beginning to end and delivers a complete functional solution, usually without needing to obtain anything from a third party.

What is API end to end testing? ›

In theory, end-to-end testing (E2E testing) is the process of testing a piece of software from start to finish as it will be used by the actual users. For a web application, you would start a browser, navigate to the correct URL, use the application as intended, and verify the behavior.

Is end-to-end testing the same as system testing? ›

1) In System Testing, dependencies on external systems or components are often mocked or simulated to isolate the testing scope. 2) End-to-End Testing relies on real-world environments and interactions between different systems, making it dependent on the availability and stability of external dependencies.

What is the value of E2E testing? ›

End-to-end testing offers significant benefits, including ensuring application reliability and user satisfaction. It thoroughly validates the software's functionality and performance in real-world scenarios, identifies integration issues between components, and reduces the risk of defects in production.

What are the benefits of end-user monitoring? ›

Benefits of End-User Experience Monitoring

Enhanced User Satisfaction: EUEM provides insights into how users engage with digital platforms, allowing businesses to address pain points, streamline processes, and optimize user experiences, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction.

What is the purpose of end of line testing? ›

End-of-line testing assesses not only the quality of the product, but also the stability and yield of the production process. Reliable detection of non-functional units is the primary objective of the test, but reducing the rejection rate and maximizing the output is the ultimate goal.

What are the benefits of end-user computing? ›

Cost savings. It is more cost effective for enterprises to manage centralized desktops and EUC solutions in the cloud. You can manage and install applications in a single location, reducing management complexity and cost. You can also add and remove users on demand and pay only for what you use, when you use it.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.